Firefighting Brotherhood

By Jeff Moore

Published on Feb 28, 2011


This story is meant as a work of fiction.

If you are under the age of 18, it is illegal in your area to view adult material, or you are offended by homosexual sex, then don't read any further.

I hope you all enjoy it and please leave me feedback at:

Last Chapter

"It's ok babe, he's got something on his mind." I said as I drew Brad's attention to the sexy young guy that Billy was now talking to.

"Oh!" Brad said, "Guess we should give him some space."

"Lets just stay here and see what happens." I said.

We watched from the beach as Billy was making small talk with this guy. It went from them standing there talking to them sitting in the sand talking to them sitting very close together in the sand talking to them talking and Billy with his hand on the guys upper leg. Damn, this kids a quick worker I thought.

"He might break your record." Brad said, looking over at me.

"Yeah, he just might." I said.

Chapter 8

Brad and I made ourselves comfortable on the beach and kept a close watch on our little man. It looked like they were really hitting it off. After about twenty minutes Billy came over and asked if he could invite his friend back to the house for dinner.

"Sure", I said, "but your really pushing it close to that no guys cuter than Brad rule."

"He is very attractive." Brad agreed.

"He's amazing." Billy said as he ran back towards his new friend.

I saw that the boy got a huge smile on his face and he leaned in and gave Billy a kiss on the cheek. Billy grabbed him and hugged him and ran back to us.

"Ok, lets head back to the house, we gotta call mom and pop and tell them dinner is at our place tonight." I said.

We headed back to the beach house and showered and changed for dinner. Brad was busy cooking and the whole house smelled great. For a slim and trim Irish guy he was a wonderful Italian cook. I walked out and sat down on the back deck. Billy was lounging on one of the chairs with a huge grin on his face.

"Damn boy, you work fast." I said.

Billy just sat there and grinned. A little while later the doorbell chimed. Billy jumped up and ran for the door. I walked inside and joined Brad in the kitchen.

"Jeff, Brad, this is Tony." Billy said as they were walking into the kitchen. I could see the cute young man looked shy and was partially hiding behind Billy.

"Hi Tony", I said as I put my hand out to shake his. Tony looked at me and very gently took my hand. He gave it a short shake.

"Hello sir." He said.

"Oh, no, I'm Jeff, the sir will be here a little later when pop gets here." I said.

Tony just looked a little puzzled, I guess Billy didn't tell him that mom and pop would be here for dinner.

"Hi Tony, I'm Brad." Brad said as he reached for Tony's hand. Tony shook it and said hello to Brad.

"Why don't we head out to the deck and let Brad get back to making dinner." I said as I gave Brad a quick kiss and headed out to the deck behind the kids.

"Make yourself at home Tony." I said as we settled down into the chairs. "My mom and pop are going to join us for dinner."

Tony was just sittig there looking a little puzzled.

"You ok?' I heard Billy ask him.

"ye.. yeah", Tony answered, "I thought you were just fooling around when you said they were gay."

"No, I was being honest, Jeff and Brad are gay, and they are the best thing that's ever happened to me." Billy said.

I was overwhelmed, I don't think I was supposed to hear that, but it made my heart swell and almost made my eyes a little misty. I was so proud of this boy. He was really mature for his age and was such a wonderful boy. I decided that before I got all mushy and started crying I should act a little like a father. I figured I should have some fun with this.

Billy, why don't you run inside and see if you can give Brad a hand." I said. Billy and Tony got up and started heading for the door.

"Tony, why don't you stay out here with me and relax, you are our guest and we can chat a little." I said.

"Jeff", Billy started to say but I cut him off.

"Now we can't have our guest helping to make dinner, it's not polite, and besides, I just want to get to know him a little better." I said.

"Well, don't try to get to know him too good." Billy said as he headed inside.

Tony sat back down and looked over at me with that deer in the headlights look. He really was a cute kid, about the same height as Billy with black hair and an olive complexion. He had a great body for his age and you could see that he worked his arms as the nice little muscles bulged a little in his sleeves. He wore a tight fitting green shirt, no doubt to show off his body for his new friend.

"So, Tony, How old are you?" I asked.

"Seventeen sir, I mean Jeff." He answered.

"Oh, you are really well defined for seventeen. You must work out." I said.

"I work out a couple times a week, to stay in shape for soccer and basketball", he said, "I noticed on the beach it looked like you guys work out a lot."

"Well, I try to hit the gym about four times a week to stay in shape for my job, and Brad goes to the gym with me." I said.

"From what I could see on the beach, you're in really good shape, you must work in construction or something." Tony said.

"No, Brad and I are firefighters." I said.

"Oh, thats cool, must be a fun job." Tony said.

"Yeah, we love it." I asnwered.

Tony and I talked for a while and I learned that Tony lived with his father, who owned a charter fishing boat and that his mother had been killed in a car accident when he was very young. I could tell that he didn't like talking about the subject so we changed the pace of the conversation back to Billy. He asked a lot of questions and I answered as many as I could, but I told him that he would have to talk to Billy to get the rest of the answers.

"I can't give you all the secrets to being with my little man." I said.

Tony just looked at me a bit worried.

"Really, I don't want to have sex with him." Tony said, stamering.

"It's ok, Brad and I don't care, you are both old enough to make those decisions, and if you two get to know each other and decide to take things that far thats between you two." I said.

"No, I don't want to.." Tony started to say something, but stopped.

"You don't want to what?" I asked.

"Well, I don't want to make any problems between you guys." Tony answered.

"Problems, what do you mean?" I asked as it started to dawn on me what Tony was talking about.

"OH, no, I think you might misunderstand", I said, "Brad and I are just taking care of Billy for a little while, there is nothing going on between us. He's cute and all, but he's way too young for us, and besides I don't share Brad with anyone."

"Oh, I'm sorry, I didn't mean to" He satrted to say, but I cut him off.

"It's ok, I can understand the confusion. Listen, there is nothing going on with us. Billy's free to do whatever he wants as long as he's not getting into any trouble and he's doing things safely." I said, "We're very open around this house, I hope you can be open and honest with us as well."

"I will be, I promise." Tony said.

I heard the door open and I knew mom and pop were here.

"Well, I've grilled you enough for now, mom and pop are here, let get this table set for dinner." I said.

Billy introduced Tony to mom and pop and then he and Tony set the table. We had a wonderful meal and talked about our day. Mom said that she had a wonderful day shopping and pop agreed saying that he would have to work overtime to pay for everything she bought. All through dinner Tony looked a little worried. I think that pop noticed it too so he decided to try to break the ice.

"So, Tony, I hear that you have taken a liking to my grandson here." Pop said.

I'm not sure, but I think Billy might have shot a piece of a meatball out his nose and was coughing loudly with Brad patting him on the back. Tony looked horrified as he stuttered to answer pop.

"I think it's great!" Pop said, "Billy needs someone close to his own age to be around. He's always hanging around with these two old hornballs."

"Patrick, really!" Mom gasped.

"Now mother, calm down", pop said, "I'm just trying to make the boy feel more comfortable. He looked like he was scared to death."

Tony just stared at pop.

"Tony, if your going to be around the house, you are going to have to get used to us. Mother and I are completely comfortable with everything. We raised Jeff to be himself and we love Brad like he was our own son. Now we have Billy and he is a big part of our family. We want to see him happy." Pop said.

We continued our conversation, Tony started relaxing. Billy had recovered from his meatball incident and was joining in the conversation. We finished dinner and Brad and mom started cleaning up the dishes. Billy and Tony offered to help but Brad told them to relax with pop and I on the deck. Before long Brad came out with coffee for pop and I and mom brought out a plate of cookies and two glasses of milk for Billy and Tony. We relaxed on the deck for a while.

"Well mother, I think it's time to head to our house. Gotta hankerin for some lovin tonight." Pop said.

Mom blushed but quickly agreed that it was time to go.

"We will see you boys in the morning." Mom said, "Tony, it was very nice meeting you, I hope we get to see you again."

"I hope so too." Tony said.

"Oh, you will." Billy said grinning.

"That's my boy." Pop said. as they were leaving.

"Jeff, do you mind if we take a walk on the beach?" Billy asked.

I looked over at Brad, he just smiled. "No, go ahead, just don't get into any trouble." I said.

"Thanks", was all I heard as the boys rushed off the deck into the sand. I had to admit it was a beautiful night and I was more than happy to have a little cuddle time with Brad. I moved over to the love seat swing and Brad followed me. He settled in like normal with his head resting on my chest.

"I think young Billy is quite happy." Brad said.

"I agree." I said as I started drifting off. I woke up about an hour later with Brad still snuggled in tight. Billy and Tony were cuddled together on one of the lounge chairs with Billy snuggled into Tony's chest. Damn, they did make a really cute couple. Tony noticed me looking at them and started to move but I shook my head and he settled back in. Billy looked over at me and smiled. Brad snuggled in closer.

"So, Tony, what time do you have to be home, I don't want to get you in trouble." I asked.

"Well, dads out on a fishing trip and won't be home for a couple of days, so I really don't have to be home any particular time." He answered.

"Ok, I just wanted to be sure, I don't want to cause any problems." I said.

"No, dads gone a lot this time of year." Tony said.

"Tony, would you like to spend the night here? It's ok with me as long as Jeff and Billy don't mind." Brad said as he looked up at me.

Billy looked thrilled.

"It's fine with me as long as it won't get you in any trouble." I said.

"I don't want to be a bother to you guys, but I would love to stay, as long as it's ok with you.." Tony said looking at Billy. Billy smiled and kissed Tony on the lips.

"Fine, it's settled then. We can run by your house and grab some things if you like." I said.

"That would be great, if you don't mind." Tony said after he recovered from the kiss.

Tony, Billy, and I headed out to his place to pick up some things. When we got back I resumed my spot on the swing and Brad snuggled back in. Tony and Billy snuggled up on the lounge again. The sun was just starting to set and it was beautiful. Brad got up and kissed me and walked inside. A few minutes later he returned with a bottle of wine and four glasses. He poured a glass for each of us and gave a quick lecture to the boys about how this was a special occasion and they could each have one glass since they were both going to be here all night. The four of us sat and cuddled as we watched the sun go down.

It started to get a little chilly so we all went inside. Brad and I cuddled on the couch while Billy and Tony cuddled on the love seat. We watched a movie and then I said that I was heading to bed. Brad agreed and Billy got up and gave each of us a big hug and a kiss on the cheek. I gave him a kiss on the forehead.

"Thank you guys, I love you two so much." Billy said.

"We love you too Billy." I said, "Now, keep the noise down tonight, I don't want mom and pop to hear you two next door, and don't stay up too late, we gotta meet them for breakfast."

"You two are the loud ones." Billy said.

Brad blushed and quickly went upstairs. I just chuckled and gave Billy a light swat on the butt before I headed up to bed. Brad was getting ready to crawl into bed when I walked into the room. We both settled into bed and talked a little about Billy and Tony. I was a little tired and started drifting off. Brad on the other hand was feeling a little frisky. He started rubbing my chest and told me to roll over and he would give me a massage. I quickly obeyed. Brad was giving me an expert massage and making my dick hard as hell. I could feel his hard dick pressed into my back and ass as he was straddling me. I knew this was going to be a fun night.

"Brad" I said.

"Yes gorgeous", he answered.

"I want you to make love to me tonight." I said.

"I was hoping you would say that." He said as he started to crawl off of my back.

"Where are you going?" I asked, "I want you inside of me tonight."

"Oh, are you sure?" Brad asked.

"I have never wanted you more." I said.

With that Brad started kissing the back of my neck. He worked his was down and was kissing and licking at the small of my back. He started kissing and licking around my ass and I was in heaven. We moved ourselves around so that I could suck his beautiful cock as he ate my ass. He was working me over hard and I was loving it. I slowly licked and sucked his beautiful mushroom head and balls, not wanting to get him too excited as I wanted to feel that inside of me. I grabbed the lube and worked it onto his cock. He worked some into my ass and I turned around and slowly started lowering myself onto him. I loved the feeling of that huge cock sliding into me. I started riding Brad slowly. I truly did want to feel this man make love to me tonight. We kept a steady slow pace enjoying the sensations. I loved this, but I wanted more, I needed more.

I looked at Brad and could see he was thinking the same thing.

"You know we're gonna be loud if we do." Brad said.

"I don't care." I breathed heavily.

"What about the boys?" Brad asked.

"Their probably doing something similar to this right now." I said.

I got off of Brad and laid down on my back. I loved looking into Brad's eyes when we were making love. Brad rolled ontop of me and started rubbing my cock. I was hard as steel. He positioned himself and I felt him enter me. He started slow but quickly picked up the pace. Before long Brad was fucking my ass like a machine taking long deep strokes. I could feel him in places that I never felt him before. I was panting for breath and telling him to fuck me harder. Brad was ramming into me now. The bed was creaking and banging on the floor. I loved this man and I loved the feelings he was giving me right now. I started to jack my cock knowing that I was going to explode soon. Brad leaned down and started kissing me. He buried his body ontop of mine and started using his thigh muscles to slam that monster cock into me. His thrusts were coming faster now and getting irregular so I knew he was close. I felt his cock swell inside of me and then Brad gave one more deep thrust and buried his cock in me. I felt his hot cum deep inside me and I loved it. I lost control from the feeling of his abs rubbing on my dick and I shot load after load between us. Brad slumped down on top of me breathing hard and sweating. We laid there for a few minutes.

"Shower time." Brad said as he got up and headed for the bathroom.

"Yep." I said. I changed the sheets and then joined Brad in the shower. When we finished Brad crawled into bed and I went to check on the boys. They had made their way up to Billy's room and the door was slightly open. I knocked on the door and Billy said to come in. I walked into the room and Billy and Tony were cuddled on the bed watching a movie.

"You guys doing ok?" I asked.

"Yep, we're good." Billy answered. Tony was just blushing and wouldn't even look in my direction.

"You ok Tony?" I asked. He slowly looked over at me and then quickly looked back at the tv. Damn, I had done it again. I was standing in Billy's room naked.

"Tony, I'm sorry if I embarrased you, Billy has gotten used to me and Brad walking around like this at night. And I'm sorry if we were a little to loud." I said.

Billy just grinned, "You two were really going at it tonight, but at least you didn't break anything."

I giggled, "Yeah we got a little wild tonight."

"You were giving it to him hard." Billy chuckled.

"Actually, he was giving it to me hard." I said.

Billy sat up and looked at me. "I never knew you bottomed", he said.

"Sometimes", I said, "Tony, are you sure your ok?"

"Yeah, just never heard anything like that and never seen anyone as hot as you naked before." He said.

"Yeah, you two have him hard as a rock" Billy said playfully.

Tony blushed and tried to cover the bulge that was showing under the blanket. I walked over to the bed and Billy scooted over a little to let me sit on the edge.

"Tony, we're very comfortable with our bodies and we probably should have warned you about that earlier. Please don't be embarassed. If you want Brad and I can keep boxers on while your here." I said.

"No, thats fine, Just gotta get used to it." Tony said.

"That was a quick answer", I said, "sounds like tony wants to keep me naked."

Tony blushed. "I can't blame him." Billy said, "You should see him in the morning when that things hard."

I could see the bulging blanket over Tony's crotch twitch a little. I decided to be a little bad. These two were going to end up getting me in trouble. I stood up and walked to the foot of the bed blocking out the tv.

"Well, you should at least get a good look." I said, "It's the least I can do."

Tony was staring at me but I knew he couldn't see much because of the glare from the tv. Billy on the other hand decided that he was going to turn on the light on the night stand. Now there was no hiding anything, Tony was getting to see every inch of the front of my naked body. Well, if I'm going to go this far I might as well give him the whole show. I slowly turned around so he could see my whole body. I gave him a few seconds and then turned back around facing the boys.

"So, like what you see?" I asked Tony.

"Oh yeah, I love it." Tony said.

"Good, glad I still look good to a seventeen year old." I said.

"You look great." Tony said.

"Well, I feel a little left out though", I said, "You two get to see me naked, but what do I get?" I asked playfully pouting.

Billy grinned and Tony just stared at me.

"Well, if you two aren't going to share I'm just going to have to find out for myself." I said as I grabbed the blanket and ripped it off the bed.

I think I even shocked Billy because neither of them moved, they just laid there staring at me. In all the time that Billy had been with us I had never seen him naked. Now there he was with Tony laying beside him and they were both gorgeous and hard as hell.

"Damn Tony, in a year or two you are going to be giving Brad a run for his money. You are gorgeous, and Billy I knew you looked big but wow! I never expected that." I said.

Billy smiled and Tony just laid there and blushed.

"Looks like you're enjoying what your seeing." Billy said.

He was right, I was enjoying it, and now my cock was as hard as theirs were.

"Great, now I gotta explain this to Brad." I said as I stroked my dick a few times.

"We can help with that!" Billy said.

"Maybe some other time, you two should be getting to know each other and I should be getting back to Brad." I said.

"I'm gonna hold you to that." Billy said.

"Me too." Tony added.

What was I getting myself into? I left and went back to our bedroom. When I got back Brad was already asleep. I was glad he was. When I crawled into bed I snuggled back into him and he wrapped his arm around my chest.

"The boys doing ok?" He asked.

"Yeah, they are just fine." I said.

Brad drifted off but I laid there awake thinking about the sight of those two hot boys laying in that bed. Soon I started hearing soft moaning coming from the other side of the wall. Damn, how was I going to sleep with that and the rock hard boner. I finally fell asleep.

I woke up the next morning and Brad was already up and getting ready for the day. I got up and brushed my teeth and got ready. Brad went to wake up the boys. He came out and said the boys were going to need a little time to shower and get ready so Brad and I had some coffee out on the deck. The boys finished up and joined us outside. We met mom and pop and went for breakfast. Mom said she was going shopping again and I told Brad he could go along. Brad asked the boys if they wanted to go and they both declined. Pop said he was going fishing and asked if we wanted to come along. I looked at the boys and they both looked like they were not really into it so I told pop that we would rent a charter boat tomorrow and we could all go out. He seemed to like that idea. When we finished breakfast mom and Brad headed out shopping. I dropped dad off at the pier and the boys and I headed to the house. I asked the boys what they wanted to do today and they said they wanted to go to the beach for a while. We changed and headed down. We walked the beach for a while and played in the ocean. We played some volleyball and then I suggested we head back to the house for lunch. We made some sandwiches and sat on the deck watching the ocean. I must have drifted off because when I woke up the boys were nowhere in sight. I glanced down the beach and didn't see them. I walked into the house and they weren't in the living room. Then I noticed the same moaning I had heard the night before coming from upstairs. Damn it sounded hot. I slowly made my way up the stairs, trying not to make any noise. I saw that the door to Billy's room was again slightly open so I peeked inside. Tony was laying on the bed and Billy was between his legs giving him what looked like one hell of a blowjob. I knew I should leave and go back downstairs, but this was hot. I found myself watching this hot scene. I didn't notice at first but Tony saw me standing in the doorway. When I looked up he was staring at me with a wicked grin on his face. I was busted, but still I didn't leave the doorway. Billy noticed that Tony was distracted and looked over to see what he was staring at. He smiled at me.

"Got any tips or pointers for me?" He said.

"No, your doing just fine." I said.

"You going to just stand there?" Tony asked.

"I don't know." I said, "No, I should leave." I said as I started turning around.

"Please don't" Tony begged. "Just stay and watch, it's making me hornier."

I just stared at him, I didn't know what to say, or do. This was wrong and I knew it was wrong, but I wanted to stay. Hell, I wanted to do more than just watch. I love Brad more than anything in the world, but this was getting me more excited than I had been in a very long time.

"I'll stay, and watch, but thats all." I said, still apprehensive.

"Well at least come into the room and sit down." Billy said.

I walked into the room and sat down on one of the overstuffed chairs. Billy went back to working on Tony's dick. I couldn't believe I was watching this. Billy worked that cock like a pro. Tony had a beautiful body and a nice cock, probably about six inches, nice thickness, and cut with a nicely trimmed black bush. I also got a view of Billy's nice little ass. Small, round, and almost hairless it looked really good. Billy was really working Tony over and they were both loving it. Without even thinking about it I started rubbing my dick through my board shorts. I was so hard it hurt.

Billy stopped and looked over at me. "Why don't you at least get it out and take care of that?" he said.

"I'm ok" I said heavily.

Billy crawled around and got into a 69 with Tony. The sight of these two beautiful boys was proving to be too much for me to take. I untied my shorts and wriggled them down to my ankles. I sat there and slowly worked my cock watching these two enjoy each other. They were both beautiful and the hot site of them working each others cocks was amazing. Billy was quite the expert. He was deep throating Tony's dick. I was going to have to ask him where he learned his skills later. This went on for a while and I could feel my orgasm building. I knew I was gonna cum soon. The boys had picked up the pace and were sucking each other hard. Tony took Billy's big cock out of his mouth and yelled that he was going to cum. I watched as his beautiful muscles tensed up and I saw that Billy was working fast and swallowing every drop. Billys let Tony's cock drop out of his mouth and a last few drops of cum oozed out onto his stomach. Billy spun himself around and started stroking his dick fast. I saw him tense and ropes of hot cum shot out landing on Tony's face and chest. That was it for me. I started shooting my own load. I was shooting everywhere. It was hitting my face, belly, and some landed on my thigh. I shot a huge load. It was then that I notice Billy walking towards me with Tony right behind him. I couldn't move, I just sat there and stared at them. Billy walked up to me and offered me two of his fingers which I hungrily sucked on. I didn't realize at first that I tasted cum. Billy had given me his fingers covered in a mixture of his and Tony's cum. I thought I was going to cum again. Tony reached down and scooped up some of the cum that had landed on my chest and licked his fingers. Billy was a little bolder and bent down and licked the cum off of my thigh. My cock twitched when he did and he quickly grabbed it and sucked on the head of my dick, getting the last few drops out. Tony bet down and licked the rest of the cum off of my chest and neck.

"You better stop that, or your gonna end up with another load of cum in your mouth." I said panting.

Billy looked up at me, never taking his mouth off of my cock. I knew that look, I had seen that look in Brad's eyes. I knew Billy was going to keep going and milk another load out of me. Billy started taking more of me into his mouth. I was lost in lust. Tony was kissing and licking all over my chest and abs. I couldn't believe this was happening. I knew I should stop this, but I didn't want too. Tony had worked his way down and was now kneeling with Billy between my legs. They were taking turns sucking my dick. Billy was an expert, but I could tell that Tony didn't have much experience, but it still felt wonderful. They worked together and the feeling of two mouths on my hard cock was amazing. I was getting close and Billy took over. He was deepthroating me and rubbing my balls as Tony was kissing my chest and neck. Tony kissed up my neck and was kissing around my ear. Suddenly he kissed me dead on the lips. Instinctively my lips parted and his tongue explored my mouth. Without warning I came hard, shooting a huge load into Billy's mouth. He sucked my cock harder, draining me. When my orgasm was over Billy let my still rock hard dick fall from his mouth. It plopped against my stomach. He got up and kissed Tony, sharing my cum with him. I was in way over my head. These two had just gotten me off, twice!

I reached over and started stroking Tony's hard dick. I wanted these two bad. I leaned over and sucked Tony into my mouth while Billy kissed him. It didn't take long and I was rewarded with a thick, hot load of cum. Shot after shot hit the back of my throat and I swallowed every one. I nursed Tony's cock until he became too sensitive. I reached over and grabbed Billy's cock and started stroking him. He looked at me and leaned in and kissed me. I broke the kiss and leaned down and took him into my mouth. I started working him like he had been working Tony. I stopped, stood up, and guided him back to the bed. I gently pushed him down onto the bed and knelt between his legs. I started sucking his cock again. I took my time working him over good. I licked around his cock and his almost hairless balls, then I started deepthroating his cock. Billy's cock was about 7 inches, not real thick, but nice, with a beautiful little curve to the left. Soon I felt his cock get harder in my throat. I knew he was ready. I pulled back, leaving only the head in my mouth. I felt his cockhead grow and the hot cum hit my mouth and tongue. Again, I swallowed every drop. I nursed him for a few seconds and then stood up and walked back to the chair. I put my shorts on and walked out of the room.

I needed a shower. I showered and stood under the hot water for a long time. What the fuck had I just done? I couldn't believe that I had let that happen. Not only was it illegal and immoral, but I had just cheated on Brad. What was I going to do? How was I going to tell Brad what happened? I had never lied to Brad or hid anything from him. What would he think? He would hate me. I remembered what happened when we had the threesome and how jealous he had been. I got out of the shower and put on a pair of shorts. I went into the bedroom and sat on the bed, our bed. I started thinking about what was going to happen. Brad was going to be furious. He was going to leave me. I started crying. Billy walked into the room.

"Jeff, are you ok?" Billy asked. I didn't answer.

He walked over to the bed and put his hand on my shoulder. I shrugged my shoulder knocking his hand off.

"Jeff, please don't be mad, don't hate me." Billy said.

"I don't hate you, and I'm not mad at you." I said sobbing, "you don't understand, I love Brad so much, and he's going to hate me when he finds out. He's going to leave me again."

"Leave you again?" Billy said.

I explained what had happened when we had the threesome and I started crying harder. Billy hugged me and I fell into him.

"Jeff, I'm so sorry. I don't want to come between you two. You guys have been so good to me and now I've ruined everything." Billy said now crying just as hard as I was.

We stayed like that for a few minutes.

"No, you haven't ruined anything Billy. I could have stopped all of this, but I let it happen. I wanted it to happen, I wanted more to happen." I said. "Listen, we gotta get straightened up. Mom and Brad will be back from shopping soon and we can't let them see us like this. We can't spoil mom and pops vacation with this. You and Tony go get cleaned up and we will talk about this later. Please, don't say a word to Brad about this. I will tell him what happened, but not right now. Tell Tony the same thing." I said.

"Ok, I promise, we won't say anything." Billy said.

"Listen, don't worry about this ok. Let me handle everything." I said.

"Ok." Billy said. He started to leave the room.

"Hey, I love you." I said.

"I love you too Jeff, more than you know." Billy said as he left the room.

Mom and Brad came home and we unloaded the car. Tony was really quiet the rest of the afternoon. I made dinner and Billy and Tony helped while mom, pop, and Brad relaxed on the deck. We had a great meal and we all sat on the deck relaxing. Mom and pop snuggled up on the swing while Brad and I cuddled on one lounge and Billy and Tony cuddled on another. We sat there and watched the sunset. Mom and pop said they were tired and left. We all decided to head to bed. Brad and I crawled into bed and I felt Brad snuggle up against me. I felt horrible.


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