Foxx Tale

By Floyd Fowler

Published on Mar 8, 2009


This story contains nudity, adult situations and sexual acts involving two males. If you are underaged or opposed to reading writing involving such material then you should leave this site expeditiously.

Category: Adult Friends

------------------- Foxx Tales I - Warren

Warren steps out the shower and begins toweling himself dry. He wipes the steam from the surface of the mirror with the towel before letting it fall to the floor. Warren frowns down at his small, toned frame in the mirror. He has to admit that he's cute enough with his hanging fro, light toned skin, full lips and dark eyes. That's the problem. Warren found himself hating the word cute. Nobody called him handsome because that word is reserved for muscular men who had hair. Warren looks upon his smooth hairless jaw line with an expression of defeat on his face. His hand glides down his also hairless small chest and abs causing his stomach to tingle as smooth bare skin rubs against smooth bare skin. Truth be told he had grown his hair out just because he couldn't grow any chest, back or facial hair. In an attempt to cheer himself up he turns around and begins admiring his pride and joy, his plump muscular ass. He rubs his cheeks sending a static tingle into his flaccid dick.

A loud knock comes from the locked door as a deep sexy voice commands, "Hurry up!" Warren reluctantly picks up the pair of swimming trunks as the sound of his room mate's voice sends another static tingle into his now not-so-flaccid dick. He ties the string to keep the shorts from sliding down and exposing his bubble butt. Then he takes one last look in the mirror and pulls on his blue sweat suit over the swimming trunks.

He opens the door and looks into his room mate's irritated eyes, "Damn nigga i told you some girls was supposed to be at the pool." Warren suppresses the urge to sneer at the mention of the opposite sex. He doesn't have to try hard because his room mate, Foxx, had a voice that could charm any snake... especially Warren's.

Aside from that the man was "handsome". His chestnut colored skin, the hair lightly covering his back arms and chest, even his deep dark eyes has Warren hanging off his every word. Then his face, the dark freshly shaved chin strap/mustache combo and low cut wavy hair had Warren wanting to crawl into Foxx's bed every night they stayed together.

"Warren?" Foxx says, his right eyebrow raised in confusion. Warren blinks twice, "huh?" Foxx rolls his eyes, "Nigga do you listen to ANY thing I say?" That happened a lot. Warren feels warmth flooding from his chest to his cheeks as he says, "Sorry... so... um... what did you say?"

"I said..." Foxx repeats slowly as if trying to explain physics to a child, "...Don't do anything to make my auntie think we doing what we doing. I jus told her it was jus gone be us trying to cool off a little okay..." Warren nods, loving the sound of Foxx's voice while being thankful that his erect dick points strait up, otherwise it would be creating a perfectly visible dent in his pants.

When they arrive at Foxx's aunt's house Warren can't help but gawk as the beautiful Foxx smiles and lies through his teeth. It's easy to see why people trust him. Foxx takes every precaution and considers every possibility before he lies. Two girls were supposed to be coming but only after Foxx called them because his aunt might decide to come right back or stay too long. The girls already knew the deal, they may have to hide if they hear a car pulling into the driveway. It was all planed and backed up so Foxx wouldn't get caught in a lie. Since he is such a good liar it's only natural they believed he didn't lie a hole bunch. Warren would have liked this if his lies didn't usually involve girls.

Honestly Warren had never been with a girl before. Whenever he and Foxx went out he just politely told the girls he and Foxx attracted that he wasn't interested. He was Foxx's designated driver (side note: He loves drunk Foxx because he's one of those happy drunks. You know the kind that will hug any and everyone especially their friends.) and Foxx's best friend.

So he figured that this girl wouldn't take it too personal when she arrived and found him not interested. Boy was he wrong. When the girls arrive Foxx greets them enthusiastically. Warren guesses that they're attractive. They both were thick with long hair. The same kind of girls Foxx chased after in the bars. Warren heaves a sigh as the women hug them both before making small talk for a couple minutes.

After finding out that Candy(Brunette) and Jenna(blond weave) were their names the four retired to the pool. Warren tries not to stare as Foxx pulls off his t-shirt to expose his muscular chest with a pleasure line running up his abs and flaring out across his chest. They play Marco-Polo (Warren won because he could always find Foxx's deep, "Polo" even when he whispered). Then they swim around, swatting at each other with the pool kids' pool toys. Then Foxx and Jenna leave to dry off and find a room. He gave Warren a sly wink as he took Jenna into the house.

Candy (Not her real name, it's her ho name) swims forward. He backstrokes away. She gives him an alluring smile and he looks away, "You shy ain't you?" she asks. Hopping for an easy out he allows the blush to creep into his cheeks (He thinks about seeing Foxx naked which always sends blood rushing to his face and "head"). He nods and gives his best "shy smile". Unfortunately she wraps her arms around him and says, "I like that."

She kisses him and he realizes that girls kiss WAY different than the men he had kissed. Maybe it's the fact that he's kissing a girl that makes his lips move in a half heated fashion as his dick falls completely limp. It could be the way she isn't passionate and lusty but coy and ready for him to be that way. She pulls away with a slightly agitated expression, "What's wrong" She says being more patient than Warren wanted.

He can't meet her eyes as he stammers, "Umm... I'm..." She looses her patience as his pause stretches on for a full minute, "You what? married, taken, got aids, gay?" Warren can't keep the fear of exposure out his eyes as that last word falls out her mouth. She just stares at him as he begins denying the truth, a look of disgust forming on her face. She just gets up without a word and walks into the house. Warren can feel the tears forming in his eyes as what just happened plays over and over through his mind like some demented video caught in a loop.

A few moments later he hears Jenna cursing at Candy as she starts the car and begins to drive off. His heart leaps as he thinks for a moment they didn't say anything to Foxx. For a few moments he finds a new respect for Candy... that is until he sees Foxx's face.

The look Foxx gives him says it all. He didn't look at him in that oh-my-god-this-nigga's-a-fag way but more of the i-didn't-even-know-you-was-into-that-shit look. Warren's eyes begin to sting as he pulls himself out of the pool to sit on the edge, ready to leave if Foxx tells him to.

Foxx slowly lowers himself into the pool from the opposite direction. Warren refuses to meet Foxx's gaze as he slowly swims up to him. The sound of Foxx's body gliding through the water sends a shiver up Warren's spine. Warren's stomach ties itself into knots as something less like butterflies and more like wasps flutters around in his stomach. Foxx clears his throat and Warren blinks away the unshed tears and looks at him finally.

"You wanna talk?" Foxx said in a worried voice. Warren sighs. He had already thought Foxx would be cool with his being gay. Yet he wasn't so sure he'd be okay if he knew how Warren felt about him. Foxx patiently waits as Warren gives a weak smile

"Sorry about..." Warren begins.

Foxx rolls his eyes, "Maaaan. Fuck that chick... are YOU okay?"

Warren nods before bowing his head. Foxx swims forward slowly until he is in front of Warren's tightly closed legs. Warren still refuses to look at him, trying to concentrate on holding his legs closed so his quickly hardening dick doesn't flick out and hit his stomach revealing to Foxx just how gay Warren really is. Foxx just looks up at him with a mixture of sympathy and pity on his face.

Then he places his hands on Warren's knees and gently forces them apart. Foxx doesn't look down as Warren's dick thump into his body as it shoots strait up instantly.

Warren's eyes widen as Foxx wraps him up in warm arms the way he does when he's drunk. Foxx's warm muscle etched arms pull him close. He feels the light prickle of Foxx's chin hair as he Foxx lays his head on Warren's shoulder. A single tear falls down Warren's face as Foxx hugs him tightly while telling him, "Man it's alright... you still my boy. Okay?"

Foxx begins to pull away but Warren doesn't notice right away as he is reveling in the feel of Foxx's hairy chest against his own. Warren loves the way his hard dick is being squeezed to his body after being freed from his legs' painful embrace. Yet once he realizes Foxx was pulling away he drops his arms quickly and blushes again with the i-didn't-do-it look on his face. Foxx just looks at him for a moment before saying, "So you... um... you like me?" Warren feels the heat on his cheeks intensify as he avoids Foxx's eyes again, unable to lie and unable to tell the truth.

Then Foxx, who hasn't backed away from Warren's legs, takes Warren's face in his. He forces Warren to look at him for a few seconds. He leans in, closing the distance between their faces until they are no more than a few inches away. His strong hands cup Warren's face in a gentle but firm way, not letting him move but not forcing him to be still, "Say it." Foxx whispers. Warren has to struggle to keep his voice steady and fails to keep the longing out his low voice, "Say what?"

Instead of answering Foxx gently pulls him into the pool. As his feet hit the smooth bottom of the pool he has to look up to maintain eye contact with Foxx, who is a whole head taller than he is. For a moment he just stares up at Foxx, not willing to deny that Foxx was coming onto him but not able to believe it either. With his blushing face an inch from Foxx's the two face each other in the chest deep water. Foxx's arms wrap around Warren. He tilts his head up to kiss Foxx's full lips. As he does Foxx pulls him up into the air. Warren's stomach lurches before Foxx is dumping his madly struggling body into the water with a titanic splash. Warren barely managed to take a huge pull of air before being thrown into the pool's watery depths.

When Warren resurfaces he is surprised to find no one in the pool. His confused expression becomes a look of surprise as a pair of shoulders bump into the backs of his legs. Suddenly he's holding onto Foxx's head as Foxx stands propelling him skyward. For a few moments Foxx allows Warren to teeter totter on his shoulders. Warren's dick has freed itself from his shorts and Foxx's hair is prickling it's underside. Then Foxx allows himself to fall, throwing his weight backwards and flopping Warren's back into the water. Then Warren begins fighting back.

In the pool the two boys wrestle as Warren tries to figure out what was going on in Foxx's head. Was he teasing him? Was he just trying to make Warren comfortable? Could he be flirting? Warren's lack of focus and the fact that Foxx is both stronger and larger than him makes Foxx dominate their wrestling match. Warren is splashed, dunked and put into headlock after headlock. He laughs with a carefree heart and thinks about how much more fun it would be if they were naked.

Suddenly Foxx's strong warm wet muscular arms enfold around Warren's midsection with his chest pressed firmly to Warren's back. Warren freezes as a fist sized lump presses against his ass. The wrestling stops as Foxx holds Warren. Warren's dick pings painfully as Foxx's face hovers inches away again, "I'm waiting..." Foxx says after a few moments.

Warren turns his head and lifts his face, pressing his lips against Foxx's. Foxx's mouth opens to push his tongue into Warren's. Warren loves the way the cool water feels compared to the warmth of Foxx's body. He loves the way Foxx kisses him from behind while pulling his back tightly into Foxx's chest until Warren can feel his heartbeat through his back. The speed of Foxx's madly beating heart sends tingling chords of pleasure into his back as he realizes Foxx is just as nervous as he is.

Foxx's hands loosen and begin to rub Warren's abs while still kissing him. Warren gasps away from the kiss when Foxx's hands slide down to find his dick and grips it into fists more powerful than Warren is used to. The three hand jobs he had gotten were from those tops who like guys bigger than they were. Warren had only settled for these small tops because he was too chicken to say anything to a larger man who might fuck him up(no pun intended).

Warren leans his head back against Foxx's shoulder as the slightly taller boy strokes up and down his seven inch length inside his swimming trunks. Warren's body quivers as Foxx rubs his quickly hardening rod against Warren's ample cheeks. Warren's lip finds its way into his mouth and he bites down on it as his body is assaulted by an army of pleasure.

He grinds his ass against Foxx's dick. He feels Foxx reach around to release his dick from his shorts and allow it to grow freely. With his eyes tightly shut Warren feels Foxx's manhood as it rises. Warren is at first pleased as it slides up his ass half way. then it continues sliding up as it hardens until it settles in the lower regions of his back. Warren can't believe Foxx is THAT big. He's never taken anything that big before.

Foxx stops stroking him and gently pulls his shoulder so that they are face to face, "How long?" He asks. Warren can't believe his ears, he can't even think of Foxx as a bottom. That would suck major ass, "Ummm I've never measured before..." Foxx chuckles, "Nigga I'm talkin bout time. How long you been... you know?" Warren smiles, "I've never liked girls... um... how about you?" Foxx shrugs, "A few minutes I guess... sort of just clicked." Warren can't help the elated shiver running up his spine as he listens to Foxx's voice, telling him that it was he, Warren, who turned him out.

"You lying." he says with his blush returning.

"Nah... You see what had happened was i wasn't getting hard with that chick. I NEVER have that problem unless you in the house. Then Candy bitch ass came in and said she got the gay one." He hooks his finger around the waistband of Warren's swimming trunks, "At first i was a little mad, but you know i got other gay friends, and a cousin. So i was thinking about how you felt and i decided to come out here and talk to you. Then i got out here and you looked at me... i guess that did it."

Warren can't help the smile pulling his mouth into his lopsided grin, "Wow... i should look at you more often. Now tell me the truth you ass."

Foxx scratches his head, "Okay, okay... i was curious... been curious. I ain't did nothing but i wanted to. I figured as long as i don't do anything I'm not... you know, gay or anything, know what i mean?"

Warren nods slowly. He had felt the same way before Charles (short top, his first boyfriend). Foxx looks down on him with a mixture of curiosity and confusion. Warren takes his hands and places them on Foxx's waist. Foxx gives Warren his favorite lopsided smile, the one he had seen him use to charm the womenfolk out their panties over and over. He leans forward, pulling the hooked trunks down. Warren steps out one leg then lifts his leg for the other. Foxx catches his leg before it falls pulling it to his hip.

"So... you're a bottom... right?" Warren nods before Foxx fills his mouth with his tongue again. Foxx pulls Warren into his arms. The water makes Foxx's body feel slick as Warren wraps his legs around Foxx's waist. Warren revels in the feel of Foxx pressing his lips roughly against his. Suddenly his back hits the edge of the pool, right between the twin posts of the steel ladder. Foxx pushes himself out of the water, pushing Warren's back onto the smooth marble surface around the pool. The water drips from Foxx's body leaving a puddle of water around them.

Foxx's erect dick lies on top of Warren's. He looks down to see a massively thick eleven inches pressing against his own less impressive seven inches. Warren moans softly as Foxx reaches around and pulls his downward curving dick strait against Warren's upward curving one. As he presses both dicks together Warren convulses slightly. Warren's eyes roll back as Foxx's rough hand strokes up and down while pressing their dicks flat against each other. He humps into that hand, rubbing his underside against Foxx's, enjoying the feel of Foxx's sack sitting heavily on his own, almost enshrouding them. Warren jerks once, twice. Foxx then releases the dicks but continues to hump his against Warren's as his now free hands rubs Warren's thigh. Warren presses his body against Foxx's has he feels Foxx's fingers rubbing the surface of his hole.

Foxx's questing figures slip into him. He can tell by the look on the top's face that he's surprised by how easily his fingers sink in. First one then two then he stuffs a third finger into Warren. Foxx looks engrossed as if he's enjoying the look and feel of Warren's pucker. Warren can't help but feel his heart flutter as Foxx marvels at his ass. It causes a smile to form on Warren's face until those fingers hit the little internal hot spot, "What's this?" Foxx asks as he feels around it. Warren gasps and grinds his ass against Foxx's hand, "Maaaan do that some more." Foxx's expression becomes speculative, "Is this your man-clit?" he asks in a joking manner. Warren smiles, "Yeah... i guess you could say that."

Warren releases a loud moan as Foxx's fingers pull out and push into him striking his prostate over and over with perfect aim, "Shiiiiit" is pushed out of Warren's mouth as Foxx teases him, "You like that... imagine how much you'll like the dick... all you gotta do is ask." Warren nods as lusty moan is released from his lips.

"What?" Foxx starts his power trip.

"Pleeeeeaaase" Warren wines as Foxx continues to dry hump and finger him.

"Please what?" Foxx says as he jams his fingers into Warren even harder.

"Shit nigga fuck me!" Warren snaps

"You can ask better than that." Foxx says while twisting his fingers on Warren's "man-clit"

"Pleeeaase fuck me pleeeease." Warren begs.

Foxx smiles wide and extracts his fingers, "Now was that so hard?" he asks as he strokes his dick. Warren can't believe it was so easy for Foxx to get the bitch out of him. He had never begged for dick, and never whined during sex. Yet Foxx's fingers had felt so good that he had done both in the space of two seconds.

Foxx pulls him back between the steps of the ladder into the pool. Warren looks down, watching as Foxx positions his dick near his entrance. The pit of his stomach begins to stir as he watches that thick monster inch closer and closer.

As the plum shaped head pushes against his ass Warren attempts to relax. Even though he's taken dick before as Foxx pushes into him Warren releases a loud yelp and jerks away instinctively as the pain shoots through his ass like a knife.

"Shit nigga... Damn!" Warren yells

Foxx rolls his eyes, "What? Is this yo first time or something?"

"Hells naw... that shit is too big."

Foxx's brows pull down, "The fuck you want me to do about that?"

Warren calms down, remembering that this is Foxx's first time with a guy, "Go slow... okay? Let me get used to..." he reaches down to wrap his fingers around Foxx's thick rock hard monster, "...this." Foxx then pushes up to Warren's hole again.

This time he starts out rubbing Warren's entrance with his dick. He looks up to gauge Warren's reaction [quick learner] Warren thinks as he bites his lip waiting to be impaled again, and hoping he wouldn't scream like a bitch this time.

Warren moans as Foxx's dick pushes into him. He squirms as it widens his asshole to a width it's never been able to stretch before. Pain and pleasure hit him like twin tidal waves. For a moment he can't believe he'll be able to take this monstrous snake slithering through him without screaming.

"Wow..." Foxx whispers as he gazes upon Warren's face.

"What?" Warren asks, concentrating on relaxing as his ass is stretched to accommodate Foxx's dick.

"You really like this don't you?" Warren nods in response as Foxx begins to withdraw. Warren gasps, squirms and moans like a whore as Foxx slowly pushes forward once again. A sharp intake of breath fills his lungs with air, Foxx withdraws making his newly stretched ass feel empty. A few more slow thrusts and withdrawals send Warren's mind into pure lust mode.

"Faster." Warren pleads.

"You sure?" Foxx asks, remembering Warren's warning.

"Hells yeah." he wines. He can tell Foxx likes to be begged and pleaded with. He likes to be in control, and Warren likes to be dominated. He likes for a man to tell him to do this and that, he loves for a man to tell him to do it anyway when he protests. He may not wine and shit but he loves to be dominated. A man that makes him feel loved while dominating him would find Warren to be the best fucking boyfriend in the world. So as Foxx takes that first experimental fast thrust Warren gasps in euphoric delight. Foxx withdraws slowly then his hips crash back into Warren's hole.

"Dayum." Foxx whispers as he watches Warren twitch and moan under him.

"What?" Warren whispers back, impatient for Foxx to continue.

Foxx thrusts forward hard, "You look... good."

Warren grits his teeth as the painful pleasure rips through him. Foxx remains motionless inside Warren for a few seconds. Then Foxx says something else that sends a shiver down his spine and a fluttering into his heart.

"Beautiful." Foxx amends as he leans down and plants a kiss on Warren's lips. Warren kisses him back for a few seconds until Foxx begins working his hips again. Foxx continues to rub his tongue and fuck his ass in perfect unison. The sound of Foxx's flesh smacking against Warren's ass fills the air. Warren bites his lip and wears a blissful grimace as Foxx saws in and out of his ass, aiming for his "man-clit" That long dick pounds into him sending shock waves of blissful agony the likes of which he has never experienced before. His body grinds against Foxx's thrusts causing their bodies to slap together even harder. Foxx's thrusts stop suddenly.

"Get in the pool." Foxx's command sends a visible shutter through Warren.

"Why?" Warren asks, testing Foxx to see if he will take the bait.

He does, "Get in the fucking pool." He says as he withdraws his dick form Warren, "Now!" Warren just grins as Foxx backs away and waits for his order to be followed, "You're really... something." he says as Foxx pulls his legs onto his shoulders.

Warren grabs the stair rail as Foxx pulls him up. Foxx just looks down concentrating on pushing into Warren before saying, "Hell yeah." as his hips slam into Warrens causing the water to splash. Warren holds onto the rail for dear life as Foxx begins slamming his ass over and over.

Warren's eyes roll up into his head as Foxx grabs his waist and shoves his dick in harder and harder until he reaches top speed. His head bucks, before his arms push him into Foxx's slams. Foxx's smile is triumphant and Warren knows that they're going to do this again.

"Whose ass is this?" Foxx says, enunciating each word with a thrust.

Warren answers, "Nnnnnnnmmmm."

"What?" Foxx says, not slowing in the least.

"Yours." Warren squeaks out as his dick begins to dance in place.

"Huh?" Foxx says, bending Warren's legs back

"YOURS!" Warren yells at the top of his lungs.

"Damn Right." Foxx agrees. He then pushes all eleven inches into Warren with that lopsided smile on his face. Warren shutters as Foxx grinds that dick around in him, stirring his insides into a frenzy. Foxx's hands pull on Warren's shoulders as he grinds into him as if trying to become one person connected by pelvis and ass. Warren looses his head as a familiar sensation grabs hold of his stomach. A pumping feeling originating from his ass and ending in his dick pulses like a heartbeat. Foxx's hips rise and fall and Warren bursts. Five long ropes of cum fly onto Warren's stomach, lips and right next to his tightly shut eyes.

As Warren paints his outside with his own semen he feels his ass constricting around Foxx's monster. Foxx's moans fill the air as his sac constricts, emptying his balls of cum. Warmth floods Warren's insides as Foxx gives his last deep penetrating thrust. Warren shutters as the huge lode fills him and overflows into the pool.

Foxx's warm arms pull Warren up. He licks the glob of jizz out of Warren's eye. Warren opens his eyes to see Foxx's lopsided smile return in full force before his own smile stretches out on his face. Their breaths come out in ragged huffs as they just stare into each other's eyes. Foxx chuckles as Warren wraps him up in his arms. Warren can't believe he had came so much at once. Foxx squishes the semen to his chest and holds Warren there as he kisses down his neck sending little electric tingles into his body with each press of his lips. He stands and a familiar dull ache fills his lower regions.

They both use the water to clean the semen from their chests and Warren's face and Warren's ass. They begin to converse as they find their towels and begin to rub themselves dry.

"So?" Foxx asks

"So?" He's confused

"How was i?" Foxx asks.

Warren is silent for a moment. This was too much, Foxx was asking if HE had enjoyed himself. Warren starts to sit, "Hell SSssssss" Is all he can say. As he had flopped down on the lawn chair a sharp pain had made itself known.

Before he can try to answer again Foxx is kneeling in front of him with a worried expression, "What's wrong." He says as he places his hand on Warren's thigh.

Warren just begins beaming, "Nothing... Nothing at all." With that he reaches down and pulls Foxx's lips to his. He had never felt so happy in his life. Looks like nights in the apartment are going to be a lot more... interesting...

Next: Chapter 2

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