For Always

By moc.liamlrug@18_eci

Published on Oct 21, 2000


Well hell, I'd like to take a second here to say something. Just recently, someone used their cut, copy, and paste commands to "steal" a person's copyrighted work and claim it as their own. Not only does this piss me off to no end, IT'S ILLEGAL! Apparently, some people don't quite grasp that concept. The girl got caught, which goes to show you, if you're stupid enough to plagiarize someone else's work, YOU WILL GET CAUGHT. Respect other peoples work as their own. The author whose work was passed off as another's is Dayse, the author of "The Best Man" which can be found here at Nifty and also at . Her website is filled with excellent piles of great Joey/Chris fic. Anyone who could DARE to touch her writing (or anybody else's actually) deserves a good swift kick in the ass. Okay, having said that, to the disclaimer!

Disclaimer: Well goodness. As much as I would like to, I don't know Nsync. This jumble of words below is called a story. As in it's not real. If you believe it's real, you deserve a good swift kick in the ass (I'm feeling the kicking vibe tonight). And about them being gay... I have my suspicions.

===== For Always - 4 Copyright 2000 Ice




A moan.


A crash.


"You did NOT just do what I think you did."

"Oh yes I did. Now shut up, I'm going back to sleep."


"Goddamnit. Joey, go pull those bastards away from the mirror." Chris commanded. They were supposed to meet in Joey's room half an hour ago and the heartthrobs weren't there yet. Chris tried calling their room, but no one picked up.

"Oh, don't think you can order me around old man. Until you buy me a new sweater you go get them yourself!" Joey sulked from the chair he was draped across.

Chris's cell phone rang.

"Lance?" Chris tiredly asked the figure laying on the other bed as he picked up. Danielle with FuMan news.

Lance looked at the other two in the room.

"Do I have a choice?" He grumbled to himself as he pushed himself into sitting position on his bed. He walked out the door and made his way to Justin and JC's room. He knocked. No answer.

"Hey guys, Chris is about to have a hernia. Shake it and let's go." He called through the wood. Still no answer.

"Oh come ON. Don't make me use my goddamn key." Lance growled. His threat went unnoticed. A grumpy Lance pulled out his wallet and fished out a plastic key card that matched the numbers on the door. He stuck it in and upon the green light, pushed his way into the room.

"You're kidding me." He said incredulous.

Justin was laying in bed completely sideways, face down, with the covers around his waist. JC was sprawled out on his own bed the covers having been kicked to the floor. Both of their mouths were hanging open.

"What the..." Lance trailed off as he look at the table in between their beds. It was empty, save the pad of paper on it. He looked across the room and saw the phone laying next to the wall... In a few pieces.

He looked back at the sleeping pair.

"WAKE THE FUCK UP!" Lance bellowed. Justin jumped up quickly, the covers tangled around his waist. He tried to take a step and fell to the ground tripping over the sheets. JC rolled over and groaned at the sound of the "OOMPH!"

"WE HAVE HALF AN HOUR TO GET OUT OF THE HOTEL!" Lance yelled. "Get up, dressed and packed NOW." Lance turned around and stalked out the door, slamming it behind him.

Justin looked at JC, who was now sitting on the bed rubbing his eyes. He caught his eye for a second, and they both shrugged and got up.


They were in the van going back to the new hotel after the MTV TRL segment. Chris Joey and Lance were all squished in the middle of the van, and Justin and JC shared the back. Chris was complaining about being shoved in between Joey and the window and Lance had his head resting on the back of the seat, drifting off. Justin was staring out the window scowling and JC had fallen asleep with his head in his arms on the back of the seat that housed Chris.

JC shifted and one of his arms fell and hit Justin's knee. He turned with a glare on his face, but it dropped the second he saw JC's face. He smiled when he saw JC's nose twitch. He noticed the off angle JC's head was resting at. He pulled the older man up so JC's head rested against his shoulder and threw an arm around him. In response, JC cuddled into Justin's chest and buried his face into his neck.

"Just...?" JC mumbled into his neck.

"Yeah?" Justin said back softly.

"Thanks." He mumbled sleepily. He nuzzled Justin's neck and promptly fell back asleep.

Justin turned his head slowly to look out the window as if not to disturb his friend. He held back a yawn as his eyes dropped tiredly. He laid his head down on the top of JC's head as the van bumped along. He shut his eyes and drifted off to sleep, wondering what kind of shampoo JC used.


"Alright, anyone wanna hit a club with me later?" Chris asked grinning. Lance just groaned while Joey agreed happily.

"You guys go clubbing WAY too much for straight guys." Lance joked.

"Whatever." Chris stuck his tongue out at Lance.

"Damn, are you mature for your age or what?" Lance smirked at him.

"Shut up Lan-sten! You stink." Chris said sticking his key into his door. Joey laughed from across the hall in his doorway.

"Chris, you're so infantile." Joey said laughing.

"I am NOT infantile, you stinkybutt poophead!" Chris huffed and went into his room. Lance just shook his head and followed him in.

Justin and JC just stared at where their friends were.

"Why are we friends with them again?" Justin asked JC moving to their room.

"Who the hell knows?" JC said opening the door. Justin followed him inside and threw himself down onto the bed.

"I'm so BEAT. God, why am I this tired?" He groaned and rolled over to face the ceiling. JC just picked up a pillow from his bed and tossed it at Justin's face.

"Oh quiet yourself. Anyone ever tell you that you complain too much?" JC said with an evil grin on his face. "Besides, it's not even 7 yet! Let's watch some TV or something, lazy." He shot at Justin.

Justin just glared at his friend as he tossed the pillow aside.

"Fine. I'm hungry too so let's order some food or something." Justin suggested throwing the pillow back.

"K, just get me a cheesesteak. I'm going to the vending machine down the hall for sodas and chips, you want anything?" He asked while going through his bag.

"Yeah, hang on a sec." Justin said about to get up. "Get me a bottle of Mountain Dew and a bag of cheddar and sour cream chips if they have them? If not just regular ones." He said as he reached into his back pocket for his wallet.

"I got it J," JC said already on his way. "Just stick something on or order a movie or whatever. I'll be right back." He called over his shoulder.

"K!" Justin called. He turned on the TV to the movie channel. "What to watch..." He mumbled.

The choices:

Jerry Maguire. /Eww.\

Star Wars: The Phantom Menace. /Josh'll bust a nut.\

Scream 3. /Hell no. So I can just jump into Josh's arms every goddamn 5 minutes as something scary happens. Right.\

Michael. /Doesn't anyone like good movies in hotel?\

Ever After. /Cute. I can cuddle up to Josh with a bowl of fucking popcorn and hold hands as we watch Drew Barrymore fall for some prince back in the 14 hundreds. He'll love that.\

Justin shook his head. His choice was obvious. He picked up the phone and dialed the numbers next to Star Wars.


"Justin, you are AWESOME." JC said finishing up his cheesesteak. Justin just laughed as he sipped his drink from the other side of JC's bed.

"I know I'm a goddamn saint." He said smugly putting his drink back on the table.

JC got back with the food only to find out that Justin had ordered his favorite movie. So what if it wouldn't be on for another two hours? Time was passing and it would be only around half an hour until the movie now. The guys had shed themselves of their clothes and were now in pajama pants.

"Now saint's a little much." He said and pushed Justin aside as he put his plate next to Justin's drink. Justin pushed back.

"Is not!" He pouted. JC shoved him back a little harder. "Oh, you do NOT wanna go there you big dork! He shoved JC again, and this time JC almost fell off the bed.

"Who you callin a dork?" JC jumped on top of Justin. They began to wrestle around on the bed. They were in their own little world laughing and shouting so much they didn't hear Lance open the door.

"Hey, the other guys went clubbin, so I figured... Oh, am I interrupting something?" Lance said with a raised eyebrow. Justin and JC both looked up from where Justin had JC pinned face down on the bed. Justin got off JC's ass which he was straddling, and sat next to him. JC flipped over and lounged next to Justin.

"Yeah, you were interrupting our foreplay. Now go away so we can get it on. Right honey?" Justin batted his eyelashes at JC and grabbed his hand. JC held back a smile as Lance's eyebrows both shot up and decided to play along.

"Of course dear." He said as he stroked Justin's cheek. Lance's eyes were as wide as saucers now. "Go away Lance, leave us alone." JC then rubbed his nose against Justin's. Justin had to turn his head away so Lance couldn't see his smile and his shoulders shake as he held back laughter.

"Wait, what the hell! Are you guys-" Lance started.

"Lance! Go away!" Justin shouted turning around to face Lance. "We ordered a nice romantic movie which should be on any minute and we don't need YOU around here with us to ruin our cuddling. Right," He said and held back a smile as he turned to JC. "Schnookems?" Lance's mouth dropped open.

JC nodded and looked down. It looked like he was just blushing, though he was really trying not to laugh.

"Okay, well um... Yeah, I'll see you guys in the uh, morning. Or something..." Lance stuttered out backing away. JC laughed a little and put his arms around Justin, keeping his eyes on Lance. He dropped a kiss on Justin's curls as Justin cuddled into his neck.

"Uh, bye." Lance said and turned around and left quickly.

The minute the door was shut both guys burst into laughter.

"That was a good one, we gotta act like that around Lance more often." Justin laughed into JC's neck. JC let him go after a quick squeeze and grabbed his drink from the table.

"Yeah it was. He looked like he was gonna shit himself when you called me schnookems. SCHNOOKEMS Justin, that's so fucking cheesy." He laughed loudly before taking a long swig of his soda. Justin laughed.

"I know." He smiled proudly.

"I HEARD THAT!" Lance shouted from the hall.

"You believed it!" JC shouted back.

"Come on, the movie's about to start." Justin said before turning off the light and snuggling under JC's covers. JC joined him with a bag of chips.

During the movie, JC subconsciously snuggled up against Justin and Justin's arm wound up around JC's shoulders, the chips forgotten. They were both too ingrossed with the movie to really notice.

A little over two hours later, the movie turned off. JC was barely awake, still under Justin's arm. Justin was fast asleep, his head against JC's, and his arm tight around JC's shoulder.

"Just...?" He said quietly. Justin moved his head a little, but didn't wake up. JC tried to get out of his grip but Justin moved his other arm around JC's body as well.

JC poked Justin's side, then looked up at his face. He smiled when he saw the smile on Justin's face. He did it again. Justin let out a little laugh. /Thank God he's waking up smiling.\ JC thought.

He tickled Justin's side and Justin let out a louder laugh.

"Happy? I'm awake now." Justin grinned sleepily at the older boy. He moved one of his arms and began to tickle JC back. JC laughed and attacked Justin. They both started to roll around on the bed again, tickling each other and giggling like little kids.

JC pushed Justin over a little too far and they both went tumbling to the floor, along with the blankets. Justin laughed loudly from under JC. JC just rolled off of Justin and lay on the floor, too tired to get back up.

Justin just pushed the blankets off his chest and rolled on his stomach, putting an arm under his head.

"I'm too tired to get back up." He said stating JC's mind.

"Me too." JC admitted. He rolled over and put a hand on Justin's back, who was already drifting off again.

"Night Curly." JC said quietly. He started drifting off when he heard a sleepy voice mumble back.

"Night Josh. Love ya."


Okay, this was a kind of "transition" chapter thing. It'll get better, promise (promises promises...). Now, onto the feedback that (hopefully) will be waiting for me when I get back from New York.


Next: Chapter 5

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