Finding Life

By L Stone

Published on Jan 13, 2022


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Finding Life 37 Gentle Top Wanted

Hey All! Mace here, hoping that your holidays were nice. The end of the year is always crazy. With all the Covid outbreaks, I was left with almost a week and half of 'use or lose' vacation days. I had scheduled a quick trip out of town for several days, but I did have some house work and repairs to get done. I called and had a plumber set to come out and replace some of the workings in the toilet. I quickly hopped into the shower and got cleaned up in case the water was off for too long.

Josh with the plumbing company showed up shortly after 8:00. Oh Lawd! He was smolderingly hot and unfortunately very straight. We went over what he needed to do and how long it would take. I signed off on the work request and he went out to get his tools. When he came back in he had removed his long sleeved work shirt and was now in a company branded t-shirt. Again, damn he was straight. He was about my height, maybe 15 pounds lighter, blue eyes and a strawberry blond shaggy hair cut and closely shaved beard.

Panting and not wanting to be too pervy, I started doing other tasks around the house. I changed the bed linens, cleaned the kitchen, and folded laundry. I figured if I stayed moving it would not be too evident that I was horned up with him in the house. About that time, Josh came into the living room where I was and let me know he needed to get another saw to remove some rusted bolts. He led me into the bathroom and laid down on the floor to be able to show me where he was working. I sighed as I tried to keep my cock from being noticed - crap if he was not straight I would have dropped on him like white on rice.

Oh well, he at least was going to give me some spank bank material. He left to go get the needed saw and I sat in my chair as I had done all my other tasks. As I waited for him to return, I decided to get on the hook up app. (Secretly hoping that Josh would be on it, but no such luck.) I am not usually available this early in the day, so my regular guys were not available. I broadened my search. I was about to tap on a profile when Josh returned. He came back in and returned to work.

Now more horny still, I came across a profile that was titled, "Gentle Top Wanted" and a rustic picture. I have no problem with guys needing to be discreet, everyone has their own situation. I read the rest of his profile. He was in the same age ballpark, a bit taller and heavier, and he was usually a top but wanted to bottom. The app indicated that he was online now. I sent him a "hey" and was waiting for his reply. I had to put the phone down as Josh came in.

Josh advised me that he was finished. We both went into the bathroom as he demonstrated that the toilet was working and confirmed what he had to repair and replace. We were in close quarters... again he was straight - grrrrr. I went to get my wallet and he picked up his trash and cleaned up. Josh gave me his tablet and let me pay the invoice. He then finished up and headed out. That was when I was able to pick up my phone again. There was a reply.

"Hey, I can host. Like your profile." The app guy replied back.

That started a quick banter of what each of us was looking for and then traded some pics. He was rugged looking, worked overnight at a local hospital and had his house to himself. He was really wanting someone to be able to spend some time with him and see if he could bottom. We chatted a bit more and he advised that he needed to head to his house which was a suburb on the opposite side of the metro area from where I live. I did a quick map search and it would take me about 30 minutes to where he said. I was still super horny and needed relief so I decided I could meet him.

He was excited. We traded face pics and decided I would meet him at a Walmart a few miles from his house. Then he could have me follow him to his house. I agreed. I quickly cleaned out while we were chatting just in case. Looking at the clock it would be about 11:00 when I would be able to meet him. With that I hopped into my car and headed his way. It was going fine until I hit some highway construction that delayed me about 10 minutes longer than I had hoped. I pulled into the Walmart a bit late, not something that I like to do. I sent him an 'I'm here' message. He replied that he would be right there, only a mile away himself.

I sat and waited for him to get there. It was only a few minutes and a white suv pulled up next to my car. We rolled down our windows, it was the guy from the pic on the app. I followed his suv for a few miles to his house. Pulling into the parking spot next to his. We both got out of our vehicles and he opened up his door. Shutting the door behind me, we stood in his kitchen.

"I'm Jay. Sorry about meeting you and having you follow me here. I have been burned a few times by just giving my address out." Jay explained.

"No problems here. I understand the need. I'm Mace." I answered.

We came together and I pulled him into a hug. Turning our faces together I placed my lips on his. Jay moaned as his lips opened and my tongue slid in. I let my hands rub and grope his body as we kissed. He had wider shoulders and a broad chest. I ran my hands up and down his back as we continued to kiss. Jay moaned into my mouth when I cupped his ass cheek and squeezed. My cock was now fully hard and trapped in my jeans. I pulled his ass cheek closer to me and ground my crotch into his.

"Fuck, Mace. This is hot." Jay said as he briefly broke our kiss, then he resumed making out with me.

I let my hands wander all over his body: his head, ears, cheeks, neck, chest, sides and then his ass again. Jay was letting his hands move over my body as well, feeling my arms, head, and back. I broke our kiss and placed kisses from his chin up to his ear. Jay gasped for air and he hugged me tight as my tongue slipped into his ear. He grunted as my tongue swirled around and then I nibbled on his earlobe.

"Fuck, duuuuddde." Jay moaned.

As I continued to kiss his ear and neck, Jay started to pull my top up and over my head. We only separated for the cloth to move upward. Jay's hands were now rubbing on my nude chest. I reached down and lifted his scrubs style top off. Again we only parted for the fabric to move. When we came back together, I planted my lips on his and forced my tongue in his mouth now that our bare chests were touching.

Each of our hands were exploring the unclothed chests. I tilted partly away for my fingers to move in on Jay's chest, finding his nipple I gently brushed it. Jay moaned loudly in my mouth and he pulled my hips closer to his, grinding our crotches together. Still kissing Jay pulled his hips back a bit, reaching down he started to undo my belt. I let him then open my jeans, Jay ran a hand over the cock while it was still covered by the denim. He moaned again as he felt the thickness there. Jay moved his hand inside my jeans and put a fist around my hard cock.

"That is hot, no underwear." Jay breathed as he held my cock in hand.

"I'm a commando guy unless I am working out." I answered before lowering my mouth to Jay's nipple in my fingers.

My lips sealed around the neatly trimmed hairy nipple. Jay cooed as my tongue swirled around the little hard nub. Jay's hand flexed around my cock as he let out a moan. Then he moved his hands to push my jeans down. I separated from him as he pushed them down and I kicked off my shoes. Jay held the jeans open as I stepped out of them. Now I was only wearing socks as I stood there. Letting Jay watch I bent down and pulled each sock off before returning to standing, finally nude.

"Damn Mace. You are hot. Will you shower with me? Please." Jay inquired, pleading a little.

"I have showered, but I would be happy to shower with you." I replied.

"Hot Damn!" Jay exclaimed as he kicked off his shoes and pushed his scrubs style bottoms down. He stepped out of them only wearing a tight boxer brief, his smaller cock jutting out fiercely even being bound by the fabric. Jay leaned down to pull his socks off and then his tight briefs off.

As Jay stood back up, I pulled him in for a full body hug and kiss. He moaned in my mouth as I let my hands run up and down his body while he was doing the same to mine. We explored and made out for a few more minutes before he separated us again. Reaching out his hand he led me to the bathroom. Jay mumbled shower as he walked. I reached out and grabbed a handful of his ass cheek and gave it a good squeeze. Jay moaned loudly.

Jay got the water started and then adjusted the temperature. I got in and rinsed off in the warm water. Jay was wandering around and had not gotten in yet.

"I have to get towels, be right back." Jay said.

"Fine buddy." I replied as I let the water run over my skin.

I quickly did a rinse of my dick and ass just to make sure I did not have any funk. Then Jay came back to the bathroom. He entered the shower and I moved back to let him have the water. He washed off his hair and was starting to use a bar of soap to wash his body. I took the soap and started to suds and clean his body. Jay whimpered as I used the soap on his chest and teased his nipples. I then moved down his bearish belly. Jay caught his breath as I flicked my fingertip in and out of his belly button. I moved to a squat and took the bar of soap to then clean his groin.

Jay moaned as I used my soap slicked hands to explore and jack his cock. He was fully hard and not as big as I was, but not being a size queen, that was not an issue for me. Jay leaned back against the shower wall as I continued to jack his cock and play with his balls. Not enough to make something happen, but enough to keep him turned on. I then took my soapy hands and reached under his balls into his crack.

Jay let out a gasp as my soapy fingers traced up and down his crack. I pushed a fingertip in and out of his hole when it was good and slicked up. Jay rose up on his tiptoes as I teased his pucker with my fingers. Jay panted some before he lifted me up to standing. Jay then pulled me into an embrace. Our mouths locked into a kiss as the water cascaded around us washing off the soap. Jay brought his hand down and stroked my hole while we kissed.

Jay turned off the water after we made out in the warm water for a while. Leaning out he grabbed a towel and began to dry me off. I lifted my arms and let him get me mostly dry. Then he reached and grabbed another towel which he started to dry himself off. I took the towel he had handed to me and dried his back and ass, making sure I checked on how well we cleaned Jay's crack up. Jay chuckled as I slapped one of his ass cheeks.

"Thanks, daddy!" Jay laughed as he mockingly rubbed the ass cheek.

We stepped out of the shower and he led us to the bedroom. I enjoyed going through the house to the master bedroom. I was not sure why we used the other bathroom, but then I saw the master bath had a small shower stall - not enough room for both of us. I stepped closer to Jay's clean, naked body and pressed mine into his. I resumed kissing as I began stroking his body.

"On the bed." Jay said to me as we broke the kiss.

The bed was raised and higher than my hip, so I had to hop on it. I scooted to the middle and Jay climbed up and then in between my legs. He laid his body on top of mine and we kissed again. When he broke next time he moved down my chest and then my belly to look at my cock. Taking the tip of his tongue he licked just the head of my cock. I reclined with a sigh as he then sealed his lips around my cock head and sucked.

Slowly he moved his mouth up and down on my cock. While I am not huge, only about 6 inches, I was a bit thick. Not beer can thick or anything crazy, but it was not pencil thin. Jay moved his lips and tongue on my cock shaft as he bobbed up and down. I let him work his mouth on my cock for a few minutes, even pushing my hips upward as he bobbed down to enter his throat. It was feeling very good, too good if he wanted my first load in his ass.

"You better come up here or you will swallow my first load." I beaconed him.

"Your first. You have more than one?" Jay inquired.

"Yea, usually twice, but three times is not unusual for me. I do have a record, but that is not why I'm here today. You want to be topped." I said quietly.

Jay moved up and we began kissing again. I groped him as we kissed and moved a hand down to his crack. Jay moaned in my mouth as my finger began to play around his hole. Jay lifted a leg to give me more access. I played with his pucker as I moved my kissing and licking to his ear and then his neck. Jay shuddered as I pushed my fingertip in and made a small circle with it. I moved my mouth down and latched onto one of his nipples. I gently ground the hard nipple between my teeth as I move my tongue over it. Jay was starting to lightly thrash his body around from my teasing.

I moved my mouth further down his belly and sucked Jay's hard cock in my mouth. I hoovered it down until my nose was buried in his pubes. I flicked my tongue along the tender underside of his cock. Jay was making cooing noises as I worked his dick a few minutes. I then popped his cock out and sucked in the first one and then the other of Jay's balls. I wet and licked his balls and then briefly took his cock shaft back in my mouth.

I scooted further down on the bed and used my hands to lift his legs up. Jay grabbed his knees as I blew a gust of air down his exposed crack. I watched a shiver run up the back of Jay's legs as I pushed my face closer. Jay whimpered as my tongue touched his pucker. I used a hand to lift his balls up and then dove my tongue in and along Jay's crack, paying special attention to his pucker. I would flick my tongue along Jay's ass lips and Jay would let out a moan.

"Flip over. Get on your hands and knees." I said as I lifted my face up and licked his balls and cock shaft.

Jay groaned and he rolled over to get into position. I slid back to the end of the bed to give Jay the space he needed. When he was in position, I moved back up between his legs. I swatted each ass cheek with a hand apiece. Jay groaned, but it quickly turned into a moan as I used the grip to pull his ass cheeks apart. When I blew on his pucker this time, Jay moaned and shivered as the wet flesh was more sensitive. I nibbled on the insides of his ass cheeks as I progressed to start licking.

Jay was a mess of moaning and light cursing as I rimmed him for another ten minutes. I had begun to slip a spit soaked finger in and was licking around it. Jay was pushing back onto the finger as it moved in small circles. I would alternate rimming and then fingering Jay's hole. He would let out moans and whimpers as I worked.

"OH God! I need you in me. Here is some lube." Jay said as he reached to the nightstand and then handed me a tube back.

"You ready for this?" I answered back as I had a finger inserted in Jay's hole and wiggled it - Jay moaned.

I squeezed the lube and squirted some onto my hand. I pushed two slicked fingers in and out of Jay's hole. I put some more in my hand and then slicked up my cock shaft, making sure to adequately cover my cock head. I tossed the tube to the side as I shuffled my hips closer to Jay's ass. One hand I put on Jay's back and gently stroked it. The other hand I was using to push my cock up and down Jay's crack. Jay moaned and gave a little shudder in anticipation.

I moved both of my hands onto Jay's back as I tilted my hips to and fro, grinding gently each time. I was building up Jay's desire and need for my cock. Jay whimpered at being so close but still no insertion. I rubbed Jay's back a little more as I ground into his ass crack. Jay's whining started to get shrill again, he was almost ready.

I pulled my hips back slightly and used a hand to help position my cock head at Jay's eagar pucker. Jay groaned at the feeling of the heat from the hard cock at his entrance. I pushed in slightly and had to keep pressure on my cock as his ass muscles were gripping the new member tightly. Jay pushed his face into his pillow as he moaned loudly. I held just where I was for a moment to let him get used to it.

Jay's breathing was becoming less ragged. I was rubbing his back, lightly stroking it. I could feel his ring loosen up. Still stroking his back, I push my cock head the rest of the way through his ring. Jay only moaned as the flared cock head was wider than my cock shaft at that point. In just a moment or two longer I slowly pushed my cock the rest of the way in, not stopping until my balls touched his ass lips. I laid my chest against his back and stayed in place.

"I am all the way in. Are you ok?" I asked as I rubbed my hands over his torso and back.

"Yes, stud. I am ready." Jay said.

I pulled my hips back and slowly pushed back in. Jay was still tight, but I kept a slow steady pace. I pushed my chest up off of Jay's back when my cock was all the way in. I then moved my hands to grip Jay's hips as I started to move faster. The impacts were becoming more firm, our flesh was slapping together. I pushed Jay's chest down to the bed further that allowed his hips to tilt back. Now I started to go faster.

"Oh, Daddy!" Jay moaned into the mattress as I kneaded his hips while thrusting into him.

"You like that." I said with a light growl.

Jay replied with a moan as I pounded away at his hole, making his ass jiggle with each impact. I slapped one ass cheek and then the other and Jay responded with an appreciated moan each time. I started to vary my speed and power of my thrusting. Jay was pushing his hips back into my thrusts as he became more comfortable. I started to feel that I was getting close.

I pushed in deeper and with more power on the next thrust in. Jay grunted with the impact. Now I was only pulling back about two inches before quickly thrusting forward. Jay moaned as I tightened my grip on his hips and was pulling his body into my oncoming thrusts. Jay was starting to gurgle as I maintained the faster, harder pace.

I started to growl low in my chest as I felt my body start to tighten. Jay heard the change and was trying to bounce back into my body as he could. Breathing through clenched teeth, I was trying to hold my quickly escalating climax to prolong the experience for Jay. I felt my balls pull tight and my chest tightened to hold my breath.

"Breed me. Breed my ass. Plant your seed." Jay said between grunts due to the impacting thrusts I was giving him.

I cried out as the cum finally shot from my cock. Jay moaned in pleasure as he felt the hot liquid deep inside of him. I was still thrusting hard as each jet of cum sprayed Jay's chute. I continued until I was shuddering, no longer having any seed to shoot. I made a final thrust and threw myself onto Jay's back. Breathing heavily as my cock still pulsed in Jay's hole, I gently rub his back and head.

"Mace, that was so hot. Wow." Jay said in a bit of a stammer.

The both of us rested until my cock softened some and popped out. Jay let out a little gasp as he felt some of my cum leak from his hole. Jay rolled over and we embraced with both of us on our sides. I brushed the sweaty hair off of Jay's forehead and let my fingertips explore his face and head. Jay relaxed as he looked into my eyes.

We talked about his work and family. He was recently divorced and had two kids from that marriage. This did not shock me due to my own situation. Jay explained why he had me meet him at the Walmart as he had other dates either ghost him or be a bit too weird. Jay asked how my situation worked and I explained as best I could, everyone has complicated relationships, I am no different.

Then we talked about religion. I was not shocked when he said he had been raised in a fairly conservative church, having met his spouse through the church, he had continued until recently. That was actually part of his coming out story. Jay's conscience was getting to him after a few experiences with men and he could no longer keep that a secret from his then wife. Turns out she was kind of relieved as she was bi herself, but had repressed it. Jay said it was crazy, but now both were more happy and living their better lives after being divorced and loving who they wanted to love.

Through our conversation Jay and I stayed in constant touch and exploration of each other's bodies. It was evident that Jay had not shared the information in a detailed manner with a partner before and this being his first real experience as a bottom it made it different. Slowly through the conversation our touching and petting became more sensual. As our conversation started to conclude, our making out restarted.

My recharge time is very short and depending on the partner, I sometimes do not even stop between my climaxes. Since it was Jay's first time to bottom, I did not want his hole to be too sore so I cuddled him. Now Jay was becoming more horny again and my cock was responding to our quickly heating play. I reached over and rubbed down Jay's chest, letting my fingertips brush his nipples. Jay moaned in our kiss. I swirled my finger more firmly over his hardening nipple before I trapped it between my thumb and forefinger. Jay gasped as I ground his nub in my grip.

I rolled Jay onto his back and laid on top of him. Grinding our cocks together I resumed playing with each nipple, going between my mouth and fingers. Jay was moaning and thrusting up making our cocks frot. We continued to tease each other as we let our hands explore. I slid down and let my hard cock drop to his ass crack. Jay moaned as my cockhead rubbed across his puffy pucker lips. Jay pulled my head to his chest as I was sucking on a nipple, Jay moaned louder.

I began to slide my cock up and down Jay's crack, my cum and the lube from earlier meant that it was still slicked up. Jay had not let up on the hold he had on my head as I nibbled and chewed on the hard nipple. Jay started to buck his hips to feel my cock grind into his pucker more. I tilted my hips slightly making my cock head peek into his entrance. Jay shuddered as he felt my cock head grind around just inside his pucker. Jay released his grip on my head as I pulled my chest up and pushed a bit more of my cock in him.

"You can go again?" Jay asked somewhat in awe.

"Yes, usually twice in under an hour, more if I am properly stimulated." I replied with a grin before I nipped at his wet nipple.

"Oh Fuck that is hot! I need you in me again." Jay exclaimed.

I pulled back onto my knees as I was in between his legs. Jay lifted his legs up giving me access. I moved my cock up and down his crack again, teasing his hole. I reached for the lube as I knew we would need more. I slicked up my cock and then pushed some in his ass with my finger.

"Put a pillow under your hips." I told Jay.

Jay shuffled around and moved a pillow in place. I helped lift up his legs and hips for it to get in position. Jay sighed as I moved his legs up to lay on my torso. I advanced as I pushed Jay's legs forward. My cock pushed and entered Jay's hole with less resistance. Jay moaned as I went balls deep in a slow push. I came to a rest with Jay's ankles on either side of my head, I reached around the outsides of his legs and grabbed onto his arms. Smiling he linked his hands onto my forearms, pulling me closer and making my cock slide deeper in.

Jay resumed moaning as I started to thrust in and out of him. I turned my head and was able to lick the side of his ankle which made Jay twitch. I then picked up speed as he loosened up again. I pounded my cock in and out with added pressure as our linked arms gave good leverage. I tilted us forward, folding more of Jay's body upward and changing the angle of my cock's thrusting. Jay was moaning even more.

I broke our linked arms as I moved my hands to Jay's legs, pushing them up and out some more. I could feel the changes in Jay's ass lips as I tilted and manipulated his body. Jay's slicked chute was rubbing my cock in the right ways, I could feel my climax start to build. Now I pushed us up some more, my grip moved up to his feet. I massaged the arches of his feet as I was pounding harder into his hole. Jay was groaning and sputtering at the clashing sensations he was feeling as I plowed into him.

Sweat was spraying from my body as I increased my speed, my cock flashing in and out of his pucker. The thrusts were firm and fast, Jay was thrashing his head from side to side on his pillow. I tilted a bit more and was able to use more of my full body weight behind my thrusting. Jay's breathing was getting shallow as my pounding cock head was hammering his gland. Jay's body was beginning to make contractions around my cock. It was getting harder to control my pending climax.

I held onto Jay's feet using my grip to massage the arch harder as I bucked my hips with more power. Our bodies were slapping hard, sounding like a spanking as our breathing was in loud gasps. I felt my second climax start to crest, my voice started a whining grunt. I held the climax back again with as much power as I could, feeling the pain/pleasure threshold vibrate as it got closer still. I looked down and we locked eyes, the need was strong.

"AAAAIIIIIEEEEEE!!!!!" I screamed as I bored my eyes into Jay's.

My body was twitching and becoming erratic as my cock was exploding in Jay's ass again. Jay was exclaiming and grunting as I pounded my cock in as deeply as possible. My cum was shooting with each thrust. Since I had bred his hole previously, the new cum did not have enough room as was leaking out with each successive thrust. Jay's eyes rolled back in his head briefly as I made my final thrust in. My body slammed down on Jay's with a grunt, his legs went around my hips and his arms pulled me closer.

"That is a great ass, Jay." I said with a breathy voice.

"Thanks, Mace. You are a great top." Jay said as he held me.

I pulled out and Jay let out a little gasp. I rolled onto my side as Jay grabbed the lube. He slicked up his hand and then reached down to his hard dick. Jay started to pump his fist up and down on his cock. I used both of my hands to touch and rub on Jay's body. I even leaned over and flicked my tongue in Jay's ear as one hand played with Jay's nipple. Jay pumped his fist faster still. I moved my mouth down to Jay's nipple and then moved my hand down to play under Jay's balls. Jay's breathing became strained as he got closer still. I ran my finger down Jay's crack and gently pushed it into his puffy opening - that was enough.

"YYYYAAAAEEEEEEIIIIII!" Jay screamed as his pumping fist worked his exploding dick.

Jay had mentioned that it had been a few days since his last climax when we had chatted. The pent up cum was now sailing out of his hard dick in huge streams. The first jet went over his head, the next covered the back of my head as I continued to tease his nipple. The next few splattered on his belly. Jay was panting as I wiggled my finger free from Jay's hole. I looked up at him.

"Fuck, Mace. That was hot. I am not sure I have shot that much in quite some time. Fuck, sorry about your hair." Jay said as he came down from his climax.

"No worries, Jay. I clean." I chuckled.

We cuddled together for some time after Jay's climax. He was so relaxed and having worked the night before, Jay was starting to drift off. We chatted some, but Jay's replies kept getting more and more fuzzy before he just drifted off to sleep. I held him in my arms, gently rubbing his head and back as he dozed. Jay had a look of relief on his face, being more relaxed than when I first arrived. Jay slept for about fifteen minutes.

"Hey you." Jay said groggily as he woke up still in my embrace.

"Hey, yourself. You were tired." I replied.

"So this is what it is supposed to be like." Jay said with a hint of melancholy.

"Like what?" I inquired softly.

"How it feels like to wake in a man's arms that cares for me." Jay said quietly.

I sat quiet for a moment while I held him before I spoke.

"You know that I can not be in a relationship right now. That is not something that I have to offer." I answered in a solemn voice.

"I know. I am just glad my first time was with someone that was genuine and honest with me. Even if I know you are not available to be in a relationship, at least you are caring and compassionate." Jay said, a tear glistened in the corner of his eye.

"It is not that I would not want to, just so you understand, it is just not a thing I can do." I answered, "I try to be passionate and I am glad that I could be here for you for this. It should be special."

"Yes, it was special and you are special indeed." Jay said, "Thank you."

I smiled.

We cuddled for a few more moments and Jay started to get tired again. I gave him a firm hug. I then pulled away and stood next to the bed.

"I need to go so you can get enough sleep for your next shift." I said.

"I suppose you are right." Jay answered as he rolled off the bed.

I got dressed after cleaning up a bit. Jay put on some sleep pants and a t-shirt. He walked me to the door. With a final hug and kiss, I stepped out on his porch.

"We will have to do this again. I'm glad you had the day off." Jay said as he waved to me.

"Me, too. Talk to you soon Jay. Happy dreams." I said.

"Happier now than before. Thanks Mace." Jay said as he closed the door.

I headed home, about half way home I got a message on the app thanking me again for his special day. I sighed, he was a special guy. I hoped that we would be able to get together again sometime.

Next: Chapter 38

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