Forever Charmed

By Jonny Halliwell

Published on Jan 28, 2007


"Forever Charmed" uses characters from the Aaron Spelling TV show, "Charmed". Spelling Enterprises; all rights reserved. I do not own most of these characters. I, however, do own some, but the main Halliwells belong to Aaron Spelling.

If you're under 18, you really shouldn't be here reading this, so please hit the back button now. All responses and comments can be sent to

"Forever Charmed"

Chapter 6: "Shock Wave"

"You've gotta be shitting me!" I said to Wyatt.

"Are you kidding us?" Chris asked.

Wyatt smiled a bit. "Nope, not at all. I've been this way since I was about 15 or so."

I stood up, shocked, but not disappointed in the least. "Wow, bro. This is crazed! Why did you never tell me?'

"Or me, at least?" Chris countered. "We live a few doors down from each other, for God's sake!"

"Really?" Wyatt asked. "Like about how you two nearly were fucking each other's brains out on the couch? Cause I totally knew about that."

Chris started blushing and I couldn't help but laugh.

"OK, OK. Point taken."

I sat back down next to Chris and looked at Wyatt. "So, all of us in this room right now are gay?"

"No, not totally gay. I still like girls. Just as of late; it's been more of an attraction towards guys."

"Fucking awesome, bro!" Chris said as he hugged Wyatt. "This rocks."

After Chris hugged him, I had to do the same as well. "I guess we're more connected then we know."

"Yep"; Wyatt answered as he hugged me back.

"So"; Chris started, "do you mind if we ask you a couple of things?"

"Well, there's not that much to know, but fire away"; Wyatt said.

I stood up again, totally excited about the news. I could never stand still when I was excited. "So, let me start. Do you have a boyfriend?"

"No"; Wyatt said. "Actually, we just kind of broke up about 2 or so months ago. His name was Alex."

"Wait a minute? Basketball Alex?" Chris asked.

"Well, I know him as Alex Moran, but something tells me they're one in the same."

Chris started to laugh so hard; he fell back on the bed. Wyatt and I looked at him as if he were crazy.

"Um, babe, are you OK?" I asked him.

He stopped laughing and wiped the tears that had fell from his eyes. "Wow. Yeah, I'm good. Wyatt, remember how I would always ask about Alex and when we would hang out with him again?"

Wyatt opened his eyes wide. "Don't tell me..."

"No, no, no!" Chris responded. "Not anything like that. I just had a huge crush on him. Actually, my first crush."

Wyatt smiled. "Yeah. That definitely makes sense. You used to hate basketball and all of a sudden, you wanted to be Shaquille O'Neal's clone."

"Well, now you know why. I hated basketball, but damn! Alex was hot."

Wyatt slapped his brother on the arm. "Dude, that's my ex you're scamming on."

"With your boyfriend in the room!" I added.

"OK, I'm sorry. Just think you have good taste and all."

Wyatt did a fake curtsy. "Well, thank you. And so do you."

"Thank God I'm black or my face would be red right now." I said.

"Stop looking at my boyfriend, dork"; Chris responded.

"Hey. I'm just saying you have good taste as well. And I don't see Pete that way. He's my brother. And that's your domain, freak."

I ran to the bed and pounced on Wyatt with Chris right behind me.

"OK, OK, I surrender! I'm sorry!" Wyatt said full of laughter. Chris gave him one last smack on the head before we both got off of him.

I got up and sat back on the chair. Chris sat back in his position on the bed.

"OK, my turn for a question"; Chris said. "Are you a virgin?"

"Damn, babe. You don't hold anything back, do you?" I asked Chris.

"Nah. Life's too freaking' short"; he said as he looked at me. Then, he looked right back at Wyatt. "Alright, answer the question, bro."

"Well..." Wyatt said, "with girls, just hand jobs, which is severely overrated, by the way. I could jack off myself."

"Thanks for the visual"; I said sarcastically.

"Please. You would probably love watching me do it."

Chris groaned and threw a pillow at Wyatt.

"Alright. But with a guy, only blowjobs. Alex and I were about to go further, but he moved before that happened. So, since then, it's just been me and Palmela."

"Palmela?" I asked. "Who is she?"

Chris and Wyatt started laughing. "OK, what's so funny?"

"Baby, come on. You're not that innocent"; Chris said. "I know you've heard of "Palmela Handerson", right?" He lifted up his hand and pointed to his palm.

I looked away and giggled. "OK. What happened to plain-old "jerking off"?"

"Same difference, but more fun to say."

I kicked Chris lightly in the shin. "Dorkus."

"Now, it's my turn for questions!" Wyatt said and rubbed his hands together menacingly. "This should be fun."

"Not as much fun as you think"; I responded. "I'm a virgin and have only used "Palmela" on occasion. Chris is my first boyfriend and we haven't done anything than what you have already seen us do."

"Which, by the way"; Chris added, "we won't be doing in the living room anymore."

"Definitely not" I said; "unless we're sure no one is home, anyway."

Chris gave me a wink and I smiled.

"So, bro"; Wyatt continued. "What about you? Are you a virgin?"

Chris started to blush pretty hard. "Well..."

"Really? My boyfriend is experienced."

"Not experienced"; Chris said. "Just one time. There was this guy in school. He was a senior. One thing led to another and before you know it... his dick was kind of in my mouth."

"OH MY GOD!" Wyatt yelled and threw a pillow over his face to conceal his laughter.

"Really?"; I asked. "Should I be all jealous or something?"

"I hope not, babe. We did have sex, but it was a one-time thing. After he came, he got all "straight" again. He started avoiding me and that was that."

"Aw"; I said as I leaned over and hugged him. "I'm sure it wasn't you."

He pushed me playfully. "It definitely wasn't me. A couple of weeks later, he had the gayest person in school talking about how quickly he comes."

"I remember that!" I said. "It was Jason Carrillo. You banged him?"

Chris nodded and blushed a little more. "Yeah. Total closet case, but whatever."

"Wow"; Wyatt said after he finally recovered from his laughter. "I guess I know everything."

"Yep"; I said as I grabbed Chris' hand. "And on that note, we better go to sleep. School tomorrow. Boo."

Chris got up with a grunt. "Damn my education. They need to make a class like this in school. I would so be into it!"

Wyatt laughed. "Don't worry, bro. Anytime you wanna talk; I'll be here. And trust me, we'll definitely be talking."

I walked to Wyatt and hugged him again. "Thanks for sharing everything, bro."

"Thank you for doing the same. And one last thing..."

"Yeah?" I asked.

"You hurt my brother, I'll so kick your ass."

I smiled and nodded. "You have my word. Scout's honor."

Chris replied; "And you know they're all gay."

We all laughed at that one as Chris hugged his brother.

"Same thing goes to you, Chris. Wow, that is so weird to say. Telling one brother not to hurt the other one."

"Yeah, yeah, yeah"; said Chris "been there, past it."

"Good night, bro"; I said to Wyatt as I waited for Chris to walk in front of me.

"You're so just waiting to look at my ass again."

"No comment"; I responded.

"Good night, guys"; Wyatt said as we left the room with Chris in front.

Chris and I walked down the hall, hand in hand.

"Damn, I guess we aren't as original as I thought"; Chris said.

I smiled a bit at that. "It's cool, though. I didn't feel alone or anything, because I have you."

Chris looked at me and smiled back. "And I have you, too."

"But, we have someone else to share things with."

"Well, not everything, Pete. I'm pretty sure we can't feel each other up in front of Wyatt. That might be a little awkward."

"Yeah"; I said. "Just a tad bit."

We walked until we got to Chris' door. My room was just down the hall.

"Are you tired?" Chris asked.

"Actually, I'm not. I'm way too excited. Do you mind if we talk some more? You did mention that thing with liking me for a while. And with Aunt Paige knowing about us."

"Do you want to come in for a while? Maybe stay the night?"

"I would love to wake up with you." I responded. "But, what about everyone else?"

"Well, everyone else is sleeping or out. Our moms went out for a breather and Dad is still at Magic School working on some things. It shouldn't be a problem and besides... if we are caught sleeping, we'll make something up. No problem."

I thought about it for a moment, then opened Chris' door and walked in. He followed right behind me. I grabbed his chair behind his desk and sat down. He sat on the bed and gave me the infamous pout.

"Why are you making that face now, dorkus?" I asked.

"Well, there's this huge bed and I'm here all alone..." he countered as he glanced back and forth between the bed and me.

I gave a fake sigh like I was really trying to fight it as I got up and sat on the bed next to him.

"Happy now?"; I asked.

"Yep!" he said back with a huge grin. He was so cute that I had to give him a quick kiss.

"What was that for?"

I gave him a smile. "Just for being you; I guess."

"So"; he started, "if I'm not mistaken, you have some questions for me."

"Yep, I do"; I said as I laid back on the bed. He did the same and we ended up face to face.

"Fire away, baby"; he responded.

"OK. You said you liked me since 15. Why did you start liking me?"

"Wow... um... I really don't know"; he answered. "It was this one weekend, nothing too special about it. You stayed in my room that night and you fell asleep. I was trying to fall asleep as well and... well, you kind of rolled over and wrapped your arm around me."

"No way!" I said. "Why didn't you wake me up?"

"Well, that was my first thought"; he said with a light smile. "But... I don't know. You looked so peaceful and beautiful lying there. You had this smile on your face... and the feeling it brought to me just made me melt. The moon was shining really brightly that night and the way it hit your face... was... I can't even but it into words. I think that's when I realized how much I cared for you. And you can laugh now, because obviously, I'm a big dork."

"Then why am I not laughing?" I asked as I grabbed his hand. "That was really beautiful. And sweet."

"Thanks, baby. It's the truth. But, can I ask you something?"

"Of course, Chris"; I said.

"When did you start liking me?"

I giggled a bit at that. "I can't answer that. Too embarrassing."

"Come on! And the whole "moonlight beauty" thing I just told you was nothing at all."

"OK, point taken"; I responded. I took a sigh and then...

"Remember how I used to be bullied?" Chris nodded.

"OK, well, there was this one really bad time where that idiot, Lee Armstrong decided that he wanted to show me what a "swirly" was."

"I remember that day"; Chris said. "Wyatt and I had gotten to school late and we both had to go to the bathroom. For some reason, I wanted to go to the one closer to my class, but Wyatt wanted to use the first one in the building."

I nodded a bit sadly; the memory still vivid in my mind.

"So"; Chris continued, "I lied and told him that the one he wanted to go to was out of order. I made him walk all of the way down the hall to the other one. And that's when we saw Lee dragging you into the stall."

"Yeah. He had just stuck my head in the toilet and Wyatt grabbed him."; I said.

"He pushed Lee against the sink and told him if he ever messed with me again, he would be using the girl's bathroom on a permanent basis."

"Yep, Wyatt was pretty bad-ass that day."

"Well"; Chris countered, "when it comes to you or I, he never plays around. But how does that answer the question of how you fell for me?"

"If you'd let me finish my story, you'd know, dork!"

Chris ran his fingers across his lips, "zipping" them shut.

"OK. So while Wyatt took care of Lee, you sat down next to me on the floor. I remember I was crying really hard. Even with my hair filled with toilet water, you held me close and rocked me until I stopped crying. And..."

"And what, babe"; Chris asked as he gripped my hand tighter.

I looked at him with tears in my eyes. "I never felt more loved or protected at that moment. That's when I fell for you, Chris."

Chris moved closer to me and whispered, "I'll always be there to love and protect you, angel."

Our lips met and it was beautiful. It started sweetly and passionately. I ran my fingers through Chris' hair and pulled him even closer, until I rolled on top of him still kissing him. He moaned lightly and it caused me to kiss him even harder. Our tongues rolled back and forth between each other's mouths vigorously. Chris ran his hands from my back to inside my shirt, eventually lifting it up and caressing my back. I moved one hand down and went under his as well, feeling his soft skin from his side. His skin was very warm and smooth. I felt his cock harden against my waist and it brought my 8-incher to life. I lifted his shirt up and over his head, which stopped our kissing for a second. He smiled and did the same to me. The feeling of his skin against mine turned me on even more and we started kissing once more. I started to grind into him lightly, feeling his cock through his flannel pants against my own. It felt absolutely amazing to feel his hard rock pressing into mine over and over again. I moved my lips from his lips to his neck; kissing and sucking it while taking in his scent. He began to moan a little louder and hearing his passionate sounds made my cock leak it's first drop of pre-cum.

"God, Pete. This feels so good."

"I know, baby"; I responded. "You feel even better."

I realized I wanted to taste even more of him, so I licked my way from his neck to his heaving chest, eventually making my way to his taut right nipple. I licked around it a bit before moving to the left. This action caused Chris to giggle a bit while moaning, so I knew he was enjoying it as much as I was.

"Damn, baby"; he whispered as he lightly ran his nails across my back.

I lifted my head up. "Somebody's enjoying themselves"; I said with a smile. He looked at me with a lustful smirk.

I continued my tongue trail from the center of his chest to his lightly hairy navel. I licked around it and then directly into it. This caused Chris to groan slightly and throw his head back.

"Fuck, Pete! This feels amazing."

I continued licking and lightly started to nibble the skin of his belly button; not to hurt it, but tease it a bit. I allowed my hand to move down to his flannel-covered waist and grabbed his cock through it; moving it up and down very slowly. I could feel a drop of pre-cum through the material and it caused me to move my hand a little faster.

"Yea, baby"; Chris said. "Jack me off."

His dick felt rock hard between my fingers as I moved up and down; down and up. Suddenly, I couldn't handle just feeling him through his pants anymore. I moved my hands to the waistband of his pants and slowly peeled them down. I watched in bliss as Chris' pubes slowly came into view. He obviously trimmed and it looked great. I pulled down a little more and the shaft of his cock slowly came into view. It was slightly thick, but not huge. And it was beautiful. I pulled his pants all the way down and his uncut cock plopped against his flat stomach, causing the pre-cum that had been leaking for a while to splatter a bit against his stomach. It looked almost as big as mine, but slightly smaller.

"Wow. I knew I wouldn't be disappointed"; I said with a grin.

"Well"; Chris replied. "It's only 7 ¾ inches."

"And it's fucking gorgeous"; I said as I grabbed it with my hand. It felt so warm against my palm. I moved my hand up and down a bit and felt his pre-cum against my palm. I moved my hand all the way to the tip of his cock, slightly covered by a piece of skin. I was surprised I didn't cum on myself right then and there, but all I felt was pre-cum continue to fall from the tip of my cock. I took my hand, glistening with Chris' pre-fuck and licked it; then crawled back to Chris and kissed him.

"Wow; you're a bit kinky; aren't you?"; he asked after we had stopped for a minute.

"Kinky? Nah. Just like exploring"; I responded.

"Well, speaking of exploring; do you mind taking off your pants, please?"

I looked directly at him. "Why don't you do it yourself?"

He gave me the sexiest smile ever as I lifted myself up so he could have better access. I could feel my dick strain against the material as he slowly pulled them down. Eventually, Chris lowered my pants all the way down and my dick was released from it's strain; pointing straight out.

"Damn"; Chris uttered as he looked at my cock. "My baby isn't doing too bad in that department, either."

I giggled a bit as I responded, "It's only 8 inches. Just a bit longer than yours is."

I lowered myself back down to Chris and we began kissing again. Chris moved his hand between our bodies and grabbed my dick and started to mimic my actions. I lifted my waist up a bit to give him better leverage. Realizing that he was slightly uncomfortable, I rolled off of him to the side and kept kissing him, laying side by side as we jerked each other off slowly. The pre-cum kept flowing from each of our hard cocks as we moved our hands slightly faster. Our moans kept getting louder and louder and I realized I wanted more. I lifted my lips from him once again.

"What are you doing, baby?" he asked me as I suddenly stopped kissing him.

"I can't help it anymore. I gotta taste you." I crawled back down to his cock; still glistening with a layer of pre-cum, his pink head slightly exposed through his foreskin. I took my tongue and lightly licked across the head of his cock; which made Chris release a shuddering moan.

"Oh, God, baby."

I had never done this before, but figured I was doing a good job. I took Chris' cock in my hand and pulled the skin back ever so slightly, revealing more of the pink head. Rather than take him inside fully just yet, I opened my mouth and just took the head in; sucking ever so slightly. This caused Chris to arch his back and moan once again in ecstasy. I knew how he felt, because having his dick in my mouth was unlike anything I'd ever experienced. The feel of his cock head on my tongue; the taste and smell of his crotch was pure bliss. I decided to go a bit further and take him in even more. Because I didn't want to gag, it took a while; but after a couple of minutes, I was able to fit him inside all the way to his pubes.

"Yes, Pete. Take me in completely, angel."

I slowly bobbed my head up and down, while lightly running my nails against his outer thigh; feeling the light hair that ran along his legs. Chris placed his hands on the back of my head; lightly guiding me back and forth; moaning and uttering the word "yes" over and over again. After a while, he lifted my head up completely off his cock.

"Did I do something wrong?" I asked him.

"No, baby. You're doing great; I just want you to feel as good, too. Hold on one second."

Chris turned his body around so his face was right at my dick; still hard and still leaking pre-cum.

Suddenly, without warning, I felt Chris' tongue run alongside the tip of my 8-incher. I had never felt anything like that before and the moan that came out of my mouth even surprised me. I didn't want to make too much noise and decided that Chris' cock was as good as a muffler as any. I took him back into my mouth and began to suck a little harder and a little faster. Once again, Chris mimicked my actions and took in as much as he could as well. Pretty soon, our heads were bopping in unison as we both blew each other for the first time.

"God, Chris; this feels so amazing"; I thought silently. He responded with a moan and continued his action, as did I. After a while, I felt my dick grow thicker in his mouth and I knew I was going to cum soon. I didn't want this to end just yet, so I pulled my cock out of his mouth and took his out of mine as well. I turned back around and kissed him deeply; running my hands alongside his back as I ran my tongue against his own.

He pulled back after a while. "Why did you stop, baby? Didn't it feel good?"

"Yeah, a little too good. Plus, I didn't want this to end too soon. I want to..."

He put his fingers on my chin and lifted my face to his. "It's OK, baby. Nothing is too secretive here. Tell me what you want."

"I want... I want to feel you inside me. Will you be my... my first?"

He smiled a bit and responded; "Baby, I'll be anything you want me to." He got closer to my face. "Your first"; then he kissed me. "Your last"; then another. "Your everything"; then a longer kiss that was so hot, it could've melted the paint on the walls.

I was really into the kiss until suddenly I stopped in confusion.

"What's wrong, baby?" Chris asked.

"Um... I'm not sure on what to do from this point"; I said with an embarrassed smile.

Chris grinned and responded; "Don't worry, baby. Just follow my lead." He gave me a quick tap kiss before rolling over to his nightstand and opening it. From inside its drawer; he pulled out two items. One was a condom; the other was something in a tube.

"What is that?" I asked.

"Something to make this go a bit easier on you"; he responded. "It's lubricant, baby. It'll make this go a bit smoother, I promise."

For some reason, I wasn't scared of the pain or anything. I knew Chris would take care of me.

"OK, Chris. It's your show."

"First off, I think I'm gonna loosen you up a bit. It might feel a little weird, but try to relax and enjoy it."

Chris leaned back down to me and kissed me once again. While doing this; he rolled me over to my back. He then leaned over me and slowly lowered his lips down every inch of my body; from his lips, to my chest, to my navel (which caused me to giggle) and then, he put his lips around my cock and swallowed me whole.

"Fuck"; I whispered as I felt his warm, wet mouth around my dick. Then, with one hand; he took some lubricant and put it around his right index finger of his other hand. Then, while still blowing me, he slowly eased his finger into my ass. There was some initial pressure that I wasn't expecting, but it eased as he gently eased his finger into the hilt.

"Oh, God"; I uttered as I felt his finger slide all the way inside of me.

He stopped sucking me for a second and asked; "Are you OK, baby?"

After catching my breath, I responded, "Yeah. Go ahead."

He nodded and went back to sucking me off and he started to slowly pull out his finger and push it back in again. After a while, the pain completely eased and I found myself leaning down into his finger with every thrust. After Chris felt I was comfortable, I felt a bit more pressure in me. I realized that Chris had stuck another finger in my ass. It hurt for only half a second before it became even more pleasurable than just the one finger. I felt even more pre-cum drip into Chris' mouth as I bounced up and down on his two fingers.

"Baby"; I whispered.

"Hmmm"; he responded; his mouth full of my 8 inches.

"I think I'm ready."

He lifted his lips from my hard dick. "Are you sure, baby?"

"Yeah"; I responded. "I want to feel you in me."

He smiled at me. "Whatever you want; my angel." He sat up and took the condom out of its wrapper. Before he could put it on, I stopped him.

"Let me do it"; I said. I took it from his hands and sat up to have better reach. I sat directly in front of him and slowly rolled the condom down to the base of his cock and gave it a couple of gentle tugs.

"Um, you really should stop that before we waste a perfectly good condom"; he said.

I giggled a bit and laid back. Chris got over me and kissed me once more before he asked; "Are you ready?"

I looked into his eyes and noticed the nervousness in his eyes. I touched his face and said, "Baby, I'm ready."

He grabbed his dick and I lifted my legs around his body. He eased his cock to my hole. I felt the tip of it against the opening and got ready for the impending entering. He moved forward slightly and started to ease his tip inside. The tip of his cock popped into me and it caused me to catch my breath.

"Oh, my God. Are you OK, Pete?"; Chris asked worriedly.

I closed my eyes and took a couple of deep breaths and waited for the pain to ease. After a minute, I looked at him and said; "It's OK, baby. Keep going."

"Are you sure? We can stop this right..."

I touched his arm and rubbed it. "Baby, I want this. And I knew it would hurt a little. It's OK."

He calmed down a bit. "Alright, love. I promise it should get easier."

I closed my eyes once again and felt Chris move forward a little more. After a few seconds, I felt him slowly ease more and more into me, until I felt him completely inside of me. Once he had done that; he stopped for a minute. "How are you feeling, baby?"

I got used to the pressure of having him inside of me. I looked at him and smiled. "You're in me. I really feel you."

He leaned down and kissed me lightly and said, "This is only the beginning. Are you ready?"

"Yes. I'm ready, Chris."

We started to kiss once more and Chris started to slowly ease his almost 8-inch dick in and out of me. At first, the pressure was immense, but after a while, the pressure became pleasure and I found myself moaning at the feeling of his cock rubbing against my walls.

"Yes, baby"; I said. "This feels AMAZING."

"No, baby"; he said. "YOU feel amazing."

I grabbed his head and pulled it back down to my face and attacked his tongue and his pumps became faster and a bit harder. I started to bounce down on his cock and he pumped it into me. This was no feeling I had ever come close to and it took my breath away. We eventually started going in sync with each other's bodies, his thrusts meeting my downward motions. Moaning and whispers of "I love you" and "Fuck me" were repeated over and over again. After about 10 minutes or so, I was ready to try something different.

I had to force my lips from his. "Baby; stop for a second. I want to try something."

Chris' face was slightly pink and a little sweaty, but it turned me on even more. "What, baby?"

"Well, take your dick out of me and lie back. I think I wanna ride you."

"Damn, you are kinky, aren't you?" he said as he slowly eased his cock out of me with a small "pop".

I gave him a goofy look and pushed him down. "Shush. You love it and you know it."

He laid back and held his cock up. I got over his waist and put myself into a sitting position over his cock. Slowly, I eased myself down onto Chris' dick, which was much easier than the first time. I kept going lower and lower, until I felt Chris' pubes against my ass. It felt like Chris' dick had went in further than it had before. I looked at his face and he was caught in a state of bliss. He slowly opened his eyes and put on a lazy smile.

"Ready"; I asked him.

He nodded and smiled.

I slowly raised myself up, then down again. It felt even more amazing then before. I could feel Chris' cock hitting my prostate and the sensations sent chills up and down my spine. I leaned over slowly and kept bouncing myself up and down on his cock. He pushed upwards to meet my thrusts and once again, we were soon in unison. I started to kiss Chris and bounce myself harder and harder on his cock and he pushed himself harder and harder to meet my thrusts.

"Fuck me"; he said. "Fuck me, baby."

I moaned and started to kiss his neck as I bounced myself even harder. My dick felt thicker than it ever had before and I felt Chris' get thicker as well. I knew we were both about to cum soon. I moved from his neck to his lips and started to kiss him hard.

"Oh, God"; I thought. "Baby, I'm going to cum."

"Me, too"; he responded out loud.

But, something weird started to happen. I knew what it felt like to cum before. I masturbated often and the feelings I had then were nothing like I was experiencing at that moment. It seemed like every inch of my body was tingling in pleasure. I moaned continuously and loudly, as did Chris. I had never felt this way and I knew he hadn't either.

I opened my eyes to look at him and he began to glow. I noticed that I was glowing as well. Orbing.

Before I could say anything, my cock let loose a stream of cum over Chris' chest. I could feel the condom fill with Chris' juice as well as he kept pushing into me. Continuous streams of cum flew from both of our cocks as we continued to orb. Then, the orbs seemed to melt into one another as we continued reaching our orgasms. Our essences seemed to be fusing into one another.

Suddenly from our combined orbs came something that looked like a sonic boom. The light flashed from us and spread all around us, causing Chris' window to break as it traveled onward, as well as spreading through Halliwell manor. When I opened my eyes again, I was on the bed again and Chris was in front of me; his cock still buried in my ass. He fell on top of me as we both tried to catch our breaths.

"What...what...happened?" Chris muttered breathlessly.

"I don't...know"; I responded, just as out of breath as he was. "All I know is... that was... was there even a word for that?"

Chris giggled. "I don't know. But that rocked."

He finally got enough strength to pull his dick out of me and rolled to my side; lying on his back. "I think I need a..."

"Cigarette"; I called out and opened my palm. Into my hand orbed a box of cigarettes from my jeans in my room. I opened the box and gave him one.

"You're getting really good at orbing"; he said.

"Thanks, babe"; I responded as I lit my cigarette with some matches from his nightstand and lit his as well.

I looked back at the window and noticed the broken pane. "How did we do that?"

"Wow. Were we that good?" he said with a smile.

"I damn sure ain't complaining"; I responded.

"Better fix that"; he said. "Thank God Wyatt is a deep sleeper."

"Let me try"; I said as I inhaled my cigarette, stood up and went by the window.

"Um... let's see"; I started. "Shattered glass from this window sill/Repair the damage at my will?"

The glass from the floor disappeared and fixed itself, leaving not even a crack. It looked good as new.

"Good one, babe"; Chris said, still lying in bed.

"Thanks"; I said as I walked back over and joined him. "I wonder what the hell that thing was that did this in the first place."

"I don't know; but we should get up and make sure there isn't any more damage in the house."

I groaned. "Do we really have to? Shouldn't we be basking in the moment?"

Chris laughed and hit me in the arm. "You are so gay, aren't you?"

"Says the one who had his dick in my ass"; I responded.

"Yep. And you loved every fucking moment of it."

"Um, excuse you. I didn't hear you complaining either, Mr. "Fuck Me, Oh...Fuck Me"..."

Chris rolled on top of me and wrestled with me a bit before putting my arms over my head. "Um...Chris. Are you trying to seduce me again?" I asked lustfully.

He smiled and said, "Not really. But, is it working?"

"Kiss me and find out." He lowered his face and gave me a small, but passionate kiss. "Well?"

"Um... not really. It was alright and all."

He tried to kiss me again, but I turned away and he licked my neck in response. "You're so lucky that we have to check out the house or I would so take you all over again."

"Damn"; I said, "trying to make me hard all over again, huh?"

"Shush, baby"; he responded as he let go of me and rolled off to the side of the bed to put his clothes on. "Maybe after we're done, we can take a shower together. Then, we'll have a bit more fun."

"Well, not that much"; I said as I looked at the clock. "It's late and we have school in the morning. We couldn't do this on a weekend, could we?"

He laughed and said, "Nah. We're horny teenage boys who've wanted to ravage each other for a while now."

He stood up to put on his pants. I looked at him while dressing...and then started to laugh hysterically.

"What is it, baby? What's so damn funny?"

I couldn't stop laughing to save my laugh, so I just pointed at his stomach. There were some streaks of my cum across his stomach and chest.

He looked down and smiled. "Damn. It's been a while, hasn't it?"

I just nodded and finally got up to put my clothes on as well. "We're definitely going to need a shower after this."

We got dressed after a while, which took longer than expected because we kept kissing and touching each other. We finally walked out of the room and walked through the house. Everything seemed normal, until we reached Wyatt's room. We walked to the door and heard some soft moaning. I got a little too worried, thinking something bad had happened. I opened the door with Chris right behind me.

"GET OUT!" Wyatt screamed as I closed the door immediately.

"Doesn't anyone know the meaning of knocking"; he asked through the closed door.

"What was wrong with him?" Chris asked worriedly. I looked back at him with a slightly embarrassed look.

"Um... he's fine. Let's just say he was on a date."

"A date? At this time, with whom?"

"I believe you know this person as Palmela."

Chris started to giggle. "Oh."

"And let's also say"; I added, "We're not the only well endowed people in this family."

"Ew!" Chris said as we walked to the bathroom. "You were scamming my brother's piece!"

"Sorry, baby. Couldn't help it." Then I turned around and grabbed his dick through his pants. "But you know I'm only interested in yours."

Chris moaned softly, then kissed me. As we pulled apart, he said, "And it better stay that way, too!"

I laughed and pulled him into the bathroom. We undressed each other and jumped into the shower. Other than some kissing and naughty touching, nothing too crazy happened. We were both too tired to do anything else. We walked back into his room and changed into some other clothes. I borrowed some of Chris' pajamas and we climbed into bed.

"This was so the best night ever"; Chris told me as he turned off the light.

"Definitely"; I responded. "It was beyond great. I love you, Christopher Halliwell."

He looked at me through the darkness and smiled. "I love you, too, Peter Heskith."

We kissed a bit before finally falling asleep in each other's arms.

Definitely the best night ever.

The next morning, I woke up to Chris' alarm clock and to find his spot on the bed vacant. Chris always got up before me. On his pillow was a small note.

"Meet you downstairs, baby. Love, Chris."

I smiled at that a bit. I got up, took a quick shower, ran to my room to get dressed and went to the kitchen for a bite to eat before school. As I walked into the kitchen, the entire family was there, minus my mother and Papa Leo.

"Hey, everyone"; I said as I walked in. Everyone looked a bit out of it. "Um, is everyone OK?"

Mama Piper looked a bit tired; her hair a little out of whack. "Yeah. Good morning, baby"; she said as she kissed me on the cheek and handed me a glass of orange juice.

I sat down between Chris and Wyatt. "Morning, guys."

"Hey"; Wyatt said as he looked down at his cereal. I giggled a bit at that. Chris kicked me under the table and I stopped.

I looked up towards Aunt Paige and Aunt Pheebs. They looked just as tired as well. "Why does everyone look like they got up out of the wrong side of the bed?"

Aunt Phoebe tried to fix her hair, but it wouldn't stick. " reason, Pete. Just tired, I guess."

"OK..." I responded and got up to get myself some Pop Tarts. Aunt Paige had some bags under her eyes, but looked very happy.

"In a good mood, Aunt Paige?" I asked.

"Yep"; she replied. "VERY good mood", she said as she went to poor herself a cup of coffee. Mama P cleared her throat rather loudly and that ended any more words from Aunt Paige.

Something was definitely up. I sat back down at the table. "Is there something going on?"

"No"; was everyone's reply.

"Then, why is everyone acting weird?"

Everyone, minus Chris looked at each other oddly. "No reason, baby"; M.P. said. "Just kind of frazzled this morning."

Chris grabbed my hand under the table. I looked at him and he winked. He definitely knew what was up.

"Um, we better go"; Chris said. Wyatt, Chris and I got up from the table and kissed everyone before leaving for Wyatt's car.

The second the back door closed, I walked right next to Chris. "OK, spill it. What's going on?"

Wyatt looked back at Chris with a face that said, "Shut up, Chris". Chris started to laugh and just said, "I'll tell you on the way to school."

We all got in the car, Chris and I in the back seat. Wyatt drove off and put his music low. "You might as well tell him, bro. It is kind of his fault, too."

I got worried.

"No need to look like that, babe. We didn't mean for it to happen."

I looked Chris directly in his eyes. "Mean for what to happen?"

"Um... OK, first off, don't freak. Wyatt knows about last night."

I hit Chris in his arm. "Why did you tell him?"

Wyatt started to laugh in the front seat. "He felt bad for catching me in the act last night. He did it as a way of an apology. And I bet it was hot, too."

"Shush, Wyatt. Only one brother and that's it." I looked at Chris. "OK, what's going on?"

"Alright. Remember is odd to explain."

Wyatt helped, "Remember when both of you guys orbed after cumming?"

"Damn, Chris. Told him everything, did you?"

"Sorry, babe. It's kinda hard to keep any secrets from him. Plus, if he's gonna tell us everything, I think we should do the same towards him."

I nodded a bit and said, "OK, point taken. And yes, I still remember. Very much so. I still... kind of feel you inside of me."

"I know"; Chris said. "I feel you, too. Like you're still with me. Weird."

"Anyway, go on"; I said.

"So, remember that light that shot out from us?"

"Of course. The one that broke your window."

"Well, this morning, I tried to find out what that was. I went to the attic and read through the Book of Shadows. It's called a Sensual Shock Wave."

"I don't like the sound of that"; I said.

Wyatt and Chris started to laugh. "Well", Wyatt said, "it's not a bad thing at all. Actually, if people knew what happened, they would be thanking you two."

"What do you mean?"

"Well"; Chris said, "a Sensual Shock Wave happens when two lovers of a magical origin get together and have sex for the first time. If they're just a fleeting thing, then everything is normal. But, if they're meant to be, it sends out a heavy pulse of energy; a shock wave; that covers a one-mile radius around them."

"And?"; I continued.

" makes everyone in that one-mile basic terms, VERY horny."

"Are you serious?"; I asked.

"Yep"; Chris answered. "It's like the love between those two people of a magical origin expand and touches everyone... and it makes them want to bang each other!"

I started to laugh. "So, are you saying..."

Wyatt stopped me. "Yep. The reason I was so into it last night was because of you two. Imagine my horror when I found that shit out. I was jacking it because my brothers were getting each other off."

"And M.P, Aunt Paige and Aunt Phoebe?"

"They have no idea what happened"; Chris said. "I kind of read their minds. They all kind of went bonkers last night. That's why Dad wasn't at breakfast. He was still sleeping!"

We all started to laugh hysterically. Because we had sex, we made everyone else had sex.

"So, how long does this thing last for? This shock wave?" I asked.

"Oh, not long at all; about a few hours or so. But, think of it this way. For those few hours, we made a LOT of people happy."

I put my head into my hands and started to laugh again. Chris and Wyatt joined me.

"Speaking of which"; I said. "Sorry about last night, bro. Didn't mean to walk in on you. I thought something was wrong."

"It's cool, bro"; Wyatt responded back. "Gotta admit, though. I was never more into it than last night. You two need to fuck more often."

"Sorry, Wyatt"; Chris said. "The shock wave is a one-time thing. We'll probably get to experience many other orgasms like that, but for others, you're on your own."

"Damn"; he said. "Magic sucks."

We all laughed as we pulled into the parking lot at the school. "Today should be interesting"; I thought as I got out of the car and headed into class with my boyfriend and my brother.


Next: Chapter 7: Interlude 1

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