Fraternity Memoirs

By John Walsh

Published on Feb 23, 2003


Please note that this story contains sexual content between adults. If it is illegal for you to read this because of your age or where you live, please stop here. Author holds all rights to this story. Please do not publish or post this story without consent of me, the author. Comments can be sent to me at . Hope you continue to enjoy a bit of me and my life.

Some people were confused about the "sequence" of last chapter. The night that I slept over Kevin's when Matt was hooking up was the first week of second semester. Then last chapter, in Vermont, I jumped to about a week before Spring Break the same semester, probably the first or second week of March. My original intent was to include this chapter with the last one, but didn't have time to finish it and I wanted to get something out there, so I posted it without filling in the "middle".

So here is what happened in between, and some other information that I think is important for you to know in the overall story.

Fraternity Business...

As you may or may not recall, this semester my Fraternity, which had its charter revoked for two years, was up to petition the Greek Council for re-recognition. There was a major debate and rift within our Fraternity on what to do, go for recognition or just stay off campus.

Most of the debate revolved around this semester's pledge class. It was generally agreed amongst the Brothers that it would not look good to the Greek Council to continue breaking the rules and take a pledge class if we decided to petition for our Charter back. The thing that sucked most was that it was the Spring Semester, when every Greek Organization would be pledging, and we would be left standing around holding our dicks.

We, the Phi Pledge Class, had no idea how to vote. We had never known what it was like to be "on campus" and were quite all right with the way things were. And the ironic thing was that we would be the deciding "swing" vote. The debating amongst the Brothers was not really to sway their own votes; they pretty much had their minds made up, but rather to swing us, the newest Brothers, into each of their respective corners.

Andy, the President, was leading the charge to go for recognition. I was becoming friendlier with Andy, as I will get into in a future chapter, and agreed with most of his arguments. Mostly how awesome it would be to be able to participate in Homecoming again, to take our place as the leaders of the Greek Council, and to wear the Letters that our Founders wore.

Although he wasn't leading the pack against recognition, Adam was rather vocal about staying off campus. He argued that we didn't need the School or the Greek Council, we had persevered off campus and that he loved the "underground mystery" of our Fraternity. And that as far as he was concerned, our National left us high and dry when we needed them most, so why would we go back to paying them dues?

After much discussion, 2 meetings that went till 3 in the morning, and arguments that spilled into the Student Center and the House, by a narrow majority, the Brothers decided to play by the rules, not take a pledge class and petition the school for our charter back. There were quite a few Brothers who didn't speak to each other for a while because of it.

If you are wondering how I voted, I voted to stay off campus. My heart told me that the right thing to do was to apply for our Charter back, the main reason for me being that I didn't want our rivals, Delta Epsilon, to get the better of us. But in the end, I decided it was more important to support Adam, and I voted with him. He'd talk to me at end about it after the meetings and when we were hanging out, and I couldn't argue with him. And if I voted against him, well, I don't think he would have taken it very well.

Word quickly spread through the Greek community of our decision. There were quite a few potential pledges that were very upset that we wouldn't be having a pledge season. They would wait for us, of course, but to make it up to them, we allowed those that were seriously interested to have an open invitation to all the parties at no charge. And for some of them, the ones we really liked, we invited them to a couple of Mixers and other Fraternity sponsored events. To the Phi Class, this was very disappointing. We were looking forward to being on the other side of a pledge season and to no longer be the newbies.

In a strange twist of fate, I was actually elected to the Executive Board, as Historian. According to the by-laws of the Fraternity, a Brother has to retain a 2.0 GPA to remain active, and a 2.5 GPA in order to remain on the Executive Board. At the first meeting of each new semester, every Brother had to hand in a copy of their grades to the Sergeant at Arms when paying their dues.

The Historian that was elected had to drop his position because his GPA had fallen to a 2.4. Nothing was said about it at the first couple of meetings, there was already enough business to talk about in regards to the Charter. But the week after it was decided that we would apply for our charter back, it was announced that a new election for a Historian was needed.

To my disbelief, Andy, the President, nominated me. He thought it was important to have someone young on the Board, so that when all the current Juniors and Seniors were graduated, someone would be around to have the first hand knowledge to pass along to the future pledge classes of how we got our charter back. I was shocked that he had nominated me. Not only because I was a freshman, but also because I had voted "against" him.

By this point, I had taken my exams from last semester, which I had missed because of my Grandmother's sudden death. Although I hadn't done stellar by any means, I did get a 2.8, which was high enough that I could run. Adam seconded Andy's nomination. There were a couple of other guys that were nominated as well, but no one else from my class.

I didn't really think that I was going to win, but I accepted my nomination and gave my speech the following week along with the others that were nominated. We weren't allowed in the room while the vote happened, but Matt told me after, that both Andy and Adam gave impassioned opinions of why I was best for the position. And with the unanimous support of my pledge class, the vote was a landslide in my favor. I accepted the position with pride and became the youngest person to ever hold an Executive Board position.

We had formally notified the Greek Council that we would be going up for re- recognition. We had to complete an application that was due March 15th. There were certain requirements that had to be met, all of which we exceeded. Once the application was in place, it would be discussed in front of the entire Council, a vote would be taken, and with majority approval, we would have our charter back. The vote would happen no later than April 15th.

A few weeks into the semester, after we had notified the Greek Council, the Sororities shared with us that Delta Epsilon had proposed an amendment to the Greek Council's constitution. We knew that this was possibly coming, and they proposed that a cap be set at the number of organizations currently recognized, that number being 35.

Our executive board, including myself, scrambled to put a plan of action together. We felt fairly certain that the proposal would be defeated being that more than half of our Fraternity dated sisters in the various Sororities. But we decided to play it safe and meet with each of the Greek organizations' executive boards one by one to urge them to defeat the proposal.

To our surprise, outside their concern for us, most of the Greek organizations were in favor of the cap. It seemed that every year a new sorority or fraternity, sometimes both, were formed. And although the university was large, year after year, some organizations found the growing competition was putting a lag on their numbers, and once very large and popular groups were struggling to stay alive. All of the minority Greek organizations, about 10 of them, were in favor of the cap and had no particular affinity towards us.

After hearing the opinion of being in favor of the cap from more than a few groups, we became aware that this wouldn't be so easily defeated. So we had to change our plan. Instead, we recommended to the Greeks that they amend Delta Epsilon's proposal, placing the cap at 36, allowing us to be the last group to be recognized by the Greek Council. It served all of our interests and was an easy sell.

The sorority that used to be our little sisters agreed to propose the amendment. Against the pleading of Delta Epsilon that the cap should remain at 35, that the number and cap had nothing to do with my Fraternity, the proposal was amended and passed, the cap being at 36. It was a victory for us, and brought us one step closer to getting our charter back.

So that's pretty much what happened Fraternity wise the first half of the Semester. Right before we left for Spring Break, we made sure that all the paperwork for our Charter was in place. About a month after Spring Break, we would have our charter back and once again be recognized by the school. We called our former National and let them know what was going on. Fulfilling my role as Historian, I kept a log of all the meetings, minutes and the process, and kept copies of every document that was submitted.

Personal Happenings...

I could tell a million and one stories, but I am going to keep this short besides what has to do directly with this story. Although the semester started a little rough in the chick department, I soon got my grove back and started scoring on a regular basis. I pretty much hooked up at every party and mixer.

I loved hooking up with chicks. I loved the thrill of the chase, the game, the approach, the pick up and the score. My Brothers watching me and I watching them as we went in for the kill. I had never hunted in my life, but I felt that was exactly what I was doing, hunting, on the prowl and looking to conquest.

Of course, the Fraternity was well aware of all my conquests, and I became known for my sexual "prowess". Guys like CJ and Matt wanted to know how I did it, and in a way worshiped me for being such a "stud". Adam was proud, "That's my Little," he would say, "It runs in the Family."

My reputation began to precede me at parties and mixers; girls knew that I was only into it for the hook up and not to expect a date or a phone call afterwards. But that didn't stop them from coming. I think girls found me even more attractive with that reputation, my hook up for the evening wondering if she could be the one to tame me.

The funny thing is, looking back, I'm pretty sure the reason I had such an active sexual life is that I was trying to find the girl that could give me as much, or more, intense sexual gratification that Kevin gave me. I found myself constantly comparing each hook up with Kevin, sometimes during and sometimes after. Don't get me wrong, I was having great sex, it's just that it wasn't quite as intense. And so, I found myself jumping from babe to babe trying to out do what Kevin did for me.

I wouldn't say that I was out there scoping guys to any extreme, but there were certain guys that I did find myself checking out at the student center and within the Fraternity. It was kind of an off again and on again thing. A week would go by where I wouldn't even think about it, or if I were, it wasn't a conscious thought. And then there would be weeks where I would find myself staring at guys, thinking, damn, that is a good looking guy, and my dick would go stiff.

The odd thing was that at first, it wasn't a completely sexual thought. It wasn't like I would look at the guy and think man, I would like to get me some of that. Or think about his lips around dick or anything. Certain guys just stirred me a certain way and would make me hornier than hell. When I realized what I was doing and what I was feeling, I would shrug it off and push the feeling down deep inside myself as possible.

I could talk about my confusion for pages, but I know you all get the point so I am going to leave it at that for now. A large part of me knew that this was just a phase, one that I would eventually grow out of, and as long as kept it only between Kevin and myself, all would be kosher.

I slowly found myself torn between staying the athlete or the partier type. The two go hand and hand a lot, so let me explain a little further.

I started working out on a regular schedule with Andy. Three days a week we went to the gym together. Andy really knew what he was doing in the gym and would push me to the extreme when we worked out. It was like having a personal trainer. Within weeks of working out with Andy, my body was right back into shape and then some. I was amazed at the determination Andy had when he was in the gym. It was all about business and no fooling around.

And speaking of fooling around, Andy was definitely one of those guys that made me hornier than hell. Working out with Andy, at times, could be maddening. He always wore a tight pair of nylon shorts and a tank top that revealed about as much skin as one could show while still technically being "clothed". Don't be thinking that Andy was purposely doing this to me or for me. Well, he was doing it for me, but he was also doing it for every other person on campus. Andy was a show off, proud of his body and his good looks, and flaunted it to everyone.

Watching him curl, lift and squat, or when he would grab my arm or back to make sure that I was moving correctly or in the proper position, I'd find myself sporting an erection that I desperately hid at all costs. On more than a few occasions I had to excuse myself, claiming that I had to go the bathroom, but in reality having to get myself away from Andy and berate myself and beg my dick to behave till it went down. And I never showered at the rec center with Andy, which would have been too much to handle. Instead, I always went back to the dorms and showered (usually after jerking off if Matt wasn't around).

At one point, I thought that I would have to stop working out with Andy or be exposed that he turned me on. We were becoming good friends from working out and being on the Exec Board together, and it wasn't cool that I was reacting this way towards him. But I liked how he was transforming my body, and wanted to stick with it. And on a certain level, I liked being that close to Andy and I loved when he would touch me.

But anyway, this wasn't supposed to be about Andy. I was talking about being torn between sports and partying. On the converse side, I found myself partying, a lot. I hardly went to class, and by 4:00 in the afternoon most days, I found myself at the Fraternity House or back in the dorms drinking.

And depending on whom I was hanging out with (Evan), I found myself starting to smoke a lot of pot. I smoked pot in high school, but it was more of a weekly thing than a daily thing. And what was once a monthly habit, I found myself snorting coke more and more often. Most nights, I was up to 3 or 4 in the morning wasted. Unless I was with a chick, and then I was wasted and back in the dorms at two o'clock, in my room trying to get laid.

Many a morning I would wake up hung over as a bear and think about skipping on Andy. Or I'd blow off an intramural game so I could go back to the House for an afternoon of beer pong, or sleep through an intramural basketball game on Saturday morning. I tried as much as I could to balance the two, but as the semester went on, I found myself hardly ever making it to a game. But somehow, I always found the energy to work out with Andy. Which I guess was OK, because it kept me in excellent shape while I partied all the time.

I know that I have put Adam, Matt, CJ and the rest of the gang kind of on the side-burner the last couple of chapters, but we were all constantly hanging out together. The chapter about Spring Break is going to have a lot to do with those guys, so I am going to leave them to the side until then, which should be the next chapter.

I do need to mention one thing about Matt (my roommate). A few weeks into the semester, Matt came back to the room with a couple of stacks of pamphlets. I asked him what it all was, and he told me they were brochures for schools that were in the exchange program with our school. He was contemplating, and wanted me to go with him, studying abroad next semester.

I had never even thought about it and at the time didn't have much interest living in another country. Matt, however, was intent on going. He'd come back from meetings, all excited, trying to get me excited, talking about how great it would be in Australia, or England. I began to realize that this wasn't just a passing thought for Matt, that he was really going to go someplace next semester.

I eventually had to tell Matt that I didn't want to go. I was on the Executive Board, and wanted to stay involved with the Fraternity; that I didn't want to miss the next pledge class after not taking one this semester. As much as he tried, Matt couldn't change my mind. In the end, Matt and a couple of other Brothers decided to go to some school in London. I was bummed, and as much as Matt couldn't change my mind, I couldn't change his.

I guess that wraps up what was generally going on in my life outside of what was going on with Kevin. Thanks for being patient and bearing with me as I got all that stuff out. You will appreciate it in future chapters.

Back to Kevin and Vermont...

I didn't freak out the next day after spending the night with Kevin. I thought a lot about it, but the more I thought about it, the more I thought that this "arrangement" could be a good thing. I just had to make sure that it was only when I couldn't find a girl, and that we had to be very, very careful about it. Like I said earlier, this was just a phase, and may as well enjoy it while it lasts.

Being careful wasn't a hard thing to do actually. Unlike me, Kevin seemed to have another life outside the Fraternity. What I mean by that is that I did everything with the Fraternity and with Brothers. I went to every meeting, party and mixer. If the House was having something, Matt and I were there. And if nothing was going on, the "gang" was always hanging in Matt's and my room.

Kevin's appearances were sporadic. He was at the major mixers, but most parties, Kevin wasn't around. Or if he were, he'd come by late in the night. And if a bunch of guys were hanging around my room or the House, Kevin was off someplace else, probably banging some girl in his room. We'd see each other frequently in the Student Center, but always acted 'cool' around everyone else and kept a slight distance between us.

It was probably two weeks before anything happened between us again. The first few days, Kevin would call me up and taunt me in my room. When I'd pick up the phone, or Matt passed it to me, he would always start by saying, "So, I was thinking about these rules, and..." And each time he would come out with some scenario and want to know if it was within the "parameters". Like, "What if I call you before the party, can I call dibs on the night and that would null the 'girls first' rule?" Stupid shit like that, just to give me a hard time.

I had asked Kevin that he make the move next time to make it simpler on me. So the next time something happened was at Kevin's discretion. After the first week went by, I began to get a bit antsy about it, wondering when it was going to happen. As much as I didn't want to admit it, I was looking forward to it.

And then it happened, right in the middle of the week when I was least expecting it. The phone rang, and Matt answered it. CJ and Ben were over, having a couple of beers, playing Playstation. Matt told me the phone was for me, it was Kevin.

"What's up Kevin?" I asked, taking the phone from Matt.

"I'm down stairs in the cafeteria. I forgot my meal card, can I borrow yours?"

"Yeah, sure, why don't you come up, were hanging out drinking a few beers?" I watched as everyone in the room shook their head, not wanting Kevin to come up. Kevin was still not a favorite amongst our pledge class, or was he ever, really.

"I had to leave my tray of food at the checkout so I could call you. Can't you come down and meet me at the register?"

"OK, let me throw on some shoes and I'll be right down."


I let everyone in the room know that I had to go down to the cafeteria to let Kevin borrow my card. Everyone kind of rolled his eyes. To tease them, I told them that Kevin was coming back up with me and was going to hang out for the night.

Taking the elevator down to the cafeteria, Kevin was waiting for me as the doors opened. "Where's your food?" I asked, puzzled.

"There is no food, I just said that to get you down here. Come on, let's go."

"Go where? You don't need my card?"

"No. It's my roommate's anniversary. He and his girl will be gone for a couple of hours, so we have the room to ourselves." Kevin grabbed the sleeve of my sweatshirt, pulling me towards the exit.

"No, wait. Now?" I asked, suddenly realizing what Kevin's plan was.

"Yeah, now," Kevin said, opening his eyes wide and shaking his head.

"I can't go now, the guys are waiting for me upstairs. I don't understand, why did you say you needed my card?"

"Cause if I told you in front of everyone that I was horny as fuck and wanted to get off, you would have freaked. Come on Walsh, let's go."

"This isn't a good idea Kevin, we can't do this now," I insisted, but my dick was staring to get hard under the jeans I was wearing.

"What, do you have a date tonight?" he asked sarcastically.

"No Kevin, that's not it. What am I going to say to the guys when I come back in an hour?"

"Tell them you ran to the video store or something with me, I don't know. Whatever it is, they are not going to think we are doing what we are about to do."

I didn't know what to do. My stomach was in a sudden knot. I wasn't even in a horny mood before Kevin called, but now my dick was hard as a rock thinking about the prospect of a blowjob. I could tell from the look on Kevin's face that he was growing impatient.

"I'll have to call them when we get to the room and tell them something."

Kevin flashed his killer smile. Oh yeah, this was gonna be great. My eyes went down to Kevin's crotch, and from under the nylon track pants he was wearing, his growing erection was evident. And with that, we took off to his room. I called the guys from his room and told them that I was going to run to the video store with Kevin and help him pick out a movie for a date he was having tonight. I had to stick that in there, in my own mind, to help cover what was going on. And what was going on was Kevin pulling down my pants while I spoke with Matt.

We hooked up a couple of more times before we went to Vermont, Kevin usually catching me when I was half bombed and easy. Each time we got together, I became more and more comfortable in what we were doing. I was buying onto Kevin's mentality, nothing wrong with a couple of guys helping each other out when in need. And it wasn't happening every week, and there were always a couple of girls in between, so I'd say the arrangement was working out pretty good.

When Kevin first asked me to go to Vermont with him, I asked who else was going. And when he said only the two of us, I said no. Part of me really wanted to go, knowing it would probably be quite a weekend. But my main reason for saying no was letting everyone else know that I was going away with Kevin, alone, and they would all be, 'What's up with that?' Kevin thought that was the stupidest thing he had ever heard, but said that he was going either way.

After sitting on it for a couple days, and realizing what a good time it would be, I asked Kevin if my invitation was still good. He seemed really excited that I changed my mind and said, 'Of course.' I added that I didn't want anyone else to know where we were going, that we should keep it to ourselves. He gave me a look like I was being ridiculous, but said, 'Whatever you want, Walsh.'

I told everyone that I was going skiing for the weekend, but I told them that I was going with my family. I packed the night before, anticipating the weekend ahead of me. Thinking about Kevin's blowjobs were making me hornier than hell, but I didn't allow myself to jerk off, I wanted to save it up. Kevin and I set off on our trip Friday morning, which brings us to where I left off in the last chapter...

After hanging out in the Lodge bar for a few hours, we were all getting pretty hammered. The girls were pretty cool, a little snobbish if you ask me though. But they seemed to settle down after a couple of drinks. They all went to Radcliff and were Jackie's "closest friends", visiting her parent's "estate" for the weekend. When I asked them where Radcliff was, they looked at me like I was some kind of idiot. I had never heard of it before, and I guess I was showing my lack of class?

The bar closed at 9 PM and we were some of the last ones to leave. Kevin, who typically didn't drink all that much, had drank at least 5 Jack and Cokes and was kind of tipsy. The girls were going back to Jackie's to get changed and grab their bathing suits.

"You don't need any bathing suits," Kevin said as we stood around outside. It was snowing, which meant that the trails would be nice and fresh in the morning.

"Do you need us to bring anything to drink?" Jackie asked, completely ignoring Kevin's statement.

"Nah," Kevin answered, "My parents keep a stocked bar. They have everything you could possibly drink."

"Alright then," Jackie said, leaning in giving Kevin a kiss on the check, "We'll see you in about a half hour...with our bathing suits."

"Wear what you want," Kevin said, bringing his right arm over my shoulders and draping it around, "But Walsh and I here will be wearing our Birthday suits." He smiled, which was contagious, bringing a smile to my face. I'd be breaking the news to Kevin that I was with the ladies, and would be wearing a bathing suit myself.

Jackie just rolled her eyes as she stepped into the SUV and her friends joined her. We just stood there, Kevin's arm still around me, as we watched them pull out and head off to Jackie's house.

"So is she your girlfriend or something," I asked Kevin as he let go of me and we made our way to his car.

"Depends on who you ask," Kevin said and winked. "She'd probably say we were dating, I'd say we're fucking. We go way back Jackie and I, from High School and the mountain."

"Do you see a lot of each other?"

"Not really...up here at the mountain, here and there during the summer. She's kind of a bore in bed. She's a nice piece of ass; just not that engaging if you know what I mean, kind of lays there expecting me to do all the work. But our parents are friends, so I do it mostly for them. She's good to have around though, a steady hook up when I come up here."

A thought came to mind when Kevin said, "not that engaging...expecting me (him) to do all the work." That was kind of our relationship; Kevin usually got me off more than I got him off. He got off, but not exactly the same way I did. I was becoming more engaging when we got together, but I wondered if he thought the same of me. And for some reason, to a degree, that bothered me.

"Sounds like a good deal, even if she's not that wild in the sack. She's pretty fucking hot," I responded after finishing my thought.

"Yeah, it is." Kevin started the car and we drove over to his parent's place was just off the mountain a bit.

Inside Kevin's place, I got my first real look around. It was enormous, vaulted ceilings, a grand entrance that led into a large den with sofas, a big screen television and a central fireplace that opened all around. It was a really nice set up. I had no idea how much money Kevin's parents made, but it had to be a lot. Also on the first floor were a kitchen that was bigger than any kitchen I had ever seen, a formal dining room, two bathrooms and two bedrooms.

Upstairs, there was another den area, which Kevin referred to as the 'Rec Room' which had a pool table, a couple of pin ball machines, another big screen TV and fireplace, and a bar. Sliding glass windows opened to a balcony that looked out into some of the wooded property that his parent's owned. The upstairs also had another 4 bedrooms, including Kevin's room, and three additional bathrooms.

Needless to say, I was in awe at that the place. My parents had money, or so I thought, but growing up in Brooklyn, I never saw anything like this. The crazy thing was that this is their second house, not their main home. I could only imagine what their home looked like.

"Damn, Kevin, this place is awesome," I said as Kevin finished the tour.

"Thanks Walshie." Kevin made his way towards the bar, off the dining room. He made himself another Jack and Coke. I took one as well; I had drunk enough beer for the evening.

"So where's the hot tub?" I asked.

"It's on the porch," Kevin said, pointing towards a set of drapes that I thought was just a window.

With my Jack and Coke in hand, I walked towards the drapes and pushed them apart. I opened the sliding glass windows the drapes were concealing and stepped out onto a huge porch. The deck was snow covered, but I could see the cover of the hot tub that looked like it went down into the porch. At first glance, it was the biggest hot tub that I had ever seen.

As I approached it, the lights on the porch went on, and a couple of seconds later music came out of speakers that I couldn't see. I felt like I was being watched, so I turned around and Kevin was standing in the doorway just staring at me. I felt a little uncomfortable at his gaze, but smiled back at him.

"This is my favorite part of the house," Kevin said as he walked up next to me.

"How many people can fit in that hot tub?"

"Its made for eight, but I've fit a lot more than that in there," Kevin said. I observed a huge smile come across his face, as if he was remembering some great memory from the past.

"What?" I asked Kevin, wanting to know the memory.

"If hot tubs could talk," Kevin said as he chuckled to himself. "This hot tub has seen more ass than a woman's bathroom. Let's heat this sucker up." He pressed a couple of buttons, and I heard the hot tub come to life. The cover was still on, but the jets were in full gear under it.

"Will it take long to heat up?"

"Nah, we leave the heat on to keep it mostly hot. Why don't you go get changed, I'll pull the cover off and then we can get ourselves nice and comfortable as we wait for the girls," Kevin suggested, turning to look at me. He had that mischievous look on his face.

"Sure, I can't wait to get in, I love hot tubs," I said and went inside, excited about it.

I had left my stuff in the foyer. I grabbed it, but didn't know which room I should take. So I grabbed my bag and went back to the sliding glass windows.

"Any particular room I should take?" I asked Kevin, who was dealing with the cover.

"You can take my room, I'll sleep in my parent's room."

"You sure, there are so many rooms?"

"Yeah, both beds are kings."

"OK. I'll be down in a couple minutes."

So I went upstairs to Kevin's room and got changed into my bathing suit. As I was up there, I started thinking about which of Jackie's friends I wanted to try and get it on with. Besides Jackie, her friend Allison was the hottest of the group. I didn't know if she was dating anyone or not, but I guessed it would come out if she was.

It was hard to tell what everyone's body looked like under the ski clothes they were wearing, so I figured I would wait to make my decision when I saw what they looked like in a bathing suit. Part of me kept trying to add that it wouldn't be so bas if the girls never made it, but I wouldn't allow that opinion to speak too loudly.

I took a leak and headed back down stairs. I filled up my Jack and Coke and went back to the porch. Kevin was no longer there, but the cover of the hot tub was off. I liked the way the steam rose off the hot tub into the cold night air. It was still snowing, and the mix of steam and snow was awesome. I had never been in an outdoor hot tub in the winter. I had nothing on my feet, and looked across at the snow-covered deck that was between the door and the hot tub. Wanting to test it out, I ran across the snow in my bare feet, drink in hand, and hopped into the water.

Yeah, it was pretty hot. Standing in the tub, the water came almost to my waist. It took me about a minute for my body to get used to the temperature before I could sit down in the tub. I slowly eased myself in, and when I was in, I thought, I could get used to this. I let my body relax and settled into the seat while the radio played. After a tough day of skiing, this has to feel amazing.

A few minutes later, Kevin came through the back doors, a towel wrapped around his waist. In typical fashion, he looked fantastic. I watched him as he approached the hot tub. I was aware that he was aware I was checking him out, as he was me just a few minutes ago. The bit of hair that he has on his chest was shaved, as I noticed that he does from time to time. He was carrying a pitcher in one hand, his cup in the other.

"How is it?" he asked.

"Awesome," I said, moving my eyes away from him as he got closer. He didn't run through the snow as I had, he slowly approached the tub.

"I can't wait to get in myself," he said, placing the pitcher on the ledge of the hot tub. "Is it hot enough?"

"Yeah, took me a minute to get my whole body in."

"Well, it's going to get even hotter when I get in," he said, a bit of sultriness in his voice, but laughing at the same time. He unwrapped the towel from around his waist, revealing that he was indeed not wearing a bathing suit in the hot tub tonight. His dick bounced up a bit as it was freed, not exactly hard but not exactly soft. He had such a great body, it was exactly what I wanted and pictured when working out at the gym with Andy. He was tight, cut and defined, but not overly muscular.

"What, you're really not wearing a bathing suit?" I asked, almost exclaimed.

"Of course not. You're not wearing one are you?"

"Yeah I am, I don't even know these girls and they didn't seem like they were that interested in going nude."

"Give it," Kevin said, stretching his hand out towards me. He was still standing in the snow; I don't know how his feet could bear the cold.

"No Kevin, I'm not going bare assed in front of these girls."

"Come on, hand them over," he said again, wiggling his fingers in a 'give me' motion.

"Not a chance," I said.

"Guess I'm going to have to take them from you then."

"Guess so," I said standing up as Kevin jumped into the hot tub and tried wrapping his arms around me in a bear hug. We wrestled around for a little while, him trying to grab my shorts and pull them off. He pulled them down a couple of times, but I was able to pull them back up. Water was splashing everywhere as we squirmed and struggled in each other's grips. I could feel Kevin's bare hard-on against my legs as we writhed.

I started to get hard myself, enjoying the roughhousing and the feel of Kevin's body against mine. After a couple of minutes, I started to lose my steam, and when I did, Kevin swept his leg against mine, knocking me over but still holding on to me so I didn't fall too hard. I fell under the water and Kevin grabbed my legs, pulling my bathing suit off.

I came up from under the water, Kevin letting go of me, breathing hard from the exertion of our wrestling. Kevin sat down, a smile of victory on his face.

"Told ya," he said.

"Come on Kevin, give 'em back," I pleaded, too tired to wrestle again. I was so tired, that I took a seat myself for a minute, so that we were sitting opposite of each other.

"You're going to have to come over here and get them back," Kevin taunted.

"Don't do this now Kevin, the girls are going to be here in a few minutes," I said, my breathing starting to calm down.

"Oh, I forgot, the girls first rule. In that case, here," he said and held my shorts out. I went to grab them, but he moved them away before I could get my hands on them. "Psych," he said.

"Why do you have to be that way?"

"Cause its fun. Like I said, if you want them, you'll have to come over here."

Kevin's antics were turning me on. I knew what was going to happen if I went over there, and I wanted to go over there, but the girls...

"If I come over there, no fooling around, I want my shorts back."

"Oh stop your crying and come over here," Kevin said.

I slid around the tub, along the seat, so that I was sitting next to him. "Can I have them back," I asked, holding out my hand. Being this close to Kevin, naked, my erection became even harder.

"If you want them back, you're going to give me something in return." He had that up to no good look on his face, which I have to admit, thrilled me.

"You do realize that the girls are going to be here at any moment," I said, not exactly protesting, but wanting to make sure he was aware of the situation.

"Completely. I'd rather you go naked, but if you want your shorts back..." and he shrugged his shoulders.

"What do you want me to do?"

"How about..." Kevin paused, as if he was contemplating something, "You start with giving me a little tongue," Kevin grinned.

"Start with?"

"Yeah, if it's good, that may be all you have to do. If not, we may have to think of something else."

His playfulness was a major turn on. I didn't even think about it, I just leaned in and brought my lips to Kevin's. The electricity was immediately there. I opened my mouth a little and Kevin instantly slipped his tongue in. I was quick to meet his, and we started swirling and swapping spit.

As we got into it, I watched as Kevin passed my shorts from his right hand to his left. I could have grabbed them back if I wanted to, but right now, I didn't want to. With his now free right hand, he placed it behind my head, pulling me closer and tighter against his lips. The force of our tongue wrestling increased. Neither one of us had shaved when we left this morning, and our chins were rubbing stubble against stubble.

After a few minutes of sucking face, I felt Kevin sit up a little, and watched as he stuffed my shorts under his ass and sat down on top of them. By this point, I was so turned on I didn't care about my shorts. In the back of my mind I was still aware that the girls could walk in on us at any second, but it only seemed to add to the intensity of the moment.

While we were making out, I had slipped closer to Kevin, so that our thighs were pressed up against each other. Kevin's free hand made its way up my leg, starting at my knee and eventually grasping my hard pole. I breathed out hard into Kevin's mouth, a loud moan escaping as I did. The heat of the hot tub was making our bodies sweat; the heat of the moment was driving each of us wild.

I started rubbing the inside of Kevin's right thighs and under his leg. Slowly working my way up further, trying to muster the confidence to bring my hand to his crotch. My hand came upon the crevice where his leg met his crotch, the side of my hand slightly against his ball sack and my thumb on his bush. I left my hand still there for a few seconds, commanding myself to go further. I wanted to, for him, I just...I just...I just had to find it in myself to do it on my own.

Kevin broke our kiss, and looked into in my eyes while our foreheads were pressed against each other. Keeping one hand on my erection, he moved his other hand off the back of my head and placed it on top of my hand that was almost at his dick. He caressed my hands a couple of times, but then grabbed onto it and twisted it around and wrapped my hand around his hard, hot erection.

With his hand still wrapped around mine, he guided my hand up and down his hard on, in a jerking off motion. We were still staring into each other's eyes, not a word was said and besides the drone of jets, it seemed amazingly silent. I watched as Kevin closed his eyes, his grip becoming tighter around my hand and therefore his dick. His lips parted a bit and began to quiver ever so slightly, while short breathy gasps came out of his throat.

He never stopped the movement of his hands up and down my own dick, and Kevin timed the progress of our strokes so that they were in unison with each other. After a couple of minutes, Kevin's grip on my hand slowly loosened up, but he kept the pace set. A few seconds later, he removed his hand from mine completely.

He opened his eyes, his look pleading me to keep going. He didn't need to plead me though. Now that my hand was there, I kind of enjoyed the feeling, the pleasure that I was giving him and brought to his face. I had another guy's dick in my hand and I have to admit that the sensation of the sexual domination that I had at the moment was enthralling. And to a degree, I liked the feel of the stiff dick in my hand, the firm, yet velvety sensation of it. It was dirty and taboo, holding another dude's dick, but that only seemed to add to my lust.

When he realized that I wasn't going to stop, he started sucking on the left side of my neck and shoulder. I leaned my head against his right shoulder as I enjoyed the pleasure his tongue was giving me, his slippery tongue against my sweating skin. I loved the way his tongue would start at my Adam's apple, gradually lick his way up over the stubble growing on my neck and under my chin, making his way over to my ear and taking the lobe between his lips and sucking on it.

At one point he whispered in my ear, "This is so fucking hot, working ourselves up, getting hot and horny for when the women get here and later on banging the fuck out of them, no?"

Hearing Kevin talk that way was a total come on. He said things that I was thinking, but couldn't quite get myself to say, and it made me even hornier. If the girls weren't coming over, there was nothing more than I wanted to do at this moment than to shoot in Kevin's hand.

I continued to pull on Kevin's dick under the hot water. The harder or faster I tugged, the harder Kevin sucked on my neck. He was really getting into it, I could tell from the force of his kisses, sucking and biting, and the moans groans that were escaping his mouth. I liked making him feel good.

At the same time he was working my neck, Kevin was tugging on my own erection, concentrating mostly on the head. He'd pull down all the way to my pubes, and then slowly make his way back up to the head, and squeeze around the crown of my head with thumb, fingers and palm.

"God damn, Walsh," Kevin whispered in my left ear, "We need to slow down or I'm going to need to take this all the way."

"Lets do it," I suggested.

"Are you close?"

"Kind of, yeah. You?"

"I can be. Are you sure you want to do this, the girls are probably going to be here any minute?"

"Yeah, I'm sure. I'm hornier than hell and want to cum. Besides, you know girls, they're always late."

When I said that, Kevin brought his lips to mine and gave me a hard deep kiss with his tongue. Then he stopped and said, "Say that again."

"Say what again?"

"Say that you are hornier than hell and you want to cum," Kevin grinned.

"I'm hornier than hell and I want to cum," I said, but a little shy about it now that I realized what I said.

"You drive me so fucking crazy, Walsh," Kevin admitted with lust. "I want to try something."

Kevin wrapped his left arm around the back of my waist and with his right hand lifted my left leg at the same time. He pulled me around and on top of him, so that I was sitting on his lower stomach; my ass was on his pubes and we were chest-to-chest, face- to-face. He slid down a little bit in the tub, so that his shoulders were almost at water level and against the back of the tub.

I was a little confused at the position, not exactly sure what he was doing. It must have shown on his face because he told me to trust him. He guided my ass back a little further and I felt his erection standing straight up and pressed against one of the cheeks of my ass. He then pulled my chest down on top of his, so that I lay on top of him.

"You comfortable?" he asked.

I was comfortable, all my weight on top of him.

"We have to make this quick. I'll do all the work, you just enjoy, OK?"

"OK," I answered, but still confused about the position.

Kevin reached around and placed his dick in the crack of my ass, so that it was kind of like a hot dog in a bun in case you are having a hard time visualizing what Kevin was doing. He then left his hand over his erection, holding it in place.

"Don't worry, I'm not going to fuck you," Kevin assured. I didn't think he was going to at all; in fact the thought never came to mind until he said it. Of all the times that Kevin and I had been together, the idea of fucking never occurred to me.

"Just like the tent, I'm going to dry hump you, just relax, its OK," Kevin tried to calm me down sensing the sudden tenseness in my body. I did remember what we did in the tent, and it was an amazing fucking feeling, so I tried to calm myself down a bit.

Kevin slipped his right hand between my lower stomach and my dick, pressing it tightly against his hard stomach.

"This is going to feel so fucking good, Walsh, trust me."

And with that, Kevin started grinding his dick between the cheeks of my ass. The motion caused his stomach to go up and down, and the friction against my dick between his stomach and hand under the water kind of felt like I was fucking a tight pussy. As soon as he started moving, I could tell that he was right, this was going to feel real fucking good.

Kevin began to pick up the pace of his grinding. Kevin usually likes to take things kind of slowly, but with knowing the girls were coming soon, I guess he wanted to finish this quickly. The quicker he grinded, the more intense the feeling on my own dick was. Kevin kind of made a circle around the head of my dick with his thumb and fore finger, so on his upward thrust, the head of my dick would burst through this "circle" which only added to the simulated fucking.

The feeling of Kevin's dick between my ass cheeks gave me no particular thrill other than he was getting off on it. I was never really that nervous about it. For some strange reason, I trusted him. He had pulled shit on me before, but he never blatantly lied to me to my face, and if he said he wasn't going to "fuck me", he wasn't going to. And to be honest, I didn't really know what that meant, to be fearful of it. I mean, I know what anal sex is, but Kevin isn't gay, so I'm sure that he doesn't do that anyway.

Kevin had his eyes closed most of the time, and I just watched his face as he seemed to be completely in a zone of sexual ecstasy, mumbling and groaning "Oh yeah, Walsh."

His grinding got faster and faster, the friction between our bodies immense. Kevin opened his eyes and saw me looking at him and he brought his lips to mine and we started kissing deeply. We both breathed hard out of our noses. I was almost there, another minute and I was going to explode. Kevin kept grinding harder and harder, the muscles in his stomach starting to convulse against my super hard dick, tickling and teasing the head of my dick.

I took my lips from Kevin's and told him that I was about to cum.

"Stand up," he said.

"What?" I asked, hearing what he said, but not sure why. I just wanted to cum.

"Stand up, I want you to cum in my mouth."

I knew exactly what he meant now, and he didn't need to explain any further. I felt Kevin hand come off my ass and I stood up, my red and swollen dick protruding straight out. In a second, Kevin's mouth was around the head of my dick, his right hand wrapped around my pole.

He started engulfing my dick, swallowing about half of it deep into his mouth. The feel of his tongue and hot throat was all that I needed to get me there. After only a few bobs on my dick, I started spraying gobs of cum into Kevin's mouth. I didn't jerk off for two days, and I had lots to feed him.

My knees gave out a little at the intensity of my orgasm and I grabbed onto the back of Kevin's head for support. I shot a second and third load into Kevin's mouth, and I while I was still in his mouth, I felt the muscles of his throat contract as he swallowed. For whatever reason, knowing and feeling that he was swallowing my cum, I was turned on even more.

He kept on sucking until every bit of my spunk was out. I collapsed onto the seat behind me, spent from cumming and all my energy drained from the climax. Kevin then stood up, his own erection standing straight out and a little up. He took a couple of steps closer to me and grasped his raging hard on in his right hand.

He started jerking himself off right in front of me, his engorged head flaring and his balls rising in his dangling sack. He was furiously fisting his dick as I watched it flare even bigger in front of my eyes. The muscles of his chest and right arm expanded and contracted from the exertion. His normally dirty blonde pubic hair was darker from being wet and the hair on his legs soaked flat against his skin.

"I'm gonna shoot on your chest, alright?" he asked.

What could I say to him after he just swallowed my load, no?

"Go ahead," I answered.

"Tell me, please say it," Kevin begged.

"Shoot on my chest," I said.

"Yeah that's so hot, again," he said as he pounded away on his dick.

"I want you to shoot your load all over my chest," I added, wanting to help Kevin out since this seemed to be turning him on. And it was starting to turn me on again as well.

"Keep talking dirty," Kevin requested.

I didn't get any further than repeating what I had already said, for him to shoot on my chest, when he did just that. His balls disappeared and spurt after spurt shot out of his dick and landed all over my chest. I moved my face to the side so he didn't get any there, but I felt the warm creamy loads strewing on my skin. It was actually kind of a come on, forgive the pun, to have Kevin cum on me like that, and I felt my own dick staring to get hard again.

Kevin fell to his knees in the center of the hot tub, the water to his shoulders and he lowered his head for a minute, enjoying the feeling of his climax. He eventually came back to life and looked up at me.

"That," he said as he pushed himself through the water and back onto the seat on the opposite side of the hot tub from me, extending his arms on the rim of the tub, "Was fucking amazing!" He smiled about the biggest grin I have ever seen come across his face. There was a twinkle in his eyes as well, and I felt like somehow, I had done good and put that smile there.

"You're not kidding," I smiled back. "This should be illegal."

"In certain States, it is," Kevin answered back.

"Is Vermont one of those States?"

"I'm not sure, we can ask the girls when they get here."

"Yeah, lets not do that," I said, not doubting that Kevin could somehow get that into a conversation.

"Walsh," Kevin said, pointing at me, "Looks like you have something on your chest there..." and laughed.

I didn't even look at it; I knew what he was pointing at.

"Yeah, well, it looks like you have something on your chin and the side of your mouth Kevin."

"I do, I just got done blowing some hot fraternity guy," and he licked his lips all the way around.

"Very nice," I said and rolled my eyes. "Can I use your towel?"

Kevin fished around the water and then threw my bathing suit at me. "Use those," he said and laughed again. "You definitely deserve those back."

"Thanks. But I'm not using these, give me your towel."

"If you want the towel, you're going to have to come over here and get it."

We both just laughed, the sudden sense of déjà vu was funny. Kevin tossed me the towel and I wiped his stuff off my chest without really looking. Kevin stood up and got out of the hot tub.

"Where are you going?" I asked.

"To brush my teeth. Don't want Jackie tasting cum in my mouth," and he walked into the house, his bare ass flexing as he walked away.

I put my shorts back on and sunk under the water of the hot tub, rinsing my face and chest with my hands and pushing my hair back. I poured a drink from the pitcher that Kevin brought and laid back and relaxed, still high of the orgasm I just had.

Kevin came back down about 10 minutes later, this time wearing a bathing suit. I recognized it as the same red bathing suit that he had worn at the camping trip when we went down to the river after Adam seeing the results of what happened in the sleeping bag.

Thinking about Adam seeing that made me nauseous. From time to time I would think about that, it would just pop to mind, and it always made me sick, knowing that Adam had caught us. I quickly put it out of my thoughts, as I always did. If I thought about it too long, I'd freak out like I have in the past.

"What took you so long?" I inquired.

"I took a quick shower. Girls aren't here yet?"

"Do you see any girls?"

"I'm going to call them and see where the hell they are. You need a drink?"

"No, I'm good."

A couple of minutes later, Kevin got back in the hot tub with a fresh drink of his own. He told me that he spoke to Jackie's mom, they were on their way down the mountain; they had left about 10 minutes ago.

A few minutes later, the girls arrived. They brought us some food down, and Kevin and I got out of the hot tub for a little while to eat while the girls made some drinks for themselves. We sat around the kitchen table eating in only our bathing suits. I tried to concentrate on my food, but I kept checking Kevin's chest out from the corner of my eyes. I just loved his body and couldn't get enough of looking at it.

"So who you have your eyes on for tonight?" Kevin inquired. The girls were still in the next room fixing their drinks.

"I'm not sure yet. I think its pretty obvious that Jackie wants me, so I was thinking about stealing her from you," I said with a grin.

"Were you now," Kevin chuckled.

"You mind?"

"Not really, you can have her. I'll take the other the other 4."

We both laughed and ate some more.

"I'm going to show the girls the house," Jackie said, sticking her head into the kitchen. "We'll get changed upstairs and then get into the hot tub, OK?"

"Changed into what?" Kevin asked.

"Our bathing suits."

"No, no bathing suits. It's my house and the rule is no bathing suits in the hot tub."

"You are embarrassing me in front of my friends Kevin, stop acting this way," and she left the kitchen.

"What did I tell you, a bore," Kevin whispered to me. The he yelled out, "I'll meet you in the middle, topless!"

I laughed at him, at his total forwardness. We chatted about nothing as we finished eating. Kevin finished first and got up and put his plate in the sink. He walked up behind me and reached down over my shoulders and pinched my nipples real hard. I screamed "ouch, you dick" and Kevin walked away towards the hot tub.

I took a couple of more bites, needing the food to soak up some of the alcohol in my stomach. I put my plate on top of Kevin's in the sink and walked out onto the porch. Kevin was in the hot tub already and I joined him.

Soon enough, the girls came down, in bathing suits of course. Jackie, Allison and Kate were wearing bikinis, the other two, Diane and Tara, were wearing one-piece bathing suits. Jackie was even hotter in a bathing suit, she had a smoking body. Allison, who had came to mind while I was getting changed earlier, was definitely second best. She didn't have the biggest hooters, probably an A cup, but she had a nice stomach and long legs. The other girls were OK, decent bodies, but nothing spectacular, do-able, but not desirable.

They joined us in the hot tub, it was a little tight, but that was OK. Jackie took a seat next to Kevin, and I had Tara and Kate on either side of me. I was a little disappointed that Allison didn't try and get next to me, but there was nothing that I could do about it.

I didn't know what to expect for the evening. They weren't the wildest of girls from what I could tell from earlier. I figured I would just see how the evening went and not expect too much. We sat around and talked for a little while, having fun but nothing special.

Kevin kept on trying to get something going, continuing to say outrageous things to stir the girls. They didn't react too much, besides Jackie, who would giggle at Kevin, but then tell him to "stop it." Kevin even suggested a game of truth or dare, but the girls kind of shrugged that one off quick.

The girls mostly spoke amongst themselves, and Kevin and Jackie were talking to each other. I didn't sense that any of the girls were particularly interested in me. I kept on getting the feeling that I was beneath them. I'd join in when I could, and it would be fine, but they kept on talking about all these people that I had no idea who they were. I was eventually able to pick up that Allison, Kate and Diane all had boyfriends.

You'd think that I would be pretty disappointed, but I actually wasn't. Something about these girls kind of turned me off. Maybe it was their self-absorption; they seemed kind of caddy and snobbish. Very much the way that Kevin was, when I first met him and why I didn't like him very much.

I found much of my attention on Kevin, observing the way he was with Jackie. They were being intimate with each other, kissing here and there and touching one another. I had a strange feeling about it. It couldn't be jealousy, but it sure felt a lot like jealousy. I'd try not to focus on it, but there wasn't much going on to keep my attention.

A few times I noticed Kevin become aware that I was observing him. It was when this happened that Kevin would throw out an outrageous statement like "Lets get this party going. Everyone turn and make out with the person to your right." Jackie was to Kevin's right, and they would kiss, but everyone else would go back to their conversations after rolling their eyes.

After being in the hot tub for almost an hour, Jackie said that she was getting too hot in the tub and suggested that we go up to the rec room and hang out for a while. The girls agreed, and we got up to go inside.

I was out of the tub and drying my chest off with a towel when I heard Jackie yell "Kevin!"

I turned around and looked to find Kevin standing there in the hot tub absolutely naked, his dick half hard. I just laughed, that's Kevin for you. The other girls stared for a minute, but then quickly moved inside.

"You've been in here naked the entire time?" Jackie asked. She didn't look too happy about it. She took her towel and tried to cover him up.

"I told you I was gonna be naked," Kevin smiled, looking at me as I laughed at him.

They talked about it for a minute while the rest of us went into the house to finish drying ourselves off. When the girls were mostly dry, they headed upstairs to put some clothes on. I looked outside the sliding glass doors and watched as Kevin and Jackie were kissing standing up in the hot tub, Jackie still covering Kevin with a towel. Much like everyone else, I assume Jackie couldn't resist Kevin's charm.

I followed the girls upstairs and went to Kevin's room to throw some dry clothes on myself. I put on a pair of gray sweatpants, t-shirt and socks. I was the first one into the rec room and figured I would get a fire going. As I was working on it, the four girls made their way into the room and took a seat on the couches.

When the fire was started, I laid out on the floor on my back, between the couches. The girls asked me a bunch of questions about the Fraternity, what it was like to pledge and stuff. We talked for about 15 minutes or so before Kevin and Jackie came into the room.

Kevin was wearing a pair of pajama bottoms and nothing else, flaunting his sculpted chest. The pajama pants he was wearing were on the thin side, and from what I could see, it didn't look like he was wearing underwear, the outline of his soft shaft and dick head quite obvious against the material. I didn't know who he was trying to tease, Jackie, the girls or me. He certainly got my attention, but the girls didn't seem to notice.

Jackie had her wet hair back in a ponytail wearing a pair of pajama pants as well, but with a sweatshirt. I recognized the clothing as Kevin's. Again I was hit with a feeling of jealousy. Not that I wanted to be wearing Kevin's clothes, but, well, you get the point.

"Nice fire, you get that going?" Kevin asked me.


"You want to play some pool?"

"Sure, why not," I said and got up.

"Anyone else want to play?" Kevin asked the girls.

"No, we're going to throw in a movie, you guys play," Jackie responded.

"All right," Kevin said and walked up to Jackie, kissing her on the lips. "We'll play a couple of games and then we can snuggle up."

I started getting the balls together and racking them. Kevin made a couple of more Jack and Cokes at the wet bar that was in the room. I'm actually a pretty good pool player. One of my friends from home had a pool table in his basement and we were down there all the time playing growing up.

Kevin was pretty good as well, about an even match. The girls were watching Pretty Woman while Kevin and I played a couple of games. Here and there, he would add wood to the fire and give Jackie a kiss on the way back to the table. The way the room was set up, the pool table was behind the couches and the couches face the TV against the opposite wall.

While we played, Kevin asked me what was going on, that I didn't seem to making the moves on any of Jackie's friends. We kept the conversation low so the girls couldn't hear us.

I told Kevin that I didn't think that any of them were that interested in me. And besides them having boyfriends, they weren't really my type. Kevin told me that Jackie had told him that they all thought I was pretty hot. I got the sense that Kevin was making that up.

We talked about how he was wearing nothing in the hot tub the entire time. Kevin couldn't believe that it took Jackie until we were getting out to notice. He told me that he kept trying to get his hand down her bikini bottom while they were sitting there but she kept pushing his hand away. She didn't try the same once, and if she did, she would have known that Kevin had nothing on.

He also said that while he was kissing Jackie, he kept on imagining that it was me he was kissing, thinking about what we had just done in the hot tub before the girls got there. I doubted his sincerity, knowing Kevin he was just trying to get a rise out of me. Which he succeeded in doing. Thinking about what we did in the hot tub was enough to get my dick hard.

Kevin seemed to be in the same state of arousal. His own erection was pressing against his pajamas, jutting to his left and creating a long tent. As we continued to play, he would frequently feel himself up, playing with his hard on while looking at me looking at him. He'd look at my crotch, and although my sweatpants were a lot thicker in material, my own tent had formed. I was acutely aware that the girls were 10 feet away from us, but they hadn't turned around once.

A few times as I was lining up my shot, Kevin would press up against me, as if he were giving an instruction, and I would feel his stiffness against my body. And a couple of times, he was even so forward as to grasp or rub his hand against my own erection. Knowing that we could be observed by one of the girls rather easily made it even hotter, as I was quickly getting.

I watched Kevin as he stretched for a long shot on the table, his body extended as far as it could. In that position, many of his muscles were visible, the definition exaggerated by the light above the pool table. The smooth skin of his back coming to a narrow waist. As he leaned over the table, his ass jutting out, the pajamas perfectly riding the curves of his muscled cheeks. I was lost in the thought when I heard the eight ball sink in the corner pocket. Kevin had one the game. I won the first game, but this game was his.

"What do you say we play the tie breaker tomorrow?" he asked.

"Ah, yeah, sure," I responded.

I moved over to the wall to place the stick in the rack. Kevin came over behind me and whispered that he was sorry Jackie's friends were such prudes, and that he would make it up to me tomorrow. The thought sent even more blood to my dick.

We joined the girls at the couches and watched the movie. Kevin grabbed a few blankets. He threw one at me, he kept one, and the other two he threw to the other girls. I took the same place on the floor that I was at earlier. Kevin slid next to Jackie and wrapped the blanket around them.

I watched the movie for a few minutes, but it wasn't long before I fell asleep. The fire was warm and the only light in the room, really more a glow. It had been a long day, the drive, the bar, the hot tub, the drinks. I was exhausted. Plus, we had a whole day of skiing ahead of us. I wondered how good of a skier Kevin was.

I woke up at some point, to static on the TV and the fire was out. I forgot where I was for a minute, but then my mind started to work and I remembered where I was. I stretched and looked around. The girls were passed out on the various couches. Kevin and Jackie were gone. I took my blanket and put it on Kate, who was sharing a couch with Allison, but Allison had most of the blanket they were sharing as well.

I turned off the TV and headed towards Kevin's room. I passed his parent's room, where Kevin and Jackie were. The door was closed, and I paused in front of it for a minute, my ear against the door. I could hear them whispering to each other, but not making out exactly what they were saying. Then I heard Jackie giggle a little, and I took off for bed.

I stripped down to my boxers, leaving my t-shirt on and crawled into bed. I tried not to think about Jackie and Kevin being together. I wouldn't allow myself to feel jealous. I mean, why should I? Kevin was getting some, good for him. But the feeling was still there. At some point, I fell asleep again.

I don't remember dreaming anything that night. Kevin's bed was nice and comfortable, and after sleeping on a twin size bed in the dorms, a kind size bed was a really nice change.

I wasn't awake, but I had this sense of a warm feeling. My body didn't want to wake up just yet, but something was arousing me. My brain tried to shut it out, refusing to be stirred. Something was moving on the bed. I sensed the sheets not being on top of me anymore. Was that my boxers being taken off? And what was that warm feeling? It felt good, but what was it?

As I started to wake up and my mind began working, I realized that I was sexually aroused, meaning that my dick was hard. And then there was the unmistakable feeling of something on it, a mouth engulfing my erection and sucking on it. My mind cleared and became aware that I was getting a blowjob, a warm wet mouth slowly working its way up and down. It was an amazing feeling to wake up to. A rush of sensation coursed through my body as the mouth swirled around the crown of my dick head.

My body came to life and my hands reached out to grasp the head of whose mouth was giving me such unbelievable pleasure. I didn't need to open my eyes to know who it was. The suck job was unmistakable, and I could wake up to one every morning if possible.

When Kevin realized that I was waking up, when he felt my hands on his head, he really started sucking hard. I felt the tip of my dick being swallowed down his throat and his lips at my pubic hair.

"Oh my god," I moaned at the sensation and opened my eyes to see all of my dick in Kevin's mouth."

To be continued...

Next: Chapter 21

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