Finding Love After Incredible Loss

Published on Nov 3, 2023


Finding Love After Incredible Loss Chapter 4

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Finding love after incredible loss – Chapter 4

AJ played with the kids for a bit. Enjoying some alone time with the centers of his universe – Conor and Caleb as well as his two girls – Maddie and Carrie. Carrie was such a mother hen; she was supervising everything and Maddie was truly a Minnie Eva. At one point Maddie turned to AJ and said – `why don't you run along; you are not being very fun right now'. Carrie said – `Uncle AJ you should go be with the adults and talk about grown up stuff, I'll keep an eye on Caleb and Conor.'

As AJ headed for the door, Carrie followed him and whispered so only he could hear – `the last thing that Aunt Syd wanted me to tell you is; when Uncle Scott tells you he loves you to the moon and back, he really means it and she is happy you found someone to take care of you and help you raise the boys...'

When AJ emerged from the playroom, he had tears streaming down his gorgeous face. No matter what he did he could not stop. Scott wrapped him in his arms and hugged him tightly and whispered in his ear – `I hope this isn't too early to say this but I do love you to the moon and back.' AJ pulled back and stared at the gorgeous stud in front of him with wide eyes and asked him `what did you say?'

Scott said it again at the top of his lungs `I love you to the moon and back.' With that AJ pulled him in to the most passionate kiss the two had shared. Both men became erect almost instantly and continued to kiss. Steve (normally the quiet one) quipped – `get a room'. Without breaking the kiss AJ was flying the birds again and pulling Scott to the stairs. When they reached the bottom of the stairs – AJ pushed Scott in front of him and called over his shoulder – `watch the boys, I'm going to have breakfast now', eliciting cat calls and whistles from everyone.

When Scott and AJ made it to the bed, they had pulled off all their clothes and were kissing passionately, both stud's cocks were leaking continuously. Grinding their large members together they quickly reached mind blowing orgasms but continued to make out like their lives depended on it. AJ slowly descended Scott's body, kissing, chewing and tonguing his well-defined body as he went. When he reached Scott's 8"+ cock he grabbed it with his right hand and started sucking on the head like it was the most delicious lollipop he had ever tasted, eliciting a guttural moan from Scott.

AJ released the engorged mushroom head from his mouth, pulling back slightly with a string of pre-cum still connecting his lips to that gorgeous cock. He stared lustfully into Scott's eyes as he tongued his way down that cock, where he pulled into his mouth first the left nut giving it a wonderful tongue bath, he tried to get the right nut in as well but it would not fit so he reluctantly released the left and gave the same treatment to the right one. He then lifted the sack up and attacked his lover's taint with a vengeance. He knew this drove him insane when his wife would do it to him. As he was making love to Scott's taint, he got a whiff of his lover's ass, it was intoxicating – AJ loved the musk he smelled when he had his nose buried in Scott's pits or pubic bush, this smell was that times 10 with a very earthy undertone and a faint scent of soap. He was hooked and pushed Scott's legs up and spread his cheeks.

He had rimmed his wife as she had rimmed him – he knew how much it turned him on to give and receive, so he dove into Scott's ass – there a covering of dark hair on both globes and into his crack which framed Scott's rosebud perfectly. Scott had never done anything with his previous lovers' asses nor had they touched his and he was unsure where this was going – but he trusted AJ and knew he was over the moon with pleasure when Scott had attacked the area under his balls with his mouth. It was obvious to Scott that AJ had been much more adventurous with his lovers than he had. He decided in for a penny in for a pound – so he grabbed his knees pulled them to his chest and spread his legs apart.

This was all the encouragement AJ needed – he attacked Scott's rosebud with his tongue – circling it slowly at first, speeding up and then pushing just the tip in quickly and removing it just as fast. He repeated this over and over pushing in deeper each time. Scott was thrashing about with his head, moaning, groaning and wondering to himself – how did he not know this could be so fucking AWESOME. Just as quickly as it started AJ stopped, Scott was bewildered for a moment and just as he was about to speak, AJ blew air across his most intimate opening, Scott's cock exploded with 6 shots of molten cum, hitting him in the face, the headboard and when they cleaned up later the wall above the bed.

AJ leaned in and French kissed his lover's hole again, eliciting a deep groan from Scott. AJ kissed his way up Scott's body, licking up his cum in route to a very intimate kiss. Scott could taste his cum and what he assumed was his ass on AJs lips. He was sold, this was going to be the best time of his life and he hoped he had the strength to keep up with this gorgeous younger man. Scott gaze into his lover's eyes and said `my turn'. AJ winked at him and said – `I came when you did, I was so turned on by how you were expressing yourself that my cock shot a load all over the bed'.

The kissed some more and AJ slid out of bed, grabbing a warm washcloth and towel to clean up as he realized they had guests and needed to get back downstairs. When they were cleaned up they headed downstairs. Everyone heard them coming and when they appeared at the breakfast counter, Steve stated matter of fact – `damn AJ, whatever you were doing to Scott, will you show Brett that move as I have never heard someone scream that loudly.' Scott turned several shades of red. Brett leaned into Scott with a dish cloth and wiped a glob of cum off his ear. More shades of red and a few chuckles from those around the counter.

AJ quipped – `Brett, I was leaving that there for my coffee...' That elicited a groan from everyone and Chase did acknowledge that his big was getting better at all the sexual banter and was convinced when he got his gay legs under him, he would be just as quick with the banter as he was with the `straight banter'. AJ smiled and thought to himself – I've come a long way in a very short time. He walked up behind Scott and hugged him – whispering in his ear `if this is a dream, please don't wake me.'

Mat pulled lunch out of the oven, Brent grabbed some plates and a served up the food. Brett winked at AJ and said y'all were gone for several hours, I assume you lost track of time. Scott looked at the clock, went looking for his shoes, grabbed his keys and headed for the door. He turned around, ran back to AJ, gave him a deep passionate kiss and whispered – do I have any more cum visible as I must head to the station for my shift. AJ assured him he was fine and asked if he would be back after shift, which Scott assured him he would be if AJ wanted him. Another quick kiss and off Officer Scott Reed went.

AJ hugged his boys and asked the girls what movie they wanted to watch – Of course they yelled – `Cinderella'. AJ knew the boys liked the mice in the movie so he gladly got the movie ready as the kids finished up their lunch. When they were done, AJ had the two love sacs laid out in the playroom, with a couple of blankets for the kids and hit play on the movie. He pulled the doors mostly shut so the adults could have a `beverage' and figure out what to do tonight. Eva and AJ grabbed a bottle of water while the rest had a beer.

Giggles were heard from the playroom and then Maddie could be heard saying – `he's sooooo cute'.

Brett stated he and the guys were heading to the `Coug' (a tradition at WSU), then over to Valhalla for drinks and dancing. AJ told Eva and Mat those were just up the block and no cars would be needed. Eva asked who would be watching the kids and AJ told her he had arranged for Joan to be there around 5:30 PM as he figured they would be heading out for `adult' time and if not, he would pay her anyway. Eva said she was in and she was impressed that her brother was that organized. AJ had gotten quiet; Eva and crew were concerned that she had hit a raw nerve. In the end AJ gave a weak smile and apologized for his momentary funk – he had gotten organized so he could get his life back together and enjoy everything he had in it.

Mat, checked in on the kids. When she returned, she said the Maddie and the boys were asleep (nap time) and Carrie had turned the volume down was putting a blanket over them. She is an awesome helper and is just like her Aunt Syd.

Plans were finalized to meet at the Coug at 6:30 for a beer and fries followed by dancing and drinks at Valhalla after that. Brent asked AJ if he knew when Scott was off duty, as the words were just out of his mouth, there was a knock at the door. AJ said he did not know and opened the door to find a very attractive women at the door who reached out and slapped him hard across the face.

AJ stepped back from the door, stunned.

Next: Chapter 5

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