Flirting Can Be Hazardous to Your Health

By Jane Steele

Published on Jul 6, 2001


Chapter 1

This is the first part of Sandy, Kristy and Ken's story of flirting, jealousy and revenge.

By Jane Steele

Ken, Part 1

Let me introduce myself before I tell you my strange story. I am a 32-year-old guy, married twice but no kids yet. I am a successful business owner and my wife and I have a good deal of disposable income. Physically, I'm 6 foot even and a trim, fit 200 pounds. I have always kept myself in great shape. I don't smoke or over eat my only bad habit is I'm a habitual flirt, and by the way that is what caused my first divorce. Women are attracted to me and I just can't help myself.

The particular Saturday in question stared normal enough. I woke up at 8:00 AM, rolled out of bed and grabbed a quick shower as the coffee was making. My wife Sandy came in as I was finishing my second cup.

"Morning, sweetheart" she said as she poured her own first cup. Even with no makeup, I marveled at her beauty. At 28 she is still in perfect shape, a flat tummy, cute round ass and firm C cup breasts. Her long blonde hair frames a pretty face. I felt myself getting turned on watching her move about the kitchen. When she turned around she caught me stroking a growing erection through the fabric of my shorts.

"Don't get any ideas stud, I've need to be at the office in 20 minutes." Sandy said but she shot me a sexy smile as she disappeared toward our bedroom to get ready for work.

I finished up in the kitchen and headed up stairs to get my keys. I met Sandy on the stairs,

"Bye honey, don't flirt with that slut too much. I know how you are." Sandy was referring to Kristy, the girl who cuts my hair.

"Don't worry sexy, she can't hold a candle to you. Bye love." I answer as I kiss her.

"You liar." She says as she heads on out to the garage.

After a shower and shave I dress in a golf shirt and shorts. Then I grab my keys, wallet and pocketknife as I finish getting ready for my appointment at Kristy's place. Sandy has reason to be jealous since Kristy is quite a knockout. I'd been going to her for haircuts for about 6 months now. Kristy is slender, about 5'9" with long brown hair. She has perfect D cup breasts that seem larger on her slender frame. Top it all off with a pretty face and great personality. We have been flirting with each other for weeks now and it keeps getting more intimate. I actually kissed her passionately last time we met. I had to really control myself to avoid ripping her scanty clothes off and making love to her on the spot. I am really looking forward to today. Kristy has already told me I am her only client for the day. I hop in my BMW Z3 and make the 10-minute ride to Kristy's shop.

Kristy, Part 1

I fumble for my keys as I get out of my Honda Civic. Sometimes these big tits get in the way I think as I try to look over them into my purse. I unlock the shop and go through the routine of opening up. I check my book but I already know Ken is scheduled for 10:00 AM and he is my only appointment for the day. Ken has been leading me on for weeks now. He is so good looking but he knows it too well. I think about our last meeting as I straighten the shop up. When he kissed me after I gave him the last haircut I thought my knees were going to give way. Wow, that guy can kiss, I was ready to lay back and spread my legs for him. Unfortunately he is married and his wife is gorgeous. I don't really think I have a chance of taking him away from her and that makes me sad. I'm 28 and I would like to have a good man to make a family with.

I'd received a strange statue late yesterday by UPS. I set it up on the counter among my brushes and combs. I truly find it hard to believe I dodn't throw away this peice of erotic junk. The note in the box the statue came in said it would help me capture the heart the man who'd been flirting with me. The statue is quite odd, on one side it appears to be a woman but she has a large erect cock proudly sticking out of her crotch. On the reverse side is the image of a muscular man, he has no cock but seems to have a vagina. I stuffed it into my purse. I'd forgotten about it until this morning as I stuggled to find my shop keys. Oddly, they had wrapped around the penis of the woman side of the statue.

The sound of a car engine draws my attention back and look up to see Ken's green Z3 pull up in front of my shop. My heart leaps when I see him walk in the door smiling at me. His blue eyes look me up and down, drinking in my body.

Sandy, Part 1

I managed to make into the office with 5 minutes to spare. I set my purse on the floor by my desk and sit down to boot up my PC. I walk out to the breakroom and start a pot of coffe. There are only 3 or 4 other managers working this Saturday at our office. But it budget time and I need to get these numbers in before Tuesday.

I sit back down at my desk, the PC is still booting up. You have to hate NT! I turn around to look at the small stack of mail on my neat desk. As I read through the standard work coreesponce my eyes stray to Ken's pictures on my desk.. God help me but I am madly in love with him. He is so good to me and our sex life is wonderful. I know he has wandering eyes and I am sure he is tempted by other women. He is one of the best looking men I have ever seen and I've seen many throw themselves at him. Especially that slut who cuts his hair. I just hope the lesson he is going to learn today helps him break his flirting habit. And it may seem cruel but I don't care what it does to her.

My PC is up and running now so I log in to my email account. I'm eager to see if the guy at UPS that I know has managed to finish our bargain. Yes! There is the email from him.

"Dear Ms. Woodhall,

The package you paid me to drop off at the hair shop just at closing has been delivered. I also got your check you sent me. Thanks and please don't tell anyone I did this for you.


I don't know what makes me believe the old woman who sold me that ugly statue. But I did, and now I know the statue will be at the shop when Ken has his hair cut today. We shall see if the statue truly has any power. Now we shall see what Ken has to say about his slut when he comes home.

Ken, Part 2

Damn, Kristy is so hot. She has a pink sweater that is stretched to near the breaking point by her wonderful tits. Her sweater shows a few inches of her flat tummy. She has on tight white shorts. I was already horny and looking at her is giving me an erection.

"Don't stand there staring at me, come sit down so I can wash you hair." She says.

"But first a hug and a kiss." I say as I take her in my arms. She doesn't resist and our lips meet for an intense kiss. She breaks away and tells me to sit down. I reluctantly obey and Kristy washes my hair. My kiss must have had an effect on her. I can she her nipples are erect as those luscious breasts sway above my face.

+++ On the counter nearly out of sight from either of us, the statue has taken on an odd blue glow. Even odder the stern faces on each side of the statue are now smiling devilishly. The power contained in this talisman is now released and reaches out to our bodies. +++

Kristy finished my hair wash and I sit up as she hands me a towel. As I walk to the chair drying my hair I feel and odd sensation between my legs. Bu them it seems to settle and I sit down as Kristy puts the cover over me to keep the clipped hair off me. We tease and talk as she works on my hair.

I can sense she is getting as hot for em as I am for her. After 10 minutes or so she brushes the hair off my collar and pulls the cover off of me. Then she boldly leans down and kisses me passionately. I'm caught a bit off guard but I respond in kind. In moments she is sitting in my lap and we are making out like to over sexed teens.

+++ The female half of the statue has changed again. The female has moved a hand to grip her rigidly erect cock. While the male half has a finger in his crotch. Both have looks of desire on their small faces. +++

Kristy, Part 2

I wash Ken's hair and sway my big tits in his face to tease him. I know my nipples are erect and knowing what is running threw his mind is making me even hotter. I hand him a towel when I'm done and he walks toward the chair. As I follow him the crotch of my panties feels too tight. But as I begin to cut his hair the feeling passes somewhat.

I finish his hair cut quicker than normal. My hands are almost trembling with desire as I set my scissors down. The urge to kiss him hits me hard and I lean down to plant a hot one on him. Then I sit in his lap and we make out until we are both breathing heavily.

"Ken darling, I better lock the front door. We don't want any surprises." I say as I ease away from him. Damn, I haven't been this horny in a long time. What is going on with my panties? They feel too small in the front. I latch the deadbolt and walk over to the large mirror to examine the front of my shorts for cause of the problem. Ken slips up behind me and puts his hands under my sweater. He cups my big breasts and runs his hands over my flat tummy. Then he deftly unsnaps the clasp of my bra, setting my firm tits free. His strong hands run over my tits, caressing them. Then Ken starts working on my big nipples. Rolling them between his thumbs and index fingers. I feel jolts of pleasure shoot through me. Each time he pinches one of my nipples I can feel a corresponding tingle in my crotch. Things don't feel normal down. I can't say it feels bad, it's just so different. Damn it, I feel like my clit is so swollen it is sticking out the top of my panties. And it seems to keep growing with each pinch of my nipples Ken makes. He is already hunching into my ass, but I can't feel his wonderful cock yet.

Ken, Part 3

Kristy gets off my lap to lock the front door. I look down at my lap, damn I should have an erection by now. I don't want to disappoint her. I've never had that happen before and I am sure it won't now. I ease out of the chair and walk up behind Kristy as she looks at herself in the mirror. I run my hands around to her smooth flat tummy. Wow, she has such a hot body.

I cup her heavy tits and then pull back behind her back to unsnap her bra.

I slide my hands under her bra cups to fondle those wonderful melons. They are so firm and full. I pinch her large nipples, making them fully erect. Kristy is rocking her round ass back into my crotch. I feel a warm sensation of pleasure spreading out from between my legs. I still can't feel my erection, but it'll be ready soon enough. Kristy moans and breathes heavy as I continuing to caress those sexy tits. I slide my left hand down her smooth tummy to the top of her shorts. Then a few inches deeper, when suddenly my fingers encounter something very wrong and I begin to pull my hand back.

"Keep going." Kristy moans. She pushes my hand down further with her left hand. Instead of sliding through her neatly trimmed patch of pubic hair my fingers run into something fleshy, hard and hot. As Kristy forces my hand down into her short, my fingers slip naturally around what can only be a large erect cock!

I pull my hand out and move back a few steps from Kristy.

"Kristy? What is that? Don't tell me you are really a guy? Please tell me it isn't so!" I lament as she feels up her own cock. with both hands.

"No Ken, I don't know what's going on here. I am not a guy. And I have never had a cock before." She says, "But I have to tell you this feels great. Wow I have an erection and it's so big!" Kristy walks over to me, putting her arms around me. I feel as if I'm in a trance as she unsnaps and unzips my shorts. Her left hand slides into my underwear... Suddenly I feel a strange sensation. Oh wow, it's so good that I begin to hunch her hand.

"Mmmmmmmm..." I say as Kristy rubs my crotch.

"Ken honey I got news for you. You have a pussy and you are so wet." Kristy says, "Can you feel me fingering you?" she asks as she rubs her rock hard cock into my hip while her fingers drive me wild.

Sandy, Part 2

I glance up from my work to the clock on my desk. It's 10:30 already and Ken has been at the slut's shop for 30 minutes. The statue should have started its devious work by now. I plan to drive over to her shop so as to arrive at about 11:00. That will give the talisman an hour to complete the changes to them. I should be able to surprise them and have them both under my thumb quickly once they realize I control the only means for them to change back to themselves. I can't even imagine what is going on over there right now. They might be freaked out of their minds or they may be screwing like rabbits. This is to distracting, I can not concentrate on my work any longer. I walk out of my office and down the hall to the break room for another cup of coffee. Kristy, Part 3

Ken has his hands all over my turned on body. One of his hands dips into my shorts and touches my swollen clit. Wow, that felt cool. I take his hand in mine and push him back into my shorts. Oh my, I feel his fingers wrap around my erect clit and it feels so good. Damn it, how can my clit be so big. Ken is gripping it with his hand stroking it like a cock. I can feel my clit swell even more as he massages it. I glance down and catch a glimpse of the top 3 inches above where he is grasping it. It's huge, and has a head just like a cock.

Shit! I've grown a cock! I think to myself but I want to fuck Ken so bad it doesn't bother me that my pussy is gone. Over all I feel so good, in fact I feel great.

Ken steps back away from me. I explore my new male sex organs as he watches me.

"Kristy? What is that? Don't tell me you are really a guy? Please tell me it isn't so!" Ken nearly cries.

"No Ken, I don't know what's going on here. I am not a guy. And I have never had a cock before." I say, "But I have to tell you this feels great. Wow I have an erection and it's so big!" I ease over next to him and slip his shorts off. Then I slide one hand down into his underwear. Just I suspected ken has a pussy now. I run my fingers through his neatly trimmed pubic hair to his cunt. As I slip a finger into him I find he is soaking wet and slick. I trace circles around his little clit with my finger and he involuntarily begins to hunch my hand.

"Mmmmmmmm..." he moans.

I grind my rock hard cock into his hip as I stand next to him. I keep stripping his clothes off in between finger jobs. And finally get my own off too. Not to be out done by my newly acquired cock, my nipples are rock hard too. I am such an odd but fantastically erotic image in the mirror. I look at myself, slender big-breasted brunette with a rock hard 9-inch cock.

Ken walks up behind me and slips his arms around me. He cups my heavy tits with his hands. Then he slips a hand down to grasp the rigid shaft of my cock. I almost came right then and there. I turn around and kiss him passionately, then say,

"Hold on Ken I have a sleeping bag we can spread on the floor." I'm back in a second and the two of us are naked on the floor. A sudden urge hits me...

"Ken, darling lay back I want you to feel what having your pussy eaten is like." I say as I push him back and ease down between his legs. Just before I put my tongue in him I notice his pubic hair is trimmed close and neat and just like mine. How odd. Things really began to change fast once I started eating his pussy. It got a lot more intense and confusing. But it felt so good I just went with the flow. Ken, Part 4

Kristy's fingers were driving me wild as she fingered my pussy. Damn! My pussy what am I thinking. I'm not a girl! But I just couldn't seem to resist and it felt so damn good. Soon she had me totally undressed and had her clothes off too. Wow, she looked like some shemale goddess. Big firm breasts with large erect nipples and a cock as big as the one I had just minutes before. Amazingly, it looked a lot like my old cock.

Kristy was admiring her new cock in the mirror as I walked up behind her and cupped those big tits. Normally, my cock would have been rock hard and I'd be shoving it into he rear end. But she has the cock now. I dropped one hand to grasp her rock hard shaft. Feelings of desire for that long hard cock filled my mind even though at the same time touching someone else's dick revolted a small part of me. Kristy suggested she get a sleeping bag for us and soon we were naked together on it.

We kissed and fondled a little then she told me she wanted to show me what having my pussy eaten felt like. At that point things began to get blurry and things changed for us even more.

I lost all control as Kristy's mouth encircled my clit and her tongue slipped into my pussy. At some point as she drove me toward cumming, I lost all my body hair and I could feel myself becoming physically smaller and thinner. As I approach an orgasm I notice I had large brown erect nipples on my slender hairless chest. I fondled and pinched them, sending more female pleasure to my overloaded male mind. This helped push me over the edge causing waves of female orgasmic pleasure to roll over me. I bucked my hips against Kristy's mouth as she licked and sucked my cunt. Oh .....

As I lay there in the glow of that first female orgasm Kristy eased up to suck on my nipples. In a moment she kissed me on the lips and as she leaned back a bit she seemed bigger. Yes, no doubt about it she was bigger and had packed on some muscle all over. I was so busy wondering over her newly grown muscles and physical size or I'd known what was coming.

Kristy, Part 4

Wow, Ken loves having his pussy eaten. He moans and groans and bucks his hips as I lick his pussy and suck his tiny clit. I can feel myself swelling and growing all over as I drive Ken to an orgasm. My arms seem so big and muscular and even my legs have swollen to man size. But Ken, all his body hair is gone, he seems so small now, slender and soft. As he lies there after his first girlie orgasm I find his nipples have grown. I suck both of the big brown things till they are standing erect. He moans and smiles at me. Damn I feel so big and strong as I look down at him. I'm feeling an overpowering urge to ram my big cock into this slender young woman lying before me. My cock swells to even more hardness as I position the head on Ken's sloppy wet pussy lips. With one push I slide it into him. WOW! That is so so good. His cunt is wet, slick and warm so I keep driving into him inch by wide inch. When I have my dick in to the hilt I start pumping it into him. It seems like with each stroke he becomes more of a woman. With each pump his breasts seem bigger until they are big firm tits like mine. Shit he is becoming me! I see what is happening but it too late to stop myself, it just feels to good. I have to cum in his cunt. I feel my own first male orgasm approaching, with each stroke I feel myself growing, becoming more masculine. And not just any male, I am irresistibly becoming a duplicate Ken. With the thought that I am now the man I was just so recently hot for, my cum gushes from my huge cock into Ken's pussy. It seems like I cum gallons as it runs out of him and down his cute ass.

Ken, Part 5

While I ran my hands over Kristy and marveled at how big and muscular she has become, I feel something big and wide pressing against my slick pussy lips. Damn it, she is trying to slip her big cock into me. My girl friend has a big dick and she is trying to fuck me with it! With a flex over her hips, the head of her cock spreads my pussy lips and she enters me. Oh wow, that feels good. She keeps pushing it into me until I feel like I can't take another inch. Then when she bottoms out, Kristy begins to stroke it to me in a regular rhythm. The feeling of her massive member totally filling me is another new sensation assailing my poor male mind. I love the feeling of completely being stuffed full of a man's big dick. Kristy really begins to pump it to me. I can feel myself continuing to change. Soon large firm tits sway on my chest as she pounds her cock into my cunt. Some strands of my long brown hair drape over my shoulders and down to my tits. I grasp her ass and pull her into me harder. As I hold onto her firm butt, I wonder when did she become so rock hard muscular. A small part of my mind notices she looks an awful lot like my old self. Even in the throes of the intense feminine passion I'm able to deduce that she is becoming me and I am become her. As a powerful female orgasm rocks my addled male mind I realize I am now Kristy and she has been changed into Ken.

In a few moments I feel her cock stiffen even more and the head swells inside me, making me gasp. Then she begins to pump gobs of hot cum into my pussy. This makes me orgasm again. Wow, this is wonderful. As I lie there I can feel her cum running out of me and down my ass to pool on the sleeping bag.

Ken and Kristy

As the two changelings lie together they discuss their predicament.

"Wow, how did this happen Ken?" Kristy says in Ken's voice.

"I was hoping you would know. Because I sure don't know. But I do know we need to get changed back somehow, and soon!" Ken answers in Kristy's feminine voice. "Lets get cleaned up and decide what to do." She says as she disappears behind the counter and comes back with a few towels and wet wash cloths. As Kristy cleans the cum and pussy juice from he flaccid penis, Ken states,

"I've got your cum all over me. I feel like I need a shower."

"Now, what about clothes? I certainly can't wear those since I look like you now." She says pointing at the pile of her clothes on the floor.

"Well, I am not dressing like a girl. But I can't wear my old ones since they'd be way too big." Ken laments.

Kristy just starts putting on his old clothes. First the jockey shorts, then the shorts and the shirt and shoes. She picks up his watch and rings where they fell when his slender wrist and fingers couldn't hold them. She puts them on and his shoes on.

"Ta da! How do I look? Can I pass for you?" Kristy teases him.

"Stop it Kristy. And you know you look just like me. Damn it, I guess its either go naked or where your stuff." He says. Ken can't believe what has happened to him in the last hour but this sort of tops it. He steps into Kristy's green bikini panties and pulls them up. Then he puts on the matching green bra he so recently had removed from her. Kristy hands him her shorts and sweater. He dons these, then slips his small feet into her sandals and walks to the mirror to brush out his long brown hair.

"Don't forget your rings." Kristy says sliding two of her favorite rings onto his fingers.

"Gee thanks." He mutters.

"You are still wearing that man's necklace. Are you going to keep it?" she asks.

"Yes, I think it looks fine." Ken answers.

Just then there is a hard knock at the front door.

"You better go see who it is Ken. At least you look like you own this place." Kristy says.

"Why not you? You think you are the man now, go see who it is." Ken replies.

"Ken, you look like Kristy and you sound like Kristy. If it's someone for me just write down what they want. Pretend you are me." She states forcefully.

Ken realizes he has no choice but hopes he doesn't have to pretend he is Kristy for very much longer. He walks to the front door, his big tits jiggling distracting his confused mind. When he gets to the front door he sees that it's Sandy, but she has seen him so it is too late to hide. Ken opens the door and Sandy walks in smiling at him. He has a sinking feeling...

To be continued.

Next: Chapter 2

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