Finding Love After Incredible Loss

Published on Dec 25, 2022


Finding Love After Incredible Loss Chapter 35

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Finding love after incredible loss – Chapter 35

AJ hugged Scott and said fuck it I don't want to deal with the drama – he quickly wrote a note and placed it on the kitchen counter and they headed to the hospital. AJ drove his Tahoe with the boys in the back, he held Scott's hand who raised their hands to his mouth and Scott kissed it saying I love you with all my heart.

When they walked through the doors they were met by the head ER nurse and the attending physician they had met with last time. They were taken back to a room immediately; Conor's wound was inspected and nothing was obvious so they had an Xray done. The Xray showed a small shard of glass still in his leg which needed to be removed and a shot of high dose antibiotics would be given. The plastic surgeon Dr. E came in and talked with AJ and Scott – the decision was to put Conor out to keep the mental trauma down; he would need to stay until he was out of anesthesia for a few hours. Conor went in for surgery, Scott and AJ sat in the waiting room with Caleb asleep across the two young men. The procedure took a little longer than expected as Dr. E took some extra time to flush the wound and hopefully get rid of some of the infection and ensure there were no other particles in there. Conor was awake in his room at around 6:30 AM when AJs phone range – it was Evelyn for an update – which AJ provided. He said that they would all be home at around noon as Dr. E wanted to keep an eye on Conor to make sure he was good to go.

When AJ disconnected the call, he leaned into Scott and said – I'll bet you they will be here in 20 minutes and Scott said – no my guess is 5 minutes as I bet they called from the hospital reception area. Sure, enough they were downstairs, but the nurses would not give out Conor's room number – they did not want to cross AJ. Scott's phone rang this time about 10 minutes later, Evelyn was asking what room they were in as the nurses would not give out the number. Scott chuckled and gave them the room number. When he hung up, he kissed AJ and said we were both right – they would have been here in 5 minutes, but the nurses are afraid of you so they would not give out Conor's room number. Roughly 20 minutes after the first all Evelyn, JJ, Elliott and Charlene walked into Conor's room with stuffed animals and balloons – eliciting a groan from AJ. Charlene told him to be quiet a sick boy needs gifts and AJ did an orchestra move with his right hand and Caleb asked where his were – he was up all night worried about Cono. AJ shook his head and took a deep breath because he knew there were gifts for him too, which Charlene and Evelyn produced. Scott stood up and massaged his lover's neck – it was his turn to relax his lover AJ did an awesome job last night this was something he oul ddo in the moment of parental overreach. Scott leaned into AJs ear and whispered 2 days baby, 2 days hang in there. Evelyn shot the two of them a dagger stare and AJ gave his angel face, which smoothed it over for the moment.

AJ excused himself, stepped into the hall and dialed Dr. E. When he answered AJ groaned out – help me, please let me take Conor home, the hospital is not going to want this mad house here and before he finished that sentence – Mat, Eva, Carrie, Maddie, Chase, Brent, Brett, Steve, JR, Miranda and Amber walked around the corner toward Conor's room. AJ turned away and groaned out fuck me before his brain engaged; he said Dr. E. I'm sorry that was my tire frustration seeping out – we now have 15 visitors and the four of us for 19 people with gifts for Conor and Caleb in his room. The staff is going to stay away given Gran's position what do I need to do to get him release so I can have my sanity back? I start med school next Tuesday and I'm going to be a crazy man that will not make it past week 1.

When AJ turned around, Dr. E. was walking toward AJ, they disconnected the call; Dr. E. peaked in the room and asked AJ to come to the nurses' station – he asked the nurse to get updated vitals and he would be filling out the discharge paperwork and would release him to go home if vitals were good. He took out his prescription pad and wrote – for daddies of Conor – one bottle of wine, 2 glasses and time behind closed doors and handed it to AJ who chuckled; we will definitely follow these instructions tonight. Dr. E. said no – when you get home and winked. The nurse came back and said there are 18 people in that room – the vitals are remarkably good given surgery and that many people bouncing around in there, they conferred and printed discharge paperwork, AJ signed it and Dr. E. grabbed a wheel chair – told AJ to sit and he wheeled him down to the room, picked up Caleb placing him on his dad's lap, disconnected Conor from all the monitors and the IV, put him on daddy's lap and turned without saying a word wheeling AJ and the boys to the elevator, Scott slipped in just before the doors closed and the guys were on the way home before anyone realized that they had been released.

AJ, Scott, Conor and Caleb arrived home a short time later and Conor asked for pancakes – chocolate, peanut butter and nanas, Caleb said same but no nanas. As the boys were eating everyone else arrived home – Evelyn and Charlene were annoyed and started in on AJ. AJ just looked at them and said Dr. E. said he something he needed to do and when they wound up at the entrance they were just as surprised. Charlene looked at AJ and said you can't bullshit a bullshitter; we were there until a cleaning crew came in you could have called us from the lobby. Angelic look and a I'm sorry I thought they were telling you, if it happens again, I'll make sure you know but isn't it great to have the little man home? Focus diverted and Scott shaking his head – he whispered into his man's ear you could charm the habit off of a nun. AJ shook his head and said my love you give me way too much credit for my powers of persuasion. Scott argued that when he put his mind to it people just let things go and went with his direction, it was a little scary, cool, fascinating and awe inspiring all at once. AJ shoved him in the shoulder and said, Scott get on your knees and give me a blow job right here and now. Scott dropped to his knees and started pulling out AJ's growing cock, when AJ grabbed his wrist and reprimanded him, Scott tried to feign, what's happening how did I get down here, but now that I am and he lunged forward at AJ's crotch causing the other to grab a handful of hair – such a bloody comedian, fucker. AJ turned to leave with Scott calling, darling I love you where are you going, what did I do, I was just trying to please you. Chase through after – on his knees in the kitchen, I'm sure he just needed a little bit of protein from the sausage and eggs. Chase high fived Scott.

AJ was at the table playing with the boys, watching the drama unfolding in the kitchen. He had been cooking bacon and ham when Scott started his little attempt at acting, which had his moms and dads not been there he surely would have shoved his cock into that hot mouth and down that sweet ass throat, fuck not the point. Caleb pointed to the kitchen saying smoke daddy, AJ said Scott and Chase would take care of it. Conor turned and screamed fiwe, fiwe getting everyone's attention on him as they were not all adept at Conor and Caleb `C&C' speak. Scott looked to AJ for help and when none was forth coming, he asked pointedly, do you care to share what the issue is. AJ mockingly said – well with you two smart, handsome and FUNNY guys in the kitchen, I assumed that you are staying in there and me leaving you realized that you were taking over cooking duties – Chase looked to his left and yelled – FIRE. AJ chuckled; out of the mouths of idiots, turning to C&C – Scott and Chase finally pulled their heads out and will deal with the fire. Out of the corner of his eye he realized that was not happening; so, he jumped up and turned off the burner and covered the pan with a cookie sheet that was sitting on the counter. He opened the window above the sink to let it air out and as he was opening the window next to the table – Evelyn and Charlene asked him what the hell he burnt. AJ fumed – Scott and Chase were chatting it up in the kitchen and not watching what was going on while I was feeding your grand babies that you two left on their own to make a mess, so grannies go back to what you were doing. Charlene looked at Scott saying, you know as a parent to those boys smoke is not good for them so you will need to pay attention when you are in the kitchen; AJ won't always be there to clean up your mess; she and Evelyn turned to leave with smirks on their faces – but Evelyn did call out and when you try to embarrass your partner by pulling his dick out in the kitchen you should make sure you don't have an audience of old people. Scott stood in the kitchen red faced and mouth open; Chase was openly laughing at him.

AJ had made his way back into the kitchen and cuffed Chase in the head, Brent asked as he reached for the coffee what his boy had done this time. Chase whined that he had done absolutely nothing, it was all Scott's fault. AJ cuffed him again and said first of all – when Scott was trying to prove a point by blowing me in the kitchen and I was having none of it, you joined in on the ribbing and then you and your cohort there were just chatting it up while you stood next to the range where bacon and ham were cooking and then catching on fire; so nothing is a bit of a stretch. Brent agreed but went back to the blow job part – what they hell were you thinking Scott – kids and old people are all over this house. AJ spoke up – I'm not defending him for that but he was trying to prove a point – he believes that I have some power of persuasion over people when I really want to. Brent looked at Chase and then back to AJ – ok so how did that fact lead to a blow job in a house full of people. A frustrated AJ that was the point of the blow job; if you would have let me finish you would have understood – anyway Scott was going on about me batting my eyes at Charlene who was pissed at us and when I was done, she kissed me and said it was not a big deal, don't interrupt, I then looked at Scott and said if I am such a master – Scott on your knees and blow me. He dropped to his knees trying to look all doe eyed and under my spell, which he was not he was being an ass.

Steve had heard the whole recount and piped up – you do have an uncanny ability to get other people to calm down, let you off the hook and do things that most of us can't get others to do. Don't interrupt, Steve winked at AJ, other examples from today – you convinced a renowned surgeon to release your son from the hospital, what 1 hour after surgery when he wanted to keep him for a minimum of 6 and maybe over night; you have every nurse in that hospital doing your bidding to keep friends and family at bay which they would not do for us mere mortals and you have kept your entire family from ripping your head off because you left us at the hospital for 30 minutes waiting for you boys to get back from what we all believed were some tests on Conor. Steve stepped closer, lowering his voice he continued with – you convinced Scott to join you in having sex with me and Brett – something he was dead set against. Chase piped in – if you two are having sex with them you are having sex with me and Brent. AJ raised his voice – I argued against it; Scott wants it so I reluctantly agreed. Scott shook his head and offered that is a bit of revisionist history – AJ, you came to me and asked the question – are you good with letting Brett and Steve sleep with us tonight and I said that could get awkward as they both want to have sex with you. You winked at me and said that would be part of it – we would fuck them silly. Initially I said – no, but you persisted with the whole we haven't had gay sex with anyone but each other and shouldn't we experiment, yada yada yada – I relented and don't take offense to this but the reason I did was you had this peaceful kid at Christmas time talking to Santa about what he wants for Christmas look on your face and it melted this old man's heart.

Brent piped in – Bingo that is exactly what gets your skanky ass out of trouble all the time. Steve agreed and asked Brent – do you remember during hell week we were all dragging ass and Mr. Cute Ass here had the Sr. members helping him move the carpet cleaning equipment around for him – I think he said something about it was heavy and he needed help, hands by his face, head tilted and the puppy eyes – Craig just smiled and said he would help to make sure our wittle boy didn't hurt himself. AJ tried to protest that one, but the recount was absolutely 100% accurate so his snappy come back was – well fuck you very much and my ass isn't skanky and you damn well know it as you have been staring at it non-stop for over 6 years since the first day we met; yes, I saw you checking out the goods back then. Brent chuckled and lifted AJs sweatshirt and they all stared at his ample ass. Knock it off you nasty as dicks – that ass is taken. So, Scott sauntered over hugged AJ, reached around and lifted his sweatshirt and lowered his sweatpants – his big, beautiful, hard as granite ass was covered by a tight pair of red trunks. AJ just looked at Scott and whispered – if I didn't love you so much, I'd hurt you for that one; he leaned in and kissed him full on those gorgeous full lips of his, sliding his tongue between them and wrestling with him in his mouth. He continued to make out with Scott holding his ass on display; the mood was broken as Brett came in to get coffee chortling – get a room and then holy shit that is a spectacular ass at which point Scott grabbed it with both hands and said definitively over AJ's shoulder to the guys in the kitchen – there will be no sex between us and any combination of you four. For now, he is mine and I am his and after last night's session we have so much to explore together, at some point in the future if you are still up for it we can talk about it. Brett poured his coffee, kissed Steve deeply grinding his meat into his lover's hard dick – whispering in his ear so I'm not the only one that sprouted wood as a result of those twin mounds of flesh. Steve chuckled and nodded at Brent and Chase who obviously were sporting boners as well. Brett quipped to Scott – so buddy it's the future are you up to share? Scott threw a biscuit and bounced it off Brett's head, Brett picked it up, blew it off and said your wasting damn good biscuits you heathen. Scott flipped him the bird kissed AJ again and massaged that fine ass – AJ broke away and told Scott unless he wanted to be fucked up against the counter, he needed to stop teasing him and Scott traced his finger up AJ's crack. Scott unexpectedly found himself pinned up against the island with AJs hard cock pushed into his crack. JR and Eva walked into the kitchen with four coffee mugs, they looked at all the faces staring at them; Eva said directly what are you up to, I can tell you all just got caught with your hand in the cookie jar. No one said anything, the only thing that changed was that AJ wrapped his beefy arms around Scott's chest pulling him back for a sweet kiss.

JR looked skeptical – AJ what is going on? AJ kissed Scott's cheek and said – we were just talking about the future; we have all known each other for years and we, AJ squeezed Scott and tilted his head forward into Scott's head, are leaving Sunday for at least 3 years; a lot can change. JR squeezed the boys shoulders, kissed them on the cheek and whispered so only AJ could hear – thank you he's in a MUCH better mood today patted his ass. He and Eva left for the media room where the other adults and kids were playing. Once they were believed to be out of ear shot – Brent stated emphatically `I rest my case, you are the quintessential spinner of tales, AKA bullshit'. AJ put on his best offended face and looked at Brent – that was not what just happened; I genuinely have been thinking about leaving for points clear across the country and missing you 4. I'm not sure that I will have 4 pervy friends there that all lust after my ass like you do, who all have my back, would do anything for each other without hesitation I am going to miss you guys. The 4 guys hugged AJ – Scott piped up you all are suckers; he may have been thinking that at some point in the last 2 weeks, but he was using it to hide the fact that his cock is wedged in my ass and he really wants to pull my sweats down and fuck me silly. AJ shook his head and said – way to ruin a moment dear.

Next: Chapter 36

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