Fired Up

By Larenza Prince

Published on Aug 14, 2009


Hey guys!

Sorry for not posting something in a long time but you know how it gets. Lots of you have asked me to continue some of my other stories on Nifty and im speedily working on it.

Anyway I saw this movie today and I thought this calls for a sex scene on Nifty! Please know that what im writing has no means on the real lives of the very sexy Eric Christian Olsen or Nicholas D'Agosto.

Any comments or suggestions for possible future chapter can be sent to

Larenza Prince xxx


"I knew that you were only into me for the fucking sex! I should have gone with Ric rather than being with you, you fucker!"

Shaun stared right at Carly when she screamed this. They were just back from cheer camp when Carly invited him over to watch DVD's. One thing led to another and like any normal horny 17 year old boy, he tried to kiss her while watching. Being beautiful didn't help either. Shaun's 7 inch cock was stiff while making out with Carly but in a moment of weakness he places his hand on her boob and she didn't like that as much. Shaun didn't know what the hell was going on with Carly but since they returned from cheer camp three days ago, things were very different.

"Carly, im sorry but I just couldn't help myself..."

"Yeah, you couldn't keep your dick under control; I should have known that things were too good to be true! Im out of here!"

"Carly, wait!"

"Eat dirt and die, trash!"

Carly shuffed him out of the house so that Shaun landed on his back. He winced in pain. He was still sore from the heavy fall into the water that happened in the cheerleading finale. For the first time Shaun had fallen inlove and that in a relationship that lasted a merely three days.

"Im a fool and a pathetic jerk. I lost her because I couldn't keep my dick down!" he thought while walking towards his car. He climbed in and let his head rest against the steering wheel for a moment. Then he started his car and left for his house.

When Shaun entered his house he felt his body being pushed towards the ground as he was tackled. Normally he would have laughed at the thought, but today was different. His dream girl had just fucking dumped him! He sat up after freeing himself from the grasp and looked up into the eyes of his best friend, Nick. With his shaggy blond hair he definetly didn't have problems with getting girls and he really had a way with words, having achieving the seemingly impossible task of getting the cheer coach's wife into bed!

"Hey Shauny, whatsup dude? You look like shit, man."

"Yeah man how would you feel if you were just dumped?"

"What? Shit man that terrible! After all what you had been through for that chick!"

"It was my fault, man lets just leave it. Hey, want a coke?"

"Don't be such a momma's boy, Shauny! Don't you have any beer?"

"Think my dad might have dude, look in the fridge."

Nick got his beer and went to sit next to Shaun who was setting up his ps3 and getting ready to play some games. Nick had the time of his life in playing because Shaun really wasn't concentrating on the game. He was thinking about Carly. She was so beautiful, so pure and she was his. Now he had lost her.

"Hey fuck this im gonna get a beer myself I hate being like this", he said as he stood up and walked to the fridge.

"That's my man! Finally Shauny gets grown up! Come sit here next to Uncle Nick that he can teach you some things!"

"You! Hell man, you're with a different girl every week!"

"Whatever dude, at least im getting some!"

The two of them went on and on while talking about random stuff and, at least for the innocent Shaun, it was the first time that he used alcohol. Finally it got too much and even in his drunken state, Shaun knew that he had to stop. Nick simply was too drunk to drive home and he knew that he couldn't let his parents see them like this. His father would kill him. He gently pulled Nick up and helped him up towards his room.

When there, he closed the door, locked it and pushed Nick on his bed. His hand landed on Nick's stomach and when it did, he felt the rippling muscles of meaty flesh underneath his best friend's shirt. Oh.My.Gosh...Shaun thought. Am I so desperate to get my fucking rocks off and have sex that im starting to get the hell hard about my best buddy? He decided to climb into bed and forget about all the stuff and shit that had happened, and just escape to dreamland.

Nick was having his incredible dream about the Coach's wife. They never made it to the sex part, having been almost caught out by the coach himself. They had been welcomed home as heroes after their adventures at cheer camp and the only reason that Nick decided to stay longer and not get on that bus, was because of Shauny. He would never admit this infront of Shaun but he would do absalutely anything for that guy. That's what best friends do. Anyway, he was dreaming that the coach's wife was sitting infront of him with her legs slightly open. Nick could see her shaven snatch. It looked sooo inviting just waiting for his massive 9 inch teenage jock dick to plow in and out of. He walked over to her and gently kissed her on the mouth. Suddenly he heard a scream, it sounded as if the woman was getting an orgasm but slowly it turned into a man's voice...and it was was screaming next to him...

"Shaun! Shauny! Wake up, man!" Nick shouted as he tried to wake up his buddy since it looked like he was having a real bad dream. He moved closer to Shaun, but declined as his cock was still rock hard and that was the last thing that Shaun now needed to discover.

"Nick! What the fuck? Where's Carly?" Shaun asked bewildered as he was waking up slowly.

"She's not here, dude. You guys broke up remember?"

Shaun's head drop onto his pillow. He ran a hand through his black hair that glistered in the sunlight streaming through the window. Then Nick saw it, there was a strange kinda wetness on the pillow next to Shaun. Fuck, Shauny was crying! Nick didn't know what the hell to do know, he had never seen Shaun cry and what the fuck brought this on?

"Shaun, no offence dude, but your starting to really freak me out here!"

"I...I dreamt that Carly...that she left me..." Shaun sobbed.

Nick really didn't want this to carry on any further since it was getting a wee bit pathetic. But this was his best friend, he couldn't do nothing. He placed his hand on Shaun's shoulder and and squeezed it.

"Come on dude, plenty of fish in the sea!"

Those words made Shaun cry even harder. Nick was frantic, on the one hand, he really wanted to get out of there, but the guilt would set in seeing Shaun like this. So Nick did the only thing that he knew, to comfort someone. He remembered what his dad always did when he got sore as a little boy.

"Alright, man. Come here."

Nick reached over with his well muscled left arm and pulled the crying Shaun over to him. Shaun's hand immediately went over Nick's waist as he cried into his chest. For a while they just sat like this, with both thinking why the the hell the other was doing what he did. Nick looked down at Shaun and pulled his face up. This guy had too many fucking feelings! He wiped Shaun's wet hair from his face and pressed his forehead against Shaun's.

"Dude, I know this sucks, I know this isn't what you wanted, but get real! There will be thousands of willing girls ready and waiting to suck on that lolly pop between your legs. Forget Carly and move on, man!" Shaun was numb from crying. He couldn't focus. In his dream he had been naked and Carly had laughed at him as he was immobilised and he couldn't get to her. When he woke up, a feeling of being stripped on his maleness and flown over him and all he could think about was how he failed as a man aswell as a boyfriend. For a 17 year old guy just completing the transition from teenage boy to a adult man, that was hard to take.

Shaun gently nudged Nick's face with his nose. Nick pulled away, seemingly disgusted and Shaun's face fell into the crook of his neck. Shaun, still having thoughts about the delectible Carly, felt the hardness of Nick's neck on his lips and softly began to kiss it.

"What the fuck are you doing dude?"

Nick sprung of the bed and ran out of the door, leaving Shaun crying on the bed.

Cliffhanger!! What will Shaun do now? Will Nick be able to still be his best buddy? What if Carly decides she wants Shaun back? Write to me at

Let me know!!

Next: Chapter 2

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