Forced to Submit

By Alex Dubois

Published on May 26, 2022


Forced to Submit

This story is purely a work of fiction. All of the characters are depicted as 18 years old or above. Be advised some of the chapters include consensual-non-consent scenes, homophobic depictions, as well as language some readers may find offensive. Please be aware I do not condone any violence or hatred towards the LGBTQ+ community.

This is a fictional story about a boy whose life comes crashing around him, leading him to discover his true desires of submitting to his superiors. The beginning of it may be a bit slow, but some spicey content is coming I promise ;)

If you have any feedback, I would love to hear from you! Any dominant alphas are more than welcome to email me in general as well ;)

Chapter 1 --

Today was my boyfriend's twenty-first birthday. Alex always went out of his way to make my birthday's really special to me, so I wanted to do the same. This year I bought us both tickets to see our favorite musical together, which was playing in the nearest city to our dump of a town.

Both of us grew up here, making our way through school, surrounded by closed-minded bigots and bullies. He was lucky enough to be two grades ahead of me. I had the unfortunate circumstance of graduating high school with some of the worst human beings alive. Not only were my teacher's complete narcissists and hypocrites when it came to anti-bullying, but they even encouraged it.

Then, of course, there was the matter of Cristian Marks, the guy who made my life a living hell ever since I started elementary school. Cris and his band of football-jock bullies were all in my grade, with the exception of his friend Cole who was a grade older.

I had never officially come out, especially growing up in such a small town. Cris somehow always suspected. When I met Alex in the high school musical we both were apart of in my first year, Cris immediatetly noticed how we spent most of our time together. He then used his popularity to torture the both of us, making it extremely hard to fit in and find friends.

Thankfully, because I had already met Alex, he allowed me to become apart of his friend's circle. I especially grew fond of his best friend Troy Devins. The three of us are what you could refer to as theatre geeks. I was glad I met the two of them. I'm not sure how I would've gotten through high school without their support.

Alex was never out either, nor did he want anyone to know, as his father was the pastor in our community church. I don't think he suspected us being together, thankfully. It was hard enough for their relationship that Alex was in theatre rather than sports. I'm not sure his parents could afford to know his son was gay and dating another man as well.

My father, unfortunately, had passed away when I was five, so I didn't know him quite well. My mother, on the other hand, knew me too well. Her and I had a complicated life. We didn't talk about anything personal, and I believe she knew about Alex and myself, however, she chose not to say anything about it.

Since graduating high school, my mother and I both worked together at a dingy diner together, which was the only restaurant in town. It was a local hotspot, which meant I had to deal with Cris and his posse of buffoons always coming in to harass me and call me "fag, wuss, princess, and more". My mother knew about it but would always tell me to "get a backbone and deal with it". I got my own revenge by casually spitting in their food every now and then.

Working at the diner also meant I got to see Alex a lot. He worked at his parent's bookstore, which was down the street from where I worked. He'd always spend his lunch breaks and downtime between finishing work and having to be home before his parents with me. Tonight was his night, though, and his father was thrilled to hear his son would be attending the local football game with some friends on his birthday. That, unbeknownst to his father, was a lie. Instead he'd be spending it with me after my shift at the diner, where we'd also get food and I'd surprise him with the tickets I had been saving up for.

"Your shift's up, Arlo," my mom spat at me as I was daydreaming about tonight. "Finish your duties then go home. You're on your own for dinner tonight. I'll be working late."

"Mom, I told you it's Alex's birthday tonight. We'll be having dinner here." I was so cheerful. Nothing could ruin this night, not even my mom's bitchy attitude.

"Fine, but you'd better tip. And don't expect a discount either." She turned to walk away.

I polished the silverware, folded some napkins, then put away all of the clean plates before I punched out. I changed so quickly I didn't realize my shirt was on backwards. That didn't matter, though, as I came out just in time for my boyfriend to be standing at the front door, waiting to be seated.

"Hi," I said, bashfully.

"Hi," he replied, a huge grin on his face.

"Let's sit here," I grabbed him by the arm and pulled him to my favorite booth: the one with the least amount of stains, rips in the leather seats, and far enough out of view from everyone else that we didn't have to deal with stares or people finding out about us.

I immediately pulled out the card I had made for him and placed it on the table. He looked around to make sure no one noticed.

"Happy birthday!" I exclaimed, almost a bit too loud.

"You shouldn't have done this, Arlo," he smiled, opening the card while reading its contents.

It read: `happy birthday to the most thoughtful, caring, and loving boyfriend in the whole world! I'm so lucky to have you and can't wait to move out of this town with you in the future to pursue our lives together!'

He seemed to almost tear up at that last bit. He chuckled and gave me another "thank you" while also adding; "I wish I could give you a hug and a kiss right now," in a somewhat solemn tone.

"We'll have enough time to do that after, don't worry," I smiled back at him. "Look what's in the card, though!" I pointed to the tickets.

Now he really seemed like he was about to cry.

"Arlo, this is too much! You're the sweetest!"

"You always do so much for me. It's the least I can do," I replied.

Just then, a familiar, yet burdening voice appeared around the corner. "Aw look boys, these two fags are having a little date!" He shouted so the whole restaurant could hear.

It was Cristian Marks. Behind him were his best friends Lucas, Kyle, Taylor, and Cole. He came strutting in and placed his palms downwards onto the tabletop.

"Think it's okay to be having a sissy date here, boys? Especially when us MEN want to celebrate our football game?" he asked in a menacing, yet calm tone.

"Can you not go two days without leaving us alone? We're just friends, okay?" Alex shouted back.

Cris' friends laughed. Cris just looked down at him with disgust.

"I thought I told you not to talk to me like that, Adams." I had never heard Cris refer to my boyfriend by his last name before. "I don't care if you're older than me, you're still a fag so remember your place."

When he said that my blood boiled. I stood up and found myself standing next to him. Or, I guess I should say below him. I forgot how tall he was. He stood at 6'5, while the rest of his friends were close in height, though, not as tall. I was only 5'9. My neck strained as I looked up to face my muscular ex-classmate.

He chuckled along with his friends. "Gonna try beating me up like you did in fifth grade again, Arlo?" He said, placing his hand on my shoulder.

`How on Earth are his hands so big?' I pondered to myself.

"You're forgetting my mom's the manager here, so if you won't mind just fucking off somewhere else before she has to step in?"

The five of them roared with laughter at my weak attempt to protest.

"Mommy has to come save the day, does she?" his friend Kyle said mockingly.

Cris looked at me with utter disgust. "You two pussies are so lucky we won today's game. I wouldn't be so nice if we didn't. Too bad you didn't get to see us play, though. Do fags get hard watching men compete?" All of his friends laughed at his joke but Cris, who appeared not to be joking at all. "Good thing we don't let your kind in to watch then, isn't it?" He then took a notice to my shirt. He looked over at Alex sitting down. "Got too excited sneaking off to the bathroom, you two fags couldn't even put your shirts on properly, hey?" He laughed along with his friends.

I had forgotten about my shirt being on backwards.

With that, he let go of my shoulder and turned to sit down with his friends at the table across from ours. I sat back down, beyond furious.

"Don't worry about them, Arlo", Alex tried to calm me. "I'm very happy I get to spend my birthday with you."

"Birthday, huh fag?" Cris said from across the aisle. "Boys looks like we have some celebrating to do, then!" He went to get up and come over to our table, but just as he did my mother came over to take our orders.

"I'll be with you boys in a moment." She was very polite with them, despite knowing exactly how they treated me. And even her at times. She turned to Alex and me next. Her tone completely changed to that of disinterest. "What are you having?"

"Arlo I believe wants the veggie burger with a side salad instead of fries," he said, winking at me, I assume because he was proud of getting my order right. "And I'll have the chicken burger, also with a side salad. Oh and two milkshakes please and thank you, Ms. Greene."

She scoffed, snatched our menu's out of our hands and turned to face the boys at the table across from us.

"Let's forget about those douchebags and have an enjoyable night to ourselves, Arlo."

I looked up at him, smiling. He was right. Cris had ruined so much of my life already. I wasn't about to let him ruin my boyfriend's birthday.

Just as we got our food, however, the obnoxious jock decided to come at us once more.

"Thanks for the milkshakes," he said, snatching them from our table before we even had the chance to grab them out of his reach. He placed them down at his table.

"Give them back!" I shouted, getting out of the booth, and walking over.

"Arlo let's just order more," Alex tried to plea.

"For fucks sakes, Cris, I've had it! Can you just fuck off for once? Or do you try to butt into every aspect of my life because you're so obsessed with me, is that it? You have a little crush on me, but you don't know how to mention your feelings?" I knew I was pissing him off, but I didn't care at this point.

He looked me dead in the eye. "You think you're funny, don't you pussy-boy? If you're so tough, come and grab these shakes. They're right here." He motioned for me to come over.

I stared back at him in disdain. Fuck, I hated him and everything he stood for. How could someone so vile be so fucking handsome at the same time? He seemed to have everything in life. Not only were his parents filthy rich, yet he had the features of a Greek God; tall, muscular, tanned skin, well trimmed black hair that sort of curled down a bit in the front and was shaved along the sides. And his piercing blue eyes. I felt as though I would get lost in them if I stared too long. His chiselled jaw started moving and he began saying: "well, fag? Gonna take them back or not?"

I motioned forward with haste, hoping to snatch them away from him before he could do anything. When my arm reached out, he pulled it in, slammed it onto the table, and spat right in my face. He then pushed me back.

"That's for not thanking me for the honor of giving me these."

I lay down, staring up at my high school bully in disbelief and anger. "Fuck you, Cris!" I shouted.

"What did you say, bitch?" he got up and came towards me.

"Arlo, what did you do this time?" My mom interrupted. "Get up and apologize."

"Mom, I--"

"I don't care, say it or else I'm firing you."

I couldn't believe it. My own mother would fire me for something I didn't even do. For standing up to this piece of shit I loathed so much. I couldn't lose my job, no matter how much I hated it. I needed to save enough to leave this forsaken town.

I noticed I was silent for quite a number of seconds before Cris spoke up. "Yea, Arlo, you wouldn't want to disrespect your valued customers, would you?"

I looked at my mom, who stood there with her arms crossed. I turned my head back to Cris who stood over me like a pillaring statue.

"I'm... I'm sorry, Cris," I said.

"It's Sir. Say it again."

My heart sank when he said that. Suddenly I began feeling flustered.

"I'm sorry, sir." I repeated. Why was I feeling this way? Somehow, I almost meant my apology to him that time.

"Good," he said, sitting back down.

I got back up and sat down across from Alex, who looked disheartened by what had happened.

"Let's just take our food and go," he said.

I couldn't agree more. I went into the back to grab some takeout containers. When I got back, our food wasn't even there anymore. It had found its way across the aisle to my tormentor's table. Alex was still sitting down, but his head hanged low.

I was about to yell at Cris and his friends again. Alex's facial expression changed my mind, however, and I decided it was best to just get up and go. As we went to walk out, Alex said he had to use the washroom and just meet me outside.

I couldn't be happier to get out of that diner. As I stood outside, I pulled out my phone to see if I had any messages. There was a message from Troy saying to have a good birthday celebration with Alex, but that was it. I quickly replied with a thank you and a smiling heart face emoji.

I put my phone back in my pocket only to look up and see Alex at the counter with his debit card out. Was he about to pay for our meals we never got to eat? And worse, to pay for the meals that Cris and his friends were now greedily eating?

I thought he must have been doing something else.

In a sigh of relief he came out with a single takeout box. I asked him what was in it. He must have bought something else.

"We'll see when we get back to your place, seeing as your mom is working late tonight." He winked at me.

My house wasn't too far from the diner. Only a couple blocks. On our way back I apologized for dinner. I said we would make a pizza at home and watch some movies to finish off the night. Alex was very easy going and easy to please, which I think I liked most about him. He was just happy to be spending the evening with me.

When we finally got inside, he opened the container he was carrying to reveal a slice of cake he bought on our way out.

"You're never supposed to pay for your own birthday cake!" I scolded him in a playful way. "Besides, did you think I wouldn't have thought of cake already?" I opened the fridge to reveal a chocolate cake I made for him the day prior. I could tell he was blushing.

"You know, you're the sweetest boyfriend out there, Arlo Greene?" He planted a kiss on my cheek. "I was hoping for a different kind of cake, though." He looked me right in the eyes as he said that, with a sarcastic grin on his face. His hands wrapped around my backside to squeeze me ass.

"There's plenty of time for that, handsome," I said, kissing him back on the lips.

His lips immediately parted my own and he began moving his tongue across mine. It tasted minty, as though he had just chewed gum. His lips were soft, and his light stubble rubbed against my mostly smooth face.

I opened my eyes to look at him. I couldn't have been luckier to find such a handsome, loving boyfriend at my age. At 5'11 he stood just two inches taller than me. We were both relatively slim, though I must admit I had the bigger butt compared to him. He beat me in cock size, however, with him being 7" compared to my 6". Both of us were cut, and I was a bit relieved when we first discovered that. I had only seen uncut cocks in porn, and I was told by my friend Troy, who had had lots of experience with guys before I had ever gotten with Alex, that cut cocks were the best in his opinion. I had no one to compare Alex to, but I loved how he felt when he was in me.

I placed a hand on his pale cheek, caressing it while I stared into his beautiful brown eyes and my other hand went to tussle his wavey brown hair.

"I love you, Arlo," he said, staring back into my green eyes.

"I love you too, Alex," I said, leaning back in to kiss him.

Immediately, our hands began exploring each other's bodies as though we had never experienced them before. Alex began to remove my shirt. When it was off he bent over a bit and began flicking my left nipple with his tongue. He knew that was the most sensitive part on my body.

I moaned with pleasure, pulling his head in a bit more.

"Let's take this to your room," he said, pulling me along with him.

When we arrived, he began unbuckling his jeans. I did the same. He pushed me onto the bed and climbed overtop of me, moving his head down to my nipples again. I was in ecstasy. I could feel my cock growing more and more in my pants.

Alex began loosening the string around them with his left hand while his tongue continued exploring my chest and neck. When he got it undone, he ripped them off of me like a bandage and began moving down towards my cock. He placed it in his mouth as it swelled even further. I moaned in ecstasy, moving my hand through his hair as his head went up and down, making me hard and wet. I could tell I was precumming in his mouth and he was loving it. His tongue moved down to my balls and began swirling them around, sending chills down my spine.

As I lay down on the bed, he began to move his body up towards my head. He pulled his briefs down a bit and his hard 7" member came swinging out. It was beautiful. The head was shaped like a rounded, thick triangle. The body of it was smooth and pink. A single vein went up the top facing part of it that drove me crazy. His smooth balls hung low. He brought it close to my head and immediately my mouth opened.

"Suck me, Arlo," He whispered.

As he said that, my head spun. I had the strange urge to want to reply with "yes, sir!". Thankfully, I caught myself and placed his hard cock on the flat of my tongue.

Why did I feel compelled to want to respond with `sir'? I had never used that word in my life, until today. Not with anyone.

I closed my eyes as he began fucking his cock into my mouth, pushing it back further and further until it reached the back of my throat. I gagged a bit, as a tear came streaming down the right side of my face.

"Yeah, you love my cock, don't you?" Alex said, pulling my head in further.

"Yes, sir!" I managed to say, while his cock still reached the back of my throat.

What the fuck?? Did I just say yes sir to my boyfriend out loud??? My face immediately turned red.

"Sir, hey? Want me to punish you, boy?" He whispered, playfully.

Was he going along with it? Did he like being called sir? I kept his thick cock in my mouth, moving my head back and forth on it. I did love his cock, I noticed. I loved that his balls hit my chin as he pushed deeper into my throat, I loved its thickness, and I loved the slight musky smell he had from not having washed since this morning.

I instinctively nodded my head up and down in response to his question. "I'll punish you right then," he said, pulling his dick out of my mouth and moving me onto my stomach. "Push that ass up in the air for me, babe. I want you to show it off for me."

I did just as he asked. My plump, tanned, and smooth peach went right up in the air for him to enjoy the site and feel of. He began caressing it with both hands, and eventually laid a slight but firm slap upon it. I moaned a bit.

"Yeah, you like that, don't you?" He teased.

"Mhmm," was all I could muster out.

He spread my cheeks with both hands and knelt down, placing his tongue in between them. I loved that feeling. Being on my stomach, exposed to my boyfriend, feeling his smooth tongue run up and down my soft, tight, pink hole. I reached back and grabbed one ass cheek and spread it apart, so he had better access to rim me. We were both moaning. I knew he loved eating my ass just as much as I loved when he did it.

After a few minutes of getting my hole wet, he carefully began pressing his index finger against it. We didn't get to fuck much, as I could never go over to his house, and we didn't ever want to fuck when my mother was home, so I was super tight since the last time we got to fuck. He spat against my hole as his finger pushed against me. Finally breaching my ass, I expelled a sigh and a moan together.

"Oh yea, that's it boy. You want me in you, don't you?"

"Yes, please," I squirmed at his finger moving around inside of me, opening me up with each thrust.

"Say `please, sir'."

I looked back at him, while my heart jumped outside of my body for a moment. He was grinning a bit. I was worried. Could he tell how I felt at the restaurant when I had to say `sir' to Cris? Why was he making me say this?

"Say it, boy," he smiled.

"Ye- yes, sir," I managed to get out. I was both turned on and in shock.

"Good boy," he said, pulling his finger out and spanking me while climbing overtop of me.

We had never talked to each other like this before. I never even knew I enjoyed using that term before. He only ever spanked me once, as well, and only in a playful way. I was so turned on by it. I pushed my ass up in the air for him to have easier access. He could tell I wanted it, and I knew he wanted me just as badly.

"Fuck me, Alex!" I exclaimed.

He scoffed as he spat onto his cock to lube it up, placing some on my hole as well. He then pushed against my hole, invading it with one thrust. I pushed my face into the pillow to avoid screaming out loud.

"Holy fuck, you're so tight, Arlo."

When he said that, my thoughts immediately drifted. With my eyes closed, Cris' face flashed through my mind. His handsome, devilish face staring right at me with contempt and disgust. He opened his mouth to spit at me in my thoughts, and in reality, I opened my mouth to catch it. Thankfully Alex was behind me so he couldn't see. He pushed in me, further until he reached the hilt. I moaned in both pleasure and pain. I wanted more. I wanted him to begin fucking me with a passion.

I began gyrating my hips backwards as he was sliding forwards. His balls slapped against mine, and all I could think of was Cris for some reason. A man I had never had any love or positive thought towards in my life was now suddenly in my mind, trying to replace my boyfriend fucking me from behind.

"You're in heat, aren't you bitch?"

Did my boyfriend just call me a bitch? The thought quickly drifted, and I was back to pushing my ass up for him.

After a few minutes of fucking me on my stomach, he stopped and flipped me onto my back. "I want you to look at me while I cum in you, bitch," he smirked. All I could do was nod and moan.

He shoved his cock back in me, which hurt at first but soon turned into pure pleasure. I had my hands placed over his somewhat muscular shoulders while he pushed in and out of me with a quickening rhythm.

My head rolled back from the pleasure, and I closed my eyes once more. Cris was there again. His blue eyes staring right back at mine... or at my thoughts, anyways. I wanted him. I wanted so bad to open my eyes and see him looking down at me. I wanted his cock to be filling me up right now.

"Look at me, boy. I'm about to shoot my load deep inside you!" When Alex said this, I broke from my thoughts to look up and moan as he grew closer to his climax. "Beg for it, bitch!"

"Give it to me, sir!"

Did that just come out of my mouth?

"Please cum in me! Make me your bitch!"

"Here it comes, boy! Take your man's load!"

His cock began twitching inside of me. I could feel it pulsing. His balls were tensing up right to my hole as he pushed every inch in me.

"Thank you, sir!" I shouted as he finished.

He collapsed down on me, and my arms wrapped around him. My legs spread further, letting him in as deep as he could. My eyes closed once more. How I wished it was Cris finishing in me, now.

"Thank you, sir!" I said again as his cock pulsed once more. "Thank you, Sir!"

End of Chapter 1

Chapter 2 coming soon!

Feedback is greatly appreciated! Email:

Next: Chapter 2

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