Finding Life

By L Stone

Published on Sep 11, 2020


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Finding Life 25

Cum Dump

Hi All! Mace here just living my new life. I have shared many of my meetings with great guys from my favorite hookup app. I know like many others not all of these meetings end up being with the best person, but yet we seem to keep coming back to them out of convenience. (Or at least I do.) I know not necessarily the best decision making, but when the cock needs draining you do not always make the best decisions.

That is how I met up with Cum Dump. This is one of the many profile names that he changes to on the hookup app. He is a persistent and hungry oral bottom. Also he is less than a mile from my office and can host during the day, more specifically during my lunch time. He had sent me a few taps and messages from time to time, but it never seemed to be a good time for me when he did. It was finally a good time when several of my regular friends that I play with had been out of town for vacations or work.

His message popped up on my account on a rough Tuesday. My work had been crazy, the person I have to cover for when out had been gone for over a week and our combined workloads were starting to stress me out. Normally I could run out and see a FWB during lunch time to help my stress, but like I said everyone was busy this week.

hey, you looking?

might be, you hosting?

YES, Cum over and let me suck you.

I waited to respond for a few minutes. Truly I was hoping one of my sometimes guys would be available, but it was not panning out.

ok, can come by on my lunch.

cool, here is the address, door will be cracked just let me know when you head out.


My lunch time rolled around and still no other offers. I was worked up and was feeling stressed out, so I decided that I would follow through with him.

hey, headed to my car.

Cool, door is cracked, cum right in.


I got in the car and drove one of the nearby apartment complexes, it was one of a few in that area. To be honest it was not the most sketchy complex I had been to, but it was close. Thankfully there was an open parking space right close to his building. I pulled in and got ready to exit my car.

just parked, coming up.


I walked up the exterior stairs to his unit. The door was cracked when I got there. I entered and shut the door behind me, locking it. The apartment was not as bad as it could have been, it was at least clean in the living room. There was a door to a bedroom just to the left of the entry.

"I'm in here. Come on in, Man."


I walked into the dark bedroom, it was only lit by blacklight (I know it's weird and a little sketchy, but horny.) There was the guy laying on the bed naked. His profile description was accurate, a white guy a few years older than me, close to the same height and around the same weight. His thinning grey hair was pulled back into a loose ponytail (so maybe more than a few years older than me.) I came the rest of the way into the bedroom, letting my eyes adjust to the lower light.

"Just close the door, please." He said. "You can put your clothes on that chair."

I looked and by the covered window there was a kitchen chair. I nodded and moved to the chair. I kicked off my shoes, pulled my shirt over my head and placed it on the chair. I undid my belt and slipped my jeans down off my hips. My cock sprung out as it was semi-hard. My eyes were able to see better now and I climbed onto the bed.

I laid back my head on the pillows and he sits up and leans over my crotch. His lips seal around my cock and he begins to suck and lick it until it is fully hard. He pulls it out of his mouth and looks up at me.

"Nice cock man. Just lay back and relax." He said.

"Thanks." I reply.

I spread my legs wider and he bends back over. He scooted up closer to me with his back positioned move over my belly and moved his ass closer to where my hand was stretched out by. His lips resumed sucking and bobbing on my cock. He would twist his head, move his tongue and change suction as he continued.

My body started to relax as his mouth worked on my hard piece. He kept a frantic pace of bobbing and sucking, it was almost too fast. Pleasure started to build as he sobbed on my dick. He seemed to notice the signs and picked up his pace even more, which I was not sure was possible.

Soon my legs were starting to tighten and my breathing became short. He moved and was primarily just working on my cock head. His lips and tongue were swirling around my cock as I started to feel my climax build. I began to pant, then yelled as my cum began to pulse out of my cock. My body began bucking and twitching as orgasam crested.  

He sucked and licked while the ropes of my cum shot in his mouth. He closed his lips around my shaft after I was done shooting and sucked hard to make sure none was wasted. He lifted off my cock as he sucked it up like a straw. He sat up but kept a hand on my still hard cock, which he was slowly jacking.

"That was a nice load. I could feel it starting." He said.

"Thanks." I replied.

"You are still just as hard." He stated.

"Yea, I can usually have two or three climaxes in a short period of time." I answered.

"That is so hot." He said, still jacking me.

"That feels nice." I told him looking down at his hand working up and down on my dick.

"You down to fuck me?" He inquired.

"Sure." I answered.

He rolled over onto his stomach and moved up to put his head in the pillows. He spread his legs a bit and settled in. He handed me a bottle of lotion.

"This is what I have for lube today. Mount my ass." He said as he reached down and held his ass cheeks apart.

I took the bottle of lotion and put some on my hand to grease up my cock. I flipped the lotion closed and scooted on my knees behind his exposed body. Jacking the lotion in a few times, I took my slicked fingers and rubbed down his crack. When I got to his pucker, I pushed my finger in and moved it around. He started to moan.

I moved my knees between his, bumping his knees out a little wider. Leaning forward, I lined up my cock head with his pucker. I pushed just the tip in. He moaned and settled. Leaning forward I slid my cock the rest of the way in firmly. He grunted when I bottomed out. I paused to let him get used to my thickness, while I am not overly long I am thick and it takes some guys some time to get over that pressure.

He started to move his hips a little, which I took as my cue to start fucking him. I moved my hips back and brought them back with a firm pounding motion. His body bounced up a bit when I laid into him, but he was moaning lightly. I continued to thrust in and out. I moved my hands to push my body up to a new position as I had loosened him up enough.

With the change of position, I was not getting as deep because of the curve of his ass and the fact he could not arch his back very much. I pushed out one of his legs to the side and then straddled the leg still straight down. When I pushed in with the next thrust, he grunted loudly as I was deeper now.  

I had picked up my pace now that I had the position I wanted. I moved the grip of my hands around some, at times on his shoulders pulling him to my thrusts, other times on the head board. I could feel the initial tingles that my climax was building, but it was still a ways off. I kept up the pounding, he was just grunting and moaning. I had shifted my hands back down to holding on to his shoulders and I was thrusting pretty hard. He was gasping as I landed each thrust now, my balls were slapping his each time. I kept this position longer as his ass let me deeper when I pulled him down to upward thrusting. He was now just grunting loudly.

"Not so rough." He said between his grunts.

I lightened up some of the force I was using when I thrust, but I kept the position and speed. I began to move my hips in small movements side to side, this made the impact of my thrusts force into him differently. The extra tightness was driving my climax closer.

I used my grip on his shoulders to push his upper body down closer to the bed, tilting his lower body only slightly. I continued with the small hip flexes and steady pumping into him. I could feel my climax begin to build. My legs began to tense and my arms locked as I felt my balls pull up close. I was wildly thrusting at this point, most likely harder than before he asked me to ease off. My body started to quake as I tried to hold on before my release.

"Fuck Yea!" I yelled.

My cum was now spurting deep in his ass. I kept up with my thrusting pace, forcing the hot liquid deep in his chute as it shot out of my cock. I pumped one last time and thrust deep my arms collapsed and I fell on top of him. My cock finished pulsing the last of my load as I relaxed.

We laid there joined together while both of us were breathing hard. I was feeling very sweaty and hot from the close contact after so much activity. I pulled out of his ass and my cock still hard trailed my sticky cum from his ass. I rolled over and laid flat on my back, breathing hard still. He was still fairly spent from the reaming that I gave his ass, so he continued to stay where he was.

My breathing had normalized some. I reached down and stroked my cock that was still semi-hard. He had rolled over by that time and looked over at my dick in hand.

"Still hard?" He asked.

"Yep, likes to keep going and going." I laughed giving my response back to him.

"Think I can suck another load out?" He inquired.

"We can try if you want." I answered.

He rolled over towards me and scooted his head down. He took my dick from my hand and lowered his lips on it. I placed my hands behind my head as he began to lick and suck my cock back up to full mast. His hand did slide down and started rubbing and playing with my balls, rolling them in his fingers.

He had gotten me hard enough from him to start to bob his head up and down, setting a fast pace. I started to rub my chest and started to play with my nipples while he continued to work. He was sucking at a frantic pace, his teeth were grazing my dick more than every now and then. This was slowing my climax more than usual. The next time it happened I hissed. He changed his angle and slowed down a bit.

The change kept my climax building again. I resumed my nipple play and relaxed my body to be receptive to his work. He was slurping and sucking away, lightly pulling on my ball sack. That started to get me closer.

My body started to tense up, my legs were drawing up and my arms and chest were tightening up. It felt like I was holding my breath, so I focused on slow breaths. He was bringing me very close and I was holding it off as long as I could now to extend the pleasure. My breathing now was starting to huff and my moan was more of a whine.

Suddenly I started quaking, my body thrashing and I yelled out. My cum started shooting out of my cock, spraying the inside of his mouth. He rode my quaking, keeping his lips sealed as best he could as the ropes spewed out.

Finally I laid back exhausted from my climax. He had pulled off my cock after sucking it clean and had laid on his back. I was starting to revive enough to look at the time. I needed to head back to work.

"That was hot. I could feel the sex energy coming before you shot. Fuck." He muttered.

"Thanks, that was good." I replied as I rolled off the bed.

I started collecting and putting on my clothes. I checked my pockets to make sure nothing fell out before I put on my shoes.

"Hey man, you can come over anytime you want. I love being filled." He said as I finished dressing.

"I might take you up on that offer." I replied and he smiled.

I made for the door as he stood up and pulled on a pair of shorts. I went into the living room and to the outside door. He was there with me, smiling as he held the door open.

"See you soon, man" He said.

"Thanks!" I said as I walked out the door.

Two days later I had the hook up app pulled up on my phone while I was getting ready for work in the morning. Just to check messages mostly as I did not have time for any play time before work. While I was online Cum Dump sent a message.

Hey, if you are free on your break come by and see me.

I will have to see if it will work out.

Ok just let me know about an hour before and I can be ready.


I finished getting ready for work and headed in. Work was crazy and I was getting stressed out. Just after 11:00 I stepped away from my desk for a few minutes. I pulled out my phone and keyed up the app. I had two new messages from Cum Dump.

I hope you can come over. Let me know, I want your cum.

I sighed as I looked at the messages, my cock started to plump up. It was a nice thought to have my cock drained during lunch, especially with as crazy busy as my day had been. I gripped my crotch to push it to be less noticable. I sent back a message.

I can be there just after 1.

His reply came back in just a minute.

Nice, the door will be cracked.

I went back to my desk with a smile on my face. Thinking to myself, at least some relief was coming up. I started working again and made a reminder to take my lunch break.

I was working on a project when my reminder notice popped up. With a deep breath, I made a few more notes and closed it down. I stood and stretched, only then realizing that I had not moved from my chair since I stepped away at 11. I pulled out my phone and keyed up the app.

Still good for 1?

Yes, I will be ready.


I put my phone down and got ready to head to my car. I was on the road in just minutes and headed to his apartment. I pulled into the parking lot, parked and was headed to his door in short order. Just like previously, the door was cracked when I walked up the steps. I entered and shut the door, locking it behind me.

"Hey, glad you came. In here." He said.

I went into the dark bedroom again. He was again naked laying on the bed. On the little table next to his bed, there was some baby oil. I quickly stripped off my clothes and got on the bed.

He did not say anything, just leaned over and took my cock in his mouth. He slowly worked his lips and tongue over my cock, quickly getting it fully hard. I rested a hand down on his head as he began to bob up and down on my dick. His pace today was not as hurried, it was more of a long slow blow job.

He kept his lips still around my dick as he scooted his body closer to mine. I stroked down his neck and back a few times. He moved his ass closer to me. I extended my strokes down to run my fingers down his crack. He seemed to enjoy that as he sucked harder.

I kept my hand playing in his crack, fingers brushing against his pucker before tracing lower to his taint and balls. I tugged his balls downward lightly before resuming my playing with his hole. I had pushed a mostly dry tip in when he raised his head.

"The oil is over there." He said pointing to the side table.

I reached over and got the bottle. Uncapping it I spread some on my fingers. I reached my hand down again, sliding my slicked fingers along his crack. I pushed an oiled finger in his hole and started to slowly fuck it in and out.  

He had picked up his pace on the bobbing of his head when he returned to it. I could feel his moans on my cock as I pushed my finger in and out of his hole. He began swirling his tongue around my cock head before bobbing back down. I started to feel a tingle in the arch of my feet.

My body started to tense up, I could feel my pending climax. I let my hand slide out of his ass and reached down and gripped his balls as I got closer. He sensed the change and started sucking as deep as he could go. When my cock head brushed against his throat it was enough. I started to shoot my load into his waiting mouth. He sucked and bobbed as I loaded his mouth and tongue with my cum. The sounds were slurpy as he continued to suck after I finished shooting.

He sucked up and down on my shaft. He reached down and started to play with my balls again. Without a break I was getting fully hard in his mouth again. He slowly lifted off my cock before he reached up and grabbed the oil bottle next to me. He poured some out on his hand which he then started stroking on my cock. He took some more and reached around to rub some on his opening. He capped the bottle and turned around.

He was on his knees facing towards the foot of the bed. I climbed up on my knees and shuffled between his legs. I realized that his opening was just a bit too high and he was not able to spread his legs wider to drop lower. I lifted one of my legs up and placed it over next to his hip, with the other leg between his. I leaned forward and rubbed my hard cock up and down his crack. He moaned as my cock head brushed over his pucker.

I lined up my cock and pushed my hips forward. I could feel the warmth envelop my cock as I pushed in. I did not stop until my balls were resting on his ass. I did not wait to give him time, I just started thrusting in and out of his ass. I pulled back farther each time before pushing back in until just my head was still in his ass.  

Then I started pounding in harder with each new stroke. I gripped his hips and started to focus on long dicking him. He was grunting as I pounded him, his face pushing into the bed. I changed my angle and he started to moan, meaning I was grazing his prostate now. I gripped the footboard of the bed and added some more power to my thrusts.

"Please let me suck the cum out of you!" He pleaded while I was pounding him.

I pulled out and laid down on my back. He maneuvered over and sucked my dripping cock in his mouth. Soon he was bobbing his head, grabbing my leg and pulling my dick further in his face. My cock head was brushing the back of his throat as he was forcefully bobbing on me.

I could feel my climax building, my hips started to shake and on the next bob down, my cock started shooting in his mouth. He pulled back to keep just mostly the head in his mouth as my second climax was blasting out. He stayed sucking and started bobbing after I was dry twitching from touches to my sensitive cock. Finally he lifted off and laid back on the bed.

We both stayed there for a few minutes, catching our breath. I rolled over and started to get dressed. He did the same after I was down to just putting on my shoes. As we headed out the door to leave he said thanks. Out to the car and back at work in no time. At least I was not as tense as I had been previously.

Next: Chapter 26

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