
By Pris G

Published on Jan 5, 2003

He was bored. Bored. Bored. Boooooooooored out of his mind. His house didn't really feel like his home and sleeping in the same bed, in the same bedroom, for more than three nights straight felt just *weird*. It didn't matter that it had been like that for years, he never got used to it. He had tried writing, painting, reading, watching a movie, swimming but nothing seemed to occupy his mind long enough. And to make it worse, there wasn't anyone he could hang out with. His parents were doing the second honeymoon thing, his sister and brother would be able to visit him only on the next week, Chris and Justin had taken the week to lock themselves in a cabin somewhere no one but Justin's mom knew, Joey was doing the Broadway thing and Lance was negociating the space trip thing. He had made very few plans for his time off, figuring there wouldn't be anything better than chilling at home and doing some producing for other artists here and there. He didn't have any production work scheduled for another two weeks and the VMA's to go to in a few days though and there was a limit to how much chilling time one could endure before it became too much. JC had reached his. And that's how he found himself one afternoon getting ready to go grocery shopping like it was the most exciting event of the year, worthy getting all pretty for. And that's when the phone decided to ring and he had to stop and take a deep breath so he wouldn't dive for it. He did run over to where it was though, just a little, "Hello?" "Hey, C!" "Lance, you are the best, you're the man, I love you, what's up? Talk to me, man, *please*!" JC blurted out and Lance cracked up. "I'm happy to hear from you too, JC." "How have they been treating you over there?" "They're slave-drivers, C! Man, you have no idea!" "Worse than Wade?" JC smirked and Lance laughed. "No, Wade still holds the Master title." Lance smirked before changing the subject, "I was wondering if maybe you were bored enough over there to come and visit me in Texas?" "I'm bored enough to go with you to space, man!" "I have the next two days off, since they'll be fixing some stuff in the training center so maybe you could come tomorrow?" Lance asked hopefully, "I know it's short notice and all but-" "Yes! Yes, I'll go! Was that enthusiastic enough? Well, I'll just repeat it then, yes!" JC was nearly jumping with joy and Lance couldn't help but laugh, "I just need to call the airport. I'll be on the first flight tomorrow morning." "Man, you really must be desperate. Your time off and you're willingly waking up before noon?" Lance teased. "Only for you, sweetness," JC replied with his best sugary voice. "Just get your ass here, you dummy," Lance replied, rolling his eyes even if JC couldn't see him. "You love my ass and you know it! See ya!" JC laughed and they hung up. He didn't think he'd ever feel this happy going to Texas. *** As promised, JC was on the first flight the next morning to Texas. He had called Lance, telling what hotel he had booked himself a room, and asked how they were meeting. Lance had said that JC should just call him when he arrived at the hotel and Lance would go over there and meet him. So there he was, laying on his hotel bed, waiting for Lance to come meet him. They had talked and Lance said that even if there wasn't any training going on, they could go and Lance would show him around the center. He was pretty excited about that for some reason he couldn't pinpoint. After twenty minutes of waiting, JC was nearly dozing off when he got the call saying that Lance was coming up. He went over to the bathroom and washed his face, trying to wake up a little, before he heard the knock on the door. He went over and opened it and holy shit Lance looked good, "Hi!" "Hey, C! Happy to see me?" Lance chuckled as JC hugged him. "Come in." JC stepped aside and Lance went into the room, going over to the bed, "You look good, did you lose weight?" "Told you they were slave-drivers." Lance chuckled as he plopped down on the bed, "Oh, nice bed," he moaned as he wriggled around, getting comfortable, "I miss sleeping on a real bed," he said and he looked about ready to fall asleep. JC thought he looked adorable, really. "And I'm the one who falls asleep at any opportunity, huh?" JC chuckled as he went over and sat down on the bed. "You are." Lance smiled lazily, "Would it be extremely rude if I took a nap on this real bed?" he softly petted the mattress as his eyes closed. "You can make it up to me later." "Mmmmkay." TBC... Short I know but does sleepy Lance look cute and adorable or what? *big grin*

Next: Chapter 11

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