Flipping Thick Nick - installment

By moc.loa@potgnipor

Published on Jun 30, 2024


Nick knew that things had changed between him and Ben after the evening at Stirrups. That was clear as soon as they got into bed. Without fail, Ben had nick sleep "spooned" to him: he had explained to nick that he wanted his ass available if he got horny during the night, and it had happened more than once that Ben wanted an early morning blow job, or anal. Tonight, though, when nick started to get into spoon position, Ben stopped him. "Put your head on my chest tonight, nicky. I think you like that better, and I think you know: if I want you, you'll get in position." Nick was close to tears from everything that happened, and he was choking them back as he answered, "Yes, Sir. Thank you, Sir," because he did prefer sleeping on Ben's chest. Ben wrapped an arm around nick and whispered "your ass is safe for tonight, nicky. You had a very busy night and you pleased me more than you can imagine." He squeezed nick tighter. "And things have changed now, handsome boy. You'll see." He kissed nick's forehead. "Try to sleep. We'll go over everything in the next few days."

"I understand, Sir," was nick's reply. He was tired. He fell asleep before Ben did, and Ben lay there for a while, running his hand through nick's hair. There were a number of thoughts going through his head for their future. He had done this with another man before and he hoped things would go better with nicky. He thought they would.

On Saturday morning, nick woke up to a bed without Ben. He had a hard on, and he began to reach down before he stopped: taking care of morning wood was not permitted anymore: that had been true for a while. He didn't know if he should stay in bed or get up. He smelled coffee, and he heard Ben stirring around the living room. He decided: best to get up. Maybe he could, well... He tossed on a pair of shorts and went to a doorway, leaned against it and smiled. "Good morning, Sir" is what he said, and as "Sir" came out of his mouth, and he saw Ben sitting there, shirtless, his wood got harder. Ben turned and smiled. "I get to wake up to this every day. Or even better. Get those shorts off. " Nick reddened. He didn't know what Ben would do if he saw the hard on he had, which he knew had a pearl of precum on it. "I know you're stiff, nicky, I can see it in the shorts. You can't hide that stuff from me. Now do what I said. "

"Yes, Sir," nick answered. When the shorts were gone, Ben whooped. "WOOOOO" Someone needs relief. And I'm not talking about you. I hope you didn't brush your teeth yet." "No, Sir, not yet."

"Well, what are you waiting for? You need a silk carpet to take care of this?" Ben dropped his shorts and HIS cock shot out. "Get to work." Nick knew that Ben liked him to keep his hands behind his back when he sucked him, and he put them there now. He tried to keep his composure when he felt Ben's body press against the hard-on. "Discipline, nicky. Discipline. The Master's needs come first. We'll take care of yours, but for now." He reached down and played with nick's nipples. As nick slurped away, Ben began to moan. "YES, NICKY, YES. YOU MAY BE THE BEST COCKSUCKER I'VE EVER HAD." The praise encouraged nick. He tried to remember everything about oral that Ben liked, and to get it all into what he was doing, but it was difficult, especially with his own hard cock, and now Ben pushing his head further up his cock shaft. Ben began to sway back and forth, pulling his dick forward, and then pulling it back, followed by strong thrusts back down nick's throat. "DRAIN ME, SUB BOY, DRAIN ME!" He yelled as he came. Nick felt the hot cum gush down his throat. There was no question about swallowing: it was required. And this morning, there was a lot to swallow. "I've never seen you that hard, nicky. Any reason for it?" Nick was still on his knees, hands behind his back. "I think it was sleeping on your chest, Sir. Feeling your arm around me. I wanted to cuddle harder but..." he stopped. "I didn't want to ask for permission." Ben smiled. "You fell asleep pretty quickly, nicky. I don't think you would have cuddled for long. Must have been your dreams." He helped nick to stand up, but when nick moved his hands from behind his back, he saw the scowl and knew he had done the wrong thing. "Sorry, Sir." Ben looked at him. "It's your first infraction since your public submission, so you get a freebie. Understand, nicky, when you're in submissie position, you stay in it until you have permission to come out of it. That's the rule. A new one. "I understand, Sir." Not only did nick put his hands behind his back, he pushed out his chest the way he knew Ben liked it. His eyes were positioned so he didn't see Ben drop his hand to nick's cock and begin stroking it. Moans started coming out of his mouth. "OOOOOOOOH. Thank you, Sir. Thank you. " Ben stroked him for a few minutes, and then began to play with his cock head, running his finger around the base of it, then toying with nick's piss slit, before he ran a finger along the top, then the bottom. Nick's moans got louder, and he was having trouble standing still. "Please, Sir. Do I have permission to cum?"

"Heh heh, you do, nicky, but keep in mind you're gonna have to clean up any mess you make. That's a sub's job: cleaning. " He squeezed nick's cock, and nick moaned "YES SIR, I UNDERSTAND SIR. OH GOD...." He thought afterward that he had probably shot more than Ben did. He looked Ben in the eye and said, very softly. "Thank you, Sir. If I may, I'll clean it now."

"You may. Put on some clothes first, though. I don't want you sick. Clean it up and then we'll start on the basics of breakfast. Cooking is going to be your job, too. Breakfast is easy, but evan is going to be helping you learn more sophisticated stuff. Master Joseph sent him to cooking school. I may do that for you, too, but we'll see."

"Yes, Sir," nick went off to get the cleaning supplies. When he came back, Ben was gone, and he heard the shower going. "So it begins," he said to himself.

"How are you handling things?" evan was in Ben's kitchen with nick. Nick shrugged his shoulders. "I guess ok. I'm not sure. I don't have anything to compare it to." He paused. "But he was very gentle to me last night and this morning, well, he only had me suck his cock. Then he let me shoot because, well, I was..." Evan smiled and took nick's hand. "That's all normal, nicky. I have to tell you, after my submission, I was horny as hell for a month. There were times when Master Joseph had to cuff me to the bed to keep me from playing with myself. Then the sheets were enough to get me excited and... geez. It just means that you made the right decision." Nick lowered his voice. "I'm not sure about that." Evan looked at him. "NICKY. You've got to get over that. You made a choice and there's no going back." Nick looked down. "I know. It's all so new."

"There's gonna be a whole lot more new for you nick. Did he mention the guiche to you?" Nick looked at him: "The WHAT?" Now evan blushed. "Oh, I guess he hasn't. You can wait for him to tell you, or if you can get to a computer to google. " Master Ben is a piercing kinda guy. My man likes tattoos. It's their way of making show we, and everyone else knows, we're owned." Nick looked at him. "You have tattoos?"

"You can't see most of them. They're on my butt, my thighs, all over there. I'll show you when I can. That may be tomorrow. Now, let's get back to work. Mostly what you need to learn is how to serve your Master and Masters properly. Lunch is not such a big deal. Dinner is more complicated, but I think I'll be helping you, at least for the first week." Evan taught nick about keeping his eyes down when he served, and also not to presume that he would be sitting AT the table. They did sit with their Masters at that lunch, though. "So, it's ok with you, Joe, that evan take nicky shopping tomorrow?" Evan was used to other masters using his Master's nickname, or just referring to him without his title. For nick, who was still new to this, it was a bit shocking. Evan had explained to him, more than once, he was NEVER to refer to ANY Master or Dom without his title, even if he wasn't in the room.

"Of course. It's important that nicky have someone experienced to show him `the ropes that aren't ropes.'" The Masters laughed at this. "You have a list for him?"

"Naturally. There are a few things that I'll want them to bring back, but others that can be delivered." He gave an evil grin. "Thongs are light enough that they'll come back as well as some other stuff." He looked at nick. "You'll find out tomorrow. For the rest of the day, we're going over what I expect around the house, and then tonight, you'll make your debut as my sub." He ran a hand over nick's thigh. "And when we come back, I'll be exceptionally horny." Nick didn't look up. "Yes, Sir. I'll do my best to satisfy you." Ben looked at evan: "You didn't tell him to say that did you?" Now evan blushed "No, Master Ben. All I told him was that he needs to understand that he needs to learn that your pleasure is HIS pleasure, and not the reversal." Master Joseph patted evan's shoulder. "Good boy. You make me proud. And horny. I think we need to get home."

"Yes, Sir," evan answered. "Master Joseph, when do you want me to come by to meet up with nicky tomorrow?"

"Oh, I think we can settle that tonight. I know Joe isn't going to want to miss nicky's coming out party, and we'll see how late things go." Master Joseph got up and he put his hand on the back of evan's neck. Evan got up as well. "I'm getting this one a collar next week. If you feel like shopping with me, Ben, we'll coordinate."

"I'm going to pass on this one, Joe. Evan's earned that collar. Nicky's been officially my sub for all of a day, so we have to see if and when he earns it." There was some handshaking and agreeing to meet up at Stirrups at 10. Evan got a bit of time with nick. "Don't worry. Your Master wouldn't send me out with you to get any equipment. It's just clothes stuff."

"Thongs?" nick asked. "Yeah, it's something that Master Ben really likes on his subs. Whatever underwear type you wear now is gonna go. It'll take some getting used to, especially after the piercing, but I think if you ask, Master Ben will explain it to you."

Later that afternoon, he did. First, though, Ben introduced nick to his shoe collection. "You've already done a little of this, but you're now in charge of keeping ALL my shoes, and ALL my leather ware for that matter, immaculately clean. Dress shoes, leather boots, all of it. That's basic sub work." Nick was looking at the collection when he felt Ben's arms surround his middle. He leaned in and whispered into nick's ear. "You still have a streak of topman in you, don't you?" Nick was about to answer "No, Sir," but he knew that if he lied, his body would stiffen, and Ben would know. The hair Ben was growing on his chin was beginning to tickle nick's ear, and he enjoyed the feeling. He didn't want to piss off Ben.

"I do, Sir. I'm trying, but...it's so hard."

"As hard as my cock, handsome?" He pushed against nick and nick realized that the effect of the blowjob had already worn off. "How would you like me to take care of that, Sir?" nick asked, and Ben whispered "by getting naked and on your back. GOD, you get me aroused. And now, that it's official, it's worse. MOVE IT" "Yes, Sir" nick went off to the bedroom. He was only wearing his shirt when Ben came in. He grabbed the shirt and practically tore it off nick. "SPREAD YOUR LEGS, BITCH. SHOW ME YOUR MAN PUSSY." "Man pussy." The phrase made nick even more aroused than usual, and he purred a little as he spread his legs, and then grabbed his knees to hold them up. "Not yet, stud. I need to teach you something first, because I know you heard something today, I wasn't ready to tell you." He lay down next to nick and slipped his hand between his legs. He moved one finger, slowly but rhythmically, back and forth over the skin between nick's balls and ass. No one had ever done that to nick, and it felt good. Ben was using a light touch and nick began to breathe hard. Then, with two fingers, Ben pinched a small amount of flesh and massaged it. "OH MY GOD SIR. It's like...OOOOOOOOOOOH, it's like..." "It's like when I massage your prostate isn't it nicky?" Nick was trying hard to speak. "I think it's better, Sir. It's... it's.... oh, I can't explain it, Sir. It's just sensitive." He heard Ben chuckle. "Now you'll understand why I'm getting it pierced. Not everyone agrees with me, but I think that if you keep a sub constantly aroused, he's a better sub. And by putting the guiche here, then the thong rubbing against it, you WILL be aroused, and you'll have to learn some control. Otherwise, we'll have to lock you up for as many days as necessary to get you under control." He rubbed the spot a little harder, and while nick wanted to answer that he understood, he couldn't. He was out of breath, his balls were churning, and he wanted nothing more than he wanted Ben inside of him at that minute.

"Lift your legs, nicky. I have a load to deposit." He let go of the skin and then, when nick was waiting for the cock to penetrate him, he surprised nick by going in with his tongue first. "OOOOOOOOOOOOOH FUCK!" Some of the bottoms nick used to fuck would eat him out occasionally, but it was always a prelude to nick flipping them so he could get at their ass. Now, he was being lubed for another reason. He liked the new reason more.

Ben slid into him easily. "Let's find that prostate. I love seeing you squirm." Nick heard that and he moved around under Ben, even before he landed on nick's spot. "Who's my bitch?" Ben demanded, as he moved his cock head ever so slightly over nick's prostate. "I am, Sir. I'm your sub bitch." He winced as Ben pushed in. "Damn right you are, stud muffin. DAMN RIGHT." He began pushing and sliding back . He leaned forward so he could take nick's nips in his fingers. "No one ever thought thick nick could get flipped. HAHA. I GOT you nicky. You're my SUB BOTTOM." "Yes, Sir. You're right. I belong to you." He heard Ben breathing harder and then, a yell came out of his DOM, and he felt the hot liquid going up inside of him. He was hard now himself, but he knew there would be no relief, until at least after they came back from the evening out.

"All I had planned to teach you this afternoon, nicky, was how I like my foot massages, but we'll have to cover that on another day. You need to get more sleep. You'll be busy tomorrow, too. You'll get tested on taking care of my shoes, you and evan will do some dinner prep and, oh I can't wait for this: seeing you model some of the clothes you and evan bring home." He ran his hand over nick's chest. "I decided I really don't like you smooth. It's going to grow back, BUT...if you give me trouble, I'll start by shaving pubes, then pits, and finally, you'll go smooth again, boy. Don't make me do that."

"No, Sir. I'll do my best not to screw up."

Evan came over on Sunday. Of course, Joseph was with him. He and Ben would be hanging out, probably going "solo" at some bars, while their boys went shopping. "I'm really excited about this nick!" Evan seemed almost over caffeinated. "This is a REAL chance to make your DOM happy. Just leave it all to me. I've got the list." Nick gave evan a quizzical look.

"YOU'VE got a list? I don't have one." Evan laughed. "That's because Master Ben knows that if he left it to you, you'd be freaking out, and probably wouldn't do it, and then he'd have to hunt you down, and start all over. Now, let's not argue about this. We're going to shop, have some brunch, and then shop some more. First, the specialty store. Thongs and shorts." Evan heard nick gulp. "Sweetie, Master Ben is a thong man. ALL of his subs wear them."

"How do YOU know?" Nick was confused, and evan laughed. "Because you're not the first sub for him, nick, and I've done the shopping before." "I've seen thongs. They look uncomfortable." "OF COURSE they're uncomfortable. You don't wear them for comfort, nick. You wear them because they drive you crazy and they make your man horny too." Nick sighed. There was nothing he could do. They went to a store that specialized in erotic clothing first.

"AH. Look at the colors, nick! He told me to get a two-week supply but gave me permission to pick the shades. C'mon, we'll pick them together." Nick slumped, defeated. I don't think I can get into this," he said. Evan looked at him. "Tell you what. Let's both try on a pair. They have these liners that keep them sanitary. Just grab a white one. I will, too. I'll show you if you show me, ha, ha."

When they were changing in the dressing room, nick finally got to see evan's tattoos. Evan saw him staring. "Yup. Like I told you. Master Joseph keeps them away from prying eyes, most of the time, but sometimes he'll have me wear chaps that show my ass. Then people see "Master Joseph's boy" on one cheek and "Bottom boy" on the other. Or this one here." He showed the tattoo on the inside of his left thigh that said "product unusuable," and the arrow that pointed toward his cock. "THAT's a mean one," Nick said. Evan just laughed. "Oh, it's usable. It just hasn't been for, I guess, at least four years. Now try on that thong. We need to decide if it's the right size for you." Nick gulped. Evan had already slid on his and was admiring himself. "OOOH! I like this! I need to talk to Joe. See if I can `convince' him." "You can't buy them yourself?" nick asked. Evan shook his head. "Nope. Joe is in charge of all the money. I get an allowance but really, one thing you're gonna need to learn, nick: these guys REALLY like to show their control through what you wear. " He paused. "And that thong looks HOT on you. DAMN. You've got that solid body. Take a look. Then pose. You know some of the looks your man likes."

Nick went over to the mirror. "I'd do me," he thought, and then began flexing and posing. He heard Evan making little animal growls. "He'll have to keep you locked up if the subs find out how HOT you look, nicky. DAMN. Now let's go pick some more." For the first time, nick smiled. They picked up a few pairs of very short shorts too. Evan arranged for the store to deliver most of the stuff, but they took three thongs and one pair of shorts. "Something to show our men. Now, off to another store. There are some specific things Master Ben wants replaced in your wardrobe."

"What's wrong with my wardrobe?" nick asked. "NICKY... your man is a serious, high-powered attorney. Don't you think he dresses well? When I see that man in a suit, I just think about..." "STOP THINKING ABOUT IT, EVAN!" Evan laughed. "Then you DO think he's hot in a suit." Nick dropped his voice. "GOD. When he comes in after work and begins loosening his tie, I'm hard right away and all I want is for that tie to go around my wrists." Evan looked at him. "Tell him, nicky. I swear, the only way you're gonna get what YOU want in this relationship is if you convince him HE wants it too. And let me tell you: if there's one thing Master Ben likes doing to a sub, it's tying him up." Evan led nick to the section of a second store where the shirts, dress and casual were. Evan picked up a white one. "Here. Try this on. See the fit." Nick looked at it and handed it back. "I can tell you right now. It's too small." Evan shook his head. "OF COURSE it's too small, nicky. GEEZ, you still don't get it. If you feel trapped, or like a slut, the look is working. And it's one Master Ben likes. No, he was very adamant that you get the smallest size that still fit, even if you had to squeeze in." Nick stood still and Evan said: "Nicky, he's the boss." Nick sighed. "You're right." He tried it on. There were puckers, and there was no way he'd ever button the neck button. Evan proclaimed it "PERFECT." And so it went, with jeans, khakis, and even a sports jacket. "You won't need any neckties. Ben thinks that only DOMS should wear them. " The bill was sizeable, but Ben's credit card covered it. "Now, let's do something, babe," evan spoke. "Let's get you into one of these outfits. Hmmm. The white shirt. The light jeans. White thong. Our men'll be waiting for us. It'll be a surprise: the fashion show will start right away."

Nick went off to the dressing room and changed. He did have to struggle to get into the clothes, but a thought went through his head as he was finishing. "I'm hot. I'm really hot. And I control things. " He was thinking that yes, Ben would be topping and fucking him, but he had the power to drive his DOM crazy by his attitude. That made him feel, well, like less of a submissive.

"Holy shit, nicky. You clean up good." Evan said. "Great idea to roll the sleeves. Show your hairy arms. Now one thing, kid." Evan reached in and opened a second shirt button. He snickered "We may be late for dinner tonight. I think Master Ben is going to want to eat you first."

"HIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII!" Evan gave a shrill greeting as they walked back in the apartment. Ben and Joseph were drinking some wine, and nick walked over. "I hope you don't mind, Sir. I wanted you to see how the clothes looked." Ben put down his glass. "I don't see all of them. You have on a thong?" Nick smiled. "Yes sir. A shiny white one." Ben looked at Evan and Joe. "You'll have to excuse us." Evan winked at nick as he and Master Ben walked off to the bedroom.

"I have a thong, too, Sir. Do you want to see it?" Joseph looked at evan. "Get yourself on the floor. On your back. Let's see how it looks." Evan locked eyes with Joseph. "Yes, Sir. Could I have a kiss first?"

Had anyone walked past the apartment over the next hour, they would have heard some pretty loud groaning and moaning.

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