Flipping Thick Nick - installment

By moc.loa@potgnipor

Published on Aug 20, 2023


Nick was bound at his ankles, with his wrists tied behind his back. Ben had also tied his knees together, restricting his movement even more. He was on his side, and he saw Ben drop his pants, then his briefs. Ben's cock, rigid, stood out in front of him. He smiled "I'm going to enjoy this more than the other times, nicky. I'm not sure you will but... it's the way it is." Nick grunted and struggled with the wrist bondage.

"It was just one time, Ben. Just one time. It won't happen again. Ever." Ben laughed. "You're right, it won't." Because he was on his side, Nick couldn't see Ben get on the bed, but he felt him get right up against his back. He felt Ben's erection, and he heard him whisper "I'm gonna FUCK you so hard you'll beg for mercy, nicky. And you won't get it." His hand came around Nick's shoulder and covered his nipple. "Should we play for a little while, or should we get right to it? Can't make up my mind."

Nick's phone rang in his jeans pocket. "FUCK" he thought. That had to be Bob. They had plans for the night and Nick was late.

"Hmm. I think we better answer this," Ben teased as he pulled out the phone.


"Son of a gun, it's Bob. Now there's a surprise. We HAVE to answer this." Nick felt Ben's hand cover his mouth and then he heard him speaking on the phone.

"Hey Bob, how's it going?" Nick could hear Bob's high-pitched voice. "No, you didn't dial the wrong number. It's Nick's phone but, he can't answer right now." He cupped Nick's mouth tighter. "He's all tied up right now."

"MMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMPH," Nick struggled to get out of Ben's grip. No chance. He heard the chuckle. "Well, you can guess what you like, Bob, but you're probably right since you know me so well." Ben paused as Bob spoke some more. "No, I don't think he'll be free tonight, but if you'd like to come over..."

"MMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMPH!!!!!" Nick began shaking his head no. Ben shoved his cock against Nick's ass. "Oh, so you'll call back? Maybe Nick will be available? SURE. I'd say, oh, about an hour and a half. " Another pause. "Cool. We'll talk then." He put the phone down, but he kept his hand over Nick's mouth a little longer.

"So, you had plans with Bob tonight, huh nicky?" Nick began to cry a little as he shook his head yes.

"EEEEEEEEEEEEEVEN though you told me nothing else was going to happen between you and Bob." He pulled his hand away and Nick began sputtering.

"THERE WASN'T. I broke our date to come over here. NNNNNNNNNNG." He felt Ben squeezing a nip through his polo shirt.

"I think that this means there needs to be a little more than fucking tonight, nicky. And yeah, I hope Bob comes over. Maybe he'll be fortunate enough to get one of your blow jobs. Who knows? Now, let me start working my magic."

What was happening was the culmination of about 4 months of tension and jealousy. Nick was a regular at one of the city's gay bars. He was there almost every night. Just over medium height, maybe 5'11" or so, a thick naturally muscular body, hairy, with a thick moustache and wavy black hair, more than one man swooned over him. Nick knew it too, and he took full advantage of it. If he took a guy home twice, it was rare. If he took him home three times, it was an occasion. "Thick Nick" was what they nicknamed him, and he loved it. Every single man who went home with him was more than satisfied with the night, and more than dejected when Nick lost interest. That's why the story of Nick and Bob had become so interesting to everyone. It was POSSIBLE, many thought, that Nick was finally going to be involved in a relationship. Yes, he was at the bar most nights, but again, nearly every night, just before closing, Bob would come up to Nick if they were both there, or he'd come into the bar. He'd cozy up to Nick and whisper something like "Wanna take your boy home, stud?" Nick would usually grunt something that Bob understood to mean "let's go," and off they'd go. Within half an hour, Bob would be moaning, and begging, whether he had Nick's "thicky" in his mouth or his butt. And lately, Nick had changed behaviors and let Bob spend the night. When one of his friends asked about it, Nick shrugged his shoulders and said "guess I'm getting old. Maybe he appeals to my nerd fetish, I don't know." Indeed, Bob was nerdy: thin, long blond hair and soft blue eyes, but also big glasses, a voice that sounded like it should come out of someone else, and a scholarly air about him. All he lacked was the ink-stained pocket in the button-down shirts he always wore, that were too big and had sleeves that were too short. The first time Nick had pointed to him and crooked his finger to "come here," Bob had nearly peed himself. Bob still remembered their first words. His mouth had gone dry, and he choked saying "Hi." Nick had a faraway look and asked, "you know how to give a good blow job?" Bob had reddened and answered, "I think so." Nick looked at him and smiled. "Think you can handle my cock?" Bob blushed more and answered "I don't know. I've never seen it." THAT was a lie. He had been at the urinal next to Nick once and had seen his "beer can" dick. He said, "I don't know," all the while thinking "I'm really scared." Nick answered "if you want to give it a try, let's go. But if you can't, you'd better hope your ass can take it. You still coming?" Shaking, Bob had answered. "YES. YES, absolutely."

That had all happened about a month before Ben first saw Nick. It wasn't Ben's regular bar, but his best friend John wanted to go there, instead of to the rougher place Ben preferred. There were a few people they both knew, and then as they were talking, Ben saw Nick out of the corner of his eye.

"Hey, who's that dark haired guy?" He asked John.

"Oh, thick Nick. Yeah, he's a regular here."

"He's fucking hot. Just my type." John began to laugh. "Except for one thing, Big Ben. Nick's a top. A TOTAL top."

"Nah. He may have a big dick or something but, watch me work my magic." He walked away from John and walked up to Nick. Nick saw him coming but looked over to where some twinks were hanging out. Ben saw where his eye was directed.

"I came in here looking for men. You looking for boys?" Nick laughed. "I have no idea what I'm looking for. Just horny." Ben smiled. "That makes two of us on the horny. And I bet I know what you're looking for better than you know yourself." The comment intrigued Nick and he turned. Ben was about two inches taller, handsome in a graying "daddy" kind of way. Nick was intrigued. "You think so? What am I looking for?"

Ben put his beer down. "You're looking for someone who can see through your top man bullshit, who knows that a true top needs more than a big dick." He paused. "Someone who'll be more interested in spreading your legs than spreading his."

Nick cocked his head. He couldn't remember the last time he had bottomed. "I don't get fucked," he answered, "And I don't suck."

"That can all change, Nick. But if you're not interested, no problem. Enjoy the boys. Talk to me when you want a man." Ben started walking away.

"Wait. Talk to me some more. Like how you know my name. I don't know yours. " Ben introduced himself. "I looked around and the guys in this place are from below average to just above average in how they look. Except for you. You're hot. You wear that leather jacket like you were born in it, and I suspect that you've got a lot more hair than I'm seeing coming out of that shirt. Incidentally," Ben winked. "I think you'd be even sexier with two buttons opened instead of one." Nick laughed.

"Me be sexier? I don't think that's possible, but..." He reached for his shirt and opened a second button. "Better?"

"Hell yeah. Now I may not even wait for you to say yes. I may just have to drag you home with me whether you like it or not." Nick felt Ben pull his hand onto Ben's crotch. It was, "ample."

"I'll go home with you. Don't let anyone know that I did because, this is a one-time thing."

"Of that, we shall see," Ben answered. "But no one will hear a word from me." He grabbed Nick's hand. "Let's go." They headed out, and twenty minutes later, when Bob came hurrying into the bar, friends told him Nick had left with someone else.

"Put your hands behind your back when we walk, Nick. It'll start putting you in the proper mood."

"I'm already in the proper mood," Nick answered. "It really wasn't a request, handsome. DO IT." Nick wasn't used to being given orders. It seemed that everyone wanted him to take charge, and he did. Not this guy. He answered "OK," and put his hands behind his back.

"Your nips point out nicely when you do that. I may have to tie you up when we get home." Nick stopped walking, but he didn't take his hands from behind his back. "I think that's further than I want to go on a first `date.'"

"I didn't ask you. Now, are you coming or not?" Nick gave Ben a smart answer. "Is Yeah, I'm coming" acceptable or is "Yes, Sir" required?"

"I don't require `Sir' the first time around because I don't know if you'll be adequate. If there's a second time, I'll decide."

There was something about Ben's dominant personality that was getting Nick very, VERY excited. Ben had hit the nail on the head with what he was truly looking for: someone who would make him submit.

"It's a nice place," Nick remarked as they got into Ben's apartment. That's all he got to say. Ben roughly shoved Nick against the wall and squeezed his cheeks to open his mouth. He rammed his tongue down Nick's throat, pinning Nick's wrists while he did. Nick responded. He sucked at Ben's tongue as hard as he could. He felt the push of a knee against his crotch.

"You like it rough, thick nick?"

"YES. YES. The rougher the better. "

"GET ON YOUR KNEES RIGHT NOW. Use your teeth, open my zip, and get my cock in your mouth. NOW, nicky, NOW."

Nick was out of practice, and he was scared. He got on his knees, and he was afraid he was going to get a smack across his face if he didn't do things the way Ben wanted. He fumbled, and Ben growled.

"FUCK THIS. I'm cumming in your mouth not my pants." He pushed Nick away and opened his pants. Now, Nick saw the cock he'd come to know really well. Longer than his, but not as thick -- no one had ever had a thicker piece.

"Don't fucking tickle my balls with that moustache, boy, or I'll shave it before I kick you out." With a combination of fear and lust, Nick took Ben's dick. He took it all at once, remembering how he had done it in the past, before other guys had insisted that he take the top man role. He felt Ben's hands in his thick hair, pushing his face down and back.

"You're a little out of practice, but that probably means your ass is gonna be nice and tight." When he heard that, Nick got nervous and sucked harder. Ben knew what he was doing , and he laughed. "If I told you to get on your back on the floor and put your legs in the air, you'd do it, wouldn't you nicky?"

"MMHMMM" Nick answered with a mouthful of cock. "Well, you keep that in mind. BITCH BOY" Ben pushed forward and then Nick tasted the jizz streaming down his throat. When was the last time he had tasted that, other than his own? He couldn't remember. "

When Ben pulled out, Nick looked up at him. "Did I do a good job?" Ben folded his arms.

"Good enough that you can start calling me Sir. And you'll be coming back here tomorrow. We're continuing this, nicky. You've been waiting for slave training for a while. It starts now."

"Yes, Sir," nick answered, lowering his eyes. "Get up. I got to get to work tomorrow, and I need my sleep. Make sure you clean yourself good tomorrow because I want that other hole."

Bob called Nick later that night, as Nick was heading back home.

"Hey Nick, it's Bob. I didn't see you tonight." Nick was never much for talking or explaining and he just sort of grunted "I met someone else last night and, I went home with him."

"WHAT? Nick, I thought..." then Bob trailed off. He realized that they had never said they were monogamous or that all other play was out of the picture.

"What'd you think? I didn't give you a ring."

"No, but you DID give me a helluva fuck and I was hoping for another one." Nick sighed.

"Not for a while. I got things on my mind." Bob began to cry. "NICK! Are we breaking up?" Nick answered "Of course not. How could we break up? Did you think we had something to break up?" Now Bob began crying harder. "Who is it, Nick? Which twink has his hooks in you."

"I gotta go. See you around," Nick hung up the phone. He had to think about all of this because the night hadn't gone the way he expected.

It wasn't until the next morning that Nick realized that while he remembered where he had gone with Ben the night before, he didn't know what time he should show up, or where they were going to meet, or anything like that. He didn't have a cell phone number, anything. He figured that the best way to hook up with Ben would be to go back to the bar. He took particular care when he dressed that night. Ben was talking about fucking him, so he put on pants that showed off his ass and chose other clothes that guys had told him made him look really hot. And since he wasn't going to be topping, he wore a denim jacket, rather than his leather one. Before he left, he looked in the mirror.

"Bottom boy, you're hot. I'd fuck you," he giggled and left. Bob was there when he got to the bar. Nick tried to be nonchalant about it, but he really didn't want Bob to see him leaving with a man who was clearly dominant. Trying to avoid Bob was out of the question: he spotted Nick and ran over.

"NICK! I MADE YOU ANGRY, DIDN'T I? DID I COMPLAIN TOO MUCH WHEN YOU FUCKED ME LAST TIME? I'M SORRY. I'M REALLY SORRY!" Nick was trying not to look at Bob. Fact was, Bob was a great lay. He took Nick's dick better than anyone else had, and he seemed to enjoy everything Nick did to him. But that night, Nick had one thought: he wanted to give himself up to someone. Ben walked in the door. Nick felt a charge of excitement and, when Ben looked his way, he put his hands behind his back. Ben folded his arms and didn't move. Nick understood this part of "the dance." He was the sub, he came to the DOM. As he walked over, Bob started following him.

"THAT GUY? THAT GUY? HUH? I don't understand." Nick didn't say anything as he walked over to Ben and said "Good evening, Sir. I hope I'm presentable." He felt Ben's finger pushing into his navel and he giggled.

"Ticklish. Good." He looked at Bob. "We having a threesome tonight?" Bob's mouth dropped. "You must be Bob. Nicky told me about you."

"Nicky? He calls you that, Nick?" Nick dropped his voice. "He calls me anything he wants." Ben looked at Bob. "Listen, blondie. You and I, we're gonna have to come to an understanding about nicky, but for now, he's mine. And I think you figured out who does what to whom. So, just accept it. There are other top men here. You'll find someone to go home with." He winked at Bob. "And maybe that threesome will happen. Nicky ever blow you?"

"NO! Why would he do that?"

"Lots of reasons. I'll get your number from nicky. He looked at Nick. "Let's go."

That night, Ben tied Nick down on his bed, and like he promised, he pushed his legs in the air, and fucked him. Ben couldn't remember the last time that someone had moaned with as much pleasure as Nick did. When he finished, and he was edging Nick to bring him off, he whispered: "You, boy, are just a big fucking bottom. Not even a power bottom. A submissive one. Someone who wants COCK all the time." Nick was still moaning "How do you know me so well, Sir?" Ben didn't answer, but he was thinking "there is no way I'm going to be able to lock this thing up. WAY too thick." He stopped edging Nick, and he showed his teeth.

Now, you're gonna tell me ALL your sensitive spots, because if you don't, you may not get to cum for at least a couple of days." He was bluffing. He had no way of keeping Nick from jerking off, but as he edged Nick slowly, he got the information he wanted. Some of it was surprising.

"My chin, Sir. That's my weak spot. So sensitive. My lips. My neck. OH GOD my neck. And you found out. I'm ticklish. VERY ticklish."

"Hmmm. All interesting." He ran his hand through Nick's hairy chest. "You ever been shaved, big guy?"

"No Sir. Please don't shave me. PLEASE." Ben laughed. "Nicky, you're forgetting basic rules. You shouldn't be letting a DOM know how he can get to you. But don't worry." He kissed Nick. "I like the idea of fucking a hairy monster. At least for now. " He didn't know if Nick heard him because he was really, really close to shooting.

"Who's your Master, Nicky?"

"OHMYGOD YOU ARE. YOU ARE SIR! " He shot a wad in the air and kept on shooting. He hadn't shot that much in a long, long time."

"We're gonna take a few nights off, nicky, but I want you here this weekend. Best time to train you. You understand?"

"Yes, Sir. I do."

"Good. I want your number, I want Bob's number, and I'll give you mine. I'll call you on Friday. You come here, not the bar."

"Yes Sir. Should I do anything special to be ready?"

"Wear a speedo. And bring a thong. Red if you have them." Nick didn't, but he went out the next day and bought them.

And then, he stood Ben up. Bob had called him on Friday afternoon, in near hysterics. He screamed about how he missed Nick so badly that he needed him. He wanted him. Nick sighed. He knew there would be a punishment, but he agreed to meet Bob an hour before he was supposed to meet Ben. He'd excuse himself and then go to Ben's.

He never got there. Bob flirted with Nick relentlessly. He squeezed Nick's biceps, which always made Nick a wild animal, he played with Nick's cock under the table where they were having coffee, and he missed his meeting with Ben. It might have been reparable, except a half hour after he was supposed to hook up with Ben, he was still at the diner with Bob. Ben walked in with John. He saw Nick but said nothing.

"OH SHIT, BEN. Does he know?"

"Know what? That you were GOING to get a charity fuck tonight but now it can't happen. No, he doesn't. I was supposed to spend the weekend with him." Bob gave a big smile.

"And you stood him up to be with me. AWWWWWWWWWWWWW, Mr. Nick." Nick was watching Ben. He was scared. "Let's go."

"Your place?"


Nick and Bob didn't hear the discussion between Ben and John. "In a way, I'm glad. Nick will, of course, get punished, but now, well, Bob is involved. Hmmm."

"You worried you'll lose him?" John asked.

"NAH. Nick's a bottom who hasn't had cock in years. Now he can get all I wanna give him. He'll be back, begging for it, within 24 hours. " He shook his head. "John, subs are the same at their core, and nicky's no different."

It didn't take 24 hours, just 18. Ben picked up the phone. He knew it was Nick, but he just said "hello." Nick answered with a very repentant "hi." Ben paused. "Nicky, you've got a lot of explaining to do, and you'll do it tonight. You get your ass to my place, like we originally planned, and just understand: you're going to be sore after this weekend."

Nick gulped. "Yes sir," and then he popped a boner.

Next: Chapter 2

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