Fixing the Backstreet Boys

By moc.loa@97bK

Published on Feb 3, 2000


DISCLAIMER: The story that follows is a work of fiction. The characters are completely fictional. This is not saying anything about the sexual orientation of the Backstreet Boys.

WARNING: This story deals with homosexual themes. The sex will be light, but it will be present. If this offends you, don't read. If you are under 18 years of age, don't read. If reading this story causes you to break any laws, don't read.

FEEDBACK: This is my first story. So if I'm doing a horrible job, or if you love it, or if you just wanna say hi, email me at and we can chat. Thanks a bunch

Thanks to everyone who emailed me. It totally made my day every time. You guys are great.


Kevin went to answer the door and wasn't surprised to see that it was the room service being delivered. He figured it wouldn't have been any of the boys yet. He knew if he was in their position he'd be dragging his feet getting to dinner also. He let the man push the cart of food into the room and then gave him a good tip for getting it up there so quickly. Kevin set out the chairs in the room so that none of them were very close to another one, but so that they were still all facing each other. He knew that if he let the boys pick they're own seating arrangement the group would probably end up in the corners of the room facing the wall as they ate. He didn't want that. He wanted them to look at each other in hope that they may be able to finally talk all of this out. This better go well. Kevin thought. If they were still at each other's throats when this 'therapist' guy showed up he may figure it out to quickly and then they would be finished. Finished as a group, and finished as friends.

Kevin ran his hands through his hair in frustration. Why do I have to be the one to make sure we talk and work out this little 'problem'? Kevin thought to himself. Where did it say in my contract that I had to handle all the 'internal' conflicts? Nick was right, I'm no more important than anyone else in the group. But what Nick didn't realize when he said that was that it also meant that Kevin shouldn't have to put up with keeping the group in line. That should be everyone's job not just his. The group shouldn't have to have a 'father' figure; they should all be able to take care of themselves.

"I guess it isn't the time to be feeling bad for myself." Kevin said out loud to no one but himself. He felt silly talking to himself, but how often was it that there was someone there to listen? "Ahhh... I'm beginning to go crazy, I need to get my act together, the boys will be here any second."

It was about ten after 6:00, and Kevin knew that the boys couldn't drag their feet any longer without feeling guilty. And as if on cue there was yet another knock on the door.

Kevin opened the door to see all four of his band-members standing outside the door. They were spread out so it was hard to see who had knocked.

"Let me guess, you've been standing out there for two minutes deciding which one should make the first move and knock on my door." Kevin stated.

All of the boys looked a little sheepish at that accusation.

"Okay then, so who finally got up the courage to hit their delicate fist on the horribly hard door?" Kevin said feeling a little sarcastic.

"It was me, I figured the sooner we got in there, the sooner we could get away from each other." Nick admitted. "And drop that tone okay, none of us are in the mood."

"Sorry, I didn't mean it, just trying to break the tension a little." Kevin tried to apologize.

"Well I doubt making fun of us will do that." Nick said.

"I said I'm sorry, alright, let's just go in and eat dinner." Kevin was aggravated already.

He walked in the hotel room and was almost surprised when they all followed. They began to grab food and such from off of the room service cart. Brian was the first one done and began to position his chosen seat so that he wasn't facing the rest of the chairs.

"Leave that chair where it is!" Kevin barked at him.

Brian jumped for a moment almost spilling his dish of food.

"Sorry, didn't mean to yell. I just want us all sitting together. We need to talk and we can't do that if we aren't facing each other." Kevin said softly.

Brian put his chair back where it was. The rest of the boys sat down. They all tried to push their chairs as far from each other as possible, but quickly realized they were already set up that way. They all set to their food, but it was obvious by the way they were picking at it that no one was really all that hungry. No one knew what to do with their eyes. They kept glancing at each other and then darting away. After a few minutes everyone was just staring at their untouched plates.

"I guess I should begin, shouldn't I?" Kevin asked.

"Well you did call this meeting." Howie said.

"Okay then, how do I start this?" Kevin said more to himself then to the others.

"Just spit it out Kevin, we all just want to get out of here." Nick told him.

"Our manager came to talk to me after all of you left this afternoon." Kevin began.

"What about?" Howie asked, showing a little more interest, and a bit less hostility.

"About us, the way we've been acting lately." Kevin continued.

"The way we've been acting?" Nick asked, also being a little less hostile.

"Yeah, he noticed something has been up, that we haven't all been ourselves lately." Kevin said.

"You didn't tell him did you???" Howie screeched, the hostility returning to his voice.

"Hell no, I didn't say anything. He was pretty angry with me because of it. He wanted me to tell him everything, but I didn't give him any information." Kevin explained.

"Good, no one needs to know what happened but us, it's bad enough that we need to know." Nick said.

At that comment both Brian and AJ got up to leave. They looked at each other and quickly looked away. Kevin shot them both an exasperated look and they sat their asses back down.

"Guys we need to bring this up, we haven't had a chance to talk it out, and if I had to guess, not talking this out is what is causing us all to fight." Kevin started again.

"It's what happened, not refusing to talk about what happened that's causing us to fight!" Nick spit out. "I don't believe we should talk about it at all."

"I think your wrong Nick, I think if we finally bring this out into the open we can finally resolve what is going on." Kevin said. "What do the rest of you think?"

"I don't know anymore, we need something." Howie started to sound defeated also.

"Yeah, we do." Kevin said. "What about you guys?" he addressed to AJ and Brian.

Brian and AJ didn't even look at him. They stared at their laps and didn't even make a motion at the question.

"Guys I know it hurts but we have to talk about it." Kevin told them.

AJ finally spoke up. "Why?" When no one spoke up he continued. "Why do we need to talk about it, why can't you guys just forget about it and move on with our lives?"

"I think we've tried AJ, but it isn't working. We need to bring this out in the open and try to resolve it." Kevin told him, happy that AJ was finally actually talking.

"But why Kevin, why now?" Brian asked.

"This is gonna be hard to tell you guys, but I have to." Kevin said. "You know how I said that our manager came to talk to me today?"

Four heads nodded yes slowly.

"Well he figured he needed to get us some help, so we can work out this 'problem'." Kevin continued.

"Help?" Howie asked.

"Yeah, he said he's bringing in a therapist to talk to us." Kevin said.

"A Therapist?!?" Nick exclaimed.

"Before you all flip out, it isn't what you think." Kevin tried to placate.

"Well what is it?!?" Nick asked again.

"The guy is supposed to be some kind of relationship therapist. Supposedly he has worked with similar situations like this." Kevin said.

"Situations like this, they do know!" Nick screamed.

"Nick calm down, that isn't what I meant. Situations like this meaning working relationships where co-workers are having problems with each other, fighting and such." Kevin informed.

"You sure it's not just a cover up?" Howie asked.

"No I don't know for sure, but our manager has never lied to me before, I don't know why he'd start now." Kevin said.

"Well I don't think we should talk to him." Nick stated.

"We don't have a choice guys. I told him that we weren't interested, and he said we had no choice." Kevin told them.

"We don't have a choice?!? We're the fucking BACKSTREET BOYS!! I think we have a choice." Nick was livid.

"No we don't, I hope I'm not the only one who ever pays attention during contract negotiations, because If I am then you guys are in for a rude awakening!" Kevin was tired of being calm and nice with everyone.

"We do pay attention Kevin, though I don't understand what you're getting at." Howie said.

"I'm saying that in our contract it is stated that we have no choice put to accept help if a situation pops up where we may be jeopardizing the group." Kevin said. "We did all agree to it."

"Yeah, but I bet we never figured that something like this would happen." Nick said.

"Yeah." Said Howie.

"Yeah." Kevin agreed also.

Nick, Howie, and Kevin looked at AJ and Brian. AJ and Brian looked back.

"Well...?" Nick said.

"Well? Well what? Are you looking at us for the answer? Are you looking at us because we caused all of this mess and you want us to fix it? Maybe go back in time and make it so it never happened? Well guess what? We can't! I'm sorry that we can't just disappear! It won't happen. I'm sorry you had to see what you saw, but just get over it. It happened and it can't be changed!" AJ exploded with the feelings that had been held in for so long that it was eating at him.

He sat back down in his chair and lowered his head. Then he began to cry. He waited a second, expecting someone to come comfort him or at least say something. No one did. It made him cry harder. He remembered a time when the minute one of the guys even threatened to shed a tear everyone would be there with hugs and kind words. What had happened? Where were his friends?

Brian had begun to cry also. He couldn't believe that AJ had said all of that. They had agreed to just stay quiet whenever this topic came up. Why couldn't he just stay silent?

The other three guys sat there silenced. They couldn't believe how AJ had exploded. He couldn't expect them to just turn their heads at what happened. What happened, why did it happen?

They all just sat there and thought. Some of them crying, some of them angry, some of them confused. But they were all thinking, thinking about that night.

FLASHBACK Three weeks ago.

The concert had just ended about an hour ago. The Backstreet Boys had headed back to the hotel as soon as possible. It had been one of those fantastic concerts and their adrenaline was running very high. They all retired to their rooms to take showers and to get a good night sleep before traveling again tomorrow.

AJ had got into his bathroom and went to turn on the shower. Nothing happened.

"Dammit, why do I always have to get the defected room?" AJ wondered out loud. He considered going to bed without a shower, but with all that dancing he was pretty rank. It seemed he would have to go ask one of the guys to borrow their shower.

"Whose room is next to mine?" AJ thought out loud again. "Brian. Good he won't mind."

Brian and him had been getting a lot closer lately. Nick and Brian had always been best friends and Kevin and Howie had always been pretty close, but as of recently Kevin had been busy with all of that business crap and Howie and Nick had been working on some song. So that left Brian and AJ. It was only natural that they would spend some more time together. It was pretty cool and they had begun to click in a way they never had gotten a chance to before. They now had some kind of bond, AJ wasn't to sure what it was but it just felt good to have a friend like he now had in Brian.

AJ knocked on Brian's door.

"Hold on a second." Brian's voice rang out. He then opened the door. His hair was wet and he only had on a terry cloth robe. "Hey AJ what's up? Everything alright?"

"Yeah, sorta, my showers broke. I was wondering if I could borrow yours?" AJ asked.

"Of course bud. I just finished up, it's all yours." Brian flashed that killer smile of his.

"Thanks Brian! You're the best!" AJ smiled back.

AJ grabbed his stuff from his room and went into Brian's shower. The hot water felt good. He began to finally relax after their full night. He stepped out of the shower and dried off. He threw on a pair of boxer shorts and a tee shirt. Running a comb threw his hair and brushing his teeth he completed his use of Brian's bathroom.

AJ stepped out of the bathroom to see Brian lying on the bed in his in his underwear watching the TV.

"What ya watching Brian?" AJ asked.

"What? uhh, nothing." Brian said quickly flipping the channels on the remote control.

"Ohhh... What was that Brian, watching a little spank 'o' vision?" AJ teased.

He went over to Brian and wrestled the remote control away from him. It took a minute but he overpowered the blond boy lying on the bed. He quickly hit the channel return button. A scene of two men kissing each other appeared on the screen.

"Brian what were you watching?" AJ asked.

"Nothing it was just a movie." Brian said as tears started to well up in his eyes.

"A movie about gay men?" AJ asked again.

Brian nodded.

"Just for entertainment value or something else?" AJ noticed Brian wasn't looking him in the eyes anymore.

"Something else... AJ can I tell you something?" Brian asked.

"Of course you can B-Rok, anything." AJ reassured.

"I, I, I," Brian stuttered.

"It's okay Brian. No matter what you say I will still be your friend. Just take a deep breath." AJ instructed.

Brian followed his directions. He took a deep breath, let it out slowly, and said "AJ, I think I'm gay." And with that he began to cry.

AJ wrapped his arms around the crying young man and held him softly.

"Shh Brian, it's okay, don't cry. There's nothing wrong. If you're gay, you're gay. It's nothing to cry about." AJ said lightly.

"You don't think so?" Brian asked through his tears.

"No of course not. All it means is that you like men, it's not like it means your hair is gonna turn purple and you're going to grow another 3 sets of appendages." AJ joked with him.

That got a smile from Brian. He tightened his hug around AJ and felt a little better.

"You alright Brian?" AJ asked.

"Yeah I guess I just figured you'd be grossed out and tell me you hated me. We've gotten so close the past few weeks that I didn't want to ruin that." Brian said.

"You could never ruin that, nothing you could say could end our friendship. How long have you known?" AJ asked.

"Since I broke up with my girlfriend. I never felt comfortable around her and after a while sex just wasn't, umm, 'working'. So when I noticed I looked at our male fans in the crowds instead of the females and dreamed about James Dean instead of Natalie Wood after watching REBEL WITHOUT A CAUSE, it just came to me. I hit a point of realization I guess I had kept bottled up for a long time." Brian filled him in.

"Well I'm glad you were able to realize it before you got into another bad relationship with a girl you could never really be happy with." AJ told him.

"Really AJ?" Brian asked. AJ nodded. "That makes me feel so much better. I'm glad you support me. I don't know what I'd do without you."

"You're to sweet man, I don't deserve all of that." AJ was beginning to blush.

"Yes you do, you've been my life saver these passed few weeks." Brian said to him.

"Anything for you Brian, trust me you've done just as much for me these weeks as I've done for you." AJ told him.

"Really?" Brian asked.

"Yeah, it's kinda silly, but you have Nick to be your best bud, Howie and Kevin always pal around, and it kinda left me out. I mean you guys never exclude me from anything, but this is the first time I've had a friend to talk to aside from all five of us chatting together. It has really meant a lot to me." AJ confessed getting a little misty-eyed.

"Come on don't you start crying to. Only one at a time. I think that should be out rule." Brian said as he adjusted the hug a bit so they both were getting comfort out of it.

"It feels nice to be held by you Brian." AJ said quietly.

"It feels nice to be held by you also AJ, and to hold you." Brian admitted.

AJ sighed and snuggled into Brian a little deeper. They both stayed there holding each other for a few minutes.

"AJ, are you gay?" Brian finally worked up the nerve to ask him.

"Brian I don't know man, but this feels so right and so comfortable. And these past weeks, our friendship has been so amazing that I can't help wondering if there is a little something more behind it then just friends." AJ looked up at Brian when he said this.

"AJ, you took the words right out of my mouth. I've been wondering that for a few days now, I just didn't know what to say to you. I guess I'm lucky you won the wrestling match over the remote control huh?" Brian asked.

"Yeah, I don't know what this means, but at the moment I really don't care." AJ said. They were now looking at each other with this starry look in their eyes. It was the look of someone who just noticed that everything they had ever wanted had been sitting under their noses the whole time, and they had just realized it now. They both smiled.

"Who would have guessed?" Brian said through his grin.

"Yeah, who woulda!" AJ said feeling this sense of fulfillment fill his body.

"Would you like to stay and watch the rest of this movie with me, it only just started." Brian asked.

"Sure, sounds like fun, maybe I'll learn something about myself." AJ grinned at Brian.

They both sat on Brian's bed and continued to watch the movie for about a half an hour. It was good, mostly a love story, and no sex, just some kissing. The air conditioning was doing an overly well-done job of cooling down the room and both boys began to shiver.

"Do you want to get under the covers?" Brian asked AJ.

"If it's okay, but I could always go back to my room and put on something warmer." AJ said.

"Nah, come on it's fine. This way you won't miss anymore of the movie." Brian told him.

"Cool, thanks Brian." And with that both of them slid into Brian's bed to try to warm up.

The movie continued and reached a particularly mushy happy ending. The boys looked at each other and sighed sappily.

"That was a real sweet movie, they ended up so happy, despite all the bullshit they had to go through." AJ said smiling.

"Yeah it gives me hope that I may find someone someday." Brian said back.

He looked at AJ and noticed a strange look on his face.

"What's wrong AJ?" Brian asked.

"Nothing, just feeling kinda lonely all the sudden." AJ said softly.

"Don't go back to your room then, stay here tonight." Brian offered.

"Really? I think that would be good." AJ said his face returning to its happy look.

"Well then it's settled." Brian turned off the TV and slid down into bed. AJ followed suit and also laid down. It was still cold in the room so the boys moved as close to each other as possible without touching each other. They just looked in each other's eyes for a while. Finally when it felt like they could stay awake no longer AJ leaned forward and kissed Brian softly on the lips. They both smiled even harder than they had in the past two hours and leaned into each other's arms to fall asleep. Just as they had almost drifted off Brian whispered into AJ's ear "I think I have found my somebody." And they fell asleep. Smiling.

If only they could have woke up that peacefully. They were still entwined around each other when there was a loud knock on the door. Without even waiting for a response, Nick came bounding into the room.

"Hey Brian, you awake?" Nick said on the way in. He then screeched to a halt. "What the hell?!? What's going on here?!?" He said noticing the snuggled bodies.

That woke Brian and AJ up quickly. They looked at each other and then at Nick with absolute terror in their eyes.

Howie and Kevin heard Nick scream and came running into Brian's room.

"Nick, what's wrong, is Brian okay?" Kevin said and then rammed into Howie's back because Howie had stopped short.

"Holy shit." He heard Howie whisper.

Kevin then moved around Howie to see what the fuss was about. What he saw was a huge shock. There was Brian and AJ both in Brian's bed, half sitting up, but still wrapped around each other a bit.

"Get out of here!!!" AJ screamed regaining speech.

"Hold on AJ, what's going on here?" Kevin questioned.

"Isn't it obvious? The two fags are sleeping together!" Nick screamed.

"Hold on maybe it's something else, let's hope, give them a second to explain." Kevin tried to reason.

"Kev I think it's kinda clear to see, look at the way they are holding each other." Howie stated.

Brian and AJ not realizing they were still clinging to each other, quickly let go. Then AJ got out of bed and pointed at them.

"Get the hell out of here, this is none of your business!"

"See Kevin, they wouldn't be so upset, if it was 'something else'." Nick stated sarcastically.

"Maybe you're right, what do you think they are doing in bed together?" Kevin asked facing Nick and Howie.

"Did you not here me?!? If you're gonna talk about us like we're not here, the GET THE HELL OUT!!!" AJ screamed lunging toward them ready to shove them through the door.

That chased Nick, Kevin, and Howie out of the room. They looked at the door that had just slammed shut with very confused looks on their faces.

"What the hell was that?" Nick asked.

"I have no clue, are they gay? Are they dating? How come we didn't know about this?" Kevin questioned.

"Guess they didn't want us to know. That is so weird, they have been spending a lot of time together lately. But I figured it was just cause the rest of us were so busy, not because they were a couple of queers." Howie said.

"You think they've been 'together' these past few weeks? Ewww... that's so disgusting." Nick looked completely repulsed.

"Guys come on we don't know anything yet, lets not jump to any fudge packing conclusions." Kevin said trying to be reasonable.

"I think from what we saw we know enough, I don't wanna know anymore than that. Fuck, my best friend is a damn homo." Nick said with a voice filled with hate.

"Let's just forget about, don't even think about, pretend like it never happened. We don't need this fucking with the group." Howie said.

"Yeah I agree, just ignore it, hopefully it will go away." Kevin agreed.

"In order to do that I'm gonna have to ignore those little queer fucks all together." Nick said.

"Well if that's what ya gotta do, but don't let it interfere with work okay?" Kevin offered.

"I'm going back to my room, this has just been to much for one morning." Howie said.

"Yeah me too, I'm going back to bed, screw going to the mall with everybody." Nick started to walk back to his room.

Howie walked to his too. That left Kevin standing outside Brian's door all alone.

"Aw great! What the hell is gonna happen now?" He said to no one in particular. "Might as well go back to sleep also, if we aren't going shopping I still got 4 more hours till we have to be on the bus again." And with that he walked back to his room.

Brian and AJ had heard every word the other three had just said. They just looked at each other. They hadn't planned on saying anything to the guys, being the weren't so sure themselves. But hell, look how they responded! Who would ever guessed they were such homophobes, such jerks. The nasty things they had said about their best friends, it was just too much. Brian began to cry. AJ offered his arms and Brian crawled into them. AJ began to cry too.

"Hey you're breaking our rule." Brian tried to make a joke, but he just made them cry harder. "How could the be so mean? They're our friends, they shouldn't treat us like that."

"I know Brian, I know. What the hell is their problem?" AJ asked sobbing on the top of Brian's head.

"This completely ruins us doesn't it?" Brian asked.

"NO Brian, don't say that!" AJ exclaimed. "Maybe they'll cool of once the shock wears off."

"You know that won't happen. You heard them, they thought we were sick." Brian bawled even louder.

"Well then, what should we do?" AJ asked his friend.

"We won't let it happen again, we need to just forget it, pretend it never happened. Go on with life like this night didn't occur." Brian stated, his tears beginning to subside.

"You just want to forget this all? It meant so much to me, I thought we had something?" AJ sounded so hurt.

"NO! In our minds it just was a fling, okay, nothing happened! And if it comes up we keep our mouths shut like we don't have a clue about what everyone else is talking about!" Brian demanded.

"Brian... I can't, it won't work. I think I love you." AJ pleaded with him.

"NO YOU DON'T!!!" Brian screeched. "IT was a mistake!"

AJ cried so hard that he thought he was going to throw up. He ran out of Brian's room for his own. He flung himself on his bed and just cried and cried. It wasn't a fling, he fell in love with Brian these past weeks, and he had just broke his heart.

"I love you too AJ." Brian said to the slammed door. To late of course, he had just lost all chances of ever getting to say those words to AJ's face. Brian began to cry again. 'Why did I do that?' he thought to himself. 'Why didn't I just stand up for the two of us?' He slid down on the floor and just cried and cried. He just lost his final chance for happiness.


Kevin looked up and saw tears streaming down everyone's eyes, except his own of course.

"Guess we were all thinking about the same thing, huh?" Kevin asked the guys.

Four pairs of eyes looked at him.

"That morning?" He asked.

Four heads nodded.

"Come here guys." Kevin held out his arms.

They just looked at him.

"Come on, we need a hug, I know we all hate each other right now, but it's gotta be done." Kevin told them.

They listened, it was a miracle, but they listened. They all went to Kevin and wrapped their arms around him and one another. Nick, Brian, AJ, and Howie were crying very hard. Kevin tried to hold all of them at once. He wanted to cry too, but he couldn't break down also. Someone had to be strong for everybody. And as usual that somebody was he.

"It's over isn't it?" Howie asked. "The group is over isn't it?"

"NO, no it's not, we can work this out. We've got to. We're best friends. There has to be some way." Kevin said to all of them.

They all separated from the hug.

"How can we? This has torn our friendship to shreds." Nick stated.

"Then we will rebuild it. We have all been too close, for too long to end it over one problem." Kevin said.

"It's a big problem though." Howie said.

"We've worked through bigger." Kevin stated.

"But never anything like this, I don't think we are strong enough." Nick sounded defeated.

"We are brothers, even if not by blood. We are strong enough to work anything out." Kevin insisted. "So let's start, who wants to say something?"

No one made any answer. Instead they settled into different spots on the bed and close chairs.

"Okay, I'll start." Kevin sighed. "I over reacted. I should have let Brian and AJ explain what happened. Or just let them have their privacy until they wanted to tell us. I also shouldn't have let it go so long before approaching the subject."

"It wouldn't have done any good, nobody wanted to talk about it, no one does now." Howie said.

"We have to, for our own good. As friends guys, screw the group for now, let's just save our friendship." Kevin told them.

"It might help if we knew exactly what happened." Howie offered.

"How about it Brian? AJ? Are you willing to tell us the whole story?" Kevin asked the two boys.

"Why the hell should we? After the way you guys treated us? The things you said about us? Why should we let you know the details if all you are gonna do is bash us for what happened between the two of us privately. Nothing that effected you, something that was just between Brian and I." AJ shot at them.

"AJ if we promise not to bash you and just sit and listen, will you tell us?" Howie asked.

"How do I know if I can trust you?" AJ said.

"Because we are all friends, and we love each other." Kevin told him.

AJ let out a sarcastic little noise, which said very clearly he wasn't buying it.

"I know we hurt you AJ, you and Brian both. I'm sorry, I can't take it back, but I can admit now that we were out of line and I am very sorry." Kevin looked at Howie and Nick hoping they would back him up.

"I'm sorry guys, I was just shocked, I didn't mean to be so cruel." Howie was wiping the still falling tears off his face with the back of his hand.

Brian and AJ just continued to cry. They didn't know what to say. Could they except the apology? It wasn't going to give them back what they might have had with each other.

"I'm sorry too. I'm still having trouble with this, but everyone's right. We are too important to one another to let this tear us apart. I'm sorry I barged into the room. I'm sorry I yelled. And I'm really sorry for all the names I've called you for the past 3 weeks." Nick finally added.

"We'll tell you." AJ said looking at Brian. "OR at least I will."

"Go ahead, have a field day. You already broke our deal." Brian shot at AJ without even looking at him.

"Our deal, you mean you telling me that our night never happened? The one where YOU said I meant nothing to you and it was just a fling?" AJ was a strange mix of furious and completely heart broken.

Brian just covered his eyes and sobbed. Kevin went over to him to put his arm around him, but he shrugged it off.

"You alright to tell us AJ?" Kevin asked.

Despite crying fairly hard he said "Yes, you guys deserve to know."

AJ took a deep breath and began.

"The night before you guys found us we had just gotten back from the concert. I went to take shower in my room to discover that it didn't work. I figured if anyone would let me borrow his shower, it would be Brian."

Nick raised a questioning eyebrow.

"Due to the fact" AJ continued. "That for the good part of the month before you three were all so busy Brian and I had been spending most of our time together. We had gotten a lot closer than we ever had before, and were having a great time together, as friends. So of course Brian let me borrow his shower. When I was done I noticed Brian watching a movie, and when he wouldn't tell me what it was, I wrestled the remote control from him and turned it back on." Before continuing he looked at Brian for permission to fill the guys in on the rest of the story.

Brian stared at him for a moment. AJ looked so hurt. Was it the guys who caused all that pain, or was it me, he thought. It had to have been him. He owed it to AJ to let the guys know the truth. He nodded to AJ to continue.

"Okay, well the movie Brian was watching was about to male lovers. When I questioned him, he broke down crying and admitted to me he was gay." AJ said as Brian visibly winced. "Don't say anything guys, let me get it all out. I held him when he cried and he asked me why I hadn't run away. I told him because we were such good friends and NOTHING he could say or do would change that. I started getting a little weepy myself telling him how important he had become to me. So we just sat there and held each other. It just felt right. Brian asked me if I was gay, and I told him I wasn't sure. But the past to weeks had felt like more than just two friends getting closer. He agreed and invited me to stay and watch the rest of the movie. It was a silly love story, and it made us feel good. Brian admitted it gave him hope for finding someone someday. That made me feel lonely, so Brian offered to let me stay. We laid there in bed staring at each other for a long time. I kissed him for a second on the lips. We held each other and went to sleep. And that's where you found us in the morning. After all the commotion, Brian told me it was just a fling and to pretend nothing happened. Of course it was very hard to, Brian wasn't talking to me anymore, Nick was throwing every gay insult he could, Howie distanced himself, and Kevin was yelling at every little thing we did. I was supposed to pretend it never happened, but you all reminded me of it every five seconds. There you go. End of story." AJ finally finished.

"So you guys hadn't been fucking each other up the ass, for the past month and a half?" Nick asked.

"NO, Brian hasn't even talked to me in three weeks. It was just that one night." AJ told him, offended he would something as crude as that.

"We really did overreact, didn't we? That's almost kind of romantic. Listen you two, if you want to get together, you have my support." Kevin told them.

"No way, you heard me, Brian says it was just a fling. There's nothing for the two of us to get together about." AJ said visibly very upset.

"Brian? Anything you want to say?" Howie asked him.

Brian just kept crying into his hands and shook his head. He missed AJ so much. He wished he hadn't fucked up so badly. But after what happened they could never be together.

AJ was crying so hard now he felt himself begin to get sick. He ran for Kevin's bathroom and threw up violently. When he was done he staggered back into the room.

"I can't take much more of this. I'm going back to my room to sleep." AJ told them.

"We understand. Do you think you can make it there on your own?" Kevin asked him.

AJ nodded.

"The therapist will be here tomorrow at 12:00. You need to be in my room by then okay?" Kevin told him. "That goes for everybody, okay?"

AJ nodded again and left the room.

Brian got up and went for the door. He turned for a second. "I'll be here at 12:00." And left.

The other three guys looked at each other.

"Wow, that sure was heavy." Howie said.

"Oh yeah, I mean that story was amazing. Kinda sweet too. To bad it won't work out, maybe they could have made each other happy. AJ sure seems heartbroken." Kevin sighed.

"I wonder why Brian made him act as if it never happened?" Howie asked.

"Because of us, because he thinks we would have made their lives miserable." Nick said fighting very tear-filled eyes.

"We did." Kevin admitted. "Each in our own way we took it out on them, and then we turned on each other."

"What are we going to do?" Howie asked.

"Go to sleep, tomorrow we'll have some professional help." Kevin said.

"You are actually gonna let this guys help us?" Nick asked.

"Yeah I don't think we can do it on our own. Maybe he can help us, or at least lead us to a good starting point." Kevin sighed again.

"Well the I guess we'll all be here tomorrow by 12:00 then. Good night Kevin, Nick." Howie got up to leave.

"Good night Howie." Kevin said.

"Hold on a sec. I'm gonna go back to my room too. Good night Kevin." Nick went to join Howie.

"Good night boys, sleep tight." Kevin told them as they left.

They had made some lead way, but was it good enough? The whole story was out in the open, but did it help matters? Who knows? Kevin turned on the TV and grabbed a bottle of tequila from under his bed. This was the only way he was getting to sleep tonight.

Little more information everybody. It's coming along. I wonder what will happen next, don't you? I'll have the next one out soon I promise.

Next: Chapter 3

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