Finding Love After Incredible Loss

Published on Dec 25, 2022


Finding Love After Incredible Loss Chapter 33

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Finding love after incredible loss – Chapter 33

By the way that shit was fucking awesome – I love it when you make me cum. Scott squeeze AJ's balls hard and said `I hate you, ass' pulled his hand out of his underwear and licked the cum from his hand, turned and left the closet. AJ called out – you don't hate me, you love me and you know it. Shut it you horny little shit, move it Mr.

AJ just stood there contemplating his man's perfect fucking ass and got an erection almost instantly – fuck that man has the best ass I have ever watched walk away from me. AJ yelled – Scott come here for just a second; Scott poked his head in and said – Ok asshole you told Eva we were coming right over, you need to get dressed. AJ smiled shyly, Scott was thinking he could get his way with a dyke lesbian in a harem of lesbians with that damn look, I need your help and he looked down at his cock; it was at full mast again. Scott laughed out loud and said, damn son doyou have a switch on that thing or what – AJ turned a little red and said, no it was your fine ass that did this to me. Scott looked confused – when you walked out, little AJ wanted to play with his friend; Scott shook his head and said his friend is heading to the truck, either you will be there in 3 minutes or I am going with dad. AJ whined, but...

As AJ was pulling out with JR in the front of the truck; Scott ran out and opened the passenger door. He crawled over JR before he could remove his seatbelt; unfortunately, his knee came in direct contact with JR's nuts causing some pain. Scott said – 3 minutes not 5 so you need to get out; JR groaned sit your ass down you are not putting your knee in my nuts again. AJ apologized to JR and asked him he wanted him to rub them for him as he reached his hand to JR's crotch. JR smacked his hand – as Scott says lookey no touchey. AJ looked to Scott with puppy dog eyes and all he got was a cuff to the side of the head – dude that's my dad leave his junk alone. AJ batted his eyes; it's your fault you're the one who left little AJ all stiff and wound up. JR glanced at AJ's crotch and said damn son you left him with an erection that's not nice at all; Scott groaned and shoved his hand under his dad's nose and said that is from me taking care of an erection I can't help it if he is perpetually horny and hard. JR shook his head, looking at the boys he started – ok I know I have made some overatures to AJ in the past and in all reality, they were highly inappropriate so I apologize for me being a horny man with some less than straight tendencies that pushed the boundaries with his son-in-law. That said moving forward there will be no further sexual overtures between any of us which include but are not limited to – ogling naked flesh, especially after or during sex, touching or offering to touch one's balls whether or not you injured them, patting, touching, squeezing of the ass, putting a cum (dried or wet) covered hand under another's nose, oral stimulation of any kind, other items to be determined over time. Will we all agree to this? 3 yeses were heard and AJ reached over and squeezed JR's nipple. JR indicated the first addition will be squeezing, pinching, licking or biting of the nipples. AJ pouted and said I guess I deserve that one; Scott laughed out loud and put his hand on his lovers cock – I believe I need to put some ice down there to get you to cool down. AJ tittered at Scott – no just stop touching it or wiggling that fine ass of yours at me when I'm nearly naked. JR chimed in – I knew there was more to the story than AJ JUST being perpetually horny; Scott, you did leave him hanging and no I don't need to smell your dried cum covered fingers.

Scott sang out – we're here, enough about AJ's cock and your sexually frustrating rules. Scott bounded out of the truck, JR and AJ hurried to catch up; AJ reached around Scott pulling him into a hug, he let his hand drift toward Scott's crotch, but Scott intercepted it. AJ stated – you're an ass, you're hard as a rock and you are making fun of me being perpetually horny. With that AJ ground his mostly hard cock into Scott's hard ass sending an electrical charge from the contact directly to Scott's cock and balls. AJ chewed on Scott's ear whispering – you are in so much trouble. Scott though to himself – I'm going to pay with a 12+ hour hard on and he is not going to let me out of his sight to rub one out – fuck that man turns my crank way to easily. I can't believe I am so mo for this guy – I was a straight guy 7+ months ago and now I get hard just smelling that man's scent or hearing his voice or feeling a touch, shiiiiittttt. Scott came back to reality with AJ telling Eva, yeah Scott's been acting weird today, I think it's because I make him hard – with that out there AJ lifted Scott's jacked exposing his hard cock. Scott sputtered – look at him he's got a boner too. Eva looked at the front of AJ's jeans and then back at Scott – dude if he had a boner it would be sticking out the top of his jeans or halfway down his leg – I've seen it hard before and that is certainly not hard. Eva hugged Scott and said thanks for letting us come over – AJ was behind Eva sticking his tongue out at Scott. Scott had to figure out how he could do that go from hard to soft and soft to hard in a nano second – there was so much he had to figure out about Aaron Jonathan O'Brien.

The 7 travelers were back over at AJ and Scott's in under an hour. Everyone was set up with a room – Carrie, Maddie, Caleb and Conor would be in one room and Eva and Mat would take another. Brent and Chase would take the office and Brett & Steve would join AJ & Scott, but everyone was to think they were sleeping in the media room. Since Steve had asked and Scott was good with it – AJ & Scott would tag team Brett & Steve given they had a few days before they would be leaving.

The moms – Evelyn, Charlene and Eva offered to make lunch and Brent offered to help. Everyone else was scattered around the house relaxing and hanging out. AJ was in the office online looking for vehicles given they would likely not arrive with enough time to look around. When he had it narrowed down to the two he wanted to get he asked Scott to join him. Scott pulled up a chair and AJ brought up a browser that had two hot guys standing next to each other without shirts on – he hit play and the light brown-haired man with a big cock was ramming his cock into the dark haired mans ass who had the remnants of his police uniform just off his ass with the shirt and rest of the equipment on the floor. AJ chuckled to himself and said – oh sorry that's not what I wanted to show you. Scott muttered – fucking dick as AJ massaged his hard cock through his jeans, eliciting a throaty moan from Scott. Scott said I hoped you were going to be an adult about this – AJ feigned innocence – I am being an adult – sweety don't you know that kids don't watch porn or grope a 25-year old's huge hard cock?

Scott chuckled – he was thinking to himself that this is 5 or 6 rounds to AJ since they had returned from Eva's and every time he thought he had AJ where he had the upper hand, he would give him a horny stare, place his hand in the middle of his back and rub gently with his thumb in circles or put his arm around his shoulder where his pit smell would waft to his nose and he was instantly hard as a rock. His balls were starting to hurt.

AJ leaned in and sweetly kissed him on the cheek – just when he thought he was being a nice guy he said you know we will have to be somewhat quiet tonight when we fuck Steve and Brett, right? Then he thumbed Scott's leaking cock and brought the moist thumb to his lips – fucker. Scottt moaned – asshole.

AJ cheerily went on with here is the page I was looking to show you – I'm thinking about this SUV – 2006 Land Rover Range Rover and I know you like having a pickup around as well – I was thinking that we should get you the Ford as it fits your age bracket – ole man or if you wanted to get a younger guy ride the Dodge Ram Quad or Mega Cab would be studly. Scott was muttering to himself at this point and his frustration boiled over – whatever you want it's your money. He stood up to leave and AJ grabbed his belt and pulled him down into his lap and held him there. What the hell was that all about? Scott was pissed – you keep calling me ole man and it's getting old, AJ couldn't help it a chuckle slipped out. Scott said fuck you and struggled to his feet – AJ knew the laugh was a dick move, but the rest was well within bounds so he stood up and pushed his hips forward and drove Scott into the desk and pushed his hips down and slid his ass back – scott was not sitting on the desk with AJ's thighs pressed up against the desk between his widespread legs.

AJ was now as pissed as Scott – this shit was ridiculous especially given all the `kid', `kiddo', `young', `youngin', `are you legal', etc. he heard from Scott and the rest of the family. Ok what crawled up your ass to have you stomp out of here like Caleb and Conor? Scott fired back you, you little fucker. Ok – what's good for thee is not good for me? Scott said absolutely not, I'm tired of all the old man crap, the sexual nonsense and you being a general prick today. Ok I'll give you one of the three – sexual nonsense I'm not sure I would classify it as such but maybe I'm being a little naughty keeping you hard without a release for the 6+ hours but I told you it was coming. Don't interrupt, you threw 3 things at me and I'm going to address them from perspective and then you can rebut, we are not going to have a blow up we are going to be adults about this; as far as old man crap – I thought that was our thing; not necessarily pet names but a good natured ribbing; I will stop playfully referring to you as an ole man, but with that YOU will stop with the opposite affectionate referrals; you just called me a LITTLE fucker. General prick – I have no idea what you are referring to – if I have offended you and been a prick, I need more information cause I don't see it. I have ogled, touched, pinched, teased, loved, squeezed, kidded, give as good as I got, shot a load that you jacked out of me and in general thought had a GREAT day with the one person in this world I want to wake up next to every day for the rest of my life – so please enlighten me.

The wind now out of his sails – Scott tried to keep his fire – old man is way worse than little fucker – AJ visibly flinched with this comment. Being 25, not married, no kids, law school dropout and engaged to someone 4 years younger makes me feel old and not part of everything you are doing. Every time you say that it feels like you are throwing all of that in my face. Before Scott could continue, AJ interrupted – first and foremost, thank you for voicing your insecurities and I will no longer use the old man vernacular. Regarding the little fucker comment not being as bad, I call BULLSHIT; you, my siblings and a large number of people in my family I feel as though I am discounted at every turn and still sitting at the kids table at Thanksgiving. I have tried to change that perception and my reaction to it. Here is my perspective on it – I have only gotten through 3.5 years of college, I got my wife pregnant when I was 19, lost my wife @20 and have been generally fucking things up just as any kid would. So, we both have insecurities about age and for good reasons – we will both have to be aware.

Now for the general prick comment – help me understand where that is coming from. Scott sighed and put his head on AJ's shoulder, his voice caught as he started to speak. AJ hugged him tight and said – I'll say it again `you are the person I want to spend the rest of my days waking up next to', the only way that is going to work is if we communicate, so talk to me. Scott tried again – ok we were supposed to be on our way to NC and then all of a sudden we are stuck here with our family, we `knock on the door', AJ stated – if this is not about Caleb or Conor go away and we will find you in a few minutes; Charlene stated all's good we can chat in a bit. We have only had 5 days together as a family, Scott paused and looked down and my balls are blue, my cock is hard and I'm sexually frustrated. AJ openly laughed at Scott –

I'm really sorry about laughing, but let me ask you a question – has there ever been a time since we started having sex that I have left you hanging and not made sure you and your lovely balls were totally and utterly drained, I personally don't remember one? I know that prior to that first night you were sniffing around for a few months and maybe your hand wasn't good enough, but that would be on you. Scott shook his head and AJ pulled his face up to look him in the eye – I will make certain that you blow as many loads after we go to bed as you feel is necessary but as I said earlier you are going to be hard and perpetually horny until then so get the fuck over yourself.

So, to close this conversation – we are both insecure about age related comments and we will do better to NOT poke fun at those areas, correct. Scott nodded and AJ shook his head, more words please – you are correct I will not participate in the agism stuff, wink and a kiss. So are you good with the Range Rover and the Dodge Mega Cab? Range Rover absolutely and let me read some on the Dodge and I'll let you know. AJ said ok, you have the time it takes for me to talk to the Land Rover dealer. AJ got on the phone and asked for the sales manager; he talked with him about Range Rovers he had on the lot, features and options. He sent him two links to look at the inventory, which AJ opened on his laptop and selected the one he wanted. Now what are you asking? The response was more than AJ was willing to pay and he told him so and the sales manager said – that's all I can do, AJ thanked him for his time and said he was going to call the dealership in Raleigh and Greensboro and wished him a nice afternoon. AJ disconnected the call and was on the phone with the Greensboro dealership and found a vehicle that had a couple of additional option that the Cary dealers did not, as far as price he was starting at the same point, but was offering a 10,000 discount if AJ agreed now and had funds wired by noon tomorrow; AJ agreed and thanked him for his time. When he hung up he had a message from the Cary dealer with a 4k discount offered; AJ rang him back and let him know that he appreciated the updated pricing but that he had closed on a deal with Greensboro for a more option rich vehicle and at a price that was 6k below what he was offering.

AJ hung up and Scott said – I'm in on the Dodge Mega Cab. AJ called the sales manager in Greensboro back and asked if they had a sister dealership that sold Dodge Ram 1500 Mega Cabs and he said they did not, but he was very good friends with the Dodge Dealership Sales Manage and would have him call AJ immediately, he would also encourage him to be generous with a discount as the customer was paying cash and would easily take his business elsewhere.

15 minutes later AJ had an email from the sales manager with 3 pickups, he and Scott looked through them all and the two top end pickups would be great they would prefer the black one, but the silver would work as well – whichever had the better deal as they were identical except exterior color. Scott left to see what Charlene needed and 10 minutes after the email arrived the sales manager was on the phone – AJ talked with him and the pricing was originally the same, but the silver truck had been on the lot longer and he would give AJ a 6k discount on that truck and only a 4k on the black one. AJ bought the black one as Scott really wanted that one. An invoice would be on its way before they left and AJ would have money wired as soon as he could. Both vehicles would be at he airport on Sunday when they arrived – the sales managers both wanted to meet the new addition to North Carolina – they were intrigued by someone spending over 100k on vehicles without meeting the person selling it to them.

The Range Rover invoice came in and AJ sent it over to his personal banker to get paid ASAP – the funds were transferred in 30 minutes. The Ram invoice came in shortly after the Range Rover's and it was sent over to the personal banker and those funds went out at the same time. AJ left the office to join his family.

Next: Chapter 34

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