Finding Love on the Red Planet

By Harrison Westbourne

Published on Apr 4, 2014


I thank you for your continued interest in my stories. This is the fourth installment of FINDING LOVE ON THE RED PLANET. Please continue to look for more chapters of this tale to come. Thank you for your interest and support.

This is a science fiction tale but, keep in mind, that I am not someone who knows a great deal about anything concerning the types of technology mentioned in this tale. I wrote this for amusement and enjoyment using information that I have acquired from years of reading other authors of the sci-fi genre. Forgive me if some of the ideas seem out of this world but that is the nature of this type of creative writing.

AUTHOR'S NOTE: This story is a fantasy involving consensual gay sex involving human beings and alien life forms. The people in the story do not use protection because diseases do not exist here. In real life, PLEASE ALWAYS USE PROTECTION WHEN ENGAGING IN SEXUAL ACTIVITY. Also, if this sort of material offends you, is illegal where you live, or you are under 18 years of age, PLEASE LEAVE THIS SITE NOW!

This story is copyrighted by Harrison Westbourne. It can ONLY be downloaded for personal enjoyment, NOT for republication or sale and distribution. If you wish to provide feedback, comments, or suggestions, please feel free to contact me, using the story title as the subject line, using the email address:

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Brief Recap of Chapter 3 of FINDING LOVE ON THE RED PLANET

With that said, we got into his cart and were soon standing out front of the Council chamber. A formal knock and the doors opened to allow us entry. Once again the desk was there and we took our seats. Faa'lex rose and introduced my father to the Council. They exchanged a few pleasantries before Bee'nix indicated that he had a video proposal prepared for us to give the base panel as a start to negotiations. The Martians were more than willing to share and assist us on this planet as long as we made no attempts to breach their underground bunkers. They were willing to be among us but needed their privacy as much as we did. Bee'nix even proposed some technology trades that might make our lives easier in exchange for help with travel assistance to a couple of their outposts among the various moons in the solar system. They had reached a developmental impasse with their crafts that hindered the ability to maintain regular routes between these settlement.


After a few more minutes of conversation, Faa'lex formally presented his request for me to become his paa'treen to the Council. Bee'nix inquired as to whether my father had approved and how I felt about the suggestion. Dad responded that it was my decision but he was supportive of whatever I wanted. I blushed and responded to the request with my pledge that I had fallen in love from the first moment I had met Faa'lex. Telling them a little about my past relationship and ensuing depression, I indicated that it would make me happier than ever before if they agreed as well. Bee'nix smiled and the Council gave a unanimous vote of support to the relationship.

With our business being completed, we said our formal farewells and Faa'lex led us back to the point where we entered. He shook my father's hand and thanked him for his support. I was on the verge of tears knowing it might be a little time before we saw each other again. Taking me in his arms, Faa'lex kissed me and presented me with a small, silver ring for my left hand. I hugged and kissed him and then my father and I returned to our rover.

Dad and I finished our scans of the expansion site and entered the vehicle for our return trip. As we drove back to Galileo Base, he told me how proud I had made him during the meeting with the Council. I blushed with pride when he also let me know he was thrilled I found someone like Faa'lex. He felt that we truly had a connection and would be very happy once we were able to be an open couple. In the meantime, Dad warned me to be careful about the nature of our relationship until the public's reaction could be determined. I said we had no intention of going public before we thought it was safe to do so.

We arrived back at the base in no time and went to our rooms to clean up. Making arrangements to meet for dinner later, I decided to take a quick nap once I was done with my shower. Laying down, I pulled the warm covers over me and stared at the ring Faa'lex had given me. When he presented it, my mind raced with so many thought but those were quashed when he showed me a matching one for his finger. These were considered pro'meet cur'culs, or promise rings, in his culture. The actual ceremony would include much larger and more prominent rings to indicate partnership. As I pondered my future, I heard my computer indicate an incoming transmission. Getting up, I saw the gorgeous face of my paa'treen smiling at me. Being naturally curious, I asked whether same sex relationships were accepted. Faa'lex replied that Martian society had no taboos about sexual partnerships. Both same and mixed couples were considered honorable as long as the bond was pure and loving. We talked for a few more minutes when he suggested I rest before meeting my father. Once again, he came through and kissed me deeply before breaking the link. I shut down the screen and crawled back under the covers to recharge myself after the long morning's ordeals.

During my nap, I was experiencing images of Martians exploring Earth and the moon. They used a special cloaking device to hide themselves along with their microscopic cameras to gather surveillance. Some teams were assigned to follow specific individuals and monitor them throughout their lives. I couldn't understand what these scenes might mean until I recognized my family's residence on Kennedy Base. Walking slowly around the rooms was a tall, thin Martian that I seemed to recognize. As he passed a large mirror, I was shocked to see Faa'lex there. Continuing through to my room, he stood over my sleeping form and smiled. Reaching down to stroke my hair, I could feel the love radiating from him even in the dream. This revelation explained why there was such a strong connection between us from the first time we met each other in the bunker.

Pictures came more rapidly of my family being watched as the years passed. Faa'ex had apparently been particularly interested in me over the rest of the members of my family. He spent far more time observing me both awake and asleep. While I slept, there were occasions where he crawled into my bed with me and expressed his affection in his native language. I saw memories of wet dreams that had been caused by Faa'lex caressing my body and kissing me at night. A final sequence was very disturbing for me. Bee'nix was interrogating Faa'lex about his obsession with me and why the Council should not sanction him. My paa'treen gave an impassioned plea to the members about how when he first saw me he felt the fuu'st atr`exion, or love at first sight. That emotion was considered sacred and rare among the Martians so he was allowed to continue following me until we could finally meet.

I woke up, showered and got ready to meet my father. Taking a cab, I was soon sitting in the only upscale dining establishment in Galileo Base. It was almost exclusively for the military and civilian executives who managed the base. Eventually as the colony progressed, more such places would be available for the settlers themselves. Just as we finished dessert, my father's communication device indicated that the military panel wanted to see us. I groaned and was not looking forward to meeting with them now. Settling the check, we took a cab to the briefing room.

Knocking on the outer door, we were directed inside and took our seats across from the panel. Looking as grim as ever, General Osteen informed us that he was aware of our little detour during the survey mission. He explained that they had installed a secondary camera to monitor us and noticed the looping actions they were seeing. I explained that Faa'lex introduced my father to the Council of Ancients. Recounting how well the meeting had gone, the panel members seemed to relax and wanted to know when they might be able to arrange a face-to-face session with the Martian leaders. We presented the video package from the Council for them to review at their leisure. My father then indicated that we would make contact with Faa'lex and set it up as soon as possible. They asked how that was possible and I explained that I had a special device since I was the human ambassador.

Leaving the panel briefing, I decided to walk through the one greenhouse that was designed for recreation. It had been a design Wallace and I had worked on just before he passed. He gave it a lot of personal romantic touches that I had not yet seen. Since arriving at Galileo Base, several invitations to take a tour had been refused because I just wasn't ready. My grief was too fresh and close to the surface until I met Faa'lex to risk an emotional breakdown. Now, I wanted to go there alone as a way of asking permission for me to move on with my life. Hailing a street cab, I asked to be taken to the Equinox Greenhouse. The ride was a few minutes and gave me a chance to think about what I would say.

Equinox Greenhouse was just entering evening mode as I swiped my card and entered the module. The first view was breathtaking as the dome was slowly becoming the color of twilight. Lights had been arranged in patterns that would match the appropriate constellations. You could see them start to come into view as the main lighting dimmed. There were even projected representations of the moons, Phobos and Deimos, whenever they would be overhead. The pathways were lined with low impact fixtures to allow people to stroll even in the evenings. I decided to take the most scenic route through the park, which would take me past a large lake designed for future water sports. Everywhere around me were the hints and nuances that reminded me of Wallace and I. Approaching the lake, I found a series of benches overlooking a small waterfall that led to a river which kept the water aerated and circulating. It was an innovation that had been designed for this facility but was later used in all off-planet greenhouses.

Sitting there in what we had jokingly called "Lover's Rest," I began talking to Wallace about my life. Everything came pouring out in one very long breath between tears and gasps until I was finally finished. When I mentioned Faa'lex and becoming his paa'treen, it felt almost like Wallace was wrapping his arms around me to say it was okay. I felt a calmness and an acceptance that assured me everything was going along just fine. Watching the prefab constellations twinkle for a few more minutes, I said a final farewell and walked back to the entrance when my wrist monitor beeped. Looking at the screen, Faa'lex's face greeted me and he asked how I was outside with no suit. I chuckled and explained the concept of the greenhouse as I found a new place to sit. Just as we began to talk, I suddenly felt a shift and found myself on the couch in the underground bunker. Faa'lex was standing in front of me smiling as he extended his hand to me.

I took it and wrapped my arms around his shoulders as our lips met. The kiss was passionate and loving. It felt so right to be exactly where I was even though it probably against the military panel's numerous rules. His warm hands were caressing my body making me more and more aroused. Lifting me into his strong arms, Faa'lex carried me into the bedroom and tenderly stripped me. Removing his own clothing, he crawled into bed on top of me and began kissing me passionately. We caressed each other with a fervor that came from not being together as often as we would like to be.

We twisted our bodies into a sixty-nine position and were attacking each other's throbbing organs. Moans and slurping filed the small room and echoed of the walls. The passion was making the act more arousing and stimulating each second it lasted. Orgasms became closer and closer until I begged Faa'lex to take me as he had the first time we met. Flipping me on my back, he reached for the lubrication on his bedside table and used his slender fingers to open me up thoroughly. I pushed back and moaned as they twisted and reached even farther than I remembered. With one hand he was coating his impressive tool to be gentle for me.

When he felt I was ready, my ankles were placed on hid shoulders as he tenderly pushed his cock slowly into my waiting ass. It felt like I was being reunited with some missing piece of my soul as each inch entered me. I never wanted to be without that feeling again but knew it would have to wait for the public to accept the Martians' existence. Right now, love was the only emotion existing in my heart as Faa'lex begin pleasuring me with his smooth thrusts. I pulled his lips to mine and kissed him as he speared me time and again. His passion was evident as the rhythm increased and got closer to its peak. Within moments, I shot my load all over the space between our torsos. Realizing that I had climaxed, Faa'lex filled me with his warm seed as we both screamed in pleasure.

Once again he lifted me in his arms but this time we entered a hut tub like contraption that he had preprogrammed to be ready with warm water. We kissed and cleaned each other as the soothing bubbles massaged our muscles. The swirling waters caressed and touched every inch of our entwined forms as we made out in the tub for several precious moments. When the water began to cool, Faa'lex tenderly dried our bodies with large, fluffy towels before helping me dress in my uniform. Walking back into the main room, he led me over to the large viewing screen and gave me one last deep kiss. With a parting word of love, I found myself back in Equinox Greenhouse.

Looking at the time, I realized that only one hour had elapsed so I made a final wish to Wallace as I headed for the exit. Hailing a cab, I returned to my living quarters and got ready for bed. My computer told me I had a message from my father, which was about breakfast the next morning. I sent a reply and crawled in my bed. Selecting some soft music, I soon fell into a wonderfully relaxing sleep.


Faa'lex's monitor beeped to indicate an incoming message. It was from one of the Martian outposts on the moon of Ganymede. Apparently it was the oldest of the colonial settlements that Mars had established shortly before the Great Cataclysm. The moon was composed of silica rock and water ice with a small ocean of liquid water. They built specialized bunkers into the land masses with access points to the water. Its main spaceport had been severely damaged by a meteor almost a century and a half before but they were able to maintain communication with the home world. Faa'lex opened the viewer and found himself face-to-face with his former paa'treen, Gee'trax.


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Next: Chapter 5

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