First Time with Master Paul

By seanster

Published on Oct 31, 2007



1st Time w/Master Paul - Inspection and Training True story by boi sean (

This was a hot first scene for me a couple years ago when i met a Master from out of town who taught me a lot.

We'd corresponded for a week or so after He first wrote me, and i was impressed with His seriousness, experience as a Master and slave trainer, and that He knew just what He wanted from a slave. We'd exchanged pics too, of course.

He wanted to meet me at my place, and i felt like i knew enough about Him and His personality from His messages to agree. i asked if He had any instructions for me before He arrived, and He just told me to make sure my hole was clean and that my crotch was freshly shaved.

i was nervous as heck contemplating His arrival, making sure my place was as presentable and comfortable as possible, and trying to figure out what to wear (though not anticipating i'd be wearing it for long). i decided to wear a black leather jock i'd recently bought, and over that, just a pair of jeans and blue t-shirt.

He rang the door and i let Him in, and i was pleasantly surprised that He looked even sexier (and taller) than i'd imagined Him from His pics. He had short brown hair, steely blue eyes, a rather bushy moustache, and was wearing boots and a leather jacket. i showed Him to the livingroom, took His jacket to hang in the closet, asked what He wanted to drink. He sat in the black recliner while i went to go get His ice water. When i came back with His drink, He told me to sit on the couch nearby and relax, explaining that we were going to talk for a bit.

He asked me some questions, i asked about His flight, and the chatting relaxed me a bit. After 10 or 15 minutes, He told me to stand up and get undressed. i stood in front of Him and took off my shirt, folding it quickly and putting it on the ground beside me. Then i undid the jeans, pulled them off and similarly folded them beside me. He smiled when He saw the leather jock, and told me to turn around so He could see it on me from the back. Then He had me clasp my hands around my neck and turn back around. Then He gestured to remove the jock. i did, revealing my rigid hard on. i placed the jock on the floor, on top of the clothes, and i was now standing completely naked, with my hands clasped behind my neck, in front of the guy i'd just met, who was seated in my recliner, fully clothed.

He motioned me to come forward and stand right in front of Him. i did, keeping my hands clasped behind my neck. He pulled my hardon forward and let it slap back against my groin. He grasped it and held it for a moment, and the feel of His strong warm hand on my fully aroused dick sent tingles up my spine. He jerked it up and down a couple of times, and then turned His attention to my balls. He grasped them firmly and then pulled them down rather hard. If it hadn't been clear who was Master before, it was clear now. He held them up and checked my shaving job, seeming to approve, and then examined my ballsac carefully with His hands, as though checking for lumps or other irregularities. Then He ordered me to turn around and bend over. i quickly complied, and did so again when He told me to pull my butt cheeks apart with my hands so He could get a good look at my hole. i hadn't shaved my butt crack since He hadn't instructed me to. He commented favorably on the fact that i had a little hair back there. He rubbed His forefinger up and down my crack, and then inserted it. He probed for a few minutes, presumably checking for cleanliness, among other things. He commented that it was tight, and we'd work on loosening it up. He then told me to clasp my hands around my ankles, and He probed my hole some more, first with the forefinger again, then inserting two fingers. i liked feeling that thickness inside me, as He moved His fingers in and out. Then He put in three. Then He pulled them out and slapped each of my butt cheeks a couple of times, before ordering me to turn around and get down on my knees. i quickly knelt in front of Him, placing my arms behind my back. He held His forefinger up to my lips. He told me to lick it clean, and i took it all the way in my mouth, and licked and sucked on it thoroughly. He did the same with His other two fingers, also fresh from my fortunately clean butthole.

After He pulled the last finger out of my mouth, He reached down and grabbed my left nipple. He played with it, and then twisted it hard, causing me to exhale sharply. He did the same with the right nipple. He then alternated playing with them, squeezing hard from time to time, and sometimes lifting me up a bit by pulling up on the nipple. My dick was throbbing in response, as i have medium sized, very sensitive nipples and that kind of play turns me on a lot. We both noticed the precum seeping out of my peehole. He drew His finger across my peehole and then held the finger up near my mouth again. i quickly licked the precum off His finger.

After a few more minutes of play with my nipples, He asked if i wanted to smell His crotch. i quickly responded, "yes Sir!" He ordered me to pull off His boots first.

i grabbed His right boot firmly and pulled it off over His large white-socked foot. i did the same with the left, and placed both boots behind me. i resumed my spot on my knees on the floor immediately in front of Him, looking up at the face of the sexy, firm Man i was so anxious to please. He grabbed me by the back of my head and forced my head down toward the crotch of His jeans.

i could feel the thick bulge of His cock. He told me to lick it, and i started licking the denim covering His cock. He kept His left hand on my head, pushing it down against His crotch. Then he told me to remove His belt. i placed it carefully behind me with His boots. Next He told me to unbutton His jeans. With His jeans buttons undone, i could see the white briefs covering His cock. It looked thick, and i was guessing about 7 inches. He grabbed me by the back of the head again and told me to lick it, through the briefs. my nose, pressed against His briefs, filled with His musky man scent. He then removed His hand from my head and told me to pull His pants down while He rose up in the chair. i happily did so. He let me pull His jeans down and off over His socked feet. i folded them neatly and set them next to the boots, and returned to my place at His feet. He then ordered me to pull down His briefs with my teeth. my heart was racing as His thick manliness came into view. It was at least 8 inches, and thick. It flopped over the top of His descended briefs.

He pulled my head back and told me that learning to suck His cock well and properly would be an important part of my early training. He told me that He expected me to learn to suck His cock for an hour, two hours, and longer. He gently reassured me, though, that He didn?t expect me to be the kind of cocksucker now, without His training, that i?d be in a few months.

He had me start on His forefinger, telling me how to lick around the tip of the finger while taking as much in as possible, and also instructing me on how to move my head back and forth around the finger. After He was satisfied that i understood, He let me show Him i could do the same thing on His 8+ inches.

This was my new Master's cock, and i was thrilled to have a chance to show Him that i could worship it properly, and i was looking forward to any instructions He had to make me a better cocksucking slave to Him. i worked on doing exactly what He?d instructed when i sucked on His finger. i licked and darted my tongue around the tip while sucking up and down on the shaft, and i shifted my head back and forth and around, trying to give Him as much sensation as possible. He told me when to go further, where to make adjustments, and periodically had me deep throat Him and hold it, while i got used to the feel of having His entire hard cock in my mouth. After 10 minutes or so, i was thrilled to feel like i was tasting some of Master?s precum. Another several minutes, and Master told me to lick His balls. i quickly obeyed. His balls were large and low hanging, hanging a little lower than the tip of His large cock. Then He had me swallow each one and hold them in my mouth, while having me lick them all over. Eventually He let me return to His cock, again instructing me what to do in detail.

After several more minutes deep throating His cock, i was instructed to "use that tongue on Your Master,s hole." He adjusted in the chair and placed His legs over each arm of the chair so i had full access to His chute. i enthusiastically dove in and worked on giving it the deepest and best rimming I've ever given. He didn?t give many instructions, and was moaning softly after a minute or two, so i felt like i was doing the right thing. i was generally free of thought, just concentrating on pushing my tongue as far as i could, and giving attention to all parts of my Master?s butthole. After several more minutes, He instructed me ?suck my cock boy,? and i quickly jumped back to Master?s thickening tool.

For the next half hour or so, He had me working alternately on His cock, balls and hole, ordering me exactly how to pleasure each of them best, and making me move quickly to obey His commands. All my attention, literally my universe, was narrowing down to my Master's genitals and hole, and the desire to hear and obey His commands, and there was no place else in the world i wanted to be. While i was working on His cock again, He grabbed my head with both hands and repositioned a little so that He could thrust into my mouth at will. i was still trying to lick around the tip of His cock and up and down the shaft the way He'd trained me, as much as possible, but i was being face fucked harder and with more authority than I'd ever been face fucked in my life. He was using my mouth and throat just like He'd use my butthole, plunging all the way in, until my nose was squashed against His pubes and the end of His cock battered the back of my throat. As He continued, i marveled at how He'd turned my head into His efficient fuckhole, and i knew i belonged to this Man if He wanted me, and would do anything He said.

After several more minutes of my head being used like an Accujac, i could taste more of His salty precum, and heard Him softly moaning. i knew He was about to cum, after an hour and a half or so of making me give Him the best blowjob i knew how (with His expert guidance), and i longed to swallow all of my Master's precious cum. After the first spurt, though, He pulled His cock out of my mouth and held it against my forehead, leaving a trail of His seed down my face. When His cock had nearly stopped shooting, He thrust it back in my mouth and told me to finish cleaning Him off. i happily did so, my eyes closed to keep out the cum that was dripping down from my forehead.

He told me i wasn't to clean my face, but should let His cum dry so i could wear it to bed that night. He also told me I'd done pretty well for my first time, but that i would be trained a lot more in taking his cock, and would need to get used to being orally fucked for an hour or two each day. He also said i should get some carrots and practice sucking them down all the way every morning (when the throat muscle was its most pliable) for 15 minutes to half an hour, so that i could get used to taking His cock all the way down, as far as possible, with ease. He pulled His briefs and His jeans back on, but left His boots off, and Had me give Him a foot massage while He outlined more of His expectations, and my duties, over the days and weeks ahead. i was awed by His experience, and trying hard to memorize everything He said, since i couldn't wait to continue with the training that had already turned my head into my Master's fuckhole.

After listening to His plans and instructions for another half hour or so, i felt Him grab my hair and pull me up to sit on His lap. Quietly He worked on my nipples, grabbing, twisting and kneading them hard, causing my penis to come to full attention again. He then held my penis and told me i was never to touch it except to keep it clean, and that i was never going to cum again without His permission. He then told me He wasn't going to sleep with me that night, that He had to head back to His friends where He was going to stay for the week, but that He'd be back to see me and maybe stay the night the next evening.

Eventually He had me put His boots back on Him, and bring Him His jacket. Still naked, of course, i walked Him to the door. He opened it, and then kissed me long and hard before heading to the outer door. i felt an incredible sense of peace and gratitude for having been found by this Man, but also a huge sense of anticipation about the day(s) to come.

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