Finding Love After Incredible Loss

Published on Dec 11, 2023


Finding Love After Incredible Loss Chapter 19

Copyright to this story remain strictly that of the author. No other publication or use of this story is allowed without the consent of the author. This story contains female to male, female to female, male to male and several combinations of each both implied and explicit. If this offends you, please do not continue. All characters and implied situations are strictly those of the author and are not based on any real-life events or characters. If you are under 18 years of age, please exit this story now.

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NOTE – When the twins "talk" it is really AJ interpreting what they are saying, they are not quite old enough to have conversations, but parents typically know what they want/need.

Finding love after incredible loss – Chapter 19

To that end, by the look on your face I would bet money that you are at least semi-hard right now' JR blushed, AJ winked and JR knew this `kid' was something special. JR conceded – touché and a mock hat tip was given.

As AJ worked on meal prep for tomorrow, he also was putting together dinner for tonight – parmesan chicken, angel hair pasta, homemade red sauce, pan fried green beans, garlic bread, salad and Crème Brûlée for dessert. JR realized this young man was intelligent, witty, capable, caring, sometimes clueless, great cook, humble when not cocky, vulnerable, charismatic, generous, gorgeous, fit as fuck, hot and probably way too smart for his own good. Honestly, he understood why his son had fallen for him and he had to admit thinking about this young man he had popped a boner – what they hell. Scott wrapped his arms around his dad and whispered in his ear – `he's mine, quit perving on my man'. JR tried to deny it, Scott gave his dad's cock a squeeze, kissed him on the cheek and whispered, `it's ok, he is fit as fuck and made me cum three times this morning without touching my cock'. Another peck on the cheek and an audible `I love you dad' and a whispered `yeah he is ALL mine, if you need to relieve yourself, I put your bags in your room'. JR chuckled as he had been busted, so he left the island seat he was in and said he would join the rest of the old folks in the other room. AJ called out `there is lube in your bedside table, you might want to take care of the rod in your pants first, your liable to give my mom the vapors.' JR shook his head and retorted – `a dirty mind, a hot body and a kind soul. God broke the mold with you I'm afraid.' Off he went and yes, he was going to his room to rub one out.

Scott hugged his man and asked if there was anything he could do to help. AJ told him that he could set the kitchen table for dinner and make sure the boys' highchairs were clean and ready as well. Scott kissed AJ's cheek; told him it would be done. AJ called over his shoulder – there are also some sandwiches, cheese, meats and crackers that should go into the media room to hold everyone until dinner – just make sure you ask mom to keep the boys from snacking too much. Scott had the table ready and had two trays ready in short order. AJ stopped him from leaving and asked him – `am I giving your father too much shit? I forget that he doesn't really know me that well and I can be a lot to handle'. Scott pulled AJ to him, hugged him and thought how best to answer this question – he reflected `AJ is only 21, he has been through so much in a very short period of time – married at 19, dad at 20, widowed at 20, gay/bi at 21. He knew he had moments of doubt and he was 25 and had only had to deal with being gay/bi at 25 – AJ had to grow up quick and did not have those extra college years to play around. He was so fucking awesome and these moments of self-doubt made him all that much sexier, caring and downright lovable.'

AJ listen to me, `I'll try to get to the point and not talk so damn much as your mom asked me to do, you are the best person I have ever met. Conor and Caleb are your number one priority, your family is a close second, your friends just behind them, you give to others whenever you are able, you have the biggest heart. On top of that' before he could finish – JR interrupted and continued – `you are intelligent, witty, capable, sometimes clueless, caring, great cook, humble when not cocky, vulnerable, charismatic, generous, gorgeous, fit as fuck, hot and probably way too smart for your own good. You are not giving Scott's father too much shit, you are treating him as family. Know this young man – I love you like my own, well maybe not exactly the same as Scott cause I don't know that he has ever made me sprout wood before; for which I am deeply ashamed to admit out loud that your humility and lack of awareness about just how FUCKING HOT you really are makes you that much hotter. Please just be you, everyone that knows you sees exactly what I see. Now that I have said WAY too much, I will take the trays into the media room and make sure we all leave room for dinner'. JR hugged AJ picked up the trays and headed out. Scott called out to his dad – `still mine, hands off and a dirty mind is a terrible thing to waste.'

Scott had a big shit eating grin on his face and quipped – damn stud, you have another admirer. I'm going to have to add him to the list of people I need to keep away from you. The list is growing every day – Chase, Brett, Brent, Steve, Eva, Mat, Danielle, the barista what was her name, Shelly, Joan, Kevin, the frat boys and sorority girls at WSU, I could go on but suffice it to say – I am keeping an eye on you to make sure people keep their hands off you, it is a strictly look but don't touch policy. AJ poked him in the stomach and asked – `Kevin, are you talking about my sister's fiancé?' Scott said yup – one and the same. It is crystal clear to me that man would do almost anything to get into your pants – I believe he loves your sister, but he is in LUST with you. With that Scott asked AJ if they could go for a quick run and lift some weights as he was feeling a bit like a lard butt lately. AJ was in and he said I just need shoes, the look on Scott's face made AJ do a double take and he realized he had been just in sweat bottoms all morning – no wonder JR had seen he was erect. Fuck he was going to have to apologize for being sometimes clueless.

AJ chuckled and said to Scott – `I guess I need to actually get dressed before we head out. I can't believe neither you or mom said anything – no shoes and no shirt and I'm running around the kitchen like a wild man. Your dad's right I am clueless, he is probably wrong about being smart though.' Scott hugged his man and said he had been enjoying the view and there was no need to cover ANYTHING up on his account, the only problem he found is that he was always chubbing up looking at the `fit as fuck' hunk that is known as his boyfriend. He gave AJ another hug and kiss on the cheek, slapped his ass and complained about him not being ready for the run.

While AJ got clothes on, Scott let everyone know they were heading out for a run and asked Conor and Caleb to keep an eye on the old folks and make sure they didn't nap too much. Conor found that SO FUNNY. As AJ and Scott headed for the door JR came around the corner and just as the door was closing said – thank God you put some clothes on it was a real distraction before. The wise ass that is AJ, he pulled his shorts and oxer briefs down and mooned his future father-in-law. The guys ran a quick 4 miles and lifted in their gym for about an hour. They headed in for a quick shower in the master. AJ tried to get Scott to mess around a bit in the shower, but he was a master at avoiding the hands, mouth and erect cock that seemed to be attacking him at every turn. He grabbed a towel and began drying off. As he headed for the closet, he told AJ that the shower was quite the agility drill and he was glad he played football in high school otherwise he might have not been so successful. AJ complained that Scott was just a party pooper and Scott said every party needed a pooper – AJ said there was no reason to avoid a little groping, no one would know even though everyone knew Scott was a screamer. Scott smacked AJ on the bare ass as he left the bathroom. As the door closed, he heard – `I'm tellin'. He chuckled to himself, that man is just a big kid, he went to get things going for dinner.

AJ took Scott's breath away when he came into the kitchen – he was in a form fitting pair of 501s, tight white t-shirt and cordovan loafers. The parents shared a quick look between each other and mama said loudly – `Scott, he's just a man, breath my dear boy'. AJ told his mama to be nice as Scott can't help himself because of the curse, his mama asked him to explain. He turned to her and said – `Well JR said I was FUCKING HOT, charismatic, generous and gorgeous so Scott doesn't stand a chance.' JR spit his bourbon out across the island and AJ asked him – did I miss quote you dad 2? Caleb was jumping around to be heard and when his dad finally picked him up he put his little hands on either side of his daddy's face and said – `daddy you said a bad wurd'. AJ smiled and apologized to his son and told him he would do better in the future. Caleb gave him a BIG kiss and said `I know daddy, we wuvs you anyway'. AJ handed Caleb to Mimi and asked her to change him and to check Conor while he finished dinner.

AJ ran into Scott when he turned around. He asked him if he was all right as he was acting strangely. Scott assured him he was great especially since his boyfriend is FUCKING HOT. With that he turned to go help Mimi. Dinner was taken out of the oven and served up on plates just as everyone came back into the kitchen. The family sat down for dinner and had a great time together. Great conversation, great food and great family. JR said he would clean up the kitchen after dinner as AJ did a great job with dinner. AJ said we are not done – dessert is coming. AJ got up and retrieved the Crème Brulé and the torch. He torched the tops of each desert, Caleb and Conor were fascinated with the fire. Once torched AJ added a small amount of whip cream, raspberries and blue berries. The adults loved the dessert and the kiddos needed a bit of help to get bites. They loved the fruit and whipped cream, they were not as wild about the Crème Brule, but did eat some of it too.

Mimi wanted to bath the boys, they played for 30+ minutes with Mimi in the tub. She got them out of the tub and tired mightily to get them in their PJs, but they were having none of that. They squirmed away from Mimi and came running into the family room, jumping around yelling presents, presents, presents. Papi said presents are tomorrow and Conor put his hands on his hips, looked at Papi and said – won present tonight, daddy said so – Caleb chimed in and backed his brother up. AJ stifled a laugh and looked at his boys – you know better than to be smart with Papi, you need to apologize and ask politely – Conor and Caleb looked at their feet and then up at Papi and said `we sowy. Daddy said we could have one pwesent tonight if we good.' Tears were running down the boys' faces and they turned to go to bed. Papi wiped his eyes and said – `hold it right there, Papi is sorry too, he didn't know Daddy said you could have a present tonight. Give Papi a hug and we'll get you each a present.' The boys hugged Papi and said they were sorry again. AJ directed them to tow identical packages under their special kid tree in the media room as those were the only presents under the tree at this point. They had huge smiles on their face and ripped the paper off – they were not very excited because they were new jammies and they wanted new toys.

AJ pulled them up to his lap and told them both those jammies were some that mommy bought before she went to heaven. There was one more present that mommy bought, but you will have to wait until tomorrow for those. Mimi tried to help get them in their PJs and AJ waived her off. There were only 3 more things that they were ever going to get from Sydney and he wanted to make sure this was just the three of them. With tears running down his face he took the boys into their bedroom, got them in their PJs and told them a very special story about their mom that would likely be told every Christmas Eve to keep their mom in their hearts. AJ tucked the boys in bed, kissed them on the head and left the room. He sunk to the floor outside their room and completely broke down, realizing once again this was a first that Syd would miss, then their first birthday in just a week. Fuck this was not fair.

AJ made his way into the family room – everyone could tell that he was in rough shape and they just asked how they could help get the things ready for the boys. AJ was barely holding it together at this point. He just asked that everyone put their presents under the tree and he was going to sit on the patio for a few minutes and pull himself together. Scott didn't know what to do, he figured today would be hard but when he saw this strong ass man crumble just now he was not sure he knew how to help him.

Mama pulled him aside – she asked Scott point blank `this is the one and only time I will ask you this so don't bullshit me – do you love my son and are you in this for the long haul?' Scott was caught off guard as he thought he had addressed this already – `Evelyn, no offense here but screw you. I told you that I love your son, I'm here for as long as HE will have me and that everyone else can fuck off for all I care. So ONE LAST TIME – I love that man with every part of my being, I would walk through fire for him, I would die for him so YES I am in it forever.'

Mama – kissed him on the cheek and told him I had to do something to snap you out of this daze you are in. You have this and honestly you are the only one who can help him right now when we are finished you need to go out there with a blanket and just hold him; you know his heart was truly broken and he picked you to help him heal. Just hold him for a moment and then make sure he knows you are ALL IN; he already knows that in his heart but I think it is also weighing on him he is able to move on but Syd can't. I know my son – he will respond and you WILL be able to pull him through. You to keep in mind that next week is going to be twice as hard – The boys were born on January 1st and Syd was there for that – now she is not and you 4 will be by yourself in North Carolina.

Next: Chapter 20

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