Finding Love on the Red Planet

By Harrison Westbourne

Published on Sep 10, 2023


I thank you for your continued interest in my stories. This is the eleventh installment of FINDING LOVE ON THE RED PLANET. Please continue to look for more chapters of this tale to come. Thank you for your interest and support.

This is a science fiction tale but, keep in mind, that I am not someone who knows a great deal about anything concerning the types of technology mentioned in this tale. I wrote this for amusement and enjoyment using information that I have acquired from years of reading other authors of the sci-fi genre. Forgive me if some of the ideas seem out of this world but that is the nature of this type of creative writing.

AUTHOR'S NOTE: This story is a fantasy involving consensual gay sex involving human beings and alien life forms. The people in the story do not use protection because diseases do not exist here. In real life, PLEASE ALWAYS USE PROTECTION WHEN ENGAGING IN SEXUAL ACTIVITY. Also, if this sort of material offends you, is illegal where you live, or you are under 18 years of age, PLEASE LEAVE THIS SITE NOW!

This story is copyrighted by Harrison Westbourne. It can ONLY be downloaded for personal enjoyment, NOT for republication or sale and distribution. If you wish to provide feedback, comments, or suggestions, please feel free to contact me, using the story title as the subject line, using the email address:

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Brief Recap of Chapter 11 of FINDING LOVE ON THE RED PLANET


I got the latest message from Louis about Wallace's parents attending the official dedication of Lamprey Station. It was a wonderful idea to include them and I began making the necessary arrangements with our head of security. The facility was almost ready for settlement as the main greenhouses, food processing zones, and central recreation dome are fully finished. Our team would need a few weeks to complete the residential and commercial areas to specification. Rail engineers finished the link to Galileo Base and made the necessary expansion spur ready for the next location before returning to the central depot. Not every site was going to be directly connected to all the others. Some would be reached through interchanges and this was the first of those to be established. Colonists would begin to be screened in order to be selected to live in this settlement. Louis and Faa'lex had requested that their new personal space be moved here and it was between the main recreation dome and the central business zone. Isabelle had been overseeing the preparations in accordance with instructions from her brother. I was taking every precaution available to ensure that there were no disruptions or security problems here.



The work on Lamprey Station was moving along very quickly and smoothly. Within a couple more weeks, the last of the residential and commercial areas would be finished. We were carefully timing everything to coincide with the return of Louis and Faa'lex from their honeymoon. I had spent hours focusing on completing their new quarters, which included a private overlook of the recreation dome featuring the lake and waterfall. It was going to my surprise gift but it was one way glass so that their privacy would not be invaded by visitors. Louis left specific requests and we did our best to accommodate those, including a large extra bedroom for what he called his future offspring. I chuckled and knew that the two lovers were looking forward to having a family and I was anxious to become an aunt again. Diane and I were setting up a house together since Natalia had moved her main residence to the new settlement as well. We hadn't decided if we planned to make it legal but it looked to headed that direction.


So far I was getting sick of all the glowing positive reports from Earth about our two ambassadors. Nobody seemed the least bit concerned that one was an alien creature while the other was a traitor. All the leaders, both military and civilian, were just thrilled about the progress our lovebirds were making with skeptics on the home planet. So far, every attempt to derail their plans had been discovered and we lost several good operative to either suicide or exile. I have visited the prison facility of the moon's dark side and found it the perfect location for disruptive people to be kept. The inmates lived in a heavily guarded and secure facility with private cells and electronic personal restraints to prevent rowdiness. They were given the option of working on various colonial agricultural or manufacturing projects but for the most part they were sequestered in their cells with only video screens for educational programs. While there, I noticed a couple of people that I knew were associated with the movement to dissolve the two planet union. Being in my sensitive position, I made no attempt to contact or even acknowledge them. Hopefully, our agents in Paris would have an opportunity to do what others had failed to do.


I enjoyed visiting Chicago so much especially since it was the start of my bonding period with my paa'treen, Louis. We cruised on the lake, visited the arboretum, and went to all the museums. Even the dinner with the Lampreys was am enjoyable evening. Meeting them gave me a better understanding of why their son was so important to Louis. It also made me feel a great deal of sympathy and respect for two people who still were concerned about their late son's lover. When he asked then to attend the opening of the new Martian colony, I could feel the love and admiration radiating from the two people who still considered Louis part of their family. The week went by a little too quickly for me but we still had 3 other weeks and locations to visit. As we boarded the plane to Paris, Louis drifted off into an uneasy slumber that resulted in me having to step in mentally and comfort him while physically preventing him from harming himself.

We landed in a light rain and were given a police escort to our residence, which belonged to Louis' maternal grandparents. The apartment covered the entire top floor of a building close to the Eiffel Tower, on the Rue de la Federation. It was a beautiful home with several bedrooms and bathrooms as well as a private rooftop deck enclosed like a greenhouse. A security team had already swept the various rooms and set up extra safety protocols on the ground floor. Luckily, the landlord and other residents were extremely receptive to all the precautions as it resulted in free publicity for the unleased apartments. Taking a few moments to settle in, our guide arrived to confirm our schedule for the week. Repeating the plan from our first city, we only made two public appearances with a brief meeting with members of the European Union. He left after having finished his duty, the chef came in to announce our dinner, which was a lovely, typical French meal. It gave us a chance to decompress and behave more like newlyweds than diplomats.

The first night was ours alone since our flight was so long. Given the advances in space travel the Earthlings have made, one would assume that planetary travel would be better. Louis laughed and said that there were plans to replace the slow moving jets with high-speed super-sonic vehicles but they were still trying to reduce the effect of breaking the sound barrier on local communities. Apparently, it had been tried a century or so ago but residents near the landing areas complained about the sonic booms. This problems was one I believe our engineers might be able to help solve. When the meal was complete, we headed to bed with nothing in mind other than some much needed sleep. I know Louis hadn't rested on the flight because of the dreams about Wallace. We did our nightly ritual, stripped, and cuddled close under a light blanket. There were no nightmares this time and we awoke fresh and alert for our first pubic appearance. We were scheduled to give a very brief press conference at the Palais de Chaillot before having a private meeting with the ruling council of the European Union. I had been given some private communiqués concerning recent technology swaps that were being negotiated between our races. During the press briefing, Louis was shocked to discover that his little used study of French was replaced by an almost fluent speaking ability. Both of us were able to respond in either language, which made us even more popular with the French public. Later, I revealed that as part of our bonding process, his hidden or latent abilities would become greatly enhanced. With both meetings concluded earlier than anticipated we visited the Eiffel Tower and went for a carriage ride in the Bois de Boulogne. This was the perfect ending to a slightly stressful day.


So the Martian and his "husband" arrived late last night due to a weather delay over Great Britain. The best chance to get them before they began their publicity tour was missed but we had other ideas. I learned that they would be at the Palais de Chaillot for a meeting with members of the EU council. They would be easy targets on their travel to and from that location. Whoever gave me the information has misstated the time and we missed them completely, By the time our operative arrived, the two individuals had left for a bit of sight seeing. Luckily, one of our supporters spotted them leaving the Bois de Boulogne so we calculated a potential route and set our trap. As their motorcade wove its way through the streets, we placed a bomb near where witnesses claimed to have seen them arrive last night. With a remote solar powered camera to film the devastation, we left and waited for the results.


We arrived at the apartment after several deliberate detours to prevent any potential tails from following us. Quickly escorted inside, we were given tea and some pastries since dinner was just being started. As we sat there talking about our day, a loud boom came from a neighborhood just south of where we were located. Our security team rushed in and we were moved to a secure set of rooms that had been constructed in the basement. While there, our chief officer was on the phone gathering information from every source and contact he knew in Paris. On the television, news reporters were already claiming that he explosion was linked to our visit even though it occurred almost 10 miles from where we were. I was terrified as more details were announced including the first images and casualty estimates. By some accounts, the area of the blast covered 8 to 10 blocks and resulted in over 1000 injuries with an unknown number of deaths. Within minutes, our security chief had confirmed a 2 block damage zone and 5 definite fatalities with at least 300 more injured. A group calling itself the One Earth Alliance (OEA) was claiming it had successfully assassinated the Martian and his traitorous Earthling partner. That statement did make me laugh a bit since we weren't anywhere close to the site. We remained in this bunker overnight, eating our meal in a specially outfitted dining room and sleeping in a steel reinforced bedroom. By morning, French police had discovered a camera videotaping the blast and arrested several members of the OEA when they returned to retrieve it.

The next morning, an EU representative is ushered is just as we are finishing our breakfast in the secure bunker. He explains that the attack was an attempt on our lives in the hope that it would result in the collapse of the Unified Solar Government. Reports of the attack so outraged the citizens of Earth that the OEA was being denounced as murderers. We were asked to give a brief statement calling for peace and prayer for the victims, which ended up being 15 dead and another 320 injured so far. Our only other public appearance was a brief speech at the French Parliament building so our press agent worked in the additional sentiments to start our address. In the wake of this event, our security team tripled and we had 4 different vehicles to divert attention. Arriving about an hour before our scheduled appearance, we were greeted by the leaders of the various political factions who thanked us for agreeing to address the recent tragedy. At the appointed hour, we were introduced by the president of the parliament, I spoke briefly offering my prayers and condolences before turning over the bulk of the speech to Faa'lex. He gave a traditional Martian blessing and then, in both French and English, gave an impassioned plea for restraint and prayer as well as the hope for the continued cooperation between our species. Receiving a rousing ovation, we were led out and continued our trip with the same precautions from the morning's transport.

Our next stop was the Louvre where we were given an private guided tour of some of the greatest human art treasures on display. My major concern was that our visit be as minimally disruptive to regular patrons as possible. As a result, both Faa'lex and I were given disguises to avoid creating massive confusion. We still had bodyguards but it was less distracting than if he had been himself. It was incredible seeing items like the Mona Lisa and the Winged Victory of Samothrace. I had studied art history as a minor but to view them in person was so much more meaningful. Faa'lex was equally impressed and mentally promised to take me to one of the great Martian museums once we returned. The tour was exciting as we enjoyed a private meal with the museum director in one of the exclusive conference rooms. Since it had been a full day we decided to spend the afternoon on a private cruise down the Seine.

A wealthy supporter offered the exclusive use of his personal yacht which contained a large master suite. Once our security team swept the boat and declared it clear, we boarded and took a long leisurely cruise along the entire length of the Seine as it flowed through the city. By this point, it was getting late so we agreed to dock at a specified secure location overnight before returning in the morning to the apartment. Faa'lex and I retreated to the bedroom after enjoying a wonderful view of Paris by night from the yacht. Behind closed doors, he took me in his arms and kissed me passionately sending me lascivious thoughts in my mind. I smiled and slowly stripped my paa'treen while his hands roamed my body. As his clothing dropped, I found my passion growing as he returned the favor and undressed me. He slowly moved me to the bed as his lips traveled around me neck. Each touch gave me gooseflesh and made me love him even deeper. As I reclined on the soft mattress, the remainder of my garments came off. Naked before my love, he worked his warm mouth down my body creating waves of electricity. Faa'lex reached my throbbing cock and engulfed it so quickly that I nearly screamed and passed out. His tongue was swirling everywhere as I moaned and writhed in pleasure on the bed. At the same time, I felt his fingers pinching my nipples and caressing my balls. The sound of the water and the motion of the waves was highly stimulating. With the grace and agility of a cat, he moved on top of me and placed his ass over my erect member. Slowly he lowered himself onto me and I felt the fire of our union intensify. He moved gently and used every muscle to provide the most pleasure to us both. The tempo seemed to mirror our heartbeats as they rushed and pounded . Kissing and stroking each other tenderly as Faa'lex's desire began increasing. Sweat poured from our bodies as we loved each other until I felt my climax nearing. With a loud scream, I emptied myself into him causing him to loose control and cover our torsos with his creamy load. It seemed to last forever until we calmed down enough to clean up before crawling into bed for the night.


I was truly disturbed to hear of the attack in Paris against Faa'lex and Louis. General Osteen had forwarded me the news footage so I would be aware when the two sent in their updated reports. From everything we saw, this splinter group, One Earth Alliance, had hoped to kill our diplomats as a way of derailing the spirit of cooperation we developed. It appeared that since so many innocent people were killed and injured that public opinion had turned against them instead. I dispatched additional deep cover agents to attempt to infiltrate the location this group used for their headquarters. There had been no results so far but they had several promising leads. I was keeping General Osteen informed by linking the feeds to his security people as well. This gave us twice as many eyes on these potentially dangerous individuals.


Excluding the unfortunate bombing attack, our time in Paris was wonderful. We finished our public activities by the second day and had the remainder of the week to explore the city freely. Notre Dame and Montmartre were both gorgeous sites and the various smaller museums kept us awed with the beauty of art. Versailles impressed us with its sheer size and grandeur as we were given another private guided tour and luncheon there. There were even a couple of days where we got to behave like typical tourists and not do anything other than window shop and stroll the beautiful avenues. I found some lovely things to decorate our new quarters and arranged for those items to be shipped to Isabelle. It included a painting of the Eiffel Tower and the park that we found in a small art gallery I know Louis really wanted. Before we knew it, our week was over and we were boarding a bullet train to London for our third week of vacation. Let's hope that there will be no disaster caused by the OEA once we get there.


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