Finding Out Who I Am

By Writing About Josh

Published on Jan 12, 2023


--------------Chapter 21--------------------

***Normal cautions apply up front. This story contains sexual content including some underage content that may be offensive. If you're offended by man to man sex, BDSM and other similar topics, this isn't the story for you. If you are underage in your area to read this, don't read it. There may be unsafe sex described in this smart in the real world and make good choices.

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***This story is a work of fiction and should not be taken to represent any real people. That being said, there were several "inspirations" for characters but I've tried to keep them different enough to protect the innocent and not so innocent.

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------------From Chapter 20---------------

With no further words or even looking at me, Master Orson threw Jorge's handcuffs on my stomach, walked to his truck, pulled on the rope enough to take the tension off the hook on the front of his truck. In a true testament to his power, he unhooked the rope from his truck and walked over to a nearby tree and tied the rope off without me lowering in the slightest. With that done, he got in his truck, started it and drove off. I was left hanging from a tree in the middle of the woods still trying to come down from this intense experience.

I hoped Jorge and Kyle would be back soon. I also hoped they could find me.

------------Chapter 21---------------

"So Orson had good things to say about you boy" Jorge said as he and Kyle released my legs from the spreader bar so I could support myself while they released my wrists. "Did you enjoy him?"

"Yes sir" I responded.

"Good. Orson is good man to have on your side. He lives in Chicago, not far from the campus" Jorge explained. "I'll tell you a secret. He may look and play like a rough and mean top but, deep down, he's a teddy bear who will do anything for a friend. And, you're now a friend."

"Yes sir" I responded.

Kyle re-cuffed my hands behind my back. He and Jorge put all of Orson's equipment in the bag Orson had left. Kyle put the bag in my hands so I was holding the bag behind my legs. I followed them back through the trees to the cabin. Master Orson's truck was gone.

"Leave the bag on the front porch" Jorge directed.

I walked up to the front porch, bent my legs and dropped the bag on the porch and walked back to where Jorge and Kyle stood next to the car.

"We'll need to clean you up before you get in my car" Jorge said. I was sweaty and still had my cum drying on my front. I could also feel some of Master Orson's cum leaking from my ass.

"There's a hose by the house over there" Kyle said. "Come on, I'll hose you down."

I followed Kyle to the small stone patio next to the house where the hose was hanging. Kyle turned the faucet on and picked up the hose nozzle. With no warning, he began to hose me down. The cold water from the hose made me yell out. Kyle hosed my front from top to bottom.

"Turn around" Kyle said and he repeated hosing my backside.

"Squat and spread your ass cheeks" Kyle said.

I went into a squat position and felt my cheeks pull apart. Kyle directed the stream of cold water to my asshole and thoroughly cleaned it. The pressure of the water also went inside my ass a little, especially given how loose it was from Master Orson's fucking.

Kyle turned off the water, drained the hose and hung the hose back on the holder. I followed him back to the car. Jorge re-inserted the butt plug I had been sitting on throughout the drive in my ass.

"Well, now you're clean but you're all wet" Jorge said. "Stand out here and dry off in the sun."

Jorge and Kyle got into the BMW and Jorge started it. They sat inside with the windows closed and the air conditioner running while I stood in the sun next to the car.

After about 20 minutes, Kyle got out, opened the back door of the car and motioned me to get in. After I sat down on the leather seat, Kyle reached in and buckled the seat belt. He also reconnected the cable from the buttplug to the remote that he had been using to send electrical pulses to the plug, giving me a grin as he did so.

After Kyle got back in the passenger seat, Jorge put the car in gear and we began to drive back down the road.

As we drove, Jorge began to talk.

"So, Josh. Kyle and I have been talking about how things are going to go when you guys head off for college and we've got a couple questions for you. This needs to be a real and honest conversation so you get a say and need to speak up and be honest. No `yes sir' and things ok?"

"Yes sir" I said before correcting myself and saying "Yeah, real and honest."

"Ok, so first question" Jorge began. "Do you want to continue to explore and experience BDSM when you go off to college?"

"Well, uh, yeah" I said not quite sure why it would even be in question.

"Ok, just wanted to be sure because it leads to the next questions" Jorge explained. "You've come a long way as a sub and are, frankly, one of the best subs I've ever played with. Orson's report on you confirmed that. You are a natural as a sub and are able to give your dom a great deal of pleasure and get a lot of pleasure yourself."

"Thank you si.. Er Jorge" I said.

"So, obviously, I won't be coming to Chicago with you guys in the fall. You and Kyle can explore the scene and have some one-off experiences and I can connect you with Orson and others I know to help introduce you into the scene" Jorge continued. "But I have been wondering how you'd feel about having a committed relationship with someone."

"Well, I, uh, I don't know" I said, getting more confused. "What would that mean?"

"You'd be committed to someone as their sub. Doesn't mean you only play with them but you have a more solid bond with them and you both discuss the who and what of your play with them. You also watch out for each other and help keep each other safe" Jorge explained. "You'd also be play partners on a regular basis and this other person would periodically dominate you beyond the playroom, maybe even on a full time basis."

"Yeah, that sounds great" I said. "But how would that work since I'm required to live on campus?"

Jorge glanced over to Kyle who I suddenly realized had been very quiet throughout the discussion.

"Man, I'd like to do this with you" Kyle said. "We told you at the party after graduation that I'm exploring being a dom. Jorge and others have been giving me information and training. I've got a lot to learn but I'll always make sure you are safe man."

I suddenly felt very emotional. Kyle had, in a short time, gone from being an unknown new guy in town, to my rival on the team, to a buddy, to someone I was able to be open and honest with as a best friend or brother even. I suddenly realized that I had genuine feelings for Kyle, beyond just playing.

"If you don't want to do this, it's totally cool man" Kyle began to explain when I didn't respond. "We'll still be best buds, roommates and shit."

"Kyle, if you're willing, I'm definitely willing" I said.

Kyle looked back and me and smiled. "Good. We're going to have a kick ass time at college man."

"Like you've said before, you specialize in kick ass times" I said returning his smile.

"Ok, well that's settled. Kyle and I talked and he will be your primary dom for the rest of this trip. When we get home, you'll go back to me being your dom until you guys leave for school" Jorge said.

"Yes SIR" I said with a grin. Suddenly this trip was looking even better.

Suddenly, electricity shot up my ass. I yelped and looked and Kyle had picked up the remote and was holding down the button.

"Don't think it's going to be easy. I'm going to push you hard" Kyle said.

"Yes SIR" I said, still grinning.

Kyle turned up the dial to add more power to the plug. I stopped grinning and began to moan as the power went from just being stimulating to beginning to hurt.

"We are going to take things up several notches on this trip. You will be treated as a true subordinate, almost as if you're not even a human" Jorge said. "Do you think you can handle that?"

I paused and considered what that might mean.

"You'll be safe of course but there won't be a lot of love or affection or even friendliness from Kyle or me" Jorge said. "We will treat you more as if are a piece of property or something."

I trusted these two men to the max. "Yes SIR" I said.

"Good" Jorge said. "You won't know what to expect or how it's going to go so try to relax and go with the flow."

Kyle switched the remote to a random pattern and sat it down on the console between the front seats. He reached over and cranked up the radio and we all kicked back and enjoyed the ride, well as much as I could with random shots of electricity lighting up my prostate.

When we got into the city, Jorge pulled up the GPS to guide us to the townhouse we had rented for our long weekend.

We navigated through the city to the townhouse. It was on a quiet residential street near downtown. I was suddenly conscious of only wearing a leather jock.

Jorge stopped in front of the house and Kyle ran up the steps to the door and punched in a code and went inside. Jorge navigated to the alley in back of the townhome and we found Kyle standing there with the garage door open. At least I wasn't going to have to get out of the car in the open!

Jorge pulled the car into the garage and turned off the engine. Kyle opened my car door and reached in, unhooking the butt plug and unbuckling my seat belt.

Jorge unlocked the handcuffs I was wearing and removed them. It felt good to not have my arms shackled behind me and be able to release some of the tension that had built up in my shoulders.

"Let's get our stuff inside and settle in" Jorge said. "We have free time from now to 7pm."

I wondered what was going on at 7pm but Jorge didn't volunteer any information and I knew better than to ask.

Once we had our stuff in the townhouse and put away, it was about 5:30pm. Jorge offered to give us a tour of the rest of the house.

"This townhouse is owned by a guy I've known for years. He has this home here and another on the west coast. He's into the scene so, as a bonus, there is a well equipped playroom downstairs" Jorge said with a grin.

I looked at Kyle and he had an even bigger grin.

My cock started to push against the cage it was encased in.

We followed Jorge down the steps to the ground floor. He punched a code into a door at the bottom of the stairs and opened it.

The playroom was larger than I had expected, seeming to take up the entire ground floor of the townhouse except for the small hallway at the bottom of the stairs.

In the center of the room was a wooden platform about a foot high. Metal loops and hooks were in various places on the platform. Above the platform were several chains and ropes.

Around the side of the room were various pieces of equipment or furniture. A sling, a St. Andrews cross, a conventional T shaped cross, a leather covered bondage table and two sawhorses bolted to the floor. In one corner of the room was a jail cell with bars that ran from floor to ceiling. In another corner was a tiled off `wet' area that had a shower head in the wall, a toilet and a large bathtub. Connected to the shower head was a hose with a shower shot on the end. In the center of the tiled area was a drain. There was a tile covered curb surrounding the area to keep any liquid from getting out to the rest of the room.

"Wow" I heard Kyle say and turned to where he was standing in front of an open floor to ceiling cabinet. Inside the cabinet were hanging every type of BDSM equipment I've ever heard of, most of them in multiple styles and sizes. There were also several things I had never seen before. One side of the cabinet contained an array of dildos and plugs ranging from the entry level to `oh fuck'.

"Josh, you need to lose the jock" Jorge ordered. "While we're in the house this weekend, you will be naked at all times unless Kyle or I want to put something on you."

"Yes SIR" I said, immediately taking off the leather jock. This left me standing there in nothing but my cock cage.

"I don't know about you Kyle" Josh said "but I've got to take a huge leak after that car ride."

Kyle grinned and said "yeah, me too. Josh, get your ass in that tub over there."

"Yes SIR" I said as I hurried over to the tub in the wet area and climbed in.

Jorge and Kyle stepped to either side of the tub. Jorge reached down and put the plug in the drain of the tub. They both pulled their cocks out. I looked at both of their beautiful members and felt my cock stir in the cage.

Within a couple seconds, both of them were coating me with piss from head to toe. Jorge was right, they both had very full bladders and they continued to coat me with their piss for at least 30 seconds.

Once they were done, I remained laying in the tub, soaking in my masters' piss.

Jorge walked over to the cabinet and selected a collar and a long chain as well as some padlocks. He handed the collar to Kyle who put it around my neck, securing it with one of the padlocks. I would be unable to take off the collar, just as I was unable to remove my cock cage.

Jorge had used another padlock to connect the chain to another chain hanging from the ceiling in the middle of the wet area. He then padlocked the other end of the chain to my collar.

"That's just enough chain for your to be able to get around in this area but not get anywhere else" Jorge said. "Kyle and I are going to go get cleaned up and dressed for the evening. You will remain here. While we're gone, you will clean yourself thoroughly inside and out. There's a disposable razor in that cabinet above the toilet. Make sure you have no body hair anywhere other than on your head. When we return, you will be inspected and any problems will result in punishment."

"Yes SIR" I said, still standing in the tub, my feet in the cooling piss.

"Leave that piss in the tub. We'll add to it through the weekend and may have some special uses for it" Jorge ordered.

Without another word, Jorge and Kyle turned and walked out of the room, closing the door behind them.

After a few seconds of thought about my situation, I quickly got to work as Jorge had instructed. I turned on the shower and waited for the water to get warm. It remained ice cold. I grabbed a razor from the cabinet, jumped into the cold stream of water from the shower and got to work making sure every inch of my body was hair free. I paid special attention to my ass and crotch both to make sure I didn't miss anything as well as to avoid cutting myself.

Once done shaving, I grabbed the shower shot and used it several times. Each time I inspected the water I expelled until I felt it was totally clean.

Finally, I got some soap from the dispenser on the wall and washed my body from top to bottom.

After I turned the ice cold water off, I looked around and could not find a towel. So I took my submissive stance, feet shoulder width apart, hands behind my back, in the middle of the wet area and waited for the water to dry off my body. Fortunately, the room was a comfortable temperature but, after the ice water shower, I still shivered.

When the door opened and Kyle and Jorge walked in, my breath caught at the site of them. Jorge was wearing a leather vest and pants. Both were skin tight and showed off his amazing body. A leather biker cap was on his head, leather gloves on his hands, leather arm bands emphasizing his muscular biceps and a pair of black leather work boots finished off the ensemble.

Kyle was wearing a leather vest and arm bands similar to Jorge's but had on tight leather shorts, black gloves and knee high black leather boots.

Kyle was carrying a stack of clothes, presumably for me. All black and all leather.

Kyle set the clothes down on the platform in the middle of the room and walked over to me. He reached up and unlocked the padlock connecting my chain to the chain from the ceiling. Using the chain to pull me along, he guided me over to the sawhorses.

"We're going to inspect you now" Kyle said. "Get in position on the sawhorse."

I bent over the sawhorse. Kyle quickly used the straps at the bottom of each leg to secure my wrists and ankles.

Jorge walked over to me and took off one of his gloves. He began to run his bare hand all over my body, presumably checking for a stray hair. His touch was incredibly erotic and I was becoming quite aroused.

"Good job" Jorge said when he was done. "No hair. Now, Kyle, check his insides."

Kyle stepped in front of me so I could see that he was holding a black tube that looked to be at least two feet long. It wasn't very thick and appeared to be very flexible.

"I'm going to use this colon snake. You're going to take all of it and, when I pull it out, if I find anything on it, you're eating it" Kyle said.

"Yes SIR" I said, hoping my efforts had been sufficient.

Kyle stepped behind me and I felt him rub some lube on and into my asshole. I then felt the head of the snake at my hole. Kyle applied pressure and the head popped past my sphincter.

Using slow and continuous pressure, Kyle worked the snake deeper in me. At various times, the snake met with resistance and Kyle, with Jorge coaching, twisted, pulled back a little and made other adjustments until the snake continued it's journey up my insides.

The snake was much thinner than the thickest thing I'd ever taken so there wasn't any pain involved but, as it got deeper, I began to experience new sensations. I could literally feel it navigating my colon and intestines. These areas had never been explored like this.

Eventually, the pressure stopped. "Done" Kyle announced. "Clamp down and hold it."

I squeezed my ass as hard as I could, trying with all my strength to hold in this slippery, flexible snake.

"Ok, let it go and push" Jorge ordered.

I relaxed my ass and began to push as if I was taking a shit. The snake began reversing its journey.

I hadn't realized I was holding my breath until the snake was completely out and I gasped a big breath.

"Hmm" I heard Kyle say behind me.

Had I done enough flushing out or was I about to chow down on some of my own shit? I really wasn't into scat play but knew it was my job to face the consequences of not following master's instructions.

Kyle stepped in front of me and showed me the snake. Though wet and shiny from the lube, it was clean from end-to-end.

"Good job boy" Kyle said.

I let out a sigh of relief.

"Don't relax yet. You've got a long night ahead of you" Jorge said. "Eating a little shit might seem easy by morning."

You'd think I'd be scared of that but, damn, my dick just tried to get harder.

"Yes SIR" I said.

Kyle released the straps binding me to the sawhorse. "Your clothes are on the platform" he said. "Get dressed."

"Yes SIR" I said.

The first thing I picked up was a body harness. This harness went over my shoulders, across my chest and had straps under my arms that hooked to a cockring. As I put this on, Jorge walked over and unlocked my cock cage so I could put my cock and balls through the ring.

"You are not permitted to cum without permission from Kyle" Jorge said. "Even if someone else makes you cum, you will be severely punished. More severely than you've ever experienced."

My cock had already sprung to full hardness. Even though I had cum earlier today from Master Orson's fucking, I knew it would not take me much to get there again.

"Y y yes SIR" I stammered out. "Permission to ask a question SIR"?

"Make it quick" Jorge barked, giving me a stern look.

"How am I supposed to keep myself from cumming if someone else is stroking me or even with someone fucking me. I came earlier today with Master Orson just from him fucking me" I asked.

Jorge glared at me.

"Are you or are you not my sub?" he asked.

"Yes SIR I am" I replied.

"Do you want to be my sub?" he asked.

"Yes SIR I do" I replied.

"Do you understand that being my sub will sometimes involve me pushing you right to the edge of what you can do and beyond? Challenging you?" Jorge asked.

"Yes SIR" I replied.

"You still have a lot to learn boy. You think this is just about sex and pleasure. You forget that part of this is you learning to be more disciplined and in control of yourself" Jorge said. "Only when you are in control of yourself can you truly give your best to your masters."

"Yes SIR" I replied. "I'm sorry I questioned you and I will be in control of myself tonight and not cum without permission from Master Kyle."

"Good. I suggest you focus on breathing when things get too much" Jorge said. "Now, finish getting dressed."

I turned back to the pile on the platform. There was a pair of leather shorts that were extremely tight on me and left nothing to the imagination. The shorts had a zipper up the back so my ass would be easily accessible.

Other than the harness and the shorts, the only other clothing items left was a pair of socks and a pair of knee high boots that matched Kyle's. I put these on.

Kyle took the chain that was still padlocked to my collar and lead me out of the playroom and to the garage.

Jorge opened the trunk of his BMW. "Get in" he said to me.

I paused for a moment and Kyle yanked the chain hard. "Get in the trunk" he yelled.

I crawled in the trunk and managed to bend my body to fit.

"Tonight you are just a piece of property" Jorge said. "Property rides in the trunk" as he slammed the trunk lid shut.

Well this was a new twist. My cock was hard as a rock.

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***Tweet about Josh and the story at @waboutjosh / #waboutjosh

***Extra reminder, support nifty - if we all donated just a nickel for each load we've blown, we could probably fund it for the next five years! :)

Next: Chapter 22

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