First Exam

By salacious scribbles

Published on Sep 1, 2006



During my first days of college, the people in my freshman orientation group hit on the idea that my roommate and I were somehow twins. One evil and one good, of course, and they debated which of us was which. This all started when my roommate, Colby, and I found out that our birthdates had an odd symmetry to them. I was born 8/2/82, and had actually turned 18 just a couple weeks before leaving for college. Colby was born 2/8/82, and was six months older. Then there was the fact of our initials. I was T.C. and my roommate was C.T. Finally, when we compared notes that first day, we quickly discovered that he was from Chicago and I was from San Diego, but we had each been born in the other's home city and later moved. Weird. We joked that we had been matched as roommates by some computer with a queer sense of humor.

We didn't look like twins of course, but were actually pretty similar in appearance. We were both blond with brown eyes, about the same size, 5'10, 140 or so. Differences were harder to pin down. I guess most obvious that first week was that I had a pretty dark tan from wasting my summer at the beach while Colby had worked an internship with some biochem company in Chicago. Oh, and he was left handed, which gave him the initial edge on being the evil twin.

We had a fair amount in common. Both had been scouts and loved to camp and hike. We both dabbled with guitar. Each had brought a tennis racquet and a mountian bike. We even both ordered the same grilled chicken fajitas when his parents took us out to dinner that first night. He was pre-med and I was undecided on a major, currently aiming only at a broad science and engineering target.

Really the biggest difference was that I was quiet and shy and Colby was far more outgoing. Not that I was painfully shy, I actually made friends easily... once I actually got acquainted. Colby was very friendly and couldn't be in line at the grocery checkout without striking up a conversation with someone. Which all worked out to the good for me. Very soon Colby knew everyone in our dorm and I met a bunch of people through him.

There was so much new that first day, but one thing I do remember when it finally ended. Our living situation was very intimate. One room, maybe 15' by 20' or so, plus a little indentation of a closet on each side of the door that led to the bathroom we shared with another room. Breakfast started at 7am in the dining hall attached to our dorm and Colby said he wanted to go for a run before that, so he was getting ready for bed even though we were both still pretty wired from our first day.

"Oh, by the way, I always sleep in the nude," said Colby. "Would that bother you?"

This was my first real roommate experience, aside from scout camp, and I was just planning to play the whole modesty thing by ear. I guess Colby wasn't all that modest.

"I don't care," I replied coolly. "Actually I usually do too."

That last part wasn't true, but I didn't want Colby to suddenly take a modest turn on my account. Colby nude sounded pretty good, and starting college I was primed to try new things.

"Really? I guess that computer matched us pretty well, huh?" he replied.

"Yeah," I grinned.

"I think I can be pretty adaptable and easy to get along with," he added. "But if any of my weird habits bother you let me know."

"Sure, yeah, let me know too," I agreed. "You're my first roommate. I've lived a sheltered life."

Well, Colby stripped down in pretty short order and slipped between the sheets. That first quick look I got did not disappoint. He had a very nice, trim, athletic body. I could not have stripped right then without embarassing myself. So for the first time of my college life, I jerked off in the bathroom. Then I shut off the light in our room before getting naked and into bed.

I was looking forward to another glimpse of Colby the next morning, but I was tired and slept through it. I did wake up when he shut the door to head out for his run, but just lay there for a while longer before getting out of bed. I had a morning boner and walked sleepily into the bathroom to jack off and take a shower.

"Hello there, good morning," said Kurt from his seat on the toilet.

"Oh, sorry," I apologized, backing out and shutting the door again in embarrassment.

"No problem," came Kurt's muffled laugh through the door.

It took us a week or so to get that bathroom ettiquette and schedule worked out. Despite surprising me that first morning, Kurt and his roommate, Frank, both turned out to be night owls, especially Kurt. As a result, the morning rush wasn't too bad. But that first week of Orientation, we all had the same schedule, so I was more careful than I had to be later.

The next morning Colby's alarm woke us both up. I guess he had gotten the jump on his alarm the previous morning which is why he had slipped past me. This time, he tossed off his sheet and sat for a moment on the edge of his bed rubbing the sleep from his eyes. The light was dim, but I could make out shapes, and there was a hard pole of an erection poking up between his legs. I couldn't see much, but got a nice quick profile as he stood up and walked into the bathroom. That profile showed a straight six inch cut cock waving at the ceiling as he walked. My own cock throbbed in appreciation.

Friday was the last official day of orientation, though there were some activities scheduled over the weekend to meet the upperclassmen as they returned. That night my orientation group met for a little party up in one of the RA's rooms. The RA told us it was time for our first college exam. He paused for effect and then proceeded to hand out copies of a purity test, that staple of the college experience. I had never heard of such a thing before, but it turned out to be a lot of fun. I know I got hard going down the list, thinking of things I had done to lower my score. In the end I had one of the higher scores at 77 out of 100. Colby checked in at 66 and that was proof enough that he was the evil twin and I was the good one.

There were plenty of things I knew most people had done but I had not. But then there were a couple of questions at least where I knew my yes marks would shock people.

Saturday morning I slept in. Colby was back from his morning run, out of the shower and seated at his desk. I was pretty much awake and deciding that I better get up and get some food, not knowing for sure what the weekend dining hall hours were. Besides I could hear sounds of people moving about outside and I figured it was time to join the world. My delima was that I was horny and sporting a hardon that was not going to go down on its own. My body kept wanting to hump against the mattress and I had to keep a conscious rein on it. The morning was late enough that even without any lights on, the room was too well lit for slinking modestly into the bathroom. This was the first time I had to get out of bed with Colby in the room and I really was more modest than I had pretended to earlier. I figured I would play it like it was no big deal though.

I got out of bed and affected a casual stroll to the bathroom. Inwardly though, I was exremely self-conscious of my nudity in general and my straining erection in particular.

"Hey, good morning," greeted Colby with his usual cheer. "Guess you're excited to start the new day," he added as a sly reference to my condition.

"Heh, yeah," I blushed, not able to look at him.

When I got to the bathroom I was further embarassed to find a fat drop of presum poised to roll down from the tip of my swollen cockhead. I shrugged. If Colby thought I was a super horny bastard, well, he was right. I jerked off and showered and went back in to my room to get dressed. I was conscious again of my nakedness as I bent over to fish clothes out of the dresser I had set up in the closet niche on my side of the room. Colby had a clear view of my bare backside and my cock started to stiffen again. It was a race to get dressed before I was fully hard again. Well, no one on earth could dress that fast, so I just kept my back to Colby until I was dressed.

That afternoon Colby and I checked out the gym together and played some tennis. We were back hanging out in our room together afterwards when the subject of the purity test came up again.

"I can't believe I scored so low on that test," Colby complained. "I didn't think I was that bad. Well, maybe a couple of things."

"Just a couple?" I teased.

"Yeah, just a couple that I'd be embarrassed to admit to," he said.

"Yeah, me too," I admitted.

"Really? How is that possible, you had one of the highest scores," Colby argued.

"Yeah, well...," I shrugged.

"Let me see your test," asked Colby. "You can look at mine and see if I am really so perverted," he offered. "Just promise not to tell anyone."

"I don't know." I wasn't sure I wanted MY secrets known.

Colby might have the lower score, but I was willing to bet I would be considered the bigger pervert. My entire sexual experience had been with two people, and the damning thing was, both were guys. Actually, one other guy had figured in prepubescent exploration for one answer and there was one other guy who had watched me jack off, but he didn't figure into the scoring. And I had jacked off my neighbors dog and let him lick my cock and ass, but I didn't think that constituted bestiality so I hadn't checked that box. The only reason I looked so pure on paper was because I lacked experience with girls. On the other hand, I had come to college with the vague hope of expanding on my sexual experience now that I was away from home. Considering the living arrangement here, it might be best to clue my roommate in on my tastes ran. And I supposed this was as good a way as any. At least I hadn't checked the bestiality box.

"Well, you are my roommate... but keep it confidential, ok?" I relented.

We traded test papers. Now that I had committed myself, I started to get anxious. The top of the test was pretty vanilla stuff and I had to wait in anticipation of Colby's reaction. I was so concerned with what Colby would think that I didn't concentrate on checking out his answers.

"Oh wow. Hmm. Oh. That's cool," came Colby's murmured commentary as he read over my list.

I imagined I could pretty much read his mind from his soundbites and facial expressions. Initial surprise at "performed fellatio" and "recieved anal intercourse" followed by assimilation of gayness into his mental picture of me and then nodding acceptance.

"Yeah, I see what you mean," he said at last, scanning back over my test. "What food did you use for number 81?"

"Huh?" I quickly checked my list.

Have you ever had a food item inserted into your anus?

"Oh, um, just a banana," I answered sheepishly. I had forgotten about that one.

"Before you got the real thing?" he asked.


"Doesn't that hurt?"

"Uh, well, yeah, at first it did." I assumed he was talking about getting buttfucked.

"Well, definately some things I haven't done, but nothing so bad really... just different," he concluded.

"Yeah," I nodded. "So what did you do that's so bad?"

I started over his list again, trying to pay more attention this time. Colby read down the list and called my attention to some numbers.

"Hmm. Ok. Bet there's a story with that one. Ah, ok. Heh," I followed along, nodding.

Then we got to number 63: Have you ever recieved oral from a member of the same sex.

"How come I have that checked and you don't?" Colby asked.

"Yeah. I guess that is weird," I agreed.

"Did you forget to check that one off?" he asked.

"No...," I hesitated, figuring how to explain. "It's just... well... the two guys I fooled around with... they were both pretty straight."

"Ah, so no reciprocation?"

"Yeah," I confirmed.

"How did you know these guys?"

"Friends." I shrugged, not sure how else to describe them.

"Was it like a one time thing...?"

"No, actually, no," I replied. "The first guy especially."

"How old were you?"

"Uh, thirteen," I said, doing the math.

"Wow. I guess mine was the same kinda thing, only it was just a one time deal," Colby said. "A kid in my scout troop. Was it scouts for you too?"

"No, actually not," I said. "Just friends. From school."

"So, how come only the one time? Did you not like it?" I asked, curious.

"No, the blowjob was great, I liked that. Just that... he wanted to do other stuff that I just wasn't comfortable with," Colby said.

"Ah," I nodded my understanding.

"So how... I mean, did you just get together and...," Colby stumbled around his question.

"Uh, well, the first time was while we were watching porn...," I started.

Colby smiled knowingly at the power of porn.

"After that, it got to be a regular thing. We were both pretty horny," I explained.

"Who started things? You or him?" Colby asked.

"He did."

"What did he do?"

"Well, we were watching porn... and jacking off... and he said if I wanted to, you know, give him a blow job, he wouldn't stop me." That was the basic outline of what had happened.

"He just straight out asked you?"

"Well, we had jacked off to porn a few other times before he asked," I explained. "He said later that he noticed I looked at him jacking off as much as I did the porn. I don't think he would have asked otherwise."

"So you liked just sucking him and that was all?" Colby asked.

"Well, actually... I mean he would uh..," I couldn't quite get "fuck me" out loud.

"Oh yeah, but I mean, you didn't care if he wouldn't, you know, return the favor?" Colby continued.

"Oh, no," I shook my head. "I didn't expect it."

"Hm. Sounds like a pretty sweet deal," mused Colby. After a second he added, "I think I could get used to regular blowjobs."

"I like giving them," I offered, my breath suddenly getting tight.

"You want to?" asked Colby.

"Sure," I said.

"Right now?"


It was like we had danced closer and closer to the rim of a well and now suddenly taken a jump. I hadn't hit the water yet, but I had that queasy feeling in my stomach like I was weightless.

Colby stood up and with deliberate slowness opened his shorts and dropped them to his ankles. A hard curve bulged his boxerbriefs. He pushed those down as well, letting his erection stand free. I knelt at his feet, sighing at the stark presentation of his arousal. Nothing primed my lust so much as the sight of a guy with a hardon. I took his cock gently in my hand and touched my lips to its tip. I kissed his cockhead, darting my tongue out to probe its spongy hardness. Colby murumured approval and his cock flexed in my hand. I took a minute to aquaint myself with his cock, touching and tasting every part of it. I felt a great sense of anticipation, as if poised on a threshold. It wasn't my first cock, but it stood as a symbol of new experiences to come. It was one of those moments you experience with heightened perception. I was aware of every inch as I took Colby's cock into my mouth for the first time. I sucked him slowly up and down, taking a little more with each pass until I was swallowing him almost to the root. I held him deep for a moment and then stroked him quickly in and out, faster and faster until his legs buckled and he gasped out that he was going to cum. I continued my motion, not quite as deep, feeling him swell and then tasting his cum as it pumped a warm flood into my mouth. I continuted sucking, swallowing at the end of each stroke, until Colby's orgasm had run its course. At last I pulled off, watching my roommate's wet cock bob in front of me. I looked past it to see a look of intensity waning to satisfaction on his face.

"Oh, man, that was great," he breathed. "Thank you."

"Sure." I rocked back onto my heels and had to adjust my own erection. "Anytime."

"That felt great," repeated Colby as he pulled up his pants.

"Thanks," I offered, getting up from the floor. "Well, I need to go take care of this," I said, grabbing at my hardon through my shorts.

I slipped into the bathroom and took out my cock. I had to bend my knees and lean way over in order to point it down at the toilet, but I didn't have to hold that position long. I sent thick ropes of cum splashing noisily into the water in just a few strokes.

When I recovered from my orgasm, I turned to wash up at the sink. I looked in the mirror and the face smiling back was flushed with sex and optimistic expectation. Prospects for the next four years were looking more exciting than ever!

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