Finding Love After Incredible Loss

Published on Dec 25, 2022


Finding Love After Incredible Loss Chapter 37

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Finding love after incredible loss – Chapter 37

AJ navigated to a grand old home in the Forest Hills area of Durham NC. AJ pulled up large home with a sold sign in the yard and a nicely dressed younger man standing on the front steps. He came to the cars and asked if he could help; AJ took the boys out of their seats and the bags out of the trunk; Ian kneeled down to the boys' level introducing himself and letting them know they were now home. The boys grabbed Scott's legs, almost tripping him, hiding behind them. Scott looked cautiously at Ian and cocked an eyebrow at AJ who had retrieved the luggage – dear what did you do? AJ looked at Scott with a grin, I bought a house. AJ hugged Ian and asked if he would roll the bags in for them so he could grab a kid; Ian did and headed for the door. Scott was now mocking AJ – `I bought a house', well no shit I figured that out when we pulled up to a house with a sold sign in the front yard and you pulling luggage out of the car. I thought we had a leased home that the dean found for you.

AJ had a lopsided grin on his face – well when we got back together and I realized you were coming here I was in a good mood and Ian helped me find this house. Ian started in describing the house – just over 7,000 square feet, 5 bedroom 6 baths, pool, pool house and a tranquil nearly 3-acre park like lot. The home was located just under 3 miles from the medical school and just over 3 miles to the law school. Scott was impressed, overwhelmed and annoyed all at once. Granted, they were going to be here for 3 years, but did they need this big of a house and did they need to buy. Ian gave a complete tour and told AJ that any of the furnishings could be returned, just note the ones you don't like and they can be exchanged. The bedding matches the specifications you sent, my partner and I (he's around here somewhere) washed all your linens, made the beds and tried to add some homey touches that hopefully you will like. Jeremiah came into the family room gasped and stopped dead in his tracks.

Ian introduced Jeremiah to Scott, AJ, Conor and Caleb; Jeremiah was totally red as he shook everyone's hands, but his eyes tracked everything Scott was doing. AJ noticed, Scott didn't and AJ wanted to have a little fun with this – AJ looked directly at Jeremiah when he shook his hand and said to him – he's flipping hot isn't he? Ian winked at AJ and Jeremiah stuttered and stammered; Scott elbowed AJ and chastised him for being rude. AJ had not let go of Jeremiah's hand and said – well while you think about your answer I'll quote my fiancé's favorite line – lookey, no touchey. Scott's ears turned pink and asked AJ what he was going on about; Ian took the opportunity to answer the question – well Scott my partner loves dark haired muscular men and while I'm dark haired and in decent shape, I'm not in your league and he has been drooling over you since he stepped into this room. Jeremiah looked at Ian and said – I love you with all my heart but fuck me this one here is FINE. Before AJ could get it out, Scott said thank you Jeremiah; I do need you to watch the language as those two are not where we want to have them dropping the F' bomb. Jeremiah apologized and turned to AJ as he was still holding on to his hand – so he's fine not flipping hot, nice to meet you my name is Anastasia Jocelyn O'Brien the ugly stepsister – now that I see you, I now know your other half popped a boner over me and not Scott. Scott yelped `AJ – dang son you are in rare form today'. I apologize for my idiot fiancé he has had not formal etiquette training which we will have to rectify soon. Jeremiah giggled telling Scott no harm no foul and it would have been Aaron Jonathan that Ian would have popped a boner for as AJ definitely makes me look like the wimpy, dorky version of him.

AJ chuckled at that and pulled Jeremiah into a hug, kissed him on the cheek and asked if he wanted to stay for dinner so he could admire the fine piece of meat that is my fiancé. Jeremiah readily agreed and said that he and Ian would try not to walk around the rest of the day with boners. AJ slung his arm around the slighter, shorter man and continued the tour; AJ impatiently pointed out that their guide was dropping the ball – Ian let's move my man. Ian thought ok two can play at that game – he walked over to Scott and put his arm around the slightly shorter beefer man and said – darling let's look at this house y'all bought. Scott whispered, I had nothing to do with it, I have me a sugar baby. AJ flipped him the bird and said I heard that and I also thought we had agreed no ageism old man; Scott flinched stating touché and to Ian – my ass is going to pay for that tonight. AJ chimed in – honey I heard that too and just so you know your cut off; Jeremiah chortled Scott I'll sacrifice myself and help you out if you need me to which resulted in a cuff to the head by both AJ and Ian.

They finished the tour and were looking for Conor and Caleb - they found them sleeping in their new bed. The adults headed down and ordered dinner for delivery; Ian insisted on paying for dinner as AJ had been very generous with his payment on the `decorating'. The guys sat in the family room to get better acquainted, the bell rang and everyone looked up surprised that it had been nearly an hour since the order was placed. The delivery guy apologized profusely for being late, the phone rang and Scott answered it. AJ tipped the driver and said it's not a problem, they'll just pop stuff in the oven and heat it up if necessary. As AJ, Ian and Jeremiah began to pull things out of the delivery containers, Scott told them the restaurant had called – they were comping the meal because it got mixed up on their end. AJ noticed that all the food was really hot already and that made sense with the call about the mix up. Well the guys had found a place to frequent and advertise for being stand up people. When they finished their meals, Conor and Caleb were there asking for dinner, which was spaghetti and meat balls. The boys danced around ghetti, ghetti, ghetti as AJ plated their food and Ian pulled the counter highchairs out of the pantry closet – Scott and Jeremiah got the boys buckled into the seats and dinner was on.

Ian thanked the men for the great night and pulled Jeremiah out the door saying goodbye. They were coming back over on Sunday for lunch and more getting to know each other. They all agreed that they would be lifelong friends as long as Jeremiah observed the lookey no touchey rule – AJ gave him a last hug and made sure he knew that he trusted both he and Scott and he was just ribbing him a bit. Jeremiah smiled, winked and said to all – I think maybe this stiffie is as a result of AJ, not Scott; Jeremiah went in for another hug and Scott said – ok, ok lookey no touchey there too bud. Scott whined at Ian to put a leash on this little horn dog; Ian just chuckled; he would still hump your leg even with the leash. Jeremiah said flip you, flipped them all off and headed out the door.

The boys were a mess after dinner, so it was bath time and movies before heading to bed – even though it was 10 PM in North Carolina, it was only 7 PM in Seattle, so they were going to have a transition week for sleeping. AJ was going to have to get there quickly as he started classes on Wednesday. They watched one movie and part way into the second one Conor and Caleb were asleep. AJ and Scott carried the boys upstairs and tucked them into their bed; they proceeded to secure the house, set the alarm and went to take a hot shower together. Scott tried everything to entice AJ into sex and he kept batting his advances away – AJ shook his head reminding him that he had been cut off; Scott pouted and whined. AJ shook his head at his lover and dried him with the fluffy towels Ian and Jeremiah had purchased for the house. Scott was so relaxed with AJ drying him, he did not see AJ pull the lube out of the drawer and slather it all over his hard cock. AJ asked Scott what that spot on his neck was and he panicked a bit and turned to face the mirror looking for `the spot'. AJ stepped up behind him, pointing at his next. Scott leaned forward, said there is nothing there, AJ leaned against Scott and slid his cock into the short hairs in one fluid motion. Scott moaned out loud and then elbowed AJ in the side telling him he was an asshole and needed to be destroyed. AJ kissed him on the neck and said he was sorry and would remove his cock from Scott's ass right now; he stepped back and began withdrawing his hard cock and as the head of his cock moved out of Scot's sphincter Scott pushed back into him with all his might telling him now that he started he was committed to shagging his ass.

They made love into the wee hours of the morning – Scott slid his cock slowly and carefully into AJ's chute. Once AJ was relaxed he told Scott to fuck him silly. Scott chuckled and said, my did my rules. Scott made slow passionate love to AJ; this time he actually made AJ cum twice before he came. AJ was so relaxed and in love he didn't care how many loads he shot, he only cared about the man in bed with him – his lover for life.

On the drive to Brad & Lisa's, AJ made it clear that he loved this damn Rover and he was going to get rid of his Tahoe in Washington and get a Rover. Scott laughed at him – you have become such a metro sexual man, flipping silly but if it makes you happy by all means do so. They talked about the first week of classes and AJ was lit – he talked fast and about everything going on and what he was going to get to do, he was like a little kid that had just come downstairs on Christmas morning. Scott was trying to keep up but was having problems with the speed at which information was flying at him.

AJ, Scott, Caleb and Conor pulled into Brad and Lisa's driveway and parked. Scott leaned over and kissed AJ and thanked him for going on this life journey with him. He was so in love with this man that he literally pinched himself; AJ asked him what the heck he was doing and Scott said just making sur I'm alive and awake. AJ chuckled and said – you truly are a dork, but the great thing is you are my dork; Scott punched him in the shoulder saying you're and arse.

Conor and Caleb were bouncing in the back seat wanting out. They guys each grabbed a kid, AJ the wine and Scott the diaper bag and headed for the door. Brad and Lisa met them at the door – Lisa grabbed each of the men and squealed when she hugged them. She stood back and apologized – I'm not really the pervy old lady, but Brad did not do you justice on the looks or fitness department. They invited them in and Joe's wife Amy said damn Joe actually called this one pretty accurately – he said think of Brad Pitt in Thelma and Louise, then think fitter and hotter times 10. She yelled for Joe – you will have as much sex tonight as you want and I'm sorry for doubting you – those boys are absolutely stunning. AJ said to Brad and Lisa – I forgot my thong bathing suit so I hope she won't be disappointed; Lisa spit out a bit of her wine, fanned herself and said well then naked it is. Scott took Lisa's arm and told her nicely done and I really think I will like hanging out with you AJ, maybe not as much; Brad took AJ's arm and said that it wasn't polite to walk around with your mouth open and in the south, you might wind up with bugs in it. Brad whispered to AJ – don't let her get the upper hand and you definitely have her at a disadvantage; I can tell she is wet thinking about getting you naked and riding that hot body of yours. She will never admit it, but it's written on her face she wants you. AJ smirked – as I've told anyone that wants to get with this has to understand and agree to the following – Scott and the other persons partner has to agree and they have to be involved.

Brad was a bit caught off guard – so you're not gay? AJ laughed and said well I think the proper term is bi-sexual; I was married and had my babies, there mom was killed in a car wreck. Scott was the police officer that helped mw deal with all the crap that night and somehow, we both realized that we actually loved each other. I have never cheated and only 4 people took us up on the deal we just talked about, that said nothing has happened in that regard. Brad shook his head – you really are amazing and mature beyond your years or mine for that matter; I do believe I will keep your revelation away from Lisa as she will continually pester Scott to let her save a horse ride and AJ. AJ shook his head – that was bad on all sorts of levels.

The party was fun, Caleb and Conor were spoiled by the ladies present as the youngest kids were 6, Brad and Joe had kids that pretty much mirrored each other. It was clear the 4 of them had been friends for a long time. Scott and AJ were also the center of attention, but for very different reasons – the older kids were 14 – 17 and they were all into AJ as he was just barely older than the oldest sons and daughters. It was Scott's night to drink so AJ stuck with club soda, the adults kept trying to serve him actual alcohol but he wasn't tempted in the slightest. It was getting later and AJ started making the rounds of goodbyes, Scott was having a grand time and didn't want to go just yet. AJ asked him how he would get home and he said well you could stay longer; AJ kissed his cheek and said the boys need baths and to bed as it is 8 PM and as it is they will be up past their bed time. Brad and Joe both said they would see Scott home – AJ was not 100% sure about this, but told Scott to have a good time, but don't get in the car with anyone that had been drinking and made certain that Brad and Joe understood. He kissed Scott goodbye and headed out the Caleb and Conor.

The boys were bathed, story read and lights out. AJ went to the study to read up on next weeks assignments for Med School. It was around midnight and Scott was still not home, he called his cell and no answer. He rang Brad, then Joe and no answers on either line; he found the invitation and called Lisa as she had put her cell number in there as well. She answered in a panicked voice – AJ is Brad there with you; AJ said no, I was calling to track down Scott. Lisa put her phone on speaker – she and Amy were both really worried as the guys had left just before 10 PM; AJ took a breath and asked if the guys went to strip clubs. Amy said no but Lisa remained quiet, AJ asked Lisa if Brad had a favorite. He heard from Brad & Lisa's oldest son Patrick that he knew where his dad and Uncle Joe would go; AJ asked Lisa and Patrick if they would go check as he could not leave because of the boys were in bed. There was a banging at the front door; AJ went to investigate with his handgun at the ready. On the other side of the door were Scott, Brad and Joe. Scott was beyond wasted; Joe and Brad were in better shape but should not have been driving. AJ opened the door and let them in, they were making a ton of noise and AJ was pissed on a number of levels – first Scott was wasted and got in a car with others that had been drinking, the two older men were drunk, none of them had answered their phones, they were being loud and fuck they just woke up the boys, he had a whole list but that would wait.

AJ hit speaker and looked at the idiots standing there – hand me your keys right now; Brad slurred out we're fine and Amy, Lisa and Patrick screamed into the phone give him your keys now. Brad and Joe's eyes got huge; Scott just looked lost and glassy eyed. Keys in hand AJ directed the three idiots to the kitchen and told Joe who appeared to be the least intoxicated, but that wasn't saying much where the glasses were and they need to be drinking water while I go and settle down too little ones your ass hats just woke up. AJ took the phone off speaker and was talking with Lisa who was on her way with Amy to pick up the guys; AJ gave her his address and they knew the area well – they all grew up in Old North Durham and would be there in about 45 minutes. AJ hung up and found his boys at the top of the stairs crying; he opened the gate picking them up to take them to their room. He changed their diapers and cuddled them to sleep; 15 minutes he was downstairs and in the kitchen, and incensed. The idiots had started in on the bourbon in the cupboard – AJ looked at the three of them, told them to set the drinks down and get the hell outside now. They hesitated and AJ removed his weapon from its holster making sure they could all see it – now out that door right now. It was not freezing outside, but it was in the low 40s – AJ opened the pool cover and shoved the drunk asses in the pool. There were screams from all three; AJ sat on one of the loungers and shook his head. He got up and went in the house, put his handgun in the safe and grabbed towels for the three stooges. When he made it to the pool deck, they were huddled together trying to stay warm, AJ handed them the towels and told them to strip and not get any water in the house.

As AJ was coming in from the back; Lisa and Amy were calling him on his cell from the front door. He went and let them in, thanking them for calling and not ringing the bell; they both hugged him and said we have had little ones. Now where the hell are those two assholes; they are standing in the mudroom if they know what is good for them.

AJ led the ladies to the back of the house to the mudroom where 3 cold wet drunks stood trying to look innocent. AJ closed the door and the ladies went ape shit on their husbands, who both went red and looked down at the floor. Scott snickered at the dressing down they were getting – AJ immediately jumped in and told him that he either shut it and wait for his or AJ would start right now; silence from the peanut gallery. Lisa asked Brad where his clothes were – he pointed at AJ and said he pushed us in the pool and wouldn't let us into the house all wet; Lisa laughed out loud – I didn't ask for your view of what went on, I asked where your clothes are and as far as AJ's behavior tonight, I think he was brilliant. The only thing that could have been better is if he would have put a round in your ass for jeopardizing everyone's lives tonight.

AJ handed her two garbage bags saying the wet clothes are on the patio; turning his attention to Brad – AJ calmly stated; I thought you were a great guy when we talked on the phone, then when we met and thought you lived up to that assessment and now I want to hang out with Lisa and Amy, but I won't because I don't trust the two of you – I specifically told Scott not to get into a car with someone who had been drinking (Brad started to say something and AJ held up his hand to stop him) and BOTH of you were standing there. You are all clearly drunk and can't walk a straight line; where the hell would you be if you two would have hit someone or God forbid killed someone. Yes Scott, you finally get it. Lisa asked AJ what he meant with his comment to Scott, which he declined to elaborate tonight. AJ hugged both Lisa and Amy as he ushered them out of the front door along with their buffoon husbands. Lisa stopped and said she would be calling as she definitely wanted to get to know AJ better without her asshole of a husband. Amy and Lisa hugged AJ again; their husbands apologized again, but AJ had shut & locked the door before the finished.

Amy hugged Lisa goodnight and said they would talk later. The couples got into their respective vehicles and headed home. Lisa and Amy lit into their husbands and were not done when they arrived home. Brad's son was waiting for them to come home – he let his dad know that he was disappointed; no phone call, no update, driving drunk and involving someone who's dead wife was killed by a drunk driver. What the fuck were you thinking. He kissed his mom goodnight, his parting shot was – I like AJ, he's closer to my age than yours and I believe you have fucked that relationship up beyond repair. Lisa looked Brad square in the eye – two things, 1. You are sleeping on the couch, not the guest room for the foreseeable future and 2. You WILL find a way to make certain that Scott doesn't have a permanent problem with AJ because of tonight. You told me when you came home the day he purchased the new rover he was very intriguing, smart, savvy, fair, charming and young which didn't fit and when I met him yesterday, you were absolutely spot on. Don't look so happy with yourself; with that foresight you still managed to shit all over that and he specifically told Scott not to get in a car with anyone who was drinking and made sure you and Joe understood. The icing on that cake is the motivation behind him insisting on people being smart – his dead wife is dead because of a drunk driver.

While this was going on – AJ had closed and locked the door, made certain that the rest of the house was locked up, turned on the alarm and headed for the stairs where he found Scott waiting. Scott stood up and asked AJ to talk to him – AJ told him he was heading to bed as the boys would be up early and he needed some sleep. AJ made it clear that he was not ready to talk with Scott about the shit show that today turned into until he had some sleep. Scott tried again and AJ cut him off – I'm not having this conversation now for 2 reasons – 1. Your drunk and 2. It is everything I can do to not ring your neck right now. We need to sleep on it and you need to be sober and hung over free. AJ kissed Scott and headed up the stairs. Scott called out – where am I sleeping tonight, as soon as the words were out of his mouth he knew he had fucked up big time. AJ turned and descended the stairs – Scott was trying to back track his words but was not making sense. AJ held up his hand and said in an even tone – I had assumed you were sleeping in our bed, evidently that is not what you want or you think I'm too big of an asshole to deal with this situation with any maturity. So with the stupidity of that question – I will tell you now sleep any where you want EXCEPT our bed. Scott grabbed AJ's hand as he turned to head upstairs – AJ look, I'm sorry about all of this and it was a stupid drunk ass question about where to sleep, please don't do this.

AJ shook his head in disbelief – he kissed Scott on the forehead and said this – I told you that I loved you to the moon and back and there is no one else I want to wake up next to from now until we die. It feels like we have some issues to work through because you seem to think I am going to punish you for a stupid decision and that hurts more than you doing exactly what I asked you not to do and those to fucking nim rods not to do. I know it clicked for your less than 30 minutes ago why I was SO pissed off – you put yourself in a situation that could have brought another police office to my door telling me that my partner in life is dead. You saw firsthand how I awesome I was the first time – what do you think round two would look like sunshine and roses? Scott hung his head – I wasn't thinking about Syd, I was having a good time with some guys that I just met and it was fun; I messed up.

AJ kissed his forehead, its not that you messed up with the drinking thing that hurts the most, it is the fact that you thought I would tell you to sleep somewhere else because you fucked up. That makes me feel like you think I'm a petulant child instead of a grown ass man with two kids and a fiancé. Again – I'm going to bed as the boys will be up in a couple of hours. Scott called after him that he would be up in a few minutes. Scott slumped on the bottom of the stairs and cried into his hands – how could he have been so stupid, AJ didn't want him to stay at the party and the only thing he asked was to stay out of cars driven by people that drank.

Next: Chapter 38

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