Football House

By Steve-o

Published on Sep 13, 2009


The Football House -- Part 3. Copyright 2009 Wrestlinboy

The Football House -- Part 3 -- Summer continued.

So, the summer went fairly well. I decided to get a part time job as it would give me a little more spending money. Yes, I had some money from the scholarship, but I knew I'd probably want more money for clothes, etc during the school year. Tim told me of a place that hired football players during the summer, with the knowledge that once practice started the player would probably quit to focus on studies and football.

I also met a few ladies through work and from being around. Yeah, I played around with a few of them and kind of got serious with one of them, Kayla. She was a pretty cool girl. I think she really liked the idea of dating one of the football players from the team. She stayed over quite a few nights during the summer. From this, my thoughts of guys pretty much went away for a while.

Tim seemed a little distant from me also. I think in some ways, he was a little jealous that I was spending more time with Kayla than I was with him.

Right before the 4th of July weekend, she decided she was going to go home because her summer interim class was finished. She probably wouldn't return till right before the school year started. She invited me up to her house back home later, which I did go and meet her parents. They lived on a lake and it was a really nice place.

Well, after she went home, Tim started coming around a little more. He asked me how things were going with Kayla. I told him I really liked her and she was really a good girl. He asked how far things were going with her. I told her, it's possible we could start dating and such, but nothing was set in stone.

On the 4th of July, Tim said his family always had fireworks on their land and a huge party. He asked me if I wanted to come back to his place with him to just kick back and have some fun. I called my parents and they said nothing was really happening at home, so I decided to go with Tim to his folks' place.

It was a really nice home and was on a huge lake. The party was a lot of fun. There was a lot of food, beer, and people. The fireworks over the lake were cool and honestly were better than a lot of the fireworks shows back home.

As the party started winding down, most of Tim's hometown friends were heading home. It just ended up being me, Tim, his parents, and another friend who was too drunk to drive home. We went into the house and I was amazed how large their home really was. Tim's parents had some friends that were staying over, so they took the spare bedroom. That left Tim's room, or the couch. Tim's friend Alan decided to pass out on the couch, which left me only one option, Tim's bedroom.

Tim told his parents it was totally cool, I would just crash out on his floor. They had an air mattress and he would just fill it up and I would sleep on that. Inside, I knew that I would probably end up in Tim's bed. I was feeling a little drunk and wasn't really upset about the possibility.

His parents went to bed and Tim and I just hung out and drank a couple more beers, playing pool down in his basement. Alan was passed out so we didn't bother him. Tim asked how good I was at playing pool. I told him I could hold my own. He said, "Really? How'd you like to put a little wager on the game then?"

"What are you thinking? I got about $10 in my wallet." I said.

"Ahh, I wasn't thinking of money." He replied with a huge smile on his face.

"Dude, I don't know if I'm ready to do anything to you man." I said.

"Eh, we'll see what happens. The loser has to do whatever the winner wants." He said.

"I don't know dude."

"Come on man, I'm really horny and Alan is already passed out, so there's no action there with him. Just give it a chance." He said.

"Alright, but be ready to do whatever I want you to do tonight." I said.

He just started laughing and said, "You're on!"

We got into a good game of 8 ball. I ended up getting stripes and he was solids. He sunk his first three balls, and I still hadn't sunk a single ball. I was starting to get a little worried. He just looked at me and licked his lips, which didn't make me feel any better, that's for sure.

The game continued and I actually got on a hot streak and sunk five balls in a row, so I was leading five balls to his four. I said, "Are you ready to give me a good blowjob?"

"Anything you want dude, and I mean anything!" He replied

He then proceeded to pull out his cock and put it on the corner pocket that I was aiming for with my sixth ball. "Not fair dude, not fair. Put that shit away." I said

He just started laughing and of course I missed the next shot. He started lining up his next shot and I thought turnabout is fair play. This definitely worked because he even missed hitting the ball. I sunk the next ball and was just one ball away from getting to the eight ball. I was lining up the next shot and he pulled down his pants and put his ass up on the pocket. I decided to just shoot the ball with his ass there. The funny part is, it actually gave me a better aim, and I sunk the last striped ball. I only had the 8 ball left to sink.

"Damn, looks like I'm gonna lose." He said with a big smile on his face. I at that point realized I was being set up. He wanted me to win all along.

Damn it, I thought. Oh well. The 8 ball shot I had was so easy; I'd be really bad if I missed the shot. I did indeed shoot and sink the 8 ball. He gave me a huge smile and said, "I can't wait to see what you have planned for me."

We grabbed our drinks and proceeded to head upstairs to his bedroom. The nice thing about his bedroom was that it was on the opposite end of everyone else's room. If you went up the steps to the right, there was his parent's room, the extra room. To the left, there was a walk way that went over the living room which was pretty big, and then a hall way that went a little ways with a doorway at the end of it. Tim had his own bathroom. His room was basically above the laundry and utility room. He told me we needed to keep somewhat quiet, but we really shouldn't be heard by anyone.

We went into his room. Just as I thought, a king sized bed was waiting for us. I asked him where the air mattress was so we could fill it up. He gave me a questioning look and said, "Dude, are you serious?"

"Absolutely, I'm not sleeping in bed with you man." I replied. I had to tease him a little because I knew that he was really looking forward to taking things a little further with me. I was horny and thought a good blowjob from Tim would help a little.

"Dude, the air mattress has a hole in it, so there's no way it's going to work man." He replied.

"Well, then you are sleeping on the floor man. I'm going to enjoy having a large bed all to myself" I said with a huge smile.

He looked at me to try to figure out if I was just joking with him. I can be a tough person to read. "Dude, you want me to sleep on the floor? Is that what you want from winning the game?"

"Absolutely! You are my bitch for the night, you have to do whatever I said, right? That was the terms of the agreement, right?"

"Geez dude. If I would have known it was gonna be like this, I would have just whipped your ass." He said.

"Uh huh, right." I replied, "So you admit you threw the game."

"Yeah, I did, because I just wanted to give you a good night of pleasure." He said.

By this time, I could already see a bulge pushing out of his shorts. I knew he was really wanting to have fun and here I was teasing him to make him think I wasn't interested in having sex with him.

"Well, you aren't Kayla, that's for sure." I said.

He got a huge frown on his face and seemed to be very disappointed. "Dude, I'm just giving you shit man! Take all my clothes off." I told him

"Now that's what I'm talking about." He said with a huge smile returning to his face.

He proceeded to walk over to me. He grabbed my shirt around my waist and started to pull it over my head. After lifting the shirt, he started to kiss my chest, nipples, abs and stomach. He came up like he wanted to kiss me on the lips. "No, not ready for that just yet." I told him

He turned away and his hands grabbed for the belt on my shorts and opened them and the button to the top of my shorts. He went up and kissed my chest again and started to kiss back down my stomach. He pulled the shorts down, leaving me with just my underwear again. With all his kisses, I have to admit, I was starting to get hard.

He saw it when it was just my underwear. He looked up at me and smiled. "Someone is getting a little excited." He said.

"A little?? Who are you calling little?" I asked.

He just started laughing and started to lick and suck my cock through the underwear.

"Did I tell you that you could do that? I just told you to undress me."

He looked up at me with a confused look on his face. He then took off my underwear and said, "Ok, I undressed you."

I then went over to his bed. My erection was now at about ½ mast and I was starting to feel the tingling sensation knowing that I was going to get a little action tonight.

Tim followed me over and said, "Now what do you want to do?"

"Tim, as long as I don't have to suck you, touch you, or have you fuck me, I'm open game. Have at it." I replied.

He took this as an open invitation and proceeded to just dive down on my cock. As soon as his mouth encircled the head, I went fully hard. He just proceeded to take it deep in his mouth and give me pleasure. He reached his hands up and started to play with my nipples. I never realized how much having my nipples played with was a turn on until that night.

Tim just proceeded to give a really quick blowjob. His head was going up and down at a pretty quick pace and his hands were playing with my balls. I knew it wouldn't take long at this pace for me to shoot. I told him he better slow down or he was going to get a mouthful. This didn't seem to deter him, if anything he seemed to go faster.

Within about three to four minutes, I was flooding his mouth with cum. He swallowed every drop and then licked all around my cock and balls to make sure he got every drop. I was in ecstasy and I eventually had to pull his head away from my cock as it was becoming very sensitive. He just looked up at me and said, "I hope that isn't it for the night."

"Dude, what else do you want to do?" I asked.

"Would you fuck me?" he asked back.

"I don't know dude. I don't know if I could do that man." I replied.

"Please? I haven't been fucked in a while and could really use a good hard fuck."

"Dude, " I said hesitantly, " I don't know man. I don't know if I could really put that in. Doesn't it hurt?"

"At first it can hurt like a bitch, but after a while, it actually starts to feel pretty good." He replied.

I told him I needed a little time to think about it and to `recover' from the blowjob he just gave me. He came up and laid down beside me on the bed. We talked about the fun we had today. I told him his parents are really cool and I felt very welcome here.

As the conversation went from his parents, to football, college life, and the other guys in the house, I noticed he moved his hand over to my cock and was starting to play with it. He was trying to encourage me to get hard again. It didn't take long for it to go hard when he started to stroke it and play with my balls.

"So, how about it man?" He asked again.

"I don't know man. It's just a little too much for me right now." I replied.

"Just know it won't hurt me, and trust me it feels better than any pussy you have ever fucked."

After that comment, my curiosity was peaked. "Alright man, I'll give it a shot." I replied.

He told me to just stay lying down and went in the drawer and grabbed a bottle of gel. I wondered if he had this all planned all along. He applied a good amount of gel to my cock and then to his ass. He stood over me and squatted down, lining up my cock to his hole. It took a little bit to get the head in, but once it did I was amazed at how tight his hole really was. He stayed where he was for a little while, and then proceeded to take more and more of my cock into him.

God did this feel good! I was truly amazed at the sensations I was feeling on my cock. Tim seemed to be in heaven as he had a big smile on his face. His muscles were all tight and I noticed his cock was solid. I decided to grab it and jerk him off as he was bouncing up and down on my cock.

He told me he wanted to try a different position. He stood up and leaned over the edge of the bed. He guided me around and grabbed my cock and put it at the entrance to his hole. I didn't need to be told what else to do and just slowly shoved inch by inch into him.

He let out a grunt when I bottomed out. Man, this felt amazing. I started to pull back and push in at a slow pace. I didn't want to go too fast cause I knew if I did, I wouldn't last long. The sensations were going to my head and I really enjoyed this. I had never had anal sex with a girl and now wish I would have tried beforehand.

My pace started to quicken and Tim was starting to let out little grunts and groans, begging me to fuck him good and hard. I didn't need any more encouragement and grabbed the sides of his body and started to plow him pretty hard. He was taking it like a trooper and I was really enjoying giving it to him. The thoughts about being gay or that I was having sex with a guy never entered my mind, it was just pure pleasure at this point and I was gonna finish the job I started here. Besides, he was the one who was begging me to fuck him, I was just doing him the favor.

As I was fucking Tim hard, I decided that it was fair to reach around and start jacking his cock too. He was hard and leaking pre-cum pretty good. He told me he wasn't very far away from shooting his load. I kept fucking at a pretty good pace and all of a sudden felt him tense up. He turned us so he wouldn't shoot on his bed and proceeded to shoot all over the floor, even hitting the wall about ten feet away from us. God this guy could shoot a load. I grabbed a little bit of his juice from his cock and brought it to my mouth and tasted it again.

Knowing Tim had come, tasting his juices, and feeling his ass grip my cock, I knew it wouldn't be long. I told Tim I was gonna come soon and started to pull out. "No man, don't pull out, I want to feel you shoot inside me." He said.

"Oh shit, " I said and not about twenty seconds later was dumping my second load of the night in his ass.

I at that time realized I didn't have a condom on and my juice was flowing inside him. Now, I don't condone having sex without protection, but this all happened fairly quickly for me. In my mind, I thought protection was only needed when you fucked a chick to help from getting a disease or getting her pregnant. Didn't really think that one through. (I really had only had sex with 5 girls up to this point, Kayla included and had used protection with every one of them).

Tim just collapsed on the bed with me on top of him. We didn't speak or move for what seemed to be five minutes. I felt his breathing and the sweat all over his body.

"Damn dude, that was honestly one of the best fucks I've ever received." He said. "We will definitely have to have a repeat performance of this again."

I pulled out of him and stood up. I watched as some of my juices were leaking from him. He quickly grabbed a towel and went into the bathroom. A few minutes later, I heard the shower running in the bathroom. I decided to just pull the covers back from the bed and got in on the left side of the bed this time. He came back in the room, and used the towel to clean up the cum he had sprayed all over the floor and wall.

He looked at me and saw I was on the left side of the bed. He smiled and then got in on the right side. I put my arm around his waist and snuggled up against his back. My cock was nestled in the crack of his butt and was again half hard. He laughed when he felt it and said, "I think it's time we get some sleep."

He told me he would wake up early in the morning and sleep on the floor. He didn't want his parents to see us snuggled up next to each other as they would totally freak out. It was then, I realized he still had the façade going with his parents too. They thought he was a straight boy too. Boy if they only knew how much action he was getting with the guys instead of the ladies.

When I woke up the following morning, he was indeed on the floor and I had the bed all to myself. I didn't even feel him move away from me during the night. I looked down at him and he was laying on his back The thing I noticed most was that he had morning wood. I thought it would be hilarious if his mom had walked in and saw him with a raging hard on.

About five minutes later, Tim's friend Alan came walking in the door. He proceeded to pounce on the bed and laughed that I kicked Tim out of his own bed. Tim must have heard him come in, cause he turned to his side, probably to hide his hard on.

I got up and went and took a shower. After I finished Alan went and took his, followed by Tim. We went downstairs to find a huge breakfast laid out before us. His mom was so cool and wanted to make sure our stomachs were full.

She insisted that Tim and I stay there for the weekend. Who was I to say no, I had brought extra clothes, just in case. Tim still had some clothes in the house too that I could borrow he said.

Alan took off later in the afternoon and Tim and I hopped into his boat and cruised around the lake.

"How did you like fucking me?" He asked.

"It was pretty good." I replied, "I didn't know it would feel so tight and good."

"Good, I'm glad you enjoyed it. We'll definitely have to repeat it again tonight." He said.

By the time we left his parent's house, I had fucked him four times. He never asked if he could fuck me and I'm glad because I didn't know if I was ready for that just yet. I also put his cock in my mouth for the first time. I didn't suck him completely, but mostly just the first few inches. I also allowed him to cum in my mouth. Boy, when he let loose, it was like a water hose had been turned on. I knew he came a lot, but damn, I couldn't hold it all in my mouth. I swallowed some, but started to gag, so spit the rest of it out.

He seemed pretty content that he was breaking me in to the gay sex world. He told me it was a good thing, cause he wasn't the only one in the house that enjoyed it. I asked him who else was had sex with other guys.

"You'll just have to find that out yourself, man. But I hope, even though you are fucking Kayla, that we'll be able to do this from time to time. I'm happy I got your `gay' virginity."

We left and went back to the house. A few of the guys were there and it was nice to have more company in the house than just Tim. Two of the guys didn't live in the house, but decided to stay there for a couple days as they had just returned to campus to visit friends. One of the guys that returned was Mike, my roommate. I walked into my room and saw that Mike definitely was there. He had moved his posters into the room along with all of his other things. What I didn't see at first when I came into the room was Mike sleeping completely naked on his bed.

I didn't know if I would get used to the guys in the house basically being naked off and on. He seemed to be comfortable, so who was I to complain? I just went over to my closet and put my dirty clothes in the hamper. I must have made a little noise cause I heard Mike move around.

"What's up there young gun? He asked.

"Not much, just got back from Tim's parents place for the 4th weekend. Was a pretty good time. How about you?"

"Eh, just decided to come back for a few days to see how you were settling in. I thought I'd hang out a little with you and show you some of the ropes, get you ready for practice coming up and just get to know ya." He said.

"Yeah, that's cool man. I'd really like that!" I replied.

With that he started to stand up. As he did, I saw him grab his cock and give it a couple tugs. Of course I had to watch. smile

"Let me take a shower. Let's go out and get something to eat." He said.

"Sure man, take your time." I replied.

He took me around campus and the city. Showing me some of the cool places to hang out and how to navigate through the city, which wasn't always easy. We went out to eat and he bought, which I thought was pretty cool. Mike seemed like a guy who really cared about me as a student as well as a football player. He helped me map out my schedule for the fall semester and told me where class was. As we were walking around campus, there were times his hands would touch my shoulder or he would put his arm around my back. That seemed a little odd for me, especially coming from such a stud running back on campus. I just brushed it off.

We returned to the house and decided to just chill and watch a movie. It was pretty cool and it was nice just spending time with Mike. I wondered if he had any anterior motives for being so nice to me, but brushed them off as he just seemed to genuinely be a nice guy.

We went to sleep that night. His bed was closer to the window and I saw that he had gotten an A/C unit placed in the window. NICE, I thought, now I don't have to sweat while sleeping.

I fell asleep soon after we decided to call it a night. Sometime during the night I had this sensation or dream that something wet was on my cock. I opened my eyes really quick... "What the fuck?"

Next: Chapter 4

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