Football King

Published on May 24, 2022


Football King 1

***This story is a complete work of fiction, with several minor details from my own personal life experiences, but mostly from my color imagination and fantasies. It is common knowledge that Lukas Podolski is a happily married man and father of a young son and this story in no way attempts to question his sexuality or preferences. The character "Erikvarsson" is entirely made up and any naming or actions that reflect a real person are strictly coincidental. Please note that when describing Lukas' manhood, pubic region, and buttocks, I have in mind these same regions of the body of Manuel Ferrara, the heterosexual French pornstar. Readers should be 18 years of age or older.***

Author's Note: This is my very first story for publishing on the Internet. This is the first part of (hopefully many) chapters of entertaining and descriptive writing. Any and all feedback, both constructive and critical, as well as suggestions, would be greatly appreciated and can be sent to I greatly appreciate and respect Lukas Podolski.

Chapter 1

Erikvarsson arrived at the birthday party, shy as usual, skeptical, and nervous. He didn't like going to big gatherings, especially consisting of people he didn't even know. In all honesty, he wasn't even sure why he even came to the party at all. It was for a random guy, albeit nice and handsome guy, who like Erikvarsson, was a foreigner (Greek) in the great city of Chicago. Erikvarsson, who never shortened his name to Erik, was a proud son of Sweden. At 21 years old, he had already graduated with his Bachelor's degree in business, and was putting to use his skills by working for his brother's outrageously successful luxury real estate firm. Like his brother, he was good at his job, too. He spoke 5 languages fluently (his native Swedish, Danish, Norwegian, English, and French), and had a working knowledge of Arabic, Icelandic, Finnish, and Italian. A true renaissance man!

He is the epitome of beautiful, too. Not handsome; beautiful! He stands at 5 feet 8 inches, beautiful (naturally) tanned skin, vivid green eyes, natural blond natural, actually, that his body hair was a golden blond color as well. Surprisingly, he had never been in a real relationship. He had two different boyfriends in high school, both of whom turned out to be obsessive with a ravenous sexual appetite that Erikvarsson had no desire to fulfill. He was also a minority in his native Sweden, as a practicing Catholic in the almost exclusively Lutheran, albeit very secular, Nordic nation. Erikvarsson attended Mass whenever possible, prayed the rosary every night before bed, and read Holy Scripture daily. Despite all this, he was a level-headed, free-thinking Catholic, not one caught up in all of the political and social drama affecting the church at the present time.

But back to the present. Erikvarsson scoped around to see who he could even remotely potentially strike up a conversation with. The guy, someone Erik met at a luxury real estate convention two weeks prior, was celebrating his 40th birthday, so most of the guests were likewise near middle aged men. The birthday man shouted out to him:

"Hey Mr. Sweden, come get a glass of champagne!"

Erikvarsson was shy and didn't like being the center of attention, but slowly and carefully made his way over with his head slightly down; he didn't like making eye contact with multiple people at once.

"Cheers, to my birthday!"

"Cheers, congratulations, and happy birthday," Erikvarsson retorted.

"What are you wearing, Mr. Sexy, you look nice."

"Haha, thanks. All Burberry. Burberry shirt, Burberry jeans, Burberry belt. Except my shoes are from Tod's!" That was one thing Erikvarsson was known for. He was a style king. A lot of his clothes were the same. He was conservative, and in his mind, you could never go wrong with a long sleeved button up shirt, or a polo shirt. And he loved the fashion brands: Louis Vuitton, Burberry, Gucci, Tod's, name it, he owned it!

Tonight, he was wearing a light blue Burberry button up shirt with the signature check pattern on the collar and cuffs (he left the top two buttons opens giving anyone standing in front of him a teasing glimpse of his hairless chest), tan/khaki pants that he had slightly rolled up to the ankles, and royal blue shoes by Tod's. The whole outfit set him back close to $900. But he had the money. He worked for his money, but also came from one of Sweden's wealthiest families, a family with historical aristocratic and noble heritage.

As the birthday man made his way round greeting his guests, Erikvarsson stepped back and off to a corner sipping his champagne. He was bored, and checked his phone to see if he had any text messages. Nothing. He loved Chicago, but had no friends here. All his friends were in various countries across Europe, a continent he missed but also needed to get away from for a while. He put his phone back and glanced around the room. Everyone was engaged in conversation in small groups except him. But then another young man stepped up beside him.

"I think we're the youngest people here," the guy said with a laugh. Erikvarsson slightly laughed as well.

"My name is Lukas."

"Erikvarsson, nice to meet you."

"Erikvarsson? That's an interesting name. Where are you from."

"I'm from Sweden. And you? Germany?"

"You're good! How do you know?"

"I can tell by your accent. I have a lot of German friends."

"Well actually, I'm originally from Poland. I was born there, but my family moved to Germany when I was two. I consider myself to be both."

"Where in Poland were you born, and where in Germany do you come from?"

"I was born in a city called Gliwice. It's not too far from the border with the Czech Republic. And in Germany, I come from around Cologne."

"Oh okay. I know Cologne for sure, but not Gliwice unfortunately."

"Where in Sweden are you from," Lukas asked. At this point, Erikvarsson was happy he was talking to someone, a younger guy who was very handsome, and hoped the conversation would continue for a while longer. And he would do everything possible to try to prolong the conversation."

"I'm from a city called Vasteras. Do you know it?"

"Um, no unfortunately. Never been to Sweden, but have always wanted to go."

"It's a nice country. I'm sure you would like it."

"Well, if everyone is as friendly as you, then I think I would like it, too," Lukas said with a charming smile. Erikvarsson smiled back. "This guy so handsome" Erikvarsson thought to himself. Lukas was wearing a light blue Dolce & Gabbana short sleeved polo shirt, some jeans, and black dress shoes. He stood at about 5 feet 11 inches, had amazingly white and perfectly straight teeth, crystal clear blue eyes, and brown hair that was cut short. He was pretty muscular as well, not in a bodybuilder/gym freak kind of way, but as someone who probably played sports. Erikvarsson paid special attention to how Lukas' thighs perfectly filled his jeans.

"Are you working here in Chicago," Erikvarsson asked.

"Ja. I'm a representative for a German sports company here in the city." Erikvarsson didn't know what that meant, and honestly didn't care to know either. He was infatuated with this guy Lukas.

"How about you, do you work here," Lukas asked. Erikvarsson went on to explain what he did and how he knew the guy who was celebrating his birthday. Lukas told him he knew the birthday man from a gym he goes to occasionally.

The two kept chatting, mostly about trivial things that most people talk about when they first meet each other. But before long, the party was over, and the two were interrupted only when the birthday man thanked everyone for coming out and celebrating with him. Erikvarsson and Lukas had spent nearly four hours talking to one another.

"Well Erikvarsson, it was really nice meeting you. I had a good time tonight."

"Me too, I had fun as well. Nice meeting you," Erikvarsson responded almost sorrowfully. This was his first time meeting someone new in months. And he had developed a schoolboy crush on this man, Lukas. The two started walking out of the bar and told the valet their ticket numbers. Lukas himself was nervous, and almost shyly asked, "Um, Erikvarsson, would you like to go to dinner next week? I don't get to go out much, and you're one of the first people I've met since I've been in Chicago."

"Yes, I would like to go. That would be fun. I don't know many people here either, unfortunately," Erikvarsson said all while blushing.

"Okay good," Lukas said with an unintentional sigh of relief that he hadn't been rejected. "I have a few places in mind, but haven't decided on anything yet. Do you have Facebook? I can write you and let you know on there." Erikvarsson laughed internally at how shy Lukas seemed in asking him on a date. But he was equally thrilled. He told the Polish-German man how to find him on Facebook.

"Can I have your phone number" Erikvarsson boldly asked.

The two exchanged info as their cars were pulled around. "Whoa, haha your license plate!" Lukas laughed. Erikvarsson laughed too. These two European men, both still emotionally tied to their homelands, had their country's license plates on their cars rather than Illinois tags. Lukas had a black Audi R8, Erikvarsson a black BMW X6 SUV.

"Okay, then I will talk to you sometime during the week. Have a good night," Lukas said.

"Okay, you too!" Erikvarsson responded back. With that, both the guys were on their way.

Chapter 2

The week passed by as normal. Erikvarsson affectionately remembered the guy with the big, nice smile, but wasn't so "sprung" that he couldn't concentrate on his work. He wasn't obsessive about checking his Facebook messages or phone to see if Lukas texted him. He had never been that caught up over a guy before. But when he did get a text message, he smiled a huge smile. The text read: "Hello Mr. Erikvarsson, this is Lukas. I hope you remember me! LOL. Would it be okay if I invite you to my place for dinner? I am not the greatest cook, but I would like to give it a try. Plus, you can tell me how my cooking tastes!" The funniest thing about the text was how Lukas wrote it entirely in Swedish! With the use of a translating service, of course! The text ended with, "I hope you understand my Swedish! I didn't want to freak you out by speaking it with you in person last weekend." A smiley face icon with the tongue sticking out concluded the message.

Erikvarsson couldn't stop smiling. He actually even giggled a little out loud. He logged on to Google Translate and typed up a message to translate in German and began texting Lukas back: "Mr. Lukas, that sounds like a great idea. I'm sure you are a great cook...will you be wearing an apron? Is there anything I can bring with me? Oh and by the way, your Swedish was excellent. I cannot wait to speak it with you this weekend!" He, too, ended his message with a smiley face with its tongue sticking out.

Lukas laughed when he got his message, too. He texted Erikvarsson his home address and told him not to bring anything. The date was set for Friday evening at 8:30.

Erikvarsson got back to his condo at the new Trump Tower Chicago on the 37th floor and tried to figure out what to wear. He asked his brown dachshund, Ingemar (named after Erikvarsson's own middle name), for advice. The dog just sat and watched his owner loyally, wagging his tail. Erikvarsson narrowed down his closet to ten different outfits, before finally deciding a black V-neck T-shirt by Dolce & Gabbana, black jeans of the same brand, and a brown belt and brown loafers by Louis Vuitton. He kissed his puppy goodbye, picked up the gift he got for Lukas, and set out for his new friend's apartment.

The doorbell rung. Lukas dashed and opened the door to his 18th floor condo without even looking through the peephole.

"Hallo und herzlich wilkommen! (Hello and welcome) Lukas said heartily in German.

"Dakeschoen! Das ist fur dich (Thank you! This is for you)," Erikvarsson responded, handing a gift to his host. He laughed at the fact that Lukas actually was wearing a white apron, and laughed again at the fact that he, too, was wearing a black V-neck by Dolce & Gabbana underneath the apron. But Lukas was wearing blue jeans.

Erikvarsson stepped inside and immediately took off his shoes without being asked. "It smells good" he said, looking around at the modernly furnished apartment before taking a look at the beautifully illuminated Chicago skyline by night from Lukas' living room window.

"Please, have a seat at the table," Lukas said. Erikvarsson did as instructed at the place that was set for him at the head of the table. He noticed Lukas set up another place for himself just off to Erikvarsson's left hand side. Erikvarsson was his guest, so he would sit at the head of the table tonight.

"Is there anything I can help with" Erikvarsson asked. Lukas responded with a negative. He took the apron off and brought out their first course: a meat and potato soup served in a traditional Polish bread bowl. It was delicious. "It's called Zurek in Polish", Lukas explained. The main course was Golabki, a traditional Polish dish consisting of boiled cabbage wrapped around beef, stuffed with onions, and baked in tomato sauce. "It's my first time trying to make this." Erikvarsson was impressed. Just like the soup, it too was delicious. Throughout the meal, the two talked about what they had done during the week, their families back in Europe, their hobbies, and more trivial things. The meal finished with jelly filled donuts, also native to Poland.

"Everything was really, really good. You're a great cook," Erikvarsson said.

"Thank you, I'm happy you liked it" Lukas responded with a big smile. "Do you want to watch a movie or something?"

"Sure" Erikvarsson said, noting that it was now 10 pm.

"I bought this one 2 weeks ago, but still haven't watched it. I saw some of it on the airplane coming over from Germany one time, but didn't get to finish it." It was "Bridesmaids," probably a weird choice of film to ask another guy to watch, but it was clear to Erikvarsson that Lukas was completely comfortable with him which made him happy. Besides, Erikvarsson, too, had started watching the film on a flight from Bangkok to Tokyo, but didn't get to finish it. How much he had in common with Lukas!

"Will you look at my gift before we start" Erikvarsson asked. Lukas cursed in German under his breath, embarrassed and reprimanding himself for forgetting about the gift Erikvarsson had gotten him. He opened it, and pulled out a bottle of white wine and a huge bag of the always delicious Haribo gummy bears. Lukas laughed and gave Erikvarsson a high five. "Thanks, man! I love these!"

The pair started the movie. They sat right next to each other on the sofa with the lights dimmed, each with a glass of Erikvarsson's white wine in hand. They laughed all through the film. It finished, and Lukas turned it off. It was now after midnight. Erikvarsson figured he should be going home, especially since he and Lukas were sitting in sheer silence as the film's end credits rolled. He looked at Lukas. Lukas smiled back at him, raised his glass and said "Cheers." Erikvarsson saluted his host back.

Lukas set his now empty wine glass on the coffee table in front of them, placed his hand on Erikvarsson's left knee, and moved in to kiss the younger Swedish man. Erikvarsson was caught by surprise. His heart was beating fast and loud, so loud that you could hear it in the silence of Lukas' apartment. "Let me stick my tongue in your mouth," Lukas whispered in Erikvarsson's ear. It sent shivers all down the Swedish boy's body. He parted his lips. Lukas stuck his tongue in. Erikvarsson enjoyed the euphoric smell of Lukas' breath, the faint smell of the food they had eaten, and the strong smell of the wine they had just drank. His tongue was thick, and Lukas sensually and slowly licked it across Erikvarsson's much thinner, younger, more "innocent and timid" tongue.

Erikvarsson wasn't a good kisser. He had only kissed one of his "boyfriend's" back in high school, and it wasn't a learning experience. Back then, his boyfriend, a 6-foot-2 18 year old jock who pretended to be straight, was aggressive and didn't want to show the much smaller, 15 year old Erikvarsson the ropes. Erikvarsson was slammed and pinned up against the wall as the guy, who he was secretly dating but told him never to talk to him in school or anywhere in public, rammed his tongue down his throat. Erikvarsson choked and ended up coughing in the older teen's mouth, sending him in a rage. He had slapped Erikvarsson in the face with all his might, and threatened to rape him. He ripped Erikvarsson's shirt completely off and threw him on his bed. Erikvarsson tried desperately to get the guy off of him, but his weak hits were no match for the punches to the face and chest the guy who told him he "loved" him was delivering. For whatever reason, the guy never went through with the plan, but rather held the younger Erikvarsson pinned down on the bed for two hours until the boy cried out all his tears. He gave Erikvarsson one of his own shirts to wear, drove him home, and the two never saw each other again, not even in school.

Reflecting on all this made Erikvarsson start hyperventilating and he broke the kiss. "I'm sorry, I'm not a good kisser," he said shyly. Lukas smiled his big smile and said, "It's okay, I will teach you." They continued kissing for about ten minutes. Lukas was ready for more. He started lifting up Erikvarsson's shirt and ran his hands along the smooth, hairless, naturally toned Swedish boy's abs. Erikvarsson complied, and in no time, his shirt was completely off. Lukas kissed on his neck, before quickly moving down and licking the boy's nipples. Erikvarsson started moaning softly. He had never experienced such passion before. He rubbed the back of Lukas' head for affection.

Lukas stopped abruptly, stood up, looked Erikvarsson in his face (who was nervously staring back at him), and placed the boy's hand on his crotch. Without being asked a question, Erikvarsson nodded his head, stood up, and kissed Lukas. He moved to sit Lukas back down on the couch and unbuttoned the Polish-German guy's jeans, revealing a pair of black Ralph Lauren briefs. Erikvarsson pulled Lukas' pants all the way down, and got down in between his legs. He rubbed the hairy, manly thighs he had dreamt about a week ago when he saw them fill out his jeans at the bar. He moved up and buried his face in the black briefs. Lukas wasn't hard yet. He had more control, and definitely more experience than Erikvarsson, who was hard as a rock and could feel himself leaking precum in his own underwear.

Erikvarsson started to pull the briefs down, and Lukas complied, lifting his butt off the sofa so they could come all the way off. Erikvarsson went through a range of emotions as he stared face to face with Lukas' manhood. He was happy, surprised, anxious, nervous, and scared all at once. He was infatuated, in love with Lukas, a guy who he had known for a total of about 8 hours. He wanted to please Lukas, but had no experience. He didn't want the older man to be upset at his lack of skill. And most importantly in his mind, he didn't want to just be used for sex and then get kicked to the curb right afterwards.

Lukas was anxious himself, and brought Erikvarsson back to earth and dealing with the task at hand by bending down and kissing him affectionately. "Just take your time. There's no rush. We're gonna connect tonight," he said softly in Erikvarsson's ear.

Erikvarsson stared at the sight in front of him. Lukas' dick sat leaning towards his left thigh, completely limp. He was uncircumcised with a thick, heavy foreskin that completely covered the head. He was a little more than 6 inches long and just as thick. His balls were perfectly proportional to the rest of his manhood, with the scrotum a light pinkish brown color and sprouting out hundreds of strings of dark brown hair. Lukas had a thick bush of dark brown pubes. It was almost as if he had never shaved since he first started growing it as a teenager, but Erikvarsson noticed that Lukas did keep it tamed and manicured into a near perfect upside-down triangle and even shaved at the very base around his penis. "You're such a man," Erikvarsson thought to himself.

Erikvarsson picked "little Lukas" up in his right hand, pulled the thick foreskin back, and leaned in closer. The smell was an eclectic mix of euphoria. It smelled faintly of soap, sweat, and urine all in one. Erikvarsson licked the skin, then the head, before taking it in his mouth. He went slowly up and down, and apparently was doing a good job, as Lukas gently leaned his back on the sofa but kept his right hand on the back of Erikvarsson's head. He was growing quickly, too, and almost in a matter of seconds, was fully erect at what Erikvarsson guessed was about 8 and a half inches. Erikvarsson kept sucking, all while thinking in the back of his mind how much he wanted to lose his virginity to Lukas. He wanted Lukas inside of him. He wanted to become one with him, to feel his power, his masculinity, his whole being inside and on top of him. He got bold and attempted to take as much of Lukas in his mouth as possible. He didn't get far, and didn't try any further as not to embarrass himself (he was ridiculously self-conscience) by gagging, or take the seriousness out of what they were doing.

Lukas was able to control himself really well. After about 15 minutes, he leaned down, kissed Erikvarsson again, and stood up. He held out his hand, which Erikvarsson took, and led him back to his bedroom. On the short walk back, Erikvarsson watched Lukas' big manly buttocks jiggle as he walked. Lukas had an amazingly toned butt that was slightly disproportional to the rest of his body. And there was a manly amount of hair on it, too; not overly hairy, but just that perfect amount.

They reached the bedroom, and Lukas turned on the light and took his V-neck shirt off. He took Erikvarsson into an embrace and kissed him, all while walking the boy back towards the bed. Erikvarsson's calves eventually reached the bed, and Lukas used his weight to push the upper part of the boy's body onto the bed. Lukas undid Erikvarsson's belt and slid down his pants and underwear, revealing Erikvarsson's raging hard uncircumcised (but the skin had almost fully retracted) six and a half inch erection. He had a light sprawling of golden blond pubes which were trimmed short but looked beautiful against the naturally tanned skin of Erikvarsson's pubic and lower abdomen region. Lukas himself was impressed; he had never been with a guy with blond pubes. He pulled Erikvarsson's socks off and lifted each of the boy's legs by the ankles, sending his knees up into his chest. This position revealed Erikvarsson's completely untouched virgin anus, a small pink opening with only the faintest amount of blond vellus hair around it.

Lukas cursed in German in a whispering tone; he was in heaven. He leaned in and placed his big nose up against the boy's anus and inhaled deeply. This embarrassed the shy and innocent Erikvarsson. No one had ever seen this part of his body, except of course those who changed his diapers when he was a baby and surely no one had ever sniffed him! Lukas loved the smell, because there virtually was no smell except of faint soap and Erikvarsson's own body scent. He appreciated and respected a man who took care and cleaned his whole body, and Erikvarsson definitely must have spent an adequate amount of time making sure his opening was clean. He licked the hole and Erikvarsson clenched his sphincter and let out a noise that was part whimper, part giggle at the wet, tickling sensation. Lukas laughed and told him to just relax. All while continuing to rim Erikvarsson, he held up his left hand as a sign for Erikvarsson to grab and stick his fingers in the empty spaces between Lukas' fingers. When their united hands clasped, Lukas lowered it back onto the cool bed comforter. He extended his right hand up and stuck his index and middle fingers in the boy's warm mouth to suck...both as a sign of foreplay and just to give him something to do.

Erikvarsson had grown used to the warm wet sensation on his anus, and was still leaking precum onto his abdomen. Lukas withdrew his fingers from Erikvarsson's mouth and stuck the middle finger of his right hand in the boy's anus. Erikvarsson clenched and gasped at the sensation of the finger rubbing across his prostate. Lukas slowly pumped the finger in and out before inserting his index finger with his middle finger in the well lubricated but still tight pink anal ring. Erikvarsson began to move his own hips as he got used to the feeling. Lukas pulled both of his fingers out together and sucked them himself, tasting the inside of Erikvarsson, before sticking them back in, this time coated with his own saliva. Lukas continued to pump in and out for about two minutes before deciding it was time to get down to business.

He withdrew his fingers and also let go of Erikvarsson's hand; the two had their hands clasped together for what seemed like hours. Erikvarsson raised himself up on his elbows and bit his lower lip as the older man...his man...stood and towered over him on the bed. Lukas gave him a reassuring smile as he lowered his body on top of Erikvarsson's. The two engaged in a long, passionate kiss. Erikvarsson had become a satisfactory kisser by now, Lukas noted. Lukas lifted the boy's legs and lined his manhood up with the small hole.

"It's probably going to hurt a little, but just relax and tell me. I won't do anything to hurt you" Lukas said affectionately in his German accented English. Erikvarsson smiled and bit his lower lip while nodding. Lukas liked when he did that, and gave him another quick kiss on the lips for reassurance. He wanted this to be special and as pleasurable as possible for Erikvarsson.

He grabbed his dick with his left hand, retracted his foreskin, and slowly pushed the head in. Erikvarsson grimaced and grabbed Lukas' left hand to hold in his own. Lukas continued pushing in, but it was a struggle. Erikvarsson was most definitely a virgin; very tight. So tight, in fact, that Lukas had to stop for a while to prevent himself from ejaculating prematurely. But he continued on, and before long, Erikvarsson could feel the curly hairs of Lukas' pubic patch tickling against his perineum. Lukas was fully inside him in a very snug fit. Erikvarsson was in some pain, but he had done a great job by not being intimidated or scared. Lukas kissed him passionately as he waited for Erikvarsson to stop contracting his anus and get used to the feeling.

Lukas then started to pull out slowly which felt good to Erikvarsson. As soon as he had withdrew his entire self with the exception of his glans from the Swedish hole, he pushed himself back in. This process he repeated over and over again until he was going at a steady pace. Lukas had his eyes closed and was focused on his pumping, while Erikvarsson, somewhat in shock at this conflicting sensation of pain and pleasure, was mesmerized and stared back into Lukas' face. He grabbed Lukas' head with both of his hands, causing for the Polish-German to open his eyes and kiss the boy again. "I love you," Erikvarsson softly whispered but loud enough for the older man to hear. He immediately regretted saying it when Lukas only gave him a smile and a kiss back. Whatever his feelings, it was too late to take them back or undo the whole process.

Lukas felt himself getting closer to the point of no return. What should he do: cum inside the boy or pull out and drop his load on his stomach? It was a question Erikvarsson himself was wondering. But that point eventually came and, considering Erikvarsson was a virgin and it was his own first time having unprotected sex, Lukas came inside the boy. He collapsed on Erikvarsson's chest, moaning and grunting loudly in the boy's ear as the cum shot out of his manhood. Erikvarsson could feel the warm liquid inside him, which made his own love for the man who just took his virginity grow even deeper. No matter what, Lukas would always be a special person in his life as the first person he had sex with.

Lukas continued to breathe hard and pant as his erection quickly subsided. He remained with his full bodyweight on Erikvarsson, who just continued to caress his back by rubbing his hands up and down. Lukas was heavy, but Erikvarsson enjoyed the feeling of the older man's warm, sweaty, lightly haired chest up against his. He enjoyed hearing and feeling the beat of Lukas' heart. The Polish-German dick eventually slipped out of Erikvarsson, bringing some of his cum out with it. Erikvarsson clenched his sphincter and surprisingly found himself upset that he now felt so empty inside. Lukas gave Erikvarsson his signature smile again and jokingly said, "You're not a virgin anymore." Erikvarsson grinned back, and Lukas kissed him. "Let's go clean up. I want you to spend the night with me. Please."

The two showered together in complete silence, cleaning each other's bodies with soap. The shower was long, about 20 minutes, but then they got out and Lukas gave Erikvarsson one of his t-shirts to wear while he himself put on a clean pair of underwear. "I hope you're okay," Lukas said. Erikvarsson was more than okay. He was really happy, and desperately in love. But did Lukas love him back? Lukas turned on the TV in his bedroom, but almost immediately fell asleep. Erikvarsson reflected on everything that had just happened and stared at the back of the man he had felt so passionate about. He was certain he was in love but he felt really stupid and immature for telling Lukas. He imagined Lukas as one of those men who could have any guy he wanted, so of course he wouldn't be that quick to tell Erikvarsson that he loved him (In Lukas' own mind, he honestly didn't think anything of it and just figured Erikvarsson was overwhelmed by the emotion of the act and unconsciously told him he loved him.) The stress and overanalyzing quickly wore him out, and the Swedish boy snuggled up against Lukas' back and fell asleep.

Erikvarsson woke up the next morning by himself. "Shit, I need to let Ingemar out to use the bathroom and feed him," he thought to himself. But where was Lukas? He quickly got up, put on his underwear and jeans (his shirt was still in the living room from when Lukas took it off the night before), and started wondering if he would have to take that embarrassing walk of shame that so many people talked about. It wasn't so. He went up to the living room, and there was Lukas sitting in a Germany national football (soccer) T-shirt and some shorts watching TV. "I made you breakfast, sleepy head. Are you in a rush to leave me?"

"No," Erikvarsson replied, "but I need to get back home to my dog." Lukas looked downcast. If he weren't so self-conscience, Erikvarsson would've walked over and given him a kiss, but he hadn't brushed his teeth yet and thought it was gross when people talked to his face without having brushed their teeth. He moved towards the door, putting his shoes back on. "Thank you for everything, Lukas. Dinner was great, and I had a great time with you last night."

Lukas got up and blocked the front door. "And just exactly what about last night," Lukas asked. "Where do we go from here?" Erikvarsson shrugged shyly with his eyes downcast, not sure what to say. "Last night you told me you loved me. Do you still love me?" Erikvarsson didn't know what Lukas was getting at or what, if any, kind of trick he was trying to play. He didn't answer, just raised his eyes to meet Lukas' again. "I think maybe we should try to bond more," Lukas himself said shyly. "Let's connect some more. I want to get to know you better." Erikvarsson was content with that. "Yes, okay."

Lukas gave him a hug. He kissed the boy on the forehead. "I love you, my Swedish prince. Now get home to your dog, and call me. If you're up for it, we can actually go out and have dinner somewhere tonight." Erikvarsson smiled. "I like that." Lukas opened the door, and Erikvarsson went on his way.

-End of Part 1-

*Lukas Podolski has never conducted any interviews entirely in English, but to hear him say a phrase ("I am happy to be a Gunner!") and get a better understanding of his accent, visit and advance to the 0:10 second mark.

Next: Chapter 2

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