Finding Love

By Jason

Published on Sep 11, 1999


Okay! I've never done this before, but for the first time- in a really long time- I really am so motivated to write. Part of my inspiration comes from Nifty's amazing stories. This story is completely from my imagination, and in no way implies that any of the Backstreet Boys are gay- especially Brian. Anyhoo...Hope you enjoy the story!!!

"Finding Love"

By: Jinray

"Oh God! Please make this flight go smoothly." I thought as the plane took off. My name is Jason. I'm from Guam, leaving for Fayetville, North Carolina to visit my Aunt Jackie, and I have never been on a plane before. To make matters worse, I was flying alone. Ofcourse I almost shit in my pants while taking off. The flight was too much for me to handle so I took out my CD player and popped in Alanis Moirsettes new album. I fell asleep.

I awoke to the plane shuddering from the landing." That was a fast flight." I said while standing from my seat. I got my backpack and started for the EXIT when I heard the flight attendant say, "Welcome to Hawaii. You'll only be here for a couple of hours, until it's time to leave for North Carolina." My jaw hit the floor. I quickly gathered myself and walked to find a seat.

Finally it was time to board the plane again. Sitting in my seat- in first class- I quickly popped the headphones back on my head and shut my eyes to avoid the fear of taking off. It did not work. I tensed up immediately. Tears were once again at the corners of my eyes and I began to tremble uncontrollably as I clawed at the arm rest. Suddenly I felt a hand rest on my shoulder. I did not move it or open my eyes to see who it was, but somehow the hand brought on a feeling of comfort and safety. When the plane became steady I slowly opened my eyes and turned my head to the person who had helped me.

"Thanks." I said, looking at the stranger who was looking to the floor.

"No prob. Glad I could help" He said as he looked up at me.

Bamm! I was completely astonished by the amazing blue eyes he had. I just couldn't take my eyes off his gorgeous eyes and face.

"Are you okay man?" He said with the most gorgeous grin.

"Yeah, sorry" my face turned several shades of red.

"Don't worry about it, a lot of people do that." He said while laughing.

"It's your eyes." I mustered out tying not to make eye contact.

"My names Brian" he said sticking out his hand.

"Jason, nice to meet you" I said trying not to melt from making physical contact with him.

We talked for hours even while everyone was sleeping. I just totally fell in love with Brian. But deep down I knew that he would never love me back. It's just that Brian made feel special, wanted, and interesting. No one has ever made me feel that way. People usually made me feel like an alien, especially in high school. I remember flicking everyone off at graduation and thanking them for making my life miserable. I never understood why they hated me so much and I knew I could never let them know I was gay. They would have ripped me to shreds.

Brian told me about his past and I told him about mine, even the being gay part. Though it was dark I could tell that Brian was crying from listening to me tell him about my past. Then all of a sudden, he leaned in and kissed me on the lips.

"Why is this happening...Nothing like this ever happens to me....Why does this guy look so familiar...."

Then it hit me. Brian is Brian from the Backstreet Boys. Why didn't I notice before?

Hello. This next part of the story will be longer then the last one. Keep in mind that i'm still kind of new at this. Please, feel free to e- mail me with suggestions or comments. Once again, this story is completely from my imagination and in no way implies that any of the Backstreet Boys are gay, especially not Brian. Anyhoo... Enjoy the story!

"Finding Love" Part 2

By: Jinray

The kiss from Brian slowly came to an end. We both opened our eyes and stared into each others souls. I knew my love for Brian was real because I didn't even notice who he was. But did he feel the same way about me. No, good things just don't happen to me.

"Sorry" Brian said breaking the silence.

"I didn't mean to catch you off guard." Brian said with the most sincere voice. "It's just that I really felt your pain as you were telling me about your past, and well...well I..."

"Shhh." I said putting a finger on his lips. " You don't have to explain, I really needed it." I said assuring him. " It's just that things like this never happens to me." The tears began to build up in my eyes again.

"Look Brian." I said, gathering myself together. " I don't know if you feel the same way as I do, but I really feel this connection with you and I think i'm falling in love with you. I know it's real love because only now, I started to notice who you were. You may find that hard to believe bu.." Brian leaned in and kissed me just as I was about to finish my sentence.

The kiss lasted longer this time. Just from the kiss, I knew that Brian believed me. I've never felt so loved before. Again Brian broke the kiss, and again we just stared into each others souls.

"Jason, you don't have to explain anything. I think i'm falling in love with you too." Brian said as he wiped the tears from my face.

"So what are we going to do when the plane lands." I said coming back to reality from what Brian said.

"I'm not sure, but there's no way i'm gonna lose you now." Brian said with a warm comforting smile.

Just then, people began to wake up and the flight attendant announced our landing.

"Good thing no one saw or heard us." Brian whispered in my ear.

I just winked at him. As soon as the plane landed, I started to worry. How in the hell am I going to be able to stay with Brian. I'm supposed to be visiting my aunt. When we were done getting our bags, Brian said, " Trust me, i'll find a way for us to stay together. I have a plan, but I can't tell you here."

Brian motioned for me to follow him. So I just followed my shining star. We made our way to the front of the airport. Then I froze as I saw the huge black limo that Brian was walking towards. Brian turned and saw my reaction. He then grabbed me by the hand and pulled me to the awaiting limo. Before Brian could open the door, it swayed open and out came- believe it or not- the rest of the Backstreet Boys.

They all took turns hugging Brian while I watched, wishing I was invisible.

"Oh. I almost forgot. Guys, this is Jason." Brian said motioning for me to get closer from where I was standing. " We met on the plane, and he has nowhere to stay so I invited him to stay with us at the hotel." Brian lied.

All the guys had huge grins on their faces by now.

"Cool, Hey watsup man. How was your flight?" Kevin said extending his hand.

"It wasn't too bad, considering that it was my first time flying." I said shaking Kevins hand.

The rest of the guys pretty much did the same, except for Nick who gave me a big hug and acted so excited for some weird reason.

"Calm down boy!" A.J. said laughing, causing everyone to laugh.

We all got into the limo and headed for the hotel.

"That's the first time anyone has ever been excited to see me before." I said with a huge smile on my face.

"Nicks always been like that." Howie said while patting Nicks head.

"Yeah, remember that time when Nick.." Brian started but was now laughing his ass off so hard that he couldn't speak.

"Oh my God, I know what your talking about." A.J. Said before laughing his ass off like Brian.

"What! What did Nick do that was so funny" I said laughing at the way everyone was getting teary-eyed from laughing.

"Sorry Jay" Kevin said. " Nick got excited when he saw Madonna at a convention once and well he ran to her and gave her one of his death hugs. Madonna got so scared that she got Nick arrested." Kevin finished before exploding into laughter again. When the laughter started to die down, I looked over at Nick who looked royally pissed. So I patted his shoulder and said, " I would have done the same, I mean come on she is Madonna, one of the most famous and amazing people in the world" Nick gave me another hug. Sitting back in his seat he looked over to Brian and sticked his tongue out at him. The rest of the guys all laughed. I knew right then that they knew Brian and I were together.

We finally reached the hotel and made our way inside. Kevin went to get the keys while the rest of us wandered around the lobby. Soon we were all in the elevator. I began to worry again. Where was I going to sleep? How am I going to pay them back for paying my room? I felt like I didn't deserve to be taken care of. Brian saw that I was worried and quickly grabbed my hand.

"Remember Jay, you have to trust me. Let me take care of you.? Brian said pulling me in for a kiss.

"Lucky thing I got Nick a separate room." Kevin said with a huge grin on his face.

Everyone laughed.

"Yeah, I don't want to be in the same room when they're" SMACK! A.J. Slapped Nick's head before he could finish.

"Thanks Bone." Brian said

The elevator finally stopped and the doors swung open.

"No prob. As long as you two keep it quiet in there or else were gonna all have to join you two in whatever you may be doing." A.J. Said vaulting to his room in laughter.

"I'll get you back Bone!" Brian laughed

"How come I get slapped for making a joke, and that fag gets away." Nick said making a generic sad face.

"Come on little boy." Howie said dragging Nick to his room.

"Honestly. They can be so immature. Sorry Jay." Kevin said with a slight trace of a grin on his face.

"No problem. I thought it was kind of funny." I said making both of them smile.

"Well see you guys later. I gotta go unpack."

"Bye." Brian and I said in unison.

As soon as we got into the room, I got worried again. Brian sensed this and asked me what was wrong.

"Brian i've been gay for a long time, but I have never had sex with anyone. I've never even dated anyone." I said hoping for Brian to understand.

"Me too. I'm still a virgin too. Look were going to take this one step at a time. I love you." Brian said

"I love you too my shining star."

To Be Continued....

Well I hope you've enjoyed it so far. Remember to e- mail me if you have any suggestions or comments. I'm getting around to the actual "sex parts" but I wanted to make it as special as possible. My goal is to make the story as romantic, exciting, and erotic as possible. If you have any ideas or comments, please e-mail me. Bye!!!

Next: Chapter 2

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