Finding Out

By Chip Cooper

Published on Jul 3, 2001


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Chapter 7

With my class that ends at 12:30 having just ended and nothing to do until my 4:30 meeting with my roommate, I decided to wander campus a little. I finally ended up in my dorm at 2:00. 'That should take care of not having worked out this morning' I thought to myself. I stripped to my boxers and lay down on my bed trying to take a nap. No good, I just stared at the popcorn white ceiling. What was I going to say, was I going to be honest, was I going to keep lying, would he care either way, would he acknowledge it either way. My thoughts were interrupted when Randy walked in the room. I couldn't have been lying there for over two hours, could I?

"Whoa!" he exclaimed as he entered the room. "I can tell you got your workout." I hadn't showered when I got back from my walk. Now that he mentioned it, I could tell I did smell a little rancid. I looked at the clock, 2:45, what the hell was he doing back? I looked at him and he just answered,

"My class was canceled. You want to talk now?"

"Let me shower first." I replied.

"Fine by me." he said. With that, I grabbed my shower kit and a towel. I walked the two doors down to the common bathroom. I always liked to use the second shower stall, I don't know why, it just seemed to feel better. As I stepped in, Kyle was stepping out of the fourth,

"Hey, Mike. How goes it?" Kyle spoke. I hadn't even noticed him, but how could you not, perfect body, blond hair, 6'2", the deepest green eyes anyone had ever seen, the ultimate Abercrombie model, I thought. "Mike," he repeated, "you okay?" Boy was that the question of the day. Who hadn't asked me that yet today? I guess people were just being nice.

"Yeah, sorry Kyle, what's up?"

"I got the latest baseball game for my PlayStation, you want to come by later to get your ass whipped?" Yes, I thought, but not in video baseball. I pulled myself together and stopped staring at his nipples.

"Maybe, if It do, it'll be around 10, that good?"

"Sure, it just gives me me time to practice." Kyle said. "See you tonight." Kyle left the bathroom with a trail of water dripping from his feet. I wanted to jump on top of him as he walked by me. I shook myself clear and stepped in the shower. I washed off, making sure to get all of the vital areas. When I was done, I headed back to my room. I was wearing just a towel. Even though I didn't care if Randy saw me naked, I didn't want to tip my hand since I didn't know what I wanted to say. I asked him to turn around. I got dressed, pretty nicely; I didn't think I'd have a chance to change again before I went out with Geoff tonight.

"So, what's up?" Randy said making the first move. I bit my bottom lip. I went for it.

"Randy," my voice trailed off. Then I thought about what Geoff had said that morning, be strong. I started again. "Randy, I'm gay."

"Yeah." What?! I just bear my soul to my best friend and he shrugs it off?

Who the fuck did he think he was?

"That's it? 'Yeah.' You have nothing more to say?"

"What do you want me to say?" He shot back, "I think I knew before you did." I was floored. I pressed the issue.

"But that night last year with the five girls, I thought that would convince you otherwise."

"If anything," he paused to take a sip of coke, "that night proved it to me more than ever. You were in another world. When Kerri was blowing you, you looked like you were doing math homework."

"But . . ."

"Look," Randy interjected, "It's obvious you want to talk, so lets talk, but chill out." When he said that, I was relieved. He didn't care. We just started talking and I got more and more comfortable. Before long, we heard a knock at the door. I glanced at the clock, this time two plus hours had passed, it was 5:30 and that was undoubtedly Geoff coming to pick me up for dinner. I went to the door to let him in. I guessed it was time for introductions.

"Geoff, this is my roommate Randy. Randy, this is my--"

"Friend." Geoff interrupted. He still didn't know what I had told Randy.

"Yes, Randy this is my boyfriend, Geoff." I turned to Geoff and explained, "I told him the truth."

"Oh." Geoff said as he leaned over to kiss me. We locked in an embrace.

"Ahem." We stopped, I had completely forgotten Randy was still in the room.

"Sorry." Geoff said.

"No problem," Randy said, "so what are you two doing tonight?"

"Just going to dinner," Geoff said, "want to join us?"

"No I hate being a third wheel on a date." Randy replied. Then in a joking parental tone, he spoke again, "Now you take care of my little boy and make sure he's home by 11, it is a school night you know." We all laughed.

"I will Mr., um, what is your last name?" Geoff asked Randy"

"Hoffman. Now will you two get out of here?"

"Thanks, Randy." I said.

"Anytime man." He answered, With that Geoff and I left for dinner. Somehow, I had the feeling that this would be a special night. ---------------------------------

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Next: Chapter 8

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