Firefighting Brotherhood

By Jeff Moore

Published on Jan 21, 2011


Authors Note

OK everybody, I said this chapter would be along in a few days, well its been over 4 years, lol. I just got busy with life, career, and with writing articles for magazines and firefighting manuals and did not have the time to sit and write. I found the old firefighting brotherhood chapters on my old computer when I was getting rid of it and decided that I had to keep it going, so here is chapter 6.

This story is meant as a work of fiction. I am a firefighter/paramedic. The characters portrayed are loosely based on fellow firefighters and paramedics I have worked with over the years. The names have been changed to protect the "closeted".

If you are under the age of 18, it is illegal in your area to view adult material, or you are offended by homosexual sex, then don't read any further.

I hope you all enjoy it and please leave me feedback at:

Last Chapter

"Honey, we need to talk." I said as I walked over to the couch.

"Ok, how is Billy doing?"

"He is a little better, but thats what we need to talk about. I know we already talked about helping him out, but he needs a place to stay for a while and I hope you don't mind, but I told him he could stay with us." I said to Brad as I was starting to rub his shoulders.

"YES, thats a great idea, we will have to go shopping and get some things for the house, and we can fix up the guest room, and"

"Whoa, slow down, we have a few days before he gets out of the hospital. We don't have to do anything right away. But, we do have to go see him this afternoon, I promised I would bring you along with me." I said.

Chapter 6

Brad and I spent the next several hours shopping. I knew we were both going to have to work alot of extra overtime to pay the credit card bills we just made. Brad was buying everything he thought we might need to have an active 15 year old boy in the house.

After leaving the stores we headed home to drop some things off and to get ready to go see Billy.

"I can't wait to meet Billy." Brad said.

"You are really gonna like him, he seems like a great kid, and hes cute as hell." I said.

Brad looked over at me and smiled. I knew that Brad only had an older brother and he wanted to have children in our family, but I was a little worried because Billy was 15 years old and had a very rough life already from the sounds of it. I also knew that Brad could be jealous and I did'nt want anything to come between us.

Brad and I stopped at the house and headed to the hospital. When we got to Billy's floor we stopped at the nurses station and talked to the charge nurse. She told us that Billy was doing well and could probably go home in a day or two. She also told us that Billy's mother had left a number for us to call her. I took the piece of paper she handed me and put it in my pocket for later.

I walked into Billy's room first.

"Jeff!" I heard billy shout excitedly. I smiled.

"Wow, is that Brad?" Billy asked.

"Yep, Billy this is Brad Hannigan, Brad, this is Billy" I said.

"Nice to meet you Billy, Jeff hasn't stopped talking about you." Brad said.

"Nice meeting you too Brad, wow Jeff, hes even hotter than you are!"

I was a little suprised by Billys boldness, but I took it as a compliment. I looked at Brad and he was beaming, and I did have to admit that the tight fitting jeans and snug shirt that he was wearing did compliment his awesome body.

"Well, thank you, I think." I said.

"So Billy, I think you are going to love living with us, we went shopping today and bought some things for you, and we are going shopping as soon as you get out of the hospital. We can't have you running around the house in that hospital gown with your backside hanging out or Jeff might leave me." Brad said.

Billy laughed, "If Jeff ever leaves you he's stupid and I'm single!"

We all laughed. "You guys don't have to buy me anything, I can get my clothes from my house." Billy said.

"Well, I am going to call your mother when we leave and discuss our arrangement and we will make some plans to get over there and get some of your things." I said.

"Ok" Billy replied.

We chatted for quite a while and Brad and Billy were really hitting it off. We found out alot about Billy and his family. He cried when he told us how abusive his father was and how he really did want to end his life the day he overdosed. Billy told us that he thought Brad and I were sent to rescue him. We talked about our plans for the next few weeks and how we had a big family vacation scheduled for the next month. Billy's eyes lit up. He told us that he had never been on a vacation. Brad told him that we were going to my parents beach house and would be spending two weeks. Billy looked a little worried.

"Whats wrong buddy?" I asked.

"Are your parents going to be ok with me coming along?" Billy asked.

"They will be fine, Pop will try to get you to go fishing with him and mom will try to get you to gain a couple of pounds." I said. Again, we all laughed and Billy looked a little more calm.

"I don't know how to thank you guys, this all seems like a dream." Billy said.

"It's no dream.", I said, "And we don't want any thanks, we just want to see you get better and be happy and free to be who you are."

"Thats right kiddo.", Brad said, "We want to help you out, and Jeff's parents are gonna love you, whats one more grandchild in this family? I swear Jeff and his relatives must be sex addicts."

"Hey now, we were just raised to love one another." I said, mocking a hurt and pouty expression."

"I know, good irish catholic family and all." Brad said chuckling.

"Remember, every sperm is sacred." I sang in my best Monty Python voice.

Brad laughed and Billy just looked at us like we were crazy. Damn, we were going to have to introduce this kid to some real comedy.

"Well buddy, we are going to have to head out. We have to work tomorrow, but we will stop in and see ya." I said as Brad and I started getting up to leave. Billy jumped off the bed and gave me and than Brad a huge hug and a kiss on the cheek.

"Thank you guys so much. I can't wait to get out of here." Billy said.

"I know kiddo, we can't wait to get you home either. We will see you tomorrow." Brad said.

We said our goodnights and Brad and I drove home. We chatted on the ride.

"You know, we are going to have to call mom and pop and tell them that they have a new grandchild." Brad said.

"I know, lets take care of that right now." I replied.

Brad grabbed his cell phone and called my parents house.

"Hi mom, how are you doing?" Brad said. I only heard half of the conversation but I knew that mom loved Brad almost as much as I did and the conversation consisted mainly of plans for the vacation coming up.

"Mom, theres something Jeff and I have to tell you and pop. Are you guys going to be home in a little while?" Brad asked. I knew the answer to that question. Mom and pop were almost always home. Pop worked and mom stayed at the house, they went to chruch every Sunday morning and mom had her church groups, but other than that they were home.

"Ok mom, we will see you in a little while. Yes, we will be careful and I love you too." Brad said into the phone.

"Ok, guess we're making a pit stop before we get home?' I said.

"Don't you think we should talk to them in person? I think thats best." Brad said.

"I agree." I said.

When we got to mom and pop's house, pop was sitting in his usual recliner with the TV on and he was sound asleep. Mom was sitting at her usual place at the kitchen table sewing one of pop's uniforms. Mom was almost always sitting at the kitchen table doing something. She always said that idle hands were the devils workshop so she always tried to keep busy with something.

"Hey mom." I said as Brad and I walked in and sat down at the table with her.

"Theres my handsome sons, get over here, no sitting until I get hugs." Mom said.

Our conversation must have woken pop up because he came stumbling into the kitchen.

"Mother tells me that you to have something to tell us." Pop said as he sat down.

"Yes, we have something really important to tell you guys." Brad said.

"Pop, you remember the call that I was on the other day when the guy tried to beat the life out of me?" I asked.

"Tried to, looked like he got a few good ones in on ya, but yeah, I remember." Pop said

I started the story off, "Well the call was for an unconscious overdose patient and it was a 15 year old kid. He had told his father that he was gay and his father beat the hell out of him and told the kid that he wasn't his son and he wanted him to die, so the kid overdosed. Well the kid is still in the hospital and of course he can't go back home, so Brad and I are taking him in until we can help him get things worked out. We just wanted to let you guys know that, at least for a little while, your going to have another grandkid."

"This is wonderful!" Mom was glowing

"You guys are unbelievable, I'm so proud of you both." Pop said.

"Oh no, I know what it was like around here when you were a kid, I can't even imagine having you two plus a horny 15 year old in the same house!" Pop laughed.

"Patrick!" Mom scolded, slapping pop on the shoulder as Brad and I were laughing.

"Well, it is going to be a challenge, thats for sure. Your son keeps me busy enough and now theres going to be another guy running around the house with a permanent hardon. I don't know how I am going to keep them occupied and out of trouble." Brad laughed.

"Bradley!", Mom shouted and this time slapped Brad in the shoulder.

"Well, you know that us Rourke men are well known for our prowess in bed and for our never ending appetite for all things sexual." Dad said.

"Patrick!" Mom yelled as she slapped him again. Now she was blushing. "You boys, what am I gonna do with ya, Lord help me."

We all laughed. Brad and I chatted with mom and pop for a little while and then we excused ourselves to go home and get some sleep before work the next morning. When we got inside the house Brad was like a caged animal. He leaped on me and started ripping my clothes off.

"Whoa tiger, whats got you all riled up?" I asked playfully.

"I'm just so excited about everything, I can't hold back anymore." Brad said.

"Ok, just leave a little bit of skin when you rip my pants off." I chuckeled.

For some reason that comment made Brad even more excited and I thought I was gonna get ripped apart. In a few seconds I had no shirt on and my pants and boxer briefs were down around my ankles. Brad engulfed my cock quickly and started sucking me hard and fast. Brad had never been this aggressive before and it was really turning me on. I knew that I wasn't going to last long like this. I don't think I have felt my cock get that hard before. I told Brad that I couldn't hold back much longer and he started sucking even faster. I could feel it building in every part of my body, I knew I was going to cum and I was going to cum hard. I tried to tell Brad but when I opened my mouth the only thing that came out was a long, loud, guttural growl as I felt my cock explode. It felt like my balls were being twisted off my body and my knees almost gave out. I had to grab Brad's shoulders for support as I was flooding his mouth with my cum. Brad had me buried deep in his throat and was still working my cock with his throat muscles even as my intense orgasm was rocking my body. Brad only moaned in pleasure. It took me a few seconds to compose myself and Brad was still nursing my still rock hard cock.

"What was that?" I asked, out of breath and still shakey.

"I wanted to get that first one out of the way. I want this buried in my ass all night." Brad said as he reached down and roughly grabbed my throbbing dick.

"Fuck yeah" was all I could say as Brad and I made our way to the couch. Brad had his clothes off almost as fast as he had mine off and I got my sneakers and the pile of jeans and boxer briefs untangled from my ankles. Brad's dick was as hard as mine was and was pointed straight up at his hot smooth belly. I started to get on my knees and Brad grabbed my arm and said, "No time for that now, FUCK ME!"

Who was I to complain. I saw that Brad had been really turned on by being rough so I grabbed his arm and spun him around with one hand while I forcefully pushed his upper body over the arm of the couch with my other hand. "I'm gonna tear that ass up." I growled at him.

"Fuck me Jeff". Brad hollered back at me.

I smacked his ass hard, leaving a bright red hand print and a stinging in my hand. Brad yelped and moaned loudly. All the time we have been together and I never knew he liked it rough like this. I grabbed his ass and started licking around his hot little hole. Brad was moaning and writhing around on the couch. I started flicking my toungue across his hole and he was going crazy. I realized I was loving this as much as he was. I started tongue fucking him, ramming my tongue into his hot tight hole fast. Brad was whimpering and bucking around.

"Oh God Jeff, just fuck me!" Brad said in a low breathless voice."

I started to reach for the tube of lube we keep in the drawer of the end table and Brad stopped me. "No time for that, its wet enough." he said.

I resumed my position behind Brad and guided my rock hard cock towards his hole. Now normally Brad and I start things off slow and work up to a fast and hard pace, but I was feeling overly horny and with all the rough play I just could not help myself. When I felt the head of my dick touch his hot pucker I pushed forward hard, shoving my whole cock in balls deep in one thrust.

"OH FUCK!" Brad screamed as I felt his whole body tense. I was in a sexual frenzy that I couldn't have stopped if the damn house was burning down around us. I did'nt wait for Brad to get comfortable with me in him I quickly withdrew all but the head of my cock and then slammed it back into him until my balls slapped against his. I could'nt hold back, no, I didn't want to hold back I started slamming my cock into Brad's ass like I was fucking for my life. Brad was whimpering and hollering. I barely heard him, I was so caught up in the energy of it all. I kept this up for a while and then decided to change positions. I pulled my cock out, grabbed Brad, and roughly flipped him over onto his back on the couch. He had this wild eyed bewildered look on his face. I looked deep into his eyes and then spit onto his ass and my dick. I grabbed his ankles and pinned his legs up by his shoulders. Without even touching my dick I quickly lined up and thrust it right back in as deep as I could go. I thought I was going to push Brad right through the arm of the couch. I started slamming into him again and I could see the mix of pain and pure pleasure in his eyes. We never looked away from each other, our eyes stayed locked together. Brad was cursing and yelling at me to fuck him harder. He had worked his arms between his legs and my body and was grabbing at my sides and ass trying to pull me deeper into him. I must admit, I am in shape, but I was quickly becoming tired. We had been at this now for almost an hour. I slowed my pace down and I saw this wicked grin grow across Brad's face.

"You gettin tired baby? Can't keep up with me? Come on Jeffery, is that the best you can do?" Brad said in a low and very seductive voice.

"No, I just did'nt want to break you." I said as I pulled my cock out of his ass and slammed it back in. I started my pace back up and was soon right back to pounding his hot ass. Every couple of strokes I would pull the whole way out and slam back into him for a few strokes and then regain my prior pace. Brad was now clawing at my ass and I could feel his fingernails digging into my skin.

"Oh fuck Jeff, I'm gonna cum, OH FUCK!" Brad yelled. I could feel Brad's muscles tighten and his ass gripped my cock hard, but I did'nt stop. I continued to ram his ass at the same pace. His ass was gripping so tight it hurt but I couldn't stop. Brad's hot cum was spraying all over us, the couch, and everything else in range, his muscles were contorting his hot body and his chest was heaving for breath. I knew I was gonna bust soon, but I wanted this to last as long as possible. I kept up my fast rythm until I could feel my balls tighten up. I buried my cock as deep as I could and felt my cock explode inside Brad. I collapsed on the couch with Brad, both of us exhausted.

"Holy fuck Jeff", Brad said. "I've never been fucked like that, it was incredible."

"Yeah" was all I could get out between breaths.

"You were amazing baby", Brad said, "Now lets go get cleaned up and get some sleep."

Brad and I took a long hot shower and I gave Brad an expert blowjob while we were in there. We both crawled into bed and Brad snuggled into my chest as we drifted off.

The next morning we were both up early and ready for work. I have to admit that I was sore as hell and had bruises in places that I just couldn't explain. Brad and I drove to the station and walked inside. I grabbed a cup of coffee, gave Brad a quick kiss which drew some whistles and cat calls from the offgoing crew, and I walked up to the office. The lieutenant from the previous shift was finishing up his paperwork so I grabbed one of the open chairs and sat down. We chatted for a while and he said that they had a busy shift with lots of medical assist calls. He said that there was some sort of flu going around and it appeared that alot of the medics and EMTs had it. He finished up his paperwork and vacated the desk.

"Hey Jeff, have a good shift and stay safe, you guys are gonna be busy too." he said as he left.

"Thanks" I shouted as he was walking away. I called headquarters and inquired about the ambulance staffing for the day and the dispatcher said that there had been a lot of call offs for this shift too. He said that we were 27% short on staffing and that we were down quite a few ambulances and medic trucks for the day. We would have to rely on ambulances and medic trucks from outside the department if we got busy. That meant that some of the private ambulance companies in the city would have to pick up the slack and that meant that we might have to wait a while for an ambulance to show up. I told the dispatcher that I would throw a set of medic gear in my truck and try to take in some medical calls to help out if I could, but that I couldn't get myself tied up transporting a patient to the hospital. I would just stabilize the patient until the private crews got there. The dspatcher thanked me and I hung up the phone. I finished my paperwork and headed down to the kitchen.

I told the guys what was going on and they all agreed that we would try to help out. I was just pouring the milk into my coffee when the bells started going off.

"Station 13, Engine 12, Engine 4, Truck 50, Rescue 3, Captain 2, Battalion 4, Chief 7 respond, 2367 East Primrose street, reported structure fire, heavy fire visible on the second floor."

I put down my cup and headed to my truck. The guys were getting into the rigs and I saw Brad get up into the engine and sit down rather gingerly. I grinned and my thoughts flashed back to last night. I could feel my dick starting to rise in my uniform pants so I decided that I had to put that out of my head, there was work to be done. I grabbed the microphone.

"Captain 2 responding." I said into the mic.

The radio perked up. "Captain 2, 2367 East Primrose street, cross of Fawn Alley and South 23rd, caller reporting that her house is on fire, we're receiving multiple calls of a working fire with heavy fire on the second floor." The dispatcher said.

"Captain 2 copies."

I sped out of the station and could see the thermal column (smoke) from my truck.

"County Captain 2, I got a heavy thermal column visible from about a mile away, give me the full general alarm box and start another rescue." I said into the mic.

"County Copies." the dispatcher said. "Engine 17, Engine 22, Truck 5, Rescue 1, Battalion 7, Battalion 9, Chief 2 respond, 2367 East Primrose Street, assisting Captain 2 on a general alarm structure fire, upgraded box assignment."

I was getting closer and I knew with the heavy traffic in this area the engine and truck would have trouble getting through it. I turned onto Primrose Street and saw fire blowing out of the house on the second floor. I knew this was going to be a long day.

"Captain 2 on scene, 3 story single family heavy fire on the second floor, truck 13 get to that roof and get it opened up." I yelled into the mic.

I got out of my truck and the owner of the home came running up to me. "I don't know what happened. I was in the kitchen and the smoke detector upstairs started going off. I tried to go upstairs but it was too smokey." she said.

"Ok, the firetrucks will be here in a few seconds, we are going to take care of it. Is there anyone still inside?" I asked.

"No, I was the only one home, my husband is still at work." she said.

"Ok, are you hurt at all?" I asked.

"No, just scared." she said.

"Ok, we're gonna take care of it."

Engine 13 was just pulling up with Truck 13 right behind it. I watched Brad jump off the engine and he and Dave grabbed the hoseline and made their way into the front door. Charlie was busy getting the truck set up and soon he and Nate were climbing the ladder to the roof. The boys were doing a hell of a job and I could see that they were making progress with the fire. The other rigs were pulling up and I saw pop pulling in beside my truck. I walked over to him and he told me to keep running command he was gonna go inside and take interior division 1. After about 20 minutes I saw that the black smoke had turned almost completely white with just a little light grey to it. I knew the boys had kicked this fires ass and we would be wrapping things up soon. I saw Brad and Dave sitting on the back of the engine, so I walked over and told them they did a good job, even though it was an old man and a rookie. Brad looked up at me and Dave told me exactly what I could do with that old man. I laughed, squeezed Brad's arm, and walked back to my truck. When we were just about finished wrapping up I called the pizza shop that was down the street from Station 13 and ordered pizzas for all of us since it was now past lunch time and the guys would all be hungry.

"County Captain 2, all remaining units are available and you can clear the box." I said over the radio to the dispatcher.

"Ok Captain 2." the dispatcher said.

It was perfect timing, as we were pulling up to the station the pizza guy was waiting for us. I parked my truck and led him into the watch room. I paid for the pizzas and took notice that this kid was really cute, I would have to remember to bring Billy in here and order pizza some day. I took the pizzas to the kitchen and we all ate. After lunch I decided to go see Billy so I headed over to the hospital.

"Hey cutie, how you feeling today?" I asked as I walked into Billy's room.

"I feel great, wheres Brad?" Billy asked.

"Oh, I bring the hot guy in one time and now I'm thrown to the side! I thought we had something special." I pouted.

Billy got a worried look on his face and I thought he was going to cry so I quickly walked over to his bed and grabbed him under the arms lifting him out of the bed and into a big bear hug. I went to kiss him on the cheek but he must have been ticklish and was squirming around a little and I ended up kissing him on the neck just by his collar bone. This illicited a low moan from him and since I was holding him tight against my chest I could feel the hardness start to form in his groin through the hospital gown.

"Whoa big guy, you really are happy to see me!" I said with a big grin on my face as I layed him back down in bed and sat on the edge of the bed beside him.

"I'm so sorry Jeff, I did'nt mea." was all I would let him get out.

"Hey, your a guy, your 15, and you have been locked up in this hospital for a few days. Trust me, I understand, it happens to all of us. It's my fault anyway. If I wouldn't have been playing around and grabbed you and then kissed your neck THIS wouldn't have happened." I said as I gently patted the front of his hospital gown where there was now a rather impressive bulge for a kid his age. Billy blushed a deep red.

"Sorry buddy, I shouldn't have done that either. I'm just in one of those moods today. I'm super horny and that bulge felt good digging into my stomach like that. Hope you can forgive me for getting you all excited like this." I said.

"Oh, theres nothing to forgive. You already know I enjoyed it." Billy said laughing, "You know I think you are hot. When I felt that kiss on my neck i just couldn't keep it down."

"It's ok buddy, I was aiming for your cheek, but now that I know how ticklish you are I will have to keep that in mind." I said.

Billy just grinned. We chatted for a while and Billy's doctor came in and said that he could go home tomorrow. I said that we would be there to pick him up and the doctor said that we should get there around 10:30. Billy and I thanked the doctor and he left. I told Billy that I had to get back to work and started to leave the room. I stopped before I got out of the door and turned back around. Billy was just staring at me, not saying a word. I walked over to the bed, leaned down, and gave him a kiss on the forehead.

"I will see you tomorrow morning. Now, don't let that kiss on the neck and the pat on your junk keep you too worked up. Take care of that thing, just don't get caught by any of the nurses." I said as I winked and left the room.

I went back to the station and told Brad about the visit with Billy. I thought he was going to pee himself he laughed so hard. He told me that I really shouldn't tease the boy like that and he started laughing again. I told him that I was going to head to bed early tonight so that I could be up early in the morning. Brad said he was planning on doing the same thing as long as the station bells would let us sleep. The rest of our shift went by with a few calls. We both got some sleep and headed home as soon as the next shift came in. We had to finish getting the house ready for our new arrival.


Next: Chapter 8

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