First Time Jacking Off

By if.tenep.nona@801382na

Published on Aug 3, 1995




My first time was when I was 12 years old. I was at a summer music camp in Tennessee and we were staying in the dorms at the University of Tennessee. I was rooming with some guy from Strawberry Plains, Tennessee, and his name was Darby. I forget his last name (well, I wouldn't "out" him like that on the net anyway.) He was 12 also. The first couple of nights we watched TV and fell asleep. On the third night, I remember we were lying on our beds watching TV, both wearing just white jockey underwear, no shirts, barefoot, and I glanced over (the room was dark except for the TV) and noticed Darby's hand was inside his pouch of his shorts, just in there, not moving around. I clearly remember getting what I now know as a "buzz" off of seeing this. I kept glancing over, I don't think he noticed me watching. Then I noticed a movement, looked over, and he had the head of his dick just outside the waistband of his shorts and was looking down at it, like he was inspecting it or something. It wasn't hard or anything. I remember blushing. Then, a few minutes later, he all of a sudden sprawled over on his back and stretched his arms and legs out. I noticed a tent in the front of his shorts. He just lied there, then looked at me (upside down with his head hanging off the bed) and started laughing. I asked what the fuck was so funny, and he said he was so horny he wanted to jack off but couldn't because I might laugh at him. Now, I had no fucking clue what he meant by "jacking off," I actually thought he meant playing with jacks (those things girls play with)(now don't flame me for being sexist please) (remember I was 12..). So, I said, go ahead, why should I care. I do it, too. (I had actually played jacks with my little sister once.) Talk about naive. So he props his head on his pillow and then lowers his shorts. His dick was about 4 to 5 inches and pointed straight up. He had no hairs. He started rubbing it up and down and twisting it and it got even harder and bigger. Of course I was totally mortified that this was happening. I somehow knew that something new and different and weird was about to happen to me. So, he starts doing the old up-and-down, and asks me if I ever do it. I said, sure, alla time. He said, well why don't you do it too. So I ditched my shorts and of course my dick was hard as a rock, so hard it almost hurt. I had just a few wispy hairs starting to grow. My balls were really big at that age, I remember. At least for 12 years old. So, we are both doing it, and I am carefully watching him to make sure I was doing it right. I had never done this before, not like this, and I began to feel really funky. It wasn't more than another minute or two when this fiery hot milky white stream jetted out the end of my bed. I swear it went about 2 feet straight up. It was maybe about 3 or 4 big spoonsfulls, not a bit more. Then a small dribble came out. Unlike a lot of guys who say "I thought I had broken something," I instinctively knew that this was what "coming" was. I also recall knowing that this was "orgasm," even though I had only read the word once somewhere before. Darby freaked. He was like, wow man, you spooged! (Spooged? Never heard that word before, at all, then.) He then rolled over, humped his hand into the bed, then rolled back over and did the fuckenest thing I ever saw. He pulled his legs and feet up and grasped his dick with both feet and started rubbing it furiously. He spit out about as much cum as I did but it more flowed down rather than spurted straight up like mine did. Immediately he jumped up and went to the bathroom., We washed off and went to sleep. Later that week we did it once more. It wasn't necessarily a homosexual thing, but I did recall feeling more than a little bit queer about doing this. Man, those were fun times. This was about 7 years ago and I have no clue where Darby lives. Man, if you are reading this, contact me, dude.

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