Finding Love After Incredible Loss

Published on Dec 16, 2022


Finding Love After Incredible Loss Chapter 26

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Finding love after incredible loss – Chapter 26

AJ held out his hand and let Scott slide an engagement ring on his finger and said – Absolutely now and forever – by the way I believe you are FUCKING HOT AS HELL TOO. Scott stood, he and AJ kissed long and hard. Gina and Eva hugged the two men congratulating them both – as they inspected AJ and Scott's rings the ladies chuckled and asked did you pick the rings out together? AJ and Scott looked at the rings, smiled and said no. Must be that old saying Great bodies think alike. JT said no guys that is Great minds think alike. Mo, Gina, Eva, Stephanie, Cheryl and anyone within arm shot smacked JT in the head and said duh dufus. TJ whispered in JTs ear – I agree with you bro, these guys are all nuts.

Gina and Kevin said another round of goodbyes and this time did leave.

More congratulations and hugs from everyone in attendance – Julie and Dave hugged AJ and said – we were surprised with your new significant other, but we have learned along the way as long it is best when you have an open heart and an open mind – love will surprise you and you will find it in the most unique places; so congratulations and make sure that when you move forward you invite us as you are part of the family.

Given the late hour Eva, Mat, Carrie and Maddie excused themselves but would see everyone for mama's birthday followed shortly after by Charlene and Elliot. At midnight AJ bid everyone a good night; after stripping down he took another quick shower to relax his tired muscles, as he was getting ready to turn the water off Scott slipped in behind him and pulled him tightly into his hard body. He chewed on AJ's ear lobe asking if he had a quickie left in him, to which he just moaned and shoved his ass into Scott's growing erection. Scott reached down and slowly stroked AJ's massive cock to full mast, spun him around and buried the entire thing in his well lubed ass in one push. Scott stifled his moan in order to not wake Caleb and Conor up who had been tucked in earlier by Evelyn and Charlene. Scott squeezed his ass tightly and rotated his hips, eliciting a deep growl from AJ; a hard deep fuck ensued where Scott shot two more loads timing the second with another huge load from AJ deep in his chute. AJ held Scott tightly against his chest and whispered – thank you I needed you so badly all night and this was the perfect way to end a spectacular evening. The two studs just stood together for several long minutes until AJ pulled his mostly soft member out of Scott's hole. They soaped each other up again, dried each other thoroughly, put on some loose shorts and crawled into bed with Conor and Caleb between them.

When Caleb and Conor woke up at 7 AM they jumped on Scott kissing him on the cheek asking him where's daddy. Scott just shook his head, hugged the boys changed their diapers and said let's go find him. They found AJ sitting at the counter drinking coffee, eating eggs & toast; they all hugged him and Caleb groaned you smell bad daddy. AJ grabbed his son and rubbed his face all over his belly, making Caleb giggle; AJ told him he had run 5 miles and made breakfast – eggs, pancakes and toast were staying warm in the oven. Mimi, Papi and JR are having breakfast in the dinning room; what do you boys want for breakfast? Pancakes with peanut butter were served with Mimi; Scott said he would help with the boys and that AJ should shower as he did kind of smell; AJ grabbed Scott's head and shoved his face into is arm pit; Scott grabbed AJ's balls and squeezed and AJ let up on his head enough to pull him into a kiss. He then chewed on his ear and whispered – you know you loved that don't pretend you don't love my odor.

Scott squeezed again and said – it's gross and AJ grabbed Scott's hard cock, winked and said sure it is, you love my stench just like I love yours when the ole man actually works out. That got another squeeze of his nuts; AJ said – The stud doth protest too much, methinks. Kissed him on the lips and said I'll go wash my manliness off now. Scott shook his head – he knew he was engaged to the energizer bunny; but damn, bed after midnight and up, run and breakfast by 7 AM – maybe he was getting old. Scott went to help with the boys. Sitting there talking with the parents he realized that he could still smell AJ in his nostrils and yes, he was still hard; fuck the little ass was right he did like his stink but he damn well would not admit that to him.

AJ was finishing up his shower thinking about shoving Scott's face into his sweaty pits. He knew immediately that Scott was hooked on his stench – he had a sharp intake of breath, his cock got hard instantly and when he called him on it his ears turned pink as he denied it. AJ was getting a bit hard thinking about the fact that Scott was turned on by him – he was always amazed at how in synch they were, how hard they made each other and the utter ecstasy he saw on his face when he shot his load. The look on his face did remind him of Syd's – he realized the other day that he was still a bit screwed up because of the sexual assault he suffered when he was 13, but he so loved making his partners enjoy themselves. The pain he endured made anal very problematic for him, but he was working on that and focusing on Scott's enjoyment and it was getting better and he was willing to do anything to ensure they had a great time during sex. A work in progress for sure. He was stroking his cock when he remembered that he needed to have JR head to the bakery and pick up his order for his mom's birthday – he was trying to kill two birds with one stone on this one. He quickly stroked one out, dried off and dressed in sweats and a t-shirt.

He made his way out to the kitchen for another cup of coffee, where he ran into Scott. He gave him a lopsided grin which elicited a chuckle from Scott and a what are you up too? Nothing stud – just thinking about you lying to me about how you did not like my stink. Scott tried to play it off as AJ was nuts, but his ears turned pink again; AJ chuckled and called him out again – he whispered into his ear `I know you love my stink, you were rock hard and your tell was readily apparent when you tried to deny it, so I got you buster'. AJ stuck his tongue in Scott's ear and growled at him, which sent a shiver down Scott's spine and directly to his cock which was hard again and AJ squeezed it hard just as Teddy walked into the kitchen and gave the boys a hug. Teddy told the two of them good morning and for goodness sake get a room. Scott started to protest and Teddy laughed loudly then whispered – buddy you are stiff as a board and are going to poke someone's eye out with that big ole thing.

Teddy reached around and squeezed AJ's cock which was not stiff at all, Teddy chided Scott with at least your man had the decency to rub one out before coming into the kitchen. AJ's tell of looking down was apparent and Teddy whispered, dude you did rub one out in the shower you horny little shit. Scott grabbed his brother's cock and said – hmmm all this cock talk has got you chubbing up too; Teddy countered at least I have underwear on and it is not sticking straight out. Becca grabbed her husband's ass and told him to leave the youngsters alone – they can't help it if they are perpetually horny.

AJ kissed all three of the Reed's and headed for papa Reed, who was looking for an exit as he saw AJ's gaze focused on him directly. AJ sauntered up and said – so dad why so nervous, I thought Captain Reed would not look to run with a 21-year-old walks into a room. JR shook his head looked AJ in the eye and said I've watched you in action already this morning; both Teddy and Scott are bumbling baboons because you wound their crank and I'm wary of anyone who can so easily get my boys off balance when they are normally not that easily intimidated and all of this before 8 AM and on only one cup of coffee. So son, what can I do for you this morning?

AJ tried to play up the innocent and hurt act; mom why is everyone picking on me already this morning, I have done absolutely nothing wrong to JR yet and he is acting like I am the devil incarnate. Evelyn chuckled and said I'm glad you clarified that you have done nothing to JR yet as I have noticed you giving Scott and Teddy grief already and I'm sure at some point you will be after JR. AJ huffed and said – I have been working my butt off for this family and that's all the thanks I get, well I guess you don't need your sweet treats for your party. Conor, Caleb let's go put your new puzzles together; AJ grabbed his boys and headed out to the family room to play.

Teddy and Becca walked in with plates of food and noticed JR sitting there with his mouth open and Becca called out – dad you are going to have a fly land in that open mouth of yours, what's up. JR stuttered and said I believe I offended AJ; Scott laughed at his dad openly as he entered the dining room – saying in all sincerity I love that man with all my heart, but there is absolutely no way to offend him. Watch yourself he is up to something. Teddy interrupted, I overheard what you said and I think you better apologize. JR was now very confused but stood and went in search of AJ.

Evelyn returned to the dining room – she shook her head and said Scott you are right you can't offend AJ, you can piss him off but I think you all know what that looks like as well, so what are you all up to? Teddy looked at Evelyn like he got his hand caught in the cookie jar again when he responded – Evelyn, I'm only up to supporting AJ – it's obvious he has an agenda for my dad, he is being too smooth this morning. That said, my dad needs to loosen up and I'm pretty sure the man to help with that is AJ. Scott laughed out loud – Teddy you have no idea what you are encouraging here and whatever this is, if it blows up you will be standing right next to AJ taking your punishment. Teddy shook his head – Scott yee have little faith in the Tasmanian Devil and he is your fiancé after all.

JJ spoke up at this point – you boys are terrible. Scott you know how quick AJ is and how his mind works, are you sure you want your dad to be on the receiving end of that? Teddy spoke up quickly – ABSOLUTELY, Scott said yes, Becca agreed as well. Teddy continued – our mom pass 7+ years ago and dad has had a stick up his ass since then – he doesn't go out, he doesn't have fun, he sits around the house when he is not working. I'm sure AJ is the man to get him off balance and maybe pull that large stick out of his ass. Evelyn and JJ said – I hope you all are right.

AJ had JR on the hook; he knew it when he left the dining room and it was easily confirmed when he walked into the family room. JR stood just inside the family room hoping AJ would talk first, but that did not happen; if JR could have seen the smile on AJ's face he would have known something was up. JR cleared his throat and AJ turned toward him with a completely masked face and stared at him, which made JR more uncomfortable. There was an audience just around the corner listening intently. JR started in on his apology – AJ I'm sorry if I came across harsh earlier, you have done nothing but be nice to me, include me in things and make me feel as part of this family as anyone has a right to feel.

AJ knew he would do what he was going to ask – JR you know I'm having a birthday party for my mom today. I have not spent any time with my sons and I was hoping that someone I trust would go and get my order at the bakery. I can't ask my dad as my mom would want to go and let's face it, the rest of these baboons running around here would just drop the ball. JR chuckled and said – son you are starting to overplay your hand, so before this shit gets any thicker, yes, I will go pick up the order and no I'm not buying that someone else couldn't do this and will try and trust that you are not trying to get one over on me. AJ smiled – touché; as I started in on the baboons, I knew I had gone too far, so thank you for helping me out. AJ handed JR a piece of paper with the address and directions on it.

As JR left, everyone moved in on AJ – what's up, what are you doing, why are you winding dad up? AJ looked at the crowd around him and shook his head, what is wrong with you all? Teddy started in – I'm nervous as your mom and dad convinced me that I should not have supported you in winding my dad up. I was hoping you were after him to get him out of his comfort zone and maybe get him to live his life again, but now I don't know. Scott looked at Teddy and told him to grow a pair.

AJ shook his head again and said you all need to get lives – there is nothing nefarious going on here. Evelyn and JJ spoke up – we know you son and there is something up. You are working an angle or something. AJ was getting pissed now but tried to maintain his cool. Ok so who thinks I'm working an angle? There were a lot of hands in the air. More than I thought, but you know what – I honestly don't care if you think I up to something or not. This situation is between me and JR and the rest of you can butt the hell out.

JJ was annoyed now and started in on dad mode – listen here you are messing with people's lives her and you need to quit meddling. AJ stood up – anyone under the age of 20 or anyone who does not want to get caught in the crossfire would you please head into the media room and turn on a kid's movie for me. Chandler / Amanda, would two you take Conor and Caleb with you and watch them until I come in there and get them. There was a lot of chatter, but the kids all headed to the media room. AJ stood still with his back to his parents and simmered until the door was closed. Once the door was closed, he turned on his heels and began – if you do not want to be part of the mess that is coming the game room, guest house or pool house will give you an escape. Anyone other than JJ and Evelyn are free to leave. Several folks left.

I was going to do this in private after mom's birthday celebration, but you two have made that impossible. JJ started to interrupt, but AJ stared at him and said – oh no you don't you will not lawyer me right now, you will sit there and listen to me and hear me for a change. Mom don't start.

Gina and Kevin walked in right at this moment – Gina asked what the hell is going on? AJ looked at her and said, gloves are off and I'm done being the placatory – Gina yelled rock on baby brother.

You two have 5 children, 11 grandchildren with one on the way and you have abdicated your role as my parents to Gina – that may be harsh, but when I was growing up and I had a bump, a bruise, was bullied for being small, was raped, lost my wife and in general fell apart you both flew by like two passengers in a helicopter.

Stephanie said – AJ that's not fair, but Gina cut her off before she could continue – you and Cheryl were married with kids when AJ started school and he was only 10 when JT went to college so none of you were there so, please get off your high horse and listen to AJ – his life has not been this glorious picnic the three of you are so fond of portraying it to be. I was there for every day of it and did everything I could to help him, but I was a little girl too. You three forget that until AJ was 14 he was the smallest kid in his class, he was awkward, uncoordinated, was picked on day in and day out. Mom and dad were working and were tired after the four of us and AJ was always such a light no one ever stopped to see that the glow was getting dimmer and dimmer every fucking day. I have one question for everyone in this family and if you lie to me, I will kick your fucking ass – who here knew AJ was raped repeatedly from just before his 13th birthday until he was almost 14? Go on mother fuckers, raise you hands. Oh, that's right not one of you cock sucking mother fuckers took the time to see that your baby brother was dying a little more every day and try as I might I could not get him to tell me who it was until I asked him what he wanted for his 14th birthday and he said he wanted to feel clean again. I told him the only way that would happen is if he told me who raped him. He did and I confronted the bastard – told him if I caught him near my brother ever again, I would cut him up into small pieces and no one would ever find him. He laughed at me, I kicked him in the nuts with my pointed boots rupturing one of his nuts. Done and done. So, I will say it again – you all need to shut the fuck up and take your licking here and now.

Next: Chapter 27

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