Forgetting Saigon

By 70s Child

Published on Jan 16, 2011


Forgetting Saigon 2**



by: 70s Child

The following is a story very loosely based on the Tony Award winning musical Miss Saigon. Though it is very loosely based, copy write laws requires me to state that this is a musical by Claude-Michel Schonberg and Alain Boublil, the same duo that gave the musical world Les Miserables. The first chapter does revolve around the love between a gay man and a woman, but this will also bring the remaining chapters into focus. Now with that out of the way, the obligatory warnings: 1) if you are underage, you should not be here, but I am not saying leave and 2) if you find love between men horrific, please get the hell out and why are you here anyway. Also for those of you are very homophobic and rather see those who are gay die from AIDS or just getting attacked, I have two words for you - ** SUCK IT !!!!!! Just so you know, any relation to anyone who are real is purely coincidental.

Other stories published on Nifty:

A Brady Bunch Celebrity - X

Air Force Fun Military - X

Night of the Strippers Beginnings - X

Geostrobe Celebrity/SF - X

Good Things Come in Small Packages Young Friends

The Man I Became Adult/Youth

Kyle and Me High School - X

Is It Real or Is It a Dream Science Fiction - X

Hogan Knows Squat Celebrity - X

Slytherin Whores Celebrity - X

When You Wish Upon a Star T/S Magic - X

Lost Horizons Incest - X

Facebook Family Beginning/Inter - X

X - Completed story

From the previous chapter:

The next day we were told to prepare to evacuate with our passengers. I was looking for Mai Li, but could not find her. As the planes were evacuating, a mortar attack hit the airport and destroyed the runways. There were no other planes that could take off, so an aircraft carrier dispatched its helicopters to pick-up the embassy personnel and those who were going to be allowed to leave through the embassy. I checked with the guard at the gate and asked if my love had passed through with her pass. He told me that the pass was picked up and the person was taken to one of the copters. I felt relieved that she was fine. We were the last of the people to leave and it was hard to see many of the locals having to be left behind. As we left the embassy, a sight caught my attention...Mai Li. I screamed that we had to go back because my bride was still outside the embassy. The pilot refused and I began to lean to the hatch.

"MAI LI!!!!" I screamed.

I then began to cry and could not stop. Pete just let me cry myself out. My mind could only think of what happened to Mai Li and who took her pass to get her out. What would life be without her.


We were taken to Hawaii, but it was not a joyous time for me. We were assigned to the barracks, but I was not interested in visiting any of the sites, nor going out that night. My entire being was thinking of Mai Li and the depression I was feeling was deep set. I knew that I would never fall in love with another woman again.

I was assigned to Paris again, but my heart was not in my work. Though I did my job, I felt that I was not wanting to do it anymore. When my enlistment ended, I did received my honorable discharge and I went home. My family saw the melancholy I felt and tried to pull me out of it. I would stay in my room, with the lights out and the covers over me. I cried constantly and this caused my mood to become even more miserable.

My brother finally came in after I was home for two weeks. He pulled back the covers and yanked my body off the bed. We began to wrestle. He was just trying to get me to get me back to my old self. I was ready to knock him back to the womb, but with my being in bed, with the exception of going to the bathroom, I was no match for my brother. He pinned me and held me down.

"Barry, I know you're hurting." he said softly. "But you can't just lay around and do nothing. Is that what she wanted?"

"How the fuck would you know how it hurts?" I seethed. "I saw her from the copter and there was nothing I could do. And you hear what has been going on in Vietnam. She could be dead. And that son-of-a-bitch that caused her to be there is somewhere living the life of an American. Why did that happen?"

My brother got off me and sat on the floor next to me. He pulled me to him and I began to cry again. I held onto the one person who kept me safe when we grew up. He stroked my back and hair and let me release the hurt. After I finally stopped, he sat me up.

"Bro, I don't know why this happened." he said softly. "But you can't let it keep you from moving forward. You always wanted to go to college. Do that and move on. You will find another girl."

"Fuck that." I snarled. "I will never let myself fall in love. She was the only girl I loved and I will never love another."

"Let me guess, back to boys." my sibling said with a smile as he nudged me.

That made me laugh and I hugged my brother. He responded, then pulled back quickly.

"Damn Barry." he said. "You fuckin' stink. Get a shower."

I raised my arms and smelled my pits. I then acted as if I were going to vomit. I got up and took a long shower. I came back out wet and naked. My brother was looking at me.

"You know bro, if I was gay I would definitely have you in bed." he said with a laugh.

I smiled weakly and dressed. I went into the living room where my parents, sister, and Stephanie, who was six months pregnant, were sitting. I smiled at them and I put on a brave face. Though I wanted to die, I decided to take my brother's advice and move forward with my life. Mom hugged me and kissed my cheek.

"Well, what do you plan on doing boy?" Dad asked.

"I'm going to school." I replied. "I will start applying. I want to major in languages."

"Well son, I know you've been upset, but we're here for you." Mom added. "And you will find another girl."

This caused pain in my heart and my mother saw it.

"I'm sorry baby." she cried.

"I know Mom." I responded. "Besides, she was the only girl I loved."

"Oh Lordy." she cried. "Not more boys."

I began to laugh a little and my brother and sister joined in. Stephanie smiled at me, because she knew me better than anyone. Dad just frowned, but said nothing.

I applied to various schools all over the country. I was accepted to a major eastern school and used my GI Education monies. I was a natural and I went on to get my Masters degree and then my PhD. I was also offered a job at the same school, which I jumped at quickly.

During my education, I dated several guys, and found I had a predilection towards Asians, whether they were Japanese, Chinese, Filipino, or Vietnamese. And as a professor, I still had the same cravings. Do not get me wrong, I would never date one of my students or any of my teaching assistants. The reason for the former, it was against school policy. Besides, you never know why the student was dating you. The reason for the later was that you are the TA's boss and that could result in a possible sexual harassment lawsuit.

It had been almost 19 years since the end of Vietnam and the last time I saw Mai Li. I still thought about her quite a bit and most of my relations ended because I could not find the true love I had with her. It was the beginning of the new school year and I was going to be teaching several classes in Chinese and French. As I entered an afternoon class for a freshman class for French, I saw several scared faces. Rumors get around that I was not an easy professor and that I did not tolerate laziness. This was true, but my students always came up to me after and thanked me for making them work for their grades. As I scanned their faces, I saw a face that drew me into his eyes. I could see that he was Amerasian. He had light brown hair with highlights and his eyes were green jades. My heart skipped a beat and I could not help but lightly gasp. I began to cough to cover the sound. My TA passed out the syllabus and I explained what was going to be expected of them and what my office hours would be if they needed any help. We began the class and many of the students did take high school French, but there were some who seemed to have problems with the basics. My TA agreed to help the beginners and the semester was set. I left the classroom, but not before I glanced at the boy who had my attention. I went back to my office to prepare for my next class in Chinese when a knock came at the door.

"Come in." I uttered, with my back to the door.

I heard the door open and close.

"Professor Stevenson." a lilting voice spoke.

I turned and saw the same stunning teenage before me. I was stunned for several seconds before I could get my brain to react properly.

"H-H-How can I help you?" I stuttered.

"Sir, I was told that you would be my faculty advisor." he said quietly. "I know I should have been hear earlier this week, but I could not get to school until yesterday."

"Have a seat." I responded as I gestured to a chair next to me.

He sat with the grace of a cat. He had the most beautiful face with eyes that were between the almond shape of an Asian and the roundness of an American. He stood 5'11" and weighed in the neighborhood of 165 pounds of lean body. He smiled and my heart melted to the point where I was ready to resign my position to be with this boy.

"Sir, I plan to get my degree in languages and need to see what I needed to get my bachelor's degree." he explained.

"Well first things first." I spoke. "What is your name?"

"Barry Lee." he replied.

I look at the students who were on my advisor's list and found his name.

"So Barry tell me about yourself and we can go from their." I said.

"Nothing much." he began. "I come from California where I lived since I was six years old, when my mom and I came from Vietnam. I came here because I wanted to learn at a great university. I graduated first in my class and got several scholarships so I wanted to make my mom proud."

"You're from Vietnam?" I asked.

He nodded and I reread his name. Lee was not a Vietnamese name, so I asked him about this.

"Well when we came to the States, they anglicized the name." he elucidated. "It actually is spelled Li, but with the documents we got, what can you do?"

He chuckled at that and I joined in. I was ready to ask him more, but my next class was coming soon.

"Well Barry, I have a Chinese class in a few minutes, but we can discuss your college career later this afternoon." I told him. "Why don't you come by the office at five this afternoon."

He nodded and shook my hand. His delicate hands were almost like silk to me and I must have held on longer than expected because he smiled demurely. I watched him as he left and I realized my cock sprang to life and I tried my best to get it down. I went to my freshman Chinese class and saw him sitting in the back with a large smile on his face. I could barely get through the class and had to sit behind the desk to not expose my pant's expansion. As the class left, Barry walked out with a smile on his face. I had to sit there several minutes to let my manhood reduce itself. My TA saw Barry too.

"Is that kid stalking you?" he said with a smile.

"Seems like it Todd." I responded.

Todd Williams was in his 3rd year of getting his Masters and was planning to become a translator at the United Nations. I had already written a letter of recommendation for him. He was married with 2 little boys and he knew that I was gay. He looked at me as a mentor and he even asked me to be godfather to his boys. He also knew of my fondness to Asians and even got me a date of his former roommate. Though it did not work out, Todd was still a great friend who I could turn to talk.

"Well boss, I got to get home to the wife and kids." he said quietly. "Unless you need me to do something."

I told him about Mai Li and was very sensitive about family. I told him that I was okay and I would see him on Wednesday. We left and parted company near the parking lot. I went to the student union to get a cup of coffee and collect my thoughts. Barry Lee would be a distraction, but I was going to have to deal with the situation. I got back to my office close to my appointment with him. As I sat at my desk, I placed my head in my hands and ran the palms across my forehead. I heard the knock at the door and collected my thoughts quickly.

"Come in." I said.

Barry entered and sat in the chair he was in earlier that day.

"So you want to major in languages." I stated.

"Yes. It's something I think I can do well." he answered. "I speak English and Vietnamese. And my mother taught me some French also."

"Well is there anything you want to do with this degree?" I queried.

"I want to teach, preferably at the college level." he remarked. "You do it."

"True." I retorted. "But either than being a translator, education is the only alternative with this type of degree. Are you sure you want to do that?"

He nodded and we began to plan out his path to his BA. After we finished with that, I wanted to know him more.

"So after you came from Vietnam, where did you settle?" I asked.

"Well we came into San Francisco, but moved to Los Angeles after I was seven. It's just Mom and me. She a great person and I love her."

"Well all sons say that." I articulated. "My mom's a great person too. But why did you leave Vietnam. I know after the fall of Saigon it was tough for many people, but where were you from?"

"Saigon." he said flatly. "Mom was dating a marine and she got pregnant by him. She was supposed to go with him during the north's invasion, but things got fucked up. She was left behind and had to face the consequences of being an unmarried mother. Her parents disowned her and she was out on the streets. Now she did not blame my father, but it was tough for her, then me. When people saw that I was Amerasian, Bui Doi, my life was hell. I was teased or beat up on the streets. Many of the boys and many men also used me as a sexual toy, just to dump their sperm. The thing is that I am gay and I knew it back then too, because I loved sucking cocks and getting fucked regularly. But Mom finally was able to get us on a boat to the Philippines. We were stopped by pirates and I got fucked several times and it hurt after, but it saved us. We were put in a refugee camp in Luzon and I learned English quickly. We then were brought to the states after a church sponsored us. Now we're here and I am so glad my mother was able to take care of me with her job as a secretary."

"Wow, that is an amazing story." I was able to say. "So did you ever find out about your father, who he is or was and where he might be?"

"Well we have tried, but we can't get anywhere." Barry explained. "But I have to ask, do you mind me being gay? I know some people hate gays, so if you are one, I'll look for another advisor."

"Barry, there is no problem." I replied. "I am gay too and I might tell you my story one day, if you can deal with a big mouthed professor. So do you have a boyfriend?"

"No." he answered. "I had one in high school, but we broke up because I was coming here and he was going to UCLA. I hope I can find a great man like him."

"Well you never know." I stated. "Well if you ever need help, just give he a holler and we can talk."

"Thanks Professor." he said.

We shook hands and he left. The tenderness of his demeanor and his soft skin made me hard in a moment. I was ready to explode, but I was able to get myself home for a long jack-off session. Every time I thought of his body, I brought myself to the brink. The final time I just shot an immense load all over my chest and stomach. I imagined him next to me licking it up like a cat getting its cream. I just could not figure out why he was having this kind of effect on me, but I am glad that he came into my life. I was going to make sure he was going to get his degree with honors.

I saw Barry in class 3 times a week and the other two days he would come to my office for advise and just to talk. He did find a boy to date his sophomore year, but it ended badly. The boy was abusive and I would see bruises on Barry's arms or face. I asked him a few times and he finally confessed what was going on. The boy was the starting quarterback of the school's football team and he had a girlfriend who would not give him any sex. The bastard used Barry for sex and nothing else, but Barry saw it as love. I wanted to proceed to beat the hell out of the boy, but new better of that. But I also knew he had to maintain a certain grade to play per NCAA rules, so I decided to use that to my advantage. I got the boy's schedule and saw he had to take a Spanish class. The professor was a friend of mine and I explained the situation. We concocted a plan to let the boy pass at first, then drop a failing grade as the semester went on. When the boy saw he might flunk out and not be able to play, his professor sent him to me for advise. He came to me, I had him sit down.

"I understand you are having problems in Spanish." I stated the facts. "Without the class, you can't graduate, or even play ball."

"Yeah." he stated with a snotty attitude. "You that professor could have given me a passing grade. All the others do just to have a winning team."

"So you have had gotten grades handed to you." I uttered. "Well that will not happen this time. You seem to act like the world owes you. Well you little bastard it doesn't. And I have heard you an abusive little shit. Like to hurt people smaller than you."

"Where did you hear that?" he demanded to know.

"One of my students seems to like you." I rejoined. "Since your girlfriend doesn't want to put out, you've been using this student as your cum dump."

"Oh yeah, that half-breed faggot." he said with a smirk.

I leapt out of my chair and knocked him out of his. As he was on his back, I proceeded to sit on his chest. I had kept my physique and was his equal in strength but his superior in combat tactics.

"What was that you said you little shit?" I barked. "What the fuck did you just call him?"

He was dumbstruck and tried to throw me off his body, but I had him pinned quite well.

"Get off me or I will get you fired." he demanded. "Get the fuck off me."

I raised my fist and let it come crashing into his sternum. I heard the breath leave his body in one loud gasp. As he tried to catch his breath, I proceeded to beat his torso severely and I heard a couple of ribs break. He was crying and could not protect himself.

"Please let me up." he cried. "Please."

I finally let him up and glared at him. I then pulled out tape recorder and let him see it.

"Now listen to this you fuck." I snapped. "This has what you said about getting grades that you have not earned. Well I guess a few professors and you will be leaving this fine institution, unless there are some changes."

"What is that?" he inquired.

"First, you will earn your grade in Spanish, so I suggest that you study and hard." I replied. "Second, you will come by my house Saturday morning at eight in the morning."

"But we have a game Saturday afternoon and the coach wants us at the stadium by eleven." he tried to explain.

"Don't show and you won't have to worry about the game." I ordered. "I will have this at the President's home shortly after eight."

He saw that he was defeated and agreed. I told him he needed to get to the infirmary to check on his ribs. He glared at me and left.

I saw Barry the next day and said that he needed to come by my house Saturday just before eight. He looked at me, but agreed.

Saturday morning Barry showed. I was dressed in a t-shirt and shorts. He looked at me and I noticed the look of lust in his eyes and I promised myself that I would never take advantage of the situation. I led him to my living room and he saw a partition to one side. I led him behind it and he saw the video camera pointing to the couch.

"What's going on?" he asked.

"Well you are going to record a nice little porn video." I replied with a smirk. "Now you might get upset with what's going to happen, but you will feel better when it's over."

Barry agreed with me and the doorbell rang. I answered the door and the cocky football player was there, but not as cocky. I invited him and led him to the living room.

"Sit." I said sternly.

"So what do you want?" he questioned with an attitude.

"First, get rid of the attitude." I ordered. "Let me tell you, that I was a marine and I won't mind kicking your ass all over this house right now. Second, when you get rid of the attitude, get rid of the clothes bitch."

It took a few seconds to understand what I had just said. He was ready to bolt, but I was in his path to the door. He saw my hand clench and knew I was not teasing or kidding him. He removed the t-shirt and I saw he did have a nice build on him, but that his ribs were wrapped.

"So what did you tell the coach about the ribs?" I asked with a smile.

"I said that I was running to class and crashed into a door." he came back with.

He stood with the look to the door and then at me. He knew I could and would prevent his escape from the room. As he dropped his shorts, I saw something that almost made me laugh. This big strapping football player had the smallest dick I saw on anyone. It was not hard and not even an inch long and almost non-existent balls. I pushed him back on the couch.

"No wonder your girlfriend won't give it up to you." I laughed. "You couldn't please a cockroach with that puny thing. What, you need tweezers to get hold of it just to piss?"

He was red with anger and embarrassment. I knew he wanted to leap up and punch me silly, but knew I could do some permanent damage if I wanted. I then let out a whistle and the bedroom door opened. My friends Michael and Roger came out naked. I then stripped down to show my hard body and hard cock. Now my two friends were still lovers and Michael actually matured nicely. Roger barely gained weight, but his horsecock still stood proudly. This football player stared at the three older men before him and he gulped loudly. What we did not expect was to see his small cock grow to 2.5". We laughed at him and he began to cry.

"Well boy, here is someone who loves to beat up on others." I said. "And he cries like the little baby we know he is. Well boy, you can see what a true man's cock is like. You are going to satisfy us as we demand. You understand?"

He barely nodded and I came up and slapped him in his face.

"When I ask you a question, the answer better be Sir Yes Sir." I barked. "You understand me bitch."

"Sir Yes Sir." he uttered quietly.

"I can't here you." I retorted.

"SIR YES SIR." he replied.

"What was that boy?" I snapped as I slapped him.

"SIR YES SIR!!" he yelled out.

"Well gentlemen, since you are my guests, who would like to fuck his sorry ass and who wants to fuck his mouth?" I queried with an evil grin.

"Well Bar, how about Mike and I double fuck this douche bag and you fuck his sorry mouth?" Roger replied.

The boy tried to leave, but Mike and I were still in shape and we pinned his body to the floor while Roger went back to the bedroom. He came back with handcuffs and a ball gag. Mike and I handcuffed his arms to the legs of the sofa and Roger shoved the ball gag in his mouth to keep him from crying out.

"You know, we were going to prep you for this." I said. "But you have pissed us off and now it's going to be dry and hard."

We saw the look in his face and I saw the fear in his eyes speak volumes. I held his legs open while Roger place his mammoth tool at the hole. He shoved it in hard and to the fullest extent. We heard the guttural scream muffled by the ball gag. I saw the tears stream down his face and he thrashed hard. Roger showed no mercy and he began to plunge deep into the boy's hole. Mike came over and kissed his lover deeply as the sex was pushing the football player on the rug. After a few minutes, the man relaxed and began to push back on the hard pole in him. I heard him moan and I knew from experience that it was pleasure. I tentatively removed the gag and what happened surprised us.

"Oh yes, fuck me." he begged like a whore. "Fuck me hard."

I uncuffed him and Roger removed his cock just briefly. The slight man lay on the floor and the football player lowered himself on the mammoth rod. What he did not expect was Michael behind him and he rammed his own hard steel schlong into the same space as his lover. The man yelled in pain, but as he opened his mouth, my own 7.5" was shoved past his tonsils. He was being fucked from both ends and he began to moan shortly after the three man cocks were filling him from both ends. We used his holes to our own satisfaction. He even came three times as we ravaged his body for our pleasure. He did not shoot much, maybe a few dribbles. I was the first to shoot.

"SSSHHHITTTTTT!!!" I yelled out.

I filled his throat with ten shots of my hot load and he readily swallowed it. As he was nursing on my rod, Michael and Roger began to shoot hard and deep. Neither said a word but grunted their excitement. No one knew how much they came in him, but it backed down and coated Roger's hairy groin and legs. As we were sated with our lust and vengeance, we tried to remove our cocks, but the football player refused to let go.

"Boy, I have to piss." I yelled.

He still refused and the three of us looked at each other. I shrugged my shoulders and my bladder released its contents. He swallowed every drop and I heard the sigh of contentment from my partners in crime as they released their yellow liquid. I saw the stomach distend quite a bit and smiled that he would need to relieve his bowels soon. As we finished, I was able to retrieve my cock. This boy looked at me with awe and lust. He pulled himself off Michael and Roger and I saw some fecal matter as well as cum and urine.

"Clean them boy." I commanded.

No complaint or word as he was on his knees sucking and licking the juices from the man rods that were before him. As he was finishing, I heard a loud fart and gurgling from the man's intestines.

"You better take that shit you need to have." I said. "Because if you shit on my floors you will be licking it all up."

"Sir yes sir." he uttered as he made a mad dash to the bathroom.

We began to laugh hysterically as we heard the liquid splash in the toilet bowl. Barry came from behind the partition with a mixed emotional look. I sat him down and looked in his beautiful eyes.

"Barry, you need to be from this asshole's control." I explained. "I know this must hurt seeing that you love him, but it's not love. He is abusive and now you know he's not worth it. As a matter of fact I want you to do something."

I leaned in and whispered into his ears. He pulled back and began to shake his head no, but I looked at him with authority and he agreed. He went to the bathroom and slammed open the door.

"W-Wha??" the football player questioned. "Oh, it's you, the queer half-breed. Can't you see I'm taking a dump?"

"In the nude?" Barry countered. "You fuck, I loved you. Here you are. What, you trying to get a grade from the professor?"

The football player realized he was still in a state of undress and began to try to answer the teen. Barry responded by pulling out his cock and quickly released his load all over the man's face and body. He then began to release his torrent of piss to was him off. The humiliation of the football player was complete.

"Fuck off asshole." Barry said with venom in his voice.

As he came out of the bathroom, he sat down with a thud. I had shut off the camera behind the partition and the hidden one behind the mirror in the bathroom. As the football player came out he looked like a broken man. He gathered up his clothes and turned to us.

"I should call the cops for raping me." he said.

"Oh I wouldn't do that boy." I responded and held up the videotape. "This is our insurance policy. It will be edited showing you begging to be fucked. Now get the fuck out now and try to win that game."

He left truly defeated and I sat next to Barry. He began to cry and I just held him like a father would his son when he received bad news. I rocked him in my arms until he was cried out.

"You're better off." I explained. "You will find that special someone and he will treat you like you should be treated."

"Well if he's like you." the teen replied to me.

"Man if I were a few years younger, and you weren't a student." I said.

"Well I understand the student policy." Barry stated. "But I have loved older men."

Michael and Roger just looked at us.

"Man you do make a cute couple." Roger said. "Almost the same. But we need to get back home because our boy is coming home from camp tomorrow and we want to be there for him."

I hugged my friends and they hugged this teen that I have grown fond of in my life. They dressed and left, but not before telling me to send them a copy of the video.

"You aren't going to use that videotape are you?" Barry queried.

"You never know." I replied.

Well word had gotten out that the football player was handed grades which he did not earn and that led to his being expelled and several professors and the coaching staff to be fired. It seemed that an anonymous call to the President's office set it all in motion. Then before he was formally expelled, a mysterious video appeared to the football dorm and the quarterback's roommate saw the contents of his former roommate being fucked and begging for more, then drinking the urine of the three men. The former quarterback was given a send off by his teammates as they fucked him raw on both ends, then pissed all over him.

Barry never dated after that for the remainder of his college days. He did go home during the summertime, but due to money, he stayed on campus for Thanksgiving, Christmas, and Spring Break. I had my family come one time for the holidays and they met him. My brother took me to the side after dinner.

"You know bro, he has some of your characteristics." he said. "Didn't you say that you did have sex with the girl."

"Yeah, but she would have told me if she had a kid by me." I told him. "Besides, how can you be sure? Sure, he's cute, but hey that don't prove anything."

"You know for an educated man, your grammar sucks." my brother said laughing.

My brother and Stephanie had three children, one boy and two girls, and I loved them always. My sister married a wonderful man and they had two children, twin boys. My brother and I also told him if he ever hurt our sister, he better get his coffin ready because we would kill him. My parents actually took to Barry and my mother spoiled him.

Barry grew into a beautiful man and when graduation came, his mother could not come because her boss was in the middle of a huge case so he could not spare her. Barry was going to be coming back for to get his graduate degree and asked if he could be my teaching assistant. I told him if he was approved, I wanted him. I was there for the commencement and was proud as a father seeing his son succeed. I took him to dinner as he handed me an envelope with being approved as a TA. I knew he would be around longer and I felt happy for both our situations. He went home and spent the summer with his mother. I felt an emptiness without him with me and I knew we could not be together as lovers while he was my TA.

When he came back he told me something that made me laugh.

"My mother said she would like to meet you." Barry said. "And she said you better take care of her baby boy."

I laughed as I hugged him, then realized the inappropriate action. We had our schedules and we began to set up office hours and visits. We seemed to be joined at the hip, because we seemed to spend quite a bit of time together, both in the office and outside. We would go swimming and workout together. I saw his wonderful body and it took all my will power not to take him the locker room or shower at the gym. Barry had a wonderful build with a light dusting of brown hair on his chest and a beautiful treasure trail. Even with that, he was hard ass was smooth. He would bend over and I would swear he would wiggle it at me. He would smile at me with a twinkle and wind. His uncut cock was 4" soft and he would get hard every so often. I would guess it was 6.5" and beautiful. I knew I had to maintain my own principles.

After two months of work, Barry came up to me one day.

"Hey Professor, do you want to go out to dinner Saturday?" he asked.

"Sure, how about Guiseppi's?" I answered.

"Okay, I love Italian as you know." he replied.

We decided on the time and I did not think about it as a date. As a matter of fact we had been there a couple of times before when he was an undergraduate with a few friends. As I picked him up from his apartment, he was dressed very nicely. I was wearing a white button-down shirt with black jeans, while he was wearing a blue shirt, jacket, and dress slacks. We drove to the restaurant and were shown to our table. I ordered a nice bottle of red wine, though I did not know if Barry drank alcohol of any kind. He smiled as he nodded at the selection. We had a sip and Barry reached out and took my right hand.

"Professor. Barry. I have to say this." he said quietly. "I love you and have since I first met you in that first class. I know what you're going to say, but I want to be with you."

"Barry, I do care for you." I said. "I want to be with you, but you are my TA and that makes you my employee. Granted my only employee, but what would happen if something goes wrong with our relationship? I don't want to lose you either way."

"I love you and I know we can make it work." he said softly. "I know this is awkward for you. Hell, for the both of us. But if we are meant to be together what should prevent us from doing this?"

"Barry, I can't tell you how much I love you." I told him. "I want you to move in with me. But when we are together it has to be separate from the office."

"I agree with you." he responded. "Our love life must be separate. I want our time for us only."

We received our dinner, but we could not eat. I had the server put the leftovers in containers and we headed back to my house. I put the food on the counter in the kitchen, reached for Barry's hand and led him to my bedroom. We were both hard and our lips were draw to each other like magnets. I felt his tongue slip into my mouth and I drew it in totally. I caressed his body through his clothes and we melded into each other. We let our passion pass between our mouths for several minutes and I wanted it to last forever. We broke the kiss and Barry began to undo my shirt. As he opened each button, he caressed my chest and played with my hair. As he pulled the bottom out and undid the last buttons, he kissed my chest and began to suckle my nipples. My head leaned back and I moaned loudly. As he licked and bit on my erect nubs, he looked up at me with a glint in his eyes. He pulled off and kissed me lightly.

"Don't think I'm freaky, but can I call you Daddy?" he asked earnestly.

I began to cry. I wanted a child, but if I could not have one of my own, I have a son that I love with all my heart.

"Son, you can call my Daddy." I replied.

We hugged and I began to undo his shirt slowly. I reciprocated what he did to me and he whimpered softly as I played with his chest hair. I removed his shirt and began to suckle his dime-sized nipples. The minute I began to lick the right one, Barry reacted wildly.


I felt his body spasm severely. I moved off him and saw the huge wet spot on the front of he pants. He had cum and he looked tired from what happened. I leaned him back on the bed and removed his pants and briefs. The aroma of fresh cum hit my nose and I saw the results of his release. He looked at me dreamily and smiled weakly.

"I'm sorry Daddy." he said softly. "I came too fast."

"I'll say baby boy." I replied. "I never saw anyone shoot that fast by just having their nips played with."

"Well mine are so sensitive." Barry explained. "Ever since I knew they were sensitive, anyone who played with them got the same result."

I took the briefs and licked his outpouring of love. The sweet/saltiness tempted my taste buds, but I decided to use most of what he released. I took off my jeans and boxer briefs. My rampant cock was dripping and I wanted to make our first night special. I took Barry's legs and bent him in half. His flexibility amazed me and I dove in for the sweet pink/brown hole that was before me. Smooth and totally devoid of hair, my mouth made love to his mancunt. I slowly slid my tongue up and down the hole. The reaction was one of a woman in heat. He moaned and pushed his opening to me. I inserted the tip into his nether region and the sweet tang tempted me more. The taste of soap and sweat was the best aphrodisiac. I continued to push in further and he pushed back even more.

"Oh yes Daddy." he cried out. "I want you to make love to your boy. Please fill me with your hot cock."

I continued to tongue bathe his hole for several more minutes until I felt he was moistened. I inserted a finger and was amazed on how tight his hole was. I moved it around and slowly fucked his mantwat. He moaned and I then began with a second, then a third finger. I then used his own seed to lube him. I smiled when I figured I would merge both of our jizz together into him. I then reached and got a condom and lube from the nightstand. As I was ready to open the foil packet for the condom, I was stopped.

"No." he demanded. "I want you and only in me. I want to feel that seed into my being."

I tossed the condom aside and lubed my bare cock. I got it nice and moist, then placed it at his hole. I slowly inserted my rod and it slid totally into him. We moaned in unison as his legs wrapped around my waist. I slowly began to move in and out of him, while I gazed into his eyes. I leaned down and kissed him passionately. As my chest touched his, he moaned wildly into my mouth as I felt his cock spasm between us. Six shots of man juice sprayed between us and I continued to make love to this wonderful man/boy. I pressed my cock against his prostate over and over, and this caused him to never lose his erection. This also allowed me to bring him to three more earth shattering ejaculations. He cried out on each one, that I could swear his mother was hearing it in California. I then reached the point of no return after his fifth blissful release. His ass tightened around my rod and I could not hold off any longer.


Eight times my cock pulsed, with each causing me to growl. As we finished our first love making, I collapsed on Barry. He could barely wrap his arms around me and his sperm glued our hair together. We kissed deeply as I gazed at him.

"That was awesome Dad." he said quietly.

"It sure was my son." I replied, but with tears in my eyes.

"What's wrong?" he asked.

"I dreamt of having a son with my love in Vietnam." I explained. "But that was not to be. But here you are and I am so lucky to have you in my life."

He kissed me and just held me as tight as he could. I moved to my side, but my cock never relinquished its stiffness. Barry rolled with me and we just held onto each other.

"Daddy I just want to do something." he said.

He moved, but never had my cock out of his hole and he turned his back so we could spoon. I held him close to me as we fell asleep. Our sleep did not last long as I felt him moving back and forth on my pole and I let him have his way. Though I had just released a few hours earlier, his manipulation of my rod had me shooting another load into his body quickly. I clamped my mouth on his neck and began to bite and suck. I knew I has left a definitive mark on his body, but he never complained. He actually relished the feeling. As I was completely drained for the time, I reached around and grasped his turgid pole. I began to exploited his own pole, he grabbed my arm and stroked it. I loved the way he was touched me. I moved with his own. If he went fast, so did I and visa versa. We kept this up for quite a while. I would lick and suck his earlobe or neck. He snuggled even further to my body. We were one and never to lose this connection. I could feel his cock ready to shoot and place my mouth next to his ear.

"Do you want me to let you shoot?" I whispered.

"YES PLEASE." he begged.

I sped my hand movement and he just jerked and moaned quietly. His sixth release was weak, but still a good amount. We finally fell asleep and stayed in that position until the sun shone. As we woke, I was ready to make love to my new boyfriend, but also knew we needed to shower after the night of lovemaking we just enjoyed. Barry was awake and he had me to hold him close.

"Morning baby." I said with a smile.

"Morning Daddy." he responded. "Can we get a shower? I smell like a whore after a night's work."

I pulled out, surprised that my cock was still hard. I slapped his ass, then caressed them. I was smiling and I could feel his smile though I could not see his face. We got up and went to the bathroom. As we relieved our bladders, we got into my tight fitting shower/tub and took a nice warm shower. We cleaned each other and felt each other all over. When we finished, we climbed out and went to have breakfast in the nude. Barry sat me down and fixed us both bacon, eggs, and toast, with coffee. I smiled at him and he sat next to me.

"Barry, are you comfortable with this?" I asked him.

"More than you know." he answered. "I wanted this for so long. I know this is the best thing for the both of us."

I reached for his hand and held it as we ate breakfast. I smiled through the entire meal and we cleaned up together. We dressed for the gym and went for our workout. We worked hard and showered. As Barry bent over I saw the still gaping hole I used the previous night and wanted to bury my face into it again. We finished and he noticed my smile. He reached around and ran his first two fingers along his mancunt. My cock shot up and I wanted to get home so we could have fun again. We finished, dressed, and got home. Clothes were strewn all over as we ran to the bedroom. We both jumped on the bed and made mad love for six hours before we were both exhausted.

We continued to work hard together, but our love life moved with great happiness. We would make love four to five times a night. We spent Thanksgiving with my family in Texas, so Barry said we should spend Christmas with his mother. I could not say not to him. He even met Pete, who told me that it was about time I found a great love.

After exams, we had every grade posted and submitted for grades to be sent. Two weeks before Christmas, we flew to Los Angeles and went to his mother's house. We entered the door and he dropped his bags on the floor.

"Mom, I'm home." he cried out.

"My son, you're home." she responded.

The voice I knew and could never forget. How could I ever forget that beautiful voice. MAI LI.


NOTE: First I am so sorry that it has taken so long to get this posted. I hope that you enjoy the story. There will be one more chapter. I know ending this the way I did has brought a new twist to the story which will be explained in the last chapter. If you have any comments, either good or bad, please email me at I appreciate the comments. Please post your name and where you are from so that I may add you to the Readers' List. Also post the title of the story in the subject line so I may be able to distinguish it from my other stories.




They're called Bui-Doi. The dust of life. Conceived in Hell, And born in strife. They are the living reminder of all the good we failed to do. We can't forget Must not forget That they are all our children, too.

Like all survivors I once thought When I'm home I won't give a damn But now I know I'm caught, Ill never leave Vietnam

War isn't over when it ends, some pictures never leave you mind. They are the faces of the children the ones we left behind They're called Bui-Doi. The dust of life, conceived in hell and born in strife They are the living reminders of all the good we failed to do That's why we know deep in our hearts, that they are all our children too

These kids hit walls on every side, they don't belong in any place. Their secret they can't hide it's printed on their face. I never thought one day I'd plead For half-breeds from a land that's torn But then I saw a camp for children whose crime was being born

They're called Bui-Doi, the dust of life conceived in hell and born in strife. We owe them fathers and a family a loving home they never knew. Because we know deep in our hearts that they are all our children too.

These are souls in need, they need us to give Someone has to pay for their chance to live Help me try

They're called Bui-Doi. The dust of life. Conceived in Hell, And born in strife. They are the living reminders of all the good we failed to do. That's why we know That's why we know Deep in our hearts Deep in our hearts That's why we know That they are all our children, too.




You who I cradled in my arms. You, Asking as little as you can. Little snip of a little man, I know I'd give my life for you.

You didn't ask me to be born You, Why should you learn of war or pain? To be sure you're not hurt again, I swear I'd give my life for you.

I've tasted love beyond all fear. And you should know it's love that brought you here. And in one perfect night, When the stars burned like new, I knew what I must do. I'll give you a million things I'll never own. I'll give you a world to conquer when you're grown.

You will be who you want to be. You Can choose whatever heaven grants. As long as you can have your chance, I swear I'll give my life for you.

Sometimes I wake up, reaching for him. I feel his shadow brush my head, But there's just moonlight on my bed. Was he a ghost? Was he a lie, That made my body laugh and cry? Then by my side the proof I see, his little one. Gods of the sun, Bring him to me.

You will be who you want to be. You, Can choose whatever heaven grants. As long as you can have your chance, I swear I'll give my life for you.

No one can stop what I must do. I swear I'll give my life for you.

Next: Chapter 3

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