Football House

By Steve-o

Published on Dec 28, 2009


Football House Part 9 Copyright 2009 All Rights Reserved.

Football House Part 9 -- Kevin's Friendship Standard rules apply, if you are too young, don't read, yadda yadda yadda...

I rode with Tim and Mike home and they kept laughing saying I looked like a deer in headlights with what happened between me and Kevin. I told them I didn't know what to think. I asked them if they knew something I didn't know and they just looked at each other and said they couldn't say a thing one way or another. As far as they knew, Kevin was a straight guy. Of course, I didn't know what to make out of all of this.

We got back to the house and I just made my way up to my room and laid down on the bed. A few minutes later, Mike walked in and asked what was going on.

"Nothing," I told him.

"Yeah, right. You have the hots for Kevin!" He replied.

"Well, his actions are definitely confusing. I always thought of him as a straight guy, hell even walked by his room as he was banging some chick and it was obvious she loved it. I just don't know what to make of what he said in the showers." I said.

"Well, don't think too much into it. Guys screw around all the time, acting gay, playfully. " Mike said.

"Do you think he's interested? Have you and Tim ever done anything with him?" I asked Mike and looked directly into his eyes to see if he was telling the truth or lying.

"I can honestly say, nothing has happened between Kevin and me. I'm not saying I wouldn't mind, but it hasn't happened. Tim is pretty tight lipped on who he has and hasn't fucked, so I don't know if Tim has. I know that Tim said he wouldn't mind having a night with Kevin, so I am thinking it hasn't happened with him either." Mike said.

"Then why all the looks between you two? Why so vague in your answers?" I asked.

"Well, honestly, we didn't know how to respond. We wanted to keep your hopes up and hope that maybe, just maybe, Kevin would be interested in having sex with you. It would open the doors for Tim and I maybe. He is definitely one guy I know I would love to be in bed with at least once." Mike replied.

I looked at Mike as he said this. I still had the funny suspicion that something happened between him and Kevin, but he just wasn't saying anything to confirm it. I think honestly he didn't want to  out' Kevin in front of anyone.

"Have you ever told anyone about me?" I asked.

"Nope, only Tim and I know about our fun and we like to keep it that way." Mike responded with a big smile. I noticed he was grabbing his crotch and that he was definitely enjoying the conversation by the look of the bulge in his pants.

"Well, I'm glad to know that. I'd really hate for the team to get wind of the stuff we've done." I said.

"Yeah, I know. I feel the same way. We have to keep the facade that we are completely straight to the team. Although, I think there's more guys who are at least curious on the team than we know about." Mike replied.

I knew that there were a few guys that Tim had sex with because I saw them on the dvd's or in person that one night. I didn't know who else Mike had sex with on the team, but I know he probably had a list of them. In my mind I started to make a list of the guys on the team who I had seen around or in the showers that I would love to try things with. However, in making this list, Kevin kept coming in at the top.

I must have been zoned out cause the next thing I knew, I looked over at Mike and he had his raging hard on out on plain site and I heard, "...over here and help me with this, would ya?"

I went over and locked the door since it was still early in the day and didn't want anyone else from the team just walking in on us. I then went over to Mike's bed. He was already getting out of all of his clothes and I started to take mine off too. I still couldn't believe the size of this guy and really enjoyed all the times he and I had fucked already. I knew I wanted to fuck that ass again today.

I slowly got on my knees and started to take his cock in my mouth. As I continued the motion of sucking him off, I brought my finger up to his ass and grabbed some of the saliva that was dripping down and pushed my finger into his ass. Honestly, it was maybe about one to two minutes and Mike came, shooting his load into my mouth. He grabbed the back of my head and pushed me deeper on his prong. I just swallowed the best I could and waited for him to be done.

I came up off of his cock and he had a big smile on his face. "Thanks, I haven't cum in over two weeks. That's been waiting for you this whole time."

I still had my finger in his ass and noticed Mike wasn't making a move to get up anytime soon. I grabbed his legs and pushed them towards his chest and then lined up my cock to his ass. I didn't have to push hard and I went in all the way. Mike grunted a little but still had a big smile on his face. "Better make this good because when you are done, I'm going to dominate that ass of yours!"

I rode Mike for a good ten minutes, changing positions every few. I had him on his stomach and was drilling his ass pretty damn hard when all of a sudden there was a knock on the door. Now this wasn't just a knock, it was more of a pounding of a fist on the door. Whoever it was, tried the door a couple of times and yelled, "I know you fuckers are in there, open up the damn door."

I quickly pulled out of Mike and he turned around and we looked at each other and asked who we thought it was.

POUND POUND POUND... "Come on you dumbasses, I know you are in there... open up the fuckin' door"

It was Kevin!

We both quickly put on our underwear and grabbed shorts. I told Mike to lay in bed and pretend he was asleep. I then got up and answered the door like I had been sleeping the whole time.

There he was, Kevin, shirtless and in a pair of compression shorts, his junk available for everyone to see.

"Whaaat--what time is it?" I asked like I had just woken up.

"It's friggin 5:30. What the hell are you guys doing sleeping? Get your asses up!" Kevin replied.

Thankfully my boner had gone down, but as Kevin came into the room to wake up Mike, I couldn't help but stare at his bulge. He went over to Mike's bed and kept roughing him up. He turned Mike over onto his back and to my surprise I heard, "What the Fuck?" I looked quickly over and saw that Mike's boner hadn't quite gone away. So here was Kevin on Mike's bed and Mike on his back with a boner. It was truly a sight to see.

"Man, it smells like sex in here." Kevin said.

Kevin quickly got off of Mike's bed and went over to mine and just laid down, throwing the football I kept by my bed up and letting it fall down to his body. So here was a guy I'd really like to fuck, in my bed, wearing nothing but a pair of compression shorts, bulge hanging out and muscles flexing all over the place. I could feel my boner quickly starting to rise.

I sat down on my bed next to Kevin and the next thing I knew; he starts to put me into some wrestling move. We started horsing around and before I knew it, hands were touching all over the place, and a couple of times, my hand had either glanced by or grasped onto Kevin's cock. Of course this wasn't intentional at all. wink

With all this goofing around, I noticed Kevin was starting to sweat a little and I also noticed something else that I wasn't expecting. Kevin's cock was larger than it had been about ten minutes prior.

"We better stop buddy, " Said Kevin, "I wouldn't want to hurt our newest starting Linebacker."

"You hurt me? Yeah right buddy, like that will... Wait... what did you say?" I sat confused.

"Yeah, that's right, as of right now, you are on the starting team." Kevin looked at me and then just started manhandling me all over the bed again. Mike got up when he heard the news and came over to the bed and the next thing I knew, I was at the bottom of a man pile. Tim and other guys had all joined in. I was waiting for my bed to break under all that weight! I wasn't too upset though because right on top of me was Kevin and I could see a big smile in his face as he kept cheering and the guys kept piling on.

The guys got off of me and the next thing I knew, I was being herded downstairs to the kitchen. There was alcohol a plenty and needless to say, I had to do five shots in celebration. We all got pretty tipsy that night. Thankfully, we didn't have practice or classes the next day as it was a three day weekend. I just really enjoyed being around the guys and it was an impromptu party. It was just us guys and we were all having fun. The temperatures had gone up and it was in the 60's (F) and most of us were in shorts and shirtless.

We were shooting beer pong, bags, and some game where you take two golf balls connected to s string and try to get them onto a contraption that had three bars going across. Fun game, but don't know the name of it.

I noticed through the night, even in my drunken stupor, that Kevin was by my side pretty much the whole night. I was thankful that this guy was my friend. I went to piss, he was right there. I went to puke, he was right there. I know one time, I had to piss but was really starting to feel the effects of the alcohol and was stumbling to get my cock out of my pants. Next thing I knew, Kevin's hand was in my pants, pulling out my cock and holding it while I pissed. I swear, I could have came right then and there. I looked up at Kevin and he just had a big smile on his face. I never in a million years would have thought his hand would ever be on my cock.

I must have gotten pretty bad because the next memory I had was my arm around Kevin's shoulder and having a hard time walking up the steps. He walked me up to my room and put a pail by my bed. I had asked him to stay with me because everything was spinning and I was scared I'd fall out of the bed. He said he wouldn't mind and the next thing I remembered was him lying down on the bed by the wall with my back to him, facing outward in case I had to puke.

"Kevin, why are you so nice to me man? You're a senior and I'm a freshman." I asked .

"I like you man, you are a decent guy and like I said before, most of the other guys are just plain assholes. You are a decent guy to hang around with and I've really enjoyed it! Plus, your ass is out of this world." Kevin said, laughing.

I turned around and looked at him with a quizzical face.

"I'm just giving you shit. Now just go to sleep man. I'm beat." He said.

I did fall asleep pretty quickly. I woke up once in the night and released some of the toxins into the pain beside my bed. As I was puking I felt Kevin's hand on my back, telling me it was gonna be ok. I passed back out.

The next morning came way too early, even though it was 11:00 when I woke up. Mike wasn't in his bed and I felt a hand on my chest and a warm body behind me. At first I didn't remember that Kevin had laid down in bed with me and thought it was Mike behind me.

As I started to move around, my butt pushed back a little and it made contact with something quite large. I of couse thinking it was Mike pushed back into it and ground my butt into it a little more. The hand on my chest pushed on it and pushed me back so my back was pushing onto the chest that was behind me. I reached my hand back between my butt and the bulge and grabbed onto the hard cock that was pushing into my butt through the shorts that were covering it.

"mmmmm..." was the response I got... so I moved a little and reached the waistband of the shorts and shoved my hand inside and grabbed onto the cock and started to jerk it a little. The hips started to move and the cock head was leaking some juices. So I took my hand out and was turning around expecting to see Mike, and here was Kevin.

I started to freak out a little. Here I had just had my hand on a cock that I had wanted for quite some time. Kevin was still asleep and had a full blown boner. What was I to think? I was scared because if he was truly straight and I went after his cock, I could lose his friendship. He would probably tell everyone on the team about what happened, and I would be the outcast of the team, probably even have to move out of the house.

I looked back at his face and didn't realize he had opened his eyes. He was staring right at me with a big smile on his face. The next thing I knew, he grabbed my hand and put it back on his shorts clad cock.

"It's all yours man. I will tell you, I have only done things with a guy a couple of times. I'm not in a relationship right now and K Junior hasn't seen any action in quite a while. I don't want to ruin a friendship, but I had a feeling that you would be ok with this. I've seen the way you've looked at me in the showers and stuff, and I was just waiting for the right moment to show you I was interested. I don't know if I could ever have a cock in my ass, but doesn't mean we can't just fool around."

As you can imagine, my jaw was on the ground and I couldn't believe what I just heard, or what my hand was feeling.

"Are you sure man? I'd really hate for this to ruin such a good friendship." I said.

"Yeah man. I told Mike he could sleep in my bed so he didn't have to worry about taking care of you. I think Mike already knows that we are going to have sex, because he told me to go easy on you."

"You and Mike... uh..."

"Yeah, we did once, and I know all about you and him man, and that's cool. I know that there are guys on the team that play the field on both sides, and I'm cool with that. It helps when I need a release to find a guy who will take care of me and not have to worry about it getting around. 

"So, is that all this is? Just a chance to get your rocks off?" I asked, a little pissed that it seemed like he was just going to use me.

"No, like I said, there has been a friendship between you and me, and I honestly don't think of you as a means of just getting off. I think of you as a friend who I can definitely have some awesome times with and maybe, just maybe, be able to enjoy each other's company in more ways than one." He replied.

He started to push his cock into my hand and had reached out and touched my cock. "Here, let me show you it isn't about me." He said as he reached into my shorts and took out my hard cock. He started to stroke it and then pushed me onto my back. He pulled my shorts down and continued to play with my balls and my cock. A few minutes of him giving me a hand job was definitely getting me all riled up. Next thing I knew he was leaning down and licked the head of my cock.

I couldn't believe the star quarterback of our team was licking my cock. Talk about turn on levels going through the roof! He then took my cock into his mouth and his hand was playing with my balls. He took a couple of inches into his mouth and then back out. He wasn't that great at it and I could tell he definitely hadn't done this that much. He was trying his best.

I put my hands on the back of his head and pushed a little. He got the hint and took about half of my cock into his mouth. One thing he did though, was apply a good amount of suction on my cock as he was going up and down on it.

I don't think I lasted that long because the next thing I knew I was going to cum. I told him that it was gonna happen, and he just continued to suck away. I even tried to pull his head off my cock but he wouldn't pull up, and just kept going. As you can imagine, I was deeply surprised that this hunk of a man was sucking my cock and now was going to take my load. I came hard and I am sure it was a decent amount of juice. I could hear Kevin gag a little, but he wanted to show me he could handle it and proceeded to keep my cock in his mouth as he swallowed what I had offered.

I had to literally push him off my cock because it became sensitive. He continued to lick around it making sure he had cleaned up every ounce.

"How was that in showing you it's not about me?" He asked.

"WOW!" Was all I could reply.

After a couple minutes of coming down from the high, I reached down and grabbed onto his shorts clad cock again. I started to rub him through it, but was surprised when he just pushed my hand away.

"You don't have to return the favor." He said, "I am just happy I could help you out today."

I looked him in the face and said I wanted to help him out too.

"How about you and I go out for dinner and hang out for a while after. If you still feel the same way, then maybe tonight we can show each other some intense times." He said. "By the way, I hope that was good payment for our bet."

"Oh no, that was just a taste of the payment I want for winning the bet. " Was all I could reply.

Next: Chapter 10

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