For Justins Love

By moc.loa@962ihdaraF

Published on Nov 18, 1999


This story is a work of FICTION. It does not say that anything that occurred in this story happened in reality. If it did, I wouldn't be stuck here in the middle of nowhere, would I?

Nick came over and joined us at the couch. I didn't even notice him as Aaron and I were both singing along with "Friend Like Me." Naturally, he was a hell of a lot better than I was, but since he was such a good singer, he was able to harmonize with me without too much difficulty. We were smiling at each other and the others were all staring at me. I can sing, after all, and it helped that I had taken those voice lessons last semester. They saved me from total embarrassment. Nick smiled and sat down on the arm of the sofa next to me. It startled me, and I jumped, my voice cracking. Everyone seemed to think that was funny, and I turned beet red as they laughed. Nick fell and put his hand out to catch himself. I quickly looked at Nick and thought of Justin. Suddenly, I was reminded of something as I stared into his eyes.

"I feel your fingers... cold on my shoulder... your chilling touch as it runs down my spine... watching your eyes... as they invade my soul. Forbidden pleasures... I'm afraid to make mine. At the touch of your hand... at the sound of your voice... at the moment your eyes meet mine. I am out of my mind... I am out of control... full of feelings I can't define. It's a sin with no name... like a hand in a flame... and our sensed proclaim... it's a dangerous game. A darker dream... that has no ending... that's so unreal... you believe that it's true! A dance of death... out of a mystery tale... The frightened princess doesn't know what to do! Will the ghosts go away? Will she will them to stay? Either way there's no way to win! All I know is I'm lost... and I'm counting the cost... my emotions are in a spin... I don't know who's to blame... it's a crime and ad shame... but it's true all the same... it's a dangerous game! No one speaks... not one word... but what words are in our eyes! Silence speaks, silence speaks... loud and clear, loud and clear... all the words... we don't want to hear! At the touch of your the sound of your voice... at the moment your eyes meet mine... I am losing my mind... I am losing control... fighting feelings I cant define! It's a sin with no name, no remorse and no shame, fire, fury and flame! Cause the devils to blame and the Angels proclaim! It's a dangerous game!"

"What is it Ryan?" Nick asked, staring right back into my eyes.

"Uh, nothing," I replied hastily, blushing furiously. He looked at me strangely for a moment, as did Aaron, then he shrugged and we watched the rest of the movie without any incident. I looked at the clock, which read 8:47.

"Well everyone, it was nice to meet you all, but I think I'm gonna head to bed now."

"So early?" BJ asked, surprised.

"Yep. I've had a tough semester and now I've got jet lag. Besides, I have a strange feeling that you're all gonna be waking me up bright and early tomorrow!" I grinned at them impishly, and they giggled. "So, I'm gonna be ready. You better not try anything. Don't say I didn't warn you!"

Nick stood up. "You need anything?"

"Not in particular. But what time to the younger ones go to bed?"

"It's summer now, so they can stay up until about 9:30. Aaron can stay up until 11 or eleven-thirty."

"Ok. Then I'm going to take a bath first if that's OK with you guys."

"Sure! Help yourself. But before you do, let me show you something-" he led me into the bathroom and showed me a switch on the wall. "This'll activate the jets-"

"I know," I interrupted. "My apartment on Captiva has one."

"Oh, you've been to Captiva?"

"Yeah. Every year I go. It's a great place for shelling, but the scuba diving isn't that great. Although the dolphins are friendly enough, I've had a few too many brushes with sharks."

"Cool! I didn't know you scuba dive!"

"I don't. Not really. I'm just still learning, but my cousin does, and he's told me a lot about it."

"Oh," his face fell slightly. "I was hoping that maybe we could go sometime."

"Sure, if you'll teach me," I responded.

"That sounds great! Anyway, I'll let you get into your bath. About what? An hour?"

"That's more than enough time. I just need to relax a little bit."

"Cool. All right. Later." He walked out and shut the door behind him. I turned on the warm water partially filled the huge tub. I walked into my room and grabbed a bath towel from my carry-on bag. Then I went into the bathroom and removed my clothes. I turned on the air jets and set the timer for a half- hour, so that I would have a reminder of how much time I'd have left. Then I slowly sunk into the steaming water. It was so heavenly. I immediately felt the stress in my neck and back lessen as the powerful jet massaged me. I nearly melted in almost orgasmic bliss at the sensation, and after sinking for almost fifteen minutes, I took a deep breath and sank under the foaming waters.

About twenty minutes after I left to go to bed, Aaron realized that he was bored, so he went upstairs to play Nintendo. When he got into his room, he heard the bathtub jets running and glanced inside. Not seeing anyone, he figured that Nick had left it on while going to get a towel or something. So he entered the bathroom and turned on the shower. Unbeknownst to him, Nick was in his room, on his computer. He was reading a story that Justin had told him about...

Aaron began to undress as he adjusted the water temperature in the shower. Hearing nothing from the doorway from Nick's room, he walked naked across the bathroom to the linen closet to grab a washcloth and bath towel. He was in the middle of the trek when the water in the tub bubbled loudly and I rose to the surface and opened my eyes. He jumped and gasped, and that immediately drew my attention. I quickly looked to see who had made the noise, my hands moving instinctively to cover myself, even though the water in the tub did a fine job of it. When I turned my head to the right, I saw an embarrassed, naked Aaron Carter standing in front of me. I blushed and immediately turned my back so that he could get something around him. He did so quickly, but even though I'd turned around, I'd already seen everything I needed to. For being so young, he was very nicely hung. His hairless balls and young member stayed lodged in my mind's eye. His whole body was nicely proportioned, and all in all, seemed most definitely fuckable. Or suckable, whatever the case may be. But I sighed mentally. I knew that that would never happen, and besides, it was illegal anyway. So, I was lucky that the bubbles of the tub hid my hardon as he covered himself and walked over to the shower. He slipped off the towel and slid into the shower. Once the door was shut, I opened my eyes and saw the fogged glass. About that time, the timer went off, so I grabbed the towel and glanced at the shower again. It seemed fine, so I stood up and stepped out of the tub to dry myself off.

Aaron had heard the alarm go off and then heard the tub draining, even in the shower. Curious, he wiped away the fog on the glass and saw me drying my legs off. His eyes widened as he saw my definition in my shoulders and arms but above all, as he caught sight of my dick. I raised up, and he quickly returned showering, but now his 4" dick stood straight in front of him, curving slightly upwards. I walked out of the bathroom, still embarrassed and put on a pair of boxers so to get ready to sleep.

-What a night-I thought. -I can't believe I saw AARON! Damn he was cute!- So as I lay in bed, I thought long and hard about what sucking his young dick would be like. But as I was a guest, I fought my natural urges in favor of good form and did not do anything except to think. I went to sleep with a smile on my face.

Nick was in his room, reading. He heard the tub alarm go off and the shower go on, but didn't really pay it any mind. His eyes widened a couple of times as he read the story, but several times, he couldn't help himself from laughing. -He's so different in real life!- he thought. Then he frowned slightly. -In this story, he's so much larger than life, but I think he's even better in real life! My God, am I falling for him? No way!-

He heard Aaron come out of the shower and knock on his door, wrapped in a towel. "Nick," Aaron complained, "why didn't you tell me that he was in the bathtub?"

Nick smiled. "You walked in on him?"

"Kinda," Aaron replied, blushing slightly. "It was more...he came up on me by surprise."

"What?" Nick exclaimed. "What do you mean?"

"He was under the water, and I thought the bathroom was empty, so I got undressed. But he came up out from under the water."

"Did he see you?"

"Uh huh."

"Did you see him?"

"Uh huh. Later."

"Really? What did he look like?"

Aaron shot him a withering look. "Nick, do you think I spy out guys for you? Huh? I spy them out for me, and you better remember that!"

Nick spread his hands in a gesture of peace. "Calm down, man. He's my guest! I just want to know."

"Well, he looked a little bigger than YOU," Aaron nodded pointedly at Nick's half-erect penis.

"Really?" Nick asked, interested. "What about the rest of him?"

"Why don't we just go swimming tomorrow," Aaron countered. Then you can see for yourself. For at least tonight, he's going to be mine and I'm not gonna share him! So there," he added jokingly and stuck out his tongue at Nick.

Nick laughed. "Fine, but leave him alone. I'm not exactly sure how he would react to something like that."

Aaron stared. "You don't know? You brought him home without knowing or already doing something?"

"Duh, Aaron, he's a friend. You know what those are, don't you?"

"Well, yeah, but..."

"No buts, Aaron. He wrote some interesting stories, but he doesn't come across as being gay to me."

"What kind of stories?"

"Here, I'll show you." Aaron walked over to Nick's computer and sat down at the desk, reading the beginning of the story.

"You're telling me you don't think he's gay?!" Aaron asked incredulously.

"Maybe he's bi. Look Aaron, everyone has gay thoughts sometimes, no matter how straight they are. It's part of human nature."

"How do you know that?" Aaron challenged.

"The guys and I talk about it all the time," Nick replied smoothly.

"Oh. OK. can you still think he's not gay after he wrote all this?"

"Easy. He's a writer. I'm sure he wanted to get the thoughts out to figure things out. I wish I could have done that."

"You turned out all right," Aaron protested.

"But, I experimented too much. It took me forever to really figure out the truth about me. And you had me to help you. I could ask him, I guess, but it's just not really the right thing to do."

"Fine," Aaron answered. "Do whatever you want." He left in a huff. Nick shrugged and kept reading.

Aaron walked into his room and got into bed naked. He thought about what he had seen earlier and the fact that I wasn't Nick's boyfriend got him very excited. His dick returned to its full size and he slowly began stroking it, reviewing me naked over and over again. Soon, he began to visualize what it would be like with my mouth all over his cock. Before long, he felt a familiar rushing heat and his orgasm hit him in a huge wave. He shook for a second and immediately commenced to continue. After three more orgasms, he was suitably exhausted to go to bed.

Nick fell asleep after finally finishing the entire story. -Whoa-he thought as he got under the covers. -That is one very complicated person.-

I dreamt about some very strange things that night. At first, I saw Aaron, of course, and that dream was great. I loved it. Afterwards, though, one of my recurring dreams occurred, and I was surprised. In the dream, I was flying. That's not an uncommon dream. But in this dream, I had very large wings of the purest white on my back. I wore the brightest white clothes that weren't cotton or wool or any other fabric, but were as light as silk and a soft as satin. My long hair was the platinum blond of my youth and my eyes were a blue that could only be matched by the green of Lance Bass in their color and intensity. I had the dark tan I used to get when I was younger and on my left side, I held a long, gleaming sword. The metal was silver that was so bright it was almost white and the handle was made of platinum and silver. On the pommel, an enormous diamond sat. As I flew through the air, I saw my house, my school, and just enjoyed the feel of the wind rushing through my hair and feeling it against my skin through my clothes. After I had flown forever, I saw another thing flying towards me. It was heading right for me, and I knew that it wasn't any form of technology since it flew silently. Curious, I headed towards it, and as we got closer together, I saw what it was: another person.

He had long hair that was so dark it was almost black and his skin was pale. He was dressed in the same material I was, but it was all black, as were his wings. His lips were thinner than mine and black. I realized with a start that our faces were exactly the same. But his face was set in anger and his eyes glowed a blood-red. On his right side, he had a sword, too. But this sword was black, so black it absorbed light into it. The hilt was black as well, some form of steel or unknown metal, and the pommel held an onyx as large as my diamond.

We flew towards each other, then stopped a few feet from each other. "My God," I said, "what ARE you?"

He smiled evilly and responded, "I am a HARPEE!" and he screamed a note so high and piercing that I was blown over backwards by its sheer force. I struggled to keep myself upright and when I did, I noticed that he had drawn and raised his sword. "I don't want to hurt you," I warned, drawing my own sword.

He laughed darkly. "You won't," he promised in a raspy voice. He charged at me and I blocked the blow, sidestepping his charge. He snarled at me and fire shot from his eyes towards me. I switched my sword to my left hand and held out my right hand. When I did that, the beams encountered a white energy shield and dissipated harmlessly. Then I sighed and grabbed my sword in both hands. I pointed it up to the sky above and an enormous white bolt of lightning shot out of the diamond directly at him.

He snorted and held out his blade. The lightning bolt was absorbed directly into it, as though into a black hole. He snarled and pointed his sword at me. I was immediately surrounded by a large globe that slowly began to shrink. I was getting crushed when I began to glow an incandescent white. The globe shattered like glass and I stretched out to my full height, my face stern. He hurled a lightning bolt of the purest blackness at me. It was so black, it hurt to look at it. But I swung my sword in a parry and cut right through it. Angered, I leveled my sword at him and he did the same to me. A shot a pure white beam as large as myself from that sword, and he shot an identical beam of darkness at me. The two beams clashed and countered each other out of existence. Realizing that our powers were equal, we began a struggle for supremacy in physical means.

We charged and fought and parried for hours endlessly. It was as though he knew the moves I was going to make and I knew his. Finally, we disarmed each other in the same counterattack and our swords fell for miles to the ground. We began to fight hand-to-hand. It was just as equal a battle as when we had swords. Eventually, it became a test of will and strength. We would pull back and start charging into each other. But once, we hit to hard and couldn't pull off, our legs and arms were intertwined. We fell down to the ground...

I opened my green eyes and rubbed them. I was exactly where I had fallen asleep-the Campus Ministry at my school, skipping Spanish class again. I got up to go pee and realized the hallways were strangely empty. I walked into the bathroom and stared in shock at the reflection I saw out of the corner of my eye. My hair was dark blond and long, as usual. My skin was pale, but still had some decent olive color to it, as usual. But I was dressed entirely in a weird material that was extremely comfortable, but was entirely gray. My wings were full and warm, but also were gray. I had a sword on both sides of my hips, one black on my right side, and the sword on my left was a bright silvery-white. I stared in shock at my reflection when my green eyes began to glow slightly red. I leaned in and noticed that there was definitely a red behind the green front. I stared, mesmerized by the darkness I saw in my own eyes and then I smiled. "Free!" All the glass shattered...

I sat awake in the guest room at the Carter's house. It was early morning, and I was surprised at the dream. I hadn't had it since...almost a year ago. Still, nothing really explained my personality better and I began to think about what it was trying to tell me this time. My thoughts were disrupted by some music playing. I listened for a second and immediately recognized "Confrontation" from "Jekyll and Hyde."

My eyes widened, as I heard my own voice singing on the CD- "For I'll live inside you forever! No! With Satan himself by my side! No! And I'll know that now and forever, I'll never be able to separate Jekyll from Hyde! Can't you see it's over now? It's time to die! No not I, only you! If I die, you'll die to! You'll die in me, I'll be you! Damn you Hyde, set me free! Can't you see you are me? No! Deep inside... I am you, you are Hyde! No never! Yes forever! Goddamn you Hyde! Take all your evil deeds and rot in hell! I'll see you there, Jekyll! Never!"

Next: Chapter 6

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