Finding Love on the Red Planet

By Harrison Westbourne

Published on Jun 7, 2014


I thank you for your continued interest in my stories. This is the seventh installment of FINDING LOVE ON THE RED PLANET. Please continue to look for more chapters of this tale to come. Thank you for your interest and support.

This is a science fiction tale but, keep in mind, that I am not someone who knows a great deal about anything concerning the types of technology mentioned in this tale. I wrote this for amusement and enjoyment using information that I have acquired from years of reading other authors of the sci-fi genre. Forgive me if some of the ideas seem out of this world but that is the nature of this type of creative writing.

AUTHOR'S NOTE: This story is a fantasy involving consensual gay sex involving human beings and alien life forms. The people in the story do not use protection because diseases do not exist here. In real life, PLEASE ALWAYS USE PROTECTION WHEN ENGAGING IN SEXUAL ACTIVITY. Also, if this sort of material offends you, is illegal where you live, or you are under 18 years of age, PLEASE LEAVE THIS SITE NOW!

This story is copyrighted by Harrison Westbourne. It can ONLY be downloaded for personal enjoyment, NOT for republication or sale and distribution. If you wish to provide feedback, comments, or suggestions, please feel free to contact me, using the story title as the subject line, using the email address:

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Brief Recap of Chapter 7 of FINDING LOVE ON THE RED PLANET


We cleaned up and dressed while trying to avoid starting any more passion. Walking back to the main entrance, Bee'nix met us and asked how the plans for our coupling were progressing. I stated that so far the plans were actually coming together a lot smoother than I had hoped. He also inquired whether we would produce offspring. Faa'lex emphatically said yes and hoped that the Council would approve. Bee'nix assured us that it had already been agreed that it was expected. He let us know that his meeting with the leaders our my colony was scheduled for a week from that day. He would arrive with Faa'lex and one additional escort to provide a recorded transcript of the proceedings. We exchanged a few more polite remarks and then he wished us well. Faa'lex then beamed us back to my quarters and we contacted my father to confirm the meeting. He said it was and asked how our plans were moving and we said well. Saying good night to him, Faa'lex and I crawled into my bed and fell asleep, dreaming of our future together.



The next morning, my paa'treen and I showered and dressed in clean uniforms. Placing a call to my father, we agreed to meet in the large conference room. Just as we got ready to leave, Faa'lex received a message from Bee'nix asking if it was okay to beam directly to our location. Giving him the approval and coordinates, he and his aide, Jee'fan, were soon standing in my quarters. I greeted them both and we left to hail a ride to the meeting. Exiting the cab by the front entrance, I knocked and we entered the room. My father came up and greeted the two distinguished visitors, along with Dr. Quill. Both the military and civilian leadership were present as we were led to the main table. I was asked to introduce the Martians so I took the podium. With a brief thank for and welcome, I made present Faa'lex, Bee'nix, and Jee'fan to the assembled crowd. Dr. Quill then spoke about the agenda before suggesting that we dine first. Since no one had eaten yet, the general consensus was to agree. Our table was allowed to choose from the menu first as beverages were brought out. The meals were consumed with polite conversation.

With breakfast over, Dr. Quill began the formal meeting by allowing Faa'lex to make an introductory statement. He was short and eloquent as he talked about our shared dreams before he introduced his superior, Chief Of The Ancients, Bee'nix. The taller Martian rose and took the podium. He began with a greeting in both languages as well as a thank you for being allowed to speak. Being a smart, savvy man, he spoke of the mutual benefits our two species could reap as well as the hopes for future missions. The final speaker was my father who encouraged everyone to review the prospectus that outlined the details of the treaty. Dr. Quill then announced that we could mingle and ask Bee'nix questions directly. The next half-hour was spent watching the Martian leader charm everyone present.

Natalia approached my father and Faa'lex and quietly asked how we lovebirds were getting along. I smiled and said we had begun planning or pairing ceremony and would be certain to invite her. She kissed us both and then mentioned that a young cadet by the name of Diana Krause was being assigned to be her bodyguard as a radical religious group had been making veiled threats to some of the top leaders. Struggling not to spill the beans about my sister, I remarked that it was probably a good preventative measure. I commented that my sister, Isabelle, would be hear in less than 48 hours, which seemed to shock my father. He recovered by saying that he hadn't checked his messages lately. We conversed for a few more minutes until Bee'nix received a page from the Council. Dr. Quill made the announcement as my father and I accompanied the three Martians to a private area so they could beam home. Faa'lex was allowed to remain in case there were further questions about the treaty. Saying our final farewells, Bee'nix and his aide returned home.


Well, there was more of that fawning over that Martian and his friends. Don't get me wrong, I though the leader and his aide were very pleasant. I overheard part of their conversation with Natalia. It angered my so much that they were going to become true partners. Why can't he hear my heart crying out to him? Something needs to be done soon since they said the ceremony would be conducted once the treaty was final. It may require some help from a few of my associates who specialize in making problems disappear.


As we got with 2 Earth days of Mars, I received an emergency page from Louis. He was warning me that he had slipped about my trip to the planet. In the brief video, he assured me it came out in a casual talk with some friends and Dad happened to be there. My father played it off as though he neglected his messages. I knew better because he was one of the most anal retentive people when it came to his correspondence. Any call or letter was answered within less than 12 hours, which he considered a matter of proper manners. I could tell my brother was horrified that he has spilled the beans so I responded that it was alright. When we talked about my coming to Mars, I never told him not to saw anything so I couldn't blame him.

The next message was from Diana. She was letting me know she had received her next assignment on Mars. Apparently, some of the leaders were being threatened so she was to become the personal bodyguard for Natalia Checklina. I knew the woman by reputation only but she was a force to reckoned with on any planet. Diana was actually going to be her Head of Security. It meant that I would be required to undergo an extensive background check to be granted clearance. I didn't care since there was nothing damaging in my past to cause problems. We talked for a few seconds more until the connection was lost due to the shuttle having to make a slight course correction. Since I was very tired, I tested a quick good night and crawled into my bunk to catch some sleep.


I was keeping in contact with the Council of Ancients about the impending treaty with the Earthlings. The negotiations seemed to be moving in the correct direction so we hoped that they would be willing to help restore our transportation with the home planet. The only other issues was the rumors I was hearing that Faa'lex was going to be paired with a human named Louis. Nobody would confirm or dent it but my sources were usually extremely reliable. It's not that I wasn't happy since I was the one who broke our partnership. In the recent years, I had the chance to meet and become joined to another individual named Too'lat. He was a sweet and loving man who had lost his paa'treen in a mining accident.

Faa'lex had been my first paa'treen and would always hold a special place in my heart. I will be thrilled to find out that he has found another to be paired with, even if it is an Earthling. For the first year after I arrived on Ganymede, friends had kept me informed about the problems Faa'lex was experiencing. Hearing how he almost required a complete mental reprogramming left me with a profound sense of guilt and sorrow. My transition was much easier, only because I was the one who instigated the separation. It surprised me to discover that he was not as strong or resilient as he appeared. Had I known how difficult it was going to be, I would have done more to ease the pain and help him recover.

He had contacted me a couple of times recently concerning the interaction with the humans and the progress of treaty negotiations. There was two major personal issues I kept meaning to discuss with Faa'lex but never could find the right words. It was going to be important for him to learn about my new paa'treen from me rather than through the rumor mill. I swore that the next time we spoke it would be the first subject. He deserved the truth about my life, especially since Too'lat and I were expecting our first child in another eight weeks. Children were something I know Faa'lex always wanted but I never had that desire. My new relationship caused my attitude to change, which I was certain would hurt him as well. That upcoming event was the other issue I needed to reveal. I can only hope that his new paa'treen has the same desire for offspring, as it will help him get over me and my new life.


My father and Natalia invited Faa'lex and I to accompany them to a small private dinner at her quarters. They wanted to provide us a safe environment that would allow us to relax. I admit the idea was well received since I know my stress level had been increasing with each new public meeting. Faa'lex used his Martian training to control his emotions concerning all the diplomacy events. One could have interpreted his stoic behavior as being cold but when we were alone his true feelings were more than revealed. I never felt unloved or ignored when it was just us and our sex life could have been considered almost wanton. After Faa'lex and I ran over to the new construction site, we had a light lunch and strolled through Equinox Greenhouse, just enjoying being close to one another. We returned to my suite to shower and change, exchanging some brief caresses and kisses before heading to our dinner engagement. Stopping to purchase some flowers and a nice bottle of wine, we pulled up at the appointed time.

Natalia `s maid, Phyllis, answered the door and showed us into the living area. My father was already there and he joined our host to greet Faa'lex and I. Exchanging polite kisses and the gifts, we took a small drink before sitting down to have a more relaxed conversation. The topic of my pairing ceremony came up and Faa'lex explained how it would be conducted. He even explained how it developed along with our decision to raise children together. Dad was a little stunned and inquired it interspecies breeding could be accomplished. My paa'treen outlined that it had been done before and was successful. He said that it was during a less enlightened era when the Martians conducted experiments on humans. At that point in time, the human race had not evolved to its present form and was considered a non-sentient species. Since that time, their scientists have been using non-invasive scans to study human biology. Dad beamed and wished us well saying that he looked forward to being a grandfather again. My sister, Veronica, had one son with her husband, Stephan, and were expecting a second one in six months.

Dinner was served and Natalia had taken the extra effort to discover what human foods Faa'lex could safely consume. With that information, her caterers prepared the meal accordingly, which allowed everyone to feel comfortable while eating. The pleasant conversation continued throughout the evening and strengthened our alliance with Natalia. She indicated that it was critical for her to provide political, economic, and personal support if the treaty was going to be successfully completed. Her position would also be made more forceful and prestigious as the negotiations were conducted. By the time we finished dessert, there was a strong alliance established between those people at the table. Retiring to the sitting room, we discussed the potential sticking points that we might need to either defend or rebuke. Around 930 pm, I began to feel especially tired and so Faa'lex and I bid our host and my father farewell before catching a cab back to my apartment.

As we entered my quarters, Faa'lex asked me if I would mind staying at his home for the evening. Kissing him, I shook my head yes and packed my travel bag with fresh clothing and my laptop. Once finished, I called to let my father know where I was going to be in the event of an emergency. Thanks to the transporter signal, we could pop back and forth in less than one second if necessary. Faa'lex pressed his wrist control and we were soon standing in a much large and more luxurious room than we had been in before. Noticing my puzzled expression, he explained that this was his private living quarters. The other suite was used for interrogation and quarantine of both new species and returning Martian explorers.

The main room was painted a lovely lilac color with white sofas and ebony table. Overhead lighting throughout the space highlighted some decorative items as well as the main furniture grouping. In one corner, there was a peninsula with three stools facing a brightly yellow kitchen. The were two doors along the opposite wall, which led to a master bedroom and bathroom. A third portal across from the main entrance opened into a private computer terminal and office. Faa'lex explained that this was originally where he and Gee'trax and lived. The décor reflected a combined sense of taste but would need to be redecorated once we were joined.

We sat of the couch enjoying a sweet beverage while cuddling and listening to some soft music. As I became tired, we rinsed our cups and headed to our room in preparation for the next morning. Performing a routine night cleaning, we stripped to our underwear and crawled into a soft, scented bed. Curling next to one another, the day's fatigue helped us fall asleep quickly. I dreamed a fast forward glimpse of my future life with Faa'ex and our offspring. We ended up having another boy named Ron'dee and a girl named Thee'faa. As the terra-forming of Mars progressed, the Martians provided samples of native plants to speed the process along. We even helped my team to begin the task of establishing mining and settlement colonies on some of the larger asteroids. The moons of the gas giants were the next target until I had a foreshadowing of some technical disaster that would slow our outward movement. These images could either be a definite timeline or a potential one. I had little time to consider that idea when my computer pinged, which indicated an urgent incoming message.


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Next: Chapter 9

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