Finding Yourself

By samuel coher

Published on Apr 19, 2017


Finding yourself Pt 6

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After Zach left to go to the club fair, Logan came knock on my door. I opened the door and he walked in. We went to the couch and started talking about the last week since we did not see each other for that long period of time. We caught up then went to the bedroom to have a little fun. The door closed and it felt like a week went by because the next thing I knew, I was sitting in the blenchers overlooking the pool.

My eyes darted around then I found who I was searching for. Damien was standing a little off to the side of the pool. I smiled because he was wearing my speedos that I use to wear. Let me back up a moment and tell you about that.

A few days ago, Logan and I were in my dorm room and I asked him, "Are you ready for the swim team tryouts?"

"Yeah, I guess," he said a little intimidated. "I wish you would be joining the team too."

"Yeah, but I want to try out some new options. Got do something else besides swimming this year," I said to him and thought of an idea.

"Well, still you will come watch me at all my meets," he asked.

"Of course, I will. I am your number one fan," I said getting up and walking into my room. I shuffled around in there for a moment then emerged from my room. He looked up and me and leaned over his head to give him a kiss. "Just in case I cannot make it for whatever reason, wear these and I will always be with you."

I pulled out my speedo that I use to wear for my meets. He grabbed them and was so excited. He could not wait to try them on. He gave me a quick strip show and soon had nothing on but my own speedos. He looked so hot in nothing but that and it took all my energy not to jump him right there.

He noticed as well and start to walk towards me. His bugle was stretching the fabric of the speedo with every step. He leaned in and whispered in my ear, "Thanks, for the gift. I cannot wait to use them in the water."

That made me instantly hard and if you looks at the front of my shorts that I had on you could see the tent. I had to think fast or this will get mess and I do not think Zach would like to walk in on that since our promise. "Fine, stud. If you make the team I will give you special treat," I tempted him with.

I looked into his eyes and he was thinking. Option one to have me right there and not worry about waiting a couple of days or option two which is make the team and wait for the surprise that I was cooking up. He leaned away and grabbed his Jeans that he just stripped off. He put them back on and his shirt.

"I take it you want to find out what the surprise is," I said with a little smirk within my voice.

"Yes, you little tease," He said back to me like a little kid.

"You started it plus I think you would enjoy this treat and the wait will make it just that much better," I told and kissed him.

"It better be fantastic but then again, knowing you, it will be beyond anything that I can think of right now," he told me and kissed me back.

I was snapped out of my flashback when I felt a hand on my shoulder, I turned my head and there was Zach and Damien. "Are these seats taken?" Damien asked.

"Nope was saving them just for you guys. Thanks for coming. I am sure Logan will be excited that you guys could make it," I told him then pointed where Logan was. I waived at him and he waived back. He smiled and I knew he was happy to be doing this.

Soon the loud speaker started announcing who would be swimming in the fast trial round. Logan's name came up and he took his position. I was staring at him like it was going to give him an extra boost or something. The gun shot and everyone dived into the pool. My eyes followed Logan's every stroke then he turned and started coming back.

"This is so exciting. How many times does he have to do this?" Zach asked me.

"These are time trials he will get three chances to be the highest score and the ones that are in the top spots will be picked to join the swim team," I told them.

Logan reached the end of the lap and he came in second place by 2 tenths of a second. It was a pretty close race. Everyone got out of the water and he grabbed his robe to dry off. He came up to us in the stands.

"Thanks for coming guys," he said to us.

"It is our pleasure," Damien said to him. "We get to see hot guys in very skimpy clothing."

"I am glad to help your imagination along," he said then turned to look at me. "If I get the top spot, do I get anything extra to our deal?"

I just nodded my head without opening my mouth.

"Good, because next two races, I will get first place. You be ready with your end of the bargain," he said. He kissed me and left to get back to his focus of the races.

You know that feeling like you have eyes burning into the back of your skull, yeah, Zach and Damien were doing that. I turned around and both of them were giving me a look like I was guilty of something. "What?" I said back to them with some force.

"Spill it," Zach demanded.

"I made a promise to him that when he makes it on the team that I would do something special for him," I told them just the basic of details hoping that would satisfy their curiosity.

"Ok," Zach said to me.

The question was dodged but I still did not have a clue what I could do to make this one just right, especially after upping the stakes. Then I figured something out and the details started flowing in. I think Zach noticed the wheels in my head turning and I did not even need to ask him. He handed me some paper and pen to write something. I wrote on the piece of paper and then got up from my seat. Luckily, Logan was getting ready for the next race when I slipped the note inside his gym bag.

I watched that race from the sidelines instead of the blenchers. He got out of the water and his eyes darted to the blenchers and did not see me. He then looked around and noticed me standing by the entrance to the locker. He came walking over to me and gave me a weird look.

"What are you doing down here?" he paused to hear the times of lap he just finished.

He came in first that time but not by much. "Just wanted a better view of that sexy ass," I said with a sly grin on my face.

"Sure," he said as he dried himself off.

I gave him one last look as I walked back up to the blenchers to sit with Zach and Damien. We talked once I got back up there and waited for the last time trial for Logan. A good twenty minutes passed and Logan was up for his last time trial. He got ready for his started and I got out of the stands to make my exit once I heard the announcement.

The gunshot blast through the air and I already knew the outcome of the race. I walked outside the swimming pool area and made my way back towards the dorms. I did not need to know what happened because I already knew he made the team and was going to take the top spot out of all those other competitors.

Logan looked around for me in the stands or by his gym bag. He noticed Zach and Damien walking down to meet him. "Where did Connor go?" he asked both of them.

"Most likely he knew the outcome of the race before you even did. He is getting ready for your big prize. Check you gym bag," Zach mentioned to Logan. "We got to go but that was some great swimming. Glad you made the team."

Zach and Damien took off as Logan looked in his gym bag. He found the note which read like this:

I knew you would make it and sorry I left a few minutes early. I wanted to get a head start on your prize. I will meet you back here at 10 tonight. Bring everything that is in that gym bag and I will handle the rest.

Love Connor

Logan looked through his bag and noticed two extra pieces of clothing that were added to his bag. He did not take them out but he did start to get turned on from them. He quickly went into the locker room to change so no one else noticed his hardening member in his speedos.

As I was in my dorm room grabbing the things I need for tonight, I got a text from Logan. All it was tease and a smiley face with his tongue sticking out. I sent back smiley face winking and blowing a kiss. I put my phone back into my pocket and packed my bag of stuff.

I got to the swimming pool around 9:30 and hopped the fence. I was lucky that the swimming pool fence was mainly covered so you cannot really see in. I set everything up and jumped in the pool as I heard someone start to climb the fence.

As Logan came down the other side of the fence he saw some notes. Each note had some instructions on it and something else besides the notes. The first note read:

If you remember what you lost on the first time we met take it off and move towards the next note.

Logan thought about it and remembered his shorts were hooked on the fence during our first meeting. He took off his jeans that he was wearing. I peeked out of the pool to see if he was wearing the first thing I gave him. He was and he sure did fill it out quite well.

Each note had a candle lit next to them so i could see where he was. Logan blew out the candle and started walking towards next candle. The next candle was a few feet down the walkway. The pool was lit up but I was hiding by the side of the pool so he could not see me.

Logan looked around but did not see me. He got to the next note:

Swimmers do not need this article of clothing. It would only drag them down.

He thought for a quick moment and took off his shirt. I peeked out of the pool to see him wearing just the jockstrap that I left for him. Logan blew out the candle and walked to the last candle before the pool. He got there and it read:

Take them off or leave them on, that is your choice on how you feel tonight. Once you decide dive right in to find you treasure.

I did not peek this time because I wanted to be surprised and see what he wanted to be. The top or the bottom. If he left them on then I was going to top him but he stripped out of them then I would bottom. Just in case you were wondering what was the thing by each note was my piece of clothing. I was butt naked by the time I jumped into the pool. I did not notice if he saw the articles of clothing by the cards were mine.

I did not notice him jump over me but I heard the splash behind me. I swam out to the center of the pool and waited for him to surface when I felt his tongue slowly lick its way up my body. It started at my feet and went up my legs. He skipped over my hardening member and licked my stomach. Then he emerged from the water.

Our eyes met as we both were trending water to stay afloat. I moved my lips to meet his and we embraced each other. My hands roamed around his body and felt that his jockstrap was not on. I got my answer to that question. We broke the kiss and he smiled at me. No words were spoken but I just swam over to the side of the pool with my ass teasing him. He followed me over and I was floating above water.

He wasted no time and his hands spread my cheeks and he started going in deep with his tongue. I moan out his name once I felt him go in. He knead my cheeks with his hands and it felt so good. I kept moaning and felt him slowly push my body down into the water. He pinned me between the wall and his body.

I felt his cock tease me by slipping between my legs and rubbing against my hole. I turned my head and kissed his lips. He took the signal knowing that I was ready for him to enter my body. He lined his cock up with my hole and slowly entered me inch by inch. I felt him deep inside and it felt like I was going to burst with pleasure.

He stopped for a moment and felt him all the way in. He kissed the back of my neck and pushed a little further in. A moan escaped my lips when he did that. That was his cue to keep going. I felt one hand help me support the both of us and the other went down towards my cock. He leaned back so he could get access to my cock that was rock hard in this water.

His hand was soft as it wrapped around my member. He start pumping back and forth in the water to get momentum going. I arched my back so he could get a better angle and that got things going. His hand was going in rhythm with his cock going in and out of me. Soon I felt him speed up his pumps inside me.

I did not want him to cum just yet so I slowly raised myself out of the water and walked over to pick up his jockstrap. I put it on and looked back at him. He was pulling himself out of the water and I just wanted to tackle him back into the water and go down on his massive cock. I fought the urge to do that and continue with the plan at hand.

I pretended to walk away and slip. I landed on all fours with my tight bubble butt up in the air. He just whistled at the sight and walked over to me. I wiggled my butt like an invitation for him. He got the hint and was back inside me within seconds. He started pumping away and soon I was ready to explode once more. I tighten up my cheeks and felt my cock twitch in his hand.

He pushed through the tightness and hit my sweet spot once more. That sent me over the edge and I exploded all over his hand, my stomach and the pool tile. Once he felt that, my muscle claimed down on his member deep inside of me. He quickly pulled out and as soon as the tip of his cock left my body, it squirted all over my butt and back.

Five, six, seven shots came out of him when I felt his body slowly fall upon me. I braced myself to hold both of us and I could feel his breathing on me. A moment like this before he slowly got his composure back and slowly got off my body. He then slid between my legs noticed that his jock strap was covered in my cum, he just smiled up at me and kissed me deeply. I fell into the kiss and land on him this time.

We kissed under the stars for a few moments before I realized that we needed to clean up so we did not get caught by campus security. I kissed one last time and start grabbing our clothes. I tossed him his clothes and just pulled my shorts over his jockstrap.

We quickly made our way out of the pool area and back to his dorm room. "Was that everything you wanted and more?" I asked him with a kiss as he unlocked the door.

"So worth the wait. Since I made first spot was the jockstrap the extra bonus for me," he asked.

I did not say a word but just pulled down my gym shorts and slowly removed the jockstrap from my body. I handed it over to him and he just smiled. I put the gym shorts back on and gave him a big hug. We fell back onto his bed. We cuddled for the rest of the night.

I awoke to the birds chirping and the sunlight shining through the window. Logan was passed out from all that happened yesterday. I figured I would let him sleep so I let myself out and left him a note to text me when he got up.

I made my way back down to my dorm room where I could smell something cooking. I opened the door and Zach was cooking some breakfast.

"Good morning, would you like some?" he offered to me.

"Is this you way of asking me to tell about my night?" I asked back as I heard my stomach rumbling from lack of food.

"Not really, I was just offering it since you just got in," Zach asked back.

"Ok, let me go change and I will have breakfast with you," I said back and quickly went into my room. By the time I changed, Zach had everything plated and ready for me. I sat down and started eating.

"How was your night?" he asked me as I took a bite.

"It was magical. It could not have gone any better," I told him.

"Good, I am glad you and Logan enjoyed your evening," he said and ate some more. "If you ever need the dorm room, just let me know and I will vanish."

"Ok, and same goes for you," I replied back to him.

"Let me guess, you guys did it in the pool or near there," Zach said to me.

"How did you know?" I asked back with some astonishment in my voice.

"One you still have the smell of chlorine coming off you plus you both are swimmers at heart. I bet the first time you guys met was by a pool too," he said to me.

"Wow," was all I said back.

"You're a lot like me, which is going to make this year a whole lot more interesting around here. I am glad I got you as my roommate," he said back to me as he got up from the table and washed his plate. "If you need any help planning anything, come talk to me. I got tons more ideas to try out."

I did not say anything. I was a little taken back by his forwardness but I thought he was right about one thing. It will be an interesting year to come with him as my roommate. I just nodded my head to show that I was in somewhat of agreement with his plan.

He left the room and I quickly finished up my breakfast. I grabbed my stuff for the shower.

Let me know what you think, hit me up at or my blog site

Next: Chapter 7

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