Frat Roommate

By moc.loa@raeBrhctP

Published on Apr 15, 2003


The following is a story involving lust, love and sex between men of legal age. If you are offended or closed-minded, under age or live in a place it is illegal to view or even think about these things, leave now. Otherwise, please enjoy my first attempt!


Like all college freshmen, I was eager to join college life. I was not sure what college would hold for me. I was not a popular kid in high school, not athletic and a little brainy (although lazy as a student). I was going to college for the education, but also to find a man. I knew that was what I wanted to be 5 hours from home in upstate New York for, but I wasn't all that sure how to find it. Gay culture was still a mysterious place; little did I know I would find some answers in a place I hadn't thought to look.

I met my roommate at a Roy Rogers' in between our hometowns in Westchester County, NY. Dave was what we would have called a "burnout" in my HS. He smoked and had a shaved head. If it had not been august he would have been wearing a leather jacket, biker boots and even more attitude. I was not thrilled. Here I was hoping for someone I could at least somewhat relate to, and while I had been friends with a few of his type in HS, he was not the type to be friends with one of the nerds.

I was a clean-cut kid in HS (still am in some ways). I was 5'8, 190, clean- with brown hair and eyes. I was not an athlete, but I had started working out to keep my frame solid for my senior year, and I was no Rod Jackson-Paris, but I did all right. I have been told that I have a great smile, and I did not believe I was handsome, although I had heard that from time to time. My best attribute was the way I could make people laugh, just telling a story, or throwing a funny accent around. I did killer imitations of comedians and the guy at 7-11 (Do not be weezing de juice!).

So, move in day came, and Dave and I settled into our dorm room, large by normal college standards because we had chosen one of the older halls on campus. One of my older brother's friends had shown me around when I came for my interview just before he graduated, and given me some tips on where to live and all the usual stuff. Things were good for a few weeks, and then stuff started happening. Our dorm was non-smoking, and at the time I had not begun to smoke myself, so I asked Dave to keep the smoking out of the room. Even after I began to smoke a year or so later, I hated the smell in my living space, so I began to get pissed when my clothes and stuff started to smell of smoke.

I had barely begun to make friends in the dorm, and so I started hanging out in the main lounge and watching TV with whoever was there. I met some really fun people. Two of my still best girl friends I met during a game of Wheel-of-Fortune while we all busted on Vanna White and her perfect hair and smile, and those dresses.Jesus. It was a lot of laughs and soon I found myself talking to guys I never would have had the balls to even look directly at in HS! My dorm was almost 90% jocks. There was a lot of handsome flesh walking around that place. And I LOVED to watch it move, wrestle, show was very "Jackass" sometimes, but man.tight, young, hard bodies all over the place!

One night while reading and sort of watching Letterman, this guy comes in and sits down. I glanced up and we sorta nodded hello. Letterman turned out to be quite good, the top ten list was hilarious and this guy and I were both laughing it up. During the commercial break he leaned over towards me and introduced himself.

"I'm Scott by the way."

"Rick. Nice to meet you."

"Same here."

"So, what year are you in?" I asked. Scott explained that he was a transfer from a community college in Western NY, near Oneonta. He had spent two years after High School in Cayoga, NY in the Marines. He blew out his knee running and got a medical discharge. He spent two more years in that area as a deputy sheriff. He was 23, and about 5'10. His dirty blond crewcut and blue-gray eyes went perfectly with his muscular form, currently in a T-shirt that hugged his broad chestand knit running shorts showing a full package and tight thighs attached to well formed calves and a pair of size 10 feet in white ankle socks. He was the epitome of straight boy.

We ended up meeting in the lounge a few days in a row, and we always found something to talk about. One night about a week after we met, I was pissed because my roommate had smoked up my new leather jacket that I had worked hard to buy.

"I hate that shit, all I ask is that you respect my property, you know?"

"I know Rick, I know. My roomie is a `head. He tokes up in our room when I leave and I am sure we are gonna get busted. I was a cop, dude, I don't need that shit."

"Damn, that is even worse. I think my roommate smokes that too, maybe we should get them together." I laughed at this, but Scott got a bright gleam in his eye and flashed me a killer smile.

"Dude. What if you moved in with me and we sent my roomie to live upstairs?"

"Can we do that?"

"We can ask. Let me talk to Mike, my RA, and find out."

Two days later, Scott and I were moving my stuff down to his room and "Smiley's" junk was going upstairs. I settled in quickly, and the next day I got in around 8 from dinner with some new friends from the theater department I had met through Kate and Donna (the aforementioned girl friends). Scott was pacing the room anxiously.

"What's up Scotty? You're wearing out my rug, dude!" I teased, though he looked pretty tense.

"I'm waiting for a call, I rushed last week and I might be accepted to the pledge class, but I can't leave until I get the call, that is the rule." He looked excited and a little scared.

"Hey, I hope this is not too big a deal to you, I know how you feel about "the Greeks" Rick. But this is something I kind of feel I need to do."

"Hey man, all I ask is that you don't turn into one of those frat-boy assholes with a bad attitude."

"Cool. From what I hear there may be late night phone calls and times I just have to leave and shit. Hopefully it won't be too bad."

"Me too, but if that phone rings in the middle of the night, you best be up to answer it before I have to." We laughed at this and I patted him on the shoulder. "Dude, you are in, don't sweat it."

Things were a little nuts as the first weeks of Scott's pledge class passed, while he was joining a brotherhood, I was coming out of the closet. I was so unsure of myself during those weeks that I was jumpy as all hell. When the phone rang in the middle of the night, Scott would run out and I would roll over trying to figure out how I was going to tell my frat-boy roomie, that I was a "fag." I looked at Scott as my "big brother" and as a man I wanted to service on my knees. I slept very little during those weeks.

One night, I came in to find Scott already in bed.


"Hey Scott, wassup?"

"Dude, I am SO wasted, I need to go to sleep!"

"I thought there was no drinking allowed for the pledges? Are you in trouble?"

"Nah, the Brothers gave us a break since we are doing so well, and mid-terms just ended."

"Cool. Well, I am gonna study and then do some reading. Should I go to the study lounge?"

"Dude, I am gonna be passed out in a minute. Do whatever you want to."

That send thoughts of many things running around my head, but I said, "Alright, but if I bug you let me know."

By the time I was done studying I was ready for my book. I picked up The Stand by Stephen King, put Phantom of the Opera on my headphones and sat at the end of my bed. I had changed into sweats and had thrown my shirt into the laundry pile. I had a bad habit of playing with my nipples and chest hair whenever I was shirtless, and it usually ended up with my 7-inch dick hard and in need of some attention. Thankfully, I was aware of it enough that when I was one of the skins during volleyball or basketball I could control myself. But while reading and relaxing, I could always hit the bathroom for some relief.

So after a few chapters and some nipple play I was ready to jerk off. I glanced up and saw something that made me freeze from head to tow, and my dick to throb even harder. Scott's bed was directly across the room from mine. He had set it up so the head of the bead faced the door while mine was at the window. We talked a lot before bed, and it was conducive to that, and watching him undress each night. His bed was raised supported by the radiator by the window and his desk at the other end. It put his bead at eye level when I sat on mine.

What I saw when I looked up was Scott's arm was out stretched towards me, and I was not sure if he was looking at me, his eyes looked closed. I saw movement down by his waist and whenever his hand under his blanket moved, I saw a glimpse of the naked skin of his hip, paler than his torso and legs. I could not believe my eyes. He was jerking off in his bed. "Does he know that I am watching, or does he think that I am engrossed in my book?" I was so turned on, and frightened (I was a virgin), I did not know what to do, but apparently my hands had figured it out. I was squeezing my cock through my pants thinking about what must be hiding just out of reach beneath Scott's blanket.

After an eternity that must have lasted 60 seconds, I dropped my book and went to the bathroom across the hall. I spent a few minutes with my cock, imagining the scene below that blanket, and blew a nice load into the toilet. By the time I returned to the room, Scott was asleep, and I sensed that he was still naked. My sleep that night was wet with Scott. I woke early that Saturday morning showered another load away and left for mind screaming with confusion and lust.

I got back to the room and Scott was just dropping his bathrobe and pulling on a jockstrap. The universe was torturing me. It was so unfair! He turned around when he saw me and smiled. I smiled back and was sure I looked like the Joker right out of the Batman movie.

"Hey dude, sleep okay?"

"Yeah, you?"

"Like a baby." He hesitated for a second. "Did I do anything weird?"

"Nope." I hoped I said in a convincing tone "You passed out while I was working and that was it"


Scott had not put on any clothing during this exchange, and he was filling out his jock nicely. I turned my back to him and said, "There is something we need to talk about though."

"What's up bro?"

"Well, you might want to put some pants on for this."

"Ohhkay." He laughed and pulled on his sweats.

"Scott, I need to tell you...well...I uh...I'm gay."

"Wow. I was wondering when you would tell me."

"What?" Did I hear that right?

"Yes. Rick, I have a lot of friends from my time in the Corps and the Sheriff's Department, a few of them were gay too. It is cool, buddy. Relax." He looked at me with his best big brother face, and walked over to me and gave me a huge hug.

"Scott, I...."

"Rick, let's go shoot some hoops."

Things were great again; I was having a blast with my new friends, and scoping guys on campus. I was still naive and shy about men, so I was not getting anywhere with losing my virginity, but I was still cool with the guys that Scott and I shot hoops with and worked out with. Even though it was not my primary interest, I enjoyed the friendly games and I was aglow with acceptance.

Scott's pledge class finished earlier than anticipated, and he came home drunk almost every night. I was good at ignoring his entrances in the middle of the night, until right before the weekend I was to go to my brother's college graduation in Syracuse.

"Ricky. RICKY!" Came the hushed whisper in my ear. Someone was shaking me. I came up from sleep.

"Scott? Jesus, what time is-mmph."

My question was cut off by the kiss. It tasted of booze and mint. My whole body was tingling with the sensation of being kissed by a man for the first time, and the feel of a warm strong hand on my hip.

"Scott, what the fuck?"

"Ricky, Rick, I have been dreaming about this for weeks. I just haven't had the balls to deal with it. Tonight I am."

Scott kissed me again, and I gave in to the urges I had been fighting. I realized that all Scott had on was a towel and he smelled clean. He had come in and gone for a shower without waking me. He pushed me back onto my bed, he tossed the towel aside and I felt his hot, hard cock pulsing against my side.

I moaned as his hands found my cock in my briefs and then pulled them off me. I looked up at him lying half on me, half on the bed. His eyes shone in the light from the street lamps in the courtyard outside our windows. He looked at me with desire and what I hoped was love in his eyes.

He leaned over and took my left nipple in his mouth and sucked and nibbled at it while his hand played with my firm hairy pecs. I was in heaven. I had never imagined how good it would really feel.

Scott pulled back and looked me in the eye. "Fuck me. I want you in me"

I felt my cock spasm hard at the thought that this macho, god-like x-Marine wanted me to enter him and fill him with my essence, I had always assumed that I would be the one HE would fuck.

I nodded and he produced a condom, which he rolled on to my cock. He climbed off the bed and presented his tight gorgeous ass to me. I saw his large balls swinging between his legs and his beautiful cock hard against his belly. He looked over his shoulder at me. "Get over here and fuck me. I need you to fuck me, now!"

I jumped off the bed and was inside him in seconds. My body and mind were on fire. My cock was buried to the hilt in my roommate's incredible hole. I fucked his hard and fast, his right hip in my right hand, his left shoulder in my left hand, I was pounding him deep and hard. I was close to cumming, but after jerking off non-stop to my fantasies about his since the night I watched him jerk off my trigger was a little longer.

I felt the sensation of my balls tightening, and before I knew it, I was putting my load in the condom buried deep in my Marine.


"YEAH, YEAH! OH god Rick.YES!"

I practically fell over as I pulled out and Scott was on his back before I knew it. We kissed as I grabbed his 8 inches in my hand and began to move down his body to my dreams.

I held him in my hand and squeezed him gently as I lowered my head into his pubes. His legs were spread open and I could smell the sex and sweat on his balls and ass. I began to taste him in small licks. He moaned, and I realized how torturous this was and I smiled into his pubes and continued to taste him. I even tasted that magic place between the ball-sac and the ass that we all love to have licked.

Scott was writhing around, his hands on my head, not guiding me, but caressing my short hair and simply keeping me below his waist. I slowly worked my way to his cock and began to lick the shaft. I loved the taste of his sweat and the little bit of pre-cum that had dripped down the side. I ran my hand up the smooth expanse of his rippled stomach and chest until I had found his right nipple and I began to play with it as I worked my way up the silky hard shaft in my lips.

"Oh, are no virgin, lie.." Scott moaned again as I took him between my lips and caressed his head with my tongue. I slowly took the shaft into my mouth. I worked my way down to the fuzz of his pubes. His moans only made me hotter and I began to moan around his cock sending vibrations up his spine and within only a few more strokes I tasted his hot salty cum and felt my cock, still hard in the used condom spasming with my second load for Scott.

"Holy shit."

"Yeah. Rick, you throw a great fuck and give monster head for a guy who never did it before."


"I love you, man. I think I fell in love with you in the lounge that first night." He was speaking quietly, more than a whisper, but softly in my hair as he held me there on the floor. "I was engaged to a girl when I was in the Sheriff's Department. I thought we loved each other, but she got pregnant and told me she had aborted without even discussing it with me. I flipped out on her and walked out. I ended up at this friend's apartment, and he held me while I cried and that night, he showed me that a man could make love to another man. I spent 6 months with John, and he made me feel like no one else had. When I caught him in bed with a 17 year old ball player from the HS, I walked out of his house and decided it was time to go to a school far from there. I thought I would never love anyone again. I fucked girls and swore that I would put that all behind me. And then, there you were. An angel, a sweet, naive, down to earth guy with a hot ass and a killer smile."

Scott kissed the top of my head and I looked up at him. "Scott, I had no idea. I was so afraid to show you how I felt, I thought it would kill a friendship that I value more than my own life. I can't believe it."

Six months later, I came back to the room we shared to find Scott in bed with a girl he had picked up at a frat party. As my heart broke I ran from the room and back to Kate's apartment. I moved in with her and when Scott graduated that May, I saw him for the last time. I was walking with Kate and a few other friends to the field house to see some of our circle graduate when I heard his voice.


"Scott." I was a bit surprised he had approached me. He never even tried to get me to stay or explain he just let me go. "Congratulations on graduating, now if you don't mind..."

"Can I talk to you for a sec? Please."

I fought hard to resist the beautiful eyes that were pleading me to say yes, and lost.

I hope you enjoyed this! It is a mix of truth and fiction. If you would like to read more, email me-

Next: Chapter 2

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