Football House

By Steve-o

Published on Aug 21, 2011


Football House Part 20 Copyright 2011 All Rights Reserved.

Football House Part 20 Standard rules apply, if you are too young, don't read, yadda yadda yadda...

So, here was Josh giving Kevin a good fuck in the tv room. Thankfully most everyone else was away and there wouldn't be a chance of them getting found out. Mike and I just stood in the door way watching Josh literally hammer Kevin and Kevin grunting in approval. Sweat was glistening all over their bodies and it was obvious they were unaware we were in the room watching them.

The site of these two having some pretty hardcore sex was enough for me to become aroused. Two hot guys, nicely built and hot, going at it on the couch. After a few minutes, Josh pulled out and just sat on the couch, his cock fully erect and was completely lubed. Kevin followed suit and came and sat right on his cock. Watching his muscles clench and relax as he was riding Josh was so hot.

I turned to look at Mike and it was obvious he was stunned, but was enjoying it too by the way his boner was showing clear in his shorts. We set the food down on a couch and decided to leave the two lovers alone on the couch.

Mike and I went to the kitchen table and ate the food that Mike had wonderfully made for us. It tasted so good. About 10 minutes later as we were finishing up eating, Kevin and Josh appeared. Both wearing just boxers, and holding the plates of food we brought in. Josh was a little red in the face and I think he realized we had just observed their fuck session and I think he was embarrassed that I had seen him and Kevin go at it.

"Well, that was interesting. Couldn't wait for the food to be done, eh?" said Mike.

"Well, you know, when the timing hits, you just gotta go for what you want" Said Kevin with a huge smile on his face.

A few things I noticed at that moment was that when Josh and Kevin sat at the table, they sat very close to each other and I got the sneaky suspicion that Josh was falling in love with him. Kevin didn't seem to mind and it seemed obvious he really liked having this kid all to himself. I felt a tinge of jealousy go through my being. I really liked both of these guys and enjoyed being with them and wanted both of them for myself. Now, with the idea of these two being exclusive, I was feeling a little anger. I wanted to go up to Kevin and punch him

I had finished my food and decided, so I wouldn't make any rash decisions, to just go up to my room. I was still somewhat tired and thought a nap would be good for me. I just laid down on my bed and fell asleep.

About three hours later I was being shaken. I awoke with a start and saw Kevin sitting on my bed trying to wake me up. I finally became aware that it was already about 6 in the evening and here was Kevin sitting on my bed.

"What time is it?" I asked, even though I had an idea already. "It's fucking 6pm. Get your ass up! We've gotta get ready to head home for Christmas break! Can't have you just sleeping through your night here."

"Where's Josh?" I asked, looking him directly in his eyes.

"He already left. He didn't want to wake you, but he said he hopes you have a good vacation and will see you next semester." Kevin replied.

"Oh really? Damn, it would have been cool to say goodbye to him. Although, I think you gave him enough `goodbye' for the both of us." I said, with a somewhat stern voice.

"Come on dude. He's a good guy and a hell of a fuck. Who wouldn't want to be with this kid? I mean, you obviously chose someone who once the doors were opened is becoming a fiend. He can't get enough. It's obvious he hasn't had much sex because he has a lot stored up in his nuts!" He said with a big smile.

"Yeah, his loads are pretty huge, huh?" I said. "So, are you two going to date or what? You looked really like you were going to be in a relationship with how close you two were sitting. I saw you guys were touching each other under the table and stuff. He was almost like a love sick girl with how he was reacting to you." I peered into his eyes as I said this.

"Well, you obviously don't want a relationship with me. I need something that will be consistent and someone that I can love. I love you JT, and always will, but as you know, I want more. I know this is weird, but I feel like Josh and I are a perfect fit. If he ever wanted to, I would be exclusive with him." Kevin said very matter of fact and didn't seem to budge at how I was feeling.

"You're an ass. You aren't even willing to give me time to think about everything and what I want, you just care about what makes you happy and what gets you off. I understand that now." I said with a very pissed off look on my face.

"Dude, it's not like that. I've given you a couple of times to say yes, but you declined or just said you wanted to wait. I'm almost out of college and I want to really know if a relationship with a guy is what I want for sure when I go out into the real world. There's so much I'm facing right now that you can't even comprehend. Get it through your skull dude, it's not all about you." Kevin replied with a very angry tone in his voice.

"Oh, ok. Now I'm the asshole." I replied. If I was sitting up, I would have probably hit him. "Just because I didn't want to give up possibly having sex with other guys, now that makes me the jerk and you are going to pay me back by hooking up and possibly going steady with Josh, who I introduced you to. Nice move!" I sat up and really wanted to just get out of the bed and walk away.

"Dude, I'm sorry. It wasn't meant to hurt you. I really do love you JT and I would give up everything for you.. why can't you understand that? You are the one I really.."

I cut him off and pulled him into a deep kiss. My hands were roaming all over his body and his were mine. I couldn't stand the thought of Kevin not being with me. I couldn't stand the thought of not having sex with Kevin. I wanted his fine ass body to be with me, in me, on me, and deliver the goods after a good night of sex.

I broke the kiss and said, "Alright, you made your point. I understand where you are coming from. What do you think about you, me and Josh being exclusive to each other?"

"A three way relationship? Hmm... that sounds like it could be interesting." He replied. " I mean, I know that the kid really likes you, and you were the one who took his cherry. I know that will stay with him forever. JT, I also know I would love to spend the rest of my life with you. If he comes into the package also, eh, I can't say I would be too offended. He's pleasing on the eys, and is a really good guy. To most, it would seem that we are just really good friends, but deep down inside, we all know it's more than that to us. I think that could work."

At that moment, Mike walked into the room. It was obvious he was working out downstairs and had come in and saw we were talking. He apologized for interrupting our conversation, but he had to grab some clothes and take a shower. He completely stripped right in front of us. We both gasped and he responded with a `what? It's not like you haven't seen it before' reply. Kevin stood up and went over to Mike and said we had, but it was just a little different in this aspect.

I looked over Mike's body and damn was it nice. His cock was perfect when it was soft and I loved the way his ass muscles clenched. His ass was so tight. It was no wonder girls were lining up to have a chance to get fucked by him. He was a hot guy and he knew it. He knew how to work it with the ladies, and it was good to know he didn't mind it with the guys every now and again either.

What Kevin did next surprised me. He just knelt down in front of Mike and grabbed his cock and took it in his mouth. Mike said, "What the fuck?" but didn't seem too upset and just allowed his body to take over. Mike got hard quickly and his cock was starting to piston into Kevin's mouth.

I watched Mike's ass as he was pumping into Kevin's mouth and watching this scene in front of me was enough to make me hard and ready. I always liked Mike and our sex was always mind blowing. He knew how to fuck and be fucked and I always seemed to have a powerful orgasm whenever I was with him.

Mike put his hands on Kevin's head and started to go faster into Kevin's mouth. It seemed as though he was just working to get off and didn't really seem to care that I was watching him. I got up from the bed and just took off my shorts. I walked up behind Mike and put my hands on his meaty ass, feeling it as he pumped into Kevin's face. I put my mouth on his neck and started to kiss and suck on it. This seemed to turn him on and within a minute, he shot his load into Kevin's mouth.

Kevin and I were both now fully erect and we wanted to turn our attention onto Mike. I came up behind Mike and let my cock push slightly in between the meaty globes of his ass. Kevin was standing in front of Mike and was kissing him. This was turning hot, very quickly. Mike then just went over and kneeled down on his bed. His ass went up and he went into position for doggy style. Who was I to say no?

I got some lube and went behind him and positioned myself for entrance. I slowly allowed my cock to enter his ring and pushed ever slightly into his ass. It wasn't long before I was balls deep in him and started to pump into him at a medium pace.

I looked up and saw in front of me, Kevin had offered Mike his cock and Mike happily agreed to take it, giving Kevin good head. Kevin's hands were on the back of Mike's head and he was pistoning into Mike's mouth, just as Mike had done to him earlier.

This scene was so hot. The smells that were coming off these guys was intoxicating and it was obvious we were both enjoying the ride. I reached under Mike and noticed his cock was hard as a rock and knew he was definitely enjoying this.

My fucking had become more urgent and I wanted to cum inside of Mike. I hadn't ever let my load loose in him without a condom, and I didn't want to start now. I could feel the signs in my body telling me that my orgasm was very close and with that I just stopped and pulled out. I told Kevin he had to take his turn. We switched positions and Kevin put Mike on his back and pulled Mike's legs over his shoulders. I then laid down on Mike in a 69 position. Mike greedily slurped my cock down his mouth and I happily took his in mine. As I was sucking him, sometimes the top of my head would be met by the 6 pack of Kevin as he was pumping into Mike's ass.

This went on for a while and I knew that we were all getting close to releasing. I told Mike I was going to cum and seconds later release my seed into his mouth. To say mind blowing would be an understatement. I literally was shaking throughout my whole body and couldn't hold on anymore as collapsed on top of him. Kevin was still pounding his ass and I was still attempting to pleasure Mike with my mouth.

Within a minute, I felt Mike release into my mouth. After having sex with that girl last night, the load was still pretty decent and it took a couple of swallows to get it all down. I got up off of Mike and laid down next to him and watched Kevin as he continued to plow Mike's ass. A few minutes later, Kevin pulled out of Mike's ass and spewed his load across both Mike's and my body. One shot hit me square on the tip of my nose.

We all three laid on the bed panting and full of sweat. None of us spoke, but continued to run our hands over each other's bodies. It was probably one of the hottest experiences I had with guys, and I could tell the other guys felt the same.

We all got up and went to the shower and decided it would be fun to shower together. We talked about break and what was still to come for the next semester. Kevin and Mike would be graduating in May and probably would find a job a ways away from college. I still had a few years left of college and was ready for more football.

After showering and getting dressed, we went down to the kitchen and made some food. We sat at the table and ate, making small talk and enjoying each other's company.

"So, JT, what do you think about being the person in charge of room assignments and having a little power' in this house?" Mike asked me. I knew that he was in charge this year, but thought it was a position that was voted on. "Nope, it's a position that is passed on each year from the one person, to the next. The person leaving helps the person who is doing the assignments with suggestions. He gives them ideas as to who would be best suited to have a room to themselves and who would room well together. I would be happy to give you this power' and assist you in making the decisions. This also means, next year, you can decide to have your own room if you would so choose."

I accepted the position from Mike. I knew that it would give me a chance to get to know the guys on the team better. Being a large team, we don't always get to hang out together, and even in the house, we know each other, but don't know everything about each other. Most of the guys in the house are the more built, muscular, etc, and not so many of the linemen who tend to have a little more around the stomach area. This made the house a very attractive place to live.

This position would allow me to also choose if there were rooms open, who would be able to move into the house. Most guys on the team wanted to be in the house because the rent was cheaper, you could be out of the dorms, and with the parties and such that were always held at the house, it meant more opportunities for sex. Who wouldn't want to live in the house?

I told Mike, I would want to take Kevin's room when he moved out. I thought it was the biggest in the house. I knew also it would give me privacy that I wanted. So when I wanted to have a girl or a guy over, I wouldn't have to worry about a roommate disturbing the time. I would enjoy this time more than anything in the world.

I was told I would be given the names of the guys that wanted to move in later in the semester, and Mike and I would be able to really work together in choosing who would be able to live there. Mike gave me a wink and said, this also meant there was something more to that.

I was looking forward already to Spring semester and spring practice coming up. The men definitely wanted into the house, and I might be able to gain some status by being the person they had to talk to in order to get in. This might give me opportunities to see where guys stand sexually as well as a player. Bring on the Spring semester.

Next: Chapter 21

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