Fixing the Backstreet Boys

By moc.loa@97bK

Published on Jan 29, 2000


DISCLAIMER: The story that follows is a work of fiction. The characters are completely fictional. This is not saying anything about the sexual orientation of the Backstreet Boys.

WARNING: This story deals with homosexual themes. The sex will be light, but it will be present. If this offends you, don't read. If you are under 18 years of age, don't read. If reading this story causes you to break any laws, don't read.

FEEDBACK: This is my first story. So if I'm doing a horrible job, or if you love it, or if you just wanna say hi, email me at and we can chat. Thanks a bunch.


"Well, you're an asshole!"

"I'm an asshole? You're the one who was 20 minutes late for the meeting."

"So what, what's 20 minutes?"

"What's 20 minutes, 20 minutes is a shit load of information you have now lost!"

"Someone will fill me, in its not like it's the end of the world!"

"It may not be the end of the world but it is important, you have responsibilities, you know this isn't all fun!"

"Not all fun, now there's a joke, this isn't fun at all anymore!"

"You don't mean that, you're just angry!"

"I do mean it, and hell yes I'm angry, you're not my parent I don't have to listen to every little command you make!"

"I'm just trying to do what's right for the group, I'm not trying to be your boss."

"Well as I see it all you do is "boss", this stopped being worth it a long time ago!"

"AJ calm down, I'm sorry I yelled at you, okay, just don't say stuff like that."

"I don't care anymore Kevin, this group has turned to shit and I just don't care anymore, I'm leaving!"

And with that AJ left the hotel room slamming the door. The other four just sat there for a second, not quite knowing what to say.

"Shit, what have I done now?" Kevin said.

"I wasn't your fault, entirely, you both over reacted" Brain tried to reassure.

"But what if he isn't bullshitting this time, what if he isn't coming back?" Kevin looked worried.

"He always does, he's just angry, he'll cool down, the two of you will apologize and it will all be alright." Howie added

"I hope your right, I don't want to end this just because AJ was late for a meeting and I blew up at him." Kevin looked close to tears, but the guys knew he never cried.

"Come on Kevin, it will be alright, I'll go talk to him okay?" Howie offered.

"Thanks Howie, that's probably a good idea, we'll end this meeting for now, I'll fill everybody in later." Kevin looked a little relieved. He was hoping someone would offer to talk to AJ so he didn't have to.

Quiet filled the room again. This was happening way too much lately. The Boys haven't been able to get anything fully accomplished in weeks due to the fighting they had all been doing. It was so weird, they had been best friends for years and now it seemed like they couldn't stand each other. They needed help, but what? If it was over, there was nothing they could do to stop it. But how could it be over? They were on the top. Their CD's sold millions of copies, their concerts sold out in under minutes, and they had so many fans they got mobbed were ever they went. The world loved there squeaky clean, best friends, boys next door image. To bad it was fake, it used to be the truth, but now?

"When did this start, we were so perfect, how did we fall apart so quick?" Nick asked breaking the silence.

"I don't know Nick, it seems like it was overnight doesn't it?" Brian responded.

"I wasn't though, I think this has been building up for a while, we've just been trying to ignore it." Kevin stated.

"Yeah I know, but what is it? Why?" Brian questioned.

"I don't know Brian I just don't know." Kevin sounded so defeated.

"Guess you don't have the answers for everything, huh Kevin?" Nick said sarcastically.

"Nick don't start." Kevin warned.

"Don't start what, don't start telling the truth?" Nick accused.

"Are you saying everything is my fault?" Kevin asked.

"Yeah maybe I am!" Nick said getting a little louder.

"Nick don't." Brian said trying to help.

"Look mister goody-goody, your not gonna stop it this time!" Nick yelled.

"Gosh Nick, come on." Brian said obviously hurt.

"Lay off it, you're so sweet and innocent it's sickening." Nick threw at him.

"Stop it Nick!" Kevin said standing up.

"Don't think I forgot about you Kevin, AJ is right. You are not in charge of us, you are exactly as important as the rest of us, not more, okay???" Nick was really yelling now.

"What is your problem Nick?" Kevin was starting to get a little louder now too. "You Kevin, you are so fucking demanding, you're like a demented father, and you too Brian, always trying to comfort and smooth everyone's feelings, what are you our fucking mommy?" Nick was really losing it now.

"Nick!!!" Kevin was almost as loud as Nick was now.

"No! Don't say it, I'm not out of line, and I'm right on with what I'm saying. You two are so self-righteous it's sick. I'm getting out of here." Nick left the room.

"Where did that come from?" Kevin asked, lowering his voice only a little.

"I have no idea, I've never heard him be that cruel." Brian was crying now.

Kevin went over to give him a hug. He held him for a second, but it felt so awkward he let go pretty quickly. Brian looked at him with the tears streaming down his face.

"Why did you." Brian stopped there and ran out of the room.

"Wait Brian, I'm sorry, I didn't mean to." Kevin's words were cut off by the shutting of the door. He stood there all alone wondering when he lost control.

In AJ's Room "AJ calm down, stop packing, you can't leave." Howie was trying.

"Why not, I sure don't want to be here!" AJ stated.

"We're a group, hell we're friends, you can't just pick up and leave." Howie said

"We haven't been `friends' in weeks, and as for a group that's starting to fall apart also!" AJ spit out.

"Just because there has been problems doesn't mean we aren't all friends anymore, and once everything is back to normal, you know the group will run smoothly again." Howie explained.

"I don't think I want to wait around to find out if it will all work out."

AJ was beginning to sound a little weepy, not as brash as before.

"Come on bud, you know you don't want this to end, we've all been through so much together, we can't throw that all away because we've hit a rough patch." Howie was trying to explain

"I know, I know, it's just how much more of this can I take?" AJ was really on the verge of tears now.

Howie went over and put his arms around AJ. AJ returned the hug and laid him forehead on Howie's shoulder. He began to let the tears fall softly and wrapped his arms tighter around his friend. Once he did that, Howie pushed him off him, gave him a look of disgust, and went toward the door.

"What.?" AJ began to ask, but the only thing that could have answered was the closed door. He threw him self on the bed and just cried. Little did he know that Brain was in his own room doing the exact same thing. Whereas, both Howie and Nick were pacing their rooms trying to figure out what the hell to do with what was happening. Kevin on the other hand, was responding to a knock at his door. He ran a hand through his hair and tried to shake off the awful feelings running through his body, and plastered a fake smile on his face. He opened the door, and there stood their manager.

"Hey, what's up?" Kevin said as cheerfully as possible, he really didn't feel like having to deal with management right now, but he knew he had to.

"Kevin I need to talk to you about the group." Said their manager, fairly grimly.

"Really, what about?" Kevin said trying to pretend he had no idea.

"Don't play innocent with me, you know exactly what about." Was the gruff answer from the man standing in front of him. Kevin didn't appear to be offering an answer so he continued. "The band hasn't exactly been acting like the close knit group you guys are supposed to be."

"Supposed to be?" Kevin asked.

"You know what I mean, the close knit group you are, is that better?" their manager asked.

"Yeah, sorry, didn't mean to make anything out of it." Kevin said "So what exactly did you want?"

"I want to protect my assets and being you boys are my assets I need to do something about these problems you've been having." He said.

"What do you plan on doing?" Kevin asked.

"I'm bringing in someone to help you boys work out your problems."

"Someone to help us work out our problems? What do you exactly mean?" Kevin was extremely confused.

"I mean I'm bringing in a therapist, one of them psychology people, so we can figure out what's wrong with you five, and then fix it, so we can all go along with our happy lives."

"A therapist, no way, we're fighting with each other, we're not crazy!" Kevin stated.

"I know you're not crazy, it's not that kind of therapist. This guy works with couples and families, and such. I think you call him a relationship counselor."

Kevin's mind began to race. Relationship counselor, he can't know, does he?

"What would a relationship counselor be able to do for us?" Kevin asked.

"Well he claims he has worked with friends, making it easier for working relationships, groups of people on television shows or movies who aren't getting along, those sort of thing. He comes highly recommended."

"The guys will never go for it, we don't need help, we can work it out on our own." Kevin began to protest.

"Well I'm sorry to say you guys have no choice about it. It is stated in your contract that if something like this goes on in the group that management should get you help. If you remember correctly when we we're going over the contracts we discussed this and you boys agreed."

"Yeah, I guess I remember now, but the boys still won't be happy about it." Kevin explained.

"They have no choice, the tour ends in 3 days. This guy will show up tomorrow at 12:00, two hours before your rehearsal. It will begin then. Do you want me to tell the other boys or will you?"

"I'll tell them, it will be easier coming from me, and I'll make sure they know they have no choice in the matter, okay?" Kevin said.

"Yeah great, as long as it all works out in the end, just make sure you are ready tomorrow at 12:00." He shook Kevin's hand and then he left the room.

Oh great, Kevin thought. How exactly am I going to get the boys to understand this? And after what happened do we really need someone snooping and prying into our personal lives? He picked up the telephone and began to place the phone calls.

Ring "Hello?" Howie said picking up the phone.

"Howie, it's Kevin, we all need to talk, let's have dinner in my suite, I'm gonna have all the guys meet me there at 6:00, okay, that's in a half an hour."

"I know when 6:00 is, and I really don't feel like having dinner with everybody." Howie said.

"Well we don't have a choice, I just talked to management and I need to relay the message, so just be there ok?" Kevin pretty much demanded.

"Yeah okay, I'll be there." Howie agreed

The next 3 phone calls went pretty much the same way. After some badgering they all agreed to be there at 6:00. Kevin ordered room service, and waited for it and the guys to arrive. He was not looking forward to this little meeting. He knew it had to happen, but what happened three weeks ago was certain to come up again. None of them wanted to talk about it, but Kevin was pretty sure that was what was tearing the group apart. If he could only go back in time and stop it, their little world would be happy again. Unfortunately there was no way to do that. Just then there was a knock on the door.

Sorry, I know there hasn't been anything exciting yet, and maybe you are all a little confused, but I'm leading up to the good stuff, there will be some I promise. Hope you come back for more.

Next: Chapter 2

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