Football Widow

By moc.loa@ylloCssiM

Published on Aug 8, 2003


Football Widow Colleen Thomas

Sue Prescott was to all appearances an ordinary suburban housewife. She was five foot ten and blonde with large full breasts and wide hips. Her legs were long and toned and her waist was trim. Sue worked out four times a week at the local gym and ran every morning to keep her body in shape. She lived in a big duplex with a nice green yard in the center of a very middle class neighborhood. Sue had two kids, drove a mini-van, worked from home as an internal auditor for one of the big companies in the city and was married to a man named Bernie. He drove a pickup truck and worked as foreman on a road construction crew. Her life was fairly idyllic and she and Bernie got along well even after ten years of marriage. Most of the time she was happy with her lot in life, except for the bad times. Sue supposed all marriages had their problems and went through rough times. Unlike so many people she had a name for her bad times.

Football season. From the first kick off of the college season to the last snap of the Super Bowl; Sue was a football widow. Her husband had come by his affliction honestly she supposed. He had been a star halfback in high school and Sue had been a cheerleader; that was how they had met. They had dated all through high school, but after graduation Bernie had been offered a scholarship to play at a university several states away. Sue was going to a local college with an excellent program in accounting and so they had decided to break up after the summer, but remained friends.

Bernie had played for his first year and done very well. The papers were all full of the local boy makes good variety of stories. On his occasional visits home Sue learned that he was having a tough time with classes and had barely kept his eligibility. Fearing that he would flunk out he told her on one of his rare visits home that he planned on going pro after the season, rather than trying to make it through another year of classes. Bernie's dreams of glory ended on a warm night during the fourth quarter. A blitzing linebacker tripped coming through the line and plowed headlong into Bernie's knee. It took three operations and a year of rehab before he could walk without a limp. To this day he suffered great pain on cold mornings and often complained of stiffness.

Bernie returned to their small town after rehab for his knee and got a job with his father's construction company. He went to the Vo-tech school over in Rockland County in the evenings. Sue ran into him at the local hardware store and they started talking again. One evening he showed up on Sue's parent's doorstep with a dozen roses and an engagement ring. Sue accepted his proposal and they were married in the small Catholic Church in town. They moved to the burbs when she graduated and to all appearances it had been the perfect ending. High school sweethearts fall back in love after some adversity. The local paper even ran the touching story on page two.

Only Sue knew the whole of the story. Her first year in school, she had fallen in love with her English Professor. Professor Dominique Williams had been a Haitian emigre who was a naturalized citizen. She had been tall and beautiful with a charming accent and outgoing personality. She had captured Sue's heart and introduced her to the joys of lesbian sex. Sue had been totally enchanted with her, from the sultry accent to her off the wall political views. Sue had fought a never-ending battle with her conscious and up bringing and had never really resolved the issue when Dominique died tragically on a visit to see relatives in Haiti. When she found out Sue had suffered a "nervous breakdown" according to the local doctor. Their affair had been clandestine and discreet so no one had any reason to suspect a broken heart caused her depression and listlessness.

The next year she had developed an interest in another student, but Sasha was "out" and she would have nothing to do with anyone who wasn't. Thus it was that Bernie showed up on her doorstep while she was facing the prospect of telling her parent's she was gay and facing the prospect of being ostracized from her community. Sue had never been a strong person and Bernie seemed to be the answer to her prayers. Giving up on her interest in Sasha she had chosen the path of least resistance and had never really regretted it. Except for the long, lonely nights of football season.

Bernie had eight guys in his crowd of football cronies. Four were married and Sue often commiserated with the other wives while their husbands were out at the local sports bar. Saturday, Sunday and Monday she rarely saw her husband. If it weren't for the fact that she knew nothing, not even sex could keep him away from the games she might have suspected he was cheating on her. At least in that she had the advantage over the other wives because Sue understood her husband was a fanatic.

Now that it was playoff time Sue faced the unpleasant burden of preparing for Bernie's annual "Wild Card, Wildness" party. Alana Shepard would get it next week when Herman hosted the party for the divisional playoffs. Andrea Dryer would get it for the championship games. Kate Macintosh and Cindy Coleford split duty on the Super Bowl Bash, each taking an alternating year.

Sue rose early and bundled the children off to their grandparents for their month long annual visit. Bernie wanted young Jonathan to stay and watch the game with "his old man," but Sue forbade it. Bernie and his friends drank cases of beer, cursed and generally acted like men and Sue refused to have her son exposed to that kind of behavior when he was only seven years old. Each year Bernie gave in, but each year it took more to convince him and Sue feared this would be the last year she would be able to shield her son from "the game".

Sue stood on her doorstep, still wrapped in her warm terrycloth robe and sipping a hot cup of coffee as her mother drove off with the kids. She waited until the car was out of sight before turning and padding back into the kitchen. She cleaned up the remnants of breakfast and started the dishwasher before opening the high cabinet and pulling down the platters and trays she used for the party. Bernie was already long gone to pick up "supplies", by which he meant beer. Sue had already bought the soda, bags of chips, dip, pretzels, steaks, ribs, chicken, bar-b-que sauce and condiments.

Heaving a sigh she began to get everything set up, the game was on at four.


Sue was dressed for the party in a white silk blouse and knee length black skirt with moderate heels. The guys would all be in jeans and sweatshirts with team logos, but as hostess she felt like she had to dress a little nicer. None of the wives ever came to the parties, by silent agreement they each seemed to feel having to deal with one a year was punishment enough.

Around noon the guests began to arrive. Bill and Stan showed up with a cooler between them, even though Bernie had bought enough beer to keep and army post drunk for a week. Herman showed up with baked beans and Don had coleslaw. Mike Weaver arrived with his girl friend and a bucket of fried chicken. Ace and LD, two of the black guys on Bernie's crew at work, showed up with their girlfriends in tow and several bottles of cheap wine. Chad Coleford arrived with a cake and some cookies Cindy had baked.

Sue was in the kitchen when the doorbell rang again. All of the regulars were already here and she poked her head out to see who this might be. Bernie let three people into the house and turned around. Seeing Sue he grabbed her hand and almost dragged her into the living room.

"Sue, this is Don Bowers," he said indicating a tall bear of a man in khaki slacks and a button down shirt. Sue recognized the name; Don was her husband's boss.

"Pleased to meet you," Sue said.


"This is Carl Von Otheson," Bernie said indicating another tall man with unruly blonde hair.

"Nice to meet you," he said with an affable smile.

"Carl is the Bussiness Agent for the local," Bernie said.

"And this is Christa Martin," Bernie finished, indicating the small figure behind the two men. The woman was small and lean, with skin the color of burnished coal. She had wide, full lips, alert brown eyes and short kinky hair. In one ear she wore a big gold hoop earring, but nothing in her other. She couldn't be more than five feet tall and Sue would find out later she was actually only four foot nine. She wore khaki Dockers and a dark Raider's sweatshirt.

Sue knew that name too. The running joke among the guys was that the company had really gone in for diversity and Christa was as diverse as you could get. In one person they covered a black, a woman, a foreigner and a lesbian, the joke ran. Sue extended her hand automatically and the woman took it. Rather than the polite shake she expected the girl brought Sue's hand to her lips and bushed the back of it.

"Charmed," she said in a soft voice with a thrillingly familiar accent. Sue felt a long dormant excitement stir in her, but Bernie took her sudden quiet for discomfort and put an arm around her.

"Keep those smooth Jamaican ways to yourself shorty, this one is spoken for," Bernie said and laughed. The others joined in, but something in the small woman's eyes told Sue that the she didn't believe it. Am I that transparent? Sue wondered.

"Haitian ways, shit for brains, I'm not Jamaican mon, got it?" Christa said with a sarcastic rendering of a Jamaican accent, which produced another round of laughter.

The crude language did not seem to bother anyone and Sue had to remind herself that this woman worked with some of the crudest, male Chauvinist, prejudiced men in the world. Sue found it hard to believe that the slight woman actually ran a 90lb jackhammer eight hours a day, she didn't look like she weighed much more than ninety pounds herself.

Bernie's arm slipped from her shoulder to her waist and they conversed a few minutes before Sue returned to the kitchen and the rest of them went out back to the patio. The kitchen table, which she had so carefully prepared, looked as if a marauding army had been foraging. She started to collect the empty beer cans and bottles but gave up, there was no keeping up with it. She would just have to clean up Monday after work.


Christa took a beer from the cooler and made the rounds. She knew the guys well and traded barbed comments with them before settling down at the patio table. What a fucking waste of time, she thought. I could be over at Chelsea's for her party. At least there she stood a chance of scoring. Chelsea usually had some wild girls at her parties. Of course they were all pretty skanky and there were always so many butches at Chelsea's.

It wasn't that she couldn't score and in fact she usually had no trouble, but at Chelsea's it was more like a meat market. There was no thrill of the chase, and ultimately the satisfaction was lessened. Still, it would be better than this. She had accepted Bernie's invitation more to irritate him than anything else. The big man was a dyed in the wool homophobe and racist and tried in every way legal to make her quit. Showing up here and making his guests uncomfortable actually made her feel better. Still, she felt like she was cutting off her nose to spite her face. She hadn't been laid in weeks and instead of taking care of business she was here.

Her temper often got her into trouble, as did her stubbornness. She smiled a self-mocking smile and cracked open a second beer. Taking her time she examined each of the women at the party. The blonde she dismissed almost immediately. The word bimbo seemed to be painted on her forehead. That girl was a total slut and Christa was sure totally straight. Both of the black women were obviously here against their better judgment and bored. Sometimes bored was good, bored women were not as attached, but she made both of these women as straight too. Christa sighed and took another sip of beer. No action for you tonight stupid, she thought. Her mind returned to the tall blonde in the foyer. She knew it was Bernie's wife, but the woman had struck her as being gay. Wouldn't that be a kick in the head for her asshole boss? The possibility intrigued her.


The pre game show was already blaring from the fifty-six inch big screen, Bernie had insisted on buying. There was no one in the living room yet so Sue stopped at the wet bar and made herself a vodka and tonic. Or more precisely a vodka and vodka with just enough tonic to not call it a double shot. Music was cranking from the patio and she steeled herself to go play hostess.

Mike was dancing with his blonde bimbo. She wore a mini skirt that just barely covered her ass and was grinding like a stripper. That was the kind Mike went for and the reason he was still single. Ace and Dc were talking to Stan and Bill near the grill while their girls stood close looking bored. Bernie was at the grill talking expansively to his bosses while he drank and cooked. Christa sat at the patio table with her feet propped up, drinking a beer while Don, Chad and Herman discussed each teams chances in loud voices while making bets with everyone else.

This was going to be a bad one, all of them were already lit and the game hadn't even started yet. Sue made the rounds, noticing that all of the men's eyes were drawn to the blonde's wildly wiggling ass. Men will be boys, she told herself as she collected a few empties and started back inside. She felt eyes on her and looked around to find Christa's brown eyes locked onto her. The woman's deep brown eyes roamed up and down Sue's body appreciatively with no indication it bothered her in the least that Sue knew she was being checked out. Sue felt a blush rise to her cheeks and hastily made her way into the kitchen. That frank stare held undisguised lust and Sue was uncomfortable with the feelings it roused in her own body.

She returned to the living room and made herself another drink. Everyone else was getting lit, no reason I shouldn't too, she reasoned. Sue had decided long ago to put her attraction to women in perspective. A pretty woman could still turn her head, but she was careful never to look too long. During the season she would occasionally dip into Bernie's "secret" stash of porno movies and masturbate while watching a lesbian scene, but that was only during the season, when she could be sure nothing short of cardiac arrest would drag her husband away from the television. Her attraction was her little secret, something no one even suspected and she was careful to keep it that way.

The announcers were going into statistics so trivial that even die-hard fans wouldn't understand them and Sue was finishing her third drink when she felt someone behind her. She turned quickly to find herself alone in the room with Christa. The short woman was leaning casually on the bar and staring at her with those dark eyes.

"I take it you aren't really into football?" Christa said softly as she poured herself a shot of Bernie's good whiskey.

"Not really," Sue said. She felt herself flushing and her skin tingled. Those brown eyes traveled slowly up and down her body and Sue could almost feel them, like soft fingers caressing her skin. Christa emptied her glass and set it on the bar. She suddenly moved closer and caught Sue's free hand.

"What are you into then?" the little woman said as she held Sue's hand in a tight grip and gently used her other hand to stroke along the startled wife's forearm. Sue was in shock; the sensuous feel of Christa's fingernails on her inner arm was juxtaposed with the unexpectedness of the caress. Sue tried to speak, but no words would come.

"You like that don't you?" Christa said as she continued to stroke Sue's arm.

"No.." Sue managed. She was breathing deeply and she felt her nipples poking into the soft satin cups of her bra. Christa's hands released her arm, but before Sue could move the girl seized both of her nipples between thumbs and forefinger and squeezed. The instant jolt of pleasure shot through her body and caused her to gasp.

"Your mouth says no, but your hot assed body is saying yes. What's a girl to think? A hot little femme like you married to a bigot like Bernie. Come on girl, moan a little for me, I want to hear it," Christa said in a husky whisper. Sue bit her lip and shook her head, but was powerless to escape from those soft fingers. Christa's right hand released her nipple and gently squeezed Sue's whole breast. Despite herself a soft moan escaped from her lips.

"Mmmmm, that's nice. Love to hear a girl moaning and groaning, especially when she's wiggling her cute ass on the end of my cock. Would you like that MRS. Prescott? I bet you would just love to be bent over this sofa with nine inches buried in your hot snatch wouldn't you?"

"Please.." Sue managed, glancing nervously towards the kitchen.

"Please what? Please stop? Or please bend me over the sofa and fuck the shit out of me?" Christa said. As she spoke her hand left Sue's breast and slid up her inner thigh, taking her skirt with it.


"Mmm, there you go again," Christa said. Her fingers had crossed Sue's garters and the taller woman moaned when Christa's hand demandingly cupped her pussy and began to rub. Sue was paralyzed with both fear and arousal when the girl's hand dug under the leg band of her panties and pulled them aside. She bit her lip until it bled when she felt the shock of Christa's middle finger sliding between her slick lips and forcing its way into her tight entrance.

The sound of the refrigerator opening tore her attention to the kitchen again and she was shivering as she felt Christa disengage from her and step back. Seconds later, Chad poked his head into the living room and looked at the television. He didn't give either of them a second glance as he headed back to the patio.

"Hey guys, come on, they are about to announce the starters," he hollered.

Sue was still reeling. Her body was thrumming with desire even as her mind tried to convince herself that it was her imagination. Christa looked at her and smiled then held up her hand. Sue colored furiously when she saw the wetness glistening on the girl's middle finger. Christa slid the finger into her mouth and sucked it clean, causing Sue to groan. The visual was just so powerful and erotic.

"Sweet, I bet you would love a taste of mine wouldn't you?" She said as she slid her hand inside her Dockers. Sue watched as the girl worked her hand against her mound and then pulled it out. She held her index finger to Sue's lips. Sue could see that it was coated in the girl's juices.

"Go ahead baby, you know you want to," Christa whispered.

Sue couldn't help herself, she parted her lips and Christa thrust her finger in. A heady and musky flavor filled Sue's mouth and she was surprised to hear the popping sound as Christa withdrew her finger.

The little woman stepped up to her again and whispered, "I bet you would love more, but you'll have to get it straight from the source," before vaulting over the back of the sofa and settling into the corner. Everyone was now piling into the living room as the announcers began introducing the starting lineups. Sue's mind was still having trouble functioning and her body demanded that she do something about the sudden burning itch between her legs. She made it into the relative quiet of the kitchen and leaned heavily on the counter. As she thought of the Haitian woman her hand unconsciously slid down her body and softly massaged her enflamed pussy. Her pink tongue gently licked along her lips savoring the girl's distinctive flavor.

The first quarter was a disaster for her husband and his friends. Their team stumbled from the first play and had given up three touchdowns in five minutes. Christa, who was rooting for the other team was harassing them and really rubbing it in. The fact that they were all drunk, except perhaps Christa made it worse and Sue began to become nervous. The last thing she needed was a fight, but Ld's girl joined Christa in the heckling and so did Ace's. It quickly became the girls vs. the men and by the end of the first quarter the insults had taken on a definite sexual character.

Sue was in a bad way herself. Christa's earlier teasing had left her very wet and she squirmed uncomfortably in the chair she had pulled up. By pressing her thighs tightly together she found she could get a little relief from the demands her soaking vagina was sending to her brain. Sue was glad when everyone jumped up and dispersed at halftime. There was a line for the downstairs bathroom so she went upstairs to the bathroom in the master bedroom. From her dresser she grabbed a pair of fresh panties. She hurried to the bathroom and toweled off before putting them on. She opened the door to the bathroom to find Christa standing there smiling at her. There was a definite hunger in the small woman's eyes and despite herself Sue shivered.

"Nice place," the girl said quietly.

"What are you doing here?" Sue managed.

"I followed you. I saw how you were squirming during the first half. I thought maybe that hot little pussy needed some attention?" Christa said easily. Sue had never liked dirty talk in bed and had even cut Bernie off for a week when he insisted on trying. From his mouth the words seemed dirty and disgusted her. From Christa's mouth they seemed like knives of desire and each time the little butch spoke she seemed to twist them in the tall blonde's stomach. Still, she had to put an end to this before it went to far and someone saw them. Bernie would never understand.

"Look, I am sorry about earlier. I did not mean to lead you on, but..."

"You didn't lead me on babe. You're a hot little number, too good for that fuck-tard you're married too. Your pussy is dying for the kind of attention only I can give it," she said as she stepped into the bathroom. Sue retreated and swallowed hard when the short woman pushed the door to the bathroom closed and locked it. Part of her wanted to put a stop to this, but a long repressed part of her was singing with anticipation. She was caught between the dos and the don'ts of the situation and in her confusion she was an easy target for someone with Christa's confidence.

Christa stepped up to her and placed her hands on Sue's shoulders. She gently but firmly turned her towards the mirror and then pushed her over until Sue's elbows rested on the counter on either side of the sink. The mirror showed the entire scene as Christa pulled Sue's dark skirt up over her ass and then pulled her panties down to her ankles.

"Damn, a natural blonde and you're taller than I thought. Spread those legs baby," Christa whispered. Sue let her legs slide outwards, lowering her rump until it was nearly even with the black girl's hips. She had given up then. The fire in her pussy overruled the thoughts in her confused head. She felt Christa slide a finger into her soaked pussy and then another.

"Fuck, your tight baby," Christa said as Sue's inner muscles clamped down hard on the invading fingers. In the mirror she saw the look of pleasure that crossed her face.

"Bernie must not fuck you often, or maybe he just has a needle dick. Is that it baby? Is your man hung like a little boy?"

"Ohhhhh," Sue moaned quietly as Christa began to pump her fingers slowly in and out.

"Which is it girl?" Christa said as she increased the tempo.

"He's not very big and we don't do it often," Sue hissed, totally lost in sensation now.

"Izzat a fact. Well girlfriend, I think it's time you got stuffed," Christa said as she withdrew her fingers until just the tips were inside Sue's entrance. Christa placed a third finger tightly against the two she was using. She knew she was in control now; she had been with enough reluctant women to know the signs. Once their bodies took over and they stopped thinking about it a girl could tell. Mrs. Sue Prescott was at that point, her eyes were tightly closed and her legs were quivering. Christa waited until the lovely white woman pushed back on her dark fingers and smiled broadly.

Sue groaned as she felt the three fingers being pressed into her. The ring of muscles at her entrance involuntarily clamped down on them. Christa continued to press forward with her hand and the muscles slowly gave way. With a little shock that was both painful and pleasurable they slid into Sue's silken glove. Christa slowly worked her fingers in and out, watching Sue's face in the mirror the entire time. When all three fingers were slick and well lubricated she pulled them out and thrust her pinky into Sue's hot pussy.

A couple of quick thrusts and Christa pulled her hand back out and curled all four fingers together. She pressed inward firmly. Sue's eyes shot open when she felt herself being stretched open like never before.

"What are you doing?" she whined as she tried to move forward and away from the girl's hand, but she was in no position to escape the relentless pressure. Christa continued to press inward against the moist yielding flesh until the widest part of her hand bumped against the outside of Sue's widely stretched walls. Sue moaned as the girl began to fuck her with all four fingers. The driving rhythm was hard and fast and Sue soon found her body responding to it. Her hips thrust back to meet Christa's hand and her inner muscles clenched and unclenched trying to hold the fingers inside.

When she dared to open her eyes the visual stimulation sent a quiver through her. Her hair was falling in her face and her expression was one of bliss. Christa was watching her hand with rapt attention as most of it disappeared into the tight pink cavern. Sue closed her eyes again and tried to relax and just enjoy the sensations. She knew she would have to deal with the guilt later, but she was now at the point where stopping it wouldn't succeed in doing anything but leaving her in desperate need of sex. At least that was what she was telling herself.

Christa pushed her fingers in deep and held them there while using her thumb to stroke Sue's wildly stretched lips. Her boss's wife moaned quietly and pulled herself forward a little and pushed back on Christa's still fingers. Christa's thumb was now slick with Sue's juices and Christa smiled slightly. She had never seen a woman get so wet, Sue's honeypot was simply overflowing and a rivulet of her juices was running down the inside of her thigh. Christa curled her thumb against her other finger and spread her legs slightly. She placed her free arm across the small of the taller woman's back and dropped her shoulder so her forearm was lined up perfectly with Sue's wet pussy. She applied a slow but steady pressure, watching with fascination as her fingers slowly disappeared in between Sue's lips.

Sue's eyes shot open when she felt the shock of Christa's hand being pressed home. The extra finger made her feel absolutely stuffed, but it wasn't that bad until the wide part of Christa's hand reached the ring of muscles at the entrance. Sue panicked and tightened her whole body, trying to force the invading fingers out, but to no avail.

"No, hurts," she panted.

"Shhh, just relax baby. Your hot little cunt is so wet you won't even feel it going in if you just relax,"

Sue tried to move away, but she realized she had put herself in a totally vulnerable position. The seemingly unbearable pressure built as Christa continued with the steady pressure and Sue had the fleeting thought she was going to have her pussy torn open. The widest part of Christa's hand was now wedged between her lips and Sue's muscles gave just a fraction.

The air was forced from Sue's lungs as the girl's entire hand suddenly shot forward a few inches. Sue's nether lips were now gripping Christa's wrist and her inner muscles were wildly clamping down on her hand. Christa began to rotate her hand inside the steamy cavern and Sue moaned.

"See baby? I told you your pussy knows best, tell me that doesn't feel good," Christa said in a husky whisper. Christa continued to rotate her hand while pushing deeper and retreating slightly. Sue had never felt anything like it. The sensation of being so totally full was exquisite and now that the almost intolerable pressure of entry was gone there were no signals going to her brain that weren't pleasure. She felt Christa's fingers spread wide inside her and begin to caress places Sue never even knew she had. Christa's free hand left her back now and soon the girl began to stroke Sue's hypersensitive clit. Those questing fingers inside found a place she had never been touched before and within a few strokes Sue's body exploded in an orgasm of epic proportions.

It began with a massive contraction that seemed to come from deep within her. Every muscle in her body seemed to follow her pussy's lead and for a raw split second if felt like her skin would be torn off. This was followed by release as the muscles all relaxed at once. Almost unbearable pleasure came hard on the heels of that relaxation; blending into a sensation so overwhelming that Sue's mind could barely cope. A second contraction followed and then another. Separate sensations stood out like giant waves on the sea of pleasure deluging her mind. Christa's thumb grinding against her clit, the girl's hand filling her like nothing ever had, her fingers stroking that place deep inside all hit with their own bursts of intensity amid a tide of pleasure that was in and of itself beyond the married woman's experience. Sue's ragged moans filled the small room and reverberated around until it sounded like a chorus of ecstatic voices raised as one.

The next thing Sue was aware of was an obscene squishing sound as Christa gently withdrew her hand. She wiped it off with a towel as Sue's breathing returned to normal. Sue tried to stand and nearly collapsed. Christa moved quickly to steady the tall blonde. Sue's legs felt like rubber and Christa was forced to hold her up as she helped Sue to the bed. Sue's heart was still hammering, her legs felt like rubber, aftershocks rocked her body, her nipples were as hard as pebbles and her mind was floating along on a cloud of euphoric good feeling. This is what a girl is supposed to feel like after sex, she told herself. She looked up into Christa's dancing brown eyes and smiled.

"What the hell is going on here?" Bernie's strident voice interrupted her idyllic scene and Sue felt a cold hand of fear clutch her heart. If Sue was lost for words Christa seemed totally in command of the situation. She jumped up and took three strides towards Sue's drunken husband and shoved him out the door.

"Lower your god damned voice you drunk asshole, can't you see she's got a fucking migraine?" Christa said in a harsh whisper.

"Migraine?" Bernie asked in confusion.

"Yeah shit for brains, a migraine, you know, like a headache?"

"Oh, shit, sorry," Bernie said in a much softer voice.

"Go back down and tell your drunk ass friends to keep it down and where do you keep the Tylenol?"

"In the medicine cabinet, second shelf I think," he said as he peeked into the room over Christa's shoulder. Sue was coherent enough to play her part and held her face in her hands. She hoped he was too drunk and too far away to see the smile that she couldn't wipe off her face.

Bernie turned and hurried downstairs and Christa sauntered back into the room. She smiled wickedly and held up Sue's black satin panties. The Haitian girl then blew her a kiss and stuffed the panties into her pocket as she left the room and went back downstairs.

Monday sucked as badly as Sue thought it would. She had decided her cover story would be blown if she went back downstairs so she had stripped and put on an old nightgown. Sleep had taken her almost instantly and she awoke to the alarm screaming at 5:00 the next morning. Her pussy was very tender and sore, but at the same time she knew she wanted to be filled again. She winced as the abused tissues sent warning signals to her brain while she did her morning absolutions. Sue examined her pussy in the mirror. It was puffy and the lips gaped open slightly, she wondered if the little Haitian girl had stretched her pussy out permanently. Bernie had never come to bed and she found him downstairs passed out on the sofa with all but a few of the others. Ace, LD and the girls had gone, as had Christa and the two company bigwigs. Bill was gone too, but that was no surprise he only lived three doors down.

Sue spent the next hour waking drunks and making coffee. She didn't get them all out of the house until well after 7:30 and as much as she wanted to begin cleaning up, she knew she needed to log in and see how things were going at work. Telecommuting had a lot of advantages, but Sue never abused them. She found her inbox stuffed with mails and didn't get done with them all until nearly 2:00. She was still cleaning up the mess when Bernie came in around 4:30. He was still hung over and went straight to bed.

Sue spent the rest of the evening curled up on the sofa watching a movie on television. Her mind wasn't on the show. It kept going back to the little black butch and the episode in the bathroom. Sue gently masturbated to orgasm remembering that scene. The orgasm was beautiful, euphoric and just seemed right, but afterwards she felt intensely guilty. Sue wrapped her robe tightly around herself and went to bed.

By the time Bernie got home Tuesday Sue practically dragged him to bed. The sex was blah, Bernie doing his "2 minute drill" and then rolling over. She lay there on her back with tears of frustration in her eyes. Sue quietly got up and went to the bathroom. Once the door was closed she brought herself to a shattering climax while looking into the mirror and remembering how her face looked with Christa's fist inside her.

By Friday Sue was masturbating five times a day or more. Ten years of repressing her desire for another woman's touch seemed to have been unleashed with a vengeance by Christa. No matter what she was doing her mind was constantly on sex and her pussy seemed to be forever wet and ready. She was going through four to five pairs of panties a day and the dirty clothes hamper was overflowing. Bernie was around the house all day Saturday and it nearly drove Sue mad. She couldn't get any relief from the demands of her body and she went to bed that night actually looking forward to a Sunday during football season for the first time in ten years.

Bernie was up early Sunday and out the door. He was going to pick up beer and head over to the Shepard's place to help them get set up. Sue was looking forward to a few hours with her favorite novel and vibrator. She hoped a few hours of torn bodice romance and a Fabio look alike would get her mind off Christa and the forbidden passion they had shared. She felt she needed to get her mind back on sex with men, something like last weekend wouldn't occur again and she couldn't see herself going out looking for female lovers.

She moved restlessly about the house and actually turned on the television. Five hours to kick off and already it was all football. She was about to kill the television when the doorbell rang. This was why she hadn't jumped right into her book. Bernie was always forgetting things and she just knew he would forget something when she wanted the time alone. Of course he had been gone two hours already, which should have tipped her off. When she opened the door Sue got the shock of her life.

"Hello girlfriend," Christa said in that accent that just set Sue on fire. The little woman wore black leather pants that hugged her hips and a white tank top that left no doubt she was braless. She had a bag slung over her shoulder and pushed a bouquet of flowers into Sue's hands as she walked in and tossed her bag on the sofa.

Flowers. When was the last time someone gave you flowers? Sue asked herself. Maybe Bernie did when little Jeanie was born. She shook her head and glanced up to see Christa leaning on the arm of the sofa and watching her.

"What are you doing here?"

"I knew ol Bern was going to be out at a party all day, so I thought I would come and keep you company," Christa said with a grin. Sue licked her lips. On one hand she was just dying for more of the little woman's attentions, but on the other hand she just didn't think it was right. She was after all a married mother of two.

"I don't think..." she began but Christa cut her off.

"Look Sue. I can tell you're into girls and I think you're really into me. I know I have been dreaming about getting back into your panties since I left last Sunday. I know what your life is like. Bernie must be out of his fucking mind to leave a hot woman like you home alone every weekend for months on end. And you ARE lonely aren't you?"

"Well, yes, sometimes," Sue admitted. The girls voice was like velvet, the accent so enthralling. Sue found herself falling under the sway of that voice.

"So why suffer? I can make these weekends the highlight of your week rather than the worst part. I know your comfortable here, I'm not trying to break up your marriage, just spice up your love life. Bernie can't make you happy in bed, but I can. What have you got to loose? Bernie will be his regular happy self, your little pussy will be well taken care of and I will be happy cause I am fucking such a beautiful lady. Everyone wins," she said.

Sue couldn't think of anything to say. Was the girl's argument that good? Or was her newfound sex drive just over ruling the better part of her mind. Well, it really wasn't fair, she thought. Her resentment at being an after thought to her husband six months out of every year boiled up suddenly. Bernie hadn't looked at her with the kind of burning lust Christa was staring at her with in years. Even when they were newlyweds he had never made her cum like Christa had.

"What it really boils down to is this babe, you can spend today alone and frustrated, or you can spend it getting fucked till you scream. You can wake up Monday morning tired and horny or you can wake up feeling great and satisfied. Which ever you choose it's not going to make one fucking bit of difference to your husband, he will be happy or grouchy depending only on who wins today's games," Christa said. Her argument was very persuasive, but Sue was still torn.

"If you say no I'll split. I think you're hot and I would love to fuck you, but I'm not so hard up that I would force myself on anyone," Christa added as an after thought.

"And if I say yes?"

"If you say yes then this is going to be an all day fuck fest. I won't leave till I am sure you will spend the whole week walking around with a well-fucked smile on your face,"

"Wouldn't Bernie notice that?" Sue said smiling.

"Only if the Jets loose," Christa said and winked.

A well-fucked smile. Sue wondered when the last time she had one of those on her face was, or if she ever had worn one. Certainly not in a very long time. A day alone with her vibrator or a day spent with this enchanting girl. It just didn't seem like a very difficult choice. The hardest part about the decision was the fact that it was so easy, she felt like she should have more qualms, but she didn't. She was horny, and the woman who could satisfy it was right here. And where was her husband? Getting drunk with his buddies and screaming at a TV showing a bunch of steroid freaks trying to kill each other. What sane woman would choose to stay alone?

"Yes," Sue said quietly.

"Yes what?" Christa asked.

"Yes, I want you to stay and...fuck me," Sue said with a blush. Christa smiled and they moved into each other's arms. It was odd for Sue to have to bend over to kiss her new lover, but once their lips met Christa left no doubt about who was in charge. Her full lips pressed against Sue's and her tongue forced its way into the taller woman's mouth. The kiss was deep and powerful, Christa's hands twined in Sue's long blonde hair and held her captive while her small tongue ravished the older woman's mouth. Her tongue leisurely explored Sue's mouth, seeming to touch every bit of it before the kiss finally broke.

Sue was trembling; she had never felt so alive and so ready. Christa surprised her by going to the bar and pouring them both a drink. When she handed one to Sue, the blonde killed it in a single gulp. She was torn between wanting more of the little woman's caresses and the last vestiges of guilt.

"Relax," Christa said softly. The television seemed unusually loud and between snippets of expert breakdown she could hear her heart pounding in her ears.

"Now what?" Sue asked finally. Her desire was quickly overmastering her caution and trepidation. Christa laughed and killed her own drink.

"Now, you're gonna scamper upstairs and put on something sexy for me. A woman with a body like yours shouldn't be walking around dressed like my granny,"

Sue blushed. It had been quite some time since anyone had told her she was pretty. She had to admit her old sweats weren't all that becoming, but she wondered exactly what the small woman had in mind.

"Like what?" Sue asked. Christa grinned lecherously at her.

"I like stockings and heels, but I'll leave all that girly stuff up to you. Just put on whatever you think will get me hot enough to fuck you silly,"

Sue nodded and hurried up the stairs to her bedroom. It wasn't until she stood in the master bedroom that it hit her. What am I doing? she thought suddenly. It was only now, standing in the bedroom she had shared with Bernie for nearly ten years that what she was doing really came home. I am about to put on something with the goal of enticing another woman to have sex with me! I am knowingly and actively cheating on my husband!

"And?" she whispered to herself. Sue realized something she had never dared face before. She resented the living hell out of football season. She resented being left alone for weeks on end. She resented the assumption that she would take care of the kids, mind the house and pay the bills without complaint, while Bernie was drunk and rooting for his team. She resented her husband's addiction to a mindless sport and she hated being alone all the time. She was thirty- three and as horny as she had ever been and Bernie was never around. Even when he was his sex drive seemed to have peaked while they were still teenagers and had been going down hill ever since. Sue was lonely, horny, starved for attention and affection and sick of playing second fiddle to a fucking game.

While Bernie's mind was fixed on X's and O's and zone defenses, Christa's mind was firmly on getting into Sue's pants. She blushed when she realized if felt good to be desired, to be wanted. Remembering the orgasms she had enjoyed just thinking about the little Haitian woman she felt sure it would be the time of her life.

"Fuck you," she said vehemently, "Fuck you, your needle dick, your stupid fucking game and all your asshole buddies too. Get drunk, get stupid, get off watching a bunch of guys beat each other up and while your doing that, I'm going to get laid,"

Sue pulled off her warm-up top and tossed it on the floor as she walked over to her dresser. She deftly undid her bra and tossed it in the hamper next to the bathroom door. What to wear, what to wear, what to wear, she thought as she pulled open the drawer that held her underwear. Most of Sue's under things were functional and comfortable. Bernie had never shown much interest in her wearing sexy lingerie and God forbid he would have ever gone and bought her something like that. What would his friends think if they saw him in a Victoria's Secrets? Perish the thought.

She remembered the one time she had tried to dress as sexy as she could and entice Bernie away from the television. Sue had to smile and shake her head, it had been an utter disaster. There she was, coming down the stairs, wearing a frilly little bit of nothing and heels. Bernie hadn't even noticed. He had looked up from the game only long enough to ask her to bring him another beer. So much for romance.

She had a few items that were on the racy side, but her eyes were drawn to the white boxes in the back of the drawer. Sue hesitated, she wasn't sure if she wanted to be that nasty. The boxes held her bridal lingerie and she hadn't removed them from their boxes since her wedding day. The idea of being taken by the little butch in her bridal lingerie really turned Sue on for some reason. It was just so.naughty! Giggling like a schoolgirl she pulled out the boxes and removed the carefully folded sheets of tissue paper.

Sue shucked her warm-up bottoms and panties and quickly donned the garterbelt. It was made of white satin and trimmed in pale pink lace with little red roses over the garter clasps. Next came the sheer white stockings. The panties were indecently brief and Sue wished she had known Christa was coming so she could have trimmed her pubic triangle. The bra was a peek-a-boo model with just a thin layer of gossamer covering her nipples and aureoles. Sue slipped her finger through the loop on the lace gloves and smoothed them out. She added a white satin choker with a Victorian silhouette at her throat and carefully pinned her hair up. As a final touch she dug out an old shoebox from high in her closet and donned the four inch white pumps she had worn last on her wedding day. A glance in the full- length mirror startled her. She looked at her reflection every day, but she couldn't remember the last time she looked at it and felt as sexy or as proud of her looks. Smiling, she made her way downstairs.

Christa was sitting on the sofa watching the television, but her head came around the moment Sue stepped off the carpeted stairs and her heels clicked on the tile floor. The little woman licked her lips and stared appreciatively. She watched every movement as Sue made her way around to the front of the sofa. Sue felt giddy; the hunger in the girl's eyes fueled her own lust.

"Damn girl, you are one hot little number," Christa said. Standing in her heels Sue towered over Christa and smiled.

"Why do you keep calling me little?"

"I don't know," Christa said with a shrug. She stood up and smiled as the height difference became even more obvious.

"I'm just used to calling fluffs like you little, I guess. Sweet thing, sugar panties, baby, don't mean nothing by it," She said as her hands worked the button and zipper on her leather pants.

"Does it bother you?" she asked as she kicked off her boots.

"No, I just wondered," Sue said. Her mind had already left the subject, her attention totally on the little woman's open fly. Sue hadn't seen another woman naked since her first love and she realized she was anticipating it.

"That's good," Christa said as she slid the pants down her hips and off. She sat on the sofa again with her legs drawn up on the cushions and her ass on the very edge of the seat. She was clean shaven and her dark lips were pouting open slightly. She reached down and spread them with two fingers, giving Sue a view of the coral colored inner folds.

"You like that don't you?" Christa said in a husky whisper. Sue could only nod, she seemed to have lost her voice.

"Well, don't just stand there babe, come on and have a taste," Christa said grinning. Sue nodded and moved to the sofa before falling to her knees. It was almost like she was in a trance. Her hands went to the girl's smooth thighs and at this distance she could smell the musky aroma of Christa's arousal. With a sound that was half moan and half growl Sue pressed her face into the pungent folds and began to wildly lick. At first the taste was salty, but that quickly gave way to a stronger, tangy sweetness as her attentions caused Christa to produce more of her juices. Sue loved the way her tongue glided along the silken folds and she searched out every bit of the girl's flavor. She licked along her lips, and pushed her tongue between them, flattening it out and curling it slightly as she lapped at the girl's pussy like a cat at a water bowl. She pushed her face deeper, until she could slide her tongue into Christa's tight entrance. There she found a seemingly never-ending supply of nectar and for a timeless period she simply scooped it up as fast as her tongue could.

Christa let out a little sigh and tangled her hands in Sue's long blonde locks. Sue looked up to see Christa watching her intently. The little butch guided the older woman's face back to her dripping pussy.

"Don't stop baby, you eat all that pussy you want. I'll let you know when you're done,"

Sue didn't try to respond, Christa had pulled her face back into her pussy and the married woman simply went wild licking, nuzzling and sucking. She had always loved to service Dominique, and now she seemed to be trying to make up for lost years in her frenetic attack on Christa's glistening pussy. After some time Christa's body stiffened and then her hips went wild, plunging against Sue's slick face. She never uttered a sound, but the copious amount of juice told Sue she had cum. Sue was ecstatic, she loved the feeling she got when she made her lover cum. She reached a hand back between her legs and began to rub her soaked lips through the satin panties. She didn't slow down and Christa's hands still held her face tightly against her pussy. A second orgasm and then a third, but still the little woman held Sue's head firmly to her dripping cunt and guided her to whatever place she wanted. Sue's tongue had become tired and she spent more time now holding her tongue out stiffly while nodding or shaking her head. She was beginning to wonder how long this could go on when Christa's bottom came unglued again. This time the dark skinned butch released her head and sighed contentedly.

"Damn," she said finally. Sue smiled happily, it had been a long time, but she still loved it. Maybe today, after the week of waiting she loved it even more.

"Whoever taught you how to eat pussy deserves a medal. No one has ever given me head like that before,"

Sue beamed, the praise making her feel even better. She wondered if Christa would reciprocate, or if the little butch had something else in mind. Sue didn't have long to wait. Christa rose and walked over to her bag, from it she removed a harness and strapped it around her waist. She then retrieved a massive black dildo from the bag and smiled at Sue's expression. Christa tossed it to the startled woman and laughed when Sue nearly dropped it. While Sue was totally caught up in the cock, Christa surreptitiously dipped her finger into the topical anesthetic she had brought and rubbed it over her clit. The numb feeling was strange, but she intended this to be a long fucking. She grabbed a tube of lube before turning back to Sue, who was still staring in fascination at the massive dildo.

The first thing that struck Sue was how large it was. The fluted head was easily the size of a tennis ball and the shaft was so thick she could barely close her fingers around it. A series of veins ran along the shaft and a pair of heavy balls was attached to the base. Except for the dimensions she thought it looked very life like.

"Like it sugar?"

"It's really big," Sue said. Christa laughed as she gently pried it from the awed woman's hands and pressed it tightly to the harness. A couple of snaps and it was ready. Christa held her small fist next to the head of the cock.

"You've already had bigger," the butch said, smiling when Sue blushed a deep crimson. Christa stroked the monster cock fondly and eyed Sue. She had never used this particular dildo on a partner before. Most of the girls she had been with were afraid of it, but she had felt pretty sure Sue would let her do anything she wanted. Despite her marriage Christa was sure the beautiful blonde was really a lesbian and the long years without would make her amenable to anything. Her best friend Bethany used the same dildo on her bottoms and swore once she had used it on a girl noting else would satisfy them. Christa was hoping that would be the case with Sue. The tall leggy blonde was absolutely gorgeous and had the most wonderful personality. Christa wanted her and with very few exceptions she got what she wanted.

This one was going to be a long-term project though. Happily married women were hard to land and Bethany had chided her for letting herself get so wrapped up in one. It hadn't been intentional, she had gone after Sue more to get back at her husband than anything else. The problem was that she was just perfect. Beautiful, sweet, shy, easily embarrassed and...wholesome. Even in the throes of passion there was a gentle sweetness about her that simply captivated Christa. For the last few years Christa had been with a lot of fluffs, but they all had the hard edge that came from the street. Christa couldn't imagine coming home night after night to any of them, but she could easily imagine coming in to find Sue in her home. It was nice to imagine and it had been growing on her mind ever since Sunday. Someone to be there when she got in, to make the house she owned a home and someone to share with. It was a dream worth chasing.

Sue was still on her knees, still staring in fascination at the massive phallus. Christa moved to her and placed her hands on the woman's shoulders, then gently turned her around to face the TV and pushed her over on all fours. She slipped her fingers into the satin panties and helped Sue out of them then knelt behind her. Sue looked back over her shoulder with a very apprehensive look, but Christa just smiled and gently stroked the cheeks of her ass.

"You've got the most incredible body," Christa said softly. Sue smiled and blushed, but her eyes never left the big cock as it drooped under it's own weight. Christa leaned over and began to kiss and nibble Sue's neck and her hand gently cupped the pretty blonde's pussy. She was pleased to find the woman was already incredibly wet and ready. Christa couldn't believe how perfect Sue was, she had found relatively few girls who seemed to get off on giving head, but it was obvious that the blonde did.

Rising back to her knees Christa squirted a generous amount of the lube on the big cock and slicked it up. Even with Sue's generous lubrication Christa knew the blonde woman would need help taking the massive black cock. When she finished it glistened menacingly and she took it in both hands to bring it to Sue's wet pussy. Sue's lips gapped open slightly and Christa thrilled when she saw the very tip settle between them. She rubbed it up and down the blonde's pink lips, which elicited a soft moan from Sue.

"You want it don't you?" Christa said harshly. Sue nodded and lowered her upper body to her elbows, forcing her ass up higher. She couldn't believe how hot she was, or how the black woman's words could send shiver's of desire through her.

"That's a good girl," Christa said as she found the right place and the bulbous head settled at Sue's opening. Still holding the mighty dong with both hands Christa pressed forward with her hips. At first there was no movement at all as the ring of muscle at Sue's opening refused to budge. Christa kept up the steady pressure, not trying to force her way in, but watching in fascination as the tip disappeared into Sue's delicate pink pussy.

Sue had never felt anything like it; even the girl's fist hadn't felt so large. She tried to force herself to relax, but her muscles wouldn't obey. Slowly, almost grudgingly they began to expand as the relentless pressure continued. There was a horrible stab of pain followed by an uncomfortable fullness. Sue cried out, but even as she did she felt the huge head slide past her entrance and utterly fill her pussy. The pain lessened to a dull ache that mingled with the thrilling sensation of being so full.

Christa was smiling as she watched the muscles in Sue's ass and thighs quiver. She loved the way Sue's pussy had clamped down on the thick veiny shaft of the dildo. Christa still held the shaft with one hand while placing her other on Sue's hip. Her fingers dug into the soft flesh and she pressed forward again. Sue groaned as the head expanded the walls of her tunnel and a couple of inches of the shaft disappeared into her.

"Please," she gasped.

"Please what baby?" Christa asked, as she stopped pressing forward.

"Go slow," the blonde managed. Christa exulted then. She had feared Sue would ask her to take it out or to stop, but no, she just wanted her to go slower. Christa could do that; she had all day with this lovely creature. Bernie, you're a fucking idiot, she thought to herself.

"Don't worry sugar, I'll be gentle, just relax," she said instead. She grasped Sue's hips again and pressed forward.

Sue groaned again as she felt the huge intruder nosing deeper into her pussy, but this groan sounded different, almost like a cross between a groan and a moan. It was starting to feel good, really good and Sue was getting into it now. The flash of pain was a distant memory and the aching was totally eclipsed by the pleasure the huge cock was giving her. She even found herself pushing back, trying to help her lover bury the whole thing. She wanted it all, even though she knew it was impossible to take the whole thing.

Christa knew differently. For all its impressive girth, the dildo was only ten inches long. From their earlier encounter she was confident Sue was at least that deep. Looking down she had to wonder though, she only had a little more than half of it inside the married woman's pussy and already she was having to actually use the muscles of her hips to force it deeper. She smiled when she noticed Sue was pressing back on the big dildo.

"You like that big black cock, don't you sugar?" Christa said as she forced another inch into Sue's gapping pussy. The blonde didn't reply, but that was all right with Christa, the way she was moaning and pushing back on the big dildo was more eloquent than words. The little butch gripped Sue's hips tightly and pulled back just a bit, watching as the inner lips of her pussy were pulled outwards by the huge cock. When a small bit of the latex, slick with Sue's juices was exposed Christa pushed back in. The visual stimulation was so erotic that Christa felt sure she would have cum right there if she hadn't used the deadener.

Her plan now was to fuck Mrs. Sue Prescott like she had never been fucked before. Christa had not been sure that she would get this opportunity, she had misread women in the past and in more ways than she cared to name Sue was still an enigma to her. She also faced her own demons, every time she had ever tried to form a serious relationship it had all turned to shit. She had planned this carefully, making sure she would be able to go all evening if need be and it was her hope that she would be able to fuck the tall blonde to exhaustion. Nothing made an impression on a woman like being fucked till she passed out. Christa felt she had a lot to offer the object of her affection, but at this point in time sex was her only inroad and she intended to make the most of that. These thoughts and others raced through the little butch's mind as she continued to slowly work the big dong into Sue's tight pussy.

"Ouch!" Sue exclaimed as the head bumped her cervix. Christa immediately pulled back.

"I think that's as much as I can take," Sue said ruefully.

"No. You're just not hot enough yet," Christa pronounced. The little butch pulled the huge dong from Sue's pussy with an obscene popping noise. Sue moaned in frustration at suddenly being so empty. That frustration was replaced with wild bliss when she felt Christa's tongue forced between her lips. Sue sighed and relaxed as Christa began to gently tongue her abused pussy. The little butch teased and caressed her lips and entrance for a while before zeroing in on her straining clit. Slow lingering licks with the flat of her tongue drove Sue wild and she began to babble as her orgasm approached. Christa carried her to the edge, but pulled back when Sue began to quiver. The blonde nearly screamed in frustration, but the sound caught in her throat when she felt the huge head of the dildo at her entrance again.

This time entry was not as painful, although she was still uncomfortably full at first. That quickly gave way to feeling wonderful as Christa tightened her hold on Sue's hips and began to work the monster cock deeper. Sue had never felt this full or anything this deep. Even Christa's hand hadn't seemed to fill her like this. She gritted her teeth as it pushed deeper and was caught off guard when the dark girl's hips bumped lightly against her ass.

"In baby," Christa said triumphantly. Sue managed to look back between her legs to see only the thick balls hanging down; none of the thick shaft was visible.

"Now girl, I'm going to fuck you like you deserve," Christa said in a throaty whisper. Sue felt the huge cock stir within her, drawing back a short distance then shooting forward. The lunge actually forced the breath from her lungs. With each thrust Christa withdrew a little more, slowly working up to long, deep, penetrating strokes. She was taking it slow, but Sue was becoming wild, forcing herself back on the big dick. Smiling the little butch moved to a faster pace, stroking most of the length of the big dildo in and out of her pliant lover.

Sue had never experienced anything like it. She felt like a skyrocket whose fuse was lighted and was moments away from blast off. Her mind struggled with the flood of sensations, but when the first mighty contraction hit she simply lost contact with reality. Pleasure, thick and heady ripped through her system and she felt herself pushed this way and that by the euphoric waves. She was neither riding them nor wholly sunk into them, but was at their mercy nonetheless. Her first impression when the most violent part of her orgasm began to subside was that of tingly pleasure still coming from her pussy. Christa had not slowed and continued to fuck her with long even strokes.

An after shock rippled though her body and caused her cunt to contract tightly on the huge cock. This in turn caused it's movements to be highlighted and like a pebble falling off a cliff it started an avalanche that was her second orgasm in less than a minute. This one was different, not as powerful or mind blowing, but still exquisitely pleasurable. She kept her head through it, feeling the even plunging of the dildo in and out. She tried to regain her breath and calm her racing heartbeat, but even as she began to get some control she felt a twinge deep in her pussy.

"Noooo.. Oh.. GOD!" She groaned as another mind shattering orgasm ripped into her. As powerful if not more so than the first it carried her away on another fantastic voyage of orgasmic bliss. Again she found herself coming back to the even strokes. Christa hadn't slowed at all, but was now driving into her with powerful and relentless strokes. The rhythmic slap of the girl's thighs against her ass was hypnotic and Sue's next orgasm caught her by surprise. This one wasn't as powerful, almost like a strong aftershock, but the continued minor contractions that followed let her know it was more than that. Sue had no idea she was multi- orgasmic. Bernie had never lasted long enough to bring her more than one, if that and her own hurried sessions with her vibrator always ended when she achieved climax. She tried to relax now, to just enjoy the flow of sensation, but her body was so sensitized that it wasn't long before she felt another twinge followed by a burst of pleasure that simply blotted everything else out of her mind.

Christa had a grimly determined scowl on her face as she continued to fuck the blonde beauty. Even when Sue howled through another orgasm the little butch continued to pound into her. Sue was whimpering now, making tiny noises that were not like anything Christa had ever heard before. They drove her on and she started to rotate her hips with each thrust. Sue groaned and stirred, but seemed incapable of doing more than rocking her hips back to meet the continued thrusts. Christa focused her attention on the television and concentrated on the commentary. She continued to thrust into Sue in an almost mechanical way, totally outside her consciousness. She couldn't keep watching or listening to Sue, the leggy blonde was so incredibly hot that even with the anesthetic Christa was afraid she would loose her concentration and that just couldn't happen. Tonight wasn't about her pleasure.

Sue's pussy was throbbing with pleasure, sending waves of pure bliss into her system. Her whole body seemed to be screaming with pleasure and that big cock kept slamming into her. She had lost count of the orgasms and of time, nothing seemed to matter anymore. As long as that wonderful cock kept sending her into shrieking orgasm the rest of the world was as remote as Mars. She felt another orgasm building, but there was something different. It was almost like her mind was misfiring, sensations were distorted and she felt out of sync with her body. When the orgasm came she heard her own feral scream of pleasure. Her vision swam and everything seemed to be viewed through a red haze. As the powerful pulses of pleasure overwhelmed her the red faded to black.

When Sue came to she found her head in Christa's lap. The little butch was gently stroking her hair and singing softly to her in her native tongue. Sue's eyes fluttered open and she shook her head.

"What happened?" she asked groggily.

"You came so hard you passed out,"

"Mmmmmm" Sue hummed, her whole body felt wonderfully relaxed and she was so content. She started when Christa's hand moved from her hair to her breast. She looked up questioningly at the little butch.

"Ready for some more?" she asked grinning.

"You've got to be kidding?" Sue asked. She didn't know how much more she could take.

"The game hasn't even started yet," Christa said smiling and tweaking her nipple.

"Fuck the game," Sue said drowsily.

"I intend to. Or more to the point, I intend to fuck you for the length of the game, so why don't you get in a three point stance so I can go back to calling signals," Christa said with a huge smile.

"Hut hut hut," Sue giggled as she slowly rolled over and got on all fours.

Bernie was toasted and he knew he shouldn't be driving. He was trying to be extra careful as he turned onto his street. The little black Miata shot by so fast his alcohol soaked brain didn't even register it. If he had, he would have seen Christa smiling like a Cheshire cat as she quickly accelerated out of the neighborhood.

The house was dark as Bernie stumbled through the door. There was a funny smell in the house, something pungent and musky, but covered with the fresh scent of Lysol. He was too inebriated to recognize the aroma and continued to stumble up to the bedroom, knocking over a table lamp and cursing loudly.

Once he got undressed and into bed he tried to wake Sue. The Jets had crushed the Steelers and he wanted to celebrate, but his shaking seemed to produce nothing so he flipped on the light. Even that didn't wake Sue. She slept on, oblivious to his arrival. She had the damnedest smile on her face, one that Bernie couldn't fathom. He shut off the light and fell asleep thinking that must be some dream she was having.

The next morning Bernie woke late and had to rush out the door to make it to work. At lunch everyone was talking about the game except Christa, she seemed preoccupied.

"What's the matter shorty? Pissed off about the Jets?" he asked. She looked at him with an unreadable expression.

"No, just mad that my tickets are going to go to waste," she said casually.

"What tickets?"

"My girlfriend got me two ticks to the AFC championship game in Oakland, but I can't go,"

"You got tickets to the Championship??? How?"

"My friend knows one of the cashiers at the stadium," Christa said matter-of-factly. She was trying hard to seem down about it. Actually, Bethany had scored the tickets for her and suggested she get them to Bernie somehow. Christa was blown away by the simplicity of the ploy, but she could just imagine Sue's anger at him leaving her for a week. She could also imagine how she was going to fill that week for her boss's blonde wife.

"Gonna sell em?" Bernie asked a little too casually.


"How much you want for em?" Bernie asked. He was trying to hide his excitement, but Christa knew she had the fuck. The question was how much could she gouge him for.

"Dunno, I figure I can get five hundred bucks for them online,"

"Hell, I'll give you seven hundred," Bernie said excitedly.

"Make it 750, I been eyeing an outfit for my girl,"

"Done!" Bernie said immediately pulling out his checkbook. Once he gave her the check Christa gave him the tickets.

"Holy fuck, I'm going to the game!" he hollered.

"Have fun," Christa said. Bernie looked at her and smiled.

"You two, I hope your bitch looks good and you get laid," Bernie said. Christa smiled to herself.

"Oh, she will, and I will, don't you worry about that," she managed to say without laughing.

End Part 1

Next: Chapter 2

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