First Awareness

By Bastian Ward

Published on Jul 12, 2016


This story is a work of fiction. It is a gay High School fantasy, no part of which is based on real life. Any resemblance therefore to anyone living or dead is purely accidental. This story depicts male on male sexual practices, if you are offended by this then stop reading now.

All characters depicted in this story are willing participants in all the scenes they appear in. No one was coerced or paid to appear in this story.

The practices and themes depicted in this story, in no way reflect the author's beliefs or sexual practices. If you chose to act out scenes from this story, please do it responsibly. Always practice safe sex; you owe it not only to yourself but to your sexual partners. If you think you have injured yourself or think you have contracted a sexual disease, or have any other health concerns. Please consult with a health professional.

Don't contact the author with commercial requests or advertising, I can find enough of that on the internet to fill my every want, need, or desire. Do contact me if you want to talk about the story, ask questions, send messages, or give feedback.

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Chapter 2 MONDAY By Bastian Ward

Monday finally got here.

I'd spent most of the weekend checking the park to see if I could see Will. Any time I thought I could slip out of the house without raising too much suspicion, I was down the park trying to 'accidentally' bump in to Will. But I didn't have any luck. So I had to wait for Monday, and try and find him at school.

We were very lucky at Murrumbeena High School, we had a great P.E. Dept. they were really big on track and field. We had three ovals, and one was totally dedicated to track and field. We had running tracks, a shot put area, a sand pit for the hop, step, and jump, as well as for long jump, as well as being set up for a lot of other track and field stuff. We entered all the interschool competitions, as well as the local, state, and national comps. We have even had some of our students competing internationally, and we currently can boast of having one Olympian at our school.

Yeah, our school is very competitive. Consequently, I had a fair idea where I would find Will at lunch-time, out on the running track, running laps, obviously. I'm not too sure, while I am athletic, I haven't tried out for any of the teams, it's just not my thing. Troy is the athlete in our family, and being in year 10, I no longer have to do any extra track and field stuff. I guess the school Staff realise that if we hadn't really got into track and field by now, we never were going too. So, now I just do my regular P.E. sessions and this lets me get on with the rest of my studies.

Murrumbeena High is a co-ed school, for which I am extremely grateful today. I don't think I could have got through the morning if we'd been a single sex school, as it was I was finding it very hard to concentrate all morning. I can't ever remember being so interested in checking out my classmates before. I mean after my 'session' with Will on Friday, it's like a switch was thrown inside my head, and suddenly it seems as though I am sex mad or something. I kept catching myself trying to surreptitiously check out my class mates, my friends, well, the male ones anyway, and I'd never noticed just how hung some of them are.

So by lunch-time I was getting a bit hot and bothered. After I ate I headed over to the oval to see if I could find Will there. I was really praying that he wasn't away at a meet somewhere, that'd just be too much to bear.

But, I was in luck, when I got to the oval I could see Will running on the other side of the track. So I sat in the stands and just watched him as he ran, well, I guess flowed would be a better word. He just looked so fluid. So effortless, as he ran, I was mesmerized.

As he came into the turn, it looked like he was running right at me, all I had eyes for though was his crotched as his legs pushed his junk around some. Then when he hit the straight I got a great view of his gorgeous bubble butt, and tried to work out how it was that I was lucky enough, not only get to see that butt and cock in the flesh, but how I was able to kiss, lick, and suck both of them.

I fantasized about accosting him there and then right on the running track. Of ripping his shorts and jocks off his resisting body, and sucking him dry. Fuck, I'd even fight him if I had too.

I must have got so lost in my daydream, because the next thing I know Will's standing in front of me, clicking his fingers, trying to get my attention, and I could feel my cock straining in the confines of my pants. "Hey, Bastian, what are you doing here? I didn't think you had any interest in any of the teams."

"I don't. Well, that is to say I didn't until Friday," I grinned up at him. "Actually I still don't have any interest in joining any of the teams?"

"That's a shame. You could have joined the running team. I've seen you run. You're very good; hell if you trained a bit you could probably be faster than me."

"Well, you're the only interest I have around here, and I don't want to be able to run faster than you. I don't want to run with you. My only interest in you is?"

Will laughed. "How sweet. So why are you here? Do you want me to fuck you here?" He asked with a mischievous grin plastered all over his face.

"What! No," I said in alarm.

Will laughed again. "So what did you want?" he asked as he sat on the bench.

"Um, I've got something of yours", I said as I started to fish around in my bag.

Will grabbed my arm to stop me. "If it's what I think it is a) you can't give it to me here?"

"Oh, yeah, sorry. I guess I didn't think it through properly" I said interrupting him.

"And b)", he continued, "I left it as a present for you. I thought you might like it."

"Oh, really? Thanks. I love it." I had found the sealed bag in the bottom of my school bag, and I dragged it up so Will could see it inside my bag. "I thought you might have forgotten it, so I was going to return it to you."

"That's sweet", he said as he gave me a quick peck on my cheek, "but what, do you think? I go commando all the time?"

I blushed, which made Will laugh again.

"Um...I...d.d.didn'", I stammered.

"You're cute when you blush. Besides if I 'forgot' my jocks at every place I had sex, I'd be buying a whole stack of them every week."

My stomach fell, "Um, so does that mean you have sex with a lot of guys?um, I mean people?"

Will laughed. "Yes I'm gay. So, yes. I only have sex with guys. I'm not experimenting. This is who I am. And this is what I like. So why try anything else?"

"Oh. Ok. I guess."

"Hey, bud. I don't need your approval either. Ok?"

"Oh. Oh, I didn't mean anything by it. I mean it's got nothing to do with me who you have sex with. Um. Except when you have sex with me?oh?no...Wait, I mean when you had sex with me?um?I don't mean you have to have sex with me again. Um unless of course you want to. Um, I think I'm going to shut up now." I could feel my cheeks burning so much.

Will kissed me on the cheek again, "do you know how cute you are when you get embarrassed? Come on," Will said, as he stood up.

With him standing beside me like that his crotch was right on my eye level, and I got lost staring at it. That is until I realised that Will was clicking his fingers in my face again.

"Earth to Bastian. Come in Bastian. I can see the lights are on, but is anyone home?" He laughed.

"Wh...What? Stop doing that", I said as I pushed his hand away from my face.

I stood up and followed Will into the change rooms.

"Um, what are we doing in here?"

"I have to have a shower before class. Not everyone is turned on by my muskiness", he said, as he pointedly looked down at my pants that were tenting.

I blushed, and covered my groin with my hands.

He grabbed me by the arm with one hand, and grabbed his gym bag with his other hand and dragged me into one of the shower cubicles.

Because our school has such a successful sports programme, and we have people using the facilities 7 days a week. They built a bigger gym, and instead of having rows of open showers, they actually installed a whole section of shower cubicles.

"What the f?" was all I managed to say, as Will planted a huge sloppy kiss, full on my lips. As he slammed the cubicle door closed with his other foot.

He kicked his shoes off, and started to shimmy out of his shorts and jocks. All while lip locked with me. When he finally did let us both come up for air, he pulled his t-shirt off over his head.

I grabbed his gym bag and dropped it on the floor so I could kneel on it. I started to lick and slurp his mammoth cock for all I was worth. Without realising it I could now almost get his entire dick down my throat without gagging, and the moans I could hear coming for Will let me know he enjoying himself too. With a bit of effort I got all his cock down my throat and buried my nose hard up against the smooth skin at the base of his cock, getting my face covered in his musky sweat.

I bobbed on his cock for about 30sec; then grabbed me by my ears and started to piston in and out of my mouth with reckless abandon. Until I felt him shoot ropes and ropes of hot ropey cum down my throat.

He fell back against the wall of the cubicle, sated, pulling his softening cock out of my mouth in the process. I lapped the drops of cum off his cock, then getting bolder I sucked the rest of his cum out of his cock.

Will eventually pulled me off his cock, and hauled me to my feet. He then proceeded to provide the same service to me, as I licked his sweat and cum from around my mouth. In no time at all it seemed I was cumming myself into his willing mouth.

Will stuffed my cock back into my pants, and then unceremoniously he pushed me out of the cubicle and slammed the door. I heard the shower start as I made my way outside.

I know I had Maths class, because it's Monday, and I always have Maths after lunch. I like Maths because it is applied maths and I'm very good at it. I have English after Maths, I always do. I excel in English as well. Science always comes next and I finish the day in Geography. That's my Monday afternoon programme. I love Mondays it's the perfect way to start the school week.

But do you think I could remember any of it? Not a snowballs hope in hell! All I kept thinking about was how great Wills' cum tasted at the back of my throat. It seemed every time I swallowed all I could taste was his cum, and I loved it. I wanted to ask Will if I could suck his cock every day. I'm thinking it's the only way to get through the school day.

I probably wouldn't remember much of what I'd done for the rest of the day, but it'd sure be nice.

I didn't see Will for the rest of the day, which isn't surprising, as he is two years older than me and we don't have any classes near each other. But I couldn't even find him in the park on the way home.

Although I did think of stopping into 'the toilet block' on my way home, but I chickened out. Besides I had schoolwork to do. So I went home, grabbed something to eat and went to my room and tried to concentrate on my schoolwork, but I couldn't get the taste of Wills' cum out of my mouth. Not that I really wanted to, mind you. I just wasn't sure when I'd get anymore.

I jacked off, because my cock was straining for attention, and I wasn't goin' to get any work done if I didn't. I caught it all in my hand and licked it all up. Sated I could finally concentrate on something else now, so I turned back to my books and put in a solid few hours.

Dad stuck his head in the door and told me dinner was ready, noticed I was sitting in the buff so he told me Troy had a visitor. Which meant I couldn't go to dinner in the buff, so I pulled on a pair of shorts and a t-shirt and headed out to eat.

And who do I find sitting at the dining room table? None other than the boy himself. "Hi, all", I said, "g'day Will. What brings you over to our neck of the woods?" I said, trying to sound super cool.

"Hey, Bastian. Troy and I have a comp tomorrow, so your Dads' taking us to school early in the morning to catch the bus?"


"Yeah, we're going to Brisbane for a couple of days."

"Oh, I didn't know. How come ya didn't say anything, Troy?"

"I don't know", he replied shrugging.

Troy was the real athlete of the family, but I've never seen him do any extra training outside of school. As I said we're all pretty athletic, but Troy is the most athletic.

We all tucked in to dinner, with general chatter with everyone talking about their day and what's been happening. Because I had study to do, I got out of cleaning the dining room and the dishes.

I went back to my room. Stripped off and got stuck into my studies. Which was a bit difficult, knowing Will was in the house.

Anyway, I eventually got everything finished, and as it was so late, I went to the loo. Got something to eat from the kitchen, and nearly shit myself when I turned around, right into Will. I must have yelped 'cause he put his hand over my mouth and told me to shh.

He grabbed my cock and led me back to my room.

I closed my door behind us. Will turned around and kissed me, very passionately and deep. He led me over to my bed and pushed me down on to it. And for the second time I found myself naked in my room with a fully clothed Will. Not that I was complaining too much, 'cause I knew he wouldn't stay that way for very long.

He kept kissing me, until he slowly made his way south, he licked, kissed, and nibbled my paps as he made his way down to my waiting, pulsing, leaking cock. Feeling the roughness of Wills' clothing rubbing over my cock, was making it even more sensitive, so by the time Will actually got to paying some attention. It almost exploded when he started to suck and lick it.

Will laughed when I told him to be careful. I wrestled with him until I got him flat on his back and straddled him, I started to have flashbacks to Friday afternoon. I slowly stripped him of his clothing, kissing and licking ever bit of skin I exposed.

I washed both his nuts, with my tongue, on my way to his hole, and drilled it as hard and deep as I could.

He pulled me up until he could look me in the eyes. He kissed me passionately. "I want to fuck you, so bad. Can I?"

I thought about it for about 10secs. "Um, is it gunna hurt?"

"Yes. But just for a little bit. But then you'll love it. I promise."

I thought about it for a sec, then nodded my head. Will kissed me and told me he'd be back.

He pulled his pants on and left the room. At least I think they were his pants, in the dark, it was hard to tell.

While he was gone I started stressing out a bit. It had to hurt, didn't it? I mean my hole is so small, and the girth of his dick is huge. I was having second thoughts. I wasn't sure if I wanted to do it anymore.

By the time Will came back I told him that I just didn't think I could go through with it.

"That's Ok, Babe. We won't do anything you don't want to. Ok?"

"Thanks for understanding", I said.

"No probs. Now come here, you", he said as he drew me into a hug.

He shucked his pants off and we fell on the bed. Will worked his way down until he was lappin' at my hole. He started to scratch at the opening, and I couldn't help myself. It felt so good that I was moaning low and deep, and before I knew what was happening. Will slipped one lubed finger inside up to the first knuckle. I was so surprised I must have yelped.

Will moved up and started kissing me, which wasn't fair. 'Cause I was getting distracted from what he was doin' to my arse.

Without me realizing it, Will had inserted his whole finger into my hole and he was moving it around. After the initial shock, I began to relax again and started to enjoy the sensations that were emanating from my hole right up inside of me.

I barely noticed the second finger that he'd pushed up there, until he started to really stretch my hole open, but while it was a new sensation, and it did hurt, I was kinda likin' it.

Will went back down. Pulled his fingers out and started rimming my hole for all he was worth. Fuck he's got a magic tongue, and he was putting it to such good use.

He stopped rimming me out and was fiddling round for a bit, then he slowly moved back up my body. He hooked my legs at the back of my knees with his arms. We started kissing again, and I slow became aware of something pushing at my hole.

Will told me to push against him, but not so hard that I shit the bed. I was really surprised when I felt the head of his cock enter my hole. Fuck it hurt, but I guess it didn't hurt as much as I thought it was gunna.

Will applied some more pressure and I could feel his cock slide into my arse. When he'd finished pushing all of his cock into my arse, he held it in there while I tried to relax my anal muscles.

As the pain died down in my arse, I told Will I was Ok, and started to fuck me in earnest. "Fuck, your arse is just so tight, I've not felt someone's arse so tight before. Fuck, no wonder people talk about taking someone's cherry so much. Fuck, this unbelievable."

And it wasn't long before I could feel his cock buck as he shot his load of fresh cum up my arse.

When he pulled out. I pushed him back on his back and fell on his cock with a vengeance. I sucked the last of his cum out and kicked his cock clean for him, and I didn't mind the taste of his cum mixed with a bit of my shit and arse juices.

While I was cleaning his cock for him I could feel the cum slowly dribbling out of my arse.

When I had finished cleaning his cock, it was Wills' turn to push me back on my back and he started to ream out my arse, and suck some of his own cum out of my arse mixed with my arse juices.

When he'd finished we both collapsed on to the pillows and slept.

I woke up a few hours later and realised that Will would have to leave soon, but he looked fantastic sleeping naked stretched out on my bed. I laid there looking at him for a bit until my cock started to twitched.

Just for the hell of it, I started to lick and suck his thickening cock, and Will woke with a huge grin all over his face.

"Hey, lover boy", he said as he pulled me up and kissed me.

I pushed him onto his back, then straddling his groin, I grabbed his cock and started to circle my anus with it.

"Oh, you want to go again, do you? I told you you'd love it, didn't I?" Without waiting for a reply, he threw me off himself then manhandled me until I was on my knees with my arse in the air. He pushed my head down until my face was buried deep in my mattress. He scoped the tube of lube from off the floor. He lubed his cock liberally, then squirting a generous amount of lube into my exposed hole. Without any warning, this time, he plunged the full length of his mammoth cock into my waiting hole.

I screamed into the mattress with the pain it caused me, but Will didn't care 'cause he started to pound my arse with reckless abandon. As I felt Wills' cock start to buck and shoot his cum up my chute, I felt my own cock explode, all on its own, as I shot loads of cum all over my sheet.

I was glad Will was pushing my face into my mattress still, 'cause I screamed my lungs out as I shot my load of cum. The high was almost as intense as the very first time I'd cum. I collapsed onto my bed with Will still on top of me and his gradually shrinking cock still buried inside my aching arse.

Eventually Will rolled off me, pulling his cock out of my arse with an incredibly wet plopping sound. He kissed the back of my head and thanked me for such an incredible fuck. Promising to see me when he got back. I felt him get off the bed. I heard him scoop up his clothes and close the door behind him.

Without changing position, and even with my aching arse that felt like I'd had a baseball bat rammed up it. I fell into a dreamless sleep, and didn't stir until my alarm went off and I had to get up to go to school.

It was incredibly hard to concentrate on my schoolwork, or anything else that happened on Tuesday. All I know is that I was acutely aware of anus. It was very hard to sit still, and no matter how discrete I thought I had been. My classmates, and even some teachers commented on my inability to sit still for any length of time. I'm sure I went bright red when they asked me if anything was wrong. I told them to mind their own business, and told them again, that nothing was wrong.

Besides, what was I going to tell them, that I had the sorest arse in the world? Or that the sensation of Wills' cock hammering away at my arse, came back to me at the most inappropriate times, and caused me to start packing wood. It was really hard to try and think of something else to try and get it to go down, particularly as my arse kept feeling like it was inflamed all over again.

I was never so glad to get home after school in my life. I was so desperate to lay down and give my poor sore arse a rest. In fact I was so desperate to get off my feet that I didn't even walk home through the park.

I grabbed something to eat from the kitchen. Went into my room. Closed the door. Stripped off, lay on my side on my bed and tried to forget about the day.

I don't remember how I got through the next three days while I waited for Will to get back from Brisbane. I must have gone to school. I must have attended all my classes. I had to have handed in all my homework and assignments. But what I do remember is sitting and watching the clock, as time tick incredibly slowly on its way.

I dreamed of Will of course the whole time, and of course I got over the pain in my arse. In fact it was probably sometime on Wednesday that I forgot about the pain in my butt, and just marked time until Will got back.

Finally, the final bell of the day rang on Friday and I sprinted all the way home. I had to go to work, especially as I blew it off last week, but I really wanted to see Will before I went to work.

When I got home and no one was there, I was so disappointed I almost cried. I jumped in the shower. Had a quick wash and headed out to work.

I work at Woollies, from 6pm till midnight, and Stan the manager kept catching me daydreaming of my reunion with Will, and he wasn't too happy. The only reason he didn't give me a formal warning was because everyone likes me, that and the fact that I am happy to fill a shift at a moment's noticed. But I nearly shit myself when he asked me if I was mooning over a girl, and I quickly reassured him that I was not mooning over some girl.

Midnight eventually got here and I was out the backdoor so fast, that I don't think I said 'night to anyone.

For the second time today I raced home, hoping to find Will waiting for me, and for the second time today I was disappointed. I ended up going to bed very disillusioned.

I went to work. Saturdays and Sundays, if I work, I work on the tills because I'm quick, polite, and the customers love me. I mean what's not to love. I have a sunny personality. I'm very easy on the eye, and I talk to people and take the time to help them out if I can, and, to top it off, I flirt outrageously. While a lot of girls invite me out, I've always turned them down, letting them all think I have a girlfriend already. Now, I turn them down because I think I have a boyfriend. Well I hope I have a boyfriend.

After work when I got home no one else was home. I had my usual takeaway, so I ate that at the dining room table. Got changed, and started to do my homework. I was working again tomorrow, as I swapped those shifts last weekend, so I had a lot of work to do tonight.

I got most of the work finished around 1am. I missed the others coming home so I don't know if Troy was back from Brisbane or not, consequently I don't know if Will was back or not, more to the point.

Sunday, morning I started at 8am, which meant I didn't get a lot of sleep. I dragged myself through the day, and had resolved myself to not seeing Will, possible, ever again. I couldn't believe how sad I was. Was I heartbroken? God, I don't think I could feel any worse, than I do now.

I dragged myself home. I must have ate because everyone was home, including Troy which made me feel even worse, but I must have eaten as we always ate together Sunday night. 'Family bonding time'. I tried to be happy about the races that Troy had won, even though it meant that he must have beaten Will.

God, I couldn't understand how I was feeling. As soon as I could I excused myself and went to bed. Well, first I finished the rest of my homework. Then, I went to bed and cried myself to sleep.

I was having strange dreams about Will and me; one minute we were seeing each other, having sex. The next I couldn't find him anywhere, no matter how hard I looked. I was tossing and turning. Then I dreamed that I found Will and we were having sex. I dreamt that he was sucking my cock. It all seemed so real that I woke myself up.

I lay panting in the dark. It was such a hot night that I went to sleep with my window wide open. I live in a two story house and my bedroom is the only bedroom on the ground floor, down the back of the house. We have high fences, so I never felt scared about leaving my window open at night.

As my breathing slowed down I thought someone else was in my room. I sat up in bed and asked if anyone was there. I got no response, so I lay back down. As I lay down I thought I felt my bed move. I was just about to leap out of bed when I heard someone say "Hello lover boy". Then someone went back to sucking my cock.

"Will", I almost shouted, "you're back." I started to cry, "I thought you didn't want to see me anymore."

Will left my cock alone and lay beside me on the bed, making shhing noises. I held him close and cried into his shoulder. He held me until I stopped crying.

Then he explained that he just couldn't come around when he'd been away for 3 days, besides he'd spent 3 days with Troy in a Motel room. That there was no possible reason to come over on the weekend, besides he knew I was working the whole weekend.

When I asked him how he knew that I was working all weekend, and he told me that Troy told him when he called on Saturday to see if Troy wanted to go for a run.

"But you guys never run together. Troy only runs at school anyway, not through the streets and park like you do."

"Oh, you little idiot! Don't you think I know that after all these years? I wanted to know what you were doing, so I could come and see you. That is if you wanted to see me, of course."

"Oh, I thought you didn't want to see me. I thought you may not want me anymore, particularly as you'd taken my cherry."

Will kissed me, long and deep. I fall into his kisses so easily. I just want him to kiss me forever.

"Hey, I'm not like that."

"Oh. I wasn't sure. I mean you obviously frequent the 'toilet block' a lot?"

Will laughed, "You idiot. How long have you been walking home through the park?"

I'm glad he couldn't see me very well because my face burned instantly.

"I've watched you for a long time walking through the park..."

"But I've never seen you in the park before.'

"I know, because every time I saw you I changed my direction."

"You've been watching me in the park?"


"But you used the toilet block."

"Yeah, I wanted to see if you'd follow me in or not."

"You wanted me to follow you."


"So you don't normally use the toilet block."

"Nope. I've seen the way you've been looking at me for years?"

I blushed again.

"Last Friday, when I knew you'd be walking home through the park. I waited until I saw you, and then I ran into the toilet block and hoped you follow me in."

"But what if someone else had walked in?"

"I was watching you through the gap at the top of the wall, between the wall and the roof, and if someone else had come in I would have just left."

I was shocked. "So you don't, um, use the 'toilet block' all the time?"

"Living so close to the park? If I need to go to the toilet I just run home."

I was surprised that I hadn't thought of that. Particularly as that is what we do, all the time.

"So, does this mean. You like me?"

"What do you think silly? I can always leave if YOU don't like me." He said as he made to get off the bed.

I grabbed hold of him, "of course I like you. I like you a lot", I said as I pulled him back down on the bed.

We kissed for a bit. Then Will slowly made his way down my body, until he was back sucking and slurping on my dick.

"Did you bring any lube?" I asked.

He just laughed and reached over the side of the bed.

He lubed his finger and worked that into my waiting hole. When he had worked 3 fingers up inside me, and I had relaxed a bit, he removed his fingers. He pushed my legs up and hooking his arms behind my knees he moved up my body until we were kissing again. While we were kissing I could feel his cock pushing against my hole. I pushed back as he penetrated my hole.

When he was all the way in he waited for a bit, until I'd relaxed some more then he slowly fucked me. I cum pretty quickly. Shortly after I felt Wills' cock buck inside of me and his hot cum filling my arse. We fell asleep in each other's arms.

I woke in the morning, when my alarm went off, to find I was alone. While I was disappointed, at least he made the effort to see me. And I did think him sneaking into my room late at night was so romantic.

I showered, had breakfast, and went to school. Thinking I'm going to be a lot more interested in the track team from now on.

Next: Chapter 3

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