Finding Out Who I Am

By Writing About Josh

Published on Sep 11, 2023


--------------Chapter 11--------------------

Normal cautions apply up front. This story contains sexual content including some underage content that may be offensive. If you're offended by man to man sex, BDSM and other similar topics, this isn't the story for you. If you are underage in your area to read this, don't read it. There may be unsafe sex described in this smart in the real world and make good choices.

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This story is a work of fiction and should not be taken to represent any real people. That being said, there were several "inspirations" for characters but I've tried to keep them different enough to protect the innocent and not so innocent.

HELP DEVELOP THE STORY - Give me feedback and suggestions at

From Chapter 11

"I've been wanting this ass since that day in the diner restroom boy. I'm going to fuck you long and hard. You will walk funny when I'm done but you'll love it"

I looked up into his eyes and said "fuck me HARD SIR!"

Chapter 12

I woke up to my phone alarm going off at 8am. Jorge was spooning me and I could feel his morning wood nudging at my asshole.

He wasn't kidding when he said he was going to fuck me long and hard. I lost count of the loads we both blew. Jorge hammered my ass all over the bedroom in every conceivable position. We both had finally collapsed in exhaustion in the bed around 6am.

Eric had told Jorge he had me covered until 9am with my mom. I needed to get my ass in gear and head home.

As I started to move around, Jorge grabbed me and pulled me tight to his chest and nibbled on my ear.

"Uh uh, stud. I get one more round in that hole of yours before you go." Jorge whispered in my ear.

"Yes SIR" I said and pushed my ass back against his cock.

"Mmm, yes" Jorge moaned as his cock slipped between my cheeks and found my hole and began its journey inside me. I had plenty of his cum up there so no lube was needed.

Jorge rolled forward so he pushed me on my stomach and he was on top of me. He pressed me into the mattress with his body. I felt warm, safe and, above all, horny as hell! He began to move in and out of my ass and it wasn't long before he was hammering me as hard as he could and I was yelling out for him to fuck me harder. He slipped his arm in front of my neck and pulled me up so that my back was arched back and I was struggling to breath. Jorge had done this a couple times in our fuck session earlier this morning and, while it was a bit unnerving the first time, I found myself trusting him completely and enjoying the edge to the experience.

"Fucking little faggot slut, you're going to take my man seed up your pussy hole and then go home with it stuck up in there." Jorge grunted as he continued hammering my ass while holding me in the choke hold.

"Fuck me SIR, make me your bitch" I managed to gurgle out. "Load me up with your man cum."

With that, Jorge tightened the chokehold and I started to get dizzy from the lack of air. At this point, I couldn't breath at all. He gave me several very hard thrusts, yelled out "mother fucker" and I could feel his cock pulse in my hole as he loaded me with his cum.

Just as I was about to tap him on the arm to release me before I completely passed out, he let me go and I fell to the mattress, gasping for air. Once I'd had a couple good breaths, I reached down and started stroking my cock.

"No" Jorge said as he slapped my hand away. I must have looked confused and he said "I think you've cum enough for a while and need to learn to control your urges so I'm going to lock you up to give your cock a rest and your brain some time to think about all of this. Get in the bathroom and take a COLD shower. You've got five minutes to get your ass back out here." as he shoved me off the bed.

I ran into the bathroom and yelped as the cold water hit me.

"I better not see a lick of steam in there boy, cold water only" Jorge yelled from the bedroom.

I quickly washed in the cold water. As I did this, my cock went down and was swinging freely in front of me. After grabbing a towel and drying off, I went back in the bedroom and found Jorge there holding a metal contraption that was shaped like a penis with a ring on the end. He quickly opened the ring and clicked it in place at the base of my cock and balls and, before I knew what was happening, slid my cock into the tube and clicked a lock on to keep the contraption in place.

As I looked at the cage on my cock and balls and standing there next to Jorge, the man who had used my body in so many ways in the past 12 hours, I began to get aroused again and suddenly felt the pain as my cock tried to grow but was stopped by the chastity device.

"You'll get used to it" Jorge said as he dropped the key into a box on his dresser, closed the box and spun the combination lock on it. "Get dressed and head home so you're not too late. It's already 8:30 so you need to get moving."

As I headed down to the garage to find the clothes I had left there on the hood of Jorge's car when he had ordered me to strip, I noticed the sensation of the weight of the chastity device on my cock and balls. It felt nice, secure.

"Be sure to wash it regularly and use a good moisturizer so you don't chafe" Jorge said as I tucked my equipment in my jeans and buttoned them up.

"How long will I be wearing this SIR?" I asked.

"As long as I decide" Jorge said with an evil grin. "I suspect you haven't gone more than a day without cumming since you learned how to pull on your pecker."

He wasn't wrong.

"This will teach you some control and will enhance your experience IF and when I remove it."

`If', oh fuck, I thought to myself.

Once I had my clothes on, Jorge pulled me to him and kissed me hard and deep, probing my mouth with his tongue. I returned the probing and moaned in pleasure as my cock, again, pressed hard against its cage.

"You are amazing, Josh" Jorge said after he pulled back from our kiss and looked deep in my eyes. "I'm blown away with what you took on last night and this morning."

"Thank you SIR" I said.

"Now, get your ass home, I've got to clean up the messes we left in my playroom and bedroom and then get some sleep."

I headed out to my truck, started the engine and looked in the garage at Jorge, my master, standing there in his naked glory. Again, I noticed my cock pressing against the device. This was going to be an interesting experience.

I arrived home just a few minutes after 9 and saw Eric sitting on the back patio as I pulled up to the garage behind the house. I walked over to him and sat down next to him and poured myself a cup of coffee from the pot he had on the table.

"So..." Eric said with a grin.

"I don't even know how to describe it. Jorge is amazing, absolutely fucking amazing. The party was mind blowing and then we went back to Jorge's place and my mind was blown again." I said as I sipped the coffee.

"How do you feel about yourself?" Eric asked. "Did last night clarify anything for you?"

"Yeah, I think I definitely am coming to terms with my desires. It was great to be around a group of people who embraced enjoying this and made everyone feel welcome and safe. And Jorge, well, again, amazing" I said with a smile. "I know I've got a lot more to learn and experience and I'm anxious to learn but I definitely already learned a bunch of new stuff last night."

"Any thoughts on dom vs. sub?" Eric asked.

"For now, I think I'm sub. In fact I know I am since Jorge put me in chastity and kept the key" I said with an embarrassed look.

"Wow, I'm going to want to check out how that looks. In fact, why don't you unbutton and show me right now boy" Eric said with a slightly less friendly tone.

"Yes SIR" I said without question. In my mind, I knew that the patio of my house was a dangerous place to do this. My mom's car was in the garage so I knew she was probably inside the house somewhere and could walk out at any minute. Regardless, I followed my order and shifted forward on my chair a little and unbuttoned my jeans and pulled out my cock and balls in their cage.

"Nice" Eric said, looking at it. "Gotta love Jorge. He told me he thought you were able to handle a lot and it turns out he was right. Now button back up before your mom comes out."

I put my equipment back inside the jeans and quickly buttoned up.

"So, I know you're probably dead tired and want to go get some sleep but I wanted to talk to you about something at work." Eric said. "I've had several inquiries about the well built locker room attendant and if you might be available to train some of the members who admire your progress. Would you be interested? The pay is better but you'd be reporting to Austin. I promoted him to manager of the trainers last week."

Thinking to my time with Austin last night, the idea of spending even more time with him again tested the strength of the metal on my cock cage. "Yeah, Eric, that'd be great" I said.

"Good, you'll spend the first 4 or 5 weeks working in partnership with Austin or the other trainers, although when I called Austin this morning to tell him I was going to offer you this, he said he's be taking a very personal interest in your development." Eric said with a grin. "Something I should know?"

"I don't lick and tell" I said with a chuckle.

"You little shit" Eric said with a grin and reached over and gave me a friendly punch in the arm. "You'll start Monday after school. Be ontime, you know how Austin reacts to being late. Now, go say hi to your mom and grab some sack time. So you know, I told her you were out camping with some of the guys from the baseball team. That'll explain why you're still wearing the same clothes and look like you've been rode hard and hung up wet."

`Rode hard' i thought, he has no idea. Or maybe he does. I still haven't figured Eric out. I know he was bi and had been with men but I also knew, at least now, he was very committed to my mom. Although I couldn't figure out why, I somehow got a sense that he might be more of a sub with another man in the bedroom or playroom.

I refilled the coffee cup, picked it up and walked in the house in search of my mom. I found her sitting at the dining room table on her laptop. She looked up and smiled as I walked in the room and went over to give her a hug and kiss on the cheek. It was weird reconciling what I had been through last night with still being my mom's `little boy'.

"How was camping? I hope you guys didn't make any bad choices" she said with a grin.

"Nothing that will make the papers or end up on our permanent records" I said smiling. "Nah, we just sat around the campfire and talked about school, baseball, girls that sort of stuff. Didn't get a lot of sleep though, I'm gonna go grab a nap."

"Ok" she said. "By the way Josh, I've been meaning to tell you how proud I am of you. The work you're doing at the gym, your grades are better than ever and you're turning into quite the athlete. I was worried about how the divorce was going to affect you and your sister but you both seem to be finding your way very well."

"A lot of credit goes to Eric, mom" I said, suddenly a little more serious and almost feeling a bit emotional. "He's supported me and done so much to help me figure some things out and find my way. He's been tough on me when he needed to but always fair and I always knew it was for my own good. You found a good guy there, mom."

Wiping a tear away from her eye, my mom got up and came over and gave me a huge hug and didn't let go for quite a while.

"I'm so glad to hear you say that. As you know, Eric and I sort of informally got engaged a couple months ago but we hadn't done the whole ring thing or set a date. Last night, at dinner, Eric got down on one knee and formally proposed and he gave me this" she said putting out her left hand to show me a huge diamond ring on the ring finger. "We're going to do a June wedding, not long after you graduate. Not a huge ceremony. And I was hoping you'd walk me down the aisle"

Suddenly I was the one pulling my mom into a big hug. "I would be honored, mom" I said.

At this point, we were both getting sappy and I tried to `man up' and pull myself together. I was so happy for my mom and for Eric. "Well, I'm gonna go hit the sack."

"Ok then" my mom said, also trying to pull herself back together. "You go get some sleep, I'll bring you up a snack around 2."

I gave mom another hug and headed up to my room. In my room, I stripped off my clothes and pulled on a pair of gym shorts and headed for the bathroom. I ended up needing to wipe up the floor around the toilet after figuring out how to pee with the cock cage on. I brushed my teeth and went back to my bedroom and crashed on the bed and was asleep before I could think of anything.

When my mom woke me up with a snack around 2pm, I was acutely aware of my cock pressing against the cage. I've always been a `morning wood' guy. This was going to be a challenge to get through.

The rest of Sunday passed pretty uneventfully. We all had a nice dinner out on the patio with Eric grilling steaks for everyone and a chicken breast for me. As we sat around the table talking, I felt more comfortable and relaxed than I had in a long time. Since the whole thing started with my dad's business in fact. I felt like we'd come a long way as a family and that I'd come a long way towards figuring out who I was.

Little did I know how far I still had to go.

Monday morning, I was up early as usual. Even though I wasn't working the morning shift at the gym, I still got up and got a run in before getting ready and heading to school. The school day passed quickly. I was doing well with my classes and enjoying hanging out with friends but I had my mind on my new job that started that afternoon.

I was out the door of the classroom before the echo of my last bell had stopped. I didn't want to be late at all. I got to the gym and quickly changed into the trainer uniform Eric had said would be waiting for me in the locker room. I showed up at the trainers office 10 minutes early.

"Well, aren't we the eager beaver" Austin said to me with a condescending tone but I noticed a smile on his face.

"Yes SIR" I said quickly and loudly. Somehow it just felt right to say this to Austin.

I heard a chuckle behind Austin and looked around to see Derick sitting there. "Trust me, I can vouch for him being eager" Derick said as my cock strained at the metal around it thinking of Derick taking my ass cherry in the sling two nights ago.

"OK, our first client will be Mr. Kauffman" Austin said with a sly glance at Derick. "He's looking to push himself to the next level. He's already pretty well built but wants to pack on some more muscle and get out ahead of the middle-age spread. He wants to be pushed hard and won't respond well if we coddle him. Here, you hold the clipboard and keep track of his reps. You'll also offer to hold his towel and water bottle when we get out there."

Wait, I thought I was supposed to be a trainer. Not a gym version of a caddy.

We walked out to the cardio area and Austin walked up to a treadmill with a good looking man running at a good pace. Austin looked at the treadmill display and said "crank it up at least another 2.5 miles per hour".

"Yes sir" Mr. Kauffman said as he sped up the treadmill and picked up his running pace. Apparently everyone sensed Austin's alphaness.

Mr. Kauffman was a fine looking man. About 6'2", muscular build evident under his tight tank top and gym shorts, well groomed dark hair and beard with a some flecks of gray that just added to his good looks as far as I was concerned. The package bouncing around in his shorts looked to be pretty `manly' as well.

"This is Josh, Mr. Kauffman" Austin said. "He wants to become a trainer so he's starting to learn the ropes today. Good news is we have someone to carry our stuff so we can focus on the workout."

"Good, my stuff is back there" Mr. Kauffman said, still not breathing too hard, despite running at a pretty fast pace.

I looked against the wall behind the treadmill and saw a water bottle, gym towel and two smartphones.

"OK, enough of the easy stuff" Austin said. "Let's get your muscles working".

"Yes SIR" Mr. Kauffman said as he stopped the treadmill and began to follow Austin into the weight area.

I picked up Mr. Kauffman's stuff and started to follow.

Austin turned around and said "Hey Josh, don't forget to wipe down Mr. Kauffman's treadmill. We don't want people to think he's one of those assholes who doesn't wipe down the equipment when they're done with it now do we?"

"No SIR" I said and grabbed a couple wipes from the nearest dispenser and went and wiped down the treadmill where Mr. Kauffman had been running. This training thing definitely wasn't going the way I thought it would.

I caught up with Josh and Mr. Kauffman in the weight room. Mr. Kauffman was doing lat-pulldowns that showed off his arms and back very nicely. He was straining and I noticed the weight was pretty heavy.

"Come on, do it, show the weight who's the boss" Austin barked at him. "Don't be a pussy."

At the word `pussy', Mr. Kauffman seemed to get a more determined look in his eyes and began to complete the reps faster. When he was done with the set, he stood up from the bench and said "fuck, yeah".

"Put Mr. Kauffman down for three sets of 15 each with 275 pounds" Austin said to me as he moved on to the next weight set. "And don't forget to wipe down the machine".

This continued like this for the next hour. Mr. Kauffman straining under what seemed to be too much weight, Austin goading him on with insults and taunts, Mr. Kauffman kicking it up and I was the pack mule, note taker and machine cleaner.

When we were done, Austin shook Mr. Kauffman's hand. "Great job today man but we're just going to ramp it up on Wednesday some more."

"Good" Mr. Kauffman said. "I don't want to let up" as he walked off toward the locker room.

Austin turned to me. "Mr. Kauffman suggested he might be interested in some extra assistance in the locker room if you were up for it. I'm sure he'd tip pretty well."

What the fuck was Austin talking about? Extra assistance?

"You know, like a good rub down" Austin said making air quotes as he said rub down.

Great, so now I'm a masseuse in addition to my secretarial and maid duties.

"Here's the keys to the massage therapy room off the locker room" Austin said.

I didn't even know there was such a room and must have looked confused.

"You know the door marked "electrical equipment" next to the towel closet?" Austin asked.

"Yeah" I said. "It says `Keep Out' so I always did".

"Well, when you get in there, use the key and open the door. You'll see electrical equipment but you'll also see another door. Through that door is our massage therapy room. Mr. Kauffman has his own key so get the room ready and he'll be there after he showers. The room is only known and available to certain members and staff."

Feeling thoroughly confused, I headed for the locker room. I saw Mr. Kauffman's back as he headed for the shower area. He had his towel over his shoulder and I took a moment to admire his well muscled back and nice firm ass.

Getting to the electrical equipment room, I used the keys to open the door. As Austin had said, there was some electrical equipment in there and there was a door in the back of the room. I went to the door and opened it and walked in.

The lights kicked on automatically as I went in. The room was about 10 feet by 6 feet. Not huge but not too small. The walls were painted black and the floor seemed to be covered with a black rubber padding. There was a massage table in the middle of the room and a cabinet in the corner. I went over to the cabinet and opened it.

Inside were several bottles that were labeled `Massage oil'. There were also some towels and bottles of water.

On the lower shelves were unmarked baskets that I couldn't see inside. Before I could pull them out, I heard the outer door to the electrical equipment room open and close. I quickly grabbed a bottle of the massage oil and some towels.

The door to the room opened and Mr. Kauffman stepped in. His towel was still over his shoulder and, from the front, I could see his well developed chest with a nice coating of black fur that had the same gray flecks his hair and beard had leading down to a cock that was limp and still appeared to be about 7 or 8 inches. His balls hung low under his cock and were definitely on the large side. He had hair all over his crotch and legs but it was clearly well groomed.

`Daddy' was all I thought as I stood there holding the towels and massage oil feeling my cock press against the cage. It was amazing how much I noticed how many times got turned on when I couldn't act on it.

"Good, I was hoping you'd take me up on my offer" Mr. Kauffman said as he tossed his towel on the massage table.

"I, I, I'm here to make sure the clients are happy" I stammered out.

"Well, I can tell you what else would make me happy" Mr. Kauffman said. "If I wasn't the only person in this room that is naked" as he turned and locked the door behind him and then turned back and looked me up and down and licked his lips.

`Well I'll be fucked' I thought. This didn't seem like it was going to be your average massage.

"Yes SIR" I said quickly and began to pull off my clothes while kicking off my shoes. Just as I went to pull down my shorts, I remembered the chastity device I was wearing. How would Mr. Kauffman react to that? Well, too late to back out now I thought as I pulled my shorts off and let my metal encased cock out. Looking at Mr. Kauffman standing there in his alpha daddy look, I was sure my cock was finally going to break through the metal of its cage.

"Nice, didn't realized you were caged" Mr. Kauffman said. "Fucking hot. A buff little stud like you cut off from cumming. How long have you been like this.?"

"Since yesterday morning SIR" I answered.

"So, here's the offer on the table" Mr. Kauffman said. "I'm a generous tipper. How generous is up to you. A decent naked massage will net you $100. There is more on the table if you're game but it's your choice and once you agree, you are in it till we're done."

I didn't need to think about it. This daddy could do whatever he wanted to me. I quickly assumed the position, feet shoulder width apart, hands behind my back and eyes downward to the floor.

"I'm here to serve you SIR" I said loud and clear.

"Nice" he said and walked over to me and began to rub my chest and play with my nipples. I moaned in pleasure at this. He reached down and cupped my encased cock and the balls underneath and squeezed. I thought I might explode right there.

"My pits need some attention boy. I deliberately didn't clean them in the shower so I'd still be nice and ripe for this" he said.

I raised my head and saw him standing there with his right arm lifted with his hand behind his head. The muscles in his arm rippled. I immediately dove into his armpit and took a deep breath. The musk of sweat and alpha male made me dizzy with pleasure. I began to lick his pit and taste his salty flavor. After a while, he grabbed my head and pulled me over to repeat on his left pit.

Once he was satisfied I had done my job on his pits, he stepped away from me. "Get back in your position boy" he barked at me when I didn't move fast enough.

I quickly re-assumed my position. I could hear him in the cabinet getting something. A few moments later I sensed him behind me and suddenly a hood was pulled over my head and I was in the dark. The hood had an opening in the front so that my mouth and nose were exposed but the rest of my face and head were encased in the tight rubber material of the hood. I was careful to keep my position throughout this.

Next, I felt sharp pain as my left nipple was pinched between something. I cried out.

"Shut the fuck up" I heard Mr. Kauffman bark and he grabbed my balls and squeezed them hard. I fought back crying out in pain again.

After a few moments, he let go of my balls and I quickly felt the same sharp pain on my right nipple. This time, I contained my reaction.

I felt Mr. Kauffman's hands on my shoulders pressing down. I quickly realized what I was supposed to do and dropped to my knees in front of this man. I felt his hardening cock at my lips and opened my mouth and began to lick the cock. From what I could tell by licking it, it was about 9 inches or so and really veiny. Determined to give my best blowjob ever and earn a good tip, I went to work sucking first the head and then using my tongue to wet it from base to end. I then turned my attention to his balls and alternatively pulled each one in my mouth and gently suckled it. I could hear him moaning above me.

"Suck it boy" Mr. Kauffman ordered.

I quickly licked my way up to the tip of his cock, tasting the pre-cum building on it. Taking a deep breath, I began to take his cock in my mouth. When it reached the beginning of my throat, I paused, using my tongue to lick the head all over, bringing more moans from him. I repeated this technique in and out several times before he put his hand on the back of my head and began to steady push his cock deeper in my mouth and past my throat. I gagged a little but worked to focus on breathing, relaxing and letting it happen like Thomas had taught me. Before long, Mr. Kauffman was fucking my throat with a steady rhythm and I was adjusting to his assault on my mouth. At one point, I attempted something I'd seen on a porn video and managed to stick my tongue out between my lower lip and his cock and, while I was fully impaled on his cock, licked his ball sack. With that action, he moaned loudly and pulled his cock out of my mouth.

"Good work boy. You've got me right on the edge but I'm not done with you yet. Give my ass a good tongue bath."

I felt his ass crack at my nose and stuck my tongue out. I reached up and took hold of his amazing ass cheeks and spread them so I could get to his hole. Once there, I went to town licking and probing his hole with my tongue. He moaned and said words of encouragement.After a while of this, I pulled away and and I felt an upward tug on my nipples.

"Come on, get up and get over to the table"

I stood up and let him lead my by the nipple clamps to the table. I felt him position me and could feel the edge of the table on my upper legs.

"Lean back, get up on the table and keep scooting back until your head is hanging off the other side. I'm going to fuck your throat and you're going to get my load boy."

Not needing to be told twice, I quickly hopped up on the table and scooted to the other end, almost falling off in my excitement but he grabbed me and helped me find a position on my back with my head hanging backwards off the table.

I sensed him standing at the head of the table and, without thinking, opened my mouth. He quickly slid his cock balls deep down my throat. In this position, it was like my throat was made for this. I didn't have to work so hard to suppress gagging and he did all the work. His pace steadily increased until he was hammering my skull hard.

"Get ready." he said as he pulled out and I began to feel his cum hit my face, the hood and my chest. Not wanting to waste anything, I quickly leaned forward and found his cock to take back in my mouth and licked and sucked on it.

As he caught his breath and pulled out of me, Mr. Kauffman rubbed my head. "Well done boy, you are everything I've been hearing about you and more."

"Thank you SIR" I said. "We aim to please our members here at the gym."

"Well I'm very pleased. On Wednesday, I want that ass of yours so be sure you've prepped for getting fucked."

"Yes SIR" I said, already getting excited at the prospect of this daddy fucking me.

I heard the door open and close as Mr. Kauffman left the room. I sat up on the table and just stayed there for a few more minutes almost quivering with excitement. Finally, I took off the hood and the clamps on my nipples. I rubbed my nipples enjoying the soreness after the clamps.

I got up and used the towel to wipe the cum off my face and get dressed. After straightening up the room and putting everything away, I stepped out into the electrical room and then into the locker room. The gym was starting to get busy with the after-work crowd and there were a lot of men in various stages of undress in the locker room. Again, I was aware of my cock in its cage.

I checked back in with Austin and reported a satisfied client. "We'll see" he said with a sneer. Damn, would this guy ever give me credit for something?

I spent the next couple hours helping Austin update the training records in the computer and calling back some members who had requested training to get them scheduled.

At 6:30, Eric walked into the trainers office. "So, how was the first day as a trainer?" he asked me as Austin sat there looking at me.

"I definitely learned a lot about the job of a trainer and how to make our members happy." I said looking at Austin. He just cocked his head a little, raised and eyebrow and got up and headed out.

"This was left for you at the front-desk" Eric said, handing me a sealed envelope. "I've gotta go sign some paperwork and then I'm heading home. I'll see you there. Later."

"Thanks" I said.

After Eric left the office, I was sitting alone. I opened the envelope and found three one-hundred dollar bills. There was also a note with a phone number and the words "see you Wednesday". I quickly programmed the number into my phone and marked it "Daddy K" with a smile. I sent a quick text saying "This is Josh". A reply almost immediately came back saying "Good boy. See you Wednesday."

How many other clients' were there?' I wondered to myself as I pocketed the $300.

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Extra reminder, support nifty - if we all donated just a nickel for each load we've blown, we could probably fund it for the next five years! :)

Next: Chapter 12

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