Finding Myself Within Eric

By Shadow

Published on Mar 14, 2010


This story contains scenes of love and sexual interaction between teen males. If the reading this material is illegal in your country, state, province, county, municipality, etc., please leave this site immediately and do not proceed further. If you are under the legal age to read this, please do not do so.

The author retains all copyright, and rights to this original story. You may not publish it or any part of it without explicit permission from me and me only! This story is completely fictional in every way and places and characters mentioned DO NOT exist in real life.

Feel free to email me with comments or suggestions at

Special thanks to my editor Will. Thanks For Reading!

Finding Myself Within Eric-Chapter 6

School went by quickly after that. Classes seem to fly by with little or no effort, and everything just seemed to be ok. I was looking forward to Mr. TiChi class just to see Eric again. I walked down the hall with a smile on my face, which I guess made everyone start to look at me. Even a couple girls looked my way with little snickers. When I got to Mr. Tichi class Eric was already sitting in his seat smiling. I smiled back walking quickly over towards him.

"Its good to see you smile."

"Well you are the cause of that."

Mr. Tichi walked into the room then, with his usual corky smile on his face.

"How are the projects, how are the projects?"

Groans were heard around the room. Eric and I both looked at each other laughing.

"Well, today I don't feel like teaching. I have to fight Chinese dragons tonight. One needs to prepare for such a dangerous mission. So get with your partners, mingle, and create."

Eric and I both scooted closer together.

"How far along are we on our project anyways?"

"Actually we are close to being finished. Just really have to work on the presentation part."

"Ugh! I HATE presented something in front of the class. I tend to avoid it all together."

"Well, you are not avoiding this one."

We both snickered and started working on the details of our presentation. Class seemed to move too quickly. When we were together at work our minds just seems to be in perfect sync. Like a complicated working machine. The bell rung and we both looked up in surprise.

"Do you want to come over to my place for a while? I don't have much homework."

"Sure, actually I don't have any, much of the stuff in my classes I have already done in my old school so I get a free pass."

"Great. Maybe we can do some things outside the box."

I raised my eyebrow and he gave this amazing devilish grin.

"Let's go then."

When we arrived home no one was there so we threw are book bags in the study and sprinted upstairs. We both fell into our bed kissing each other with great force. His lips, ever so softly, graced themselves with my neck. Sucking, biting, I could not help but to push my body into him. He drove me absolutely crazy sometimes. The way he so gracefully lifted off my shirt and slid his sweet we tongue down my chest. Lighting going over my nipples, sucking them into his mouth causing me to moan louder in ecstasy. He forced me to the bed, his hands roaming down my down my sides, as he slide them down further to start unbuckling my pants.

My body was beginning to get overwhelmed. I kissed his ear softly, while using my now free hands to gently pull away from him. That did not stop him of course, he looked up, his green eyes twinkling, forcing me back down unto the bed as she slide off my pants. I wasn't sure if I could take another encounter from him like this morning. Everything was going way to fast but I could not bring myself to stop.

I felt his teeth around my boxers as he slid them down, exposing my raging hard dick. My whole body was screaming them, for release, for air, for this all to stop. I felt his hot mouth engulp my dick and I almost screamed.

"Fuck Eric, hold up a second."

"Shhh, just enjoy it baby."

He didn't miss a beat as he begun sucking me like he has not been feed for mouths. I couldn't wrap my head around what he was doing. Yes I loved him and I should be able to do this all the time right? I have admitted my darkest fears and faced my inner demons. Why was this continuing to be so hard to grasp. I tried again to pull him away from me. Just so that I could think more about what was going on. But he wouldn't stop. It was like something had took over him and he was determined to make me enjoy it.

"Please Eric, stop."

I was pleading with him, my body frozen stiff. He groaned and looked up at me.

"What's wrong? You were all fine with this earlier."

"I know, I think it's just too much for me for one day."

"To much? Don't you want me?"

"Of course I do Eric, I want you more than anything."

"Then explain to me what the problem."

"You forget sometimes Eric that I'm still new at this. I'm not as "experienced" as you are. Hell I'm still trying to grasps this concept."

"Concept, there is no concept Jack. This is life, the way us gay people live. It's nothing to be mastered."

He got up from the bed throwing my clothes at me and started to put his back on.

"I know Eric. Baby listen, I need for you to take things slow with me. Please."

He smiled half heartedly then, and turned around to slip on his shoes.

"Okay, slow you want, slow you will get. I better be getting home. Homework and all."

He turned to walk through the door.

"Eric, please don't go."

"If I don't I'll do something I know I will regret. I just love you okay. It's hard, I need some space right now."

"Eric...come on-"

He put his hand on my lips and kissed the side of my cheek. He had a sad look on his face as he walked out the door.

"Fuck you then!"

He stopped and turned to look at me with a sad, angry look on his face. He came back to the top of the stairs, looked me dead in the eye.

"One minute you want me, the next you push me away. I don't get you Jackie. When you figure out what the hell you want, give me a call."

His words seemed to pierce right there my soul. I started to cry, knowing I didn't mean a word of what I just said.

"Eric, wait... I...I didn't mean it. Come back lets ta-"

He was already out the door and running down the street. I jumped in the car after him.

"Eric get in the car and let me at least drive you home."

"Jack, go back home I'd rather walk I need to think."

"Eric stop being ridiculous and get in the damn car!"

"Not with you talking like that I won't."

By now he had slowed down to a fast walk. I didn't know what do to. But I knew I wasn't going to let him walk all the way home.

"Eric, please. Just get the car and let me drive you home. I'm not letting you walk home."

He stopped for a minute and I stopped the car. His eyes were glued to the ground and he seemed almost in tears.

"Eric, please."

I was about to get out of the car and drag him, but he slowly turned around and got in the passenger side. He didn't even look at me. It was like his whole essence was took from him and he wasn't my Eric anymore. He was broken and that was something I caused. I slowly put the car in gear, and took off. I knew this time of day the highways would be crowded so I took a back root, cutting around the outer edge of town through a wooded area. I knew it would take a bit longer then normal but I hoped to use this time to clear up things.

"Eric I'm-"

"Don't say a fucking word to me right now."

It was barely even a whisper. He just continued to stare out of the window. We were getting deeper and deeper in the woods, and I slowed down a little bit because it was getting dark.

"I'm not going to just sit back and say nothing." I said calmly. "Believe it or not I do love you and want to be with you. I just need time... not time I just need to take things more slowly. This is all knew to me, you must understand that. I thought you would understand that."

"I do understand that Jack."

"Then why are you so upset."

For a moment he didn't respond. I just sighed, tightening my hand on the wheel and started to speed up a little.

"I'm not upset with you I'm just frustrated. I forget how fragile you are. I forget that you are still in the acceptance phase of all this. It frustrates me I can't have you the way I want to have you. And then you get upset, and say things that I know you don't mean but they still hurt. You yell at me, cuss at me, sometimes its like you about to hit me even-"

"Eric I would never!"

"I know but still. It hurts Jack. I love you, but you need to work on this communication thing. You need to figure out what you want, cause sometimes it feels like you don't even want me."

"I do want you Eric."

"Do you really?"

I paused for a second, getting frustrated. I told him I wanted him, I love him, what more does he want. I tightened my grip more on the wheel.

"Jack slow down."

I didn't even hear him speak and unknowingly started to speed up.

"What more do you want from me Eric!"

I didn't even get a chance to hear his answer before the car lunged off the road into the woods.

Next: Chapter 8

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