Forever Charmed

By Jonny Halliwell

Published on Jan 7, 2007


"Forever Charmed" uses characters from the Aaron Spelling TV show, "Charmed". Spelling Enterprises; all rights reserved. I do not own most of these characters. I, however, do own some, but the main Halliwells belong to Aaron Spelling.

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"Forever Charmed"

Chapter 1: A New Power of Three

"Ow! Damn it!"

"Peter, sweetie! Watch the words!"

That was my Mama Piper. Once again, I somehow managed to stub my toe on the guest bed, which inevitably, became my bed. I've been staying over here for most of my young life and always managed to hit my toe on the very same spot. It was one of the only snags of staying the weekend at the Halliwell manor. But, I never complained. This was like my second home.

As the story was told to me years ago, I had been destined to be around the Halliwells since before I was born. My birth mother, Amanda Heskith and the Halliwell sisters met years prior to my conception. They became inseparable, although the details on how they became so close have been always sketchy to me. My mom never really filled me in on it and Mama Piper always said that I should ask my mom because "My memory is kind of sketchy, sweetie. I guess I'm really getting up there in years." After a while, I just got tired of asking. We were family, although not blood related, and that's just the way it was.

I went to the bathroom to shower before school that morning, popped in my contacts and headed to the living room to call my mother before school. I told her everything was great as usual and told her I loved her.

"Peter! Come eat now! I spent all morning cooking!"


I raced into the kitchen and kissed Mama Piper and hugged Papa Leo. They had been married for years and never seemed more in love, other than the occasional bickering.

"Pete, you're gonna make us look like bad sons!"

That came from Piper's oldest son, Wyatt. He was a senior in our high school. Next to him sat his younger brother, Chris. Chris giggled at the remark and gave me a small smile. He looked so cute today. His lively black hair and light eyes always melted into me.

"I gotta stop looking at him like that! He's, like, my brother!"; I thought. "My very cute, kinda sexy brother." I stopped the train of thought and had a seat.

Mama Piper served us bacon and eggs and toast, then served herself and Papa Leo some coffee before I felt a tap on my shoulder. I looked behind me to see Piper's sisters, Aunt Phoebe and Aunt Paige behind me, along with Mama. In Phoebe's hands was a huge wrapped gift.

"Happy 16th birthday, babes!"

"Wow! You guys totally didn't have to do this!"

"Yes, we did", Papa Leo answered. He sat at the edge of the table behind his newspaper and lowered it to reveal his beaming smile and an envelope.

"Happy birthday, bro!" came from both Chris and Wyatt; with equally beaming smiles.

"Wow... thanks, guys!", I said. I got up to hug everyone, including Chris and Wyatt. They both pushed me away playfully.

"Come on, dude. We're guys. We don't show emotion!", said Wyatt; sticking his tongue out.

I looked dead in his eyes and said, "Bambi."

"Yeah... happy birthday!" Wyatt said and hugged me as tight as possible. Chris was right behind him. I'd never forget how they cried for days after we'd seen the Disney classic years earlier. Chris whispered in my ear, "Love ya, bro." I had to contain myself or I would've either cried or caught a major hard-on.

"OK, babe. Open your presents!"

"Alright, alright; Aunt Pheebs." I grabbed the box from her and opened it excitedly. Inside was this jacket that I'd been eyeing for a while.

"Oh, wow! How did you know?" I swear, sometimes they knew me better than I did.

"You can thank Wyatt for that." Aunt Paige responded as she pushed back her strong red hair with blonde streaks. I winked at Wyatt and got an "Ew!" in return. Classic Wyatt.

All I could do was hug Paige and Phoebe. They were awesome.

Papa Leo got me a gift certificate for Music World. "Gotta add to the extensive collection"; he said. I gave him a manly hug and thanked him.

"OK, OK. My gift now!", said Mama Piper. She handed me a small blue box wrapped with a bow. As I opened it, she said, "I hope you like it, baby". I opened the box to find a chain with the Halliwell family insignia: a circle with 3 leaf-looking ovals intertwined in it. I couldn't even form words and started to cry. Mama Piper had given one to each Chris and Wyatt as a tie to the Halliwell family. The fact that I wasn't blood related and somehow gotten one was more emotion than I could take. All I could do was hug her and tell her, "Thanks, Mama P. I love you."

She hugged me for a minute and pushed me away to wipe away her own tears and looked me right in the eye. "It doesn't matter if there's blood or not. You're family and we love you like you were our own. Even if you have a mother, I'll always be your Mama", she said with a smile. I looked back at everyone, including Chris and Wyatt, who put on their chains as well and walked over to me. Wyatt hugged me and said, "See? You're definitely one of us." Chris followed suit and said, "Happy birthday, Pete." Damn, two hugs from Chris in one day. This was definitely the best birthday ever.

"OK, OK. You guys have to go to school before you're late!" Mama Piper said rushing us. "And by the way, Peter, your mom knows about the chain. Don't fret, OK?" Sometimes, I got worried that Mom was upset with all of the time I stayed with the Halliwells. But, Mom never said anything of the negative and if anything, she encouraged it. I still felt bad sometimes, which is probably what Mama P was sensing. I'm telling you, better than I know myself.

We ran towards the door after rushed "Have a good day's" and "Happy birthday, babe's" thrown our way. As I went to the front door, I noticed that the grandfather clock in the corridor was smashed on the bottom. I thought I heard something break the night before, but thought I was dreaming. It stopped me dead in my tracks.

"Hey... Mama. What happened to the clock?"

Mama P looked at the damaged clock and responded, "Um... uh... I accidentally...uh..."

Wyatt continued, "I kicked it by mistake. Wasn't looking where I was going and stuff." He looked at me with a somewhat forced smile and I just let it go. The way things in this house were sometimes broken, the Halliwells were collectively the clumsiest bunch ever known. It was common knowledge to have things fixed or broken in the house. I just let it be and walked to Wyatt's car and he drove Chris and I off to school.

I didn't see Chris or Wyatt again until lunch, which is usually how it was. Chris and I were both juniors. I had skipped a year in Junior High. Since Wyatt was a senior, he had a couple of free periods and usually ate lunch with us. I sat down opposite them as I usually did and had lunch.

Chris picked up the chain and looked at it. "So, how do you feel wearing this?"

I looked at Chris and Wyatt and smiled. No other words needed to be said. The three of us were really close, even considering Wyatt's older age. We considered ourselves brothers no matter what, even though I was black. However, we did oddly enough, have similar features. All of our eyes were light colored. And I did have other similar features as well. We would joke around and say since we all spent so much time together, we ended up looking alike; brothers from another mother.

"So..." Wyatt started. "We both kinda got you something else for your birthday."

I smiled at them and responded, "If it's a date from the skank-orama cheerleading team, the answer is "Thanks, but no thanks.""

Chris giggled. "Dorkus".

Damn, he's so cute when he smiles.

"Yeah. No tears this time, OK, bro?", Wyatt said as he reached in his bag and pulled out another small box, similar to the one Mama P had given me with the charm earlier, this one all black.

"Wow, Wyatt. I never knew. Yes, I'll marry you!", I joked. He punched me in the arm.

"Wouldn't that be, like, incest?" Chris said. Wyatt hit him as well and we all laughed.

"Just open it, Pete.", Wyatt responded. I grabbed the box and opened the box. Inside was a ring. It had 3 letters in triangular shape: "P" on top and "W" and "C" on the bottom. It was obvious what the letters meant.

"Wow, guys. This is great. You didn't have to do this."; I said. I looked at Wyatt and Chris and noticed that they had the similar rings on; on their rings, their initials were on the top of each ring.

"Yeah, we didn't.", Wyatt joked. "We wanted to."

I laughed at Wyatt's comeback and thanked them both.

"Brothers forever"; Wyatt said with a smile.

"Yep." Chris said. "Forever charmed."

I looked at Chris with confusion with that comment. Wyatt kind of glared at him. I didn't understand.

"What?" I asked them.

"Nothing" was Wyatt's reply. "Damn. We have to go do something... for Mom"; Wyatt said suddenly. Chris looked surprised but went along with it. Yep, I was officially confused. They both got up from the table and Wyatt said, "I'll see you later to drop you off at home. Or, are you coming back to our house?"

"Nah, I gotta go home today. Mom is definitely gonna want to see me for my birthday."

Chris kind of frowned a little, but understood. "So, we'll see you later. Well, I'll see you in English anyway." They walked off with Wyatt whispering something heatedly to Chris as they walked away. They always bickered, so I really thought nothing of it. But, Chris' comment came back to my mind. "Forever charmed." What did he mean? I pushed it away and continued my lunch and went to the rest of my classes.

In English, Chris sat next to me, as usual. During a boring Shakespeare interpretation, I tapped Chris and whispered, "Hey. What did you mean by that thing you said before?"

Chris looked at me oddly. "What part of, "I'm trying not to fall asleep" did you not get?

I hit him lightly. "Not that! That thing at lunch. "Forever charmed?"

Chris' face turned reddish and he stammered a little before saying, "Nothing. It was just something that popped into my head. Don't mind me."

He looked a little weirded out, so I decided not to push. I continued my work before the teacher caught us talking.

Wyatt was waiting for us when we both got out. We got in the car and he drove me home. I lived about 2 doors down from the Halliwells. Wyatt blasted music on the way home, so nothing was said between us three. I tapped Chris on the shoulder while driving and mouthed, "Are you OK?" He nodded and continued to bop to the music. It was completely silent until I got home.

Wyatt finally turned the music off and walked me inside with Chris. They were close with my Mom as well and wanted to say hello. As I walked to the door, I started to turn around and say something to the both of them, when I heard my mother scream and glass shatter. The door wasn't opened, so I fished out my key and hurriedly opened the door.

"Pete, stay here, I'll be right back", Wyatt said and started in.

"No way!", I replied and ran in, with Wyatt and Chris in back of me. I raced to the kitchen.

There was my mother on the floor with a man in a leather coat hovering above her. Actually hovering. His feet were not touching the floor. All I could do was yell at him to get his attention.

"Get the hell away from her!", I yelled. The man turned around and landed. He had some weird tribal marking on his face and his eyes were black. I stood frozen in my tracks, scared shitless. The man smiled an evil grin and suddenly, a fireball came from his hand. He hurled it directly at me. Wyatt jumped towards me as the fireball came flying at me.

The next thing I remember, the wall behind me was scorched and Wyatt was on the floor next to me. I stood there, completely untouched. It was like the fireball went through me or something. I was even more shocked than before. I looked up and down on myself. Not even slightly hurt.

I saw the man somehow get another fireball going and he hurled it at me. Chris yelled, "Fireball!" I thought it was a warning or something and started to say, "No shit!". But, when I looked at Chris, he had somehow taken the man's fireball and hurled it at him. The man was hit, but didn't look seriously hurt. He looked directly at me.

"This fight is not for you, Halliwells. This is for the Heskith clan only! Back off now!" He somehow pulled out two fireballs, then stopped dead in his tracks. Completely frozen like a statue. My mother had her hands put up like she was trying to block something. The man was stuck like that, with both fireballs still in his hands.

I ran over to my mother and helped her up. I couldn't even form words; it was like I was on auto-pilot or something. Once she was up, I ran to Wyatt. I looked at him and noticed a small gash on his arm. He was bleeding, but not a lot.

"Are you OK, bro?", I asked him.

Suddenly, the gash on him glowed a bright white color; like lots of tiny stars. When they faded, the scar was completely healed. Just the tear in his shirt remained.

I threw myself back, completely freaked. "What the fuck was that?!", I yelled.

"Watch your language, Peter!", my mother said.

"Wait a minute, Mom! There's some weird flying guy throwing fireballs like a volcano; one goes right through me. Chris somehow throws it back at him; Wyatt heals himself and now, this fire man is frozen in the middle of our kitchen and all you can tell me is, "Watch your language"? Sorry, Mom, but I've obviously gone crazy!"

Chris walked over to me and pulled me up to my feet and tried to soothe me. "Relax, Pete. I know you're freaking right now, but that's no need to be mad at your mother."

"I'm not mad. Just... what the hell is going on?"; I asked.

Wyatt started to respond when I heard the frozen fire man-no longer frozen-say, "You'll pay for that, witch!", directly in our direction. He prepared to launch the fireballs our way, when it happened.

I felt myself become cold. Like really cold. At first, I thought the thing that happened to the fire man was happening to me. But, I realized I could still move. My body felt colder and colder until I felt like a block of ice. Suddenly, I felt the need to breathe out. I did and this weird wind came from inside of me and headed towards the fire man. It enveloped him completely, until the smoke and wind subsided. The man stood there, completely frozen from head to toe. But, this time, literally frozen; completely covered in ice. The iced fire man began to crack and suddenly exploded. I blocked myself and when I looked again, he was gone.

I was so freaked and dropped to the floor once again. Chris, Wyatt and Mom came to me immediately.

It took me a while to speak. "What... how... when... how did I do that?"

They all picked me up and Chris and Wyatt held me up while Mom grabbed her coat from the living room.

"What?", I started. "Now, after what just happened here, you want to go for a group outing or something?!"

Mom walked up to me and touched my face gently. "First, calm down. I know you're really confused and scared right now. You have no idea what is going on and you want answers."

All I could do was look at her and nod. Chris grabbed my hand and held it tight. I probably would have been happy as a lamb from him touching me, but I was too scared to think of anything else at that moment.

"So was I the first time this happened to me, baby."

"The FIRST TIME? This has happened before? What is going on here?", I yelled.

"Look, baby. I could sit here and explain it to you as best as I can, as can Wyatt and Chris. But there's someone better that can explain it much easier to you. And we have to go there right now."

I looked at Chris and Wyatt and although a bit worried for me, they genuinely smiled. "Trust her, bro," Wyatt said. "She knows what she's talking about."

I looked at them skeptically and asked, "Where are we going, Mom?"

As she reached the door, she looked at me and smiled.

"To see your Mama Piper."


Next: Chapter 2

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