Forced to Wank

By James Robert

Published on Dec 2, 2012


Forced to Wank - Next Day in the Office - Part Three

So I stood there, in the meeting room, naked, wondering what he would demand of me next. But I was not to be the victim, as I soon found out.

"Andy, come and look at this" he said, and Andy got up and walked over to him. He was proferring his smartphone and I assumed he was going to show the video he had made of me swallowing Andy's cum, for them to both have a laugh over. But instead, he showed a clip he had made of Andy with his cock out, being sucked off by me, with the company logo in the meeting room clearly in the background.

Andy looked aghast, and said "Why the hell did you take that video? You promised not to take advantage of me. Now delete it".

"Oh Andy" he said, "you're such a naive young man. I clearly need to make you grow up and realise that you should never trust anyone. So Andy, to stop this being shared with the management here you're going to do anything I ask of you."

"No I'm bloody well not. Now delete that video and let's carry on with our supplier here."

"I don't think you realise you're not in a position to negotiate here. It would only take a minute for me to send this in anonymously and you'd be out of here for gross misconduct." The man turned to look at me "Now strip his clothes off" he finished, speaking in my direction.

I hadn't expected this turn, but walked over to Andy and started trying to undress him. Andy squirmed and wriggled to thwart my efforts, cursing and saying "I can't believe that you think I am going to do this" and I was getting nowhere with unbuttoning his shirt.

But the man was having none of it. He strode over to his briefcase and pulled out a pair of scissors, and then walked back, grabbed Andy by the collar, and put the blade down against the back of his neck and started cutting. "You'd better not move if you don't want to hurt yourself" he warned.

"What the fuck are you doing?" Andy hissed, feeling the cold metal blade moving down his back as the man cut through first his collar, then his tie, and then down the back of his shirt, slicing it in two as he went. Andy could feel the cold air against his back and realised he was losing control of the situation. Once the man had finished cutting he pushed Andy forwards and the shirt slipped forwards and down each of his arms to his wrists, leaving his toned swimmers back exposed. Andy was livid.

"How could you do this to me - how am I going to be able to leave the office now? You utter bastard."

The man ignored his statement. "Now undo your cuffs and take your shirt off". Tense with fury Andy obeyed. This left him standing naked from the waist up in his company offices, with his shirt and tie in two pieces on the floor. I had a good chance to survey his hairless chest, with hazelnut coloured nipples erect against tanned skin, and just a narrow treasure trail of hair below his navel leading into his suit trousers.

I was still occasionally wanking my cock to make sure I stayed erect and followed the man's orders, but this view was definitely helping keep me stiff.

"Stop ogling him and take off his shoes and socks" the man said to me, so I crouched down in front of Andy and unlaced his shoes. He thought of resisting, but lifted his feet out of them, and I then peeled off his socks.

"Now the trousers," the man added, so I stood back up and went up close to Andy, my erection brushing against the cloth of his trousers as I went to undo his belt and the catch at the top of his suit trousers, before undoing the zip fly. He stood there in a daze, still shaking with anger. I finished unzipping him slowly, my hand brushing his package, lingering on my opportunity to undress him. His trousers fell to the floor, weighed down by his belt, revealing his white Polo Ralph Lauren boxer briefs and the shape of his manly package which had only recently been swelling and hard in my mouth. His legs were toned from swimming or cycling, with a light covering of dark blond hair. I wanted to run my hand up and down them.

He started to protest once more as he realised how was now down to his boxers, and I could see the look of desperation in his eyes, but I was glad that the heat was being taken off of me and that someone else was also subject to this humiliation. To stop any protest, the man just reached over with his scissors and sliced through the cotton fabric on both thighs, causing the boxer briefs to drop to the floor between Andy's legs and for him to be revealed fully naked in the room.

"You fuck. I'm your fucking colleague. What do you think you're doing?" Andy railed at the man, while putting his hands protectively in front of his thick, uncut penis, now flaccid again after the earlier arousal and ejaculation in my mouth.

I could now see him in all his glory: his tanned hairless chest, his defined toned abs leading down to his waist and below, the curl of pubes above his plump cock, and the large hairless ballsac beneath. I wanked my cock a few times to maintain my erection as I looked him up and down. I quite forgot my own predicament as I feasted my eyes on this young guy's fit body, exposed in front of me, standing there, his clothes lying on the floor cut into pieces around him.

"Now bend over the table" the man instructed him.

"Please don't make me do this" Andy whimpered in fear. "What if someone comes in?"

"Then you'd better be quiet" the man replied.

Andy leant forward over the table, resting his elbows on the top with his head in his hands. I could now see his balls hanging down and his tight butt cheeks were sticking out into the room, revealing their firmness, and with a light dusting of hair around his arsehole.

My reverie was broken as the man said to me "Now fuck him" and gestured at Andy's arse. I heard Andy let out a sob, and started to feel sorry for him, but then remembered how much it had turned him on when he had had power over me and had forced me to take his cock down my throat. Now he was bottom of the pile and he was going to have to get used to it.

I spat on my fingers and then slowly inserted one of them into his warm, tight hole, feeling the muscles expand and contract around it. I pushed persistently, easing my way into him, and then followed up with a second finger, trying to loosen him up for my throbbing penis. He was tight back there, and the thought of my dick buried in his hole and me pushing my pubes up against his peachy buttocks was turning me on.

I felt a frisson of danger at my surroundings as I rolled the condom the man passed to me onto my cock, but the chance to fuck this young man and make him realise where he stood in the pecking order was too good to miss. And the man from my cabin directing proceedings meant I didn't have a choice in any case, however I might try to pretend that I was in control of this situation in my head.

I slowly started to push my cock against his tight hole, forcing my way into him. There was a yelp of pain but he kept as quiet as possible so as to avoid attracting attention to the meeting room. I started pumping in and out, feeling his muscles against my stiff penis, my senses becoming heightened, my skin tingling and my nipples growing erect. I leant forward to caress his skin and play with his nipples, and he started to moan in pleasure at the sensations pumping and stroking across him.

"Don't you dare think of cumming" the man told me, to my disappointment "Now fill his hole with your puny cock". The video he was taking on his smartphone would show my subservience and naked body to the world. I thrust into Andy time and again, running my hands down his toned back, and heard his muted grunts as I repeatedly filled his tight hole with my hard cock.

After a few minutes the man said "Now swap places", so I obediently pulled out of Andy and bent down over the table myself. I was barely questioning anything he asked anymore. Andy stood up, and I could see his uncut penis was erect again, jutting out against his slim toned body, surrounded by his bush of pubes.

Bending over with my arse on display I realised how exposed I was. The man then told Andy to use his fingers and so I felt him penetrate me, his finger burrowing deep inside me, and then sliding back and forth. I was aware of the man videoing us once again, me being invaded by young Andy's finger, while my erect penis bounced and was caught against the lip of the table, causing shivers to run up my body from the sensitive tip.

"Now lick your finger" the man ordered Andy, who retorted "No fucking way" before reconsidering his position, naked and erect and being filmed in his company office. He lifted his finger, which had just been inside my arse, and stuck it into his mouth. "Now show me you are licking it clean", the man demanded, and with a look of revulsion at the taste Andy sucked his finger clean of my juices. Seeing his debasement really turned me on.

We were both naked and hard in front of the man from my cabin, still in his suit and very much in control. What would he have us do next?

This is the continuation of my first story - Forced to Wank on the Overnight Train. I would welcome any comments or suggestions. It turns me on to know if you have been wanking to this story. Please let me know where you think I should take the story, and what should happen to the characters?

My email address is

Thanks to all those who wrote in response to the first parts - I have tried to take some of the ideas on board.

Next: Chapter 8: Next Day at the Office 4

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