Fraternity War

By Jackson Amacher

Published on Jun 2, 2000


Fraternity War

Part 6

by Jackson Amacher (

This fictional story is for adults only. It will be posted in installments. For the complete story, along with other stories by the same author, visit:


We led our captive Brig members out of the gym and onto the main campus. There were quite a few people around, and they laughed and pointed at the half-naked Brig brothers at our command. Most people could tell this was part of the frat war, and the others must have figured something like that was going on. The Brig guys kept their heads down and tried to walk as fast as they could without having their towels fall off. They could have made a run for it, but I guess they realized they couldn't get away fast enough.

I don't know what Charlie had planned, but we led the Brig slaves back to our frat house. I had forgotten that we were throwing a campus party tonight. We had a DJ and a couple kegs ready to go. Our frosh pledges were busy at work, setting up the house for the crowds that were going to arrive in a few hours. They had the kegs set up near the back of our back yard, sitting on ice.

"What the hell is this?," Charlie said. "We can't ask our guests to serve themselves. Not when the help is here to do it for them," he said, motioning at the Brig guys in their towels.

"Oh yeah, I forgot," Charlie said. "I want those towels back."

On cue, our pledges reached over and snapped the towels off the Brig brothers. They winced at being exposed to so many people.

"Jesus. . . you mean, you want us to serve your guests naked?," Heath asked. He was so sweet. Charlie just pinched his cheeks and smiled.

Charlie unlocked their cuffs and explained what was required of them. He gave them all trays to carry the drinks, and showed them how to load it up and walk through the crowd serving people.

"I don't want to see any stragglers or anyone trying to run away," Charlie said. "Remember, you made a bet, and you lost. Now, you're our slaves for a day."

The first people to arrive showed up around ten o'clock. They screamed and laughed when they saw our Brig slaves walk forced to serve them drinks. The DJ cranked up the music, and the crowd started to grow. As the crowd got heavier, things just got tougher for our Brig boys. They really had to hustle to get drinks out to everyone. As they moved through the crowds carrying their trays, people would reach out and spank their bare behinds, or even tease their dicks and nipples just to see if they could get them excited.

I was thrilled with the whole scene. It was a serious turn-on to have these naked men at our beck and call. We would call them over and give them drink orders ("a beer, another beer, and, oh, a beer") and then engage them in deep conversations while they stood there, helpless and naked, forced to show everyone their bodies. I got a good look at Heath. He seemed to be the most humiliated of all, and also maybe the most popular. As the evening wore on, he started to have a pale, blank look on his face, like it was so humiliating for him that he had to pretend this wasn't happening.

Around one o'clock things were getting rowdy. A few of the guys were making the Brig captain crawl on all fours around the yard while they swatted his behind.

Things were getting kind of chaotic, and no one was getting enough beer. So, Charlie made the Brig slaves each pick up and empty keg and carry it over towards the dance floor we had set up. Then he made them stand on top of the keg, and stay there with their hands on top of their heads. Now, the entire crowd could see all of them, in all their buffed-out glory. Charlie gave them each a small bottle of baby oil and told them to rub it all over their bodies. This made their already sweaty skin glisten even more.

By this point, quite a few Brig members had showed up at our party. They didn't really make any effort to help their naked comrades. They must have realized there was nothing they could do. Most of the Brig guys who showed up were pledges or sophomores. They just stared at the incredible scene we had going.

Finally, around two o'clock, the beer ran out. People started to leave. But then Charlie started the second phase of the evening: the auction.

Charlie grabbed one of the naked Brig guys and made him step down from the keg. He led him up to the dance floor, and made him stand on a keg up there, in front of everybody. The music died down and Charlie picked up a microphone.

"Can I have the first bid on this guy?," Charlie asked.

The crowd hooted, and the guy on the keg looked mortified.

People started shouting out bids, starting at fifty dollars and going up to around 180. Then the bidding stalled.

"What will he do?," someone from the audience shouted.

"Whatever we tell him to do," Charlie said. "And, we're telling him to do whatever you want."

Everyone laughed, but no one bid any more.

"Oh come on, people! Here's a grade A frat boy jock, ready to do whatever he's told! Show them what they're getting, slave," Charlie said.

The Brig guy didn't know what to do. Charlie spanked him, and he started turning around, showing the audience his rear. Charlie said something to the guy we couldn't hear, and then the Brig guy started flexing and showing off his muscles. He had a nice compact build, but not much muscle to speak of. His dick was kind of short. I could see why he wasn't going for much.

The bidding went up to three hundred dollars.

"Going once, twice. . . sold! To the gentleman in the back," Charlie announced.

The buyer was an older guy in the back of the crowd. I didn't recognize him, and I wasn't sure if he was even a student. The guy walked up, pulled the naked Brig guy off the keg, and led him away towards the parked cars on the street. He opened a car door for the slave, pushed him in, got in the driver's side, and drove off.

Charlie auctioned off two more of the guys. They went for 250 and 400. The buyers all paid up and led the guys away. The first buyer was a frosh, and he led his Brig slave down the street towards the freshman dorms. The second buyer was another old guy I didn't recognize. He took the Brig off the keg, walked him towards the back of the yard, and just started feeling him up right there in front of everyone. Then he made the guy jack off until he was hard, and led him to a car and drove him off.

The Brig captain was next. The auction took off. This guy was pretty well built, and his naked oiled body looked pretty hot up there. Plus, I guess the guy was pretty well known on campus, and a lot of people relished the idea of having him at their beck and call for an evening.

At one point during the auction, the Brig captain defiantly moved his hands in front of his dick, as if to prove to us that he was still his own man. No problem there; we just grabbed his hands and tied them behind his back, leaving him totally helpless.

This excited the crowd even more, and the bidding wenr up to 400. Then a new bidder broke in. I turned around and saw it was Alex, the Brig frosh I had stripped naked in Kameny Woods.

Some of my TED brothers leaned over to Charlie.

"Hey Charlie, what's with a Brig frosh bidding on one of these guys? We don't want to let the Brig slaves off that easy."

"Shut up," Charlie said. "We need the cash. Highest bid wins."

Someone bid above Alex, but Alex counterbid, and finally won the auction with a price of 450. The audience was quiet and even disappointed, realizing that Brig had sent someone out to save their own by purchasing back his freedom.

Alex walked up to the dance floor and paid the price. He helped the Brig captain down from the keg. Then, to our surprise, he ran his finger over the guy's chest, moved his hand up to the top of his head, and pushed him down to his knees..

That was when we realized what had just happened. The crowd cheered, thrilled at the idea of a Brig frosh purchasing a senior Brig brother as a sex slave for the evening.

Right there, in front of everyone, Alex unzipped his fly and took out his hard cock. He ordered the Brig team captain to take the cock into his mouth. Alex fucked the senior's mouth for a few minutes, then made him lie down on the ground, face down. He got on top of him and started fucking the Brig captain up the ass, in front of this huge crowd of people. Right when he got to his climax, he pulled out and shot his cum all over the Brig guy's back.

Alex made him stand up and started walking him over towards the street. He waved at us as he left, and gave his naked frat brother a spank.

There was only one Brig guy left: Heath. I was seriously considering bidding on him myself, but Charlie didn't put him up for auction.

"We'll keep this one for our own uses," Charlie said. The crowd sounded disappointed, but they got back to business.

Charlie pulled Heath off the keg and brought him into our house. He motioned for me to follow. Once we were inside, I could appreciate Heath's nice body much better in the light.

"Nate, you know I'm sorry about what they did to you in Kamensky's class, and I know this won't make up for it, but this one's yours for the rest of the evening," Charlie said, grabbing Heath by the shoulders and pointing him at me.

"We'll leave you alone. Enjoy," Charlie said, and walked back out into the yard.

Next: Chapter 7

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