Flipping Thick Nick - installment

By moc.loa@potgnipor

Published on Jun 22, 2024


Hey everyone, if you're reading this story and you're glad nick and Ben are back, you have Mr. Terrell MacNeil to thank for it. He got in touch with me, graciously gave some suggestions for continuing the story, and here it is. Think of this chapter as a joint effort. Hope you enjoy and thank you Terrell.

It was nick's last week at his job. He and Ben were moving back to Ben's hometown. Ben's father was retiring from his law practice, Ben was getting burned out from his job, and now, he would be taking over the practice his father had for over 40 years. There was no question in either Ben's or nick's mind: to Ben, nick was property, just like his furniture, and over the six months since his public submission at Stirrups, nick had adapted, little by little, to his new role as Ben's sub.

He winced as he got up from his desk to go and get print outs. He had gotten his second piercing only about a week ago: this one was in his right nipple. He had gotten the first one, a guiche on his perineum, about a month after the public submission. Nick was still getting used to the feeling of the guiche rubbing against his jeans or thong when Ben wasn't toying with it. The nipple piercing was still new, and it rubbed against his snug fitting oxford. Ben did not permit nick to wear t shirts under his dress shirts, and he made nick wear tailored clothing that fit very tightly. "It's gay fit, sub boy," is what Ben had said when he got nicky the first batch of new clothes. His co-workers could see his chest hair against the light blue of the shirt, and also the outline of the nipple ring. "More humiliation," nick had muttered when he saw what he looked in the mirror after he had been pierced, and now, he just dealt with it: he was a sub. He had taken the vow at the bar in front of everyone, and now he had to accept it. At least... he let his mind wander. Sex with Ben was always hot -- VERY hot. Ben seemed to have a way of finding new erogenous zones on nick, and then... he had grown a short beard when he realized that the softer, longer hair, stimulated nick's nick , ears and chin as much as the stubble. The night before had been just mind blowing. It had been mind blowing after the public submission, and it remained so.

He had found out about the "ceremony" from evan one day when they were having a "bottom lunch" as they called it. Nick was more than a little surprised when evan said "So, are you ready for your big night?" When nick didn't understand what he meant, evan told him. Nick's eyes got big.

"WHAT? He didn't say anything to me. Are you sure?" Evan shook his head yes and grinned just a little bit. "Of course, he didn't tell you nick. Why would he? This is part of your training. DOMS don't have to tell you anything. If they give you orders, you follow them." There was still enough of an independent, "top man" in nick that he wasn't pleased. "I don't have to do this. I'm NOT going to do it."

"Yeah, you are, nicky. You're doing it because you already took Ben as your DOM. I think you did it, twice." Nick blushed at that. Evan was right. "But...in public like that?" Evan squeezed his hand. "It's not that bad, nicky. Trust me. Remember, Master Joseph and I did it. Yeah, you won't want to look at anyone for a few weeks but, well, everyone knows about you and Ben, and they'll expect this. It'll be fine. Trust me. The worst part is the baptism by subs."

"What the hell is that?" nick asked. "Well, after Ben takes you, before they let you up, you get `welcomed into the sub family by being baptized in jizz. All the subs who are there get to jerk off on you." He paused for a minute. "If you think about it, it's fun."

"It doesn't sound like fun to me," nick answered, and evan shrugged his shoulders. "You don't have anything to say about it, nicky." Nick pushed his lunch away. "I need to discuss this with Ben."

The "discussion" did not go well for nick. He tried to be respectful: he called Ben "Sir," and "Master," and tried to explain why he didn't want to do this. Ben essentially told him what evan had told him he would. "Well, you should have thought of that before you said, `I submit, Sir," and before you started taking my dick as a sub bottom." When nick felt trapped, he would go very silent and brood. Ben got up, walked behind him and put his strong fingers onto the spot between his shoulder and neck. He squeezed and whispered "I'm horny thinking about it. Get into the bedroom, nicky. Suck me till I'm wet, and then, nice and hard." Nick shrugged to get away from his hand. "NO! I don't feel like having sex. Leave me alone." He started to get up and, when he did, Ben trapped his arms behind him. He moved his mouth over nick's ear. "You get into the bedroom and get your clothes off. Now, there's gonna have to be a little punishment for your attitude. You'll learn, man cunt." He didn't have the beard yet, but Ben began to rub his evening stubble over nick's ear. At first, nick resisted, but he couldn't get out of Bens' grip, and the stubble was weakening him. Ben whispered, "you want my cock, don't you boy?" He moved his hand over nick's navel and played with it. Nick was done: Ben knew too many of his hot spots. "Yes, Sir. I do. I want your cock, Sir." Ben chuckled. "Tonight, you'll have to pay for it." After nick was naked, Ben bound his arms behind him in his favorite torture chair. He pulled out a set of nipple clamps that had a VERY long chain in between them. He adjusted that chain and after he had attached one clamp to nick's tit, he looped the chain under nick's cock, which was rigidly hard, and then attached the other one. "Now, when I play with these, boy, you'll be torturing your cock yourself. If you move too much at all, you'll do the same thing. Now point out your tits. You sit there for twenty minutes. THEN you'll get my cock." Nick practically whispered "Yes, Sir." During the twenty minutes, his mind went everywhere. "How did I get into this?" he asked, but then he thought about how good Ben's cock felt inside him, and his cock twitched, the chain moved, and he moaned. "I still like thinking about fucking guys," he thought, and then remembered the torture he had received whenever Ben thought he was checking out another guy. He looked at the clock in the room: he still had 7 minutes. "Please, Sir. I need your cock. I need it desperately. I need to practice so I don't embarrass you at Stirrups." He saw Ben smile. "Now THAT's the spirit, nicky. Spoken like a true sub." "Thank you, Sir," nick replied. He tried not to scream when the bolt of pain went through his nipples as Ben released the chain. Ben dropped his pants, and nick felt his mouth begin to water. "You know what to do, sub boy." Ben stood just far enough so that nick had to lean forward to get his mouth around his cock. He took it, and caressed Ben's tip, before Ben shoved the whole length of his dick down nick's throat. Nick took it eagerly. He moaned because he could feel Ben's hand on his balls. "Someone's churning. Someone's churning who needs permission to cum. Am I right, nicky boy?"

"Mmmmmph." Nick struggled to say yes, sir. He heard the pop as Ben pulled out of his mouth. "I think I'm wet enough. I'm taking you from behind tonight, nicky. That way I don't have to untie your hands. "Yes, Sir. Whatever you want, Master," he replied as Ben pulled him to the floor. "Push up your ass, boy. Don't make it harder for me or I'll get the strap." Nick winced at this. He had gotten used to most of what Ben did to him, and liked a lot of it, but not the flogging with his belt. "Yes, Sir. I'll do my best, Sir." Nick arched his back and then he felt Ben push his cheeks apart and spit into his hole. Then he felt the wet cock pierce him. Ben had kept nick's hair long, and he pulled back on it as he began to drill him. "Such a FINE ass. Preserved just for me. TAKE IT HAIRY BOTTOM." Nick could hear Ben's cock slapping against his ass, and he could feel the movement as it went back and forth. Sometimes, Ben would apply nipple clamps before he fucked nick. Tonight, he didn't, and nick was glad. His tits were sore from the torture earlier.

"WHO'S MY BITCH?" Ben yelled.

"Me, Sir. Sub nicky's your bitch."

"THEN TAKE MY LOAD YOU MOTHER FUCKING BOTTOM." Nick was used to Ben stopping and pulling back before he came. He braced himself because Ben would frequently shove his dick in harder than he had during the session. "OWWWWWWWWWW" nick screamed because Ben pulled his hair, hard, when he shot. Nick lost could after the seventh spasm into his ass. When Ben finished, he pushed nick onto the floor and rolled him onto his back. He smiled at nick and kissed him. "Sometimes, you need someone who knows what you really want, nicky." He licked his finger and ran it around nick's lips. "SUCK MY FINGERS, BOY." Again, it was something he had never done before Ben, but sucking his fingers got him aroused. Adding that to his current arousal. He was "like a bitch cat in heat," as Ben had described it to Master Joseph once. Nicky was there, and it was before he had gotten used to Ben talking about his sex life in public. Master Joseph had grinned. He held up his glass. "Here's to bitches in heat. Evan and nicky." After that memory went out of his head, nick felt Ben slowly jerking him off. One hand was at nick's mouth, each finger getting lustily sucked by nick, and the other one was slowly driving nick's cock crazy. Nick's hips began to buck, first gently, then faster and harder. He began to whimper as he sucked Ben's fingers. Ben was paying attention and when nick was using more tooth than he should have, he pulled his fingers away. By then, nick was so close he thought he'd explode. "PLEASE SIR. LET YOUR BOY CUM. PLEASE. PLEASE...AGGGGGGGGGGGGGGH" "Oh SHIT," nick thought. He had shot before Ben had said he could. And he was lost in the orgasm so he couldn't apologize right away. When he finished, he looked at Ben. "Sorry, Sir. And thank you." Ben just grinned. "Seems we have more work to do. That's ok." Nick didn't know what Ben had in mind, and his thoughts were torn between anticipation and fear. And of course, the up and coming "event" as Ben was calling it.

"I wish it would just happen, so I'd stop thinking about it," nick told to evan when they were chatting. "Are you sure about that?" was evan's reply. "I don't know what you mean."

"Well," evan continued. "When Master Joseph told me it was gonna happen, I felt like you did, but...I also began to feel aroused by the idea. I mean, there were more than one person around who would've killed to be his sub, and he picked me. And now, he was going to prove it, in public. It got me, well, kinda hot. " When nick was silent for too long, evan asked "Are you feeling even a part like that, nicky?" Nick continued to pause and then, his voice shaking, he said "yes." Evan went on "well, that's a good place to start, nicky. I mean, true, I didn't have the history you do but, most of the guys who will be there have wanted Ben to dominate them, or have been in his bed, and now, he's letting the world know he picked you. Doesn't that DO something to you?" At that moment, nick had a recollection of Ben coming up from behind once, surprising him. He had wrapped an arm around nick's middle and whispered "I wanna FUCK you." Nick was holding the receiver with one hand, and his other one dropped to his crotch. He could get hard without shooting, he thought.

"Just think about how much you enjoy serving your Master, nicky. Things will be fine after that." Nick sighed. "I guess. There are just times when..."

"When you wanna top again." Nick sighed. "Yeah. I saw a guy when I was going to work yesterday, and I was thinking how much fun it would be to have him underneath me. I was almost late, because, well, I started to follow him."

"Nicky, I think you NEED to discuss this with Ben, because if it comes out after this has happened, he's gonna be VERY angry. At least TELL him. There are ways that DOMS know for putting a reluctant sub in his place."

"Like what?" Nick asked.

"Oh, I don't know for sure, nicky. I mean, I was never a reluctant sub. But I've heard Master Joseph basically reaming out someone on the phone: YOU'RE JUST NOT FUCKING HIM ENOUGH,' or LOCK HIM UP 24/7. THAT'LL CONDITION HIM." Nick gulped. Sometimes, Ben kept him locked for up to 3 days, not even for punishment, just for fun. If he were locked up more than that, he thought he'd go crazy. If Ben fucked him more than he was, well, he was always sore now but, as they said at the gym, `it was a good sore.'

"I guess if Ben fucked me more, I could get used to it," he answered. "Nicky, you have to start using his title. We're talking as friends and no one else is at home. Have you ever heard me use my Master's first name only."

"No, I haven't," Nick thought about that. "Well, get used to saying MASTER Ben, or SIR Ben. It'll help you get used to your new role. " He continued. "We'll talk some more, nicky. Trust me. This'll be fine. All of us got through it. You will, too."

That night, when his Master came home, evan had a talk with him. He had a suggestion for Master Ben, but as a sub, he would never make it to him. Even making it to Master Joseph was risky, but he'd take the chance. When he told Master Joseph, he saw him smile. "I'll pass the idea on to Master Ben. I think it's a good one. Now, since you pleased me, boy, you get the choice of how you want to get fucked tonight. On your back or on your belly?" For evan, there was no hesitation: "Sir, I would never question your choice but, maybe half and half?" Joseph laughed: "when you give me those eyes, boy, I can barely hold myself together. Let's see if I do here." And the next day, he passed the suggestion on to Ben. It was just about a week before the event at Stirrups when Ben sat nick down.

"Nicky boy, you know things are going to change a lot after the end of the week, don't you?" Nick looked down. "Yes, Sir."

"I mean, if I catch you cruising other guys, or showing any behavior that I don't deem submissive, well, the punishments are going to be much more severe."

"I understand, Sir. I'll try to do better." Ben smiled. "Well, Master Joseph and I were talking, and we thought, since you're giving up a big part of your life, you should get one more chance to top one more man. You can pick whomever you want. Joe and I will, how do I put this, `talk' to him." When Ben looked at nick, he saw a softness come over his eyes. He saw it occasionally, and it always made him want to rip off nick's clothes and have him wherever they were. He saw that look. "I appreciate the gift, Sir. Is it ok if I decline?" Ben looked at him. "Are you sure, nicky? Because this is the last chance you'll have. No topping after this. Not even as the filling of a threeway."

"I'm sure, Sir. I really appreciate it but, I'm trying to forget my life as a topman, and if I do something now, I'll have a new memory and that'll only get me in trouble." He lowered his head. "I think you'd best lock me up for the week though, Sir. So I stay out of trouble." Ben was smiling. "That was on the agenda anyway, boy. You'll get locked up tomorrow, so if you wanna drain yourself tonight, do it. Something else is in your future, but I'm keeping that a secret."

"Thank you, Sir," nick answered. "I'll go off to the bathroom, so you don't have to see it." When he went to jerk off, nick closed his eyes. The only thing he could think of was Ben topping him. The night before, Ben had worked on his ears, neck and chin again, and had left nick so horny it wasn't funny. He wondered if Ben was up to growing a beard.

The cage went on nicky's cock the next day. And then the next day, when he got home, Ben was waiting. Nick saw there was a kitchen stool in the middle of the room. "Strip and sit on the stool, boy." "Yes, Sir," nick answered. When he got his clothes off, he saw that there were shaving implements on the counter.

"Get your hands behind your back, sub." Nick complied, and his wrists were bound. Then, Ben secured his ankles to legs on the chair. He began stroking nick's chest, running his fingers around his pecs, playing with the tips and circling them. "I happen to think a hairy sub is a hot sub; however, for the public..." He picked up the barber's shears. "Let's get to work. If I like it, we'll make shaving a part of our ritual. Otherwise, it'll grow back." Nick heard the sound of the shears, felt his cock against the cage, and then watched as Ben moved the clipper expertly over his chest. Clumps of hair began falling. "I'm not a man, I'm a boy. I'm a sub," he thought, and he couldn't stop tears forming in his eyes. Ben ignored them. "NICE. You're hot hairy or smooth. " He pulled out his dick. "You know the drill. Wet. And tonight, on your back. That's how we're doing it this weekend." He untied nick's ankles and wrists, but he retied the wrists on the bed. Then he grabbed nick's ankles and spread his legs far apart. "I'll have help doing this on Saturday night, nicky. You'll be surprised. " Nick wasn't sure he could handle more surprises, but he just said "yes, sir" and moaned as Ben plunged in. He saw that Ben had heard him and hadn't shaved that morning. His facial hair was coming in slightly more "gingery" than the rest of his hair. Ben scraped that new hair against nick's neck and a loud moan came out of nick. "GOOD" Ben whispered. "I can get behind this. As long as I'm on top of you."

Then it was "the night" of the event. Ben had nick clean himself out, something he usually didn't do, and then he picked out nick's "outfit": a very short pair of white denim cutoffs, and a leather vest. "I'll tie you up and leash you when we go in, but that's fine for now." Ben was wearing tight faded jeans, a leather shirt, and his Muir cap. Nick wished he were getting fucked right then. "Answer the door. Master Joseph and evan are coming with us." "Yes, Sir," nick answered, then opened the door. Master Joseph was dressed similarly to Ben, while it seemed that evan was wearing even less than nick was. Master Joseph looked at his watch. "We should get going." They all piled into cars. When they got to Stirrups, Ben parked and, before they went in, he tied nick's wrists together with a leather thong, and then put a leather collar on him. He clipped a leash to it. "Let's go boy" He pulled, and away they went. If nick hadn't been caged, his bulge would have reminded everyone why he had been a top man for so long.

The "MC" greeted them. "We disinfected the table this week, so it's clean, guys. You'll go on in half an hour." Ben turned to nick. "You need to pee or anything? Evan will help you if you do."

"I think I'm fine, Sir." Nick's head was filled with the smell of the place, the scenes of guys in much heavier BDSM wear than usual. Then he felt Ben's hand on his arm. "It's time, boy." "Yes, Sir" nick answered, as Ben took the leash and led him into the "Pool room." There were at least 40 people there already. They made a space for Ben to lead nick to the pool table. "When I untie you, drop your shorts, take off the vest, and lay on the table." Nick felt like he was having an out of body experience. He didn't answer, he just did what he was told. "Now on it, on your back. " This time he answered "Yes, Sir." He knew how he needed to spread out his arms, and Ben secured them. He heard another DOM tell Ben "He looks good shaved. You gonna keep it?" Ben shrugged "dunno yet." The subs in the room were admiring the cage. Again, nick heard someone say "That's a truly magnificent dick. It's a shame it's locked up."

"I'm ready," he heard Ben tell the MC. "The let's begin." As Ben started shucking his jeans, evan and bob came out of the crowd. Nick looked around, confused. Neither said anything, they just each took one of nick's ankles and started pulling up his legs. When he resisted, Ben smiled and ran a finger along his left sole. It was easy to push nick's legs up after that. Nick saw Ben's cock, thick and red. The crowd went silent as Ben spoke. "I've chosen this one as my sub, and he has given himself to me. Is that not true, slave nick?" Nick answered in a scared voice "Yes, Sir." Ben continued. "You will serve ME and only ME. And all Masters are advised: you must seek permission to do anything with this slave hereafter. He is MINE." He then turned and looked at the subs. "If any of you become aware of behavior on my sub's part, you must advise me. If I find out that you do not, rest assured your punishment will be at least as severe as slave nick's." There were murmurs of "yes sir," as a room of men began to realize: `thick nick" was about to disappear. Someone brought Ben a jar of lubricant, which he declined. "You're mine," he said, and began to fuck nick on the table.

Afterward, nick would think that it was far from the best fuck he had ever gotten from Ben, but he couldn't imagine that even his DOM was not nervous. It took longer for Ben to climax than it usually did, but he did. Nick helped: Ben had signaled to evan and bob to let go of his ankles, and when they did, nick tightened his glutes. It worked. Ben's yell filled the place, and he pulled out at the end, and shot the last pulse across nick, catching him in the face. Nick was still moaning when he heard "Baptism." He saw evan, bob, and at least ten other subs form a circle around him. He recognized some of them as guys he had fucked in the past. Now, they were jerking off around him. They were eager. The first lash happened in about 3 minutes, and in no more than 15 minutes, nick was covered with cum, and the DOMS were collecting their subs and refitting cages where they were used. Ben untied nick and whispered: "we need to get you cleaned up. Off to the side. We can use the kitchen area." Nick was having trouble standing and Ben propped him up. "It's ok, boy. It's the only time this'll happen to you. Did you enjoy it?" nick looked away. "I enjoyed seeing your face, Sir. " Ben stopped. "Kiss me, slave boy. Open your mouth. Take my tongue. ALL THE WAY." No one saw the kiss in the kitchen, and when the two of them came back out, dressed and with nick tied up and leashed again, there was cheering all around.

"There'll be a party tomorrow, nick. For now, we both need our rest." Ben drove them home, put nick in the shower, toweled him off, and then took him to bed. He kissed his ear and whispered "you're mine now, nicky. You understand that." Nick's eyes were closed, but Ben saw him smile as he said "yes, Sir."

Next: Chapter 8

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