First Impression

By Clive

Published on Oct 6, 2002


Comments:- So peeps... I know its been a long long time since i have posted any chapters of my own stories, but i've had a tone of people email me, and post messages in my forum PESTERING me to write lol... so here is it guys and gals ENJOY. Finally I would appreciate any comments (good or bad) to: Thanks and hope you enjoy the story :)

Disclaimer:- This story is fiction and does not imply anything about the group * Nsync or any other person involved in full or in part. If you are under the legal age to read such material in your area please leave immediately. The author takes no responsibility for anyone's actions based upon this work of fiction.

First Impression

Chapter Six: Confessions To Self

By Clive


Lance had walked backwards and forwards constantly for 10 minutes trying to understand why Justin had flown of the handle with him and where the hell JC had gotton to. Thinking it was possible that JC had gone to see Michael, Lance thought to himself that it would be a good idea to go see if he could find him. He made a silent exit from the hotel suit of Nsync and made his way down to the only other room occupied on that floor. As he was about to rap on the door Lance could make out JC and Michaels voices through the not so thick partition. "You'll never lose me babe, this I promise you. My first impression of you was one of a man who needed to be loved and I will always be here to love you as long as you are willing to love me back." Lance's head was spinning... he thought he had just heard JC propose his love to another man but it couldn't be, "Josh... I... I don't know if I love you, but I want to see." But as Lance heard the joyous reply of Michael, Lance couldn't control himself he felt a mixture of emotions himself.

On hearing the two in the room infront of him confess what seemed to be love on JC's side and what maybe love from Michael Lance thought it best if he wasn't around when JC made his exit from the suite. So as quiety as he could he turned around and made his way back to the room that the rest of the guys were at. Lance's head was spinning like Justin's was with thoughts of the two... although the thoughts that Lance was having were different from those that Justin was toiling with. Lance had to think long and hard about what he had heard, as he did with all business matters Lance had to clear his head and give one hundred percent to what was going on upn there and with that in mind he made his way into the main suite and straight past Joey making it to his room without talking to a sole.

"Nice to see you too" Joey said to himself as he continued to watch the screen infront of him without turning his head.

Whilst Lance was making his way back to his room Justin was sitting on his bed not sure how to handle the things that he had seen. "Why hadn't he told me", "He told him, this sucks... I don't get it, why didn't he tell me?" were just some of the questions that night that Justin kept asking himself over and over again, never actually coming up with any answer that pleased him. Most were that he didn't trust him as well as the fact that they weren't as good a friends as he thought they were. But above all the thing that got to him the most was that he had confided in someone... just not him.

Michael and JC sat looking at each other still encased in the darkness of the room. The only light infact coming through the large bay window that Michael had spent his first night at. How things had changed in those 24 hours. He had opened himself up to a group of guys who were known to millions as a these five guys and yet not one of them knew the real guys (or at least the one guy that Michael sat looking at that minute). He had be abused and manhandled, and under other circumstances that would have been more that 'annoying' it would have been damn right outragous on Michael's part but all that seemed accademic to him at this point of time. "So what now?" JC said stroking the right hand side of Michaels cheak then placing his thumb along Michels jaw line he rubbed along Michael's eyebrow before leaning in and gently pecking his lips. "I guess we have to get some sleep, the question is do you wanna stay here or head back to your place?" Michaels voice sounded confident and incontrol again but his body language showed a different side of him. "We'll if I do stay all i would want to do is hold you all night long..." as JC said that Michael's whole posture changed he slumped down into JC's arms, but not out of sadness but out of reliefe, "... after all like you said earlier you don't want to take it too quick, and neither do I" and again JC started to rub Michael cheek. "So bed it is", Michael started to get up into a more upright possition and then made it to his feet holding out his outstreatched hands. Like the first talked in the suite across the hall not more than 15 hours ago JC took Michael's hand and a strange feeling shot though both of them. Not a 'lighting bold' as described in so many stories that JC had read online but a warm feeling. After what felt like minutes but in reality was only a few short seconds Michael started to pull JC to his feet. JC wrapped his arms around Michaels waist as they started to make their was to bedroom to get a well needed sleep.

Justin did eventually get to sleep but not before tossing and turning for several hours which would mean that he was more crankier than normal. Lance too had gotten some sleep, he had spent a good four hours thinking over the situation and he had decided that he need to have a talk when he woke up in the morning with some of the group and others, but he did manage to get a his normal amount of sleep (or normal for when he was on tour, that being five hours). Needless to say JC and Micheal had a well rested sleep, spent with JC spooning behind Michael all night long. Both sleeping in their night attire. Michael in his night shorts and JC in his standard black CK boxer-briefs.

Justing rubbed his eyes and tossled his hair as he placed his feet one at a time on the floor. Today was not going to be a good day. He hated it when he got such little sleep, mind you he thought to himself JC gets the grumpiest on little sleep, and it was that thought that made him ever more down. God why can't he talk to me about it was his final thought as he pulled on his wife-beater and made his way to the main room where he could smell the just brewed coffee.

Lance swung his feet out of bed and landed quarley on the both feet and almost jumped to his feet. Yep last nights thinking had elivated all negative thoughts but today was the day for talking out his thoughts with his 'friends'. Not that Lance didn't love each and every one of them it was just that when you spend so much time with each of them you can (every now and again) think to yourself that you've had enough, and it was this such morning that Lance had those sort of feeling (not that this sort of thing would every break up the group or the guys). So that in mind Lance grabed the complementary hotel robe and slung the towelen robe around his shoulders and made his was out to the main room where the sound of dishes being laden with food could be heard.

Lance and Justin both emerged from their respective rooms at the same time. Justin looking down at the ground and Lance forward and trying to spot the person that had made all the noise that had raised him from his sleep.

"Morning guys... this is some spread, better get to it before Joey finishes it all off", was Chris chirpy welcome to the two new occupiers of the room.

"As long as he a'int eaten my cereal I'll survive but let it be known Joey if you have touched me breakfast your dead meat" came Justin's reply.

"S'alright currley i've not touched them don't worry your pretty little head. I've learnt the hard way remember!" Joey spat back in a light hearted manner wilst stuffing a cream cheese beagal down into his mouth.

Lance and Justin sat down with Joey and Chris and began to tuck into to their first meal of the day but there was no mention of the lack of JC. Not that it wasn't being thought by all four of the men. Mind you most of them expected as it was te norm for JC to over sleep and generally miss their breakfast, just so he could get a few hours mor kip in. But two of the four new the real reason why he was late, although none of them new that JC hadn't returned to their suit.

Michael woke earlier than JC but stayed still reluctant to move due to the fact that JC had his harms firmly encasing him. Michael hadn't felt this safe since before that fateful morning when he got that life changing phone call. "Morning sexy...", JC whispered close to Micaels ear as he started to come out of his dream like state. "Well morning to you too Josh, did you sleep well?" "The best...", JC lossened his grip no Michael and then stretched his body length wise making it so that both bodies were in total contact from head to toe. "Umm that feels nice, but you know there is one thing that feels even better," Michael purred as the started to leane back onto JC, forcing both bodies to bend backwards whilst still in contact. Michael's back started to pop from the bottom up vibrating through both his and JC's body. "Jesus, are you alright?" came JC's concerend responce... "Umm yeah damn good", Michael purred back. "Ok, well I guess we better be getting up, breakfast is probably over with now, and that means they'll be looking for me... best not have them find me here" JC let our a small chuckle at that. Even if it is was nervous chuckle. "So I'm guessing they don't know your gay then" "Only one of them knows but the others... I just got to find the right time to tell them I guess." JC's posture tightened up as spoke in quiet tones to Michael, but Michael's body didn't show any sign of recognition of what JC had said, even though inside Michael was torn about it. Was JC ashamed of who he was, was he ashamed of what Michael was, years ago Michael had come to terms with who and what he was way before he gained his money.

All four of the guys from Nsync had finished their breakfast and still there was no sign of JC so Chris decided to settle the thoughts of the group. Raising from the low seat in the corner that he had been pirched infor the past hour (mind you they had been eating their fill for the past 45 minutes... breakfast was the most important meal remember)

"JC can you up?", Chris spoke in a firm but not overly loud tone. But there was no responce. "JC?", this time Chris rapped on the door to JC's room.

"Umm over here Chris..." JC mummbled from the door to the main suit. It didn't go un-noticed that JC was still wearing the clothes from the night before.

"So where did you spend the night then mister?" came an overly agrivated question from the youngest of the group.

"He spent the night at mine, we had a bit to talk about, and such like", came the reply from behind JC, but it wasn't until JC stepped aside that the smartly dressed Michael came into view.

"Right, if you say so" was the pissy reply that came back from Justin, "I think we all know what you were up to".

"Justin, shut it" JC spoke firmly.

"No" cam a defiant shout from Justin.

"Yes" came an even more forceful retort from JC.

"I know what you two were upto..." came the third voice from the room.

Finally Contact info :) You can reach me by mail: ICQ me: #146915904 Visit my webpage:

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