Finding Life

By L Stone

Published on Aug 23, 2021


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Finding Life 35 Send off for Downtown Cumdump

Hi All! Mace here! Living the best life in our current times. My sometimes hookup buddy in my downtown area had been trying to meet up for a few weeks. It had been hit or miss, either he was available, but I was not and then vice versa. He was getting a bit insistent about meeting up, I could not figure out why.

I was looking on Facebook and saw that he posted his pending move to California. Then his desire to meet up made more sense. The next time I was on the hookup app, he pinged me and we were both available. The only catch was he could not host. Usually that is an issue for me, as I play during my daytime breaks from work and there are family at my home.  

It so happened that our family was in the process of having a house not far from my work renovated for resale. I checked the remodel schedule and there would not be any workers there during the time we could both meet up. I sent him the message that we could meet, but would be in the vacant house. He was all in. I sent him the location address and planned to be there just before he arrived.

The time came and I drove over to the house. I went in and made sure that there were no workers there unscheduled. (Though that might have been fun. Maybe for another time.) The house was empty as it should have been. The only furniture still inside were two leather wingback recliners in the middle of the front room. I sat down and waited.  

In just a few short minutes he arrived, parking his big SUV next to mine and he headed to the door. I answered as he knocked, again taking a good look at my cum dump friend. He was a few inches taller than me, his hair was steely gray and lightly styled, his eyes were behind his clear frame glasses. As he was running errands he was wearing a t-shirt and sweatpants with athletic slides on. I welcomed him in and brought him into the room with the chairs.

He smiled and started to kick off his shoes and drop his keys and wallet next to one of the chairs. He then pulled down his gray sweatpants and then his navy boxer briefs before settling down on his knees. He took off his glasses and turned towards me.

While he was undressing, I kicked my shoes off and removed my jeans which I threw on the other chair. My cock was starting to firm up as I pulled my shirt over my head.

He crawled over on his knees, once in front of me he sucked my plump cock into his open mouth. He started to bob up and down slowly as my cock became more hard. I was starting to moan as he slurped on me. I used one hand to pinch my own nipple and the other to run through his hair and tease his ear. He was getting my cock sloppy wet and slicked up.

Soon he pulled his wet mouth off my cock, leaving it glistening with spit. He moved over and climbed up on the leather chair facing backward. As he settled his knees on the cushion he pushed his hips back, displaying his rounded ass cheeks and crack. Then he turned his head over his shoulder, our eyes meeting.

"Fill me daddy." He breathed in a husky tone.

I smiled wide as I stepped closer. I bent my knees and laid my hard, wet cock on his crack. I moved my cock shaft up and down his crack which made him whimper and jut his ass backwards. I slid my hands up and under his shirt and pinched his nipples. He cooed as he ground back onto my shaft. I lowered a hand to position my cock head at his pucker and then paused, letting the experience of desire grow.

He ooffed as I pushed my full cock all the way balls deep on my first thrust. He then moaned as I stayed deep and rolled my hips some. I grabbed both of his hips as I pulled all the way out and then thrust back in as deep as I could. He moaned louder as we collided. His head and chest bounced forward, but my grip on his hips kept his ass in place. I pulled out again and then thrust back in harder. I kept up this pace of hard, long dicking. He groaned and moaned each time we slapped together.

I felt my first climax signs as he was working his hole around my cock, pulsing and squeezing as he could. I moved my pace up and did not fully remove my cock with each thrust as I felt my balls start to churn. I was using my grip on his hips to pull back tightly into my oncoming thrust. His groaning was getting louder.

"Breed me, Daddy! Fill me up" he puffed between thrusting impacts.

He started to clamp his ass muscles tightly around my pounding cock. I began to feel the tingle run up my leg muscles and then center at the base of my cock. I was pumping harder and faster as I started to growl.

"Yes, Daddy! Seed ME!!" He started shouting.

I was breathing heavily and growling deeper as I felt the burning pleasure slowly rise. Then I shouted as I began pumping his clenching hole full of my hot cum. He cried out as he felt the boiling liquid start to splash deep within him. I was pumping four or five deep jets of cum before I slowed down, still thrusting my cock in and out.

"Nice Daddy. I feel you leaking out of my pucker." He cooed.

I relaxed my grip on his hips and began to lightly stroke his back as I had slowed my thrusting to an easy, long stroke. He shuddered as I was rubbing my still hard cock across his prostate gland in my slower thrusting. He resumed moaning as I worked my hips like a slow moving piston. My still hard cock was working his now cum sloppy hole.

After a few minutes of leisure thrusting as I rubbed his back and tweaked his nipples, I was getting my wind back. My cock was fully hard again, so I began to thrust in with more power. He was moaning at the increase of pressure. I bent by chest and belly onto his back as I worked my cock in and out. My mouth was near his ear and I began to lick and nibble on it. He shivered as I gently blew air into the moistened ear canal, his ass muscles twitched. I nuzzled the wet ear, letting my light scruff scratch along the edges of his ear. He whimpered in pleasure.

I hooked my arms up under his pits and grabbed ahold of his shoulders as I leaned my upper body back, lifting his torso up. The change in position and grip allowed my thrusting to be rough and powerful, going straight up. My balls were slapping his ass loudly with each thrust. I started to speed up for a few minutes, then slow down, then speed up again. I moved his upper body around as I changed my pace and moved my upper body further out and then back in as I pounded his ass hard.

My cock was plowing all around inside as the change in positions and speeds occured. He was letting his head lull as I moved his body for my cock thrusting. He was cooing and moaning as I worked in and out. Sweat was dripping from my body, my hair was soaked, I am busy rutting his sloppy ass.

The next time our heads were closer together, I began to nuzzle his neck and back of his ear. A shiver ran through his body as I teased him. A low, moan started to roll out of his throat. The moan deepened as I moved again and was pummeling his p-gland with each upward thrust. He was trying to push his hips down to meet my upcoming thrusts.

I could feel my second climax begin to build, my cock was becoming very sensitive again. I slowed down my pounding and was making slow, deliberate strokes in and out of his cummy hole. He was making his pucker lips tight and would squeeze my cock head as it neared the entrance of his ass. I took my time in rocking my hips in and out, letting my cock enjoy the velvety glove of his ass muscles caressing it. My balls were beginning to churn.

I slowly started to increase my speed and with it my thrusting power. I moved my grip from under his arms and shoulders to be on top near his neck. I was squeezing and massaging his shoulder muscles as I was increasing my pace. He was groaning from the massage and the plowing cock. Again I felt the tingle in my legs. I slowed down to stretch out the feeling. He gave a needy whimper.

In the slow stroking rhythm, he was working his ass muscles tighter trying to get my cock more stimulated. I let the tingling feeling subside some, then I began moving the pace back up, becoming rougher with the slamming of my pelvis into his ass cheeks. The sound of the slapping flesh was reporting throughout the open room. The leather chair was starting to slide bit by bit on the carpet, even with our weight on it. His moaning and whining were getting louder.

I slowed down again and he cried out in frustration. I was now long-dick slamming into his ass, so while the pace was slowed the power of the pounding was not decreasing. He flung his head back as the current position and power of the thrusting were bringing him close to a climax as well. I pushed his shoulders and head into the chair back as I maintained the heavy, slow pounding. I knew that I was targeting his gland as he was twitching from each inward thrust.

He started to make a low, mewing like sound as I worked his hole and gland. He was trying to move around, but I had increased the pressure of his head and shoulders into the chair. That restriction was allowing my cock to be the focus of his pleasure building. I changed the speed of the thrusting to be progressively faster, but I kept the same position as I knew it was driving him closer to his release.

"Please, Daddy! OH Daddy! OH! OH! OOOOOHHHHH DAAAAADDDYYYYY!" He began to moan into the couch until it was almost a scream.

His body began to tremble under my pounding. I pushed his chest down harder into the chair as he got louder. I could feel my balls churning again and I began to yell over his muffled almost screams now. His body began to quake under me, his cock was spewing a load onto the chair and floor under him. His climax was providing all the extra friction against my edged cock, I was now too close to slow down or stop.

My cock began to shoot again deep in his chute. I was full body thrusting into his almost incoherent body, he was quaking and moaning loudly. I felt the almost burning cum shoot out from my churning balls and out my cock shaft. My cock head was pulsing with each jet of jizz that was being deposited into his ass. Wet, sweaty and smacking sounds were barely heard over both our moans of pleasure.

With a final push up and in his hole, I felt my cock give a few more pulses. Unfortunately I lost my footing and my full body weight made the final thrust more powerful. We both oofed as we were recovering from our climaxes. I lay on top of his folded body on the leather chair as I recovered. He was starting to struggle from our combined weight on him. I was able to get my feet back on the floor and I pulled back and up slowly.

He let out a long moan as my cock exited his ass, dripping more of my cum onto the floor. Our seed was pooling together now. I was able to separate completely, my cock still obscenely jutting out. He slid down off the chair and turned on his knees to look at me.

"You always get me so filled and wet. You are one of my favorite tops." He said as his pale face was splotchy with red color and imprints of the leather chair on it.

He was looking up through his light colored eyelashes as he inched closer to me. He opened his mouth and sucked in my cum and ass slicked cock. I sighed as he cleaned my cock of our sex juice. He greedily licked it clean before he pulled off my firm cock. Then he rocked back on his knees, looking up at me as he stood.

"Bathroom working?" He asked.

I replied, "Yes, first door on the left, down the hall."

He nodded as he collected his boxer briefs and sweatpants. He padded down the hallway, a bit bowlegged and with cum dripping down his thigh. I went and got some rags and cleaned up our cum from the chair and the floor as he cleaned himself up and got dressed. He came back out and put on his shoes, then bent to get his glasses, keys and wallet.

I was finished pulling on my shirt and jeans. I slipped my feet into my shoes and stood up as he came near. We hugged and I gave his ass a healthy squeeze. He sighed and melted into our hug a bit.

"Thanks, you have no idea how much I needed your cock." He said, still a bit out of breath, "You are one of my favorite Daddies!"

"You are welcome." I answered.

With that he separated from our hug and headed out the door. I closed up the house and made sure I had cleaned our encounter well enough to not be noticed. I then left and returned to work, feeling very relaxed.

I watched the social media app and saw that the next day he was headed to relocate in California. I was glad for him in his new adventure, but a bit sad for myself as he was a great fuck. Oh well, life moves on for all of us.

Next: Chapter 36

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