Forced to be a Boot Slave Authoritarian/High School

By John Brant

Published on Jun 25, 2009



By the time I got to high school in the 50's, I knew I had a boot fetish.. Of course, as a 14 year old kid I didn't know that was what it was called, but I knew that seeing men and boys wearing tough looking boots was a real turn on for me. Obviously no one else I knew had this attraction. So I tried to keep my sexual orientation a secret.

The one public concession I made to my lust for boots was to wear black army paratrooper boots to school. I had learned to spit shine the toe caps so that they would give a mirror image. I really admired tough looking soldiers and marines in their spit shined combat boots.

One day in my junior year of high school the guy next to me in my math class started talking about my boots. We would often make small talk while waiting for the bell to ring and the class to start. On that particular day, Kurt Schmidt said: "Hey John your boots really look cool. How do you get the toes so shiny?" In the past other people had commented about my shiny boots and I usually brushed them off by saying that a soldier had shown me how to get a good shine. So, I gave the same off-hand reply to Kurt. He replied: "Really? So that is how soldiers in the army get such shiny shoes. What is the secret?" I briefly explained the spit shine method of using a cloth and rubbing the polish in circles. This seemed to elicit even more interest from Kurt, who said: "Is it hard? Could you teach me?" I said that it wasn't very difficult and I'd be glad to show him how some time. Just then the bell rang and the teacher started the class.

When the class was over and I was leaving the room, Kurt was right behind me and said: "Hey John, I'm serious. I'd like to learn how to shine my boots that way." I knew that Kurt wore 10" Carolina logger boots that had a smooth surface so would probably take a spit shine, so I said I was available any time. Kurt surprised me by saying: "How about after school today? Can I come to your house?" It was agreed that we'd meet at my locker after school.

We caught the bus outside school and were soon at my house. We went upstairs and I showed Kurt my room. As we walked in he closed the door. I must have looked a little surprised because he said: "I closed the door so we can have some privacy. Do you have a little brother or sister?" I said I had a sister to which he answered: "In that case we'd better lock the door so she won't come busting in on us." And with that he turned the key.

I got out my boot polishing things and let Kurt sit at my desk chair, while I sat on the bed. I said: "Take your right boot off so we can get started."

Kurt answered: "You mean you don't shine my boots like those bootblacks at the railroad station? I said I had never done it that way because I only shined my own boots, but I could try and polish the toes of his boots while he kept them on.

With that I sat down on the floor and while I was opening the Kiwi polish Kurt thrust his boot into my lap with the 1-1/2 inch woodsman heel resting on my cock. I rubbed some polish on the rag and began applying the wax to Kurt's right boot toe. Spit shining takes time, so as I worked away, Kurt directed the conversation without me really sensing where he was leading. He said: "I like boots. Do you like seeing guys in boots?" I shyly replied in the affirmative. So Kurt plowed on: "Yeah it's great. Have you noticed Eric Jones, the football player? He has those tough engineer boots with the heal plates on them. You can hear him coming down the hall a mile away.. Ever notice how people get out of his way as if he might kick the shit out of them if they don't move?"

I laughed and said: "Yes! His boots are awesome. I really like them."

Kurt had made his opening and was now ready to set the trap. "Hey John, I know this sounds funny, but when you see Eric in those boots and hear him stomping down the halls, doesn't your cock do a little twitch or get a little bit hard?" That question really caught me off guard. Of course it was true, but did Kurt know this or was he just guessing. I put more wax on my boot rag and rubbed the toe of his boot harder as I pondered how to respond. I hesitantly said: "Yeah, sometimes, but not very much."

Kurt pushed this opening wider: "I think a lot of guys get hard-ons when they see really strong men or their tough boots. So, getting a hard-on when you see a guy's boots is OK."

This comment also took me by surprise, so I said: "I didn't know that. From what the guys say in the locker room I figured the only turn on is a hot girl and if she is nude your cock gets really hard."

Kurt responded quickly: "Yeah, girls are a natural turn on, but they are not the only thing. It's OK to get excited about something like shiny boots. Do you like boots that way?"

Now I was cornered, I couldn't go back, so I said: "Yeah, looking at boots can make me hard. Thanks for telling me that getting turned on by boots is OK."

With that admission, Kurt knew he was ready for the kill. As I continued rubbing the polish on his boot toe, he pulled his boot lower on to my crotch. I leaned forward a bit to continue polishing but then noticed that Kurt was gently rubbing his boot in my crotch. I tried to ignore what he was doing, but it did not take long for my cock to begin to grow as the sole of his boot rubbed against it. I began to worry so said: "OK, Kurt, I can see my face in that boot. Let me have your left boot." He removed his right boot and brought up his left. I tried to guide it up on to my lap again, but he forcefully brought the heel down on to the carpet so the toe was resting in my crotch. I began the same procedure of applying polish, while Kurt continued to gently rub his boot from side to side in my crotch.

Finally he said: "Feels good, doesn't it?"

I played dumb and said: "What?"

He said: "Me rubbing your cock and balls with my boot. It's got to feel good man, because I can feel that cock of yours getting harder." With that he made a couple of jabs with his toe and it became obvious that I had a raging hard on. Kurt continued: "Hey there's no harm if it makes you feel good. Keep polishing my boot." As I continued he began massaging my cock with more pressure. The scene was just too much for me and I began to moan a bit.

Suddenly I realized that I was going to cum soon if Kurt didn't stop rubbing my cock with his boot, so I said: "Kurt! Please stop! I'm going to cum, and I don't want to come in my pants."

Kurt gave a friendly laugh and said: "Oh come on John, don't be such a wimp. Enjoy yourself and just let it cum." I had stopped polishing his boot and put my arms behind me to support me as I leaned back and my body began to tense. Then I creamed my jeans! I don't think I had ever shot such a big load in my life and it felt so good! Kurt stopped rubbing and said: "That really felt good didn't it?" I nodded as the rush began to fade.

We both just sat there for a couple of minutes, then Kurt stood up and said: "Hey you did a fucking good job on my boots. They look almost as shiny as yours. You know what you would really like to do?"

I said: "No, what?"

Kurt: "I bet you'd like to go down on your knees and run your tongue over my shinny boot and give them a final tongue shine." I hesitated but Kurt was insistent: "Go on, we both know it will be fun." So I knelt before Kurt and began licking his boots. As I licked I heard his belt buckle ping as he undid it and then the sound of his zipper being pulled down. I didn't look up, as I was really getting into licking his boots, something I had fantasized about when I would masturbate alone. After three or four minutes Kurt said: "Good job, John, I think you've finished my boots. Now I've got something else I want you to work on."

When I heard those words I looked up into Kurt's eyes and saw him holding his hard cock in his right hand. Kurt said: "I want you to suck my cock now! So, get your mouth up here!"

My face flushed as I said: "I don't suck nobody."

As I started to get to my feet Kurt thrust out his left hand and pushed me back down on the floor. "Look, faggot, you're going to do what I say, when I say it. Do you want me to tell the guys at school that you are a freaking queer who gets turned on by licking a guy's boots? Now, smarten up, get up here and start sucking my cock."

I tried to plead with Kurt: "I don't know how to do it. Please don't make me." I was staring straight at Kurt's hand wrapped around his engorged tool as I remained on my knees.

Kurt grabbed my head and pulled it toward his hand and cock. "Stop fucking around and take my cock in your mouth. This is your last chance, if you don't, I'm leaving and tomorrow everyone at school will be laughing at you."

I was so scared that I opened my mouth and before I could move my head forward, Kurt pulled it on to his cock as he let go of it with his right hand. He said: "Pretend you're sucking a banana. I want to feel your lips on my cock. If I feel any teeth, I'll kick your balls so hard you'll never fuck again." It didn't take long for me to begin sucking the way he liked. Soon he began to let out some low moans. He then whispered: "I'm about to cum, and you're going to swallow all my fuck. Your mama wouldn't like to see white fuck on this rug, would she!" With that he shot his load which almost choked me.. As he pulled his wilting cock out of my mouth he said: "Lick it clean." After I made a few more licks he put it back in his pants and zipped up.

As he took a step back he said: "John, this has been a great afternoon. I have watched you polish my boots and enjoyed being sucked off. Now don't worry. Your secret is safe with me, cause I'm not going to tell anyone. But the next time I feel horny and ask if I can get my boot shined, I expect you to give me full service on my boots and my cock."

The End

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